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Мельница - Сказка о Дьяволе.

Жил однажды на свете Дьявол.

По морям-океанам плавал.

А тебя никогда не видел,

Обо мне никогда не слышал.

Он украл с неба ясный месяц

И спустил ладьею на волны;

Он приходит с ночным приливом,

У него весло из оливы.

Ты меня ждала на причале,

Не смыкала очей ночами,

Он увидел тебя, голубка,

И забыл о вечности Дьявол.

Принял Дьявол мое обличье,

Не найдешь найдешь и пяти отличий,

Он упал пред тобой на колени,

Целовал холодные руки.

Я покинул тебя, голубка,

Обещавши вернуться скоро.

Перепутал я небо с водою,

Я уплыл за своей бедою.

Не найдешь тех широт на картах,

Где пропал я с верной командой.

Где мне взять имя ветра, который

Возвращает странников к дому?

Я поставил бы светлый парус,

Я б примчался домой с рассветом,

Отвязал бы луну от причала,

Чтобы тоже домой возвращалась!

Только стоит ли, право, вернуться,

Только стоит ли мне воскреснуть,

Если вместо меня живет Дьявол,

Мои песни поет тебе Дьявол?

Отныне в этой теме действует запрет на мультипостинг, то есть посты от одного юзера, идущие подряд. Я понимаю, что у вас всех много текстов хороших песен, которыми вы хотели бы поделиться, но все же давайте не будем заполнять тему собой.

Изменено пользователем Nasgul

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Её по телеку крутили, там, где чёрно-белый клип и Клейпул молоко разливает?

Примус зачётен, тем более, что касается клипов.

Возможным ответом на этот пост заканчиваем оффтоп.

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Да, клип про молоко и котов.

Оффтоп окончен

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Пикник - Я почти итальянец

Ты думал - мы дети белого холода

Ты думал –мы больше не сделаем шаг

И новые ветры вернуться не раньше

Чем ты досчитаешь до ста

Ты думал –дыхание наше глубоко

Ты думал - наверно мы скованы сном

А мы открыли двери и окна настежь

А иначе зачем это все

Мне опять захотелось тепла и я жду

Вот сейчас мое сердце расплавится

Я почти итальянец…

Может то что я ждал уже началось

И я кружусь в фантастическом танце?

Ты думал- огонь в нашем доме погашен

Ты думал –мы спорим опять ни о чем

А мы открыли двери и окна настежь

А иначе зачем это все

Мне опять захотелось тепла и я жду

Вот сейчас мое сердце расплавится

Я почти итальянец…

Может то что я ждал уже началось

И я кружусь в фантастическом танце?

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Deep Purple - Highway Star

Nobody gonna take my car

I'm gonna race it to the ground

Nobody gonna beat my car

It's gonna break the speed of sound

Oooh it's a killing machine

It's got everything

Like a driving power big fat tyres

and everything

I love it and I need it

I bleed it yeah it's a wild hurricane

Alright hold tight

I'm a highway star

Nobody gonna take my girl

I'm gonna keep her to the end

Nobody gonna have my girl

She stays close on every bend

Oooh she's a killing machine

She's got everything

Like a moving mouth body control

and everything

I love her I need her

I seed her

Yeah She turns me on

Alright hold on tight

I'm a highway star

Nobody gonna take my head

I got speed inside my brain

Nobody gonna steal my head

Now that I'm on the road again

Oooh I'm in heaven again I've got everything

Like a moving ground an open road

and everything

I love it and I need it

I seed it

Eight cylinders all mine

Alright hold on tight

I'm a highway star

Nobody gonna take my car

I'm gonna race it to the ground

Nobody gonna beat my car

It's gonna break the speed of sound

Oooh it's a killing machine

It's got everything

Like a driving power big

fat tyres and everything

I love it and I need it

I bleed it

Yeah it's a wild hurricane

Alright hold on tight

I'm a highway star

I'm a highway star

I'm a highway star

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Пикник - Колдыри да колдобины

Видно край мой особенный

Уж не верю и сам:

Колдыри да колдобины

А вокруг чудеса

Как под корень подрублены

А, не падают, Нет

Сами будто загублены

А на лицах их свет

Странникам уподоблены

В полутьме-полусне

Колдыри да колдобины

Как цветы на земле

Здесь от криков не морщаться -

Так уж заведено

Если тот на ступеньку поднялся вверх

То другой упадет на дно

Среди улиц раздробленных

Уж чего только нет

Колдыри да колдобины

Что виденья во сне

И глядим исподлобия -

Так уж заведено

Если тот...

То другой...

Видно край мой особенный...

Колдыри да колдобины...

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Within Temptation - Aquarius

I hear your whispers

Break the silence and it calms me down.

Your taste on my lips,

Your salty kisses.

They say I'm seeking out the danger.

That one day you won't let me go,

I'll drown, you'll take me down


I need you Aquarius,

Enchanted I will have to stay.

I feel you Aquarius,

Cause you the sea set me free.

You call to me Aquarius.

You call to me, you set me free

I relinquish to your powers.

From your grasp, I just can't hide.

I missed the danger I had to conquer.

You made me feel alive.

They say I have to be aware,

That one day you won't let me go,

I'll drown, you'll take me down.


I need you Aquarius,

Enchanted I will have to stay.

I feel you Aquarius,

Cause you the sea set me free.

You call to me Aquarius.

I long for you Aquarius.

I need to be with you again.

I fear you, Aquarius

My destiny till the end.

Repeat chorus

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Пикник - Дом мой на двух ногах

Дом мой на двух ногах

Туго обтянут кожей

Стены как струны звенят

Силой неведомой сложены

Дом мой на двух ногах

Будто от ветра шатается

А упадет - не считается

А упадет - не считается

А ведь где-то

В луче света

Ангел мой играет

Гудит, стонет

Чужих гонит



В доме моем сторожам

Велено быть начеку

По костяным этажам

Красные реки текут

Стены услышат меня -

Скроется дикое, темное

Все что таилось тогда

В дальних затерянных комнатах

А ведь где-то

В луче света

Ангел мой играет

Гудит, стонет

Чужих гонит



Дом мой на двух ногах

Туго обтянут кожей

А на асфальте следы

Утренний дождь уничтожит

Дом мой на двух ногах

Новой дорогою мается

А упадет - не считается

А упадет - не считается

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Король и Шут - Дагон

В хронике моей

Есть последняя глава.

К сожаленью в ней

Обрываются слова.

За последний год

Из рыбацких деревень

Сгинул весь народ

Тот туман, что каждый день...

С моря заходил

Вглубь материка,

Я свидетель был,

Как пустели берега.

Мир менялся на глазах

Зов стихий в людских сердцах

Посеял первобытный страх.

Самого Дагона сын

Из морских пришёл глубин,

То был судьбы недобрый знак.

Каждый день в умах росло

Необузданное зло.

Запись в дневнике:

- «Я опять теряю ум...

Снова в голове

Появился странный шум.

Но сегодня я

Начал звуки различать...

Это чей - то зов,

Мне пред ним не устоять.

За окном гроза

А мои глаза

Лезут из орбит,

Страшен в зеркале мой вид!

Мир менялся на глазах

Зов стихий в людских сердцах

Посеял первобытный страх.

Самого Дагона сын

Из морских пришёл глубин,

То был судьбы недобрый знак.

Все прокладывали путь

К морю сквозь иную суть.

Кто-то полз к воде

Ветхий старенький причал

Был в его судьбе,

Как начало всех начал.

За собой тащилСвою мокрую тетрадь;

Из последних сил,

Что-то пробовал писать.

А затем, нырнув,

Скрылся под водой,

Зашумел прибой,

Унося его с собой.

Мир менялся на глазах

Зов стихий в людских сердцах

Посеял первобытный страх.

Самого Дагона сын

Из морских пришёл глубин,

То был судьбы недобрый знак.

Новой расы молодой

Вид родился под водой.

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Пикник - Гиперболоид

Разве ж мы не акробаты,

Чтоб по лестницам горбатым,

Чтоб по лестницам горбатым

Прыгать и скакать?

И не каждый в белом – доктор,

Открывай же двери-окна,

Открывай же двери-окна

Чтоб уйти наверняка

Да и Гарин – не Гагарин,

Он, то ласковый то злой,

В своей комнате потайной

Сочинил гиперболоид

А летит- не значит ангел,

Может быть под черным флагом,

В облаках под черным флагом

Он боится высоты.

А за новую харизму

Все богатство и полжизни,

Все богатство и полжизни,

Не сморгнув, отдашь и ты

Да и Гарин – не Гагарин,

Он, то ласковый то злой,

В своей комнате потайной

Сочинил гиперболоид

К черту все твои устои -

Побеждает недостойный,

Тот корявый и нестройный

Выпьет счастие до дна.

Как какой-нибудь знакомый

Улыбается как кобра,

Улыбается как кобра

И подмигивает нам

Да и Гарин – не Гагарин,

Он, то ласковый то злой,

В своей комнате потайной

Сочинил гиперболоид

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Septic Flesh - Sunlight Moonlight

Yesterday as I closed my eyes

My weight was left behind, the body paralyzed

It was a miracle, I floated as a ghost

And there I saw my self lying upon my bed

I stared down, I looked up

Then tried to pass the walls and drift to the unknown

It was the strangest call, as if I heard a soul

I felt the need to find a creature bleeding light

Sunlight / Moonlight

I climbed the sky, above the clouds

And there I saw some more

That answered to the call

Bright shining disks of light

With wings made from the night

The day had yet to come

And so a hunt begun

As my sun is now reborn

My mind awakes, the body is on

Remembrance will hold the door

Until the night will send her call

Sunlight / Moonlight

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Onyx - Last days

South suicide queens....all niggaz

Gather up all your arms

And get ready for this new world order

Shit is about to change-muther fucker

Verse 1:

I'm america's nightmare

Young black and just don't give a fuck

I just want to get high and live it up

So fuck in '95

And why you tryin to slave us

With minimum wages

Slammin my niggas up in cages

Changing their behaivors

And spittin razors thats outraegeous

Smoking moaches is hopeless

We want lazy sofas and sculptures

Lady chauffers who fuck us

Full house and royal flushes

Roll with the rush

Its the official nas

Got bitches with pistols and cash

We living in the last

My theory is "fuck it"

Sexy niggas get obducted

My corrupted

Is conducted

Through ghettos

Sippin amaretto

Hand on the metal

Foot on the pedal

Never settle

We wear carolina herrera

Dirty donna karan sweaters

Wrap over leathers and seudes

Gold plated guns and grenades

To blow up

I got news from the informers

I'm trapped in corners

Bustin shots at time-warner

Verse 2:

Hey yo

My man big todd

He know how to get by

He high

Threw a jinx

Then be fixed to be fly

Submit crossing up

And downtown action

And when he sticky keeper grip and move with traction

Keep mad alibies

A plan to stay wise and wide eyed

Living in the state of south side

Crooked jakes

And fakes snake

Niggas all out for papes

Oh who wanna over take and leave you with drapes

The white sheet covers

This heat smuthers the street

Eat brothers

Ten shots rang

You got banged

We all ready for these wars

We all want more

These the last days get yours


32 shots and certed the glocks

You heard it for blocks

The murdering guys

Convertible drops

Living life on the edge of dangerous

Where you living

Never giving a shit

Cause we living in it

Cause it be off the hook

Crooks crash

Cheeba spots

And selling rocks

The cops around the clock

Is hot

Living life on the edge of dangerous

Where you living

Never giving a shit

Cause we living in it

Verse 3:

Thinking about taking my own life

I might as well

'cept they might not sell weed in hell

And thats where I'm going

Cause the devil's inside of me

They make me rob from my own nationality

Its kind of ignorant

But yo I gotta pay the rent

So yeah, I'll stick a nigga most definite

Cause it's generate

If I get caught I'm innocent

Cause I don't leave no sticky finga prints

For the cops

They only good if they dead

All that badge and that gun shit be going to they head

To make bread I gotta steal for sport

So I stole the show and sell some pennies for my thoughts

And if this fucking rap shit don't pay

I'ma start selling drugs around my way

Killin my own people in the usg

Shit they gonna get it from somebody

I'd rather it be me

Besides...you cant tax dirty money

And you cant trust nobody (nobody)

No one (no one)

I'm the scorpion

And I'll probably bite the bullet

Cause I live by the gun

We came to hear these 25 to life niggas who just came out

And pull flame out

Take aim

Blow your brains out

Its life on the edge of dangerous

Where you living

Never giving a shit

Cause we living in it

In south suicide queens where niggaz act up

Nigga back up

Official nas-throw your fucking gats up

Its life on the edge of dangerous

Where you living

Never giving a shit

Cause we living in it

We never giving a shit

Cause we living in it

Official nas mother fuckers don't give a shit

Word up

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Conception - Among The Gods

A new victim

Another foe

Soldiers pitch for the guns of believers

A battlegound

A fight for god

One more dying and the peace will be near

You face the sky

Before you die

This war will be a fight for the sacred

Too late to cry

Too late ty try

Bear the burden, a staring, hallowed eye

Stop, realize

Whats going on

A holy war

Stop, face it now

You cannot win

A holy war

Among the gods

Youre marching blindly to the certain death

Dont bow down, rise your head

Conceiling power, hallowed by thy name

I live, you die in shame

Stop, realize...

Is this the freedom

Or an absurd world

Final solution

Severe rules of life

Nothing to die for

No reason to live

Just pay off your bill

A creators will

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Iron Maiden - Paschendale

In a foreign field he lay

Lonely soldier, unknown grave

On his dying words he prays

Tell the world of Paschendale

Relive all that he's been through

Last communion of his soul

Rust your bullets with his tears

Let me tell you 'bout his years

Laying low in a blood filled trench

Kill tim 'til my very own death

On my face I can feel the falling rain

Never see my friends again

In the smoke, in the mud and lead

Smell the fear and the feeling of dread

Soon be time to go over the wall

Rapid fire and the end of us all

Whistles, shouts and more gun fire

Lifeless bodies hang on barbed wire

Battlefield nothing but a bloody tomb

Be reunited with my dead friends soon

Many soldiers eighteen years

Drown in mud, no more tears

Surely a war no-one can win

Killing time about to begin

Home, far away

From the war, a chance to live again

Home, far away

But the war, no chance to live again

The bodies of ours and our foes

The sea of death it overflows

In no man's land, God only knows

Into jaws of death we go

Crucified as if on a cross

Allied troops they mourn their loss

German war propaganda machine

Such before has never been seen

Swear I heard the angels cry

Pray to god no more may die

So that people know the truth

Tell the tale of Paschendale

Cruelty has a human heart

Every man does play his part

Terror of the men we kill

The human heart is hungry still

I stand my ground for the very last time

Gun is ready as I stand in line

Nervous wait for the whistle to blow

Rush of blood and over we go

Blood is falling like the rain

Its crimson cloak unveils again

The sound of guns can't hide their shame

And so we die on Paschendale

Dodging shrapnel and barbed wire

Running straight at the cannon fire

Running blind as I hold my breath

Say a prayer symphony of death

As we charge the enemy lines

A burst of fire and we go down

I choke a cry but no-one hears

Fell the blood go down my throat

Home, far away

From the war, a chance to live again

Home, far away

But the war, no chance to live again

See my spirit on the wind

Across the lines, beyond the hill

Friend and foe will meet again

Those who died at Paschendale

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Nickelback - Savin' Me

Prison gates won't open up for me

On these hands and knees I'm crawlin'

Oh, I reach for you

Well I'm terrified of these four walls

These iron bars can't hold my soul in

All I need is you

Come please I'm callin'

And oh I scream for you

Hurry I'm fallin'


Show me what it's like

To be the last one standing

And teach me wrong from right

And I'll show you what I can be

Say it for me

Say it to me

And I'll leave this life behind me

Say it if it's worth saving me


Heaven's gates won't open up for me

With these broken wings I'm fallin'

And all I see is you

These city walls ain't got no love for me

I'm on the ledge of the eighteenth story

And oh I scream for you

Come please I'm callin'

And all I need from you

Hurry I'm fallin'


Show me what it's like

To be the last one standing

And teach me wrong from right

And I'll show you what I can be

Say it for me

Say it to me

And I'll leave this life behind me

Say it if it's worth saving me


Hurry I'm fallin'

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Hypocrisy - Warpath

We arise from the ashes below

To battle and crush the holy war

We'll spread our seeds to change history

A genocide delivered on your doorstep

They will perish in the everlasting flame

And we demand a new great victory

A new era has begun, the world is falling

And darkness triumphs, the emperor has made his call

And now the time has come for us to dread his warning

The terror will reign, death upon us all

Hell is here, no escape

Hell is here, Mother Nature's raped

Fueled by the hate we plow across the burning nation

With blood dripping from our hands only to keep the essentials from our past

The great army of the black horde is marching on

Through the remains of the slaughtered men

A new era has begun, the world is falling

And darkness triumphs, the emperor has made his call

And now the time has come for us to dread his warning

The terror will reign, death upon us all

Screams we hear in vain, of souls that turn into dust

Lives flushed down the drain, bodies left to rot

Nothing remains, only death

Earth a wound that never will heal

A new beginning will rise through the debris

Blood that was spilled, obliterated mankind

Life's lost

There's nothing left to claim

Terror will reign

A new era has begun, the world is falling

And darkness triumphs, the emperor has made his call

And now the time has come for us to dread his warning

The terror will reign, death upon us all

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Pain - Live Fast / Die Young

We all are crying for the life we can not get

The mystery of mankinds complex DNA

We're running out of meaning

We're running out of being alive

We have no purpose breathing

Might as well just spit and die

Live fast, die young

Who cares about the world when it soon will be gone

Burn fast, die hard

There is no future and there's nowhere to run

I won't support the lies of saving our world

We're already out of time and soon we all gonna burn

The climate is big business, everyone is trying to make a dime

We have no purpose breathing

Might as well just spit and die...

Live fast, die young

Who cares about the world when it soon will be gone

Burn fast, die hard

There is no future and there's nowhere to run

The floods and hurricanes harvest lives

It's just a taste of cynic paradise... we're all gonna die

Live fast, die young

Who cares about the world when it soon will be gone

Burn fast, die hard

There is no future and there's nowhere to run

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Queen - The Show Must Go On

Empty spaces - what are we living for

Abandoned places - I guess we know the score

On and on, does anybody know what we are looking for

Another hero, another mindless crime

Behind the curtain, in the pantomime

Hold the line, does anybody want to take it anymore

The show must go on

The show must go on

Inside my heart is breaking

My make-up may be flaking

But my smile still stays on

Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance

Another heartache, another failed romance

On and on, does anybody know what we are living for

I guess I'm learning, I must be warmer now

I'll soon be turning, round the corner now

Outside the dawn is breaking

But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free

The show must go on

The show must go on

Inside my heart is breaking

My make-up may be flaking

But my smile still stays on

My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies

Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die

I can fly - my friends

The show must go on

The show must go on

I'll face it with a grin

I'm never giving in

On - with the show -

I'll drop the bill, I'll overkill

I have to find the will to carry on

On with the -

On with the show -

The show must go on

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Billy Talent - Standing in the Rain

My head, it hurts, each day it's getting worse,

My looks and smile have no become my curse,

Tight lips, red skirt the never ending street

Big car, little man, my lover for a fee...

So if ya see me will ya just drive on by

Or will I catch the twinkle inside your eye?

And if ya want me, well I guess I want you

Oh pretty baby how could you!

Standing in the rain...

Milk carton mug shot baby missing since 1983, Standing in the rain...

20 years of dirty needles rain drops

Running through my veins

My head, it hurts, each day it's getting worse,

No sun, my room has now become my hearse

Cold sores, I'm beat got bruises on my feet,

My pride, these men have taken it from me!

So if ya see me will ya just drive on by

Or will I catch the twinkle inside your eye?

And if ya want me, well I guess I want you

Oh pretty baby how could you!

Standing in the rain...

Milk carton mug shot baby missing since 1983,

Standing in the rain...

20 years of dirty needles rain drops

Running through my veins

So if ya see me will ya just drive on by

Or will I catch the twinkle inside your eye?

And if ya want me, well I guess I want you

Oh pretty baby how could you!

Standing in the rain...

Milk carton mug shot baby

Mother I have lost my way

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Primus - Frizzle Fry

Hello all you boys and girls

I'd like to take you to the inside world

It's quite an irregular place to be

But never fear you're safe with me

Well, maybe

Golden hair of macrame'

Against the face that's cut from stone

The white porcelain is screaming Ayee

Thank God the the boy is not alone

I don't believe in Santa Claus

I don't belive in spite

I have no use for beauty dolls

Especially on this night

I don't believe in miracles

I don't belive in lies

I don't belive in hologram

For I am the Frizzle Fry

Andy's painting green again,

This time they might take him away

When Barrington starts to breathe again

It way just take us all away

I don't believe in charity

I don't believe in sin

And if you don't believe in me,

We'll play this tune over again

I don't believe in pinochle

And I don't beleive I'll try

I do believe in Captain Crunch

For I am the Frizzle Fry

Yes I am the Frizzle Fry.

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Pain - Psalms of Extinction

Why do we have to live in fear?

The future's looking dark

No one seems to care

It's a shame, it keeps pounding my head

I feel sick, is there someone to blame?

Now where do we go

When there's nowhere to turn?

It's starting to show

Will we ever learn?

Countdown to extinction

It has only begun

We're heading for extinction

To be one with the sun

The sun is burning through our skin the blood is boiling hot

Cancer's spreading out

I see the end is closing in

The world is turning black, acid rain

It's a shame, it keeps pounding my head

I feel sick, is there someone to blame?

Now where do we go

When there's nowhere to turn?

It's starting to show

Will we ever learn?

Do you feel ready to die?

Or have you changed your mind?

Countdown to extinction

It has only begun

We're heading for extinction

To be one with the sun

Now where do we go

When there's nowhere to turn?

It's starting to show

Will we ever learn?

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Falling Again I lay, looking at my hands

I search in these lines

I've not the answer

I'm crying and I don't know

Watching the sky

I search for an answer

I'm free, free to be

I'm not another liar

I just want to be myself...myself

And now the beat inside of me

Is a sort of a cold breeze and I've

Never any feeling inside

Ruining me...

Bring my body

Carry it into another world

I know I live...but like a stone I'm falling down

I pray, looking into the sky

I can feel this rain

Right now it's falling on me

Fly, I just want to fly

Life is all mine

Some days I cry alone,

But I know I'm not the only one

I'm here, another day is gone

I don't want to die...?

Please be there when I'll arrive, don't cry...please

To Myself I Turned I was born in another world

Strictly connetted to a piece of my mind

Nothing more than a little land

It is a small cradle where I'm a kid

I am the princess in there,

Nothing wrong in my fantasy world

I am the king, the nation,

No dictators or religions

No laws laid down for me

I have my own liberty inside of me

Nothing to loose, I want to live here

As you see I'm the only survivor in this land

When did I hear this wind before

Change like this to a deeper roar?

I'm starting to bleed in another way

I just need sometime to complete myself

These spotlights are here again

I can't see anything, I'm blind

This nature of time and space

Makes me sick of the situation

I couldn't know if I...

If I will be strong enough for this

I have to choose, do I want live here?

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Пикник - Я - пущенная стрела

Я - пущенная стрела

И нет зла в моем сердце, но

Кто-то должен будет упасть

Все равно.

А нищие правят бал

Они хотят, да не могут дать

И то что зовут они кровью - только вода

Ах зачем, зачем мне эта земля?

Зачем мне небо без ветра и птиц?

Я - пущенная стрела


Я не могу этот город любить

Пусть будет сердце из чистого льда

И то что зовут они кровью - только вода

О, как много погасших огней...

Как много рук, что нельзя согреть...

Так мимо, мимо, мимо, мимо, мимо, мимо, скорей!

Я - пущенная стрела

И нет зла в моем сердце, но

Кто-то должен будет упасть

Кто-то должен будет упасть

Кто-то должен будет упасть

Все равно.

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Buckethead feat. Les Claypool - The Ballad of Buckethead

"who’s this guitar-playing sonsa bitch? ", is a question common asked.

On his head a bucket of chicken bones, on his face a plaster mask.

He’s the bastard son of a preacher man, on the town he left a stain.

They made him live in a chicken house to try to and hide the shame.

He was born in a coop, raised in a cage. children fear him, critics rage.

He’s half alive, he’s half dead. folks just call him buckethead.

Farmers would torment him as he snuggled with the hens.

They’d hose him down with water, and steal his little friends.

Now late at night he’d sneak off to the graveyard all alone,

And play a soapbox guitar to the faces made of stone.

Buckethead found his freedom at the age of 17,

When he burned the chicked house down with a quart of gasoline.

He did puppet shows on corners and bought a real guitar,

And with the help of colonel sanders, he’s bound to be a star.

He was born in a coop, raised in a cage. children fear him, critics rage.

He’s half alive, he’s half dead. folks just call him buckethead.

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Billy Talent - Surrender

She reads a book from across the street,

Waiting for someone that she’ll never meet

Talk over coffee for an hour or two,

She wonders why I’m always in a good mood

Killing time before she struts her stuff,

She needs support and I’ve become the crutch

She’ll never know how much she means to me,

I’d play the game but I’m the referee

Surrender… every word, every thought, every sound

Surrender… every touch, every smile, every frown

Surrender… all the pain we’ve endured until now

Surrender… all the hope that I lost, you have found

Surrender… yourself to me

Even though I know what I’m looking for,

She’s got a brick wall behind her door

I’d travel time and confess to her,

But I’m afraid she’d shoot the messenger

Surrender… every word, every thought, every sound

Surrender… every touch, every smile, every frown

Surrender… all the pain we’ve endured until now

Surrender… all the hope that I lost, you have found

Surrender… yourself to me

I think I found a flower in a field of weeds,

I think I found a flower in a field of weeds

Searching until my hands bleed,

This flower don’t belong to me

This flower don’t belong to me

Why can’t she belong to me?

Surrender… every word, every thought, every sound

Surrender… every touch, every smile, every frown

Surrender… all the pain we’ve endured until now

Surrender… all the hope that I lost, you have found

Surrender… yourself to me

I never had the nerve to ask,

Has my moment come and passed?

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Pain - Dark Fields Of Pain

Alone in the dark

Awaiting the sun to show it's fate

Will this be my final day

Or has it already gone

So then i just keep away into dreamland

Dark fields of pain are running

Is it me whose wanted

Shadows of death are calling

Am I, am I, am I dying

Shoot me up with the smack

Shoot me up with the bullet

It's all the same game

I cannot hide from my needs

My only saviour is the rush

It will keep my body from bleeding

Dark fields of pain are running

Is it me whose wanted

Shadows of death are calling

Am I, am I am I dying?

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