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Sienna the Inventor

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  1. Sienna the Inventor

    Тексты любимых песен

    Crush 40 - It Doesn't Matter Well, I don't show off, don't criticize I'm just livin' by my own feelings And I won't give in, won't compromise I just only have a steadfast heart of gold I don't know why, I can't leave though it might be tough But I ain't out of control, just livin' by my world Don't ask me why, I don't need a reason I got my way, my own way It doesn't matter now what happens I will never give up the fight There is no way I will run away from all of my frights Long as the voice inside me says go, I will always keep on running There is no way to stop me from going to the very top It doesn't matter who is wrong and who is right Well, I won't look back I don't need to Time won't wait and I got so much to do Where do I stop, it's all a blur and so unclear Well, I don't know but I can't be wrong This fight is not for anybody, this is purely for myself There is no way I'm gonna give up 'til the very end I can't tell what is wrong and what is right, I've got to find the answer But I do there's no way I will ever give up Place all your bets on the one you think is right *Guitar solo* CHORUS It doesn't matter now what happens I will never give up the fight There is no way I will run away from all of my frights Long as the voice inside me says go, I will always keep on running There is no way to stop me from going to the very top
  2. Sienna the Inventor

    Эйтрис / Atris

    Кому что, а лысому расческа)))))))))))))))Так вот, что я думаю - Атрис действительно нужен мужик - и от этого одиночества её характер испортился. И только. Вроде бы такая мелочь, а какую, (может быть!) хорошую девушку испортила! И еще - правильно говорили в начале, что Атрис просто боится быть ближе к Изгнаннику (окончание написано правильно - так яснее), чтобы никто не заподозрил о её чувствах. По-видимому, Атриська просто слишком уж увлеклась этим процессом.
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