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Сообщения, опубликованные Lunar

  1. Персонажи



    Vector's file remains largely confidential, his true identity hidden. Training at Rockfort Island

    he developed his lethal martial arts ability and elite skill for

    reconnaissance. As a covert operative, his achievements in-the-field are

    only matched by his former master, HUNK.



    Michaela 'Bertha' Schneider finds pleasure in pain. A disciplined

    former soldier and devoted her self to medicine led her to Umbrella

    shortly after an unsuccessful return to civilian life. She eagerly

    joined Wolfpack after they assured her aneshetic is a luxury and not a




    Hector 'Beltway' Hivers is an Elite Demolition Expert that was

    discharged from the Army corps of engineers. Not much is known about the

    incident other than the addition of Beltway's prothetic leg. His

    dedication to his craft is beyond of question, while his joy for blowing

    things up is always visible.



    A veteran of the Cold War, former spy, Vladimir 'Spectre' Bodrovski was

    moved from Umbrella's European Wing for unknown reasons. The premier

    surveillance expert of the USS, he was transfered to Wolfpack when the

    upper echelon of Umbrella Management realized his skills could greatly

    benefit them.



    A former French Special Forces Op, Karena 'Lupo' Lesproux specializes in

    weaponry. Lured by money, Lupo joined Umbrella and leads Wolfpack. Her

    knowledge in the field makes her highly trusted by her team. She looks

    out for them, like a wolf looks out for her pups, which has made the

    team affectionately call her 'Wolf Mother'.



    Developing an unhealthy obsession with science at a young age, Christine

    'Four Eyes' Yamata specializes in virology. She is so deeply focused on

    her work, that she has little interest in anything else, including the

    feelings, or lives, of other human beings. Studious and detailed, she

    always wants to know more about a given situation.

    Информация на английском языке, взято отсюда

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  2. В игре делал скрины Фрапсом, в итоге всё, что должно быть красным (кровь, свечения Феттеля) стало синим:

    Есть какой-нибудь способ заскринить в оригинальных цветах? А то Стим почему-то не скринит в этой игре.

    Тоже бы хотела узнать что такое и можно ли это исправить?

  3. А если серьезно, то Лиара это Лиара неважно как она выглядит.

    Да даже если так, хочется чтобы твой любимый персонаж выглядел хорошо.

    А то, что они сделали, язык не поворачивается назвать хорошим.

  4. Нет, клинок из уни-инструмента это добивание солдата, у адептов "лезвия из пси энергии", а у инженеров некая огненная атака. Про дуал классы пока ничего не слышно.

    Ага, вот как.Хочу посмотреть на добивание адепта :)

  5. Одна из альтернатив уни-клинку – это уни-кулаки очень сильно похожие на Кратосовские Перчатки Геракла из God of War

    Если омни-блейд - это добивалка для инженеров(если не ошибаюсь), то тогда какие добивалки у других классов?

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