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4 Обычный

Информация о TREND3I

  • Звание
    Уровень: 2
  • День рождения 22.02.1988


  • Пол
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  • Интересы
    Музыка, игры, хоккей, Американская авто классика, татуировки, и еще я Пикапер.

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  1. I just want to be heard loud and clear are my words Coming from within man tell them what you heard It's about a revolution in your heart and in your mind Till you find a conclusion lost out in obsession Diamond rings get you nothing but a life long lesson And your pocketbooks stressing You're a slave to the system working jobs That you hate for that shit you don't need It's too bad the world is based on greed Step back and see Stop thinking about yourself Start thinking about

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