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  1. Видимо Алатан приходил рано - флагман всегда стоял на выбранной по конквесту планете сразу после 15.00 МСК. А конкуренты вчера с 15.00 до 18.00 нафармили более 186 000 ОЗ. Только факты. З.Ы. был бы проходной конквест - слова бы не написал.А вот за Явин 4....
  2. Да не -куда торопиться? Пусть ещё другие гильдии подсоберут ОЗ побольше , чтобы тяжелей было их догонять,- вот тогда , может быть, эдак часиков после 20.00 МСК может и передвинут :mad:
  3. Табличка ещё вчера была обновлена :rolleyes: Просто напомнил Джи.
  4. EC HM Фулл ОПС-5 Spit On Kephes Grave Скрытый текст --Нажмите для просмотра--
  5. Hey everyone, The team has finished looking into what has caused this week’s Conquest to not start properly. Unfortunately, the issue is a bit more complex than we have experienced in the past with Conquests. Due to this, we will be implementing a fix for this with Game Update 4.1 next Tuesday. This means that there will not be a Conquest this week, as we work to address the issue. We apologize for any inconvenience. -Tait
  6. SWTOR Updated Event Schedule for January 1/12 – 1/19: Relics of the Gree 1/19 – 1/26: Rakghoul Plague – Tatooine 1/26 – 2/2: Bounty Contract Week Планы на следующую неделю менять не будем? :huh:
  7. Новогодний подароек от БВ: <Conqueror of Belsavis> (за сентябрь :thank_you:) I am Jason with Star Wars ™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service. Firstly, let me apologize for the lengthy wait time on the reply to your issue. Things have been a bit crazy around here since the launch of the expansion and we are all working very hard here to get caught up. I was able to verify that you were indeed missing the earned title so I have gone ahead and granted the achievement to your character which should grant you access to the title. To check back on any details of the case, you can do so at any time by logging into the game on any of your characters and opening the Help Centre. All cases you have submitted will be listed in the Request Help section, alongside the response from us. All cases are set to resolved once a response has been sent however if you would like to discuss this case further, you can do so by replying to this email or creating a new case in-game. As always, at BioWare and EA, we strive to provide you with the world's best customer experience for the world's best games. We're always interested in hearing back from you, the player, about your experience with our Game Advisors so that we can improve our service to you. We would appreciate it if you could take the time to fill out a short survey about your most recent support experience with us. We would greatly appreciate any feedback you may have as we're committed to making sure you always have a personal and positive connection to our game, our people, and our community. Please click here to begin: https://www.research.net/s/TOREN?c=S0-F921928682 Thank you for playing Star Wars: The Old Republic. Regards, Jason Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service Так что - пишите тикеты
  8. Информация к размышлению :unsure: SWTOR Fallen Empire Conversion Rates
  9. Может тогда это в шапку опроса внести? Чтобы больше не было дурацких вопросов? :not_i:
  10. На конквест после 4.0 Риши Явин 4 Правда при условии, что CZ-198 и Belsavis пофиксят в 4.0 :unsure: А как же это: И это: SWTOR Conquests and Events Schedule Conquests Oct-20 Death Mark Oct-27 Flashpoint Havoc Nov-3 Titans of Industry Nov-10 Rakghoul Resurgence Ald Nov-17 Revenge of the Revanites Nov-24 Death Mark Dec-1 The Trade Emporium Dec-8 Relics of the Gree Dec-15 Rakghoul Resurgence Tat Dec-22 Death Mark Dec-29 The Balance of Power Jan-5 The Dread War Jan-12 Rakghoul Resurgence Cor Jan-19 Emergency Operations Jan-26 Death Mark :koo-koo:
  11. " Each week, one hard mode Operation is designated as a "High-Priority Target," players can see which Operation this is by visiting the fleet and visiting the FP/Op section. There you will find a Target Analysis Computer with a holo version of the last boss of the Op with text specifying the Op, the boss will also have a buff indicating this inside the Op. Under normal circumstances, a HM boss will be dropping ilvl 220. If they are the High-Priority Target, they will also drop ilvl 224 in addition to their normal drops." "So does that mean only the last boss of the instance will be buffed and drop a 224 or will all bosses in instance receive such buff and drop a 224 instead of 220. Second, will the drop be the equivalent of the respective HM (I.E. Revan HM buffed drops a 224 MH) or is it random?" "Each boss will drop 224, not just the final boss. Also, each boss is assigned a specific piece, it is not random" Может так? :dntknw:
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