30 -
7 ОбычныйИнформация о Sks_legacy

Уровень: 2
хмм... тут что-то непонятное... 10 минут как залогинился - флагман был доступен (Yavin sh нет)... затем Iskander'm ушел в offline и флагман пропал XD зы: 1 альта на флагман поставил... спасибо Lyllinn)... перелогинился - флагмана снова нет... похоже флагман доступен только когда на нем кто-то есть
Как то с натяжкой это можно назвать подарком ... но все же выбито от BW <Conqueror of Belsavis>... с 5-го тикета от 2 декабря XDDD Dear (legacy_name), Thank you for contacting Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service. I have responded to your query in-game and, for your convenience I have included a summary of the response below in case you are unable to access the in-game mail at the moment. Please note – at times, cases and responses from Customer Support may appear blank in the in-game help portal. If you have accessed your case and are unable to see a response from us, please respond to this mail and myself or a colleague will respond as soon as possible. I am happy to assist you with missing a planetary conquest achievement. Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to your report. We have received a high number of customer contacts since the introduction of Knights of the Fallen Empire and are endeavouring to reply to each query. I am delighted to confirm (Char_name)’s achievements have been refreshed and the Conqueror of Belsavis has been successfully completed. To check back on any details of the case, you can do so at any time by logging into the game on any of your characters and opening the Help Centre. All cases you have submitted will be listed in the Request Help section, alongside the response from us. All cases are set to resolved once a response has been sent however if you would like to discuss this case further, you can do so by replying to this email or creating a new case in-game. As always, at BioWare and EA, we strive to provide you with the world's best customer experience for the world's best games. We're always interested in hearing back from you, the player, about your experience with our Game Advisors so that we can improve our service to you. We would appreciate it if you could take the time to fill out a short survey about your most recent support experience with us. We would greatly appreciate any feedback you may have as we're committed to making sure you always have a personal and positive connection to our game, our people, and our community. Please click here to begin: https://www.research.net/s/TOREN?c=G1-R821959973 Thank you for playing Star Wars: The Old Republic. Regards, Raith Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service
Очередной 4-й по счету ответ на ticket... 3 недели молчали... 2-а предыдущих были закрыты с отпиской через 2 часа... ------------------------ Dear (accountname), Thank you for contacting Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service. I have responded to your query in-game and, for your convenience I have included a summary of the response below in case you are unable to access the in-game mail at the moment. Please note – at times, cases and responses from Customer Support may appear blank in the in-game help portal. If you have accessed your case and are unable to see a response from us, please respond to this mail and myself or a colleague will respond as soon as possible. First, allow me to apologize over the excessive delay in my response. The missing Conquest Titles and Achievements is an issue we're aware of and I'm sorry to hear that you've been affected too! We are aware that this has happened and Studio are looking to get these awarded to all affected players that missed out. Over our last maintenance on 09/23 throughout the following weekend, we ran scripts to grant the missing titles and achievements to all of those who were missing them over previous conquest events throughout August. We are also aware of missing titles over September Conquest events and we are currently working on rectifying this over upcoming scripts during one of our upcoming maintenances. Thank you for your patience and understanding while we address this, and I apologize again for any inconvenience this issue may have caused. If you need any further assistance on this or any other issue in the meantime, please let us know and we’ll be happy to help. To check back on any details of the case, you can do so at any time by logging into the game on any of your characters and opening the Help Centre. All cases you have submitted will be listed in the Request Help section, alongside the response from us. All cases are set to resolved once a response has been sent however if you would like to discuss this case further, you can do so by replying to this email or creating a new case in-game. As always, at BioWare and EA, we strive to provide you with the world's best customer experience for the world's best games. We're always interested in hearing back from you, the player, about your experience with our Game Advisors so that we can improve our service to you. We would appreciate it if you could take the time to fill out a short survey about your most recent support experience with us. We would greatly appreciate any feedback you may have as we're committed to making sure you always have a personal and positive connection to our game, our people, and our community. Please click here to begin: https://www.research.net/s/TOREN?c=R7-F421210549 Thank you for playing Star Wars: The Old Republic. Regards, Ernie A. Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service -------------------------- Вообщем готовят script за сентябрь в один из ближайших maintance...
7h & 600k отрыв Инвиктусы апнули 300k за 40мин...
- 11 935 ответов
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C тегом:
Дык все квакали что Unload нам не нужен... пусть привыкают XD
- 11 935 ответов
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Я не свалил... и что ?... притом что были и ушли 1/3 ops 1 Если бы нормально танчили никто бы не свалил и не лег, а так зеленка по всему полю, к заднице боса не подойти... вот и легла половина сразу в 2-х wipe. зы: на своих танках соло оттанчил HM8 и HM16 с рандомами... и никто не лег.
- 11 935 ответов
- swtor сюжет
- спойлеры
(и ещё 1 )
C тегом:
Что Wol не понравилось что кто-то действует не в твоих интересах? Тогда еще раз (для тупых)... заюзаю в Empire и если кто пойдет. Хотя еще вариант выкинуть из инвентаря...
еще раз посмеялся)) в тех опсах из гильды нас было 4-5... все 180+... 3-е перехватили твой need так что кому ты что тогда раздал я ХЗ зы: и конечно да... мелковато
Хаха... меня меня тут смотрю уже обсудили XD Wol... я тебе в личке уже все сказал... твой нинзя лоот заметил еще до 3.0 это было в TfB, в DF & DP... и да, шли с рандомами на 16... кроме тебя из гильды там еще кое-кто был... ты нидил веcь Arcanian хотя сам был в 180/186 причем в каждом опсе былы по 2-3 ppl в 156-ой... пришлось перехватить и что упало раздать зы: а на твой крафт мне лично по-барабану...