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3 ОбычныйИнформация о Ліза Поліковська
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Любимые игры BioWare
Mass Effect
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Присоединяйтесь: https://opennota.duckdns.org/book/69584
Kesh had hoped to step away from all that. To work with cooperative folk, species more inclined to respect what the krogan brought to this new table.
Ліза Поліковська подписался на Nexus Uprising / Восстание на Нексусе
Kesh remained by the door, arms hanging at her sides. The fact of his ascension grated. Deeply. The salarian species had, after all, developed the genophage that neutered the krogan clans. Even now, centuries later, it was the salarian species who lorded it over the struggling krogan. Every last one seemed inclined to bring it up.
Ліза Поліковська изменил фотографию своего профиля
Кто знает, что автор имел ввиду:Tann, along with everyone else in here, had remained asleep, and woke now only because Kesh had the maintenance override in her repertoire of tech miracles Переведите
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