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Весь контент malak5

  1. уже спрашивал, но спрошу ещё раз, возможно ли чтобы на экране выбора персонажа отображался Sith Corruption {порча Силы} измененеия во внешности связанные с падением на Темную сторону, в игре это можно по желанию выключить, а как отображать на экране выбора персонажа?
  2. а всё-таки как можно будет оплачивать подписку? например через яндекс-деньги это будет возможно?
  3. вчера на Игромире консультант 1С-интерес сказал мне,что русский в игре будет. возможно я думаю могут сделать как отдельно загружаемое дополнение,и возможно не сразу после общемирового релиза
  4. Xenon,спасибо она самая а на все модели которые можно выбрать при создании перса как мужские так и женские сделать тоже самое не сможешь?
  5. вот скрин: swkotor_2009_01_18_13_21_41_12.bmp swkotor_2009_01_18_13_21_41_12.bmp
  6. malak5


    вот этот мод 2_altered_endings_101_.zip 2_altered_endings_101_.zip
  7. а можно сделать так чтобы внешний вид главного перса при переходе на темную сторону не менялся тоесть лицо оставалось таким какое оно на светлой стороне так как у других членов партии внешний вид не меняеться
  8. нет в России KOTOR официально не исдаеться
  9. проц 2-х ядерный если да то поищи в нете оптимизирующую утилиту у меня было почти тоже самое думаю что игра не расчитана на работу с многоядерными процессорами
  10. кстати насчет бесмертия когда я проходил {k1} и в храме перешел на темную сторону джоли и джухани бессмертие теряли насчет заалбара не знаю я заставлял его убить миссию
  11. malak5


    во 2-ом KOTOR есть серебристый световой меч и соответственно кристалл,а для 1-го KOTOR есть мод который бы добавил серебристый меч и соответственно кристалл для сборки серебристых световых мечей?
  12. malak5


    вот ссылка на мод:http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Two_Alternate_Endings;85802
  13. malak5


    насчет 2 altered ending ни кто не знает где есть русская версия этого мода а если нет ни кто не сможет его руссифицировать?
  14. malak5


    помогите,кто устанавливал мод 2 altered ending. этот мод позваляет в самом конце совратить Карта Онаси на темную сторону или если проходите по светлой стороне вернуть Малака к свету я уже знаю что это концовки для персонажа женского пола.в самом архиве мода лежат еще несколько архивов и я не знаю как и куда все это ставить
  15. malak5

    Кто виноват?

    я то же думаю думаю LA виноват в том что укорачивал сроки Obsidian из-за чего они многое что не успели сделать. например если мы посмотрим трейлер который есть в игре то увидим в одном месте ГГ находиться в мире которого в игре нет предположительно это планета дроидов которую не успели доделать и в результате вырезали
  16. malak5


    Nasgul,спасибо огромный тебе респект за помощь все установилось
  17. malak5


    вот file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/%D0%94%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B0/%D0%A0%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%B8%D0%B9%20%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BB/kotor/M4_78%20Addon_v1.1/info.rtf извиняюсь вот IMPORTANT NOTE! THE INSTALL WILL FAIL IF THIS IS NOT DONE FIRST! 1) The following files in the "Modules" folder, located here "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Modules" by default must have "Read-only" unchecked for the installer to function properly: 003EBO_s.rim 853NIH_s.rim 003EBO.rim 853NIH_dlg.erf 650DAN.rim 907MAL_s.rim 650DAN_s.rim 650DAN_dlg.erf 702KOR.rim 702KOR_s.rim 702KOR_dlg.erf To do this quickly right click on the "Modules" folder and select "Properties". Under the "General" tab near the bottom uncheck "Read-only" and click the "Apply" button (if "Read-only" was not checked skip to step 2). A new window will pop up. Select "Apply changes to this folder, subfolders, and files" and click OK. 2) Additionally, "650DAN_loc.mod"and”localization.mod” located here "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\lips" by default, must also be unchecked as "Read-only". 3) Also make sure that both the "TSLPatcher.exe" file and the "tslpatchdata" folder are located in the same folder and that that folder is NOT within the SWKotORII folder hierarchy. (Read the included Read me for more through instructions) Once the steps above have been completed click the "Install Mod" button below to proceed with the installation. Note that a folder named "backup" will be created within the folder the installer is run from and must be saved if the mod is to ever be uninstalled. Attached below is the included read me file: ======================================================== A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: (THE SITH LORDS) MODIFICATION M4-78 addon Mod ======================================================== Author: DarthStoney Contact:PM at Lucas Forums Name: M4-78 addon Modv1.1 Filename: M4_78_addon.rar File Size: 41mb Date Released:4/14/08 1. Description: ---------- This mod adds the planet of M4-78 by removing Vash from Korriban and adding her to M4-78 and for her to be at Dantooine if left alive. These issues include various dialogs, scripting, and game play issues, for a complete list of changes see below. . This is a stand alone mod; however, the idea is that once Team Gizka is finished with their TSLRP this will be made fully compatible. Note that this mod is currently only for the English versions of the game, other language versions are not supported. Great care has been taken to ensure compatibility with other mods but I make no promises. Lastly, by its vary nature this mod effects 702Korriban, the 003EbonHawk,the galaxy map. It also adds the EbonHawk container to the cargo hold , also 650DAN the meeting with the Jedi Masters at the end as well as a whole new list of globals for M478 and will require starting a new game in order for it to work properly. 2. Install: ---------- (It is highly recommended that you update your game to version 2.10 (the 1.0b update) before installing this mod.) 1) Extract the "M4-78 v1.1 Addon" mod, taking care to insure that both the "Setup - RUN THIS TO INSTALL M4-78 MOD.exe" file and "tslpatchdata" folder are extracted to the same folder (these files can be extracted to any folder on your hard drive EXCEPT those within the SWKotOR2 folder hierarchy). Also note that simply copying the files within "tslpatchdata" to your "Override" folder will not properly install the mod. 2) The following files in the "Modules" folder, located here "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Modules" by default, must be unchecked as "Read-only" for the installer to function properly: 003EBO_s.rim 853NIH_s.rim 003EBO.rim 907MAL_s.rim 650DAN.rim 650DAN_s.rim 650DAN_dlg.erf 702KOR.rim 702KOR_s.rim 702KOR_dlg.erf To do this quickly right click on the "Modules" folder and select "Properties". Under the "General" tab near the bottom uncheck "Read-only" and click the "Apply" button (if "Read-only" was not checked skip to step 2). A new window will pop up. Select "Apply changes to this folder, subfolders, and files" and click OK. If you woule rather do this individually for each file you may do so, however, no harm will be done by unselecting "Read-only" for the entire folder. 3) Additionally, "650DAN_loc.mod"and”localization_loc.mod”, located here "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\lips" by default, must also be unchecked as "Read-only". Right click on the file select "Properties". Under the "General" tab near the bottom uncheck "Read-only" and click the "Apply" button. 4) Once "Read-only" has been unchecked for each file, run the "Setup - RUN THIS TO INSTALL M4-78 MOD.exe" file that was extracted earlier to begin installation of the mod. 5) Once installed simply start a new game. Note a new folder named "backup" will be created during insanitation within the folder the installer was run from. If you plan on uninstalling this mod this folder and the files therein must not be deleted as they are used during the uninstall process. 3. Uninstall: ---------- The files listed below may have been modified during the installation of this mod: Within "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Modules” 650DAN_dlg.erf 702KOR_dlg.erf 003EBO_s.rim 003EBO.rim 650DAN.rim 650DAN_s.rim 702KOR.rim 702KOR_s.rim Added within "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Modules" 801DRO.mod 802DRO.mod 803DRO.mod 804DRO.mod 805DRO.mod 806DRO.mod 807DRO.mod 011EBO.mod Modified Within "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\lips" 650DAN_loc.mod Added Within "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\lips" 805DRO_loc.mod 806DRO_loc.mod Within "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Override" Global.jrl Globalcat.2da Modulesave.2da Placeables.2da Ambientmusic.2da Loadscreens.2da Lbl_map801DRO.tga Lbl_map802DRO.tga Lbl_map803DRO.tga Lbl_map804DRO.tga Lbl_map805DRO.tga Lbl_map806DRO.tga Lbl_map807DRO.tga T3m4.dlg Load801DRO.tga Load802DRO.tga Load803DRO.tga Load804DRO.tga Load805DRO.tga Load806DRO.tga Load807DRO.tga Per_door.tga Backups of any file that was altered were made during installation and placed in a folder called "backup" within the folder the installer was run from. 1) To uninstall the mod, open your "Override" folder, located here "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Overide" by default, and delete ONLY the files listed above under the "Override" heading. 2) Next open the "backup" folder that was created during installation and replace the files listed above with the files contained within. If a file listed above is missing from the "backup" folder, don't worry, no change was made to that file and it does not have to be replaced. 4. Bugs: ---------- When trying to enter Archon1 the trigger is in front of the door you can’t enter the Bld. This is A walkmesh issue that at this time cannot be fixed. The doors in the Env zone, there is a delay before walking through. 5. Mod Compatibility: This mod is NOT compatible with The Lonna Vash mod which moves her to the sith tomb 6. Distribution Notes: ---------- This mod may not be modified or distributed without the explicit permission of the author. If you have questions PM me at Lucas forums. 7. Thanks: ---------- My thanks go out to: The modders who have spent their time creating fantastic modding tools: Dashus and JdNoa for DeNCS Script Decompiler, Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool, stoffe for ERFEditor, TalkEd, and TSLPatcher, and tk102 for DLGEditor and K-GFFEditor and Team Gizka for their source files and lastly the modders and community of LucasForums.com for without their help this would not be Possible. Others that deserve a special Thanks are Quanon modeler creator of the Archons and Skyboxes Sharen_Thrawn for fixing the Skyboxes Sith Holocron as M4-78 and for lots of other help he has given on this project. Malpense for M4-78 dialog/storyline and beta tester Actschp1 as Kaah Swfan28 for his work on the enclave sequence TSBasilisk for letting me use his puzzle ideas Somnambulist as ES-05 Qui_Gon_Glenn beta tester Pra_viilon Beta tester Deady_Stream for giving me space on his forums A lot of the source scripts modified for 003EBO and 650DAN are TEAM GIZKA source files and modified for this mod for compatibility with TSLRP. (Quote)Permission by TSLRP This is a collection of all scripts that we have created or modified. This archive is updated with every build. These scripts WILL CHANGE from build to build. In the meantime we hope they help ease mod compatibility changes. Feel free to use/modify these. Preferably properly attributing their source. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  18. malak5


    я не понимаю как KOTOR 2-M4-78 Droid planet mod установить.в инфо к моду написано что нужны какие-то изменения в файлах только я не силен в английском помогите кто-нибуть и объясните что делать?
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