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Весь контент Dragn

  1. Dragn


    А еще Helloween, Edguy и еще куча. Да блек он всегда блек. =) ИМХО..
  2. Dragn


    Немцы это пауэр. Усе. Доминанты финны и британцы. Норвегия ыыы только в блеке. Как вообщем и шведы. А еще Испания и италия.
  3. Dragn

    Prince of Persia (2008)

    Прошел. Игра хороша. Свои 8 баллов отработала. Последний уровень очень понравилось. Ну и концовка, не ожидал. Она одна?
  4. Ну не надо. По играм иногда и очень хорошие книги выходят. Sacred тому пример. НУ или FR и DL, ну и Planescape
  5. Dragn

    BRC PC Game Awards 2008

    Pure и Лара. Большее нормальных саундов не помню.. Мейби Фол...
  6. Dragn

    BRC PC Game Awards 2008

    Dead Space Prince Of Persia Alone In The Dark
  7. Угу. Просто у него явный признак сценариста. Внутреннего мира персонажей как-то не очень видно. Вот в игре или в кино, все это незначительно, но вот в книге.. Да определенно. Надеюсь только не будет как с SpellForce'ом... Там вообще ода картонизму.
  8. Вот! Это зло! Сценаристы всегда плохо пишут. Эм. Он как бы проф. Но как по мне недалеко от простых сценаристов ушел)) Экран и книга разные вещи...
  9. Dragn

    Prince of Persia [серия]

    Я играл. И 3D играл. =)
  10. Почему всегда пишут сценаристы? Почему нельзя отдать проф. писателям...
  11. Dragn

    Prince of Persia [серия]

    Голоснул за все. Но 2я лучшая. Первая милая. Третья с темным Принцем. А в 4й есть юмор.
  12. Dragn

    Prince of Persia (2008)

    О_о А я легко вычисляю как добраться туда-то туда-то. Да и две кнопки это мало. =( Еще осталось 6 областей, но уже надоело собирать зернышки...
  13. Dragn

    Planescape: Torment

    Наверное попозже. Меня робы интересуют..
  14. У меня Анрил летал и все было в ажуре, а тут..
  15. Dragn

    Planescape: Torment

    У меня фобия чужого языка. Немногу долго читать... =))) Короче в топку ресторейшен пек.
  16. Dragn

    Prince of Persia (2008)

    Да кому тот сюжет нужен?))) Главное приколы)) И гемплей..
  17. Ну а мое нейтральное. Сюжет нормальный. Боевка ничего так. Арго круть. Персы нра. Пока игра на 7\10 идет. А движок они испохабили. Он странно лагает..
  18. Dragn

    Planescape: Torment

    Эм. Это понятно. =)) Просто вот какие строчки там вотсановили и тд. Интересно. А играть на инглише Планск очень тяжело...
  19. Dragn

    Planescape: Torment

    Ресторатион ');document.close(); Fix mytagid = Math.floor( Math.random() * 100 ); var option = "{option}"; if(option == '') option = "Нажмите здесь чтобы раскрыть текст"; document.write(' Нажмите здесь чтобы раскрыть текстPlatter Some of the random banters between party members would not happen because of a bug in their triggers. BMORTE.DLG, BNORDOM.DLGPlatter, Ash McGowen The Alley of Lingering Sighs was supposed to open up once you reached the Lower Ward, so you could go directly from the Alley to the Lower Ward if you ever went back there. AR0405.BCS Ash McGowen If you had any Magic Resistance while copying the Circles of Zerthimon to your spell book the copying would have a chance to fail equal to your Magic Resistance percentage. CIRCLE03.ITM, CIRCLE04.ITM, CIRCLE05.ITM, CIRCLE06.ITM, CIRCLE07.ITM, CIRCLE08.ITM Platter You couldn't initiate dialog with half of the shoppers in the Lower Ward Marketplace. AR0504.INI, DMCM4CLU.DLG Platter Mortai Gravesend had Emoric's script assigned to him, so the floating text that would occasionally appear above him was wrong. AR0205.ARE Platter The "Tattoo of Grosuk's Demise" wasn't available at Fell's shop if you killed Grosuk for Sebastion. DSABAST.DLG Ash McGowen Vrischika's combat script would be halted if Standish was killed before she could cast Improved Strength on him. 0609VRIS.BCS Platter You couldn't ask Grace about Vhailor when talking to her about your companions. DGRACE.DLG Ash McGowen The "Blade of the Immortal" was supposed to be Enchanted: +1, but it was not Enchanted at all. BLADEIM.ITM Platter Changed the To Hit bonus given by "Ravel's Fingernail" from +1 to +2, to match its description. FINGNAIL.ITM Platter The "Teeth of the Fire Drake" didn't do any Fire Damage as its description claimed. FDTEETH.ITM Platter Changed the AC bonus given by "Mark of the Savant" from +3 to +2, to match its description. SAVANT.ITM Platter Changed the Strength bonus given by "Heaven and Earth" from +3 to +2, to match its description. HEAVEN.ITM Platter The "Kaleidoscopic Eye" didn't give an extra +1 Save vs. Spells bonus. EYEKAL.ITM Ash McGowen The "Dustman Earring's" Cold and Magical Cold Resistance bonuses did not work. DUSTEAR.ITM Ash McGowen Minor bug where the Guard in the Curst Barracks wouldn't finish his joke about "the monkey, the squirrel and the pouch of magic beans." 3001GRD5.BCS Barren Barking-Wilder was supposed to give you a special item if you had a "Cranium Rat Tail" when you asked him "Can I see what items the Chaosmen sell to their members?" while being a member of the Chaosmen. DBARKING.DLG Platter When the skeleton-like Shadows in Ravel's Maze attacked it would drain their own strength instead of their target's strength. SHADOW2.ITM Platter Corvus experience loop. DHGCORV.DLG Platter If you caught Yellow-Fingers stealing from you and Morte was in your party there was a certain dialog path that could lead into Sharegrave's dialog, messing up the quest to find the source of Pharod's bodies for him. DMORTE.DLG Ash McGowen The comments Annah and Grace make when you first enter Fell's Tattoo Parlor with them no longer happen if they are dead. 0404FELL.BCS Platter There was a bug preventing you from being able to ask Nordom to make "Winged Bolts." DNORDOM.DLG The SKARDAVNELNATE When you asked Creeden about the Hive and then what's of interest and then if he's seen a journal he would respond as if you had asked him about Pharod. DCREED.DLG The SKARDAVNELNATE When asking Able about the Lady of Pain you could only get the option "Continue to listen" if you were a Thief at the time. DABLE.DLG The SKARDAVNELNATE In one part of Thildon's dialog it was possible to mention the murder of the Foundry smith before it had happened. DTHILDON.DLG Ash McGowen If you returned Marissa's "Crimson Veil" to her and asked for a reward the dialog indicated that you got a "Gold Bracelet," but you didn't because of a typo in the action. DMARISSA.DLG Ash McGowen The "Ice Knife" spell caused a permanent decrease in To Hit when a party member was hit by it which lasted until the character was killed and resurrected. This fix prevents the To Hit effect of "Ice Knife" from working on your party at all. SPWI207.SPL, SPWI207.ITM Platter "The Justifier" was supposed to remember knowing you a long time ago when you asked it "What can you tell me about yourself?" if you had talked to it at least three times. If you asked "The Justifier" about your party members while in the Lower Planes all the responses would be messed up. DJUSTFER.DLG Ash McGowen Nordom's Crossbows were red like items are when you cannot use them. NORDXBOW.ITM The SKARDAVNELNATE If you completed the quest to kill Qui-Sai for Scofflaw Penn the quest would stay in your Assigned Quests list. DSCOFF.DLG Platter Changed the name of the Shadows in the Fortress from "Greater Shadow" to "True Shadow" like they are in the Bestiary. SHADOW3.CRE, FORTSHAD.CRE Platter You could only get the dialog option with the Dustmen Mourners admitting that you are "to blame for the death of many innocents across the planes" if you had given the answer "I... don't know." to Ravel when she asked you "What can change the nature of a man?" DRAVEL.DLG, DMOURN1.DLG, DMOURN2.DLG Platter There was a dialog option you couldn't get with Sere the Skeptic that involves convincing her to become an Anarchist once you have joined that faction. DSERE.DLG Platter Fixed a few instances where a dialog option would end the dialog when it wasn't supposed to. DTRIAS.DLG, DSOEGO.DLG, DSADJULI.DLG, DNORDOM.DLG Platter You couldn't initiate dialog with the Curst Citizen who was being beaten by two Curst Guards. DJANSEN.DLG Platter In some dialogs you would not get the money you were supposed to because the action "GivePartyGold()" was used instead of "CreatePartyGold()". DQUINT.DLG, DPHINEAS.DLG, DTHUGP1.DLG, DDEVORE.DLG, DKESTER.DLG, DROBERTA.DLG, DFLEECE.DLG Platter Fixed many minor errors discovered using Near Infinity's dialog checker. DABISHAI.DLG, DANAM.DLG, DHGUARD.DLG, DMEBBETH.DLG, DPHINEAS.DLG, DROYALGD.DLG, DSHIV.DLG, DSPLINT.DLG, DZ1041.DLG, DZ1146.DLG, DXANTHIA.DLG, GFGUARD.DLG, GFWEAPS.DLG Joshua Haber You couldn't ask Annah what Fell said about your tattoos when she was translating for you if your Intelligence was above 14 and you understood Rebuses. DFELL.DLG Joshua Haber You couldn't reread the sixth circle of Zerthimon because it pointed to the last paragraph of the second circle instead. DCIRCLEZ.DLG Platter Emoric experience loop. DEMORIC.DLG Platter In dialog with Xachariah you should have had the option "Improvise: "It is I. Do you not recognize my voice?"" if you had 17 (or greater) Intelligence or Charisma, but it only worked for Intelligence. DXACH.DLG Platter If you convinced Mortai to give you 100 coppers for signing a Dead Contract with him, he still only gave you 50 coppers. DMORTAI.DLG Platter Fixed an error in The Apothecary and Vrischika's Curiosity Shop that may be related to those areas crashing more often than others. AR0609.WED, AR0612.WED Platter You couldn't get the conversations you were supposed to be able to have with Nordom after saying "Can we discuss my immortality again?" because of a typo in a dialog action. DNORDOM.DLG Platter A few of the thugs outside the Mortuary area had a piece of the Dabus' script in theirs, causing the Lady to get angry if you fought them as though you'd attacked a Dabus. 0200THG1.BCS, 0200THG2.BCS Platter You couldn't transform the "Entropic Blade" directly from Fists to Clubs proficiency because of a typo in that response trigger. DEBLADE.DLG Platter If you attacked Hezobol in Carceri through dialog it would increment the global variable "Curst_Counter" when you chose the option "Attack him." and then again when you chose the next and only available option "Fight." It should have only been incremented once. This variable keeps track of how many things you have done in Carceri to lessen the chaos and weakens Trias the higher it gets. DHEZOBOL.DLG Chaos Incarnate Annah in the Hive outside the Mortuary at the beginning of the game would say things to any party member who walked by that were meant to be said only to the Nameless One. 0200ANNA.BCS Platter The arrows on the Rotating Right-Click Menu were misplaced by one pixel. AMSCRLL.BAM, AMSCRLR.BAM Platter If you attacked Aethelgrin or Tegar'in in the Smoldering Corpse Bar the other would just stand there and remain neutral because a bug in their scripts would prevent them from defending each other. 0402ATHL.BCS, 0402TEGR.BCS Platter If you attacked the "Vault of the Ninth World" head it would initiate dialog with you but it would just say its normal greeting. It should have been a special dialog that said "Pardon me. Please do not attack the head." 0510VALT.BCS Platter Ebb experience loop, plus a few other minor bugs in Ebb's dialog. DEBB.DLG Platter You could get Nemelle to reward you a second time for reuniting her and Aelwyn if you asked her for the command word for the Decanter after you had already reunited Nemelle and Aelwyn. DNEML.DLG Platter The item "Adder's Tear" had its 'drop sound' - the sound when you pick it up and drop it in the inventory screen - typed incorrectly and thus it didn't play. ADDRTEAR.ITM Platter Once you completed all the quests for "The Grimoire of Pestilential Thought", it would add the same entry to your journal every time you tried to talk to it. DPESTAL.DLG Platter Minor bug in Grace's dialog if you told her that you might love Annah and you had already met both Deionarra and Ravel. An option would show up twice in one situation, and never in another. It should have been one in each. DGRACE.DLG Platter Several minor bugs with the Forge dialog in the Foundry. DFORGE.DLG Platter One of the "multi-faceted globes" in the Fortress would say Deionarra's line "I shall wait for you in death's halls, my Love." including the sound, if you clicked on it. AR1201.ARE Platter One of the versions of Adahn's Ring had the wrong graphic if you put it in a Quick Item slot and looked at it in the Rotating Right-Click Menu. ADRING.ITM Platter Montague experience loop. DMONTAGU.DLG Platter A patron of the Smoldering Corpse would look at Ignus' grill and say "That looks like it really hurts." even if Ignus was no longer there. 402PTN1.BCS Platter Hamrys experience loop. DHAMRYS.DLG Platter Some of the Hive Thugs' scripts were not being assigned properly. 0000NT.BCS Platter You could still get into the Siege Tower if you had already given Coaxmetal the Cube or had been banned for not giving it to him. 0500TRG1.BCS Platter A bugged stat check in Ghysis the Crooked's dialog if your Wisdom was below 13. During the part where you recall a memory you would get "Try and recall the memory" as dialog option #1 and #2, where #1 was the correct option and #2 was the option you should have only gotten if your Wisdom was 13 or higher. DGHYSIS.DLG Platter Sometimes all Godsmen in the Foundry would ask you to leave and refuse to talk to you even if you had done nothing wrong. Caused by a bug in Thildon's dialog during the murder investigation quest. DTHILDON.DLG Platter The Hammer would cause a slight trail when moving it in the inventory screen. II091.BAM Platter Very rare bug that could occur when having Dak'kon translate for Fell, in which he would go through his "joining the party" dialog again. DDAKKON.DLG Platter The game would sometimes freeze when you decided to become the Silent King. 1501ATTA.BCS, 1501HARG.BCS, 1501CS1.BCS, 1501CS4.BCS Platter Several dialogs had a specific stat check bug that caused the check to be ignored and therefore you would never fail it. So expect a few stat checks where it seemed there were none before. The dialogs of the following characters were affected; Mochai, Barkis, Barr, Mantuok, Radine, Shaddeus, Raimon, Quint, Bedai, and Thildon. DMOOCH.DLG, DBARKIS.DLG, DBARR.DLG, DMANTUOK.DLG, DRADINE.DLG, WDRGUARD.DLG, DRAIMON.DLG, DQUINT.DLG, DBEDAI.DLG, DTHILDON.DLG Platter A minor bug in the Practical Incarnation's dialog. It would go back to the main question tree instead of ending the dialog one of the times you say "Let me get my bearings, and we shall speak again." DINCAR1.DLG Platter A bugged stat check in Nordom's dialog when upgrading him using your Charisma. DNORDOM.DLG Platter A bugged stat check in Sandoz's dialog that closed off certain solutions to the quest involving him unless your Intelligence was exactly 14, instead of 14 and above. DSANDOZ.DLG Platter A bugged stat check in Yi'minn's dialog that prevented you from figuring out his offer to help you is a trap unless your Intelligence was exactly 14, instead of 14 and above. DYI'MINN.DLG Platter Two bugged stat checks in Eli Havelock's dialog that occur when he is training you as a thief if you've never been one before. DELI.DLG Ash McGowen The Negative Token wouldn't work on the skeleton-like Shadows in Ravel's Maze. NTOKEN.ITM Platter Couldn't get the upgrade for Nordom where you suggest that his "separation from the Source is what caused his perspective shift" if both Morte and Fall-From-Grace were in your party. DMORTE.DLG Platter Turning on "Creative EAX" in "Audio Options" would cause party members' voices to be lowered/muted. REVERB.2DA Platter Morte would sometimes constantly say "I haven't had this much fun since... the last time." This fix prevents that from happening, and also fixes it if it has already started. DREEK.DLG, DANGYAR.DLG, HAPPY.2DA, MRT011.WAV Platter If you insisted that Aelwyn tell you of your previous meeting instead of waiting for her to tell you then it wouldn't let you use that info to tell Splinter that you were already a Sensate. DAELWYN.DLG Platter Sybil experience loop. DSYBIL.DLG Platter Wish Scroll "infinite use exploit." DWSCROLL.DLG Platter Dialog with Marissa where you couldn't get her to stone your Lim-lim. DMARISSA.DLG Christopher Nice Mochai infinite money fix; This fixes an exploit regarding the NPC Mochai in the Smoldering Corpse bar where you could repeatedly threaten her with the line "You're not really a Dustman, are you?" and get 50 gold each time. DMOOCH.DLG Christopher Nice Barr stats check fix; This fixes a minor bug in the stat checks when trying to grab Barr's arm when bribing him in the Buried Village. If DEX was less than 10 and STR was greater than 9 you would get two choices that said, "Grab his arm and pin it." If both DEX and STR were less than 10 you wouldn't get the choice at all. DBARR.DLG Christopher Nice Ravel conversation bugs; First, one of the links was messed up if you had killed Marta and talked to Ravel about what shapes she has been. This wouldn't affect anything but was inconsistent with how that was handled if the other two people she had been were killed. Second, the checks when Ravel teaches you magic weren't restrictive enough so you sometimes got more than one option that said "Close your eyes, listen." one of which was the one you were supposed to get and the other of which was a lesser reward. DRAVEL.DLG
  20. Dragn

    Planescape: Torment

    На торрентах нашел. Ресторатион пак. Моды на робы для Беза и фиксы. Вот интересно, что там нового...
  21. Dragn

    Planescape: Torment

    Кто-то ставил ресторатион пак?
  22. CoD 5. Быстро. Уже было. Играть можно. Не 4я часть. Сюжета нет. Все. 7\10
  23. Тут вообще много тех кому МЕ очень не понравилась. Ми =)) Хотя и тех кому понравилось много...
  24. Вера Камша "Красное на красном" Всегда сомневался, что Камша — это русский Мартин. И даже читать не хотел, но все же завораживающие имя делает свое дело, создает живую ассоциацию и манит к чтению. Теперь знаю точно: Камша — это не Мартин. А кто это утверждает, видно в чем–то сильное заинтересованное лицо и лукавит с определенным расчетом. Камша — это русский Дюма. Авантюрно-приключенческий стиль. Сюжет. Новая интрига в королевстве. На троне — бастард, с другой стороны существует законный наследник трона. Вокруг этого все и крутится. Неплохо, но все предсказуемо, все неожиданные повороты тоже. И ничего не удивляет. А жаль. Основных линий две. Первая Ричард и Рокэ. Нам показывают, как меняется Дикон, как ему прививаются другие взгляды на жизнь, плюс предлагают взглянуть на события и интриги стороны Олларов. Вторая, это Роберт и Альдо. Хотя все же Эпине. Как трудно сражаться законным монархам в опале. Автор не акцентирует на многоходовых комбинациях, на тайных подоплеках. Персонажи. На мой взгляд, все очень грустно. Персонажи есть, они прописаны и описаны, но где душа? Нету этой демиургской искры, которая заставляет искать близкого тебе человека, сопереживать, думать. Из всех персонажей можно выделить двоих: Роберт. Человек Чести. Настоящий друг всем, будь то лошадь, Альдо, Мэлит или Клемент (крыс). Положительный персонаж. Рокэ. Красавиц, демон, стратег, человек удачи. Берет от жизни все, что хочет. Безумен? Посмотрим. Может такая линия поступков это какой-то особенный личностный закон, которому он следует. И нам это еще откроют, еще покажут!... Да, этот персонаж из категории – «Вау! Какой тип!». Он создан для того, что бы его любили, им восхищались, а ведь он и подлец, и темная личность. Его следовало бы сделать человеком, а не предметом обожания. Атмосфера. Самый большой минус книги. Она не чувствуется. Ведь должна быть мрачность, королевство в розбрате. Рокэ на войне. Все есть, что бы заставить нас ощутить события. Но все пропущено и нам представлены только приключения. И не стоило так минимизировать эротические сцены. Упаси господи, я не поклонник порнографии, но ширма должна стимулировать воображение, а не зиять пустотой. Скрасило б дело и немного больше крови, больше подробностей войны. Пару штрихов и это бы помогло! А то атмосферы почти нет. В целом, до Мартина далеко, но я всегда был поклонником французского писателя, беспечного извратителя французской истории и воспевателя самой прекрасной способности человека — быть другом. Ах, о чем это я?! Да! Вера Камша написала неплохой роман. Начало цикла, и тут все на месте. Книга для приятного времяпровождения. Дальше читать буду. А если Камша осерьезнеет, и поработает над атмосферой, добавит живых черточек персонажам, в смысле сопереживаемости им, некоторой полноценной человечности, душевности, то цикл будет смотреться очень достойно. Еще минус (для меня). Это обилие сносок. Вначале их так много, что не раздражаться сложно. Лучше — когда знания тонко вплетены в нити сюжета, таинственно мерцают в его ткани, заставляя все больше проникаться созданным миром без таких специальных напряжений. Выход из ситуации глоссарий, но его нет. И не будем вспоминать Мартина всуе. Есть большие писатели и неплохие писатели. Так что Мартина не ждите. Готовьтесь лучше к Дюма. И вы именно это и получите, нормальный приключенческий роман. Когда дама — Дюма, это тоже повод для рецензии. Начинаешь, готовиться к новому роману. А рецензия что-то вроде букета цветов в этом случае. Всегда приятная история. Итог: 8 (Восьмерка в самый раз, у писательницы хороший задел на развитие, и если дальше она улучшит ситуацию, то я спокойно поставлю 9 или даже 10). Dragn ©
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