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Generally we create characters to fill roles in the party and the story first, and decide later which ones offer romance possibilities.
So basically what I am asking is when you make characters like Zevran, which are basically made for interactions, and romance, and to generally spice up the PC surrounding, THEN how do you decide who that character is going to be?
Zevran was created to be a rogue, as well as one of the elves. That was it. His story was fleshed out later, as well as his romance. If it all looks like it was intended that was right from conception, that's good. That's intentional.
Because it seems like a female Kossith could be one of those characters, if such a character is not one of the characters that move the main arc.
Whether a character is part of the "main arc" has no influence on whether or not we make them romanceable. At some point after we have our character list, we'll decide which ones offer romance possibilities... and it will generally change several times before we start actually writing the characters.
A female qunari (I really hate using the word 'kossith' like that's a term we should be tossing around and not simply something mentioned in a few select places prior to now) could indeed be an interesting romance for a number of reasons. Few of which, to me, would have anything to do with her being qunari. Indeed, we'd need to alter quite a few things about such a character in order to make a romance even plausible. People have expressed a few interesting reasons of their own, and that's cool. All I'm saying is that when someone makes it obvious all they want is a tall, muscular woman with horns that makes me want to create such a romance less and not more.
I imagine many people don't care what I (or another writer) would find interesting to write, or what I as Lead Writer would be interested in authorizing. You want what you want, whether it's sex or whatever. I could simply let it go without comment, and not speak my mind, but that's certainly not going to get you a wanted romance any faster. Forum threads do not write characters.