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    Новости по DA:I

    http://www.ausgamers.com/features/read/3466136 Ненмого инфы AusGamers: You’ve got the party system, and you’ve got the tactical mode where you can freeze time and get your party members to do things, in my mind, it lends itself really easily towards co-op. Is that something you have considered for this, or is this a purely single-player-driven experience? Cameron: We’ve looked at co-op and stuff like that, in the past, and Mass Effect has done amazing stuff with their multiplayer, so we’ve looked at stuff, but at this point, there’s nothing fixed. AusGamers: Nothing to announce. Okay. When I was watching the demo, I was thinking about how, if I was talking to you about, say, making a first-person shooter, we would be probably taking about things like artificial intelligence, which really doesn’t seem to be a question that people are asking in terms of an action-RPG. How important is AI in Dragon Age? Cameron: It’s actually really important. It’s amazingly important, because what you’re doing is creating a fantasy world, right. From the ground up, you build this thing. That’s building the characters, that’s building the factions and the cultures and the environments that they live in. So when you look at animal life; how would animals behave? How would foxes react to wolves, then how would wolves react to men? And then there are demons and behemoths and giants and dragons and all these things, so they all have different types of predator and prey behaviours against each other. And then, human AI, in terms of pure combat, that’s actually really important, as well, because you want something that’s believable and reactionary. So if you see an archer and soldier, as enemies, why wouldn’t an archer try and get behind a soldier and have the soldier take point, so the archer can continue to fire arrows. When we’re looking at creating the AI for combat, we do think about all those things. And it takes a long time to get all that sort of stuff right. We had these really interesting bugs where the archers would always try and back up behind cover, but in a massive open-world game, cover is miles away, right. So you’d be chasing these archers all over the place, and so this is why we spend a lot of time on AI, to get it feeling right and balanced and believable, yet still have it be controllable enough to be entertaining. So when you run up against, say, you’ve seen some wolves that have attached some archers, everyone’s behaving realistically, and then you become a third aspect to that combat encounter, everyone doing what they need to be doing.
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    Cоратники в DA:I

    Неужели правда Бык+ Дорниан?
  4. Все эти бонусы в любом случае путсяковые.
  5. Они скорее одобряют именно модели отношений в отлчие от стандартных потрахушек.
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    Юмор Dragon Age

    Ждем! *шепотом* Дориан!
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    Юмор Dragon Age

    Больше выпусков! Я не могу.
  8. КОгда выход 1 эпизода?
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    The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

  10. Да. Я думаю очевидно всем, что проект мертв.
  11. Я за все кроме писательских конкурсов. Очень скучное дели вникать в каждую работу.
  12. Стилизованные под Таро.
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    [ФОРУМ] Updates & Bugs

    Подписи блеклые какие-то.
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    [ФОРУМ] Updates & Bugs

    Нет кнопи наверх. Хорошо бы ее вернуть- упрощает навигацию.
  15. Добавьте в шапки карты персонажам http://ru.dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Кассандра_Пентагаст http://ru.dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Варрик http://ru.dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Солас
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    Коул / Cole

    Да, у него огромное количество пап волков и мам медведей.
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