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Сообщения, опубликованные Kestrel

  1. Тоже видела эту тему на социалке, но мне как-то сомнительно пока что. Все эти "мне сказали", "я услышал". Потому как фактически все что там написано можно вытащить из скрипта..плюс немного фантазии. А в марте про такие вещи все равно уж никто не вспомнит.

  2. Заметил такую штуку:

    когда играешь за парагона, то на одном из чекпойнтов кроганша говорит что-то вроде "Я тебе зачем-то сильно нужна", а Шеп отвечает, мол, "От тебя зависит спасение Земли", а про Рекса что-то он, мол, не пропустит "фертильную женщину", вот..

    У меня кажется и у парагонов оба варианта были, по моему эти фразы больше зависят от того насколько Цербер успел потрепать щиты контейнера.

  3. А чо за Крусибл то?оО Похоже на кварианскую главную станцию .


    Если кратко, то крусибл - наше главное оружие против жнецов. Подробности в теме финала.

    Самара снизу слева так похожа на протеанца? +10 к тому что азари и протеанцы похожи больше чем другие.

    А это из-за шляпки) Там же написано что они так, с помощью невообразимых религиозных головных уборов, хотели ей величественности придать.

  4. А что-нибудь полезного от квариашек слышно? Ну кроме этого оружия массового поражения.

    В трейлере была сцена, где наша Шеп занималась "скалолазанием". С спойлерах такого не нашла. А вы?

    Кроме галактической готовности кварианцы еще будут эвакуировать гражданских с других планет.

    А скалолазание это судя по бэкграунду тот же Марс. Или еще что-то связанное с протеанскими артефактами.

  5. А где? не помните?

    Я к тому что вообще не встречала информации о том чтобы его разжаловали, если и было такое то нам об этом не сказали, даже в комиксе Андерсон называет его лейтенантом.

    Кай Ленг не меняет, метка Кусающего за собственный хвост Змея на его шее (Знак Уробороса).

    Он ее вроде тоже замазывал в Возмездии, на всякий)

  6. Если я правильно поняла, то похоже один путь к раннему доступу уже известен - этот их фэйсбуковский Mission Command. Правда схема какая-то..как бы это сказать, чтобы их не обидеть..кривая.

    "If your entry is chosen as one of the best, you'll win 2 tokens for you and a friend of your choosing to get early access to the Mass Effect 3 demo!"

  7. Кажется мне надо подкачать инглишь. Кроме споров касательно размеров корабля, там идет речь о том, что автор сам это все сделал?

    Автор пишет что его самой лучшей работой в Максе была Нормандия SR2, и в честь биоваровского конкурса фанарта он решил перекрасить ее в цвета нового владельца - Альянса. В основу лягла одна из продаваемых моделек. Вобщем всю картинку полностью слепил автор, работа качественная, конечно, но все же фанарт. Да и потом в комментариях он сам пишет что неуверен насчет того, точно ли указана длина Нормандии и все что в картинке написано это вобщем-то догадки.

    А насчет Аленко, так по нему и по сей день совсем немного информации, не считая скрипта. Не помню чтобы раньше его упоминали как коммандера, хотя может это уже склероз)

    • Like 1

  8. К слову, натыкалась на просторах интернета на любопытные вещи. Вот одна из них, правда, я пока не смогла определиться, что это - фейк или урывок из первоначальных набросков... В принципе, это мог быть один из вариантов обозначения готовности к финальной битве.

    Фейк. Эта картинка еще давно появилась и ее почти сразу раскусили.

  9. Вот еще парочку по Калиссе, похоже у нее будут совсем разные диалоги в зависимости от того сколько раз Шепард отрабатывал на ней удар)

    Khalisah Bint Sinan al-Jilani: Commander Shepard! Khalisah Bint Sinan al-Jilani.

    Isn't it true that you were on Earth when the Reapers attacked?

    You may be a violent thug...

    We haven't always seen eye to eye...

    I haven't always spoken kindly of the military...

    ...but I'm glad you're on our side.

    I'm going to stop the Reapers or die trying, but I need your help.

    S:Keep asking the hard questions. Don't let the Council forget about Earth./Get some help, Khalisah. I have work to do./But I came here to get help for Earth, not answer your questions. Stay down.

    K:Commander Shepard! Commander, the people of the Alliance have questions!

    How do you justify running away while millions of people on Earth die? Is that the best we can expect from the Alliance?

    S: I've had enough of your tabloid journalism./ You're angry. I get that./ I came to get help for Earth. For everyone.

    K:On second thought, never mind. I don't have any more questions for you.

    K:What about all the people suffering while you play politics with the Council? What about them?

    S: Khalisah, we're doing everything we can.

    K:How can you stand here while our families die? What are you going to do?

    S:The same thing I've been doing for the past three years: find a way to stop the Reapers.

    На социалке где-то вроде писали что с ней и Эмили Вонг будет квест, но не могу сейчас найти.


    Conrad: Cerberus wants our help! And if Cerberus is good enough for Commander Shepard, it should be good enough for us!

    Shepard: Oh, for the love of...

    Conrad: Commander Shepard! It's me, Conrad Verner! Wow, it is great to see you again! I've joined Cerberus, too!

    Shepard: Conrad, Cerberus just tried to kill the Council. I'm not working with them.

    Conrad: Oh, no. I screwed up again, didn't I? Just... I'm sorry if I ever accused you of pointing a gun at me when you didn't actually do that. I was really stressed out.

    Shepard: What can you tell me about your Cerberus contacts?

    Conrad: Not much. They wanted me to help recruit people near the medical station.

    Shepard: I heard the medi-gel dispensers have been sabotaged. Was that you?

    Conrad: What? No! No, Cerberus just asked me to recruit people near the medical station.

    Shepard: Which was sabotaged while you had everyone distracted.

    Conrad: Oh. Oh, wait. Wait, wait, no.

    Shepard: I'll deal with it. Just don't... do anything.

    Conrad: Okay! But I might be able to help you with... whatever you're doing now that isn't Cerberus.

    Shepard: Conrad, I'm building an ancient, Prothean, dark-energy device to stop the Reapers. Can you help with that?

    Shepard: Weren't you running a shelter for war orphans on Illium?

    Conrad: Yeah. It was doing well until the Reapers attacked. Ended up spending most of what I had left getting the kids offworld. I'm sorry if that was...

    Shepard: No. You did the right thing.

    Conrad: Thanks.

    Shepard: Did you lose anyone back on Earth?

    Conrad: No. I mean, extranet friends and such, but I don't really have any family left.

    Shepard: What about your wife?

    Conrad: Um...

    Shepard: Conrad, do you even have a wife?

    Conrad: Oh, yes! Yes, yes, yes... Well, no. But, see...

    Shepard: Conrad, if you have some kind of weird shrine of me, I'm going to be very unhappy.

    Conrad: It's just a poster with a few candles. It's very tasteful.

    Shepard: Gaaah!

    Shepard: You doing okay?

    Conrad: I'm doing great. Listen, can I ask you something, though? Do you really think you'll defeat the Reapers?

    Shepard: We'll defeat them or we'll die trying. There's no other option.

    Conrad: Yeah, okay. Listen, another question: Do you really think you'll defeat the Reapers?

    Shepard: You just asked me that, Conrad.

    Conrad: Sorry. I like to ask all the questions I can think of, and sometimes I forget which ones I've asked already... Anyway, good luck fixing the medi-gel dispensers. I'll just be here... not touching anything.

    Shepard: Seems this place is hard-pressed for supplies. I think I saw some guys fighting over a thermal clip.

    Conrad: A what?

    Shepard: A thermal clip. They stop weapons from overheating. Sorry, just a joke.

    Conrad: Wait, where did these thermal clips come from? I thought weapons cooled down.

    Shepard: They used to. After the geth attack a few years back, we switched to thermal clips.

    Conrad: Well, that sounds like a major step backward.

    Shepard: It lets guns fire with more power, and soldiers can pop in a new clip instead of waiting for the gun to cool.

    Conrad: Fine, sure. You can still wait for your gun to cool down on its own, though, right?

    Shepard: Well, no. The in-gun cooling tech was sacrificed to make room for the thermal clips.

    Conrad: Okay, that's just... you might as well be going back to limited ammunition.

    Shepard: It's not ammunition, Conrad.

    Conrad: I just don't think it's a very good idea.

    Shepard: I'll be sure to let every military organization in the galaxy know that.

    мУдина(?), про назначение Э/К спектром:

    Udina: Commander. I expect you're curious about Lieutenant-Commander Williams.

    Shepard: Heard it on the news. How'd Ashley go from sickbay to Spectre?

    Udina: I approached her. We're in dire need of loyal agents... and she was willing.

    Udina: Shepard. I expect you're curious about Major Alenko.

    Shepard: Kaidan sent an email. What's all this about him becoming a Spectre?

    Udina: It is true. The Council is in dire need of loyal agents.

    Shepard: It's about time someone recognized Ashley's contribution.

    Udina: Yes, her service record speaks for itself. She's a survivor, a warrior, and most importantly, she is incorruptible. I will be keeping her close. Do not worry.

    Shepard: You do know she's not a fan of politicians, right?

    Udina: We've watched her recent career closely. Officer candidate school taught her how to hold her tongue. She wants to do her family proud. I am giving her that opportunity, and she knows it.

    Shepard: It's about time someone recognized what Kaidan's capable of.

    Udina: Yes. A biotic, a combat veteran with no PTSD... leadership skills. And most importantly, he is incorruptible. I will be keeping him close. Do not worry.

    Shepard: Kaidan's seen combat, but he's not hungry for it. He'd make a better cop than a Spectre.

    Udina: Honesty and fidelity are rarer than you think, Commander. After the likes of Saren and Vasir, your friend seems an attractive prospect.

    Udina: With Parliament destroyed and Shastri gone, I have more power than any human in history. But today, you saw how little that is. Rest assured, I will not be counted out long.

    Shepard: You're a Citadel councilor. Don't you have options when the others block you like this?

    Udina: I know I can move mountains. Do not lose sight of that, because the task before us is moving planets. You need a carrot or a stick to drive a mule, and humanity has neither right now. Our armada is tied down fighting or fleeing, and with Earth's comm buoys gone, our economy is reduced to an IOU. But leave that part to me. I will lean on our colonies for all they're worth, and I can broker enough trade to repair and resupply Hackett's fleet.

    Shepard: Any news from Earth? All I hear is what Anderson tells me.

    Udina: There is constant news... all of it bad. The Reapers are destroying satellites and the old nuclear missile silos... along with everything else that could help. We have a handful of quantum entanglers spread out over the continents. All other communication is cut.

    Shepard: From what I've seen, Cerberus is in league with the Reapers.

    Udina: Yes, I imagine it's a calculated gamble. They'll tell themselves they can betray the Reapers at any time. But apparently the Illusive Man is unfamiliar with proverbs. "He who rides a tiger can never dismount."

    Shepard: What's your read on the Councilors? Any angles I could pursue?

    Udina: Councilor Irissa is not like her predecessor. She is colder. If she has her hand on your throat, she will squeeze. Esheel... there you might find some traction. Practical. She might make Machiavelli turn pale, but that's a dalatrass for you. Frankly, it's good Quentius spoke with you. His homeworld is in the most trouble, and he's looking for a way out. That speaks opportunity.

    Udina: Tevos is a diplomat and compromiser, but she's wrapped up in defending asari space like a mother panther. Valern is out of his depth. The salarians like their wars won before they start. They're frightened now. Use that. And Sparatus? I'd take what he offers. It's strange days when the turians are the least hostile to humans, and there's a need there.

    Shepard: Did you know a lot of people on Earth?

    Udina: Many. It's monstrous to think of them being snuffed out, of course, but the part that gets me is Arcturus. I must know... I must have known most of the Alliance Parliament on a first-name basis. I required a second VI just to track all their birthdays and anniversaries. Rose garden stuff, but to have it all gone... hmph.

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  10. Ну, что-что, а развлечения и реклама даже в войну не исчезнут - надо же поднимать боевой дух =)

    А над Шепами с их любовью к рекламе ради скидки еще посмеются XD

    Шепард: Эй! Я никогда не рекламировала этот магазин!

    Интересно, о каком именно магазине идет речь? "Какие красочные картинки рисует мое воображение" (с) Алистер

    Действительно, рекламщики может даже еще выгоду из этого получат.

    Хм, интересная фраза, нашла ее в скрипте, но что-то она в каком то странном неподходящем месте находится.

    И Гаррус с его: I'm Garrus Vakarian, and this is now my favorite spot on the Citadel!

    Хорошо что разрабы не забыли про местные мемы)

  11. Да, мне тоже кажется что само прохождение будет максимум влиять на то, останется ли Шеп жив и разрушена ли будет Земля, в зависимости от галактической готовности или чего-то наподобии этого. Вобщем может это даже и неплохо, мне не хотелось бы своими парагонами поддакивать Призраку всю игру насчет контроля жнецов, только чтобы иметь возможность выбрать концовки 2/4.

  12. От вам и аполоджайзы от биоварей, Крис Пристли:

    Mass Effect fans have been asking for a comment on recent concerns over Mass Effect: Deception. We have been listening and have the below response on the issue.

    The teams at Del Rey and BioWare would like to extend our sincerest apologies to the Mass Effect fans for any errors and oversights made in the recent novel Mass Effect: Deception. We are currently working on a number of changes that will appear in future editions of the novel.

    We would like to thank all Mass Effect fans for their passion and dedication to this ever-growing world, and assure them that we are listening and taking this matter very seriously.


    Ну хоть исправленное переиздание будет.

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