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Весь контент Morning

  1. Да, это — последнее DLC для Mass Effect 3.
  2. По поводу Тейна не могут подтвердить или что-то опровергнуть.
  3. Morning


    Veteris Vestigia Flammae. В.В. Розанов «Голоса времен».
  4. Подождите.) Chris Priestly wrote... Well, I've said it before. We won't give you a date until we are sure it will come out on that date. We're not going to say "It'll be out tomorrow or next wednesday or next month or whatever" and then have to change the date because somethign came up in cert testing that will require it to be fixed and teh date moved out. When we know, we will let you know. I want to talk about it and, more importantly, the team that have worked on it want to talk about it. But until we are sure it is locked, you'll have to wait.
  5. Morning

    Классы Mass Effect 3

    Адепт. Раскидывать всех биотикой куда безопаснее, чем лезть на передовую.
  6. Неожиданно. — What's that? — Somebody giving you the respect you deserve, Commander. — Thanks. *blush*
  7. Больше похоже на фейк. "We have said since Extended Cut that new DLC will not change the endings. That's all I can really say now. More detail next week." "Sort of. I have been quoted as saying "hopefully next week". That means, if things go well, maybe. If they don't go well, unlikely." "Yep, still in certification testing. Until we know it will pass and when it'll be available, we aren't going to comment officially. Think of it this way, if we said "Its awesome will contain W,X,Y & Z and will be available on X day" but then had to cut W (for whatever reason) and had to move the date, imagine the hate we would get. It is much better to be sure before we start talking." "The DLCs you've had were indeed pushed back from the initial planned dates to make it possible to bring teh Extended Cut ourt as thE first DLC. We didn't cut or change the remaining DLCs though. They just got shifted around on teh calendar."
  8. «Теперь Шепард умрёт и в настольной игре».
  9. Разрабатывает Монреальская студия, значит над полной властью — Яник Рой.
  10. Morning

    DLC для Mass Effect 3

    Био хорошо себя зарекомендовала, даже самые простые и «неровные» заявления заставляют людей прыгать до потолка и ждать..
  11. Morning

    Jokingly Mass Effect

    Mass Effect:3 ФемШепард будет вести себя как женщина. by snuffysbox
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