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BioWare Russian Community

David Gaider

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35 Хороший

Информация о David Gaider

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  • Любимые игры BioWare
    Dragon Age

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1 226 просмотров профиля
  1. Nevermind.And I'm shure, that Mark will crush my skull with something heavy ang magnificent if I began to answer. Shiny most of the times. And the nighttime is very dark and lovely. They prefer to eat ambitions of other people.
  2. I love my inimitable person too, thanks. Sorry, the biggest size i've got. That picture is some kind of exsclusive content. And please, hang my poster above all others.
  3. We need to organize a date between Russian and Canadian gomosexual bears, which will inspire lots of peole to make love, not hate.
  4. It will be a tragical story about love between two tanks, which can't be together.
  5. I don't understand Russian yet. Anyway, all yours DA forums is mine now. Beware.
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