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Сообщения, опубликованные Резчица

  1. Да и вообще... Иногда моей Инк просто надоедало подкупать/ублажать очередных зажравшихся дворян, и показательные учения армии где-нибудь под носом у знати были очень кстати :D

    Само собой.

  2. Нет, вы ожидаете, что от вояки котрый ходит в доспехах и к чужой керови будет пахнуть цветами? Шевалье пудрятся, чтобы запахи отбить хоть немного.

  3. Мне еще очень нравится контраст внешнего внутреннего. На вид он типичный Шумный Забияка- веселый, хулиганистый, но не слишком умный. А на самом деле самый умный и обходительный персонаж серии. Для героев воинов ум вообще редкость.

  4. А мне его недостатки даже нравятся- они рассказывают историю его жизни. Ну и наконец он профессиональный спецназовец, а не гламурный мальчик. У нас все таки условное СВ, а там все вояки такие, кроме тех, кто сидят на подушках. Я сама люблю красавцев, но Бык все равно привлекает.



    При чем на все ДА он пока такой один.

    И хорошо. Клонирование это плохо. Как думаете он социалке понраивлся?

  6. Вот именно- У Быка достоинства органично вписаны в мир и он живой персонаж. А вот другие... Шевалье- деконструкция образов паладинов, Храмовник уже есть, Серых Стражей было немерено, магистры деконструирую образ добрых волшебников. Да и не хочу  я новую версию Быка- он один хорош.

  7. Слепить красавца. Но я ж говорю - тогда настанет слипсис. или придется привинтить ему недостаок какой-то яркий.

    А я больше по качеству романа интересуюсь. Красавец с достоинствами Быка- это Марти. Да и если подумать в Тедасе где такого взять, кроме Куна.

  8. tumblr_nffc7nYU0X1rqgq86o1_1280.png

    Здесь мы видим трех шевлаье на разных стадиях жизни. У матерых особей отрастает хохолок.

    А здесь мы видим шевалящегося токующего шевалье.



    Некоторые особи агрессивны и могут полезть в драку. Это несвязано с процессом токования- шевалеь орлесианские задристые сами по себе.


    Для некоторых токование оканчивается плачевно.



    ТАк же вы можете встретить уникальную особь- Альфа шевалье. Каждый из них уникален и имеет свою кличку. Этот называется Гаспаром из заповедника Де Шалон.

    • Like 3

    • Described as “tall for an elf.”
    • Probably born in Denerim’s alienage, but no records exist.
    • Lady Emmauld’s first name was Taraline, and she was a merchant.
    • Lady Emmauld died before the Blight and it appears she left everything to Sera, who refused it, all 28,700 gold’s worth. It was placed in trust at the time. The Wardens claimed some of it during the Blight, then Sera lived in the house for a bit after the Blight, then she left the house to the Chantry for “Maybe orphans or some (excrement).” At this point it appears she left for Val Royeaux.

    Если она не носит в себе Андруил, то я съем свою шляпу.

    • Like 3

  9. Leliana

    • Her mother’s name was Oisine. She died just after Leliana turned four.
    • Lady Cecilie’s surname is Vasseur.
    • Leliana first went to Val Royeaux when she was 16, and met Marjolaine at the ball there.
    • Beatrix III died in 9:34, and Dorothea became Justinia V and Leliana her Left Hand.


    • Parents are Lord Matthias and Lady Tigana
    • Her mother was officially King Markus’ steward but may have been his spymaster
    • Her parents were killed in 9:10, in the “Nevarran Purge.”
    • Anthony was killed in 9:16. 
    • Cassandra was 12 when Anthony died and she joined the Seekers.
    • This makes her roughly 37 in Inquisition.
    • She took her vigil at age 15, the youngest to do so since the Storm Age.


    • Siblings are Mia, Branson, and Rosalie. 
    • Cullen is the second-eldest after Mia. 
    • Their parents died in Honnleath during the Blight.
    • He was 19 at the time of Broken Circle.
    • This makes him roughly 29 or 30 in Inquisition.


    • There is zero new biographical information that you don’t learn in-game in her section, which is disappointing.


    • There is zero new biographical information that you don’t learn in-game in his section, which is disappointing.


    • Born in 9:11.
    • Parents are Magister Halward Pavus and Lady Aquinea Thalrassian.
    • He was kicked out of several Circles and lost several private tutors as a child because he was an arrogant prat.
    • He eventually ended up in Minrathous at a school run by the Order of Argent, from which he disappeared after three months and was found drunk in an elven brothel by Alexius.
    • It was 9:35 when Felix was tainted, and 9:37 when Dorian left Alexius. (Gideon and Felix’s section says Felix was tainted in 9:38. WTF Bioware?)
    • Was betrothed at birth to a girl from the Everens family.

    Blackwall (Gordon Blackwall)

    • Recruited to the Wardens in Cumberland in 9:17.
    • Named Warden-Constable in 9:28 to replace Alisse Fontaine when she became Orlesian Warden-Commander.
    • Earned the Silverite Wings of Valor for rescuing a bunch of fellow Wardens from a cave-in into the Deep Roads shortly after the Fifth Blight.
    • Met with Fontaine in 9:36 to discuss her stepping down, and after he left her to return to Val Chevin he wasn’t heard from again until he was recruited by the Inquisition in Ferelden.

    Blackwall (Thom Ranier)

    • The chevalier from the Grand Tourney was Ser Geoffrey de Bordelon.


    • Started in the Ostwick Circle and moved to Montsimmard at age 19.
    • Met Bastien at the Wintersend Ball in 9:16.
    • She has been court enchanter since shortly after Celene’s coronation in 9:20.
    • Vivienne must be at least 44 in Inquisition, based on the other dates given.

    Iron Bull

    • He was called “Ashkaari” by “Tama.” This means “one who thinks.” 
    • Ben-Hassrath agents are supposed to only serve two years in Seheron before the stress is too much, but Bull was there for eight years before he snapped and turned himself in.
    • His former commander became Tal-Vashoth in Seheron and Bull then hunted him down and killed him.

    Cole (the real Cole)

    • Cole’s death was actively covered up by the Knight-Commander at the time, Laroche. 
    • The templar recruit who put Cole in the dungeon disappeared during the mage uprising at the Spire.
    • Cole was brought to the Spire because of the deaths of his family, although neighbors’ testimony indicated that Cole probably killed his father in self-defense and the father had killed Cole’s mother and sister.

    Cole (the Ghost of the Spire)

    • Was active for “years” before the fall of Kirkwall. He mostly killed those who were about to face their Harrowings and were sure they would fail or be made tranquil.


    • Parents are Andvar and Ilsa Tethras.
    • The Dasher’s Men - 9:18 - his only serial with a dwarven hero.
    • Darktown’s Deal - 9:20 - serial about Kirkwall’s Coterie.
    • The Viper’s Nest - 9:23 - serial about the Merchants’ Guild.
    • Ilsa died in 9:26. When she was ill, Varric wrote The Mercenary’s Price, which he read aloud to her and burned upon her death.
    • Hard in Hightown began in 9:33 - serial about a guardsman caught between a shadowy organization and agents of the Divine. It was available in a complete edition in 9:36.
    • The Tale of the Champion - no publication date given.


    • Described as “tall for an elf.”
    • Probably born in Denerim’s alienage, but no records exist.
    • Lady Emmauld’s first name was Taraline, and she was a merchant.
    • Lady Emmauld died before the Blight and it appears she left everything to Sera, who refused it, all 28,700 gold’s worth. It was placed in trust at the time. The Wardens claimed some of it during the Blight, then Sera lived in the house for a bit after the Blight, then she left the house to the Chantry for “Maybe orphans or some (excrement).” At this point it appears she left for Val Royeaux.

    Маленькие спойлеры из ВОТА 2.

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  10. Вот бы они показали системе защиты алах акбар. До 19 ждать долго.

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  11. Глядя на это фехтование так и хочется сказать: Да когда же вы, игроделы, научитесь делать все правильно?!

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