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Shinedown - Sounds of Madness Yeah, I get it, You're an outcast. Always under attack. Always coming in last, Bringing up the past. No one owes you anything. I think you need a shotgun blast, A kick in the ass, So paranoid. . . Watch your back!! Oh my, here we go... Another loose cannon gone bi-polar Slipped down, couldn't get much lower. Quicksand's got no sense of humor. I'm still laughing like hell. You think that the cryin to me, Looking so sorry that I'm gonna believe, You've been infected by a social disease. Well, then take your medicine. I created the sound of madness. Wrote the book on pain. Somehow I'm still here, To explain, That the darkest hour never comes in the night. You can sleep with a gun. When you gonna wake up and fight... for yourself? I'm so sick of this tombstone mentality, If there's an afterlife, Then it'll set you free. But I'm not gonna part the seas You're a self-fulfilling prophecy. You think that cryin to me, Looking so sorry that I'm gonna believe, You've been infected by a social disease. Well, then take your medicine. I created the sound of madness. Wrote the book on pain. Somehow I'm still here, To explain, That the darkest hour never comes in the night. You can sleep with a gun. When you gonna wake up and fight... for yourself? [x3] When you gonna wake up and fight... for yourself?
Уже ждать не могу, и правда по виду классная игра. Onechanbara’ой не пахнет
Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. City's breaking down on a camel's back. They just have to go 'cos they don't hold back So all you fill the streets it's appealing to see You wont get out the country, 'Cos you're bad and free You've got a new horizon It's ephemeral style. A melancholy town where we never smile. And all I wanna hear is the message beep. My dreams, they've got to kiss, Because I don't get sleep, no.. Windmill, Windmill for the land. Learn forever hand in hand Take it all in on your stride It is sticking, falling down Love forever love is free Let's turn forever you and me Windmill, windmill for the land Is everybody in? Laughing gas these hazmats, fast cats, Lining them up-a like ass cracks, Ladies, homies, at the track It's my chocolate attack. Sh**, I'm stepping in the heart of this here Care bear bumping in the heart of this here Watch me as I gravitate Hahahahahahaa. Yo, we gonna go ghost town, This motown, With yo sound You're in the place You gonna bite the dust Can't fight with us With yo sound You kill the INC. So dont stop, get it, get it Until you're cheddar header. Yo, watch the way I navigate Windmill, Windmill for the land. Learn forever hand in hand Take it all in on your stride It is sticking, falling down Love forever love is free Let's turn forever you and me Windmill, windmill for the land Is everybody in? Don't stop, get it, get it We are your captains in it Steady, Watch me navigate, Ahahahahahhaa. Don't stop, get it, get it We are your captains in it Steady, watch me navigate
Разве? Как то попробовала сыграть, но не зацепила.
Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad I got sunshine, in a bag I'm useless, but not for long The future is coming on I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad I got sunshine, in a bag I'm useless, but not for long The future is coming on It's coming on It's coming on It's coming on Yeah... Ha Ha! Finally someone let me out of My cage Now, time for me is nothing cos I'm Counting no age Now I couldn't be there Now you shouldn't be scared I'm good at repairs And I'm under each snare Intangible Bet you didn't think so I command you to Panoramic view Look I'll make it all manageable Pick and choose Sit and lose All your different crews Chicks and dudes Who you think is really kickin' tunes? Picture you gettin' down in a picture tube Like you lit the fuse You think it's fictional Mystical? Maybe Spiritual Hearable What appears in you is a clearer view cos you're too crazy Lifeless To know the definition for what life is Priceless For you because I put you on the hype shit You like it? Gunsmokin' righteous with one token Psychic among those Possess you with one go I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad I got sunshine, in a bag I'm useless,but not for long The future is coming on I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad I got sunshine, in a bag I'm useless, but not for long The future is coming on It's coming on It's coming on It's coming on The essence the basics Without it you make it Allow me to make this Childlike in nature Rhythm You have it or you don't that's a fallacy I'm in them Every sprouting tree Every child apiece Every cloud you see You see with your eyes I see destruction and demise Corruption in disguise From this fuckin' enterprise Now I'm sucking to your lies Through Russ, though not his muscles but the percussion he provides with me as a guide But y'all can see me now cos you don't see with your eye You perceive with your mind That's the inner So I'm gonna stick around with Russ and be a mentor Bust a few rhymes so mother fuckers Remember where the thought is I brought all this So you can survive when law is lawless Feelings, sensations that you thought Were dead No squealing, remember (that it's all in your head) I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad I got sunshine, in a bag I'm useless, but not for long The future is coming on I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad I got sunshine, in a bag I'm useless, but not for long My future is coming on It's coming on It's coming on It's coming on It's coming on
Любимые: Дункан и Огрен (куда без его пойла) На сам орден параллельно.
Посмотрела фильм "Каратель" жалею, что не познакомилась с комиксом в начале. Вполне отлично убила время, фильм катится от жестокому к смешному, от смешного к жестокому. Было где посмеяться или погрустить. Хотя и банальных моментов в нём тоже вполне хватает.
За отрядом из одних мужиков было прикольней наблюдать, но главная героиня симпотична конечно, но главное проявит она себя так же хорошо, как и Мак-Риди? Посмотрим.
Попытка не пытка. Судите как хотите. Ребекка Мейсон
Аха только сейчас обратила внимание на этот эдакий близнец L4D. Хотя геймплей тут лучше, и пространства больше. Уже бесит сей персонаж с двадцати минутного геймплея, пищит во время драки как девка, из какого-то японского слэшера, саму прибить хочется. (пардон):dry:
Уныло как-то, хотя броня разбойника более-менее выглядит и двуручные топоры ничего.
Mylene Farmer - Fuck Them All La nature est changeante L'on respire comme ils mentent De façon ravageuse La nature est tueuse Au temps des favorites Autant de réussites Pour l'homme qui derrière AH Une belle qui s'affaire Faire de leur vie un empire Blood and tear Faire l'amour à Marie Blood and tear Et Marie est martyre Blood and tear Sur le mur nos soupirs Fuck them all Faites l'amour nous la guerre nos vies à l'envers Fuck them all Faites l'amour nous la guerre signez notre enfer Fuck them all Faites l'amour nous la guerre nos vies à l'envers Blood and soul Faites l'amour dans le texte le sens est/et le sexe De nature innocente L'on manie l'élégance Et d'une main experte D'un glaive le transperce Les discours trop prolixes Que de la rhétorique Lâcheté familière Qu'ils nous rendent guerrières Faire de leur vie un empire Blood and tear Faire l'amour à Marie Blood and tear Et Marie est martyre Blood and tear Sur le mur nos soupirs Fuck them all Faites l'amour nous la guerre nos vies à l'envers Fuck them all Faites l'amour nous la guerre signez notre enfer Fuck them all Faites l'amour nous la guerre nos vies à l'envers Blood and soul Faites l'amour dans le texte le sens est/et le sexe Eh bitch you're not on our list You witch you suck you bitch (they said) Eh bitch you're not on our list You witch you suck you bitch (they said) Eh bitch you're not on our list What's your name again? Eh bitch you're not on our list You witch you suck you bitch Eh bitch you're not on our list Eh bitch you're not on our list You witch you're not on our list You wish you suck you bitch Fuck them all Faites l'amour nous la guerre nos vies à l'envers
Disturbed - Leave It Alone I can't control my anger and I've been about to explode Far too many times I've seen my dreams becoming violent Every time that I see you No matter how you try to define it I have been broken too many times Too much emotion too long confined has Weakened the wall that protects you [Chorus:] Ease your mind, this moment will pass if you just Leave it alone, leave it alone every time My disfunction is on your mind When you find that you're at odds with your desire Just leave it alone, leave it alone every time My destruction is on your mind Before you find that you have Tested my resolve one too many times I am a stranger, you know I've been Pressed to the wall far too many times Stop your behavior or you will find My murderous nature surround you Others have wandered over the line that Awaken the monster too many times Leave it unspoken and you will find an End to the violence if you can [Chorus: 2x] Ease your mind, this moment will pass if you just Leave it alone, leave it alone every time My dysfunction is on your mind When you find that you're at odds with your desire Just leave it alone, leave it alone every time My destruction is on your mind Before you find that you have Tested my resolve one too many times
Ну, дык пошло такое дело. Эльфов редизайнутых не страдающие дистрофией или какаю заразу они, там ещё подхватить могут. Ну и хоть какого-то гнома в качестве ЛИ.
не знаю почему, но в этом есть что-то приятное http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SVQoRDHSAI
Florence and the Machine - Howl If you could only see the beast you've made of me, I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free, Screaming in the dark I howl when we're apart, Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart My fingers claw your skin try to tear my way in, You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl, My fingers claw your skin try to tear my way in, You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to Howl howl Howl howl Now there's no holding back I'm making to attack, My blood is singing with your voice, I want to pour it out The saints can't help me now the ropes have been unbound, I hunt for you with bloody feet across the hallowed ground Like some child possessed the beast howls in my veins I want to find you, tear out all of your tenderness And howl howl Howl howl Be careful of the curse that falls on young lovers, Starts so soft and sweet and turns them to hunters, Hunters, hunters, hunters Hunters, hunters, hunters The fabric of your flesh pure as a wedding dress Until I wrap myself inside your arms I cannot rest, The saints can't help me now the ropes have been unbound, I hunt for you with bloody feet across the hallowed ground And howl Be careful of the curse that falls on young lovers, Starts so soft and sweet and turns them to hunters, A man who's pure of heart and says his prayers by night May still become a wolf when the autumn moon is bright If you could only see the beast you've made of me, I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free, The saints can't help me now the ropes have been unbound, I hunt for you with bloody feet across the hallowed ground
Хо-хо какая милашка. Напомнила игру Onechanbara, вполне подожду и сыграю забавы ради.
Skillet - Hero I'm just a step away I'm a just a breath away Losin my faith today (JEN: Fallin off the edge today) I am just a man Not superhuman (JEN: I'm not superhuman) Someone save me from the hate It's just another war Just another family torn (JEN: Falling from my faith today) Just a step from the edge Just another day in the world we live I need a Hero to save me now I need a Hero (JEN: Save me now) I need a Hero to save my life A Hero'll save me (JEN: Just in time) I gotta fight today To live another day Speakin my mind today (JEN: My voice will be heard today) I've gotta make a stand But I am just a man (JEN: I'm not superhuman) My voice will be heard today It's just another war Just another family torn (JEN: My voice will be heard today) It's just another kill The countdown begins to destroy ourselves I need a Hero to save me now I need a Hero (JEN: Save me now) I need a Hero to save my life A Hero'll save me (JEN: Just in time) I need a Hero to save my life I need a Hero just in time Save me just in time Save me just in time Who's gonna fight for what's right Who's gonna help us survive We're in the fight of our lives (JEN: And we're not ready to die) Who's gonna fight for the weak Who's gonna make 'em believe I've got a Hero (JEN: I've got a Hero) Livin in me I'm gonna fight for what's right Today I'm speaking my mind And if it kills me tonight (JEN: I will be ready to die) A Hero's not afraid to give his life A Hero's gonna save me just in time
Посмотрела на днях два военных фильма о японско-китайской войне: «Бойня в Нанкине» и «Люди позади солнца: отряд 731». Была в ужасе, как происходили действия в этих фильмах: в Нанкине японцев показали похотливым зверьём устраивающие кровавую резню в городе. Да во втором фильме они не лучше где они проводили эксперименты над людьми, ради какого та биологического оружия. Впечатления не из приятных. И глазам уже некуда расширятся.
Olivia Lufkin - A little Pain Travel to the moon - you sleep, solving a dream Controlling the light of the deserted stars The smile you forgot in order to be stronger Together, I'm sure we can find it again Please realize I'm here waiting for you Even if the future is different from now I'm here waitong for you I'll keep shouting I'm sure my heart is pulling in the string connecting us So the me of that time will awaken No need to cry Travel in silence - if I reach out, I can touch you But you're so far away inside my memories If I close my eyes, I can hear your voice Even a little pain is precious Look at me I'm here waiting for you Though you're lost and blowing in the wind I'm here waiting for you Look up at the sky My heart is always protecting you with arms spread wide Until the you of that time turns around No need to cry (Feel something, feel nothing Listen closely, listen closely) Wide open ears Disarm the dream tickler In the constant moment (You will find me where it's quiet Listen closely, listen closely) Let the blood flow Through all the spaces Of the universe Please realize I'm here waiting for you Even if the future is different from now I'm here waitong for you I'll keep shouting I'm sure my heart is pulling in the string connecting us So the me of that time will awaken No need to cry Оригинальная версия текста
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