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Весь контент Sqrat

  1. Давайте тогда, ну не знаю, сравнивать с Архи. Такой масштаб подходит? Т.е. Ваша магичка смирилась бы со вступлением в ряды СС больного на всю голову и, главное, одержимого демоном мага? Который, кроме всего прочего, поубивал почти всех магов Круга и из-за которого добрые дяди-храмовники чуть не применили Право Уничтожения?:blink: Почему благородный человек имеет право отомстить за смерть родных и близких людей, а Алистер - нет? И ведет он себя вполне адекватно сложившейся ситуации. А Вы чего ожидали, безграничной радости? И не надо трогать Дункана. Он хороший...был. :cray: А вот этих претензий вообще не понимаю. Его предает любимая девушка (у Вашей магички с ним роман, ведь так?) и он после этого еще должен остаться?
  2. Установить DLC "Каменная пленница".
  3. Мёртвые Дельфины - На Моей Луне Снег сможет меня согреть, Ты помоги ему. Душу мою отпеть Здесь некому будет. Сном белым к тебе прийду, В мысли твои войду, Там для себя приют найду. Припев: На моей луне я всегда один, Разведу костёр, посижу в тени. На моей луне пропадаю я, Сам себе король, сам себе судья. Свет слабым лучом в окно, Сколько ему дано, Мне уже всё равно, Но голос надежды вновь Машет своим крылом, Падая вниз дождём, И я опять вхожу в твой дом. Припев: На моей луне я всегда один, Разведу костёр, посижу в тени. На моей луне пропадаю я, Сам себе король, сам себе судья. Припев: На моей луне я всегда один, Разведу костёр, посижу в тени. На моей луне Я сам себе король, сам себе судья. Блеск этих волшебных глаз Околдовал меня Будто-бы впервый раз, Я их понимаю. Смерть я обниму рукой И только с ней одной Я поделюсь своей мечтой. Припев: На моей луне я всегда один, Разведу костёр, посижу в тени. На моей луне пропадаю я, Сам себе король, сам себе судья. Припев: На моей луне я всегда один, Разведу костёр, посижу в тени. На моей луне Я сам себе король.
  4. Исключительно в целях профилактики возможных неприятностей. Кто их знает, этих родственников? Вдруг им отомстить приспичит? А мстящие родственники штука страшная. Как, Вы разве не знаете? Во всем виноваты жестокие компьютерные игры.:)
  5. Это Вам в Крепость Стражей надо, к тамошнему кузнецу.
  6. Cradle of Forest (Silent Hill 4: the Room OST) There deep, deep in the forest night Children dance the waltz They laugh whispering hand in hand, Just like children like to do Their eyes, what are they looking for, White dress flutters the beat Their song starting to make some sense, Only if you're listening Dance, dance like the butterflies, Shadows appear right before my eyes Sounds echo the obsurd, Hard to explain something that I heard Now hear the forest talking, insects and birds Does the scent of soil and beast Breath the life into the animal you hide It's a great illusion one never knows When you think you're really alone Feel the eyes of someone looking in on you Again, see how the children play, Red moon colors the trees Their feet, innocent rustling sounds, Playful dreamlike fantasies Dance, dance like the butterflies, Shadows appear right before my eyes Sounds echo the obsurd, Hard to explain something that I heard Now hear the forest talking, insects and birds Does the scent of soil and beast Breath the life into the animal you hide It's a great illusion one never knows When you think you're really alone Feel the eyes of someone looking in on you
  7. Sqrat


    Шейла.:heart: Она прекрасна как спереди.... ...так и сзади. :-D
  8. И что, это таки должно нас остановить? А как же месть? Мало ли кто там чего не знал и кто в кого был влюблен. Особенно если это родственники Хоу. И вообще, моя ГГ пообещала всех порезать, а обещания нужно выполнять, разве нет?;)
  9. Sqrat


  10. Godsmack - Greed. Two faced! I feel you crawling under my skin. Sickened by your face. By the way... To think that your so fucking kind? ...You ain't! Hard to find how I feel... Especially when your smothering me. Hard to find how I feel... Please someone help me! I knew when an angel whispered into my ear... "You gotta get him away." Hey little bitch! Be glad you finally walked away... Or you may have not lived another day. Hard to find how I feel... Especially when your smothering me. Hard to find how I feel... Please someone help me. Hard to find how I feel... Controlling me every step of the way. Hard to find how I feel... You greedy little baby!!
  11. Sqrat

    Юмор Dragon Age

    Что-то я Вас не совсем поняла... Морриган. Алистер. Зевран и ГГ. Гадость.
  12. Duran Duran - Come Undone Mine, immaculate dream made breath and skin I've been waiting for you Signed, with a home tattoo, Happy birthday to you was created for you Can't ever keep from falling apart At the seams Can't I believe you're taking my heart To pieces Oh, it'll take a little time, might take a little crime to come undone now We'll try to stay blind to the hope and fear outside Hey child, stay wilder than the wind And blow me in to cry Who do you need, who do you love When you come undone Who do you need, who do you love When you come undone Words, playing me deja vu Like a radio tune I swear I've heard before Chill, is it something real Or the magic I'm feeding off your fingers Can't ever keep from falling apart At the seams Can I believe you're taking my heart To pieces Lost, in a snow filled sky, we'll make it alright To come undone now We'll try to stay blind to the hope and fear outside Hey child, stay wilder than the wind And blow me in to cry Who do you need, who do you love When you come undone Who do you need, who do you love When you come undone Who do you need, who do you love When you come undone... (Can't ever keep From falling apart) Who do you need who do you love When you come undone (can't ever keep From falling apart) Who do you need who do you love (can't ever keep From falling apart) Who do you love When you come undone (can't ever keep From falling apart)
  13. Sqrat

    Юмор Dragon Age

    Я люблю Винн...
  14. Radiohead - Airbag In the next world war In a jackknifed juggernaut I am born again In the neon sign scrolling up and down I am born again In an interstellar burst I am back to save the universe In a deep sleep of the innocent I am born again In a fast German car I'm amazed that I survived An airbag saved my life In an interstellar burst I am back to save the universe
  15. Specially for you или как-то так. Вот этот разговор: и т.д. Неужели небыло?
  16. Alex Theme (Silent Hill HOMECOMING OST) It started long before me... I never saw it comin'... The distance, the promise... A state of isolation... And in my darkest nightmare... Things that I can't remember... The answer, is drowning, this pain will last forever. My father... His duty... His orders... My brother... The promise... The breaking... Rejection... Deception... Reflection... Conception... The missing... The torture... The madness... The sadness... Can this be? Or is it? The shadow cast before me... A walk inside your circle... Protect me... Correct me... You got your orders, soldier... Inside my head is humming... Sometimes I hear them coming... The power... Believing... The hate I hate believing... Where is this? It can't be... Who are you? I know you... You wouldn't... Or would you? Don't fight me! Ignite me! My trigger... Your finger... Your darkness... I know it... Come forward! I've seen it! I mean it! Your power, is over! I've come to change the order! My training, is perfect! I'm back, again! Your promise, is broken! I drank your sacred water. My mission, is holy! My father... His duty... His orders... My brother... The promise... The breaking... Rejection... Deception... Reflections... Conception... The missing... The torture... The madness... The sadness... Can this be? Or is it? Your power, is over! I've come to change the order. My training, is perfect! I'm back, again! Your promise, is broken! I drank your sacred water. My mission, is holy! I'm back. The hate I hate believing... The hate I hate believing... I never saw it coming... I never saw it coming... The hate I hate believing... The hate I hate believing... I never saw it coming... I never saw it coming... You have your orders, soldier...
  17. :blink: -15?! Как Вам это удалось? А Морри в тот разговор не встревает. Вы, вероятно, с Лотерингом перепутали.
  18. Про минус не знаю. У моей ГГ такого быть по определению не может.:) А почему всем Ал так не нравится? По мне так просто идеальный спутник жизни для девушки любого социального положения и видовой принадлежности.
  19. А кровь таинственным образом исчезает если просто снять или переодеть доспех...
  20. Интересно. Вроде как этот разговор не зависит от влияния. А насколько оно у Вас низкое? Можно. Просто на Собрании земель после "убития" Логейна нужно нагло заявить, что править будет Ваша ГГ и Ал. А несогласные пусть сидят в башне.:)
  21. Sqrat


    ГГ. Автор Lamar.
  22. На звонке стоит Act on Instinct из C&C. На смс-ке - рычание кровососа из Сталкера.
  23. U 2 - Vertigo Unos, dos, tres, catorce Turn it up loud, captain Lights go down It's dark, the jungle is Your head can't rule your heart A feeling so much stronger Than a thought Your eyes are wide And though your soul It can't be bought Your mind can wander Hello, hello (Hola!) I'm at a place called Vertigo (Dond' esta) It's everything I wish I didn't know Except you give me something I can feel Feel The night is full of holes These bullets rip the sky Of ink with gold They twinkle As the boys play rock and roll They know that they can't dance At least they know I can't stand the beats I'm asking for the check Girl with crimson nails Has Jesus round her neck Swinging to the music Swinging to the music Hello, hello (Hola!) I'm at a place called Vertigo (Dond' esta) It's everything I wish I didn't know But you give me something I can feel Feel Shot dead Shots fall Show me, yeah All of this, all of this can be yours All of this, all of this can be yours All of this, all of this can be yours Just give me what I want And no one gets hurt Hello, hello (Hola!) We’re at a place called Vertigo (Dond' esta) Lights go down and all I know Is that you give me something I can feel your love teaching me how Your love is teaching me how How to kneel Kneel Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
  24. Papa Roach - Roses on My Grave. It feels like I'm looking at life Through a telescope because I'm so high The ground never seemed so far away Truth shall be told one day I'll be under ground one day I've got a woman that'll put roses on my grave I've got a woman that'll put roses on my grave Roses on my grave Feels like I'm looking at life Through a telescope because I'm so high And the ground never seemed so far away Truth shall be told one day I'll be under ground one day I've got a woman that'll put roses on my grave I've got a woman that'll put roses on my grave I've got a woman that'll put roses on my grave I've got a woman that'll put roses on my grave Roses on my grave Don't forget me Don't forget me Please forgive me (Don't forget me) It's my redemption Time for redemption Time for redemption (It's my redemption) It's my redemption (Time for redemption) Time for redemption I'll see you on the other side I wade you on the other side I'll see you on the other side I wade you on the other side
  25. Blind Guardian - This World Is Sacred (Sacred 2: Fallen Angel OST) The realm’s bleeding It suffers Old and weak No further argued There is war at hand (The system’s weak) Engines running Then after all I sense the end is starting These lunatics deny the truth I know I will not fail There’ll be War it’s now or never We shall stand together One by one This world is sacred (I’m coming home) War it’s now or never We shall stand together One by one This world is sacred I’m coming home Coming HOOOHOOOME! You’re chasing twilight and you know You will be on your own On your OOOOHOOOOWN! The misery’s shown I’ll be alone in this hour I face the unknown Witness the end I’m bleeding I’m fading Here in my final hour When long-lost memories return And a voice keeps calling “All dead and gone” It’s out of hand Life is in motion (I’m wishing, I’m fading) Time to wake up Face the truth I’m sinking I’m drowning There’s no doubting No regret (Time to reveal now) This is no illusion It is real Carry on the flame It’s not over now Watch me I will rise (Time to reveal now) I know I will not fail anymore Bind the one forever All that really matters Blessed realm This world is sacred (I’m coming home) War it’s now or never We shall stand together One by one This world is sacred I’m coming home Yesterday’s gone There’s no today nor tomorrow I’d risk all the land The ritual failed There at the gates I’m left alone in this hour Driven insane I am left alone And now I drown in deepest shadows While the golden horn is sealed I’m wishing I’m fading And I am part of the machine No one lives forever All that really matters Find the one This world is sacred (I’m coming home) War it’s now or never We shall stand together One by one This world is sacred I’m coming home (HOOOOOOOOOOME!)
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