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NeverWinter Nights - Патч 1.69

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BioWare выпустила патч 1.69 для NeverWinter Nights. Данное обновление видимо станет последним. Список изменений довольно велик.  Добавлены сотни новых предметов, персонажей, моделей и монстров. В патч также включены новые визуальные эффекты, скрипты, звуки и музыкальные треки, исправлены десятки ошибок и расширены возможности игрового редактора. Полный список изменений (на английском) можно прочесть нажав ссылку "Читать далее". Ссылки на патч:

Warning! As of this patch, all modules created/saved with the version 1.69

toolset are tagged as requiring version 1.69 or higher of neverwinter nights game or toolset.

If you don't want to brand your module as 1.68 then do not edit your module

in the version 1.69 toolset.

If you want to go back to 1.68, we have a 1.69 to 1.68 patch available.

New Purple Dragon Knight Prestige Class


8 New Tilesets:


Barrows Interior

Castle Exterior, Rural

Castle Interior 2

City Interior 2

Fort Interior

Sea Caves (a hak pack is no longer required)


Tropical (a hak pack is no longer required)



15 New Music Tracks:

14 New Ambient Sounds

New Creatures (over 100 new appearances):


Caladnei (NPC)

Cobra (Regular, Black and Gold)

Curst Swordsman

Gem Golems (Diamond, Emerald and Ruby)

G'Zhorb the All seeing Eye


Harat, Lord of Darkness (Large and Small)

Horses (63 Different variants, plus mounted Humans, Elves, Half-Elves, 

 Halflings, Gnomes, Half-Orcs and Dwarves)

Lord Antoine Baccha, Visier de Guise (NPC)

Maggris, the Hive Mother

Masterius (Regular, Disguised and Powerful)

Mist Dragon

Nightmare (Regular, Saddled and Armored)

Ogre Chieftain

Purple Dragon Knight Archer (Female and Male)

Purple Dragon Knight Blade (Female and Male)

Satyr (Regular, Archer and Warrior)


Widow Hagatha

Wyvern (Great, Adult, Juvenile and Young)

New Placeables (nearly 350)


New Doors ( 15 Generic Doors + 71 Tileset Specific Doors)


New Visual Effects (over 100)


Glowing eye colors (White, Blue, Cyan, Purple, Orange and Yellow).

Purple Dragon Knight feat visual effects.

Lance shattering visual effects.

Arrow visual effects.

New Armor Part Appearances (lots).


New Weapon Part Appearances.


Gem parts used for the new "Gem Golem" weapons.

New Item


Portable Encampment

ini file setting additions/changes


- Added new nwnplayer.ini file settings, so that red/green color blind

  users don't get killed by traps unexpectedly.

  [Trap Colors]



- Added ability to turn off visible cloaks in the nwnplayer.ini file

  (set to 1 to enable cloaks, 0 for no visible cloaks).

  [Game Options]

  Visible Cloaks=1

- Added in-game text swear filter nwnplayer.ini setting (set to 1 to enable,

  only supports English).

  [Game Options]

  In-game Text Swear Filter=0

- Added new nwnplayer.ini file setting to always roll maximum hit points at

  level up for players (defaults to off).

  [server Options]

  Max Hit Points=1

- Added new nwnplayer.ini file setting to not display the hit points rolled

  on the level up summary gui (defaults to off).

  [server Options]

  Hide Hit Points Gained=0

- Added new nwnplayer.ini file setting to restore the remaining spell uses 

 from the character file on log in to a "server vault" server. This option

 defaults to off.

  [server Options]

  Restore Spell Uses On Login=0

- Added new nwn.ini file setting to set how far into the distance grass 

 should be rendered (default value 900.0, valid values range from 900.0

 to 30000.0). Increasing this value will cause more grass to be rendered

 in outdoor grassy areas, but will also reduce game performance in 

 these areas.

  [Video Options]

  Grass Far Render Distance=900.0

- Added new nwnplayer.ini file setting to toggle on/off the file logging of

 creature deaths.

  [Game Options]

  Death Logging=0

- Added new nwnplayer.ini file setting to reset the encounter level spawned by

 an encounter trigger every time that it spawns creatures. If this option

 is turned on, the encounter trigger will always spawn creatures based on

 the triggering player's level rather than potentially using left over 

 spawned creature from an early triggering that was initiated by a much 

 higher level player.

  [server Options]

  Always Reset Encounter Spawns=0

- Updated Get2DAString() scripting command 2da caching code to cache a number of

 2das specified in an ini setting. 

  [server Options]

  2DA Cache Size=10

- Added new nwnplayer.ini file setting to log each script as it executes

 (defaults to off). Enabling this will degrade game performance. It should

 only be used for script debugging purposes (i.e. when you have a bad script

 that causes your module to lock up, checking the log file will let you know

 the last script that executed).

  [script Options]

  Enable Logging=1

- Added new nwnplayer.ini file setting to obtain script profiling data in the

 log file (defaults to off). Enabling this will degrade game performance. It

 should only be used to determine which scripts you need to optimize to 

 improve the performance of your module. Note: "Enable Logging" should be 

 turned off when profiling is enabled.

  [script Options]

  Enable Profiling=1

- Added new option to the nwtoolset.ini file to set the toolset CPU affinity 

 on multi-core computers. If you have more than one CPU on your PC, then 

 you can use this setting to make the toolset run on only one of the CPUs 

 by specifying the number of the CPU (0-31). Setting "CPU Affinity=-1" 

 will turn off CPU affinity

 (default 0).

  [start Up]

  "CPU Affinity".

- The nwnplayer.ini setting for "Client CPU Affinity" now defaults to 0 (a 

 setting of -1 will be converted to 0). If you need to disable this 

 feature set the value to -2.

Feat Prerequisite changes (these may make some existing characters invalid in

 multiplayer games)

- The Epic Dodge feat now requires 30 ranks of Tumble skill as a 

 prerequisite, as per the description (feat.2da).

- The "Dragon Shape" feat now requires Wild Shape 6x/day as per the 


- Fixed prerequisite for "Epic Weapon Focus Club" to be "Weapon Focus Club" 

 rather than "Improved Critical Club" (feat.2da). 

- Weapon Specialization Club now requires four fighter levels to obtain 

 (ratherthan one).

General Fixes:


- Fixed issue with videos not displaying under Windows Vista.

- The game will now prompt to elevate to administrator privaleges under 

 Windows Vista.

- Fixed issue with corrupted textures on newer Nvidia cards.

- Colorized the cloaks in the official campaigns (they are no longer all

 tan colored).

- Added missing Trident weapon feats.

- Tridents are now classified as a "Martial" weapon, rather than a simple weapon.

- Fixed how Damage Resistance works against weapons that do more than one 

 type of damage (i.e. Morning Stars and Halberds). The target now uses the

 worst of the multiple damage resistances against weapons that inflict 

 more than one base weapon damage type.

- Fixes to Whirlwind/Improved Whirlwind/Great Cleave so that all the attacks 

 aredone at the player's full BAB.

- The Defensive Roll feat now works 1/day as per the description.

- Fixed the caster level being used for Holy Avengers (it is now always set 

 to 10 as it is cast from an item, rather than using the player's paladin 

 caster level).

- Updated Weapon Finesse to work with all Creature Weapons regardless of the 

 creature's size.

- Made some minor game optimizations.

- Fixed some issues that could be used to intentionally crash a server.

- Fixed client crash that seemed to be related to other players coming out of stealth.

- Fixed issue where your henchman/associates could sometimes overlap the position

 of your character.

- The "Rapid Reload" feat now gives you the proper number of extra attacks.

- Fixed an issue with the deflection bonus being added in twice when determining

 a touch attack.

- Fixed Bandoleers on hobgoblins.

- Fixed an issue with VFXs not attaching correctly to zombies/mummies.

- Fixed issue with Item Weights being wrong for extremely heavy items (such as the

 Tower Shield).

- Screenshots are now prefixed with the module name (set in the Module properties in

 the toolset) rather than "NWN". Screenshots are also now placed in the

 screenshots subdirectory.

- Changed "Black Blade of Disaster" feats from "Longsword" to "Greatsword"

- Changed "Brewed Potions" so that they now behave like normal potions (i.e. when

 used they play the drinking animation, can be dropped on henchman, etc).

- Fixed issue with "Improved Expertise" mode not being correctly displayed in 

 the combat log for "special" attacks.

- Fixed issue with resting not getting canceled correctly if a member of your party 

 started attacking something during your rest period (the OnPlayerRest event 

 is now properly called in this situation).

- Made some changes that will hopefully address area loading crashes related to 

 "shiny water" being enabled in watery areas of the official campaign.

- Fixed issue with the DM "Send Exit Event" radial command when used on generic

 triggers. The DM object wasn't being set correctly as the exiting object

 causing scripting calls to GetExitingObject() to not work correctly.

- Fixed attack bonus granted when attacking stunned creatures.

- Fixed AC Increase vs Damage Type item property to work correctly.

- Fixed some memory leaks.

- Fixed some exploits.

Spell/Feat description and other text changes:


- Updated description for "Elemental Swarm" to reflect that the elementals are 21HD.

- Updated the Badger animal companion Rage description.

- Updated the Hawk animal companion description list the correct feats.

- Updated the Panther animal companion description to list the correct skills/feats.

- Updated the Panther familiar description to list the correct feats.

- Updated the Spider animal companion description to include the hide skill.

- Updated the description of "Bard Song" to correctly reflect the required Perform

 skill at level 16.

- Updated the "Enchant Arrow" description to better reflect how it is implemented.

- Updated description for "Imbue Arrow" feat to better reflect how it behaves.

- Updated description for "Resist Energy" to properly reflect the Fort Save

 Bonus required.

- Updated description for displacement spell. It was incorrectly listing a

 "Somatic" component.

- Updated the description for Keen Edge to clarify that it only works on 

 "slashing melee" weapons.

- Updated the description for Clarity to display the proper duration "5 Rounds + 1 

 Round / Level" and it now correctly mentions that it removes Daze effects as well.

- Updated the description for "Undeaths's Eternal Foe" to include the +4 

 deflection bonus to AC.

- Updated description for "Tenser's Transformation" to properly reflect the 

 bonuses given by the spell.

- Updated description for "Shadow Shield" to properly reflect the immunities 

 given by the spell.

- Updated description for "Black blade of disaster" so that the sword's enhancement 

 bonus is correctly described.

- Updated description for "Mordenkainen's disjunction" to properly reflect how the 

 dispel check is done.

- Updated description for "Deafening clang" to clarify that the bonuses will not stack.

- Updated description for "Holy sword" to include all the benefits of the weapon.

- Updated description for "Nature's Balance" to properly reflect the damage healed.

- Updated description for "Hammer of the Gods" to properly relect the effects of a 

 successful Will save.

- Fixed many spelling errors and typos in the official campaign.

Neverwinter Nights Aurora Toolset:


- Newly created modules will now have the OnClientEnter script set to "x3_mod_def_enter" 

 by default. This script is used to give pre-existing characters horse related 

 feats, so that they can use horses.

- Fixed issue with non-human cloaks not displaying properly on NPCs in the toolset.

- Fixed issue with textures not displaying correctly in the toolset for community made 

 creatures that use a phenotype of 10 or greater.

- Added new generic horse dismount triggers to toolset palette. 

- Fixed incorrect tails on Lizardmen templates.

- Fixed the alignment on some of the Slaadi in the toolset palette.

- Mephits in the toolset palette are now the correct neutral alignment.

- Fixed incorrect alignment on Duergar Clerics.

- Fixed incorrect sound sets on Duergar Priestess.

- Fixed issue with padded lines in the classes.2da displaying as "Bad Strref" in 

 the toolset creature wizard and levelup wizard.

- Fixed issue with the Snowy Rural and Rural caravan loadscreens displaying the 

 desert image instead (they will now also appear under the tileset filtered lists).

- Made default equipment on Troglodyte Warrior non-droppable.

- Fixed some environment mapping issues for Wings/Tails.

- Fixed a scaling issue for Wings/Tails.

- Fixed incorrect portrait on Rope placeable.



- Added a new Module "OnPlayerChat" event.

- Added new scripting commands:

 object GetPCChatSpeaker();

 string GetPCChatMessage();

 int GetPCChatVolume();

 void SetPCChatMessage(string sNewChatMessage="");

 void SetPCChatVolume(int nTalkVolume=TALKVOLUME_TALK);

 string GetDescription(object oObject, int bOriginalDescription=FALSE,

  int bIdentifiedDescription=TRUE);

 void SetDescription(object oObject, string sNewDescription="", 

 int bIdentifiedDescription=TRUE);

 int GetColor(object oObject, int nColorChannel);

 void SetColor(object oObject, int nColorChannel, int nColorValue);

 itemproperty ItemPropertyMaterial(int nMaterialType);

 itemproperty ItemPropertyQuality(int nQuality);

 itemproperty ItemPropertyAdditional(int nAdditionalProperty);

- Added a new starting position parameter to the FindSubString scripting command.

  int FindSubString(string sString, string sSubString, int nStart=0);

- Added extra parameter to scripting command:

  void AdjustAlignment(object oSubject, int nAlignment, int nShift,

 int bAllPartyMembers=TRUE);

- Added new constant VFX_BEAM_DISINTEGRATE for use with EffectBeam()

- Increased the limit on the SetPhenoType() scripting command to 99.

- Made CopyItemAndModify() scripting command work with both the old and new

 cloak systems.

- Fixed issue with the scripting command SetCreatureAppearance() not restoring 

 players to PC movement speed when restoring the character back to one 

 of the playable races.

- Evard's Black Tentacles now applies the damage per tentacle, rather than all 

 tentacle damage being applied at one (nw_s0_evardsa.nss and nw_s0_evardsc.ncs).

- The Arcane Archer special abilities Imbue Arrow, Seeker Arrow, Hail of Arrows and 

 Death Arrow now take into consideration the Epic Weapon Specialization feat 


- Fixed Isacc's Missile Storm Projectile Traps to work again (x0_i0_spells.nss).

- Fixed damage calculation for Eyeball familiar rays (x1_s1_eyebray.nss).

- "Tymora's Smile" now works properly based on Harper levels (x0_s2_HarpSmile.nss).

- Negative Energy Burst is now properly capped at +20 damage based on caster level


- Blade Barrier now properly respects the Evasion and Improved Evasion feats

 (nw_s0_bladebara.nss, nw_s0_bladebarc.nss)

- Fixed hit points healed/damaged for the empowered "Healing Circle" spell


- Cursed song no longer affects silenced creatures (X2_S2_CurseSong.nss) and the 

 bonuses for level 11 are now granted at level 11 (rather than level 12).

- Changed the "Undeaths's Eternal Foe" AC bonus from a dodge bonus to a deflection

 bonus (x0_s0_udetfoe.nss).

- Fixed SR calculation in "Nature's Balance" when it affects more than one

 creature (NW_S0_NatureBal.NSS).

- Fixed dye script to work on the last color available (x2_s2_dyearmor.nss)

- Fixed missing concealment bonus on the Shadowdancer's Epic Shadowlord 


- Negative Energy Traps no longer harm undead (nw_t1_negavgc.nss, nw_t1_negstrc.nss, 

 nw_t1_negdeadc.nss, nw_t1_negminc.nss).

- Fixed duration calculation on Gaze and Howl fear effects (nw_s1_gazefear.nss, 


- Fixed Gust of Wind to only disperse cloudlike area of effect spells 


- Added a horse scripting system for builders that want to use horses in their 

 modules. View the x3_inc_horse script in the toolset for more information.

- Tridents and Magic staves are now considered melee weapons by the scripting 

 command GetMeleeWeapon() (x2_i0_spells). If you have used this scripting command 

 in your own custom module, you will need to recompile your scripts to take 

 advantage of this change.

2DA Changes:


- Amplify now requires a somatic component as per the spell description 


- The spell War Cry now requires a somatic component as per the spell 

 description (spells.2da).

- Greater Sanctuary now requires a somatic component, as per the spell description


- Balagarn's Iron Horn now requires a somatic component, as per the spell description


- Clarity/Scare/Lesser Dispel can now be cast as a stilled spell (spells.2da Meta 

 Magic column updated).

- Greater Restoration can no longer be selected as an Extended Spell, as its duration 

 is instantaneous (spells.2da).

- Removed reference to non-existent script NW_S0_MindFogC from VFX_Persistent.2da.

- Fixed row numbering in IPRP_SPELLCOST.2DA (there were duplicate rows numbered 199).

- Fixed the spell range for "Shadow Conjuration Darkness" (spells.2da).

- Added missing Trident weapon feats ( CLS_FEAT_FIGHT.2DA, CLS_FEAT_BARB.2DA, 


 CLS_FEAT_WM.2DA, CLS_FEAT_BLKGRD.2DA, and many PackFT*.2das).

- Fixed broken "Minotaur, Zor" sound set (soundset.2da).

- Fixed issue with clubs not playing the hit sound against creatures wearing medium 

 armor (weaponsounds.2da).

- Fixed icon for "Ethereal Visage" scrolls (iprp_spells.2da).

- Fixed weight of two-bladed swords (baseitems.2da).

- Fixed environment mapping on the bone golem (appearance.2da).

- Fixed RacialType entries for elementals in the polymorph.2da

- Adding missing feat FEAT_EPIC_WEAPON_SPECIALIZATION_DWAXE to cls_feat_divcha.2da

- Fixed missing underscore in categories.2da.

- Fixed category entries for FEAT_EPIC_ARMOR_SKIN and FEAT_EPIC_SPELL_MAGE_ARMOUR (feat.2da).

- Fixed issue with Champions of Torm not being able to take Ambidexterity and 

 Two Weapon Fighting as Bonus Feats (CLS_FEAT_DIVCHA.2da).

Custom Content:


- Upped maximum number of tilesets allowed to 100

- Load screen row indexes past row 255 will now working properly in the game.

- The Read/Drink/Meditate/Worship/Sit/Fall Backwards/Fall Forwards radial menu icons 

 no longer all use the ir_nod.tga (so that the community can properly override 

 the images with custom content).

- Increased the allowable rows in the WingType.2da, TailType.2da and GenericDoors.2da 

 from 255 to a much larger value (i.e. around 4 billion).

- Added new renderaabb and rendertilepathnodes DebugMode console commands to aid with 

 building tilesets.

- Added support for 10 new custom animations (plus a new mount and dismount).

Special Information with regards to some of the new content:


Barrows Interior Tileset:

- The white patches in the "Final 7x7" group are there to help you position the "Pillar #,

 Barrows" placeables from the "Placeable->Miscellaneous Interior" standard palette.

 You can turn this off by unchecking "Animation Loop 1" in the tile properties 

 for the placed tile group).  


To create a mounted NPC in the tooolset you need to do the following

- Change the NPC's appearance to "Human mounted, Male" (or choose another race/gender

 that you desire). Set the PhenoType to "Normal Mounted" (or Large for larger

 human phenotypes). Click on the Appearance tab and from the "Tail" pull down menu

 select the type of horse that you desire.

- Changing the NPC's Phenotype to one of the "Jousting Mounted" settings will cause the

 NPC horse to use Jousting animations in game, rather than the normal horse combat


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Вопрос - а для версии от Акеллы (уже пропатченной, в том числе голосовой локализацией) эти патчи подойдут? Или для нашей локализации позже Акелла свой патч выпустит?

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Гость Boldog
  Ramy сказал:
Вопрос - а для версии от Акеллы (уже пропатченной, в том числе голосовой локализацией) эти патчи подойдут? Или для нашей локализации позже Акелла свой патч выпустит?

Это патч по ПЕРВЫЙ невервинтер.

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BioWare сумашедшие. Сколько лет игре, а они всё патчи выпускают)

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  Sonic сказал:
BioWare сумашедшие. Сколько лет игре, а они всё патчи выпускают)

Crazy canadians)) В голове только хоккей вот и забывают о том что игра вышла давно.

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  Sonic сказал:
BioWare сумашедшие. Сколько лет игре, а они всё патчи выпускают)

Ничё подобного. В онлайне Neverwinter может по популярности соревноваться со второй частью. Кроме того, многие моддерские команды до сих пор сидят на нем и ваяют модули. Так что это вполне оправданно. А всякие платиновые издания с премиум модулями за бугром расходятся очень хорошо. Obsidian может только позавидовать.

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Престиж пурпурного дракона, конечно, хорошо, но по идее, не надо ли для него стать сперва гвардейцем?

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Ничё подобного. В онлайне Neverwinter может по популярности соревноваться со второй частью. Кроме того, многие моддерские команды до сих пор сидят на нем и ваяют модули. Так что это вполне оправданно. А всякие платиновые издания с премиум модулями за бугром расходятся очень хорошо. Obsidian может только позавидовать.

Я не про то, что игра уже не популярна. А про то, что они не устают все эти годы придумывать что исправить, что добавить, что изменить.

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  Sonic сказал:
Я не про то, что игра уже не популярна. А про то, что они не устают все эти годы придумывать что исправить, что добавить, что изменить.
Ну так эти вещи взамосвязаны. Чем больше разрабы пашут над своей игрой, тем она популярнее. Neverwinter  - это живой динозавр мира RPG. :)

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Плохо, что нет официалок после Орд. Хотя некоторые модули и получше первой кампании.

В принципе, голубая мечта детства - римейки старых игр ( Бассейн радиации ( хотя вроде есть) , Проклятие лазурных оков и Серебрянные Клинки). Даже сюжет придумывать не надо.

Порадовали всадники, толко где их можно увидеть?

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Интерьер холмов

Внешность Замка, Сельская

Интерьер Замка 2

Городской Интерьер 2

Интерьер Форта

Морские Пещеры (пакет hak больше не требуется),

Тропический (пакет hak больше не требуется),


= - = - =-

15 Новых музыкальных трэков

14 Новых звуков окружения ( да, сильно)

Новые существа (более чем 100 новых добавлений):

= - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - =-

Каладней (NPC)

Кобра (Обычная, Черная и Золотая) - и в чём разница????

Проклятый Фехтовальщик (Ну, в Леворе подобная пакость была)

Големы из драгоценных кмней (Алмазные, Изумрудные и Рубиновые)

Халастер ( а в Ордах кто был???)

Харат, Повелитель Тьмы (Большой и Маленький) ????

Лошади (63 различных варианта, плюс всадники люди, эльфы, полуэльфы,

хоббиты, гномы, урук-хайии... тьфу, полуорки и карлики) - прикол, гном или карла на лошади :)

Маггрис, Мать Улья (бехолдер, что ли???)

Мастериус (Обычный, Замаскированный и Мощный)

Дракон Тумана

Кошмары (Обычный, Обремененный и Бронированный) - лошадки такие, типа пегасов, только характером более сволочные :)

Людоед-вождь - не знаю, зачем. По идее, должен быть здоровее обычных.

Пурпурный Дракон-лучник (женщина и мужчина)

Пурпурный дракон-клинок (женскина и мужчина)

Сатир (Обычный, стрелок и воин)

Оборотень - свинья (кабан)

Вдова Хагата

Виверны (Великая, взрослая, юная и ребятёнок)

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Гость Boldog
  OJIrEPD сказал:
В принципе, голубая мечта детства - римейки старых игр ( Бассейн радиации ( хотя вроде есть)

Угу, есть. Под второй невер.

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  Stilet сказал:
А всякие платиновые издания с премиум модулями за бугром расходятся очень хорошо.

Угу, именно поэтому его ща на Амазоне дают как приложение к любой версии и части БГ за сумму в 6$. =)))

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  Del-Vey сказал:
Угу, именно поэтому его ща на Амазоне дают как приложение к любой версии и части БГ за сумму в 6$. =)))

Гы, не знал, чесслово. :) Прикупить и себе что ли.

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Гость Boldog
  Stilet сказал:
Гы, не знал, чесслово. :) Прикупить и себе что ли.

Не факт что привезут. Или привезут?

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  Boldog сказал:
Не факт что привезут. Или привезут?

Эй, ты как-то раз сам уверял что они привезут что угодно. Или это был не ты?

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  Злой Ангел сказал:
Эй, ты как-то раз сам уверял что они привезут что угодно. Или это был не ты?

Вроде кто-то говорил насчет фильмов?! Оо, у меня склероз начинается, спасите... :)

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Гость Boldog
  Злой Ангел сказал:
Эй, ты как-то раз сам уверял что они привезут что угодно. Или это был не ты?

не, такого я точно не говорил.

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С uk'ного привезут 100%, с com'овского не привезут.

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Гость Boldog
  Del-Vey сказал:
С uk'ного привезут 100%, с com'овского не привезут.
*** We're sorry. This item can't be shipped to your selected destination. You may either change the shipping address or delete the item from your order by changing its quantity to 0 and clicking the update button below. (See geographical restrictions.) ***

Что uk, что de. На все игры так пишет.

Надо в гости к ебэю сходить.

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  Boldog сказал:
Что uk, что de. На все игры так пишет.

Надо в гости к ебэю сходить.

Х*я себе! Я же там заказывал раньше! А я тут блин сижу ипло развесил на коллекционку Planescape: Torment!

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