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Общее обсуждение спойлеров


574 пользователя проголосовало

  1. 1. Как спойлеры повлияли на ваше ожидание ME3?

    • Я жду игру ещё больше
    • Спойлеры не изменили моё отношение к игре
    • Теперь я жду игру меньше / вообще не жду
    • Я не читал спойлеры
  2. 2. Утечка беты...

    • Была случайностью
    • Была злобным планом Microsoft
    • Была пиаром BioWare/EA
    • Была попыткой пиара, вышедшей из-под контроля

Рекомендуемые сообщения


And now an entire script is leaked. What the hell happened out there, Commander?

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Здесь будут выкладываться материалы, найденные в утекшей бета-версии.

По самым животрепещущим вопросам можно создавать отдельные темы, например "Кай Ленг", "Финал ME3", "Эшли/Кайден".

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Подборка материалов от Selena07


  1. Эшли/Кайден
  2. Вега
  3. Лиара
  4. Тали
  5. Гаррус
  6. Протеанин
  7. СУЗИ


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Немного материала 7

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Немного материала-9


Инженер Адамс

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Доктор Мишель и доктор Чаквас

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Изменено пользователем SergiySW
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Может забудут вырезать полностью? *ваш оптимист*

В МЕ2 же находили обрезки старых сценариев...

С чего им вообще его туда вставлять? Демо идет и разрабатывается отдельно от игры. Общее у них только движок. Это я говорю с учетом, что Демо было и в Бетте утекшей, а уже из нее вытекло МЕ3. То есть туда добавляли. Что исключает вырезание как таковое.

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С чего им вообще его туда вставлять? Демо идет и разрабатывается отдельно от игры. Общее у них только движок. Это я говорю с учетом, что Демо было и в Бетте утекшей, а уже из нее вытекло МЕ3. То есть туда добавляли. Что исключает вырезание как таковое.

Никто демо отдельно от игры не разрабатывает. У них все общее (правда, демо во многом обрезается).

Останутся ли все диалоги? Вполне возможно, все от BW зависит.

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С чего вдруг там быть ТЛК полной игры?

Например, локализаторам было лень переводить демку отдельно... Опять же, в DA2, если правильно помню, как раз более-менее полные диалоги и были, узнали оттуда о финальном боссе и т.п.

Изменено пользователем SergiySW

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По социалке поползли слухи, что появился народ с full копиями игры. Как бы в ближайшее время вообще в сети не появился весь сценарий. Честно говоря, как раз этого бы не хотелось. Одно дело гадать, удивляться и предполагать, другое дело - заранее знать что и как на самом деле, с картинками и полными представленными вариантами.

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По социалке поползли слухи, что появился народ с full копиями игры. Как бы в ближайшее время вообще в сети не появился весь сценарий. Честно говоря, как раз этого бы не хотелось. Одно дело гадать, удивляться и предполагать, другое дело - заранее знать что и как на самом деле, с картинками и полными представленными вариантами.

Уже украли копию игры? :D

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Уже украли копию игры? :D

Как-то быстро. Я бы пока поставил на троллинг. А вот через недельку-две для бокса появится. Жаль, что у меня его нет)

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Уже украли копию игры? :D

Нет, но я тоже видела фотографии коллекционной коробки со всем содержимым в чьем-то твитте - осталось только слить. А это будет уже нехорошо.

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Нет, но я тоже видела фотографии коллекционной коробки со всем содержимым в чьем-то твитте - осталось только слить. А это будет уже нехорошо.

Wait... What?!! Так же недолго и довести меня до покупки ящика. Почти месяц я не выдержу.

Изменено пользователем SergiySW

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Нет, но я тоже видела фотографии коллекционной коробки со всем содержимым в чьем-то твитте - осталось только слить. А это будет уже нехорошо.

Да как так-то? Надеюсь фотошоп или копия для PC

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Wait... What?!! Так же недолго и довести меня до покупки ящика. Почти месяц я не выдержу.

Спас-бросок воли против шайтан-коробки! Осталось лишь 24 дня)

Да как так-то? Надеюсь фотошоп или копия для PC

А вскоре после этого в сети оказался почти весь артбук...

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Спас-бросок воли против шайтан-коробки! Осталось лишь 24 дня)

А вскоре после этого в сети оказался почти весь артбук...

Да вы издеваетесь >_<

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А вскоре после этого в сети оказался почти весь артбук...

Артбук-то официально 8 вышел. Если бы весь, эх)

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Да вы издеваетесь >_<

Я?! Издеваюсь?! Не-е-е, я больше так не делаю...)))

Спойлер-атака, критикэл дэмедж - игрок не устоял)

Да отвлекитесь вы, еще одного человечка в МЕ1-2 создайте, в другую игру поиграйте - главное дни не считайте)

Да, я люблю ДнД настолки и словески)

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Я буду до выхода игры в демку играть всеми классами по очереди а потом фемшепом еще. За две недели точно на боксе утечет, будет ужас и мрак от спойлеров.

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Я буду до выхода игры в демку играть всеми классами по очереди а потом фемшепом еще. За две недели точно на боксе утечет, будет ужас и мрак от спойлеров.

Кроме ФемШепарда, почти разделяю ткой настрой. ну разве что кроме, момента, когда все таки придется допройти пару персонажей в МЕ2.

Никто демо отдельно от игры не разрабатывает. У них все общее (правда, демо во многом обрезается).

Останутся ли все диалоги? Вполне возможно, все от BW зависит.

Либо на Демо наращивается. Что собственно я и имел введу.

Я?! Издеваюсь?! Не-е-е, я больше так не делаю...)))

Спойлер-атака, критикэл дэмедж - игрок не устоял)

Да отвлекитесь вы, еще одного человечка в МЕ1-2 создайте, в другую игру поиграйте - главное дни не считайте)

Да, я люблю ДнД настолки и словески)

Это вы еще не упомянули, про то КАК там выглядит Призрак =)) И про Шайтанфалокорабль Крусибл XD название не я придумал. Но по моему оно к месту.

И вообще додж, от следующего спора О_о

Изменено пользователем Ароннакс

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На социалке выложили примерный список основных и побочных миссий, согласно утечке. Может, кому интересно тоже:

Main Missions:

Mars: Prothean Archive

Admiral Hackett ordered the Normandy to Mars to locate new Prothean data that could help defeat the Reapers, but the Archives on Mars are not responding. Investigate the dig site and find the Prothean data.

Citadel: The Council

The Council must be informed of the Reaper threat and the Prothean device that may be able to stop the Reapers. Speak to the Council and convince them to send help for the fight against the Reapers.

Palaven: Trapped Primarch

Primarch Fedorian of the Turian Hierarchy has called a war summit that presents an opportunity for the Alliance to request help building the Crucible. Unfortunately, Fedorian was caught in the Reaper attack on Palaven. Rescue the turian primarch from Palaven's moon.

Sur'Kesh: War Summit

Primarch Victus has called for a war summit, and has taken the unusual step of including the krogan. Rendezvous with the salarian ship and use the Normandy as neutral ground for the summit.

Sur'Kesh: Genophage Cure

Before they will help with the war effort, the krogan have demanded a cure for the genophage, the sterility plague infecting their species. Go to the salarian homeworld of SurâKesh and safely extract the krogan females who hold the key to the genophage cure.

Tuchanka: Genophage Cure

Eve is indeed the key to curing the genophage, but creating a cure will take time. Continue to assist turian and krogan allies in the fight against the Reapers while the cure is synthesized.

Tuchanka: Genophage Cure

The genophage cure is a success, but it must be synthesized and dispersed across all of Tuchanka using the Shroud tower. Land on Tuchanka and get Eve safely to the tower.

Tuchanka: Genophage Cure

The plan to disperse the genophage cure has been complicated by the arrival of Reaper forces, who have occupied the area near the Shroud tower. Get Eve safely to the tower.

Citadel: Salarian Councilor

The salarian councilor has concerns that Councilor Udina is a potential security risk. Go to the Citadel and discuss the matter in person.

Citadel: Cerberus Attack

The Citadel is under attack by Cerberus forces. Work with Commander Bailey to stop Cerberus and protect the Council.

Perseus Veil: Quarian Admiralty

The quarian fleet offers both technical specialists and support ships to assist with the Crucible. Meet the quarian admirals and obtain their help in the war effort.

Rannoch: Geth Dreadnought

The quarians have tried to retake their homeworld from the geth. Unfortunately, the geth have been upgraded by the Reapers, and the quarian fleet is trapped. Travel to the quarian home system and disable the geth dreadnought broadcasting the Reaper control signal.

Rannoch: Reaper Base

The geth remain under Reaper control, thanks to a base located somewhere on the surface of Rannoch. Continue to help the quarian fleet survive the geth attack until the Reaper base can be located.

Rannoch: Reaper Base

The Reaper base controlling the geth has been located, but jamming towers prevent conventional orbital bombardment. Land on Rannoch and use a prototype targeting laser to enable the Normandy to destroy the Reaper base.

Citadel: Asari Councilor

The asari councilor wishes to talk privately about a matter pertaining to the war effort. Meet her on the Citadel.

Thessia: The Catalyst

The asari, growing desperate as the Reapers attack their systems, have revealed an artifact that may hold the key to finding the Catalyst. Meet a scientific team at a temple on Thessia and investigate the artifact for clues.

Horizon: Sanctuary

Cerberus may be using the Sanctuary facility on Horizon as a cover for secret activity. Land on Horizon and search for clues about Cerberus at Sanctuary.

Cerberus Headquarters: The Catalyst

The Illusive Man's headquarters have been located, and the Alliance is prepared to attack to recover the Prothean VI that holds the key to the Catalyst. Once the attack is launched, the Alliance will be fully committed to the final fight against the Reapers. Assault the base when ready.

Earth: The Catalyst

The Citadel is now in orbit over Earth, in the heart of Reaper-controlled space. A final assault on Earth is the only way to deliver the Crucible to the Citadel and defeat the Reapers. Launch the assault on Earth when ready.

Side Missions:

Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation

Grissom Academy is under attack by Cerberus forces attempting to kidnap the students. Rescue the students and evacuate the station.

Tuchanka: Turian Platoon

Primarch Victus has asked for help with a downed ship and has provided a NavPoint on Tuchanka. Land on Tuchanka and investigate.

Tuchanka: Bomb

The turian team that crashed on Tuchanka was trying to prevent Cerberus from detonating a bomb that would cause massive casualties on the planet. Land on Tuchanka and help the turian platoon stop Cerberus.

Attican Traverse: Krogan Team

A krogan team has gone missing, and Normandy has received the NavPoint with their last-known coordinates. Investigate the missing team and find out what happened.

Attican Traverse: The Rachni

A krogan scouting team has gone missing while investigating rumors of activity at the rachni relay. Investigate the missing team and find out what happened.

Rannoch: Admiral Koris

The quarian ship carrying Admiral Koris crash-landed on Rannoch, leaving the Civilian Fleet without a leader. Land on Rannoch and rescue Admiral Koris.

Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons

Geth fighter squadrons are targeting quarian liveships with attacks that could cripple the quarian fleet. Land on Rannoch and disable the server controlling the geth fighter squadrons.

Kallini: Distress Signal

Asari High Command has requested help dealing with a distress signal on an asari colony. Go to the colony and investigate the situation.

Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery

Asari commandos disappeared while answering a distress call sent from a monastery that is home to the dangerous Ardat-Yakshi. Investigate the monastery and destroy it if necessary.

Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists

A group of top-level scientists have cut ties with Cerberus and are fleeing their former employer. Rescue the scientists before Cerberus can find them.

Firebase: Noveria

Admiral Hackett has requested assistance with a Cerberus fighter base on Noveria. Land on Noveria and disable the base defenses.

Firebase: Benning

Cerberus is attacking civilians on Benning. Land on Benning and provide protection while civilians are evacuated.

Firebase: Tuchanka

Cerberus has taken control of an old military installation on Tuchanka for unknown reasons. Land on Tuchanka and neutralize whatever operation Cerberus has in the area.

Firebase: Lorek

The Alliance has discovered a new Cerberus laboratory located on Lorek. Investigate the lab and deal with any potential threat.


OnteronCerberus has attacked a comm facility on Onteron. Land on Onteron and prevent Cerberus from gaining control of crucial access points.

Firebase: Fuel Depot

A vital depot has gone silent, leaving allied fleets short on

desperately-needed fuel. Investigate the depot and get it operational again.

Citadel: Cerberus Retribution

A retired soldier is trying to convince a group on the Citadel to kill a Cerberus accomplice. Talk to the men in the group and convince them one way or the other.

Citadel: Matriarch Aethyta

Matriarch Aethyta is actually Liara's biological father. Inform Liara of this news.

Citadel: Barla Von

Barla Von has provided the location of Shadow Broker forces trapped in

Reaper territory. Rescue them and recruit them to the war effort.

Citadel: Batarian Codes

C-Sec Officer Jordan Noles has requested assistance tracking illegal use of batarian diplomatic codes. Find access points on the Presidium Commons.

Benning: Evidence

Ambassador Dominic Osoba is looking for evidence of his son, lost during a mission on Benning. Find evidence of what happened to his son and return to the ambassador.

Benning: Dog Tags

Dog tags for a dead soldier have been recovered from Benning. Return to the Citadel and deliver them to the soldier's spouse or next of kin.

Citadel: Hanar Diplomat

Salarian Spectre Jondum Bau suspects that a member of the hanar

diplomatic staff is indoctrinated. Find evidence on the hanar in the

Presidium Embassies.

Citadel: Salarian Spectre

Salarian Spectre Jondum Bau has requested assistance on the Citadel. Meet him there and find out what he needs.

Citadel: Volus Ambassador

A message from Primarch Victus implicates volus ambassador Din Korlack as a possible Cerberus informant. Investigate the ambassador at the Presidium Embassies.

Citadel: Inspirational Stories

Film director Solik Vass is looking for inspirational footage to be used in a film to raise morale for the war effort. Find footage on the Citadel and return to Vass at the refugee camp.

Citadel: Wounded Batarian

A badly-wounded batarian may actually be a terrorist. Find him in the refugee camp and investigate.

Citadel: medi-gel Sabotage

Medi-gel dispensers in the Citadel refugee camp have been sabotaged. Find the dispensers and repair them.

Citadel: Malfunctioning Keepers

C-Sec Officer Jordan Noles needs help tracking a possible hacking problem that has disabled several keepers. Track keeper activity across the Presidium Commons.

Aria: Blue Suns

Aria T'Loak has requested assistance uniting mercenary bands under her control. Speak to Darner Vosque in the Citadel refugee camp and gain the allegiance of the Blue Suns.

Aria: Eclipse

Aria T'Loak has requested assistance uniting mercenary bands under her control. Speak to Commander Bailey's assistant at the Presidium Commons C-Sec station and gain the allegiance of the Eclipse band.

Aria: Blood Pack

Aria T'Loak has requested assistance uniting mercenary bands under her control. Speak to Narl in the Presidium Commons and gain the allegiance of the Blood Pack.

Citadel: Krogan Dying Message

A dying krogan has asked that his final message be delivered to an asari merchant named Ereba. Find her in the Citadel and deliver the krogan's message.

Dekuuna: Elcor Extraction

The elcor have requested an emergency extraction for warriors and civilians trapped on their homeworld of Dekuuna. Search for survivors on Dekuuna and rescue them if possible.

Citadel: Asari Widow

A dead asari commando left a message to be delivered to her bondmate, Weshra. Find Weshra on the Citadel and deliver the message.

Ismar Frontier: Protype Components

A scientist is searching for missing prototypes for a biotic amplification system. Search the Ismar Frontier for the components and return them to the scientist on the Citadel.

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На социалке выложили примерный список основных и побочных миссий, согласно утечке. Может, кому интересно тоже:

Main Missions:

Mars: Prothean Archive

Admiral Hackett ordered the Normandy to Mars to locate new Prothean data that could help defeat the Reapers, but the Archives on Mars are not responding. Investigate the dig site and find the Prothean data.

Citadel: The Council

The Council must be informed of the Reaper threat and the Prothean device that may be able to stop the Reapers. Speak to the Council and convince them to send help for the fight against the Reapers.

Palaven: Trapped Primarch

Primarch Fedorian of the Turian Hierarchy has called a war summit that presents an opportunity for the Alliance to request help building the Crucible. Unfortunately, Fedorian was caught in the Reaper attack on Palaven. Rescue the turian primarch from Palaven's moon.

Sur'Kesh: War Summit

Primarch Victus has called for a war summit, and has taken the unusual step of including the krogan. Rendezvous with the salarian ship and use the Normandy as neutral ground for the summit.

Sur'Kesh: Genophage Cure

Before they will help with the war effort, the krogan have demanded a cure for the genophage, the sterility plague infecting their species. Go to the salarian homeworld of SurâKesh and safely extract the krogan females who hold the key to the genophage cure.

Tuchanka: Genophage Cure

Eve is indeed the key to curing the genophage, but creating a cure will take time. Continue to assist turian and krogan allies in the fight against the Reapers while the cure is synthesized.

Tuchanka: Genophage Cure

The genophage cure is a success, but it must be synthesized and dispersed across all of Tuchanka using the Shroud tower. Land on Tuchanka and get Eve safely to the tower.

Tuchanka: Genophage Cure

The plan to disperse the genophage cure has been complicated by the arrival of Reaper forces, who have occupied the area near the Shroud tower. Get Eve safely to the tower.

Citadel: Salarian Councilor

The salarian councilor has concerns that Councilor Udina is a potential security risk. Go to the Citadel and discuss the matter in person.

Citadel: Cerberus Attack

The Citadel is under attack by Cerberus forces. Work with Commander Bailey to stop Cerberus and protect the Council.

Perseus Veil: Quarian Admiralty

The quarian fleet offers both technical specialists and support ships to assist with the Crucible. Meet the quarian admirals and obtain their help in the war effort.

Rannoch: Geth Dreadnought

The quarians have tried to retake their homeworld from the geth. Unfortunately, the geth have been upgraded by the Reapers, and the quarian fleet is trapped. Travel to the quarian home system and disable the geth dreadnought broadcasting the Reaper control signal.

Rannoch: Reaper Base

The geth remain under Reaper control, thanks to a base located somewhere on the surface of Rannoch. Continue to help the quarian fleet survive the geth attack until the Reaper base can be located.

Rannoch: Reaper Base

The Reaper base controlling the geth has been located, but jamming towers prevent conventional orbital bombardment. Land on Rannoch and use a prototype targeting laser to enable the Normandy to destroy the Reaper base.

Citadel: Asari Councilor

The asari councilor wishes to talk privately about a matter pertaining to the war effort. Meet her on the Citadel.

Thessia: The Catalyst

The asari, growing desperate as the Reapers attack their systems, have revealed an artifact that may hold the key to finding the Catalyst. Meet a scientific team at a temple on Thessia and investigate the artifact for clues.

Horizon: Sanctuary

Cerberus may be using the Sanctuary facility on Horizon as a cover for secret activity. Land on Horizon and search for clues about Cerberus at Sanctuary.

Cerberus Headquarters: The Catalyst

The Illusive Man's headquarters have been located, and the Alliance is prepared to attack to recover the Prothean VI that holds the key to the Catalyst. Once the attack is launched, the Alliance will be fully committed to the final fight against the Reapers. Assault the base when ready.

Earth: The Catalyst

The Citadel is now in orbit over Earth, in the heart of Reaper-controlled space. A final assault on Earth is the only way to deliver the Crucible to the Citadel and defeat the Reapers. Launch the assault on Earth when ready.

Side Missions:

Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation

Grissom Academy is under attack by Cerberus forces attempting to kidnap the students. Rescue the students and evacuate the station.

Tuchanka: Turian Platoon

Primarch Victus has asked for help with a downed ship and has provided a NavPoint on Tuchanka. Land on Tuchanka and investigate.

Tuchanka: Bomb

The turian team that crashed on Tuchanka was trying to prevent Cerberus from detonating a bomb that would cause massive casualties on the planet. Land on Tuchanka and help the turian platoon stop Cerberus.

Attican Traverse: Krogan Team

A krogan team has gone missing, and Normandy has received the NavPoint with their last-known coordinates. Investigate the missing team and find out what happened.

Attican Traverse: The Rachni

A krogan scouting team has gone missing while investigating rumors of activity at the rachni relay. Investigate the missing team and find out what happened.

Rannoch: Admiral Koris

The quarian ship carrying Admiral Koris crash-landed on Rannoch, leaving the Civilian Fleet without a leader. Land on Rannoch and rescue Admiral Koris.

Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons

Geth fighter squadrons are targeting quarian liveships with attacks that could cripple the quarian fleet. Land on Rannoch and disable the server controlling the geth fighter squadrons.

Kallini: Distress Signal

Asari High Command has requested help dealing with a distress signal on an asari colony. Go to the colony and investigate the situation.

Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery

Asari commandos disappeared while answering a distress call sent from a monastery that is home to the dangerous Ardat-Yakshi. Investigate the monastery and destroy it if necessary.

Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists

A group of top-level scientists have cut ties with Cerberus and are fleeing their former employer. Rescue the scientists before Cerberus can find them.

Firebase: Noveria

Admiral Hackett has requested assistance with a Cerberus fighter base on Noveria. Land on Noveria and disable the base defenses.

Firebase: Benning

Cerberus is attacking civilians on Benning. Land on Benning and provide protection while civilians are evacuated.

Firebase: Tuchanka

Cerberus has taken control of an old military installation on Tuchanka for unknown reasons. Land on Tuchanka and neutralize whatever operation Cerberus has in the area.

Firebase: Lorek

The Alliance has discovered a new Cerberus laboratory located on Lorek. Investigate the lab and deal with any potential threat.


OnteronCerberus has attacked a comm facility on Onteron. Land on Onteron and prevent Cerberus from gaining control of crucial access points.

Firebase: Fuel Depot

A vital depot has gone silent, leaving allied fleets short on

desperately-needed fuel. Investigate the depot and get it operational again.

Citadel: Cerberus Retribution

A retired soldier is trying to convince a group on the Citadel to kill a Cerberus accomplice. Talk to the men in the group and convince them one way or the other.

Citadel: Matriarch Aethyta

Matriarch Aethyta is actually Liara's biological father. Inform Liara of this news.

Citadel: Barla Von

Barla Von has provided the location of Shadow Broker forces trapped in

Reaper territory. Rescue them and recruit them to the war effort.

Citadel: Batarian Codes

C-Sec Officer Jordan Noles has requested assistance tracking illegal use of batarian diplomatic codes. Find access points on the Presidium Commons.

Benning: Evidence

Ambassador Dominic Osoba is looking for evidence of his son, lost during a mission on Benning. Find evidence of what happened to his son and return to the ambassador.

Benning: Dog Tags

Dog tags for a dead soldier have been recovered from Benning. Return to the Citadel and deliver them to the soldier's spouse or next of kin.

Citadel: Hanar Diplomat

Salarian Spectre Jondum Bau suspects that a member of the hanar

diplomatic staff is indoctrinated. Find evidence on the hanar in the

Presidium Embassies.

Citadel: Salarian Spectre

Salarian Spectre Jondum Bau has requested assistance on the Citadel. Meet him there and find out what he needs.

Citadel: Volus Ambassador

A message from Primarch Victus implicates volus ambassador Din Korlack as a possible Cerberus informant. Investigate the ambassador at the Presidium Embassies.

Citadel: Inspirational Stories

Film director Solik Vass is looking for inspirational footage to be used in a film to raise morale for the war effort. Find footage on the Citadel and return to Vass at the refugee camp.

Citadel: Wounded Batarian

A badly-wounded batarian may actually be a terrorist. Find him in the refugee camp and investigate.

Citadel: medi-gel Sabotage

Medi-gel dispensers in the Citadel refugee camp have been sabotaged. Find the dispensers and repair them.

Citadel: Malfunctioning Keepers

C-Sec Officer Jordan Noles needs help tracking a possible hacking problem that has disabled several keepers. Track keeper activity across the Presidium Commons.

Aria: Blue Suns

Aria T'Loak has requested assistance uniting mercenary bands under her control. Speak to Darner Vosque in the Citadel refugee camp and gain the allegiance of the Blue Suns.

Aria: Eclipse

Aria T'Loak has requested assistance uniting mercenary bands under her control. Speak to Commander Bailey's assistant at the Presidium Commons C-Sec station and gain the allegiance of the Eclipse band.

Aria: Blood Pack

Aria T'Loak has requested assistance uniting mercenary bands under her control. Speak to Narl in the Presidium Commons and gain the allegiance of the Blood Pack.

Citadel: Krogan Dying Message

A dying krogan has asked that his final message be delivered to an asari merchant named Ereba. Find her in the Citadel and deliver the krogan's message.

Dekuuna: Elcor Extraction

The elcor have requested an emergency extraction for warriors and civilians trapped on their homeworld of Dekuuna. Search for survivors on Dekuuna and rescue them if possible.

Citadel: Asari Widow

A dead asari commando left a message to be delivered to her bondmate, Weshra. Find Weshra on the Citadel and deliver the message.

Ismar Frontier: Protype Components

A scientist is searching for missing prototypes for a biotic amplification system. Search the Ismar Frontier for the components and return them to the scientist on the Citadel.

Как-то мало :[

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Как-то мало :[

Ну, утечка-то была сырой. Вряд ли тут все, да еще к тому же в таком виде (наверняка что-то поменяли)

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На социалке выложили примерный список основных и побочных миссий, согласно утечке. Может, кому интересно тоже:

Main Missions:

Mars: Prothean Archive

Admiral Hackett ordered the Normandy to Mars to locate new Prothean data that could help defeat the Reapers, but the Archives on Mars are not responding. Investigate the dig site and find the Prothean data.

Citadel: The Council

The Council must be informed of the Reaper threat and the Prothean device that may be able to stop the Reapers. Speak to the Council and convince them to send help for the fight against the Reapers.

Palaven: Trapped Primarch

Primarch Fedorian of the Turian Hierarchy has called a war summit that presents an opportunity for the Alliance to request help building the Crucible. Unfortunately, Fedorian was caught in the Reaper attack on Palaven. Rescue the turian primarch from Palaven's moon.

Sur'Kesh: War Summit

Primarch Victus has called for a war summit, and has taken the unusual step of including the krogan. Rendezvous with the salarian ship and use the Normandy as neutral ground for the summit.

Sur'Kesh: Genophage Cure

Before they will help with the war effort, the krogan have demanded a cure for the genophage, the sterility plague infecting their species. Go to the salarian homeworld of SurâKesh and safely extract the krogan females who hold the key to the genophage cure.

Tuchanka: Genophage Cure

Eve is indeed the key to curing the genophage, but creating a cure will take time. Continue to assist turian and krogan allies in the fight against the Reapers while the cure is synthesized.

Tuchanka: Genophage Cure

The genophage cure is a success, but it must be synthesized and dispersed across all of Tuchanka using the Shroud tower. Land on Tuchanka and get Eve safely to the tower.

Tuchanka: Genophage Cure

The plan to disperse the genophage cure has been complicated by the arrival of Reaper forces, who have occupied the area near the Shroud tower. Get Eve safely to the tower.

Citadel: Salarian Councilor

The salarian councilor has concerns that Councilor Udina is a potential security risk. Go to the Citadel and discuss the matter in person.

Citadel: Cerberus Attack

The Citadel is under attack by Cerberus forces. Work with Commander Bailey to stop Cerberus and protect the Council.

Perseus Veil: Quarian Admiralty

The quarian fleet offers both technical specialists and support ships to assist with the Crucible. Meet the quarian admirals and obtain their help in the war effort.

Rannoch: Geth Dreadnought

The quarians have tried to retake their homeworld from the geth. Unfortunately, the geth have been upgraded by the Reapers, and the quarian fleet is trapped. Travel to the quarian home system and disable the geth dreadnought broadcasting the Reaper control signal.

Rannoch: Reaper Base

The geth remain under Reaper control, thanks to a base located somewhere on the surface of Rannoch. Continue to help the quarian fleet survive the geth attack until the Reaper base can be located.

Rannoch: Reaper Base

The Reaper base controlling the geth has been located, but jamming towers prevent conventional orbital bombardment. Land on Rannoch and use a prototype targeting laser to enable the Normandy to destroy the Reaper base.

Citadel: Asari Councilor

The asari councilor wishes to talk privately about a matter pertaining to the war effort. Meet her on the Citadel.

Thessia: The Catalyst

The asari, growing desperate as the Reapers attack their systems, have revealed an artifact that may hold the key to finding the Catalyst. Meet a scientific team at a temple on Thessia and investigate the artifact for clues.

Horizon: Sanctuary

Cerberus may be using the Sanctuary facility on Horizon as a cover for secret activity. Land on Horizon and search for clues about Cerberus at Sanctuary.

Cerberus Headquarters: The Catalyst

The Illusive Man's headquarters have been located, and the Alliance is prepared to attack to recover the Prothean VI that holds the key to the Catalyst. Once the attack is launched, the Alliance will be fully committed to the final fight against the Reapers. Assault the base when ready.

Earth: The Catalyst

The Citadel is now in orbit over Earth, in the heart of Reaper-controlled space. A final assault on Earth is the only way to deliver the Crucible to the Citadel and defeat the Reapers. Launch the assault on Earth when ready.

Side Missions:

Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation

Grissom Academy is under attack by Cerberus forces attempting to kidnap the students. Rescue the students and evacuate the station.

Tuchanka: Turian Platoon

Primarch Victus has asked for help with a downed ship and has provided a NavPoint on Tuchanka. Land on Tuchanka and investigate.

Tuchanka: Bomb

The turian team that crashed on Tuchanka was trying to prevent Cerberus from detonating a bomb that would cause massive casualties on the planet. Land on Tuchanka and help the turian platoon stop Cerberus.

Attican Traverse: Krogan Team

A krogan team has gone missing, and Normandy has received the NavPoint with their last-known coordinates. Investigate the missing team and find out what happened.

Attican Traverse: The Rachni

A krogan scouting team has gone missing while investigating rumors of activity at the rachni relay. Investigate the missing team and find out what happened.

Rannoch: Admiral Koris

The quarian ship carrying Admiral Koris crash-landed on Rannoch, leaving the Civilian Fleet without a leader. Land on Rannoch and rescue Admiral Koris.

Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons

Geth fighter squadrons are targeting quarian liveships with attacks that could cripple the quarian fleet. Land on Rannoch and disable the server controlling the geth fighter squadrons.

Kallini: Distress Signal

Asari High Command has requested help dealing with a distress signal on an asari colony. Go to the colony and investigate the situation.

Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery

Asari commandos disappeared while answering a distress call sent from a monastery that is home to the dangerous Ardat-Yakshi. Investigate the monastery and destroy it if necessary.

Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists

A group of top-level scientists have cut ties with Cerberus and are fleeing their former employer. Rescue the scientists before Cerberus can find them.

Firebase: Noveria

Admiral Hackett has requested assistance with a Cerberus fighter base on Noveria. Land on Noveria and disable the base defenses.

Firebase: Benning

Cerberus is attacking civilians on Benning. Land on Benning and provide protection while civilians are evacuated.

Firebase: Tuchanka

Cerberus has taken control of an old military installation on Tuchanka for unknown reasons. Land on Tuchanka and neutralize whatever operation Cerberus has in the area.

Firebase: Lorek

The Alliance has discovered a new Cerberus laboratory located on Lorek. Investigate the lab and deal with any potential threat.


OnteronCerberus has attacked a comm facility on Onteron. Land on Onteron and prevent Cerberus from gaining control of crucial access points.

Firebase: Fuel Depot

A vital depot has gone silent, leaving allied fleets short on

desperately-needed fuel. Investigate the depot and get it operational again.

Citadel: Cerberus Retribution

A retired soldier is trying to convince a group on the Citadel to kill a Cerberus accomplice. Talk to the men in the group and convince them one way or the other.

Citadel: Matriarch Aethyta

Matriarch Aethyta is actually Liara's biological father. Inform Liara of this news.

Citadel: Barla Von

Barla Von has provided the location of Shadow Broker forces trapped in

Reaper territory. Rescue them and recruit them to the war effort.

Citadel: Batarian Codes

C-Sec Officer Jordan Noles has requested assistance tracking illegal use of batarian diplomatic codes. Find access points on the Presidium Commons.

Benning: Evidence

Ambassador Dominic Osoba is looking for evidence of his son, lost during a mission on Benning. Find evidence of what happened to his son and return to the ambassador.

Benning: Dog Tags

Dog tags for a dead soldier have been recovered from Benning. Return to the Citadel and deliver them to the soldier's spouse or next of kin.

Citadel: Hanar Diplomat

Salarian Spectre Jondum Bau suspects that a member of the hanar

diplomatic staff is indoctrinated. Find evidence on the hanar in the

Presidium Embassies.

Citadel: Salarian Spectre

Salarian Spectre Jondum Bau has requested assistance on the Citadel. Meet him there and find out what he needs.

Citadel: Volus Ambassador

A message from Primarch Victus implicates volus ambassador Din Korlack as a possible Cerberus informant. Investigate the ambassador at the Presidium Embassies.

Citadel: Inspirational Stories

Film director Solik Vass is looking for inspirational footage to be used in a film to raise morale for the war effort. Find footage on the Citadel and return to Vass at the refugee camp.

Citadel: Wounded Batarian

A badly-wounded batarian may actually be a terrorist. Find him in the refugee camp and investigate.

Citadel: medi-gel Sabotage

Medi-gel dispensers in the Citadel refugee camp have been sabotaged. Find the dispensers and repair them.

Citadel: Malfunctioning Keepers

C-Sec Officer Jordan Noles needs help tracking a possible hacking problem that has disabled several keepers. Track keeper activity across the Presidium Commons.

Aria: Blue Suns

Aria T'Loak has requested assistance uniting mercenary bands under her control. Speak to Darner Vosque in the Citadel refugee camp and gain the allegiance of the Blue Suns.

Aria: Eclipse

Aria T'Loak has requested assistance uniting mercenary bands under her control. Speak to Commander Bailey's assistant at the Presidium Commons C-Sec station and gain the allegiance of the Eclipse band.

Aria: Blood Pack

Aria T'Loak has requested assistance uniting mercenary bands under her control. Speak to Narl in the Presidium Commons and gain the allegiance of the Blood Pack.

Citadel: Krogan Dying Message

A dying krogan has asked that his final message be delivered to an asari merchant named Ereba. Find her in the Citadel and deliver the krogan's message.

Dekuuna: Elcor Extraction

The elcor have requested an emergency extraction for warriors and civilians trapped on their homeworld of Dekuuna. Search for survivors on Dekuuna and rescue them if possible.

Citadel: Asari Widow

A dead asari commando left a message to be delivered to her bondmate, Weshra. Find Weshra on the Citadel and deliver the message.

Ismar Frontier: Protype Components

A scientist is searching for missing prototypes for a biotic amplification system. Search the Ismar Frontier for the components and return them to the scientist on the Citadel.

Это обновление старого варианта или что-то новое придумали? Просто уже вроде был похожий список.

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На социалке выложили примерный список основных и побочных миссий, согласно утечке. Может, кому интересно тоже:

Main Missions:

Mars: Prothean Archive

Admiral Hackett ordered the Normandy to Mars to locate new Prothean data that could help defeat the Reapers, but the Archives on Mars are not responding. Investigate the dig site and find the Prothean data.

Citadel: The Council

The Council must be informed of the Reaper threat and the Prothean device that may be able to stop the Reapers. Speak to the Council and convince them to send help for the fight against the Reapers.

Palaven: Trapped Primarch

Primarch Fedorian of the Turian Hierarchy has called a war summit that presents an opportunity for the Alliance to request help building the Crucible. Unfortunately, Fedorian was caught in the Reaper attack on Palaven. Rescue the turian primarch from Palaven's moon.

Sur'Kesh: War Summit

Primarch Victus has called for a war summit, and has taken the unusual step of including the krogan. Rendezvous with the salarian ship and use the Normandy as neutral ground for the summit.

Sur'Kesh: Genophage Cure

Before they will help with the war effort, the krogan have demanded a cure for the genophage, the sterility plague infecting their species. Go to the salarian homeworld of SurâKesh and safely extract the krogan females who hold the key to the genophage cure.

Tuchanka: Genophage Cure

Eve is indeed the key to curing the genophage, but creating a cure will take time. Continue to assist turian and krogan allies in the fight against the Reapers while the cure is synthesized.

Tuchanka: Genophage Cure

The genophage cure is a success, but it must be synthesized and dispersed across all of Tuchanka using the Shroud tower. Land on Tuchanka and get Eve safely to the tower.

Tuchanka: Genophage Cure

The plan to disperse the genophage cure has been complicated by the arrival of Reaper forces, who have occupied the area near the Shroud tower. Get Eve safely to the tower.

Citadel: Salarian Councilor

The salarian councilor has concerns that Councilor Udina is a potential security risk. Go to the Citadel and discuss the matter in person.

Citadel: Cerberus Attack

The Citadel is under attack by Cerberus forces. Work with Commander Bailey to stop Cerberus and protect the Council.

Perseus Veil: Quarian Admiralty

The quarian fleet offers both technical specialists and support ships to assist with the Crucible. Meet the quarian admirals and obtain their help in the war effort.

Rannoch: Geth Dreadnought

The quarians have tried to retake their homeworld from the geth. Unfortunately, the geth have been upgraded by the Reapers, and the quarian fleet is trapped. Travel to the quarian home system and disable the geth dreadnought broadcasting the Reaper control signal.

Rannoch: Reaper Base

The geth remain under Reaper control, thanks to a base located somewhere on the surface of Rannoch. Continue to help the quarian fleet survive the geth attack until the Reaper base can be located.

Rannoch: Reaper Base

The Reaper base controlling the geth has been located, but jamming towers prevent conventional orbital bombardment. Land on Rannoch and use a prototype targeting laser to enable the Normandy to destroy the Reaper base.

Citadel: Asari Councilor

The asari councilor wishes to talk privately about a matter pertaining to the war effort. Meet her on the Citadel.

Thessia: The Catalyst

The asari, growing desperate as the Reapers attack their systems, have revealed an artifact that may hold the key to finding the Catalyst. Meet a scientific team at a temple on Thessia and investigate the artifact for clues.

Horizon: Sanctuary

Cerberus may be using the Sanctuary facility on Horizon as a cover for secret activity. Land on Horizon and search for clues about Cerberus at Sanctuary.

Cerberus Headquarters: The Catalyst

The Illusive Man's headquarters have been located, and the Alliance is prepared to attack to recover the Prothean VI that holds the key to the Catalyst. Once the attack is launched, the Alliance will be fully committed to the final fight against the Reapers. Assault the base when ready.

Earth: The Catalyst

The Citadel is now in orbit over Earth, in the heart of Reaper-controlled space. A final assault on Earth is the only way to deliver the Crucible to the Citadel and defeat the Reapers. Launch the assault on Earth when ready.

Side Missions:

Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation

Grissom Academy is under attack by Cerberus forces attempting to kidnap the students. Rescue the students and evacuate the station.

Tuchanka: Turian Platoon

Primarch Victus has asked for help with a downed ship and has provided a NavPoint on Tuchanka. Land on Tuchanka and investigate.

Tuchanka: Bomb

The turian team that crashed on Tuchanka was trying to prevent Cerberus from detonating a bomb that would cause massive casualties on the planet. Land on Tuchanka and help the turian platoon stop Cerberus.

Attican Traverse: Krogan Team

A krogan team has gone missing, and Normandy has received the NavPoint with their last-known coordinates. Investigate the missing team and find out what happened.

Attican Traverse: The Rachni

A krogan scouting team has gone missing while investigating rumors of activity at the rachni relay. Investigate the missing team and find out what happened.

Rannoch: Admiral Koris

The quarian ship carrying Admiral Koris crash-landed on Rannoch, leaving the Civilian Fleet without a leader. Land on Rannoch and rescue Admiral Koris.

Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons

Geth fighter squadrons are targeting quarian liveships with attacks that could cripple the quarian fleet. Land on Rannoch and disable the server controlling the geth fighter squadrons.

Kallini: Distress Signal

Asari High Command has requested help dealing with a distress signal on an asari colony. Go to the colony and investigate the situation.

Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery

Asari commandos disappeared while answering a distress call sent from a monastery that is home to the dangerous Ardat-Yakshi. Investigate the monastery and destroy it if necessary.

Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists

A group of top-level scientists have cut ties with Cerberus and are fleeing their former employer. Rescue the scientists before Cerberus can find them.

Firebase: Noveria

Admiral Hackett has requested assistance with a Cerberus fighter base on Noveria. Land on Noveria and disable the base defenses.

Firebase: Benning

Cerberus is attacking civilians on Benning. Land on Benning and provide protection while civilians are evacuated.

Firebase: Tuchanka

Cerberus has taken control of an old military installation on Tuchanka for unknown reasons. Land on Tuchanka and neutralize whatever operation Cerberus has in the area.

Firebase: Lorek

The Alliance has discovered a new Cerberus laboratory located on Lorek. Investigate the lab and deal with any potential threat.


OnteronCerberus has attacked a comm facility on Onteron. Land on Onteron and prevent Cerberus from gaining control of crucial access points.

Firebase: Fuel Depot

A vital depot has gone silent, leaving allied fleets short on

desperately-needed fuel. Investigate the depot and get it operational again.

Citadel: Cerberus Retribution

A retired soldier is trying to convince a group on the Citadel to kill a Cerberus accomplice. Talk to the men in the group and convince them one way or the other.

Citadel: Matriarch Aethyta

Matriarch Aethyta is actually Liara's biological father. Inform Liara of this news.

Citadel: Barla Von

Barla Von has provided the location of Shadow Broker forces trapped in

Reaper territory. Rescue them and recruit them to the war effort.

Citadel: Batarian Codes

C-Sec Officer Jordan Noles has requested assistance tracking illegal use of batarian diplomatic codes. Find access points on the Presidium Commons.

Benning: Evidence

Ambassador Dominic Osoba is looking for evidence of his son, lost during a mission on Benning. Find evidence of what happened to his son and return to the ambassador.

Benning: Dog Tags

Dog tags for a dead soldier have been recovered from Benning. Return to the Citadel and deliver them to the soldier's spouse or next of kin.

Citadel: Hanar Diplomat

Salarian Spectre Jondum Bau suspects that a member of the hanar

diplomatic staff is indoctrinated. Find evidence on the hanar in the

Presidium Embassies.

Citadel: Salarian Spectre

Salarian Spectre Jondum Bau has requested assistance on the Citadel. Meet him there and find out what he needs.

Citadel: Volus Ambassador

A message from Primarch Victus implicates volus ambassador Din Korlack as a possible Cerberus informant. Investigate the ambassador at the Presidium Embassies.

Citadel: Inspirational Stories

Film director Solik Vass is looking for inspirational footage to be used in a film to raise morale for the war effort. Find footage on the Citadel and return to Vass at the refugee camp.

Citadel: Wounded Batarian

A badly-wounded batarian may actually be a terrorist. Find him in the refugee camp and investigate.

Citadel: medi-gel Sabotage

Medi-gel dispensers in the Citadel refugee camp have been sabotaged. Find the dispensers and repair them.

Citadel: Malfunctioning Keepers

C-Sec Officer Jordan Noles needs help tracking a possible hacking problem that has disabled several keepers. Track keeper activity across the Presidium Commons.

Aria: Blue Suns

Aria T'Loak has requested assistance uniting mercenary bands under her control. Speak to Darner Vosque in the Citadel refugee camp and gain the allegiance of the Blue Suns.

Aria: Eclipse

Aria T'Loak has requested assistance uniting mercenary bands under her control. Speak to Commander Bailey's assistant at the Presidium Commons C-Sec station and gain the allegiance of the Eclipse band.

Aria: Blood Pack

Aria T'Loak has requested assistance uniting mercenary bands under her control. Speak to Narl in the Presidium Commons and gain the allegiance of the Blood Pack.

Citadel: Krogan Dying Message

A dying krogan has asked that his final message be delivered to an asari merchant named Ereba. Find her in the Citadel and deliver the krogan's message.

Dekuuna: Elcor Extraction

The elcor have requested an emergency extraction for warriors and civilians trapped on their homeworld of Dekuuna. Search for survivors on Dekuuna and rescue them if possible.

Citadel: Asari Widow

A dead asari commando left a message to be delivered to her bondmate, Weshra. Find Weshra on the Citadel and deliver the message.

Ismar Frontier: Protype Components

A scientist is searching for missing prototypes for a biotic amplification system. Search the Ismar Frontier for the components and return them to the scientist on the Citadel.

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Это обновление старого варианта или что-то новое придумали? Просто уже вроде был похожий список.

Был список по основным миссиям вроде

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Был список по основным миссиям вроде

Побочки тоже были - только что сравнила со своими записями.

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Побочки тоже были - только что сравнила со своими записями.

ну, я всего лишь передала обновленное сообщение)

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ну, я всего лишь передала обновленное сообщение)

Там походу те ещё слоупоки сидят:)

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Там походу те ещё слоупоки сидят :)

Да нет, нормальные там люди, просто инфы от утечки немерено. *нервно косится на свой 300-страничный файл с пометками... через пару дней будет еще больше страниц*

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