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Мельница - Сказка о Дьяволе.

Жил однажды на свете Дьявол.

По морям-океанам плавал.

А тебя никогда не видел,

Обо мне никогда не слышал.

Он украл с неба ясный месяц

И спустил ладьею на волны;

Он приходит с ночным приливом,

У него весло из оливы.

Ты меня ждала на причале,

Не смыкала очей ночами,

Он увидел тебя, голубка,

И забыл о вечности Дьявол.

Принял Дьявол мое обличье,

Не найдешь найдешь и пяти отличий,

Он упал пред тобой на колени,

Целовал холодные руки.

Я покинул тебя, голубка,

Обещавши вернуться скоро.

Перепутал я небо с водою,

Я уплыл за своей бедою.

Не найдешь тех широт на картах,

Где пропал я с верной командой.

Где мне взять имя ветра, который

Возвращает странников к дому?

Я поставил бы светлый парус,

Я б примчался домой с рассветом,

Отвязал бы луну от причала,

Чтобы тоже домой возвращалась!

Только стоит ли, право, вернуться,

Только стоит ли мне воскреснуть,

Если вместо меня живет Дьявол,

Мои песни поет тебе Дьявол?

Отныне в этой теме действует запрет на мультипостинг, то есть посты от одного юзера, идущие подряд. Я понимаю, что у вас всех много текстов хороших песен, которыми вы хотели бы поделиться, но все же давайте не будем заполнять тему собой.

Изменено пользователем Nasgul

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Slipknot-Before I Forget

Stapled shut - Inside an outside world

And I'm sealed in tight - Bizarre but right at home

I'm claustrophobic - Closing in

And I'm catastrophic - Not again

I'm smeared across the page and doused in gasoline

I wear you like a stain, yet I'm the one who's obscene

Catch me up on all your sordid little insurrections

I've got no time to lose - I'm just caught up in all the cattle

Fray the strings...throw the shapes...hold your breath...listen

I am a world before I am a man

I was a creature before I could stand

I will remember before I forget

Before I forget that

I am a world before I am a man

I was a creature before I could stand

I will remember before I forget

Before I forget that

I'm ripped across the ditch and settled in the dirt

And I wear you like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt

Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions

I've got no right to win - I'm just caught up in all the battles

Locked in clutch... Pushed in place...Hold your breath...listen

I am a world before I am a man

I was a creature before I could stand

I will remember before I forget

Before I forget that

I am a world before I am a man

I was a creature before I could stand

I will remember before I forget

Before I forget that

My end, it justifies my means

All I ever do is delay

My every attempt to evade

The end of the road and my end

It justifies my means

All I ever do is delay

My every attempt to evade

The end of the road !!

I am a world before I am a man

I was a creature before I could stand

I will remember before I forget

Before I forget that

I am a world before I am a man

I was a creature before I could stand

I will remember before I forget

Before I forget that

I am a world before I am a man

I was a creature before I could stand

I will remember before I forget

Before I forget that

Yeah! (x7)


Slipknot-My Plague(Resident Evil)

I'm in conniptions for the final act you came here for

The one derivative you manage is the one I abhor

I need a minute to elaborate for everyone the

Everyday bullshit things that you have done

Your impossible ego fuck is like a

Megalomaniacal tab on my tongue

You fuckin' touch me I will rip you apart

I'll reach in and take a bite out of that

Shit you call a heart...

I don't mind being ogled, ridiculed

Made to feel miniscule

If you consider the source, it's kinda pitiful

The only thing you really know about me is...

...that's all you'll ever know

I know why you blame me (yourself)

I know why you plague me (yourself)

I'm turning it around like a knife in the shell

I wanna understand why, but I'm hurting myself

I haven't seen a lotta reasons to stop it

I can't just drop it

I'm just a bastard, but at least I admit it

At least I admit it

I know why you blame me (yourself)

I know why you plague me (yourself)

Kill you - fuck you - i will never be you

Kill you - fuck you - i will never be you

I can't fuckin' take it anymore

A snap of the synapse

And now it's fuckin' war

Kill you - fuck you - i will never be you

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I am a product - of your conduct

The uncontrollable urges that made me

Have made us all - are you proud ? do you even care?

You taught us all to lie - that's how we made it here

you should've buried the truth with your secrets

But you were far too impressed with your pretense

Now as far as I know, I don't know anything

Cause you made damn sure I wasn't anything

Distractions, Reactions

The only way to go is to go away

Discarded, Retarded

Before I let you go, you have to let me

Clawed away from human clay

We our the broken shards,the art disarray

Before you condemn, you rape them,feed us meconium

Stunt our growth from our souls to our throats - cut!

You shouldn't wall us up with your apathy

But you did, now you're only growing enemies

This is the catalyst, the alpha, the first breed

Cause you made damn sure - now we're everything

Distractions, Reactions

The only way to go is to go away

Discarded, Retarded

Before I let you go, you have to let me

Much to my surprise,I will wake up

And follow of the path of the ones I am made of

But this time... I won't give in

I will save you from my sins

(What is wrong with this...Manipulation...Violence and Chaotic)

Ensconced... In all that's wrong

I slam you shut... I can only take so much

How many times do I have to mistreat you ?

Constantly biting my hand as I feed you

Maybe now you'll understand severity

I'll sum it up with the best amount of brevity

Welcome to the transformation

Welcome to annihilation

Welcome to the man that wanted

Everything, but couldn't have it

Distractions, Reactions

The only way to go is to go away

Discarded, Retarded

Before I let you go, you have to let me

Much to my surprise,I will wake up

And follow of the path of the ones I am made of

But this time... I won't give in

I will save you from my sins

Save you from my sins !

Save you from my sins !

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И лампа не горит,

И врут календари,

И если ты давно

Хотела что-то мне сказать,

То говори.

Любой обманчив звук,

Страшнее тишина,

Когда в самый разгар веселья

Падает из рук бокал вина.

И чёрный кабинет,

И ждёт в стволе патрон.

Так тихо, что я слышу,

Как идёт на глубине

Вагон метро.

На площади полки,

Темно в конце строки,

И в телефонной трубке,

Эти много лет спустя,

Одни гудки.

И где-то хлопнет дверь,

И дрогнут провода.


Мы будем счастливы теперь

И навсегда.


Мы будем счастливы теперь

И навсегда.

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Led Zeppelin - Immigrant song.



We come from the land of the ice and snow,

From the midnight sun where the hot springs blow.

The hammer of the Gods

Will drive our ships to new lands

To fight the horde, and singing and crying:

Valhalla I am coming

On we sweep with, with threshing oar.

Our only goal will be the western shore.



We come from the land of the ice and snow,

From the midnight sun where the hot springs blow.

How soft your fields so green

Can whisper tales of gore,

Of how we calmed the tides of war.

We are your overlords.

On we sweep with threshing oar.

Our only goal will be the western shore.

So now you better stop

And rebuild all your ruins.

For peace and trust can win the day

Despite of all your losing.

Ooh~ooh. Ooh~ooh. Ooh~ooh.

Ooh~ooh. Ooh~ooh. Ooh~ooh.

Ah hah hah hah hah hah.

Ooh~ooh. Ooh~ooh. Ooh~ooh.

Ooh~ooh. Ooh~ooh. Ooh~ooh.


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Скрябин - Кольорова

Якщо навколо тебе колір червоний -

Значить всьо нормально - ти живий і здоровий.

Якщо навколо більше колір зелений -

Значить гроші просто в руки тобі падають з неба.





Якщо навколо затягнуло синєвою -

Значить на стакан ти присів з головою.

Якщо навколо пахне голубізною -

Добре придивися хто під руку з тобою.





Якщо над головою колір рожевий -

Значить ти влюбився і ходиш веселий.

Якщо, не дай Бог, під тобою колір жовтий -

Від страху під штанами пробігло щось мокре.





Якщо навколо все засипано білим,

То може бути крейдою, а може і снігом.

Якщо куди не глянь все темне і чорне -

Значить ти заснув, і завтра буде добре.





Життя красиве, коли кольорове,

Значить получилося, дякувати Богу.

Якщо все сіре і кольору бракує,

Тоді біда... хіба що намалюєш.





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"Here comes the pain!"

Enemy - Show me what you wanna be

I can handle anything

Even if I can't handle you

Readily - Either way it better be

Don't you fuckin' pity me

Get up, get off...

What the hell am I sayin'?

I don't know about malevolent

Sure as hell decadent

I want somebody to step up, step off

Walls! Let me fall! FUCK YOU ALL!

Get a grip, don't let me slip 'til I drop the ball

I - I want it all!

Fuck this shit, I'm sick of it

You're goin' down, this is a war!

Who the fuck am I to criticize your twisted

state of mind?

You're leavin' me suspect - I'm leavin' you grotesque

Feels like a burn from which you never learn

Cause and effect, you jealous ass

Press your face against the glass - SUFFER!

I - I want it all!

Fuck this shit, I'm sick of it

You're goin' down, this is a war!

I've just begun

It's about that time

Gotta get mine





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Тикают так, как вулканы поют.

Реки стоят - воду больше не пьют.

Ты, как они. Я же, как ворона.

Стекла не бьют, потому что их нет.

Сказка о том, где был солнечный свет.

Я же пою, где поет ворона.

Кто-то стрелял и хотел напугать.

Я же сижу и не буду стоять.

Я не они - я же, как ворона!

Птицы от них улетают совсем.

Город затих - повинуется всем.

Я же лечу, как летит ворона.

Я ворона, я ворона на-на-на-на.

Я ворона, я ворона на-на-на-на.

Я ворона, я ворона на-на-на-на.

На-на-на-на-на, на-на-на-на-на.

Тикают так, как вулканы поют.

Реки стоят - воду больше не пьют.

Ты, как они. Я же, как ворона.

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IOWA (Айова)

Relax...it's over,you belong to me; I fill your mouth with dirt

Relax...it's over,you can never leave

I take your second digit with me...


You are...my first,I can barely breathe

I find you fascinating

You are...my favorite,lay you down to sleep

It's all that I can do to stop...


So blue...so broken,paper doll decays

I haven't left you yet

So cold...subversive,your eyes are full of bleach

Tomorrow,I will go away again...Love...







Seek & Destroy

We are scanning the scene

in the city tonight

We are looking for you

to start up a fight

There is an evil feeling

in our brains

But it is nothing new

you know it drives us insane


On our way


You will pay


One thousand deaths


On our way


You will pay


One thousand deaths


Seek and Destroy


Seek and Destroy


Seek and Destroy


Seek and Destroy

There is no escape

and that is for sure

This is the end we won't take any more

Say goodbye

to the world you live in

You have always been taking

but now you're giving


On our way


You will pay


One thousand deaths


On our way


You will pay


One thousand deaths


Seek and Destroy


Seek and Destroy


Seek and Destroy


Seek and Destroy

Our brains are on fire

with the feeling to kill

And it will not go away

until our dreams are fulfilled

There is only one thing

on our minds

Don't try running away

`cause you're the one we will find


On our way


You will pay


One thousand deaths


On our way


You will pay


One thousand deaths


Seek and Destroy


Seek and Destroy


Seek and Destroy


Seek and Destroy



I Can`t Remember Anything

Can`t Tell If this Is True or Dream

Deep down Inside I Feel to Scream

this Terrible Silence Stops Me

Now That the War Is Through with Me

I`m Waking up I Can Not See

That There Is Not Much Left of Me

Nothing Is Real but Pain Now

Hold My Breath as I Wish for Death

Oh Please God,wake Me

Back in the Womb its Much Too Real

in Pumps Life That I must Feel

but Can`t Look Forward to Reveal

Look to the Time When I`ll Live

Fed Through the Tube That Sticks in Me

Just like a Wartime Novelty

Tied to Machines That Make Me Be

Cut this Life off from Me

Hold My Breath as I Wish for Death

Oh Please God,wake Me

Now the World Is Gone I`m Just One

Oh God,help Me Hold My Breath as I Wish for Death

Oh Please God Help Me

Darkness Imprisoning Me

All That I See

Absolute Horror

I Cannot Live

I Cannot Die

Trapped in Myself

Body My Holding Cell

Landmine Has Taken My Sight

Taken My Speech

Taken My Hearing

Taken My Arms

Taken My Legs

Taken My Soul

Left Me with Life in Hell

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Сплин - Альтависта

В одном из домов, там, где кофе и сигареты

Те кто придут узнать, что нас нет, простят нас за это

В этом году такое жаркое лето

Там наверху тихо течёт раскалённая крыша

Окна открыты, мышка спит

Будет гроза, молнии ждут сигнала контрабандиста

На глубине прорвётся сквозь сеть твоя альтависта

И ты сыграешь азбуку Морзе,

симфонию Глюка на клавиатуре

Так, что навсегда уходящее солнце

Замрет в этом жарком июле


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"Stone Sour-1st Person "

Why - is everything so grey - is everything so strange

Is everything so thrown together by mistake?

Why - is everything contrite- is everything a plight

Is everything so insincere and out of sight?




I wanna make it a way - I wanna make it a waste

I wanna make it a gross misadventure



I WANNA MAKE YOU... lie to me... lie to me...

When - did everything go bad - did everything fall flat

Did everything decay and lose itself so fast?

When - did everything succumb - did everything go numb

Did everything lobotomize what it's become?




I wanna show you the way - I wanna show you the waste

I wanna show you the worst misadventure



I WANNA SHOOW YOU HOW TO... die for me... die for me...

I wanna give it a way - i wanna give it the waste

I wanna give it the worst misadventure




Lie to me... die for me...

Now - everything's a lie - everything's your lie

Everything's a face inside another lie

Now - everything's a side - everything's one side

Everything depends on just which side you're on...

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Marilyn Manson - mOBSCENE

"Ladies and Gentlemen"

We are the thing of shapes to come

Your freedom's not free and dumb

This Depression is Great

The Deformation Age, they know my name

Waltzing to scum and base and

Married to the pain

Bang we want it

Bang we want it

Bang bang bang bang bang

You came to see the mobscene

I know it isn't your scene

It's better than a sex scene and it's

So fucking obscene, obscene yeah.

[GIRLS (in the spirit of Oscar Wilde):]

Be obscene, be be obscene

Be obscene, baby, and not heard.

The day that love opened our eyes

We watched the world end

We have "high" places but we have no friends

They told us sin's not good but we know it's great

War-time full-frontal drugs, sex-tank armor plate

Bang we want it

Bang we want it

Bang bang bang bang bang

You came to see the mobscene

I know it isn't your scene

It's better than a sex scene and it's

So fucking obscene, obscene yeah.

You want commitment?

Put on your best suit, get your arms around me

Now we're going down down down

You want commitment?

Put on your best suit, get your arms around me

Now we're going down down down

[GIRLS (in the spirit of Oscar Wilde):]

Be obscene, be be obscene

Be obscene, baby, and not heard.

You came to see the mobscene

I know it isn't your scene

It's better than a sex scene and it's

So fucking obscene, obscene yeah.

You want commitment?

Put on your best suit, get your arms around me

Now we're going down down down

You want commitment?

Put on your best suit, get your arms around me

Now we're going down down down

"Ladies and gentlemen, be obscene! Be be obscene!"

[GIRLS (in the spirit of Oscar Wilde):]

Be obscene, be be obscene

Be obscene, baby, and not heard.

Bang bang bang bang bang.


Дамы и господа!

Мы покажем, что вас ждет!

Ваша свобода вовсе не является


Ситуация напоминает Великую


Эпоху Деформации.

Все меня знают:

Я - пресмыкающееся перед гнусными

отбросами общества,

Сросшийся навеки с болью.

Мы хотим этого!

Вы пришли поглазеть на непристойности

в моем исполнении.

Вы явно к этому не готовы.

Это круче секса,

Это чертовски пошло.

Дайте же волю своим порокам!

Давай, детка, остальное - фигня!

В тот день, когда любовь открыла нам


Мы увидели, как наступил конец этому


У нас есть свои "высоты",

Но у нас не осталось друзей.

Нам говорили: "грешить нехорошо",

Но мы-то знаем, что это чертовски


Наркота наступает по всем фронтам,

Секс - наша броня.

Хочешь нечто особенное?

Надень тогда свой лучший костюм,

Ухватись за меня покрепче.

Идём в отрыв!

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Эту песню я пела на каком-то мероприятии, посвящённом живописи. Мой отец чуть со стула не упал, но всём остальным понравилось =)

Jill Tracy - Evil Night Together

i'll hold your hand while they drag the river

i'll cuddle you in the undertow

i'll keep my hand on your trigger finger

i'll take you down where the train tracks go

let's wile away the hours

let's spend an evil night together

we'll drink a toast in the torture chamber

and you'll go down on a bed of nails

we'll rendevous in cold blood

i'll tie you up to the third rail

let's wile away the hours

let's spend an evil night together

who's gonna make you a hero

who's gonna blow you away

who's gonna make you a hero

hold it right there

it's a multiple down in solitary

and you'll uncover the evidence

shanghaied by a fishnet stocking

i'll hold you close while they dust for prints

let's wile away the hours

let's spend an evil night together

no need for cake or flowers

let's spend an evil night together

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"Stone Sour-Reborn "

I am walking through your streets

I am looking in your windows

I am elemental now

You'll never even know I'm there

I am watching over you

I am living in the shadows

I am just a word to you, but I am very real and cold

Cold to all of this

Cold to how you feel

Cold to all your loose reason

I am everything

I am anything

I am automatic

I am yesterday

I am everyday

I am gonna be...


I am all there is to know

I am all that you've forgotten

I am enigmatic now

You never even knew my name

I am dressed in tragedy

I am by design immortal

I am just the last one left but I am always here and old

Old and very strong

Old as all you feel

Old as all the world around you


I am everything

I am anything

I am automatic

I am yesterday

I am everyday

I am gonna be...Reborn

(This is the start of something)

"Slipknot-Do Nothing/bitchslap "

The system has failed and you have failed with it

No time to care, just time to say "Who gives a shit?"

My mind boils as I've decided I'm through

Fuck your position in life. I'm taking vengence on you

I break down the walls of the political arena

Cast the vote on FN-FAL, yeah, we'll be seein' ya!

(protect yourself)

I want to put a cap right in your asshole

You step to this, you're gonna pass

for a lump of dogshit in the grass

So, be on your way and get some class


Chop down the big-wigs, shoot the telelvisions, too

My mind boils in life as I've decided I'm through

The guilty of crimes will be hung from the trees

Spit and punches arise from you and me

Sit back and do nothing if that's what you want to do

I will have my reign as king, when I take vengence on you

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Моя самая любимая песня.

Jill Tracy - The Fine Art of Poisoning

it's quite an elaborate scheme

the fine art of poisoning

the dose to comatose

slyly administered

not for the frail of heart

the vengeful must play their part

a friend to the bitter end

or so they say

nice and slow

misfortune will flow

peril in the nursery

it seems a tainted pastry

one bite what a dreadful fright

she was such a delicate little dish

a pleasant parlour gathering

quicksilver concealed in a ruby ring

two lumps or three

i have always adored bergamot tea

nice and slow

misfortune will flow

but who will know?

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Subway to Sally - S.O.S.


Eingeschneit und zugefroren

steht ein Sendemast im Eis

messerscharfe Winde wehen

und der Kompass dreht im Kreis.

Die Polarnacht will nicht enden,

jedes Zeitgefühl ist fort,

denn die Zeit

friert zu Kristallen

und verschüttet diesen Ort.

Mit dem Packeis driftet langsam

unsre letzte Hoffnung fort,

unser Funker in der Kammer

betet dieses eine Wort:

SOS! Wer rettet unsre Seelen?

SOS! Wer zeigt den Weg ins Licht?


Aufgegeben und verloren

steht ein Sendemast im Eis

und wir legen unsere Ohren

an das Eisen, leis ganz leis

Denn wir warten auf ein Wispern

auf ein Zeichen von der Welt,

war da nicht ein leises Knistern,

oder war's nur Schnee der fällt.

Mit dem Packeis driftet langsam...

SOS! Wer rettet unsre Seelen?...

Unsre Lippen blau und rissig

frieren fest am kalten Stahl

und wir weinen unterm Nordlicht

bis zum ersten Sonnenstrahl.

SOS! Wer rettet unsre Seelen?

SOS! Wer zeigt den Weg ins Licht?


Ist dort jemand der das Schweigen bricht?


Занесенная снегом и замерзшая,

Радиомачта стоит во льдах

Дуют ветра, острые, как нож,

И стрелка компаса вращается по кругу.

Полярная ночь никак не закончится,

Все чувство времени ушло,

Потому что время

замерзает в кристаллы

И снегом засыпает это место

С полярными ледниками медленно

Уплывает наша последняя надежда,

Наш радист в рубке твердит,

Как молитву, одно это слово:

СОС! Кто спасет наши души?

СОС! Кто укажет путь к свету?


Оставленная и потерянная,

Радиомачта стоит во льдах

И мы осторожно прикладываем

Наши уши к железу

Ведь мы ждем шепота,

Ждем, что мир подаст нам знак.

Был ли это легкий шорох,

Или это только падает снег?

С полярными ледниками…

СОС! Кто спасет наши души?...

Наши губы, синие и потрескавшиеся,

Крепко примерзают к холодной стали

И мы плачем под северным сиянием

До первого солнечного луча

СОС! Кто спасет наши души?..

СОС! Кто укажет путь к свету?


Есть здесь кто-то, кто нарушит молчание?

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"Slipknot The Opium Of The People "

watch those idiosyncrasies

Watch all the idiots fall on me

Running out of ways to get out of the way

take another shot just to stay the same

But I need some balence, back it off

Fill your lungs till' it makes you cough

Tell me everythings gonna be alright

'Cause I don't think I'll make it tonight

The only way

Is all the way

The only way

Is all the way

The only way (The only way)

Is all the way (Is all the way)

The only way (The only way)

Is all the way (Is all the way)

Oh, my, god

it's judgement day and im not prepared

Everybody out theres running scared

So let's take a little bit off the top

I don't care just make it stop!

I won't give another soul...to you

I won't give another life...to you





do one thing and say something cryptic

But the styles always clash

one thing i know for sure

Hypathetical won't work anymore

One move open they will pound

My nails, are tight inside my wrists

This sacrament, is sacriledge,

it's sacriledge and sentimental

deity experimental - faith is accidental

I won't give another soul to...you

I won't give another life to...you

I won't give another thought to...you

I won't give anymore of my hope to...you..............

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Продолжаю восхищаться творчеством этого человека...

Охота на волков


Песня вошла в спектакль Московского театра драмы и комедии на Таганке

"Берегите ваши лица!" (1970).


Рвусь из сил и из всех сухожилий,

Но сегодня - опять, как вчера,-

Обложили меня, обложили,

Гонят весело на номера.

Из-за елей хлопочут двустволки -

Там охотники прячутся в тень.

На снегу кувыркаются волки,

Превратившись в живую мишень.

Идет охота на волков, идет охота!

На серых хищников - матерых и щенков.

Кричат загонщики, и лают псы до рвоты.

Кровь на снегу и пятна красные флажков.

Не на равных играют с волками

Егеря, но не дрогнет рука!

Оградив нам свободу флажками,

Бьют уверенно, наверняка.

Волк не может нарушить традиций.

Видно, в детстве, слепые щенки,

Мы, волчата, сосали волчицу

И всосали - "Нельзя за флажки!"

Идет охота на волков, идет охота!

На серых хищников - матерых и щенков.

Кричат загонщики, и лают псы до рвоты.

Кровь на снегу и пятна красные флажков.

Наши ноги и челюсти быстры.

Почему же - вожак, дай ответ -

Мы затравленно мчимся на выстрел

И не пробуем через запрет?

Волк не должен, не может иначе!

Вот кончается время мое.

Тот, которому я предназначен,

Улыбнулся и поднял ружье.

Идет охота на волков, идет охота!

На серых хищников - матерых и щенков.

Кричат загонщики, и лают псы до рвоты.

Кровь на снегу и пятна красные флажков.

Я из повиновения вышел

За флажки - жажда жизни сильней!

Только сзади я радостно слышал

Удивленные крики людей.

Рвусь из сил, из всех сухожилий,

Но сегодня - не так, как вчера!

Обложили меня, обложили,

Но остались ни с чем егеря!

Идет охота на волков, идет охота!

На серых хищников - матерых и щенков.

Кричат загонщики, и лают псы до рвоты.

Кровь на снегу и пятна красные флажков.

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"Slipknot-Scream "


Fell forth, destroy the source,

Cant see and my voice is horse,

Trying to wash your hands off,

You should know better than to leave us in disgust,

Let me take you right to the point,

All you ever do is encage in disjoint,

That does it the time has arrived,

Take it or leave it you better not side!

You did it again,

All you ever did was doubt,

What do you want?

Let me tell you what it's all about,

One life

Nine Hearts

And Eighteen Hands that'll rip you all apart

We're here to decimate,

To show you all we will never fall,

Its gonna get serious.. and critical,

Don't Stop because the feeling is terminal,


Scream like you never have before,


Scream till you cant scream anymore,

Scream !

Scream like your throat is bleeding,


Scream till your heart stops beating,


Get off of me, and get away,

Show the whole damn world this will never die,

No matter how the energies scatter,

Got to know nothing exists but the dream,

Give it all,

Till There's nothing left to give,

Save it all,

Quit saving you,

If you're going to let the pain inside,

Never under estimate the way you live your life,


Scream like you never have before,


Scream till you cant scream anymore,


Scream like your throat is bleeding,


Scream till your heart stops beating,


All our lives,

All we ever sacrificed has paid,


Everything is possible to me,

Why no fate,

Found everything that I had to take away,

Save your life,

Save it all that mean something to me,

All our lives

All we ever sacrificed has paid,


Everything is possible to me

Why no fight!

Found everything that I had to take away,

Save your life!

Save it all and make a better way,

This stress, is a feeling that you cant compress,

Everything your going through is total stress,

Are you going to be a momentary run around,

How will you handle their ? of stress,

All our lives,

All we ever sacrificed has paid,


Everything is possible to me,

Why no fight,

Found everything that I had to take away,

Save your life,

Save it all and make a better way,

All our lives,

All we ever sacrificed has paid,


Everything is possible to me

Why no fight!

Found everything that I had to take away,

Save your life!

Save it all and make a better way,


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Jill Tracy - Torture

So goes the tale of the Brazen Bull

A strange device designed to kill

Hanging out in the Pillory

Drawn and quartered for the whole town to see

The infliction of the Rack

Boiling oil in great stone vats

Bound and broken on the Wheel

But all I know is how you make me feel today

This torture

Is getting close to you


The agony I put myself through


The bittersweet constrain


For Desire is the cruelest pain

Back in 1585

They'd impale a man alive

Wooden collar and iron truss

Chinese Death of 1000 Cuts

And on the pages in between

They spoke of the Garrote and the Guillotine

Iron Maiden and Little Ease

But all I know is how you make me feel today

This torture

Is getting close to you


The agony I put myself through


The bittersweet constrain


For Desire is the cruelest pain

My mind's caught in a Brank

And all the ribbons of my skin

Tomorrow ends up in shackles before it even begins

And the tears that fall upon my face

They trickle to the floor

Like water torture falling

Drop by drop by drop by drop by drop by drop by drop

And you taught me all about pain

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Hooverphonic - Mad About You

Feel the vibe, feel the terror, feel the pain

It’s driving me insane

I can’t fake

For God sakes why am i

Driving in the wrong lane

Trouble is my middle name

But in the end I’m not too bad

Can someone tell me if it’s wrong to be so mad about you

Mad about you


Are you the fishy wine that will give me

A headache in the morning

Or just a dark blue land mine

That’ll explode without a decent warning

Give me all your true hate

And I’ll translate it in our bed

Into never seen passion, never seen passion

That it why I am so mad about you

Mad about you


Trouble is your middle name

But in the end you’re not too bad

Can someone tell me if it’s wrong to be

So mad about you

Mad about you


Give me all your true hate

And I’ll translate it in your bed

Into never seen passion

That is why I am so mad about you

Mad about you

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Linkin Park - What I've Done

In this farewell,

There’s no blood,

There’s no alibi.

‘Cause I’ve drawn regret,

From the truth,

Of a thousand lies.

So let mercy come,

And wash away…

What I’ve Done.

I’ll face myself,

To cross out what I’ve become.

Erase myself,

And let go of what I've done.

Put to rest,

What you thought of me.

While I clean this slate,

With the hands,

Of uncertainty.

So let mercy come,

And wash away…

What I’ve Done.

I’ll face myself,

To cross out what I’ve become.

Erase myself,

And let go of what I've done.

For What I’ve Done

I start again,

And whatever pain may come.

Today this ends,

I’m forgiving what I’ve done.

I’ll face myself,

To cross out what I’ve become.

Erase myself,

And let go of what I’ve done.

(Na na na na, na na na na, na na na na, na na na na)

What I’ve done.

Forgiving What I’ve Done.

(Na na na na, na na na na, na na na na, na na na na)

Forgiving What I've Done

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Portal [GLaD] - Still Alive

This was a triumph.

I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS.

It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.

Aperture Science

We do what we must

because we can.

For the good of all of us.

Except the ones who are dead.

But there's no sense crying over every mistake.

You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

And the Science gets done.

And you make a neat gun.

For the people who are still alive.

I'm not even angry.

I'm being so sincere right now.

Even though you broke my heart.

And killed me.

And tore me to pieces.

And threw every piece into a fire.

As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you!

Now these points of data make a beautiful line.

And we're out of beta.

We're releasing on time.

So I'm GLaD. I got burned.

Think of all the things we learned

for the people who are still alive.

Go ahead and leave me.

I think I prefer to stay inside.

Maybe you'll find someone else to help you.

Maybe Black Mesa



Anyway, this cake is great.

It's so delicious and moist.

Look at me still talking

when there's Science to do.

When I look out there, it makes me GLaD I'm not you.

I've experiments to run.

There is research to be done.

On the people who are still alive.

And believe me I am still alive.

I'm doing Science and I'm still alive.

I feel FANTASTIC and I'm still alive.

While you're dying I'll be still alive.

And when you're dead I will be still alive.


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"Stone Sour Come What(ever) May "

Can you take away every single day?

That we have given to another false prophet

Can you give us all a reason not to fall?

Before you take away another broken promise

Show your pretty face

Hide the bitter taste

You're still the rapist of an entire nation

You wanna be the man you gotta be a man

But you were nothing but a sad insinuation


How can we ever live this down?


How can we ever live this down?

Keep your fingers crossed

The truth is at a lost

Big decision for an ordinary coward

The only problem is your fucking rhetoric

We're more in danger then before you took power

Now it's just a game

God you'll never change

You'd sell us out if you could only find a buyer

You don't give a shit

As long as idiots

Are in your corner you could set us all on fire


How can we ever live this down?


How can we ever live this down?

You never wanted to be

They only wanted a parody

You want the world to be free

But what the hell is free about it?!

Now we reached the end

Just get it over with

But this is building to an adament conclusion

Come what ever may

There's gonna be a day

When we have figured out a possible solution

Every thing you've done

Is killing everyone

A little smile on a homicidal bastard

You wanna be a man

You gotta have a plan

Another failure is a guarenteed disaster


How can we ever live this down?


How can we ever live this down?

You never wanted to be

They only wanted a parody

You want the world to be free

She only wanted the world

You never wanted me

They only wanted a parody

You want the world to be free

But what the fuck is free about it?!

What the fuck is free about it?!

What the fuck is free about it?!

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Олеся-Прыгай Вниз

С неба, падают слёзы,

Слёзы, ночного дождя,

Ветер, куда-то уносит,

Куда-то, зовёт меня,

Я, стою на крыше,

И с верху, смотрю,

На жизнь,которую,

Я так ненавижу,

Которую, я так, люблю.


Прыгай вниз, прыгай вниз,небойся,

Тихо шепчет мне в душу дождь,

Прыгай вниз,

И небеспокойся,о том, куда ты попадёш,

Прыгай вниз, прыгай вниз,

Небойся,твоя жизнь сплошная ложь,

Прыгай вниз, и ни очём не беспокойся,

Все равно, когда нибудь умрёш.

Вечер, лиш сигарета,

Тихо гаснет, уголёк,

Согревая своим светом,

Свет, который так жесток,

И выходит, ил из лёгких,

Превращаясь, в капли дождя,

В этот вечер, никто не укроет,

Никто, тебя, от дождя.


Прыгай вниз, прыгай вниз,небойся,

Тихо шепчет мне в душу дождь,

Прыгай вниз,

И небеспокойся,о том, куда ты попадёш,

Прыгай вниз, прыгай вниз,

Небойся,твоя жизнь сплошная ложь,

Прыгай вниз, и ни очём не беспокойся,

Все равно, когда нибудь умрёш.

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My Dying Bride - I Cannot Be Loved

Lover put a knife in my hand

Lay down right there, that's my command

Do as I say in this blood play

Claw at my skin, I'll let you win

Caress your flesh. Burns like fire

Rosey, sweet breath, and your desire

Your skin is all I want to take from you

Your mind is nought unto me,

I'll leave behind

Bound together

The darkest embrace

Bound forever

We will be chaste

I paw at you golden flesh

Golden breast

I sail on your, on your sea

Of ecstasy.

God, I want you. Just be mine

Because you haunt me all the time

Your pain, it talks to me

Your pain, it really talks to me

Your pain, it talks to me and I heed it well

My hands, your neck, they greet each well in a loving hell

This hold we have can't last because it's killing me

Farewell my love. Please walk away and take away my pain.

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