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ДА 4 будет но не скоро.

твиттер-аккаунты всех, кто так или иначе занят в производстве DAI


Mark Darrah - DA series Executive Producer --> Dragon Age, исполнительный продюсер, Марк Дарра

Mike Laidlaw - DA series Creative Director --> Dragon Age, креативный директор, Майк Лэйдлоу

Aaryn Flynn - Bioware Edmonton and Montreal studios General Manager --> директор студий BioWare в Эдмонтоне и Монреале, Аарин Флинн

Jonathan Perry - Bioware Cinematic Lead --> режиссер анимации, Джонатан Перри

John Epler - cinematic design, forum regular --> дизайнер анимации, завсегдатай социалки, Джон Эпплер

Allan Schumacher - Bioware QA analyst, BSN fan-wrangler --> анализатор вопросов и ответов, ковбой Социальной Сети BioWare, Аллан Шумахер

Mary Kirby - Writer --> сценарист, Мэри Керби

Sylvia Feketekuty - Writer --> сценарист, Сильвия ... О_о

Tonia Laird - Writer --> сценарист, Тоня Лерд

Sheryl Chee - Writer --> сценарист, Шерил Чи

Patrick Weekes - Writer, scientist salarian --> сценарист, саларианский ученый, Патрик Уикс

Ben Gelinas - Editor, co-author of The World of Thedas Vol. 1 --> редактор, соавтор 1 тома «Мира Тедаса», Бен Гелина

Caroline Livingstone - Bioware Director of Voice Acting, producer --> продюсер, режиссер озвучания, Кэролайн Ливингстоун

Alistair McNally - Senior Director of Creative Development --> директор по творческому развития (по рекламе, в общем) Алистер МакНелли

Fernando Melo - Director of Online Development for DA/ME --> онлайн продюсер ДА и МЕ, Фернандо Мело

Christina McSherry - Associate Producer, produces Dragon Age Keep --> директор Dragon Age Keep, Кристина МакШерри

Scylla Costa - Producer --> продюсер, Сцилла Коста

Liz Lehtonen - Producer --> продюсер, Лиз Лехтонен

Cameron Lee - Producer, combat team (?) --> продюсер, разработчик боевой системы, Кэмерон Ли

Alain Baxter - Producer --> продюсер, Алан Бакстер

Colleen Perman - Development Manager --> менеджер по развитию, Колин Перман

Jason Barlow - Bioware Project Manager --> руководитель проекта, Джейсон Барлоу

Sebastian Hanlon - gameplay designer --> дизайнер геймплея, Себастьян Хэнлон

Michael Liaw - gameplay designer --> дизайнер геймплея Майкл Лью

Jos Hendriks - designer --> дизайнер, Джос Хендрикс

Tyler Lee - user interface lead --> разработчик интерфейса, Тайлер Ли

Kyle Scott - producer --> продюсер, Кайл Скотт

Nick Sadler - envirommental artist --> художник уличных локаций (!!!) кто найдет перевод, тому пирожок) Ник Сэдлер

Nick Thornborrow - concept artist --> художник концептов, Ник Торнборроу

Barbara Klimek - QA analyst --> анализатор вопросов и ответов, Барбара Климек

Josh Stiksma - Senior Gameplay Designer --> старший дизайнер геймплея, Джош Стиксма

Ryan Treadwell - Bioware Development Manager --> менеджер по развитию, Райан Тредвелл

Andreas Papathanasis - developer --> разработчик, Андреас Папатанасис

Blair Brown - developer, games journalism celebrity --> разработчик, звезда игровой журналистики, Блэр Браун

Mark Wilson - level designer --> дизайнер уровней, Марк Уилсон

Jason Hill - level designer --> дизайнер уровней, Джейсон Хилл

Kaelin Lavallee - level designer --> дизайнер уровней, Кэлин Лавалли

Andre Santos - lighting/environment artist --> художник уличных сцен, Андре Сантос

Dean Roskell - senior designer --> старший дизайнер, Дин Роскелл

Jocelyn Legault - senior programmer --> старший программист, Джослин ЛегО

Ash Matheson - senior software engineer --> главный инженер-программист, Эш Мэйтсон

Aidan Scanlan - Assistant Director of Design (?) --> помощник старшего дизайнера (???) Эйдан Скэнлан

Matt Rhodes - Bioware senior concept artist, was responsible for DA2 companion concepts. --> главный художник концептов, Мэтт Родс

Jarrett Lee - Bioware marketing lead --> директор по маректингу, Джаррет Ли

Nick Clifford - EA product manager for Dragon Age/Mass Effect --> менеджер по ДА и МЕ от ЕА, Ник Клиффорд

Brianne Batty - сценарист

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The take home discs we were given to play over the holidays were labeled as "pre-alpha". Pre-Alpha just means not alpha yet. Technically a game is in pre-alpha from the the moment someone drops an asset into a level, so almost the whole development of the game is in pre-alpha.
Blair Brown


Изменено пользователем Резчица

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Не DAI, но тоже интересно. Арт из "Мира Тедаса"


Фанаты все думают, что это за существо. Склоняются в пользу Флемет, но мне почему-то кажется, что это дриада.

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Может и не Флемет, но кто-то из ее дочек точно)

Обсуждение новостей вот здесь. В данной теме только исключительно сами новости. Приятного дня.

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Twitter Злого Криса Пристли:

@BioEvilChris: The first 3 PAX East DA/ME/BioWare mini panels are now available: http://t.co/qwivoQrLdf On iTunes shortly. More panels coming Sat & Sun.

Команда Bioware в DA говорит немного про Мир Тедаса и как они работали с Frostbite 3. Ничего такого они не обсуждают больше.

Изменено пользователем Sub Zero

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Кажется ещё не было => ещё одна страница из Until we sleep


п.с: Мэй мужчина или я чего-то не понимаю? Оо

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Dragon Age: Thedas Unlocked

Thedas Lore Book

Currently Volume 1, but expect more to come in the future


Most of the comics feature huge foreshadowing

Expect content to be at least touched on in DA3 and future titles

Insights into DA3

Good mages will be present in DA3

At least ONE mage isn’t crazy (supposedly not talking about protagonist)

Frostbite Engine

Integrating conversations and armor customizations were hefty problems

System has been modified to allow designers to use freely

BW loves fans who engage in modding, but…

Modding in Frostbite will be difficult. If a toolset can be done, they’ll approach it (though rumors of toolset for Frostbite engine already floating)

Notable Facts

Mike Laidlaw, Creative Director (DA3): Merrill fixing the mirror was a ‘bad call’

Fan asked about Sebastian; devs extremely tight-lipped on his involvement

How do you like winged quadripeds with swords? Cause Frostbite doesn’t like them.


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Twitter Майка Ледлоу:

@Mike_Laidlaw: Every so often the level, concept or character artists sneak me a peek of the stuff they're still working on. I love it when that happens.

@Mike_Laidlaw: Related to that last tweet: I really like the DA Seeker logo. #shiftyeyes

@Mike_Laidlaw: .@estockburn Has it changed? Not notably. Just a little frostbitten. #shiftyeyes

Вывод: Логотип Искателей немного изменился.

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Второй день PAX East:


Dragon Age: Thedas Unlocked

Dragon Age Creative Director, Mike Laidlaw, members of the Dragon Age team as well as special guests give an entertaining look into the vibrant world of Thedas.

Подкаст: BioWare говорят про мир Тедаса.

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The Warrior gets some serious upgrades in Set 3. In addition to rules for levels up to 20, there are new specializations and talents which refine and augment the class' capabilities. Chevaliers, Guardians, and Spirit Warriors are the new specializations. Chevaliers are masters of mounted combat and lances, using their masteryof these skills to add mobility and power. Guardians are skilled protectors and bodyguards of their companions, able to provide defense and punishing counterattacks to those who threaten their charges. Spirit Warriors learn how to channel the energies of the Fade to bolster their attacks, becoming mystically-charged masters of the battlefield. New Talents designed with the discerning warrior in mind include Pole Weapons and Mounted Combat, further expanding ways to really lay the hurt down on foes. In addition, there are bonus powers unlocked between levels 11 and 20. These include Veteran, adding extra damage potential, and Quick Strike, enabling lightning fast follow up attacks. Finally, as readers noting all that talk of lances and pole arms might guess, there's also a new weapon group for such armaments, and of course examples of the weapons themselves.

That's the Warrior in Set 3 at a glance. Might not always be as flashy as a shooting flames out of your hands or as sly as sneaking around unseen in the shadows, but high-level warriors in Dragon Age provide a solid, powerful backbone to any group.

Stay tuned for a look at the Rogue soon!

Изменено пользователем Резчица

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Некто покинул компанию Ryan Loe: "So, I found out today that Friday is my last day at BioWare. Nothing to do with performance. Just belt tightening. I'm not the only one. You don't realize how much of how you see and identify yourself is with your work until you no longer work there."

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Пользователи на Социалке сомневаются в качестве игры. Кроме того, люди недовольны отсутствием информации и спрашивают, как Bioware собирается конкурировать с Dark Souls 2 и Ведьмаком. Эти сомнения вдохновили Блэра Брауна на резкий ответ. Даже, я бы сказала, ответы, потому что он написал обо всем по пунктам:

Are the Dragon Age team even capable of producing a game that can compete in today's market? Yes.

Is EA confident their product will actually be well received or will it die in production? Yes, they have confidence in the product and are very excited about what we are creating.

The Witcher 3 and Dark Souls 2 have had their reveals and both look amazing and I gotta wonder how EA intends to sell Dragon Age 3 in the shadow of these giants? It will be sold as "Dragon Age III" not "hey look at us over here, were kinda like those other games" The game is strong enough to stand out.

Is this why EA is so afraid of revealing any details of Dragon Age 3? We decide when we are ready to reveal information (not EA), which is not yet, we are waiting for the perfect moment to blow everyone away. We are not 'afriad'.

Will Dragon age even be released or will the project be abandoned like so many other projects that didn't meet the high standards of todays market? It's definatly going to be released and at our usual high standards.

Блэр пишет, что команда DA делает игру, которая будет достойно выглядеть на фоне конкурентов. ЕА уверены в проекте и очень воодушевлены тем, что создается.

DA не будет в тени Dark Souls 2 или The Witcher 3. Никаких "эй, глядите, у нас тут что-то похожее на последние успешные игры". Игра будет самобытной и выделяться на общем фоне.

ЕА не боится показать Dragon Age 3. ЕА вообще это не решает - только Bioware. В Bioware просто ждут удобного момента, чтобы раскрыть подробности - раскрыть так, чтобы все офигели.

Некоторые боятся, что игра будет средненьким проектом по меркам современного рынка. Блэр утверждает, что игра соответствует обычным высоким стандартам Bioware.

Изменено пользователем Айне

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Издатель "Dragon Age 3" сообщил, что PS4 позволит сократить время разработки игр.

Когда сообщество наконец получит шанс почувствовать првеосходство PS 4 над ее предшественником и насколько круче игры, подобные Dragon Age, будут выглядеть на новой системе, они поймут, что это действительно консоль нового поколения.

Как сообщает технический директор EA Радж Танежа в своем недавнем отчетеGamesIndustry, преимущества PS 4 сильно повлияют на разработку игр, как и изменят представления людей об этом процессе.

EA мы не были готовы к началу нового цикла консолей. То, что раньше занимало месяцы, теперь будет занимать дни", - сказал Taneja.

Ранее разработчик BioWare Нил Томпсон говорил о том, насколько впечатляющим оказался движок Frostbite 3 во время их работы над Dragon Age 3.

Dragon Age: Origins и Dragon Age 2 были разработаны на движке Eclipse, и когда выходила Dragon Age 2, движок начал давать трещину.

Томпсон также сказал, что Inquisition разрабатывается на движке Frostbite 3 и это удивительно мощный движок.

"Художники 'Dragon Age' всегда немного разочаровывались в том, как их работа визуализировалась в конечном продукте с движком Eclipse, но с Frostbite 3, они только что сделали интересный и удивительный продукт.

"Таким образом, я думаю, когда мы действительно начнем выпускать скриншоты, люди не будут разочарованы", - сказал Томпсон.

Это новое поколение игр принесет массу вещей, о которых пока можно только рассуждать, но трудно представить, тем не менее они, безусловно, стоят ожидания.

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Неделя Dragon Age.

Неделя Dragon Age - это упражнение для стимуляции креативности команды во время разработки DA3. Разработка игры идет полным ходом, но мы считаем, что мыслить нестандартно необходимо в режиме 24/7.

На прошлой неделе команде было предложено выйти за рамки своих прямых обязанностей и придумать что-либо для вселенной. Единственные ограничения: это должно относится к DA и должно быть круто.

Теперь неделя DA открыта для коммьюнити. Мы знаем, что у вас много идей по поводу того, как вселенная должна развиваться.

Используя хэштэг #DAWeek, поделитесь с нами своими мыслями и работами.

А в конце недели мы покажем, что приготовила для DA команда разработчиков.

Изменено пользователем -Sedoy-

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[someone tweeted Mike]

@Mike_Laidlaw DA could use some weather, hopefully it rains in Val Royeaux? :)

Mike Laidlaw ‏@Mike_Laidlaw

I think Ferelden should be rainier, too, but that's just me. ;)

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The expansive world of Dragon Age is nothing if not rich in lore, something that is immediately apparent when playing the two Dragon Age video games and tabletop games, reading the three novels and four volumes of comic books. If you still weren’t convinced on Dragon Age’s massive history and lore, the game’s developer, Bioware and Dark Horse Books have come together to put the entire world of Dragon Age into a hardcover book: The World of Thedas. What awaits readers within the 184 pages of the book is enough information to baffle even the most hardcore of Dragon Age fanatics.

One of the most special parts of the book is the forewords written by Dragon Age‘s lead writer, David Gaider and creative director, Mike Laidlaw. The heartfelt introduction gives readers a bit of perspective on where the Dragon Age world came from and what inspired David Gaider to create it the way he did. Mike Laidlaw also offers much thanks and appreciation to the fans, Dark Horse, and Ben Gelinas and Nick Thornborrow, who are credited for doing most of the work on this enormous undertaking. You certainly do not want to skip over this intro like you do every other book, as it really sets the mood for the entire thing and shows just how truly dedicated the creative team is to making Dragon Age happen.

Much of what takes place after the foreword is very detailed breakdowns of every race, place, religion, culture and creature in the world of Thedas. When playing the games of reading the novels you pick up a lot of details and lore, but this book takes the cake. Even if you are so hardcore that you read every codex and every tiny detail in the other Dragon Age mediums, none of it compares to the amount of detail you will find here. If you’re a big Dragon Age fan, there are many things included in the book which will pass as “common knowledge”, but seeing it so rigorously detailed is a beautiful thing. Besides detailing all of Thedas’ people and places and what makes them special, the bottom of every page follows a timeline of all of Thedas’ history and its major events. Much of that timeline is very eye-opening and sets a lot of lore straight, but when you start getting past all of the ancient ages and into the “Dragon Age”, reading about things that you did in Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II the timeline really starts to hit home. Ben Gelinas should be thanked and praised for the work he did here, along with the entire team of writers who helped contribute and correlate the mounds of information.

Now, the timelines and uncanny amounts of detail wouldn’t be as affective if not for the beautiful art contributed by Nick Thornborrow. It was stated early on in the book that much of the art is actually previously unreleased concept art that went to help create both video games. That alone is worth buying this book for as it shows the evolution of the Dragon Age world and just how expansive it is, and can still become. There is something really special about knowing that much of the art was pulled out of files and brought into the public eye. There is so much transparency in the art, and it also allows readers to slow down and study everything where they probably couldn’t while hacking their way through hordes of darkspawn. The art is beautiful and very creatively arranged, making this even more of a must buy for Dragon Age fans.

If you are not a Dragon Age fan, do not feel excluded. This book is also a perfect introduction to the Dragon Age universe, explaining literally everything you need to know, even many things that hardcore DA fans won’t know yet. Dragon Age: The World of Thedas is an absolute must read for so many reasons and for so many people. If that’s not enough to convince you, there are also (SPOILER FREE) hints to the upcoming Dragon Age III in the timeline. Dragon Age fans have no excuse to miss this masterpiece which expands the world of Thedas beyond the amount of detail we could have every hoped to learn by playing the games. What will make your head spin even more is that the first thing you’ll read upon opening the book is a big “Volume 1″, hinting that they will release further volumes with more information over time. Your bookshelf will look extra sexy with this hardcover gracing its surface, and your mind will be extra sexy filled with all you could ever hope to know about Dragon Age.

Ревью на Мир Тедаса


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Кто какие решения принимал в ДА 2.


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Rogues develop along a few lines in Set 3. Ranged combat and stealthly in-fighting are given new options. For specializations we have the Shadow, Marksman, and Ranger. Shadows are masters of stealth and infiltration. Marksmen use ranged weapons to deliver critical blows from long range using bows or thrown weapons. Rangers are skilled trackers and woodsmen who can even coax the beasts of the wild to fight by their side. Talents include Intrigue and Observation, which make the Rogue a master spy and broker of secrets. Bonus powers such as Slippery make the class difficult to pin down and Perforate and Quick Shot let them find the right weakness or moment to enable a punishing attack.

So that's the Rogue at a glance. As they cover a fair amount of ground, role-wise, the class has several options. They might not be the frontline powerhouses Warriors are or have the spells and mystic powers of the Mage, but they can bypass obstacles that would confound their allies and appear where needed with a deadly strike or helping hand.

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Странички из The World of Thedas









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@dragonage: As #DAWeek draws to a close, it's only fair to show some of what our dev team came up with during this exercise: http://t.co/Tp8tRlB4kT

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История о трех драконах

Изменено пользователем Резчица

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Вышло превью второго выпуска комикса Until we sleep.

Гном Варрик отправляется в царство магии и иллюзий, пытаясь спасти друзей от их кошмаров.

Смогут ли герои вовремя очнуться, чтобы не дать злейшим из магов претворить их мечты в жизнь?

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