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  1. Сижу я значит, никого не трогаю. Мирно читаю. И вдруг вижу это:

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    He has a smile on his perfectly round face.

    The smiling dwarf runs up to us.

    “Enchanting? Enchanting?”

    “Eh? Enchanting?” Unintentionally, I parrot him.



    Rollo reacts to the strange dwarf from my shoulder.


    “Nya nya, Nyyaaa”

    Rollo gets hops down from my shoulder and approaches this strange Dwarf seeming to be curious, while crying out.

    “Enchan, Enchantiiing.”

    “Nn, Nyanya, Nyaa.”

    The kappa headed dwarf calls out enchanting repeatedly to Rollo.

    A strange conversation is started with Rollo.

    I turn to Quiche to ask for help, but she is turning her beautiful and peaceful feminine smile to the kappa dwarf.

    “Bon. We don’t need to worry about enchanting, so would you go get Zaga?”

    The kappa headed dwarf seems to be named Bon.

    Probably because of the poncho he is wearing covers him completely from head to toe he looks even more round.


    Bon leaves with the strange word “enchanting” and runs back to the shop.

    “Eeeto, Bon is…”

    “Aah, that child can only say the word enchanting. You should hear the specifics from Zaga.”

    Is there a disability like autism?

    =) =) =) =)
    1. Ewlar


      Ностальгия по Сэндалу? =)

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