3meu 435 27 января, 2013 Платформы: [PC], [PlayStation 4] | Жанр: Third-Person Action Game Разработчик/Издатель: Digital Extremes | Дата выхода: TBA (OBT In Progress) Официальный сайт | Wiki | Steam Первая официальная информация об игре Warframe появилась летом. Тогда же, помимо описания самой игры и ее героях, разработчики выпустили и трейлер, который содержал минимум кадров из реального игрового процесса, но при этом показывал высокую динамику игры, враждебные расы и главных персонажей. Разработкой проекта занимается канадская команда Digital Extremes, которая уже успела приложить руку к созданию продолжения великолепного хоррор-шутера The Darkness, разработала игру Dark Sector и многопользовательский режим Bioshock 2. Warframe представляет из себя шутер от третьего лица, выполненный в популярном ныне формате Free-to-Play (игра поставляется условно-бесплатно, но имеет дополнительные предметы, которые можно купить лишь за настоящую валюту). Видео: Alpha Trailer Warframe Diorama Стрим Быкова Скриншоты: Список игроков BRC: Forum Nickname Ingame nickname Steam nickname Mic 3meu snakusoid snakusoid - Thundervision Thundervision smash-n-splash ? Skirata Skirata N/A ? Аазмандиус Equilibrist Aazmantii + SPIRT_VASH_DRUG SPIRT_VASH_DRUG N/A + XeTT07 Circasian XeTT07 + MoRf1n morfin1337 morf1n65 + Glamorous and crazy Ephedrine Gl@m0r0us /b/tard + Siritkam Nelve N/A + yago Kongh the_kindly_ones + Kain KainMary kain_mary + Скользкий Slaven slaven14 + KaindeMort KaindeMort kaindemort + 17 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
MECT_HET 758 15 мая, 2014 Значит, дальнобойная версия Тигриса (клантек) и гринировская спам-ракетница. Ну что же, могло быть и хуже. Я всё ещё надеюсь на аналог шоковой винтовки, но с каждой обновой надежда тает. Триня RIP, как я и говорил. Для 50- уровней годится, после начинает сливаться даже с 90% иммуном. Глюк в додзё со сносом комнат так и не поправили, несмотря на две отправленных абузы. Короче, очередная обнова mastery feed. Может, хоть 16 ранг возьму. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Mixail267 123 15 мая, 2014 (изменено) гринировская спам-ракетница.Вы таки будете смеятся, но она корпусовская: форма очень уж характерная. Изменено 15 мая, 2014 пользователем Mixail267 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
XAM 307 15 мая, 2014 Оно так и надо или баг? - Вобщем, тест на 16 ранг - аналог миссий перехвата, но с 3-мя точками. Взял Вобана, думал разбросать сетки и пройти легко и быстро. Оказалось очень легко и очень быстро.. Начался тест, развернулся, зашёл на 1-ую точку, кинул пару энерготаблеток, бастилию и даже успел очередь по врагам дать и... на этом фрейм начал усаживаться на свою 5-ую точку - пройдено, заняло всё это дело меньше 5 секунд. Может и не баг конечно, а просто мобы признали во мне мега папку и решили сдаться без боя ) Новые пушки, кстати, вполне себе ничего, если бы не лень было играть, прополярил бы по полной думаю. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
MECT_HET 758 15 мая, 2014 (изменено) Оно так и надо или баг? - Вобщем, тест на 16 ранг - аналог миссий перехвата, но с 3-мя точками. Взял Вобана, думал разбросать сетки и пройти легко и быстро. Оказалось очень легко и очень быстро.. Начался тест, развернулся, зашёл на 1-ую точку, кинул пару энерготаблеток, бастилию и даже успел очередь по врагам дать и... на этом фрейм начал усаживаться на свою 5-ую точку - пройдено, заняло всё это дело меньше 5 секунд. Может и не баг конечно, а просто мобы признали во мне мега папку и решили сдаться без боя ) Новые пушки, кстати, вполне себе ничего, если бы не лень было играть, прополярил бы по полной думаю. Подлый донат! (= А мне до 16 ранга ещё 4к мастери после раскачки обоих новинок. Вы таки будете смеятся, но она корпусовская: форма очень уж характерная. Я сравнивал с реально существующими образцами в игре. Вроде, чем-то подобным стреляют гринировские изгнанники. Хотя могу ошибаться, и в ближайшее время следует ожидать корпусят-ракетчиков. Изменено 15 мая, 2014 пользователем MECT_HET Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Thundervision 4 727 15 мая, 2014 Lares (Mercury): Enemy Spy Located - 83m - 2600cr - Forma (Blueprint) Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Аазмандиус 741 15 мая, 2014 Раунд 2: Juggernaut vs Lurker Hangman vs Doppleganger Ballist vs Slinger Arc Fiend vs Disgorger Результаты: Juggernaut (1175 votes [84.11%]) Lurker (222 votes [15.89%]) Hangman (831 votes [59.48%]) Doppleganger (566 votes [40.52%]) Ballist (584 votes [41.80%]) Slinger (813 votes [58.20%]) Arc Fiend (597 votes [42.73%]) Disgorger (800 votes [57.27%]) Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Кера 962 16 мая, 2014 Триню хороним (я еще счастливый человек, вставила в нее только 2 формы), у Эша изменений не заметила (хотя, я такой "знаток" Эшей...), у Банши Тишина как была бесполезной фигней, недостойной занимать слот, так и остается, ульта тоже сохранила свою убогость. Разве что Никс теперь вери стронг дд, но и то мне кажется, что ее порежут. Прекрасная обнова! Просто-таки вселяет желание играть дальше. p.s. Еще и в голосовалке мой любимый Hangman проигрывает =( Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
ALF448 1 846 16 мая, 2014 (изменено) Весело,весело тут у вас,в смысле в вф.Я то думал за 2,5 недели ничего не изменится,парочка новых пушек,и в лучшем случае Локи прайм,а тут ДЕ с плеча обезглавили триню,и ещё много чего наделали.Даже страшно отлучатся ещё на недельку,такими темпами вернусь,а все на Меркурии рассекать будут) Изменено 16 мая, 2014 пользователем ALF448 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Samedi 1 982 16 мая, 2014 Весело,весело тут у вас,в смысле в вф.Я то думал за 2,5 недели ничего не изменится,парочка новых пушек,и в лучшем случае Локи прайм,а тут ДЕ с плеча обезглавили триню,и ещё много чего наделали.Даже страшно отлучатся ещё на недельку,такими темпами вернусь,а все на Меркурии рассекать будут) если этот меркурий вообще будет на карте ХД Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Thundervision 4 727 16 мая, 2014 (изменено) К-какого... Роберта Патрика?! Может не только Шепарда в свое время клонировали? edit: Пистоль - бомба. Во всех смыслах. С Магнум Форс просто Ковровая бомбардировка. p.s. Еще и в голосовалке мой любимый Hangman проигрывает =( Специально проголосовал «против». Не надо нам спайдер-вумен-скорпионши, мои нервы не выдержат x) Изменения Новы: Tenno, As we continue the balance passes on the Warframes, we have more updates to report! The following post covers the changes to Nova from the desks of dev, specifically her Molecular Prime ability. Molecular Prime: - On cast, no longer instantly affects all enemies in a radius, now grows out from Novas casting position with a new visual effect. This is affected by Duration mods. - Explosive radius of primed enemies has been brought in (6,7,8,10 meters per mod rank). This is closer to other explosive weapons in the game. This is affected by range mods. - Duration now scales with level but has been brought in line with other power durations (10,15,20,30 seconds per mod rank). This is affected by Duration mods. - Slow-motion effect on enemies now scale with level (.75,.7,.6,.5 percent of normal speed) This is affected by Strength mods, but will have a cap on how slow you can make your enemies overall. - Primed explosions are now offset slightly for performance reasons (creating tons of ragdolls in same frame can cause visible hitches). Please feel free to discuss these changes within this thread, but stay constructive. Comments and remarks that don’t contribute in a meaningful way will be hidden so surrounding discussions remain on-point. These changes will be arriving in the near future PC (likely with the next content update) and within the next major Update on PS4. We’ll be able to address any immediate issues within a hotfixes, and longer term feedback over time as these changes are tried out and adapted to. Thank you for reading! Стартовал 1-ый раунд отбора по Корпусу: Questions 1 through 4 represent Bracket A. Questions 5 through 8 represent Bracket B. 1. Corpus Hive vs. Force Moa Corpus Hive (Kimerex) Name Suggestion: Corpus Hive Behavior: Commonly seen with large groups of Corpus soldiers, these units preform two specific tasks. Recon and defensive response. The Hive generates a handful of small robots that seek out enemies and alert the soldiers of incoming threats. When in combat mode, the hive itself heads for cover and uses the smaller droids to generate shield wall cover (not unlike the Volt's shield) to protect its squad. The hive reserves a drone for itself to use when it needs cover for a tactical retreat. Attacks: The Hive itself has no attacks. The drones it creates could carry with them possible attack functions. For the most part they would be used to generate shields at will but they can find other uses as well. Radial blinds, energy disruption, and many other possibilities. Environment restrictions: The Hive goes where the corpus go. The drones they have may be altered by situation however. Art: Force MOA (Choloph) Name Suggestion: Force MOA Behavior: Greatly reworked version of AMBULAS for release in mass production, Moves slowly, but still mobile enough. Crewman inside is heavily protected by shields. Attacks:Has three types of attack: Integrated enhanced "Supra" with an increased ammunition in the right hand; integrated long-range plasma accelerator in the left hand (it shouldn't be used very often because of long charge time, but the area of the explosion should be average); can hit surrounding enemies with strong attacks using arms and legs, also can use shockwave ability as Shockwave MOA. Enviroment restrictions: Commonly spawns on DEFENSE or SURVIVAL missions, on planets (Earth, Corpus Outposts, etc.). 2. Corpus Saboteur vs Corpus Dingo Corpus Saboteur (deadgrin) As a merchant cult, corpus always makes sure to protect and take what they want with the best equipment and trained soldiers money can buy across the galaxy. Enter Corpus Saboteur. These are elite chosen few women specially trained to handle any situations and factions. They are expensive but shows results, you can easily tell from their gadgets. So tennos, prepare to engage an annoying pain the ass corpus so far. Name Corpus Saboteur Behavior Seldom shows, but when they do show, they are within a group of crewmen complete with shield ospreys, and often behind a door. When saboteur enters, doors behind her locks automatically because of her ability to shuts doors and jams the hack puzzle (shows different puzzle every second) mini game when players try to hack and get rid of her by running past her. moveset a. When she see player's from a far, instantly deploys two wall mounted turrets from her back (see fig. 1) that fires lasers, but has hp like the ordinary surveillance ones. a.1. After deploying turrets, she then activates her barrier from her gauntlets (same as grineer and corpus barriers) and fires penta from inside the barrier. moveset b. When she see player's from a far, instantly activates laser from her gauntlets (same as the laser door barrier) that moves forward and chips almost 400 energy or shield. b.1. After deploying turrets, she then activates her barrier from her gauntlets (same as grineer and corpus barriers) and fires penta from inside the barrier. Environment As long as there is corpus that settles within the area, they also have at least 1 or 2 saboteurs hired to guard the perimeter. Corpus Dingo (ValhaHazred) And a quick reference of the Primus charging and its projectile: Behavior: In combat a Dingo will attempt to fire its Primus from a distance before charging into the midst of battle. It will attempt to get as many targets in turret range as possible. I picture Dingoes as moving similarly to the Big Dog robots from Boston Dynamics. They're a bit clumsy and lumbering but can move quickly in straight lines. Environmental restrictions: none. Dingoes are very tall but the Corpus made sure they could still fit through doors. 3. Nanotech Swarmer vs Death Aim Nanotech Swarmer (cyrax76) Name Suggestion Nanotech swarmer Behavior Looks like the other crewman, but uses nanomachines in battle. The nanomachines appear as a black cloud around the corpus. Slow, but deadly. The nano machines generate a strong forcefield, so it doesn't take cover. The swarmewrs nano machine also heals nearby corpus soldiers. Attacks The nanotech swarmer only uses the nanomachines in battle. The nanomachines can transform into any melee weapon. The nanomachines also deal damages to the player when gets near to the nanotech swarmer. The swarmer can also send the nanomachines to a random player, the nanomachines keep dealing damage until it kills the player or the nanotech swarmer is killed (the nanomachines deactivates when the swarmer dies) Environment Restrictions None. Rare spawn. Death Aim (TheOnlyTrueCat) 4. Attono vs. Riot Moa Attono (Yuicne) Name Suggestion: Attono Behaviour: Only appears after the alarm has been sound for 30 seconds. This is a Support Corpus military unit, normally used in large scale assaults or defence, the Tenno caused quite a lot of trouble lately thus these will be initiated once they're detected. Due to it's high-tech engineering, the suit is resistant against lightning elemental damage. Attacks: This is a support unit, primarily used/good against lightning Warframes and weapons. 1: A normal melee attack with huge knock-back and electric damage. 2: Shields allies in a Globe, with it an AoE lightning aura settles in, friendly corpus cannot be harmed by lightning elemental damage during the duration the AoE is active. There are gaps in between the shield plates so that it won't be entirely immune. 3: Creates a selection of small chest high walls for crew men to hide behind, a big pillar like wall in the middle where the Attono shields him self, and any projectile(s) from the inside fired out will have lighting elemental damage. Environment restrictions: Small corridors, Attono need good wide area for the “Globe” and chest high walls to be. Riot Moa (Volkovyi) Name Suggestion: Riot Moa Behavior: Riot Moa spawn upon the first detection of Tenno, then later lock-downed areas, and various hallways and corridors, however they can be found in other circumstances irregularly. Their main purpose is to block the Tenno from advancing, with either heavy artillery fire or physically bashing the Tenno back if they get within melee range. While in walker mode they can only walk, being unable to run or maneuver easily. It primarily walks only to relocate. Attacks: While in walking mode, Riot Moa can only attack with their back-mounted cannon. When taken position in bunker mode the Riot Moa can attack with both the cannon and missile artillery simultaneously and is its main form of attack. If a Tenno were to attempt to melee the Riot Moa whilst in bunker mode from the front, the Moa will bash the Tenno away knocking them down. Specific points on the Moa must be attacked to kill it, its riot shields are impenetrable but not its body. Environment restrictions: Various man-made tile sets. Won't be found earth/land-bound. Any mission type. Uncommon enemy. 5. Cargo Moa vs. Corpus Invisibliss Cargo Moa (OscarIsPotato) Name Suggestion: Cargo Moa Behavior: Wimpy. These enemy types only spawn during a non alerted mode. This makes playing stealth more rewarding. They will occasionally place an explosive barrel down right next to another explosive barrel and continue strolling along. When it spots a player it will abandon the cargo and quickly try to flee. This moa isn't built to be a hero. Attacks: None, only barrel placing. This is a simple Moa with a simple job and a simple life. But the real damage potential is the explosive barrels that players (or enemies) can explode. Along with that, the cargo platform can be used quite creatively to knock down enemies from a distance, to be used as a makeshift transporter, or even just a plaything for your friends to mess around in (glitch hunting probably. Sorry DE). Environmental Restrictions: (During connected mode) really steep staircases, inclines that require jumping, and super narrow paths, air ducts for example. Corpus Invisibliss (inthephonebox) Name: Corpus Invisibliss Behavior: The Invisibliss is a female Corpus soldier specializing in covert disruption techniques. Her main role in combat is to confuse and hinder enemies, rather than dealing damage, though she will resort to open combat when necessary. To do this the Invisibliss utilizes a temporary cloaking field and an array of gadgets meant to throw off enemies’ perceptions. As soon as the Invisibliss is alerted to Tenno presence she will activate her cloaking device. This technology is not perfect, however, and so she will still shimmer when moving. On top of this, the force exerted by her field hitting the ground as she walks causes a trail of sparks as she moves. She uses this to her advantage by rolling a small cloaked ball (similar to Grineer commander’s grenade ball) which produces the same shimmering and spark trail effects. The cloak will not last for very long, and any damage taken while cloaked will disrupt the cloaking field. Should the Invisibliss reach her target undetected she will stun her foe causing them to stumble, take shield and energy damage, and cause their HUD malfunction (like walking through a Grinner sensor door). If detected she will engage with standard Corpus armaments. Attacks: While cloaked, the invisibliss can roll one or two cloaked balls, mimicking the effects of her movement in order to throw off her enemies. These decoys do no damage, but could allow the Invisibliss the time needed to close upon her prey. Don’t tase me, sis: upon reaching her target, the Invisibliss will fire a short range taser. While a Tenno’s armor is enough to keep them conscious, the taser is strong enough to drain shields and energy, as well as disrupting vision and accuracy (similar to a Grinner sensor door, but stronger and/or longer lasting). By this time, her cloak would have likely worn out and she will revert to using standard issue corpus tech weaponry. Should she be able to take cover, however, she may reactivate her cloak, allowing her to attack in near invisibility again. Environmental restrictions: The Invisibliss relies on distractions, and only spawns in larger groups of enemies (say 5+). She prefers areas with cover. Art: Picture a Corpus version of Yelena from Deus Ex: HR but in a sleek silvery/cyan jumpsuit with some traditional angular metal decorations and a Corpus helmet that somehow suggests femininity. 6. Corpus Conduit vs. Corpus Mercenary Corpus Conduit (Ampere) Name: Corpus Conduit Behavior: Utilizing MOA legs to tower over foes and demonstrate startling combat agility, the female Corpus Conduit is highly aggressive, charging headlong into whatever enemy she currently has in her sights. Beware her prods, Tenno. Attacks: Using the long reach of a Prova Pike to compensate for her augmented height, the Corpus Conduit is capable of performing lunging attacks much like a Leaper infested, as well as using her robotic legs to create the radial AoE stomps of a Shockwave MOA. Environmental restrictions: Impractical in tight, closed spaces; possibly losing all mobility. Art: Corpus Mercenary (TheOniStixx) Name: Corpus Mercenary Behavior: A Corpus unit that's only business skill is fighting. They are a trooper unit that the Corpus has hired to finding and killing the enemy. They are used in combat to flush Tenno or Grineer out of cover and then unload as much lasers that they can into them. They have more maneuverability than most Corpus units and are armored and shielded. Attacks: When they need to attack an enemy behind cover and lush them out, they throw a grenade the knocks down and knocks back the enemy, letting them unload their rifles onto the enemy. They have a heavy melee attack using their robot exoskeleton to punch the enemy and push them away so they can get some distance. They also have a camera on the back of their suits, so they cannot be stealth executed. Environment Restrictions: None 7. Corpus Clergyman vs. Tortoise Corpus Clergyman (LoveYourEnemy) Name: Corpus Clergyman Behavior: The Clergymen, like the name says, are devout members in the Corpus church. They worship Orokin technology and are absolutely obsessed with it, sacrificing their legs to the Void and have replaced those with powerful prosthetic legs (similar to the Fusion MOA's legs). Their fighting tactics focus on both support and aggression, and their legs allow them to speed around the battlefield (also being able to dodge attacks and aggressively charge the player). His deployable drone allows another way to attack and buff other Corpus. When out in the open not attacking, they can deploy a mobile energy shield (it can be shot to break it like normal shields, but much stronger). Attacks: Main support attack is an energy barrage (blast damage and similar to 'Tempest Barrage' in function). Typically does this as the initial attack and then deploys the Support Drone to wear down the player using laser smgs. Clergymen can also send out their drone to prevent the player from using abilities (not draining energy though, but projecting an aura around the player), in this state the drone does not use the laser smgs. Clergymen can buff the enemies around them by calling out a religious chant that makes all enemies in the vicinity have an attack buff. Last attack pattern is a last-ditch-effort charge ending in an energy ground slam with their fist, being able to stumble the player and get in range for powerful melee kicks (can be dodged using the combat roll). Environments: Found in all Corpus environments in small numbers, spawns are increased in the Gas City Tilesets. Tortoise (Rebulite) Name Suggestion: Tortoise Behavior: An extremely bulky, four-legged, and heavily armored Corpus proxy, the Tortoise is an elite mass-production unit with the ability to defend allied units by providing cover and supoort. While the Tortoise is heavily armored, it also employs moderate firepower, equipped with a pair of Spectras to deter close-range combatants. It also has a miniature missile attached to its back, to deal with enemies who do not close the distance. Tortoises will prefer to defend positions surrounded by their fellow Corpus units and will often keep to the front of a formation, forcing any opposing units to focus their fire on them. The plating on a Tortoise's back is also heavily reinforced, causing almost all guns without significant penetration to be unable to pierce the armor there: if one wishes to destroy a Tortoise, it is imperative to aim at their limbs or head, or use a gun modified to punch through barriers. The Tortoise's main weakness is its speed: it moves very slowly due to its armor and is not adept at turning to face enemies at its sides. Attacks: The Tortoise is equipped with a Spectra on either side of its main 'shell,' and will fire the two Spectra at any enemies it can reach: this means that it will do far more damage to enemies in front of it or behind it, leaving it slightly vulnerable to being flanked. In addition, at longer ranges, the Tortoise will release a small heat-seeking missile from the top of its shell, similar to the ones equipped on Zanuka and the Hyena models. But ignoring the Tortoise's firepower is potentially more dangerous: using a variant of the tech used in Shield Ospreys, the Tortoise is able to convert its currently intact shielding into a burst of magnetized energy, healing the shields of other teammates around it and damaging those of enemies, in a manner similar to Mag's Shield Polarize. Environment restrictions: None. 8. Corpus Wrangler vs. Corpus Auxiliatrix Corpus Wrangler (astrobird) Behavior: Will kite Tenno and fire off occasional rounds until either players get too close, or stop moving. Will then use moa steed to then cause shockwaves against players to knock them on their backs. If a player is on their back around the Wranglers, they will be tethered to and dragged around the map in a pseudo downed state, where they will only be able to use their secondary to attack. The player will take constant damage while being dragged and can only escape with the assitance of another player or by staggering or stunning the Wrangler dragging them. Attacks: Lanka Shot: The Wrangler fires 1-3 fast moving, powerful shots at target tenno. The Wrangler wil lstay at a moderate distance at this time nad will congregate with other wranglers until they have formed a group of 3-6 Charge: When in a group, the Wranglers will get into a charging formation and rush the players, knockcking them down if they are caught in the line of attack. Deals light damage. Shockwave: The Moa Steed bends down slightly and leaps high into the air towards tenno, sending out four simultaneous shockwaves upon impact with the ground. The shockwaves deal light damage and knock down, but can be evaded through jumping. Rodeo: The Wrangler fires off an energy chain that immediately locks onto a pratfallen or stationary tenno and begins to drag them around the tile in a wide circle. The effect lasts for ten to fifteen seconds, dealing constant damage to the player. The player is put on their back and forced to use their secondary for the duration of the attack. The only means of premature escape is through either stunning or killing the Wrangler performing the Rodeo. Environment restrictions: The Wranglers can only spawn in groups equal to double the current session's player count and only in wide/open tilesets such as Corpus Hangars. Corpus Auxiliatrix (YandereSamantha) Name Suggestion: Corpus Auxiliatrix Behavior: This unit prefers to stay behind and repair damaged MOAs and heal injured Crewmen, but when engaged, it will not hesitate to engage in battle. Fast-moving and elusive, this unit is rather difficult to spot and pin down. However, when they are repairing units or healing allies, they are susceptible to damage. They are most susceptible to AoE attacks like Pull and Rhino Stomp. Refer to reference picture below for further information. Attacks: Melee attacks/Lecta attacks - When approached mid-range, Auxiliatrix units will engage in whip attacks, but when approached at close range, she will not hesitate to use hand-to-hand combat. Corpus freeze gun - Can greatly slow down players. Used when approached from a distance. Buff and Dispel - Can buff allies and dispel enemy buffs. Repair and heal - These units can repair damaged robotics and heal human units up to 75% of their health. Upgrade - Can upgrade robotics, from increased mobility to increased fire rate for weapons. Environment restrictions: Not necessarily a restriction, but they are susceptible to ambushes in the open. They are also uncommon units. Art or Reference Images: Изменено 16 мая, 2014 пользователем Thundervision 3 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
ALF448 1 846 17 мая, 2014 Накопил а потом треть спустил 3 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Thundervision 4 727 18 мая, 2014 (изменено) upd: +Solium (Eris): Enemy Weapons Trader Located - 74m - 7300cr - Forma (Blueprint) Final Round: Infested Submission Juggernaut (SilverBones) Name Suggestion: Infested Juggernaut Behaviour: The massive, lumbering form of the juggernaut moves with unstoppable momentum, not fazed by gunfire or obstacles. When it spots its prey, it will try to maintain distance to use its artillery-like attacks, resorting to using its huge arms only when pressed up close. Although big and hulking, the juggernaut is in fact highly intelligent, using timed attacks and maintaining distance to support the rest of the horde. Although it is tough, it is incredibly cumbersome, and is vulnerable to fire in the open part of its back. This means that maneuverable Tenno have a much better chance of doing damage to the creature from above or behind. Careful maneuvering is needed, as the Juggernaut will protect itself from the front and sides with its physical strength when pushed. The creature itself is coated in hardened plates – an effect of the technocyte virus on its hide, making it practically impervious to all but the most accurate attacks from range. There is a hint of malice in the Juggernauts movements that is not present in other infested, maybe due to the bulk of assimilated material needed to generate such a creature. Attacks: The Juggernaut has two primary attacks; Venom Bombardment – By hunkering down, the Juggernaut opens the huge maw on its back and vomits out a biological explosive which sails through the air towards the target. Upon reaching a close distance, the organism explodes, raining down acidic fluid like an airburst strike. This effect is similar to Hydroid's Tempest Barrage, so staying in the area of effect can be deadly, requiring the targets to move. Slam – By rearing up on its hind legs, the Juggernaut comes down with its arms, slamming into the ground and knocking targets around it to the floor. It then follows up with various, heavy strikes from its limbs to take down aggressors or back away to start using Venom Bombardment again. As a reactive attack, the Juggernaut will start venting poison (like an Embolist cloud) from its mouth when it gets down to 50% health. Although short ranged, it can cripple and even kill if the attacker does not back away quickly. Environment Restrictions: The Juggernaut is huge. Tight spaces are a no-no. Disgorger (ZeroJackdaw) Name Suggestion: Disgorger (Meaning to throw up/spew up. Also the name of a barbed tool used for fishing.) Behaviour: The Disgorger is a support infected that spews an infected cocktail which spawns a floor infestation similar to that on the existing infested tileset, only with hooked barbs and vivid glow. This is a passive effect as the creature dribbles bile from its mouth creating a path of the polyps behind it. It also cannot attack in close combat will seek other infected groups to use mid-range attacks (pack mentality). The Disgorger also runs like that of a bird walking on reversed Grineer Ballista legs. To spew bile, the creature opens its webbed maw of twisted hands, makes a heaving motion with it's glowing stomach, and shoots a slow moving lobbed projectile toward the target. Attacks: This creature has only two attacks. The passive skill which creates a small trail of dangerous ground beneath it acts as a knockdown trap similar to laser doors, only they can be easily avoided by jumping or wall running. This encourages players to use different tactics for movement during infested missions, instead of blindly plowing through enemies.The floor polyps de-spawn over time, but will linger even after the Disgorger is dead. Disgorger's main attack involves launching a glob of acidic infestation at a player at mid-range. This attack has a small area of effect which causes damage over time and slows the player affected by half speed over a short period. This attack also works on cryopods during defense missions which discourages players from simply sitting on the pod under Frost/Vauban's shield as well as encouraging players to take out the Disgorger before it fires. Environment restrictions: The Disgorger can spawn on any tileset where grunt infected (like Chargers) can spawn, but typically spawns with other infected. (Optional) Art or Reference Images: Изменено 18 мая, 2014 пользователем Thundervision 1 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Аазмандиус 741 21 мая, 2014 Final Round: Infested Submission Juggernaut (SilverBones) Disgorger (ZeroJackdaw) Juggernaut (974 votes [68.83%]) Disgorger (441 votes [31.17%]) Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Walenok 375 23 мая, 2014 На днях узнал что оказывается ящики с роботами можно взламывать. И за тебя будет такой "топочущий" питомец ( ударный МОА ). Еще прикольно вобаном вешать электрошарики на чужих стражей. Эдакая электрогроздь получается. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Samedi 1 982 23 мая, 2014 На днях узнал что оказывается ящики с роботами можно взламывать. И за тебя будет такой "топочущий" питомец ( ударный МОА ). Еще прикольно вобаном вешать электрошарики на чужих стражей. Эдакая электрогроздь получается. если прицелится можно на чужих (да и своего) стражей батут вешать) Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Thundervision 4 727 23 мая, 2014 (изменено) WIP #2: Прогресс по 3 раунду голосования за выбор нового юнита для Корпуса: Force MOA (Choloph) Name Suggestion: Force MOA Behavior: Greatly reworked version of AMBULAS for release in mass production, Moves slowly, but still mobile enough. Crewman inside is heavily protected by shields. Attacks:Has three types of attack: Integrated enhanced "Supra" with an increased ammunition in the right hand; integrated long-range plasma accelerator in the left hand (it shouldn't be used very often because of long charge time, but the area of the explosion should be average); can hit surrounding enemies with strong attacks using arms and legs, also can use shockwave ability as Shockwave MOA. Enviroment restrictions: Commonly spawns on DEFENSE or SURVIVAL missions, on planets (Earth, Corpus Outposts, etc.). Riot Moa (Volkovyi) Name Suggestion: Riot Moa Behavior: Riot Moa spawn upon the first detection of Tenno, then later lock-downed areas, and various hallways and corridors, however they can be found in other circumstances irregularly. Their main purpose is to block the Tenno from advancing, with either heavy artillery fire or physically bashing the Tenno back if they get within melee range. While in walker mode they can only walk, being unable to run or maneuver easily. It primarily walks only to relocate. Attacks: While in walking mode, Riot Moa can only attack with their back-mounted cannon. When taken position in bunker mode the Riot Moa can attack with both the cannon and missile artillery simultaneously and is its main form of attack. If a Tenno were to attempt to melee the Riot Moa whilst in bunker mode from the front, the Moa will bash the Tenno away knocking them down. Specific points on the Moa must be attacked to kill it, its riot shields are impenetrable but not its body. Environment restrictions: Various man-made tile sets. Won't be found earth/land-bound. Any mission type. Uncommon enemy. Cargo Moa (OscarIsPotato) Name Suggestion: Cargo Moa Behavior: Wimpy. These enemy types only spawn during a non alerted mode. This makes playing stealth more rewarding. They will occasionally place an explosive barrel down right next to another explosive barrel and continue strolling along. When it spots a player it will abandon the cargo and quickly try to flee. This moa isn't built to be a hero. Attacks: None, only barrel placing. This is a simple Moa with a simple job and a simple life. But the real damage potential is the explosive barrels that players (or enemies) can explode. Along with that, the cargo platform can be used quite creatively to knock down enemies from a distance, to be used as a makeshift transporter, or even just a plaything for your friends to mess around in (glitch hunting probably. Sorry DE). Environmental Restrictions: (During connected mode) really steep staircases, inclines that require jumping, and super narrow paths, air ducts for example. Corpus Auxiliatrix (YandereSamantha) Name Suggestion: Corpus Auxiliatrix Behavior: This unit prefers to stay behind and repair damaged MOAs and heal injured Crewmen, but when engaged, it will not hesitate to engage in battle. Fast-moving and elusive, this unit is rather difficult to spot and pin down. However, when they are repairing units or healing allies, they are susceptible to damage. They are most susceptible to AoE attacks like Pull and Rhino Stomp. Refer to reference picture below for further information. Attacks: Melee attacks/Lecta attacks - When approached mid-range, Auxiliatrix units will engage in whip attacks, but when approached at close range, she will not hesitate to use hand-to-hand combat. Corpus freeze gun - Can greatly slow down players. Used when approached from a distance. Buff and Dispel - Can buff allies and dispel enemy buffs. Repair and heal - These units can repair damaged robotics and heal human units up to 75% of their health. Upgrade - Can upgrade robotics, from increased mobility to increased fire rate for weapons. Environment restrictions: Not necessarily a restriction, but they are susceptible to ambushes in the open. They are also uncommon units. Art or Reference Images: P.s. только мне видится на клинке? Изменено 23 мая, 2014 пользователем Thundervision 4 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
MECT_HET 758 23 мая, 2014 Райот Моа - это вин! Эдакий бульдозерный юнит в рядах корпусят, страдающих от недостатка тяжёлых представителей. Всё остальное откровенно слабое в плане дизайна и соответствия ЛОРу. 1 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Аазмандиус 741 23 мая, 2014 Настало время Grineer 1. H.A.G vs Grineer Privateer H.A.G (GimmeDaCloyster): Name Suggestion: H.A.G. (Heavy Armed Grineer) Behavior: The Grineer are lacking a heavy melee unit of sorts and considering them being a race of crude but effective tech and mass production a simple yet effective enemy is what I always imagine for them. The H.A.G. as it's shortened from Heavy Armed Grineer. Is a grineer inside of an industrial suit designed solely for increasing it's standard abilities. The suit is armored heavily reducing most damage aside from the opening holding the pilot being a vulnerable point. It could either be a pilot or as we've seen from vay hek they could just be molded into the armor of sorts. It's only weapon is a a large grappling arm with a function similar to a Scorpion Grineers but with added functionality. It's behavior is simply hand to hand combat, aside from standard punches and shockwaves it uses it's large grappling arm in a similar fashion to the scorpion shooting it's arms out and grabbing tenno except it then hurls the tenno at it's fellow allies (in a similar fashion to a rag dolled enemy hit with a bow damages an enemy it's thrown into) When low on health however it goes a bit berserk increasing it's attack speed. And not only throw Tenno but grabs it's own Grineer hurling them at it's enemy. Attacks: Standard Punching Large shockwaves. Grappling arms leading to 3 attacks. 1) Grabs Tenno and hurls into nearby allies if they're in range 2) Shoots out it's grappling arm as a rocket punch with heavy ragdoll 3) Same functionality as a Scorpions in that it just draws the enemy in close for other attacks such as the shockwave etc. Environment restrictions: Industrial enemy so mainly on Grineer Shipyards and Galleons. I also suggest this because out of all the melee type enemies the Scorpion is the only one that can semi surprise me. I'm sitting there doing my thing and suddenly get yanked away from the battle and interrupted. An enemy that would yank me away from battle and then fling me at my allies interrupting them with crazy rag doll I'd find fun. The scorpions are just too weak to even be a threat so their little hookshot is pointless. Grineer Privateer (astrobird): Name Suggestion: Grineer Privateer Behavior: Contrary to standard guerrilla tactics of the Grineer, these units will rush the players head first, and be quick about it as well. They will make leaps and bounds to get within range of the tenno, then either use fast thrusting or slashing attacks when in melee range, or using heavy hitting firearms when at a distance. They will jump around and stay very mobile, making sure to not only never take cover, but also to never stop moving unless they are attacking directly. The Privateer also possesses a scorpion wire, with which it may latch onto players to launch itself towards in an effort to flying kick the player in their arrogant face. These units are very fast, very strong, but lack significant pools of HP and armor to hide behind. Players without hitscan weapons will find themselves forced to duel the Privateers with melee or at close range. Attacks: Breach: The Privateer leaps onto a wall or ledge and vaults towards the player before attempting to slash the player with their weapon. Once the Privateer lands, there is a brief delay before the Privateer leaps off again, or continues to duel the player. Deals heavy damage. Brandish: The Privateer assumes a defensive stance with their melee weapon, ready to deflect any melee attacks the player may throw their way. Can block up to three attacks before the Privateer counter attacks. Blast: The Privateer raises its firearm and fires, dealing moderate damage to the target. Low accuracy at long ranges, but deadly accurate and potent at short. Bolt: The Privateer fires a shoulder mounted scorpion wire at a player, briefly stunning them and yanking the Privateer towards the target. If the player does not dodge, jump, or otherwise obstruct the oncoming Privateer, the Privateer will then slam their foot into the player's face, dealing heavy damage, as well as knocking the player to the floor. Bury: The Privateer performs a one-two combo with their cutlass and pistol, dealing heavy damage to unaware or unprepared players over three consecutive strikes. Environment restrictions: No environment restrictions, however areas with a distinct lack of cover or terrain will make their assault quite vicious. Art or Reference Images: Note: Male and female variants possible. 2. Manic Grineer vs. Huntsman Huntsman (Dead-Frost): Name Suggestion:Huntsman Behavior: He tries to blend himself with his environment using the clock he wears to hide and scans the area for threats to the Grineer, anything that can disrupt them, he is pretty much the lookout for the Grineer and will signal them with a whistle when he spots a threat that he didn’t manage to kill before it got in range of the grineer. He usually can be found back in the surrounding edge of the environments never in the open like most grineer. Once he gets a shot off then he will reposition himself. Attacks: They Use a powerful sniper rifle originally developed to deal with the wild life forms that attack Grineer on their settlements. When the subject is in range there will be a wind-up noise in the distance it will end when shot is fire. On impact the shot will push and knock down the subject. As stated above the huntsman will reload and reposition to avoid detection, and repeat. If Shot missies he will remain in same area and will fire a round of none charged shots, after those he will attempt a charged shot again. When in closer range to the Huntsman he will use a sidearm and will keep moving around you to avoid damage. Environment restrictions: Only found on Earth and Phobos missions. 2-3 per mission. Art or Reference Images: Just made a bust of what I pictured the Huntsman would look like. Thought I do a decent render this time compared to other faction submissions. Manic Grineer (Kadabura) Name Suggestion: Manic Grineer Behaviour: Manic Grineers are unusually aggressive melee soldiers who act solo, dropping down from above to ambush their prey. Subsequential clonings have weathered the minds of these Grineer variants down, causing them to attack relentlessly with no sense of self-preservation. However their ties of camaraderie seem strong as they wear the masks of their fallen clone brothers on their backs, and perhaps if the Manic is lucky enough, the helm of a fallen Tenno target. Their high attack and speed make up for low shield and armor, and while they shouldn't pose too much of a threat to a composed player or group, an unsuspecting Tenno may be in for a bad time if caught off guard. Attacks: Ground Pound: similar to a Tenno's, will stagger/knockdown players if Manic Grineer lands on/near them when falling from above (one time attack when spawning) Charge: the Manic Grineer will charge straight to a selected player, knocking them over and clawing at them until the Manic's shield is broken to knock them off. Knocked down players can still shoot secondary weapon as if they were bleeding out, but will not need to be revived once the Manic has been pushed off, so the enemy type can still be in solo runs. If the player is quick enough, the Charge attack can be avoided. Attacks mainly with hand/fist melee weapon if not Charging. (After re-reading this, I realized the attacks are kind of like the Charger + Hunter from L4D meets stealth guy from Payday 2, hah!) Environment restrictions: Only appears where there is overhead space to drop down from (like a hangar); not in hallways or singular rooms. Art: 3. Arc Trapsmith vs. Grineer Fumigator Arc Trapsmith (Toaman1994): Name Suggestion: Arc Trapsmith Behavior: This Grineer engineer forgoes the heavy artillery usually used by troops, instead relying on his inventions. He is able to deploy mobile Arc Traps, sliding them across the ground in a way that is similar to how Seekers deploy their Latchers. This enemy can also move to repair Arc Traps that have been disabled by Tenno. This enemy is more likely to deploy and repair Arc Traps than rely on his pistol, and works alongside both regular Lancer infantry and the Grineer Wardens. In Rescue missions, this enemy can be seen passively patrolling the Rescue area, following the same route as the Wardens. If he notices any broken Arc Traps, he will leave the Wardens to walk over and repair the traps, although he won't grow suspicious of their state. This provides Tenno with an opportunity to eliminate Trapsmiths before handling the Wardens. Attacks: The Trapsmith can deploy Arc Traps that slide across the ground, stopping at a specific point away from him. He deploys these traps in a similar manner to how the Seekers deploy their Latchers, with a gentle animation. The mobile Arc Traps move in a straight line, away from the Trapsmith, stopping several meters from him. The Trapsmith, when not deploying or repairing Arc Traps, has a small pistol he can use to fend off enemies. Environment restrictions: He may spawn with a squad of Grineer, but can also spawn in Rescue missions with the Wardens. Grineer Fumigator (TheMissingCake): Name Suggestion: Grineer Fumigator Behavior: Fumigators are very heavy units that prefer to stick to narrow hallways, or guard objects of importance as to make use of their corrosive gas attacks. Prolonged exposure to their own toxic fumes has warped their minds causing them to frequently laugh maniacally and attempt to spread as much toxin around an area giving little regard for the safety of their fellow Grineer who lack face masks, as the fumigators try to eliminate the Tenno scum who have infested their ships. They actively try to avoid melee confrontations using their various abilities, as melee attacks have a high chance of damaging the corrosive gas supply lines that cover their body. They are covered In high density armor plating that has been specially treated to resist Toxic, Corrosive, Gas, and Viral damage. Fumigators will tend to be at the back of squads of Grineer forces due to their reduced movement speed. Fumigators have a large gas cloud that surrounds and follows them spreading as they walk, and persists for extremely long periods of time usually disappearing due to the Fumigator's demise. Fumigators are a last resort for eliminating Tenno and are quite rare as many Grineer fear them. Attacks: Corrosive Gas: The gas sprayed by the Fumigator is a special blend of toxins specialized for clinging to things. The gas persists in contacted areas for long periods of time and will cling to anything that walks through it causing it to spread further. The gas does corrosive damage over time but will weaken armor making enemies inside more vulnerable to damage. Gas Sprayer: Their primary weapon is a high pressure corrosive gas launcher that can propel streams of gas long distances. The initial point of impact of the gas projectile is a large cloud with a trail of gas following it from the initial firing spot. This allows the Fumigator to effectively quarantine large areas by creating walls of this gas. Gas Vents: Fumigators are equipped with gas vents on their shoulders and thighs through which the corrosive gas is expelled into their environment, surrounding them with a corrosive cloud and causing them to leave trails of the corrosive gas. Gas Jets: Due their weakness to melee attacks, Fumigators are equipped with jets on their boots that allow them to quickly dash away from an enemy while simultaneously leaving behind a toxic cloud trail. Environmental Restrictions: Grineer Fumigators may found in all tile sets except for Phobos, however if on Earth they could become "Cicero Fumigators". (Optional) Art or Reference Images: Original Sketch Idea: 4. Grineer HYDRA Team vs Grineer Harpy Grineer HYDRA Team (iotimoline): Name: Grineer HYDRA team Appearance: 2-3 Grineer Lancers manning an oversized Gorgon-style heavy machinegun on a tripod mount behind an erectable cover barrier. One will be the gunner proper, another will be the loader, the third will be the warfam spottor and have a Grakata. All should be wearing heavier-than-normal upper body armor. Behavior: The HYDRA teams are spawned in missions where the Tenno have to advance (this means not on defense, but potentially on survival) and will set up in choke points to slow down, suppress or kill the Tenno with heavy firepower. The machinegun will have heavy firepower and a high rate of fire (potentially also be a shotgun, for a cone of fire!), but will regularly need to be reloaded, at which point it cannot fire but the Spottor will use his Grakate for suppression fire. If the gun itself is taken out, the team will all draw Grakatas or Krakens. Possible additional behavior: HYDRA team will rush out and attempt to deploy their gun, for example to 'protect' an air pod on Survival. Attacks: - Normal: HYDRA machinegun: rapid-fire high-caliber machinegun firing scattershot, needs regular reloading - Alternate variant: CERBERUS automatic grenade launcher: fires a scatter of bouncy explosive grenades, needs regular reloading - Personal weapons: 1x Grakata, 2x Grakata or Kraken (or similar standard Grineer firearm) Grineer Harpy (ValhaHazred): Grineer Harpy Behavior Harpies are a medium power mixed ranged and melee attacker. They are heavily augmented Grineer women with razor sharp claws, cybernetic leg jets and rocket equipped power armour. The Harpies are an airborne menace, often attacking from above before dropping into close combat. They can even deflect bullets with their claws, making them difficult to hurt at range. Attacks When Hovering Cannon: The harpy fires a shot from the jet tube in her leg. This attack deals blast damage. Swoop: Dropping down above a target the Harpy kicks them several times with her jets ignited. This deals fire, slashing and impact. Slam: By jetting straight into the ground the Harpy lands and causes a radial knockdown. When Grounded Melee: A combo of slashing claws and jet assisted knee strikes. Kick Cannon: By kicking and activating her leg jets at the same time the Harpy can deal massive damage and retreat from melee at the same time. Two variations; one to run away, one to switch to hovering. Cluster rockets: The Harpy fires her rocket pods off her back. They fly over the target spewing explosive bolts. After using this attack she cannot hover. Trailblazer: After using a kick cannon attack the Harpies run speed is increased and she leaves a trail of fire behind her. Environment restrictions Spawn in the same areas as Elite Lancers in similar numbers as Scorpions. 5. Grineer Arcbomber vs. Feral Chopper Grineer Arcbomber (CSequence): Name Suggestion: Grineer Arcbomber Behavior: The Grineer Arcbomber is a heavy unit specializing in long range attacks. Clad in reinforced armor and equipment, the Arcbomber takes slightly less damage compared to other Grineer and cannot be knocked down. However, it is slow in movement and thus tends to linger in an area rather than approach the player. Attacks: The Arcbomber’s primary attack involves long range bombardment and thus has a massive player detection range; however, due to Grineer stupidity, other units will not be notified of the player’s presence. Upon detecting the player, the arcbomber will launch a volley of five to seven bombs into the air. After a short delay, the bombs will land in quick succession at the player’s location - marked by reticules on the ground (as the bombs approach, the reticules begin to grow larger and flash rapidly). Each bomb deals heavy damage while a direct hit causes knockdown. At medium to close range, the Arcbomber will no longer utilize its mortar attack but instead shoot extremely fast, but delayed, projectiles at the player. Direct hits have a high chance of knockdown. At melee range, the Arcbomber can perform a ground slam move, similar to the Bombard/Heavy Gunner. TL;DR – A walking mortar Environment Restrictions: Large spaced tiles (Earth and Phobos). Can spawn elsewhere but cannot use mortar attack in small/cramped spaces. Art: Feral Chopper (KonRon): Name sugestion: Feral Chopper Behavior: This unit was created originaly with the purpose to felling trees, and demolition of these and caves, on the wild forests of earth but the constant growing of those make the grinner dispose/reuse the Choppers for other type of tasks, been able to cut stone on asteroids and sealed doors welded on invaded corpus ships. This light unit is adapted to climb and stay at high altitudes, with little to no armor attachments for being able to walk/run on walls, which make him extremely fast for running and able to perform very high jumps. The Chopper tend to attack any enemy on the ground and is very territorial and will rush to attack anyone else on the walls or places above the ground. Attacks: Primary chainsaw: the Chopper make a kind of dive bomb attack falling from the roof if hits the player it apply a blurry vision or deafness (like the reduced sound during loki invisibility or banshee silence) or both or stun, depending on the mission lvl and taunt the player swinging the chainsaw over his head runing around the player (to not insta kill it), if he miss the player it will recover and attack them with the chainsaw more aggressively. It will wall run very fast to attack a player on the wall or near it (attacking from the wall if possible) Secondary dual knife-bombs: it is armed with explosive knives (similar to castanas) or some kind of sticky bomb and will switch to these when his life is low running to the ceiling "for cover" and attacking at distance if its attacking a lone player it will mostly use the chainsaw but if the players are on group or if its sorrounded it will switch to throw the knife-bombs at different targets at the same time. (it has some crazy eyes it can multi-target) Enviroment restrictions: The Chopper is almost all the time on ceilings or high walls it will avoid the ground most of the time it may idle sitting on the wall or hung from the ceiling with his feet.it tends to hide himself if able most common on Earth an Ceres. It will appear on asteroid maps (both grinner and corpus), grinner galleons and appears also on corpus ships controlled by the grinner on upper platforms (the ones on the top), basically any map with some high ceilings or high walls. art: this is a concept for the aliens assasin from the alhpa hl2, I'm working in the images but this is quite the same face and body except the legs this is the chainsaw made be me it take me longuer than expected and I can only post the paper sketch of the character 6. Grineer Smuggler vs. Grineer Commisar Grineer Smuggler (PS4Tic-Tac30): Name: grineer smuggler Behavior: a very fast moving grineer unit which can easily outrun tenno, due to their light armor. Grineer smugglers wield a single sidearm and posses sticky grenades. Grineer smugglers scavange any resources/ammo on the ground, and can utilise cloak to escape enemies or perform amushes and stealth attacks. when cloaked, they place sticky grenades onto tenno, enemies and defense objects. they also wield a machete as a suprise for those who get too close. Abilities: cloak: grineer smugglers cloack for 5s at a time with a 6s cooldown sticky grenade:grineer smugglers plant a sticky grenade on enemies and objectives when cloaked. Self destruct: explode upon 3s of being killed Environmental restrictions: spawn on any grineer tilesets, but commonly on invasion, defense, rescue and mobile defense. Grineer Commisar (StallordD): Name: Commisar Behavior: Inspiring the common troops of the Grineer with rallying battle speeches, the Commisar provides benefits to the Grineer for headlong charges and attrition tactics. The Commisar follows normal Grineer battle tendencies, and moves at the same speed as a Heavy Grineer. The Commisar will gesture and scream wildly at the Tenno and it's troops, ocasionally taking shots with it's sidearm in between battle cries. The Commisar is heavily armored, but quite slow. Attacks: Besides the standard melee attack, and the shot of it's sidearm (Brakk?) weapon, the Commisar relies on it's allies but provides them with powerful benefits. While the Commisar is in range, every time another Grineer unit dies, all Grineer in range receive a 50% health restoration, and a small armor boost. The armor boost lasts for as long as the Commisar is alive. The Commisars also have an ability called "Rally." Rally forces all Grineer in range to come out of cover and perform a straight on rush at the Tenno, not varying from their path in any way, while the Commisar draws his sword and attempts to do the same. During this rally cry, enemy units are invulnerable. Commisars do not receive the armor or health boosts, but they DO receive a moderate speed boost, making it's rally cries more and more frequent. Environmental Restrictions: None 7. Grineer Taskmaster vs. Grineer Architect Grineer Taskmaster (dreadgrin): We have no idea how these fearless soldiers show so much impressive tactics and spunk in battle, may it be on desert, inside a station, or wherever. The Grineer shows effectiveness in battlefield. Is it because of their artillery? Or is this a result of rigorous training we never heard of? We may never know. But because of some obvious loses from different warring factions, they must step up and advance to retaliate. One solution is to deploy veterans again to the field to administer punishments to these slacking troopers. They are given the name "Grineer Taskmasters". Name Grineer Taskmaster Behavior You'll know when a Taskmaster is near and approaching when players hear drum-like sounds from a far, that gives you time to prepare for eminent mayhem. And mad beats! Grineer Taskmasters has sound woofer-like devices located on both sides of their shoulder armor, these things boosts the troops' morale and plays a tune accustomed to the grineer faction like a war drum. Affected area of effect gives: 1. Grineer slight movement speed 2. Slight fear effect to opposing sides (corpus, tenno,etc.) 3. And medium to huge weapon damage buff! So it is strongly advised to get rid of him fast before finishing the rest. Attacks Attacks vary from what Grineer Taskmasters have attached on their right hand. Yes, weapons are implanted to their hands these veterans have lost from previous countless battles. They chose to have it attachable by different weapons rather than an ordinary hand, these weapons are random and may be: Customized Scoliac (yes, that whip) Drakgoon Upgraded Gorgon Ignis OGRIS Environment Every map that has grineer on it. Grineer Arcihtect (WEREsandrock) Name Suggestion: Grineer Architect Behavior: Light armored Grineer Support unit. Among all the Grineer marines, the Architect can be described as the most intellectual one. He has mastered many subjects, such as basic emergency medicine, genetics, bionics and battle strategies. While their presence is sure being appreciated by veterans, the average Grineer might condemn the existence of architects, because they think, that those who are defeated by the enemy may not deserve to life anyway. Tougher enemies and increase of Tenno activity however made it necessary for the Grineer to come up with more than just brute force. The Architect indeed is not the fighting type. He will try to keep a distance between himself and the enemies and will always stay close to his comrades, if possible. During battle, the Architect has 3 duties: To heal , to fix , to motivate. Attacks: The standard - for self defense only - weapon of the Architect is a Kraken pistol. He will half-heartedly fire at his enemies while among his Grineer companions. For close combat he will defend himself by using his bionic arm, including the syringe attached to it and the laser scalpels on his fingers. The needle was made to pierce through Grineer armor- just for emergencies, and the injector is filled with a high potent adrenaline-like substance, that will allow dying Grineer to continue fighting. What's good for a Grineer , however, might not be good for a Tenno: In rare cases being attacked with the injector will result in poison damage. After all it's not his job to deal damage. What the Architect is good at however is - Constant healing of nearby Grineer at a low rate - Nearby Grineer who's health falls below 20% get a damage bonus of x %. - fixing of broken ark - and door traps. (takes some time) - building Regulators (He can only do that once) Environment restrictions: preferable grineer tilesets, ground Art: 8. Grineer Smasher vs. Grineer Judge Grineer Smasher (syoya3) A dark green and black colour scheme overall, with an upper body that has specific Grineer design. Tubes that you'd see on Vor and Kril are also included on the body, but with black smoke which makes him spotable from a distance. But if you get too close, the visibility will be quite poor as the smoke acts like cover! The Smasher has loud distinct footsteps which can generate a shockwave, like a Shockwave MOA, with a stun effect if it attacks from a high place. Appears at the same time/speed as heavy Bombards and Napalms. The Smasher has a very slow attack and movement speed compared to fellow Grineer units, but is very effective and fast with the Jat Kittag. The Smasher has a specific shockwave-like attack with the Jat Kittag. Appears on Saturn or higher. Grineer Judge (HowlRiot) Name Suggestion: Grineer Judge Behavior: Chance of appearance increases with the more enemies there are in a tile, making him spawn rarely and mostly in high level missions. He just spawns in the room (like the stalker does). Most of the time takes cover behind other grineer, mostly high level. He moves quickly. Attacks: Primary attack: Throws his hammer with speed to a Tenno causing high impact damage and most of the time knocking them down. This may not inflict much damage but it leaves the Tenno vulnerable for his secondary attack. Secondary attack: The Judge scans a Tenno "Sentencing" it after locking on for more than 2 seconds, once a Tenno has been sentenced the Judge will teleport next to him and hit him with his hammer dealing lots of impact damage and knocking the Tenno down. If the Judge scans a Tenno for another two seconds it will teleport to and hit another Tenno that's in the room after hitting the first one (2 seconds per tenno, if it scans a Tenno for 6 seconds then it will teleport to and hit 3). If there only is one Tenno in the room and the Judge scans him for more than 2 seconds, 6 for example it will hit him 3 times on the next attack. Environment restrictions: Since his chance of spawning increases with the more enemies there are in one room he will be mostly limited to big rooms. open spaces and high level missions where there are many enemies per tile. (Optional) Art or Reference Images: 1 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Samedi 1 982 24 мая, 2014 ахаха номер 4 "хайль гидра!" (с) Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
MECT_HET 758 24 мая, 2014 Режим задрота (внимание на кредиты): 3 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Walenok 375 24 мая, 2014 У меня в десять раз меньше. Небось все фреймы открыты ( все с реакторами и парой форм ). Все карточки тоже открыты и прокачаны . Вот деньги и некуда девать. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Samedi 1 982 24 мая, 2014 глянул запись стрима прошлого. дошел до корабля-меню и подумал что мой комп наверное задымится от всей этой 3д интерактивной графики Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
MECT_HET 758 26 мая, 2014 У меня в десять раз меньше. Небось все фреймы открыты ( все с реакторами и парой форм ). Все карточки тоже открыты и прокачаны . Вот деньги и некуда девать. Нет. Просто кредитный бустер+ТС оборона на плутоне по 5 волн. За 3 дня как раз набежало. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Кера 962 26 мая, 2014 глянул запись стрима прошлого. дошел до корабля-меню и подумал что мой комп наверное задымится от всей этой 3д интерактивной графики На счет стрима, кстати. Кто-нибудь может в 2х словах рассказать, что там самое важное было? Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
MECT_HET 758 26 мая, 2014 На счет стрима, кстати. Кто-нибудь может в 2х словах рассказать, что там самое важное было? Summary: PS4 MIGRATION - на стадии согласования с руководством SONY ЭМОТИКОНЫ - анимации практически готовы, и будут введены в игру с разу, как только позволит UI. Их 8 (иди туда, иди сюда и т.д). SILVA-AEGIS - релиз назначен на у14. Скорее всего, оружие будет обладать базовой стихией огня. Фан-мейд оружие - конкурсы на внедрение оружие авторства фанатов будут проводиться и далее. Мы также планируем ввести в игру 3 гуттаперчевые заготовки-меши, способные изменяться по желанию игрока. Победители контестов будут поощряться процентом от продаж их творения (вероятнее всего, это будет account-bound платина (недоступна для трейда). Фанатские заставки - близки к завершению, крайне неудачно совпали с тем, что пришлось параллельно работать на заставками авторизации. Осмысление фреймов - баланс и доведение до ума продолжаются. Ближайший претендент - Оберон, плюс мы продолжаем балансировку Новы. Валькирия поставлена в очередь. Анимация Истерии (ульты Валькирии) - переделываем, добавляем вариативности из обычных типов ближнего боя (добивания, прыжковые атаки, подкаты, нокдауны), добавляем счётчик комбо с увеличением урона, и т.д Прогрессия трофеев - да, мы в курсе, что все белые люди делают игры, в которых увеличение сложности ведёт к улучшению трофеев. До поры в игре было не так. Сейчас мы активно работаем над балансом таблиц трофеев, опыт выживания/обороны позволит переработать и другие режимы игры. Также ресурсы/модули будут наглядно привязаны к локациям, а не типам врагов. Саботажи - трогать их пока не будем, доводим до ума Спасения. Монорельс/ТС - будет внедрён новый режим игры, инверсия Мобильной Обороны на тикет-основе. Вы обнуляете вражеские спавны - вы побеждаете. Во время игры с вас случайно стрипаются некоторые модули, разблокировать которые вы сможете в ходе прогресса, кроме того, клановые тактики смогут расположить места случайного спавна таких модулей и разблокировать их гораздо раньше. Предположительный срок - у14. Ништяки для PS4 - всё будет! Как только руководство SONY одобрит контент, игроки получат его незамедлительно. И хотя, отставание от ПК неизбежно, консольщики получают версии, в которых большинство жуков уже отловлено силами ПК-комьюнити. PC фреймрейт - судя по тому, что нам удалось собрать в качестве статистики.... 1/6 игроков бегают на встроенной графике или с лаптопов, и только 1/4 игроков пользуются полноценными 64-битными системами. Остальные - 32 бита. У нас тут целая артель, занимающаяся исключительно оптимизацией, однако, как показали исследования ЦА, львиная доля игроков эту оптимизацию не ощущают, придётся возвращаться к оптимизации под 32 бита. Революция - мы начинали с 4 фреймами, теперь их 16, что позволяет сказать, что мы учетверились как минимум. И решения, эффективные в начале проекта, сейчас уже далеко не столь хороши. Мы работаем над лаунчером, который будет загружать лишь избранные части игры, для тех, кто не нуждается в полномерном клиенте или сидит на слабых машинах. Ключи T4 - маловероятно. Скорее всего, будет иметь место быть расширение ассортимента игровых режимов в духе Перехватов или Спасений. Сейчас мы все ткнулись лбом в планку 30 лвл, и дополнительный уровень сложности просто добавит дискретизации в рядах игроков. EXIMUS LEADER SCANNING - куча контента замедляет развитие ЛОРа, однако, мы работаем над этим. Прямо сейчас мы развиваем сюжетную ветку, касающуюся Мэг Прайм и войны Орокин с Сеншиентами. На подходе зацепки относительно другой солнечной системы и так далее. Характеристики декора - вероятнее всего, будет воспроизведена схема шлемов. Часть декоративных пластин будет иметь бонусы и штрафы, часть будет чистой косметикой. Паркур - мы дорабатываем системы паркура, кроме того, мы хотим дать игрокам СТИМУЛ заниматься им. Самый очевидный стимул - это секретные и недоступные места. Коптеринг/подкат - всем вайнерам: мы недвусмысленно дали понять всем, коптер - отныне скилл. Никто его убирать не будет. Фокус - система разрабатывается, но пока ничего определённого, уровень концептов и скетчей. После набора 30 уровня, твой опыт направляется в казну клана. Скоро всё будет - там привязки к Лору, в частности, к оригинальному Тенно. Ждите. Снайперы/Снайперские винтовки - ждите баффа. Вражеский дизайн - как и в случае с предыдущими контестами, победители конкурса будут добавлены в игру первыми, остальные, из числа перспективных, будут разработаны и добавлены в игру позже. Кроме того, мы планируем доделать стартовый контент, чтобы начинающим игрока было ничуть не менее интересно, чем ветеранам. -------------------ПОДРОБНО--------------------------- Личный корабль - когда ты авторизуешься, экран демонстрирует последнюю планету, на которой ты играл, в фоне. Каждый корабль будет оснащён своего рода радиочаттером, позволяющим отследить отношение людей к Тенно. Приписка на полях: интерактивность на уровне реакции на движения мыши уже очень скоро. Вы попадаете на борт старого, полуразвалившегося челнока, который должны будете отремонтировать и вернуть в строй - с помощью корабельных модулей. Вы сможете перекрасить что угодно, украсить как угодно и т.д. Кроме того, у нас здесь встроенные Арсенал и Кузница, полностью в "космическом" стиле. Даже просто меню паузы будет в таком стиле. Без упрощений не обойдётся, вы сможете мгновенно перемещаться или улучшать корабль, не выходя с мостика. Навигация по Солнечной Системе также будет упрощена. Корабельные модули включают в себя целый перечень улучшений, таких, например, как генетическая лаборатория. Вот я использовал её для того, чтобы создать этого Куброу. Теперь мне придётся таскаться сюда каждый день, чтобы поддерживать его дружеское отношение и эффективность в бою. Разумеется, как и всё созданное игроком, вы сможете перекрасить Куброу - шерсть, например. Срок сдачи Личного Корабля - пара недель. 4 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты