Allard 2 023 11 ноября, 2008 (изменено) Итак, все мы слышали о моде гизок (Team Gizka) под названием TSLRP - The Sith Lords Restoration Project. Слышали и ждали его давным-давно. Но, нежданно-негаданно, у него появился конкурент (причем на данный момент уже работоспособный) - The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod от Zbyl2 и DarthStoney. Список восстановленного: [R] - Restored [RM] - Restored but Moved to another area [NR] - Not Restored (yes, you did see this style somewhere else) Ebon Hawk [R] Repairing the Hawk - While still trying to find a way to Onderon, the player can ask Atton how the repairs are going. [R] Atton Bath Jokes - When Atton describes Nal Hutta, Handmaiden/Disciple chips in about Atton not bathing. [R] The Red Eclipse Boarding - The Red Eclipse boards the Ebon Hawk. Handmaiden/Disciple/Bao-Dur was supposed to take note while in the cockpit. However, they are stopped by Kreia who incapacitates them and then throws a poison grenade down. Cahhmakt orders his men to throw the party into the cargo hold when stumbling upon the two incapacitated members. [R] Mandalore and the Ebon Hawk - After returning from Onderon for the first time, Mandalore was supposed to comment to the PC about the Ebon Hawk and ask where the PC got it from. [R] Bao-Dur's anger with Mandalore - After returning from Onderon for the first time, Bao-Dur asks the PC why he trusts Mandalore to be among them. [R] Mandalore reinforces his reasons - Mandalore will tell the Exile that the only reason he is with her is to gather the clans. [R] The PC dies again - the Party is upset because of what happened in the Jedi Enclave. [R] It is time - Kreia was supposed to come on board the Ebon Hawk and tell Atton that it is time for them to leave for Malachor (or Telos since she stops there first after Dantooine). Kreia takes the Ebon Hawk from Dantooine to Telos. Player is forced to find an alternate means of transportation to get there. [R] HK-50s attack - Randomly, the HK-50s were to attack the PC. If HK-47 was in the party then he was to capture one and torture it to reveal the location of the factory on Telos. [R] Kreia isn't fond of droids either - After the player has witnessed the message from Bastila/Carth, Kreia will blast T3 with some force lightning in anger since the PC seemed to have a fondness for the droids. [R] Spar Practice - After Visas joins the party (and has a lightsaber) the player would be able to spar with her under Kreia's supervision. [R] Bao-Dur upgrades HK - Like G0-T0, the Remote and T3, Bao upgrades HK though at first he refuses. [R] Meditation Envy Alternate Lines - When Atton watches the Disciple and PC meditate, Mira and Atton say some alternate lines including about Atton's mentality and behavior ("scratching his equipment" when nobody is looking) [R] Disciples Choice - After Kreia reveals the truth about herself to him, she goads him into telling the Republic what's happening but in doing so, he'd endanger the Exile. [R] Bao-Dur and Mandalore's second discussion - Sometime after their first argument, Mandalore goes to Bao-Dur about how he destroyed the Mandalorians and activated the MSG. [R] The story of Canderous Ordo - After discovering that Mandalore traveled with Revan and the story of the helmet, the PC can ask T3 if he knew Mandalore. T3 displays a hologram and shows when Revan left (this isn't actually shown.) [R] T3 shows Disciple the message - Disciple asks T3 to show him the Council meeting hologram. [R] Kelborn's message - When supposed to return to Onderon, T3 displays a hologram from Kelborn. [R] Ratrin Vhek on the Ebon Hawk - During the Red Eclipse invasion, the PC can sell Ratrin Vhek into slavery. [R] Disciple's Distress Call - Before traveling to Telos, Disciple calls Admiral Onasi/Cede about the impending attack on Telos. Content suggests that he was originally supposed to be a pawn of Atris, referring to the contact as "mistress". [R] The Handmaiden's Choice - Currently, Handmaiden does not say if she has joined the party on her own free will or of Atris's. When Brianna joins the party, she claims that she believes the Exile was right about going to war. Kreia believes her and tells the player that they cannot take her back. [R] Atton and T3 play Pazaak - Atton and T3 play pazaak. T3 apparently wins all games. [R] Atton and Kreia's Plot - After Atton confronts Disciple on the message he sent to the Republic concerning his whereabouts, Atton goes to Kreia and asks her why he allowed the Republic Spy on board. Kreia tells Atton to wait and the time will come when she'll call upon him. [R] Teaching Forms - After training the party members as Jedi and learning the forms for himself, the player would be able to teach Saber Forms and Force Forms to the party members. [R] The Astrogation System Locked - After the player has viewed the message from Bastila or Carth and T3 has stopped HK-47 from viewing the navicomputer, the PC can ask T3 about the navicomputer and why it's locked. [R] The Councils Alternate Lines - During the Jedi Council hologram, there are three lines of alternate dialog from the masters concerning the awaiting echo from Malachor V and Revan's influence. [R] Goto threatens Bao-Dur - If the PC knows that G0-T0 is actually Goto, then Goto will threaten Bao-Dur that he better take care of the remote before he finds a permanent solution. Presumably comes before Goto "repairs" the remote himself. Probably removed since the Goto/Remote destruction scene must be triggered and the player may not find out about Goto being a droid. [RM - PC's still in the Enclave] Reaching Out - the PC lies in the medical room unconscious. She reaches out to the party members as they are a bit panicked and worried about losing the Exile and stopping Kreia. [NR - not enough files left] The Holocrons - Throughout the game, if the player is female, she'd find Holocrons in various places. She and the Disciple would examine them and would learn new abilities. [NR] Atton lies to the player - When the PC asks about Atton's past, depending on the influence probably, Atton lies to the player and then tells Kreia about it. Telos IV [R] Duros Thug - A random Duros thug simply attacks the PC for asking questions. This is probably due to the player asking around about the blaster. He just spawns in. [R] Missing HK-47 and Bao-Dur - When arriving on Citadel Station due to the Sith Attack, Grenn notes that he thought he saw Bao-Dur disembark with the player, but he is missing. Atton also notices HK is missing if the HK Factory was triggered properly. [R] The Crash - Atton is supposed to say a few lines as the shuttle from Citadel Station plummets into the ground. When the shuttle crashes again at the Ice Plateau, Atton makes it known that it wasn't his fault. [R] HK-50s congratulate the shooter - After the shuttle is shot down, the HK-50s tell the shooter of his excellent shot. [R] HK-50s Concern - When awakening on the Ice Cap, instead of the HK saying "There you are!" he was to say that he is glad that the PC is still intact. [R] I've come for my lightsaber - Atris wields the player's lightsaber in the final battle when she is torturing the Handmaiden. [R] The Handmaidens Mission - Before leaving, Atris summons the Last of the Handmaidens. She gives her the mission to accompany the Exile and she is not to tell her sisters. Alternate dialogue between Sisters and Atris (Last is not among us) reveals that Atris did tell the sisters herself that she sent the Handmaiden with the Exile. [R] Kreia and Atris's alternate lines - Kreia's alternate lines when talking to Atris suggest that she asked for the Exile's exile, and they discuss the Sith Holocrons that Atris had gathered. [R] Handmaiden leaves with Kreia - After Kreia's discussion with Atris (or Handmaiden's fight) Kreia takes the Handmaiden to Malachor to prepare for Visas's arrival. [R] Handmaidens Fight - Instead of the Handmaidens just dropping dead when the Handmaiden walks in, they were to fight each other. The Handmaiden can either kill them or incapacitate them. [R] The HK Factory - HK-47 discovers the location of the factory and goes there during the attack on Telos. He is forced to find a way into the actual factory and before that, deactivate his self-preservation program. He can activate the HK-51s and destroy them, have them turn to his side, turn the HK-50s to his side and destroy the 51s, or just blow them all up. His actions determine the final fate of Malachor. [R] Atton and Bao-Dur take note of surrounding obstacles - Minefields, sentry droids, and mercenaries, Bao-Dur and Atton take note that all are present and that the PC needs to get around them. [NR] Lt. Yima's Mission - Yima, the one Grenn always talks about, was supposed to give the PC a mission to expose a corrupt TSF officer in the Czerka docking bays. Probably connected to the alternate docking bays that can be seen. [NR - Lord of Hunger's patch] Batu Rem of the Genoharadan - the false Batu Rem is actually a Genoharadan disciple and makes it perfectly clear when he attempts to kill the PC. [NR - Lord of Hunger's patch] Bounty Hunters of the Genoharadan - Luxa's Bounty Hunter contacts are actually Genoharadan agents hunting the PC. [NR - doesn't make sense] Bao-Dur's return to Citadel Station - Bao-Dur was supposed to take the PC back to Citadel Station and then it'd be there that he'd track the Ebon Hawk to the polar ice cap instead of going through the Czerka base. [NR] Czerka takes control - Czerka was to completely take over the modules, threatening the Ithorian herd. The PC is supposed to get to the communications station and call for help since the TSF can't do anything else. Probably connected to Jana Lorso's lines about taking over Citadel Station due to Onderon's succession from the Republic and because of that, Lorso lies to Citadel Station that the Telosian Council has entered an anti-Republic treaty with Onderon. [NR] An option to see Carth - PC had the option of denying Carth an audience after saving Telos. [NR] White/Black Corruption - Originally, Atris was supposed to be clad in black robes during the final sequences, as well as the corrupted Handmaidens. This was cut because it would be odd for Atris to conveniently have Sith/Dark Jedi Robes lying around. [NR] Corrun Falt's Plan - Infiltrating the main frame was not always an Ithorian quest. But the PC was supposed to learn from Corrun Falt that he had planned on exposing Lorso's dirty dealings himself, if PC had sided with Czerka. PC can help or expose Falt to Lorso. Exposing Falt to Lorso will result in Falt attacking the PC but then the Czerka guards kill him anyway. [NR] Come, Last of the Handmaidens - The player was supposed to be the one to kill the Handmaidens and as a result, the Last attacks after killing Atris. Dark side option. [NR] Atris' Promise to her servants - Provided the player follow a certain path of dialog after the Handmaiden is beaten by Atris, Atris informs the Exile that she promised that the Sisters may kill him for harming Brianna. The Handmaiden sisters attack the Exile. [NR] Attack! - Player had the option of killing all the Handmaidens during the first visit to the Academy. [NR] Atris exposition - According to writer Chris Avellone, Atris was supposed to have two other cut-scenes in between planets. Dantooine [R] Azkul Spies on the Militia - Right before the Battle of Khoonda (if player sides with Khoonda), Azkul will tell a trooper to tell him what he sees. They see the militia mobilizing. Azkul orders the captains to prepare their men. [R] The Attack on Khoonda - Battle of Khoonda was supposed to be larger then what is in the game currently. Including mines disabling/planting. Player would actually get to fight outside Khoonda, defending one of the entrances or simply attack Khoonda with Azkul (where you'd kill Zherron). Then it'd move into Khoonda. Also, the player would deploy squadrons of troops to defend the administrator's door, the back door and the front door, based on their skills. [R] Kreia talks of the Enclave - when approaching the Enclave, Kreia is supposed to chime in about how you are to gather the Jedi here. Then again when the PC sees the rebuilt Enclave. [R] Suulru's Thief Problem - Instead of Jorran giving Suulru a bad deal with a vaporator, Suulru would have a problem with a thief stealing his farming equipment, thinking it's the salvagers. When completing the quest, the player can convince Suulru to change his ideas about the Jedi and how they messed up Dantooine. [R] A Lost Padawan - Kaevee, the thief from Suulru quest, is here, master of the laigreks. The player meets up with her and can either turn her to the dark side, kill her, or tell her to seek out real Jedi; not the mysterious holocron that she threw into the ruins before. [R] Kreia taunts each master - During the Masters infamous speech about how they must cut the Exile off from the force, Kreia comes in as usual and throws them back. However, after she drains them, it's not over. Kreia was to ask each master how they could not have felt the echo and how close they were to giving up the Force but they failed. Kreia puts each of them in a crush, thus killing them. [R] Atris' absence- Brianna is supposed to arrive somewhat earlier, during the meeting and ask Kreia what was going on. She looks into the chamber and notices that Atris is not present and wonders why. She realizes Kreia is evil. [R] The Exile reads party members minds - When asked if he could not sense his party member’s thoughts, the party member with the Exile were supposed to have their mind read. [R] Visas's involvement - Visas notices Kreia is evil. After Kreia goes attacks player or masters, Kreia asks her to take her to Nihilus. [R] Disciple's proper greeting - When the PC enters the library in the Enclave and meets Mical, Mical will joke about becoming laigrek meat and how he is a self-styled disciple of knowledge. He would also explain exactly why he was in the library - due to laigreks coming at him in a full group. [NR] A Bounty for Vrook - Originally, the player could capture Master Vrook and Azkul would send him to Nar Shaddaa. [NR] Gerevick's Plans - Gerevick is supposed to contact someone inside Khoonda as the Exile eavesdrops. Presumably about how the Exile showed up and the threat to his claim on the dead salvagers in the Enclave. [NR] Disciple's Hidden Holocron - Disciple takes the Exile into a hidden, locked room in the Enclave and displays a holocron as well as recording of when the Exile left for the Mandalorian Wars, leaving a padawan without a master behind. Nar Shaddaa [R] Bao-Dur's old friend - Tien Tubb and Bao-Dur were once friends and worked together in the Mandalorian Wars in a Republic ships hangar bay. Bao-Dur recommends that Tien changes the Ebon Hawks transponder codes. [R] Atton Doesn't Wait - When the Exile has gone off to meet Visquis in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr, if the player has low influence with him, he will not rush off to meet with her to tell her to be careful but instead just stay by the Ebon Hawk and leave the other party members there while he goes to the cantina. [R] Fighting to the Docks - After Atton has been attacked by the Twin Suns, he and two other party members attempt to rescue the Exile. The three would fight bounty hunters to the docks where they would meet up with Mira. [R] The Zhug brothers' Plan - The Zhug Brothers discuss the Exiles meeting with Visquis and plan an attack on the party members. When the player goes to rescue the Exile from Goto, the leader tells the others to follow the Ebon Hawk. [R] Goto and Vogga - When entering Vogga's chambers, Goto comments that he should stay outside. [R] More then one Jedi on the moon - If Disciple or Kreia was in the party when Mira spied on the Exile, she'd make note of them. [R] Return of B-4D4 and T-1N1 - The pair from Telos Czerka Corp now guard the entrance to the room with the transponder codes. T3 attacks T1 and B-4D4 is grateful for letting him leave. [R] Opo Chano's Debt - When arriving in the slop house, Chano is supposed to be challenged by thugs for not paying his debts on Citadel Station. This happens when the Exile helps Chano get off Citadel station in the Czerka plot. [R] Fassa is a Toydarian - Fassa was probably originally supposed to be Quello, the Toydarian who greeted the Exile at the landing pad. And then at the docks, be the overseer instead of the Twi'lek. [R] Hanharr Broken - If Hanharr was the party member instead of Mira, then Hanharr would be found in the apartment in an incapacitated animation with Kreia looking down at him. [R] Sold or left? - If T3 was not sold to Kodin, then Atton would have said "What kept you?" when T3 returned from Vogga's warehouse. [R] Fighting back to the landing pad - When the party members meet with Mira after the Exile has been captured, the Gand will attack them as they try to get to the landing pad to change the ID signatures. [R] Hussef's True Form - Hussef was supposed to have the appearance of a much elderly man with white hair instead of a generic male with red hair. [R] A rude little man - An NPC is supposed to try and score with a Twi'lek who attempts to shove off his efforts. Exile steps in to stop the man. [R] Find the Gand Quest - A Sullustan in the Gand section of the Jekk'Jekk Tarr: find the name of a great Gand warrior. Options were to lie to the Sullustan, find the Gand (with a high awareness) and then refuse to tell the Sullustan due to the Gand's request or tell the Sullustan anyway. [R] Mira's escape from the Jekk'Jekk Tarr - Instead of the Exile killing Visquis, it would be a party member and then Mira would lead them out of the Jekk'Jekk Tarr into her safe house. Also, Mira was to be held in some cell in which she says that Visquis will execute her, and where the party member would rescue her. [R] Kreia (speaking to Hanharr about another life debt) - Additional line from Kreia "The screams of your tribe of primitives, the scene of lying blinded with the huntresses' blaster at your skull, I shall make it so that is all you hear and see for the rest of your days." [R] Goto's Orders - Goto will command his droids not only to activate the mines but raise the force shield, poison them and deploy guard droids. And finally, Goto notices the bounty hunters on his ship and gives the self-destruct order. [R] Time to abandon ship! - When the Bounty Hunters appear on Goto's vessel, Goto makes note of them and says it's time for him to take his leave. Also, HK-50s were supposed to be among the bounty hunters there. As well as more Zhug brothers (where the PC can gloat about killing them on Dxun) [R] Adana - Adana thanks the Exile in the main refugee quad when she is returned to safety instead of not appearing at all. [NR - Lord of Hunger's patch] Vossk and the Genoharadan - Vossk makes references to the Genoharadan being on the Smugglers Moon. [NR - Lord of Hunger's patch] A Dead Exile - Dessicus (Genoharadan) blows up the Jekk'Jekk Tarr and the party thinks the player is dead. Visas or Kreia will say that the betrayals will start to mount between the Sith. [NR - possibly Lord of Hunger's patch] Zez-Kai Ell's Rescue - Since Dessicus was originally supposed to be in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr (instead of Visquis) and he was supposed to set off an explosion. Zez-Kai Ell rescues the Exile from an explosive death, though the party still thinks the Exile is dead. [NR - doesn't fit in the game's plot] Mira and the Exile plan things out - Mira, instead of knocking the player out, will explain Zez-Kai Ell early and have the Exile go in first instead of her stealing the environmental suit. [NR] Atton's Lap Dance - Atton was supposed to receive the Star Wars equivalent of a lap dance - a neck massage. Also, Atton is supposed to do sort of a confession of his "confused, stupid" love for the female Exile. During this scene, under the right circumstances, Atton instantly knows they are assassins from the clothes and concealed weapons. [NR - not enough dialog] Spa Treatment at the Jekk'Jekk Tarr - The Twi'leks were supposed to be like the Twi'lek slaves at Davik's estate and offer steam baths and massages. [NR - doesn't fit in the game's plot] Environment suit stays on - The player would have the option to leave the environment suit on when speaking with Visquis. This exchange was moved to the arena to replace the Genoharadan. Visquis later would be able to capture the Exile and order the Ubese to take him to Goto. [NR - not enough dialog] Magic Eight Ball - In the Jekk'Jekk Tarr, there was to be a Weequay who had an orb where you can ask questions. [NR - Lord of Hunger's patch] Dessicus of the Genoharadan - Obviously, the Genoharadan would be the organization beneath the Jekk'Jekk Tarr. Dessicus will challenge the Exile. After they fight, Dessicus blows the Jekk'Jekk Tarr up. [NR] Threatening Goto - When stumbling upon the control center, the player threatens to use a certain skill to dismantle his vessel, however, Goto says that his droids will just turn off the oxygen. [NR - Lord of Hunger's patch] Genoharadan are none of the bounty hunters' concern - One of the Zhug brothers will mention that the Genoharadan are also after the Exile during their meeting with Goto, and so Goto commands them to ignore them and says that they aren't of any concern. Dxun [NR] An Option to see Mandalore - Instead of player just killing the Mandalorians if he doesn't want to meet Mandalore, the PC has an option of leaving them alone. [NR] Controlling the beast - somewhere within the tomb of Freedon Nadd, a scene where the Sith is controlling a beast and onlookers wonder how it's possible. [NR] Kreia goes to the tomb - Kreia was originally supposed to be allowed to join the party that goes to the tomb. Cut so that it'd make sense with the Tobin scene in the Onderon Royal Palace where Kreia reveals the hiding place of the Jedi. Onderon [R] Vaklu's Entrance - If the player sides with Vaklu, then he should not have been waiting in the throne room but after the beast is dead, he arrives and runs to defeat Talia. Kavar rushes in to stop him. PC stops him. The options here are much more lenient to the light side in which the PC has the option of saying "Onderon would be better off". [R] Kadron's Fall - If the player sides with Vaklu, then when the PC arrives in the room where Kadron is then he will defend the terminal with his life. [NR] The Sith Revelation - If the PC sides with Vaklu, the Sith will notice that the beasts no longer obey them. The Sith order Vaklu's death for the betrayal. Korriban [R] Party cannot enter - Before entering the tomb of Ludo Kressh, a party member chips in about not being able to move. [R] Apathy is death! - Currently, only Atton, T3, Bao-Dur and Disciple/Handmaiden/Visas appear in the tomb. Originally, all the party members were to be there to either defeat Kreia, or attack you. [R] Attacking yourself - At the end of the tomb after, before or during, the PC faces Revan, the PCs doppelgänger is also supposed to attack you. The doppelgänger has no Force powers but a considerable amount of strength. Currently, the copy merely stands there, then fades away after you enter the room. [NR] Dustil Onasi - The dead Jedi in the tomb was supposed to be none other than Dustil Onasi. He was to be insane and then attack the PC. [NR] Dvakvar Grahrk - There was originally going to be a Devaronian Jedi named Dvakvar Grahrk slowly turning to the dark side that was to join your party, but was later replaced by Disciple. Ravager [R] Tobin's message - Tobin arrives on the Ravager after Onderon and informs Nihilus about the Jedi at Telos to feed on. [R] Nihilus Fight expanded - Nihilus raises Visas and the PC up. PC then has the option of becoming his apprentice (lie or not). If lie then the PC and Visas attack Nihilus. If truth, PC turns on Visas and kills her. Either way, PC fights Nihilus. When Visas does die, Mandalore chips in with some dialogue and the PC can just leave her to die alone or mercy-kill her. [R] Mandalore and Visas - Mandalore and Visas tell each other not to betray each other. Later, Mandalore is hurt and Visas heals him and Mandalore tells all about what Revan did to him. [NR - Lord of Hunger's patch] Fragile Alliance Falls apart - After Sion discovers the Exile is 'dead', he confronts Darth Nihilus on the Ravager. Sion claims that he is more powerful and never needed Nihilus's help. Nihilus, in anger, shows Sion that he is the more powerful one. [NR] Originally the player was allowed to leave the Ravager without replacing the broken proton core. This results in the Ravager crashing into Telos IV and exploding. M4-78 [NR - Stoney's M4-78R/M4-78EP] Whole planet. However, some of the quests from M4-78 were moved to other planets in the game, such as the shuttle-docking puzzle on Nar Shaddaa or Goto's Yacht. Malachor V [R] Spare me? - Kreia puts Sion into a force choke and shows him that his strength is as meaningless as the strength of her cut-off hand. [R] Sion reports the Exile's arrival - After crash landing on Malachor V, Sion goes to Kreia and tells her that the Exile has arrived. Kreia tells Sion to bring her/him before her. [R] HK-47's interference - Depending on the choices in the HK factory, HK-47 shows up during the Remote/Goto confrontation. Either the HK50/51s come in and then HK blasts Goto or Goto would have taken control of HK and then HK would have blasted the Remote. [R] Atton's Grudge - Atton tells the Disciple how he lost what mattered to him. Disciple and Atton fight. Triggered by Atton's alignment. [R] A powerful crystal - When entering one of the cells, the player can find a crystal of a dead Jedi. [R] Handmaiden's Grudge - Handmaiden tells Visas how she seduced the Exile. Handmaiden/Visas fight. Triggered by whatever happened on the Ebon Hawk (if Handmaiden became angry at PC) [R] Two Paths - When the PC enters the academy, Kreia tells Sion of the PCs choices to save the party or just slaughter the way to Kreia. [R] Atton and Darth Sion - Atton and Darth Sion fight (player controlled). If wins, Atton lives. If lost, Atton was to have his arm chopped off and then Sion would torture him. Triggered if Atton is LS. [R] Atton's Death - Should Atton have lost to Sion, Atton dies in the players arms. Both male and female though the female version, he confesses his love. [R] Atton lives - Atton can live if he won the fight with Sion. He and the PC simply leave the Trayus Core together. [R] Handmaiden/Visas want to go - Handmaiden or Visas ask if she can go with the Exile wherever he is going. However, the PC tells them that they cannot. [R] The Party Attacks - The party plan an attack on Kreia. They attack Kreia who disposes of them easily after taunting them a bit. [R] In the Trayus academy - On the map under the start menu, the doors leading to the "Trayus Crescent" are labeled as "Trayus Prison Cells". [NR - GenoHaradan or M4-78EP] Sion travels to the Smugglers Moon - Sion announces that he will travel to the Smugglers Moon (while observing a hologram of the Exile) himself to see if the Exile is truly dead. [NR] Mandalore walks the taboo world - Visas and Mandalore were supposed to walk Malachor V together based on the loading screen to module 901MAL. [NR] What Mandalore knows of Malachor - The player was once supposed to be able to take party member(s) with her to Malachor. The player could ask Mandalore what he knows of the planet. If player should "warp" to 902MAL with Mandalore in the party in a different location in the game, then it is still possible to hear his response. [NR - lack of animations] Hanharr and Mira - Hanharr was to slam Mira into the rock wall before their fight. If Mira was a Jedi, then Hanharr makes note of it and how the gray female told him that she claimed the title Jeedai. After the fight, Mira can ask Hanharr to lead her to Kreia. Hanharr says he will do so though he believes that Kreia will kill Mira and thus end both of his debts. [NR] Leaving the Republic to die - Another choice for the PC was to leave Malachor V and then leave the Republic to die. [NR] Darth Traya is Atris - Instead of Kreia being at the core, it'd be Atris in her dark robes. [NR - lack of animations] Hanharr's Sacrifice - Presumably, if the player has Hanharr in the party and Malachor V is being destroyed, Hanharr would throw the player onto the Ebon Hawk. Hanharr would then die with Malachor V (which players and fans may remember as Chewbacca dying a similar death to save Anakin Solo). Miscellaneous [R] "You look... different than the other women here." - There are things left in the game's programming, to suggest the Handmaiden Sisters were supposed to look different than Brianna. [NR - possibly M4-78EP] Bao-Dur's sacrifice - In the released audio demo, one of Bao-Dur's lines is "Make my sacrifice matter". Presumably, Bao-Dur dies at some point near the end-game. Скачать мод со встроенным русификатором (также русифицирует основную игру) можно здесь Изменено 30 января, 2023 пользователем Allard Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Dovakin 1 363 20 февраля, 2015 (изменено) Слушайте, установил TSLRCM 1.8.3, M4-78 1.1 и текстуры из патча Xenon с файлом под TSLRCM 1.8.2 и M4-78 1.0 без русика (Steam-версия). Дройда IS-18 нету, что мне делать? P.S. Если ничего сделать нельзя, то скинте папку Override с TSLRCM 1.8.3 и M4-78 1.1, но без патча от Xenon или других версий мода (например, TSLRCM 1.8.3B, M4-781.1B). Изменено 20 февраля, 2015 пользователем Dovakin Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Tommmm 64 16 апреля, 2015 (изменено) Совместимость TSLRCM 1.8.3b и установленной планетой дроидов c текстурами патча Xenonappearance_1.8.3b_M478EP_11b.rarУстановка: 1) Сделайте резервную копию папки Override.2) Устанавливаем в любую отдельную папку патч от Xenon 1.0c.3) Нас интересуют такие типы файлов: tga (текстуры), txi (отвечают за эффект на текстурах), а также можно взять модели mdl, mdx. Все это переносим в папку Override.4) Из скаченного архива переносим файл appearance.2da в папку Override. Решение возникших проблем: - Вылеты на видеокартах nVidia (на яхте Гото и т.д.)1) В файле swkotor2.ini в секции Graphics Options находим параметр Disable Vertex Buffer Objects и меняем его значение на 0.2) Запускаем Панель управления nVidia. Выбираем Управление параметрами 3D/Программные настройки и добавляем программу Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. В открывшихся настройках меняем параметр Потоковая оптимизация на значение Выкл. Адаптация (тестовая) перевода под TSLRCM 1.8.3b и планету дроидов. ru_tslrcm1.8.3b_m4-78.rar Перевод оригинальной игры Чащинова Андрея.Перевод дополнений TSLRCM 1.8.2 и M4-78 Enhancement project Лавринца Андрея. Установка: 1) Сделайте резервные копии папок Override, Modules и файла dialog.tlk2) Распакуйте файлы из архива в корневую папку игры. Переведено почти все. Планету дроидов тестите, у меня сохранок пока нет. ru_tslrcm1.8.3b_m4-78.rar Изменено 19 апреля, 2015 пользователем Tommmm Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Dovakin 1 363 16 апреля, 2015 Совместимость TSLRCM 1.8.3b и установленной планетой дроидов c текстурами патча Xenon appearance_1.8.3b_M478EP_11b.rar Установка: 1) Сделайте резервную копию папки Override. 2) Устанавливаем в любую отдельную папку патч от Xenon 1.0c. 3) Нас интересуют такие типы файлов: tga (текстуры), txi (отвечают за эффект на текстурах), а также можно взять модели mdl, mdx. Все это переносим в папку Override. 4) Из скаченного архива переносим файл appearance.2da в папку Override. Решение возникших проблем: - Вылеты на видеокартах nVidia (на яхте Гото и т.д.) 1) В файле swkotor2.ini в секции Graphics Options находим параметр Disable Vertex Buffer Objects и меняем его значение на 0. 2) Запускаем Панель управления nVidia. Выбираем Управление параметрами 3D/Программные настройки и добавляем программу Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. В открывшихся настройках меняем параметр Потоковая оптимизация на значение Выкл. Точно-точно всё работает? А то боюсь запороть опять 70 часов прохождения. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Tommmm 64 16 апреля, 2015 (изменено) Dovakin, а в чем проблема то Заменяется только один файл версии 1.8.3b с планетой дроидов на такой же, только добавлены в него эффекты на модели металла и т.д.. Игра может только вылетать из-за новых текстур, решение на Nvidia я давно нашел. А если перевод ставите для 1.8.2 на 1.8.3b то тут реально могут быть проблемы в скриптах, забаганные квесты, отсутвующие новые реплики и т.д.. Изменено 16 апреля, 2015 пользователем Tommmm Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Dovakin 1 363 17 апреля, 2015 Dovakin, а в чем проблема то Заменяется только один файл версии 1.8.3b с планетой дроидов на такой же, только добавлены в него эффекты на модели металла и т.д.. Игра может только вылетать из-за новых текстур, решение на Nvidia я давно нашел. У меня только проблема на M4-78 была, дройда не было, а всё остальное нормально летало. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Borland30 2 986 20 апреля, 2015 Адаптация (тестовая) перевода под TSLRCM 1.8.3b и планету дроидов. Вот это вот ставить поверх русификатора для 1.8.2? Надо бы в инструкции уточнить, если так. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Tommmm 64 20 апреля, 2015 Borland30, нет, его не надо ставить. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Borland30 2 986 20 апреля, 2015 (изменено) Borland30, нет, его не надо ставить. В переводе для 1.8.2 в папке Modules 48 файлов. В папке Modules нынешней версии - 13 файлов. Плюс в папке Override версии 1.8.3В нет файла global.jrl Это все неважно?) Изменено 20 апреля, 2015 пользователем Borland30 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Tommmm 64 20 апреля, 2015 Borland30, смысл в том, что 99% текста диалогов берется из файла dialog.ltk, кроме планеты дроидов с которой в основном я и работал. Не имеет по сути особо смысла дублировать файлы. Например, 221TEL.mod не нуждается по идее в переводе. Не знаю зачем он там был, все берется из dialog.ltk. А 106PER.mod имеет гдет 3 строчки, но я еще не до конца просмотрел все косвенные, делал пока планету, В планету дроидов добавили несколько нового текста, около 10-20 строк, если есть желание и знание английского языка я могу дать список, что я не смог перевести, так как переводить надо литературно, а так я примерно понял смысл гугл переводчика. Отпишитесь, как работает планета дроидов с переводом, это основное, что я хотел сделать, и что, по сути, требовалось для нормальной игры. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Borland30 2 986 20 апреля, 2015 Понятно. Где-то так я и предполагал. Увы, знания английского у меня на плохом уровне, так что в переводе я не особо.) Отпишусь, щас заново игру решил пройти. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Tommmm 64 20 апреля, 2015 Вот примерно весь текст, который добавился, это гдет 0,05% от основного текста, что есть в игре . engText.doc Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Dovakin 1 363 20 апреля, 2015 Вот примерно весь текст, который добавился, это гдет 0,05% от основного текста, что есть в игре . engText.doc Дык команда людей переводит уже этот мод, если хочешь присоединиться, то скажу как. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Borland30 2 986 20 апреля, 2015 (изменено) Дык команда людей переводит уже этот мод, если хочешь присоединиться, то скажу как. Та команда переводит уже несколько лет как (скоро 4 года будет, если не ошибаюсь). Так что... лучше пусть немного кривовато, но быстро, имхо.) Вот примерно весь текст, который добавился, это гдет 0,05% от основного текста, что есть в игре . engText.doc Ну это немного... это то, что ты уже перевел, да? Изменено 20 апреля, 2015 пользователем Borland30 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Tommmm 64 20 апреля, 2015 (изменено) Borland30, это текст, который добавился в последнем обновлении. А так планета имеет 99% процентов перевода. Я имел ввиду, если есть желание можете перевести, а я вставлю. Изменено 20 апреля, 2015 пользователем Tommmm Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Tommmm 64 21 апреля, 2015 (изменено) Совместимость TSLRCM 1.8.3B c M4-78EP 1.1B c текстурами из патча Xenon appearance_1.8.3b_M478EP_11b.rar Установка: 1) Сделайте резервную копию папки Override.2) Устанавливаем в любую отдельную папку патч от Xenon 1.0c.3) Нас интересуют такие типы файлов: tga (текстуры), txi (отвечают за эффект на текстурах), а также можно взять модели mdl, mdx. Все это переносим в папку Override.4) Из скаченного архива переносим файл appearance.2da в папку Override. Решение возникших проблем: - Вылеты на видеокартах nVidia (на яхте Гото и т.д.)1) В файле swkotor2.ini в секции Graphics Options находим параметр Disable Vertex Buffer Objects и меняем его значение на 0.2) Запускаем Панель управления nVidia. Выбираем Управление параметрами 3D/Программные настройки и добавляем программу Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. В открывшихся настройках меняем параметр Потоковая оптимизация на значение Выкл. Адаптация (тестовая v.2) перевода под TSLRCM 1.8.3B c M4-78EP 1.1B. (сам перевод версии 1.8.2 не требуется, а если накатите поверх него получите гарантированно ошибки) ru_tslrcm1.8.3b_m4-78_v2.rar Перенес до конца весь текст, который имелся в ресурсах перевода 1.8.2. (больше скорей всего обновлений не будет) Основной перевод заменен на перевод от ZoG TeamПеревод дополнений TSLRCM 1.8.2 и M4-78 Enhancement project Лавринца Андрея. Установка: 1) Сделайте резервные копии папок Override, Modules и файла dialog.tlk2) Распакуйте файлы из архива в корневую папку игры. В последнем дополнении планеты дроидов появилось немного нового текста. У кого есть желание, и знание английского языка можете перевести и выложить сюда. engText.doc Решение вылетов на новых ОС. У кого игра зависает, вылетает на Windows 7 x64 (возможно и на других ОС) в начале вступительных роликов (обычно после патча Widescreen UI Fix), то свойствах swkotor2.exe нужно включить пункт "Отключить композицию рабочего стола". У кого игра зависает, вылетает на Windows 7 x64 (возможно и на других ОС) в игре в момент взаимодействия с игровыми объектами, то свойствах swkotor2.exe нужно включить пункт "Отключить визуальное оформление" и "Отключить масштабирования изображения при высоком разрешения экрана". appearance_1.8.3b_M478EP_11b.rar ru_tslrcm1.8.3b_m4-78_v2.rar Изменено 21 апреля, 2015 пользователем Tommmm 3 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Dovakin 1 363 21 апреля, 2015 Та команда переводит уже несколько лет как (скоро 4 года будет, если не ошибаюсь). Так что... лучше пусть немного кривовато, но быстро, имхо.) Три точнее, просто создатель в армии был. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
martelius 5 26 апреля, 2015 Зарегистрировался, чтобы сообщить, что в скором времени появиться русификатор для TSLRCM 1.8.3B/M4-78EP 1.1B. В переводе нет необходимости. 1 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Thinvesil 17 823 27 апреля, 2015 Зарегистрировался, чтобы сообщить, что в скором времени появиться русификатор для TSLRCM 1.8.3B/M4-78EP 1.1B. В переводе нет необходимости. Спасибо. А где его ждать? Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
revan501 379 28 апреля, 2015 Зарегистрировался, чтобы сообщить, что в скором времени появиться русификатор для TSLRCM 1.8.3B/M4-78EP 1.1B. Жду сильнее чем "Mass Effect: Next". :D Если это конечно русификатор от KlinOK, RT и далее. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Tommmm 64 29 апреля, 2015 Если игру переводят с нуля и качественно, а где то я видел такой проект, то да - это имеет значение. Если не с нуля переводить, то там переводить только планету дроидов. И по 2-5 строчки английского текста на каждой планете. Так, как восстановительный мод ничего почти своего не добавил и использует текст, который есть в игре изначально, то можно даже тупо на всех версиях мода использовать dialog.tlk от любого русификатора. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
KlinOK 92 29 апреля, 2015 TommmmИнтрига, как она есть. И, да. Перевод с нуля, идёт в моём проекте, совместно с переводчиками из RPGNUKE.RU. 2 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
revan501 379 30 апреля, 2015 KlinOK, Из темы на Nuke: цинично и беспощадно снабжать вкусными скриншотами с предварительными результатами работы. ХотетЪ уже сейчас! :D Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
martelius 5 8 мая, 2015 (изменено) Все мы ждем качественный русификатор, ну а тем, кому невтерпеж вот обновил свой русификатор для TSLRCM 1.8.3B/M4-78 1.1B Изменено 8 мая, 2015 пользователем martelius 4 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
ctu6acjlo 0 22 июня, 2015 Всем приветы. Такой вопросик, точнее два: 1) Как долго еще до "качественного русификатора"? 2) И есть ли просто русификатор для 1.8.3b? Иначе при установке русификаторов которые сейчас имеются, все они подразумевают наличие планеты дроидов, которую я не ставлю, т.к. не особо нравится. (само собой привело к запоротым 20+ часам прохождения... обидно однако) Если есть, можно ссылочку (гуглил и так и сяк, всегда русик совместный - ресторейшен мод+планета, а заново проходить до Коррибана - занятие не быстрое) П.С. Стим версия, тока 1.8.3b, русик и все. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Eres 5 823 4 марта, 2016 Проходил вчера, должен сказать что очень впечатлён тем как фанаты подошли к разработке базы дроидов. Сперва я грешным делом предположил что это Обсидиан планировали скрипты, заполняли локации и т.д, но погуглив и посмотрев эволюцию мода имею ровно противоположное мнение. Проходил базу версии 1.8.какая-то и честно, большая благодарность мододелам. Весь этот газ предназначенный для Джедаев оратор-НК стоящий перед армией дроидов и весьма жёсткие энкаунтеры - очень достойно и выдержано до мелочей. А ещё рад что минимизировали лишнюю бесцельную беготню. ПС. если бы не вложили ту броню на снижение энергетического дамага на 75% - фиг пройти босса))) Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты