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Мельница - Сказка о Дьяволе.

Жил однажды на свете Дьявол.

По морям-океанам плавал.

А тебя никогда не видел,

Обо мне никогда не слышал.

Он украл с неба ясный месяц

И спустил ладьею на волны;

Он приходит с ночным приливом,

У него весло из оливы.

Ты меня ждала на причале,

Не смыкала очей ночами,

Он увидел тебя, голубка,

И забыл о вечности Дьявол.

Принял Дьявол мое обличье,

Не найдешь найдешь и пяти отличий,

Он упал пред тобой на колени,

Целовал холодные руки.

Я покинул тебя, голубка,

Обещавши вернуться скоро.

Перепутал я небо с водою,

Я уплыл за своей бедою.

Не найдешь тех широт на картах,

Где пропал я с верной командой.

Где мне взять имя ветра, который

Возвращает странников к дому?

Я поставил бы светлый парус,

Я б примчался домой с рассветом,

Отвязал бы луну от причала,

Чтобы тоже домой возвращалась!

Только стоит ли, право, вернуться,

Только стоит ли мне воскреснуть,

Если вместо меня живет Дьявол,

Мои песни поет тебе Дьявол?

Отныне в этой теме действует запрет на мультипостинг, то есть посты от одного юзера, идущие подряд. Я понимаю, что у вас всех много текстов хороших песен, которыми вы хотели бы поделиться, но все же давайте не будем заполнять тему собой.

Изменено пользователем Nasgul

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Агата Кристи - Пинкертон

Как это как а вот вспомнил хобби

Марки, попугаи, видео, металл

Я не гоняюсь за деньгами, не гоняюсь за плотью

Нет черный блокнот - мой идеал

Я все напишу о соседях, о вашей жене и ее любовнике

Я напишу как семь дней в неделю

Спали друг с другом и шептали анекдоты

Я держу тело в отличной форме

Хитрый слух, а глаз как у орла

Работаю все дни и даже субботы

С восьми утра до восьми утра

Я улыбнусь вам при встрече. Че че че четко и точно.

Руку подам, я робот убийца, поставленный на метод поточный

Я Пинкертон

Я Пинкертон

Я Пинкертон

Я Пинкертон

Я Пинкертон

Номер сотый спал пока жена в отъезде

С собственной дочкой. Вот те раз!

Номер сто три не помню который по счету,

Но в общем говорил про указ

Номер сто пять ходил на Генделя а после весь день грыз


Номер сто семь? - какая досада -не помню с кем точно

но тоже спал

Я Пинкертон

Я Пинкертон

Я Пинкертон

Я Пинкертон

Я Пинкертон


Девятый захотел изменить что-то

Там где не снимают даже пыль с картин

Еще немного усилий и узнаете все

Что делал третий и второй и даже номер один

Я сберегу как икону свой черный блокнот как символ бессилья

Ваших побед перед грязью

В аорте стянутой иудовской вязью

Я Пинкертон

Я Пинкертон

Я Пинкертон

Я Пинкертон

Я Пинкертон

Изменено пользователем 6y3eJIok

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Bullet For My Valentine - Turn To despair

Needs to be a revolution 

Maybe theirs to be less tension 

They become into the nature 

Far frustrating 

Need some time for recollection 

Maybe I don’t need this fixing 

Need to be a thing to nature 

So proceed with caution 

I pull my heart from the end 

You always took it and broke it over there 

You said that I didn’t care 

How could my dream turn to despair? 

Turn to despair 

There is temporary redemption 

Your demise is my creation 

Let me talk into the next one 

Talking symbols 

We need some hope and recollection 

Maybe then there'll be less tension 

Take the one and burn the clothes off 

Proceed with caution 

I pull my heart from the end 

You always took it and broke it over there 

You said that I didn’t care 

How could my dream turn to despair? 

Push and pull!! 

Time to release the crease in the Beast 

The blood shed and killing when will it ceace? 

Clenching our fist at the snap of our Wrist 

Time to get up and get down with the shh...... 

Too much sorrow, no tomorrow 

Too much sorrow, no tomorrow 

Too much sorrow, no tomorrow 

Too much sorrow, NO TOMARROW!!! 

turn to despair 


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Евгений Клячкин


Ах, не дели ты с музыкой слова -

Они, как мы с тобой, неразделимы.

А если не сольются воедино,

То лгут слова, а музыка права.

Но что еще так нежно обоймет?

Так глубоко на дно души заглянет?

Поманит, позовет и не обманет

И все печали до конца поймет.

Ах, не ищи ты трещинку в любви,

Не проверяй кирпичики на прочность.

А то ведь вот случится, как нарочно -

Со страху страхи сбудутся твои!

А ну-ка, загляни судьбе в глаза -

Увидишь только то, что сам захочешь.

От веры до сомненья путь короче,

Гораздо, ох, короче, чем назад...

Ах, не пускай ты ревность на порог -

Она и ненасытна и всеядна.

И ты пропал, когда промолвил: "Ладно!

Проверим подозренья хоть разок."

Сомненья дьявол ловок и хитер -

Погашенное снова жжет страданье.

И не стремись услышать оправданья:

Они - поленья в этот же костер!

Но - не надо! Пусть напев беспечный

Успокоит душу и умерит боль.

Страх с Любовью - они рядом вечно.

Значит любишь, если так с тобой!

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Или еще..


В моей душе осадок зла,

И счастья старого зола,

И прошлых радостей печаль.

Лишь разум мой способен в даль

До горизонта протянуть

Hадежды рвущуюся нить

И попытаться изменить хоть что нибудь.

Пустые споры, слов туман,

Дворцы и норы, свет и тьма,

И облегченье лишь в одном -

Стоять до смерти на своeм,

Hенужный хлам с души стряхнуть

И старый страх прогнать из глаз.

Из темноты на свет шагнуть,

Как в первый раз.

И в узелок опять связать

Hадежды порванную нить.

И в сотый раз себе сказать,

Что что-то можно изменить.

И хоть не стоит свеч игра,

Поверь опять, что победишь.

В конечном счeте будет прав

Тот, кто зажeг огонь добра...

В моей душе осадок зла

И счастья старого зола,

И прежних радостей печаль,

Лишь разум мой способен вдаль

До горизонта протянуть

Hадежды рвущуюся нить.

Ещe раз может быть рискнуть

Чтобы хоть что-то изменить,


Изменено пользователем vvzSTR

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Алису упоминали часто, но мне нравится из последнего...


Нам ли, под надзором век коротать -

Наше дело путать следы.

Ветром в чистом поле, петь да гулять,

Да звенеть лучами звезды.

Лед да туман, вьюга-метель да снег,

По городам ветер ушел в побег.

На моих глазах спорили огонь да лед,

Кто кому судья и кто кому прервет полет,

А над этим всем, ветер поднимал свой флаг,

Выше всех вершин! Вот так!

Нам ли, греть потехой муть кабаков,

Нам ли холить сытую спесь.

Наше дело - воля острых углов,

Мы, вообще, такие, какие есть.

Дым да пожар, пепел, огонь да чад,

По городам ветер ведет отряд.

На моих глазах спорили огонь да лед,

Кто кому судья и кто кому прервет полет,

А над этим всем, ветер поднимал свой флаг,

Выше всех вершин! Вот так!

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Pendulum-Hold Your Colour

Soaking through

Comes and holds itself against the wall

Soaking through

Comes and holds itself against the wall

Hold your colours against the wall,

When they take everything away,

Hold your colours against the wall

Soaking through

Hold your colours against the wall,

When they take everything away,

Hold your colours against the wall

Soaking through

Ahhh, she looked into your eyes,

And saw what laid beneath,

Don't try to save yourself,

The circle is complete,

We're reaching out and to tell you,

Nothing else can touch me

Soaking through

Hold your colours against the wall,

When they take everything away,

Hold your colours against the wall

Soaking through

Ahhh, she looked into your eyes,

And saw what laid beneath,

Don't try to save yourself,

The circle is complete

Fading gently,

Soaking through,


We're reaching out and to take you,

Nothing else can touch me

Soaking through

Hold your colours against the wall,

When they take everything away,

Hold your colours against the wall

Soaking through

Hold your colours against the wall,

When they take everything away,

Hold your colours against the wall

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Мельница - Мертвец

Все кончается, мой друг,

Разрывают кольца рук.

Свитые в тугую плеть

Боль и сказка, свет и смерть.

Просто, чтобы каждый знал,

Что всему, что он искал,

Скоро тлеть углем в золе,

Скоро гнить в сырой земле.

Не грусти, не плачь, не бойся.

Это просто проблеск солнца

В темных путах наших снов,

В ржавчине оков.

Все кончается, мой друг,

Это наш последний круг.

Не ищи судьбы своей

В бледных призраках вещей.

Всё, к чему вела нас страсть,

Скоро все должно упасть,

И за этот острый край

Выходи - гостей встречай.

Это просто лунный свет,

Никакой защиты нет,

В сердце - пламенный рубец,

Ты уже мертвец.

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Rammstein - Dalai Lama

Ein Flugzeug liegt im Abendwind

An Bord ist auch ein Mann mit Kind

Sie sitzen sicher, sitzen warm

Und gehen so dem Schlaf ins Garn

In drei Stunden sind sie da

Zum Wiegenfeste der Mama

Die Sicht ist gut, der Himmel klar

Weiter weiter ins Verderben

Wir muessen leben bis wir sterben

Der Mensch gehoert nicht in die Luft

So der Herr im Himmel ruft

Seine Soehne auf dem Wind

Bringt mir dieses Menschenkind

Das Kind hat noch die Zeit verloren

Da springt ein Wiederhall zu Ohren

Ein dumpfes Grollen treibt die Nacht

Und der Wolkentreiber lacht

Schuettelt wach die Menschenfracht

Weiter weiter ins Verderben

Wir muessen leben bis wir sterben

Und das Kind zum Vater spricht

Hoerst du denn den Donner nicht?

Das ist der Koenig aller Winde

Er will mich zu seinem Kinde

Aus den Wolken tropft ein Chor

Kriecht sich in das kleine Ohr

Aus den Wolken tropft ein Chor

Kriecht sich in das kleine Ohr

Komm her

Bleib hier

Wir sind gut zu dir

Komm her

Bleib hier

Wir sind Bueder dir

Der Sturm umarmt die Flugmaschine

Der Druck faellt schnell in der Kabine

Ein dumpfes Grollen treibt die Nacht

In Panik schreit die Menschenfracht

Weiter weiter ins Verderben

Wir muessen leben bis wir sterben

Und zum Herrgott fleht das Kind

Himmel nimm zurueck den Wind

Bring uns unversehrt zur Erde

Aus den Wolken tropft ein Chor

Kriecht sich in das kleine Ohr

Aus den Wolken tropft ein Chor

Kriecht sich in das kleine Ohr

Komm her

Bleib hier

Wir sind gut zu dir

Komm her

Bleib hier

Wir sind Brueder dir

Der Vater haelt das Kind jetzt fest

Hat es fest an sich gepresst

Wehrt sich jetzt in Atemnot

Doch die Angst kennt kein Erbarmen

So der Vater mit den Armen

Drueckt die Seele aus dem Kind

Diese setzt sich auf den Wind

Und singt:

Komm her

Bleib hier

Wir sind gut zu dir

Komm her

Bleib hier

Wir sind Brueder dir

Komm her

Bleib hier

Wir sind gut zu dir

Komm her

Bleib hier

Wir sind Brueder dir

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Guns'n'Roses "Paradise City"

Just a' urchin

livin' under the street

I'm a hard case

that's tough to beat

I'm your charity case

So buy me somethin' to eat

I'll pay you at another time

Take it to the end of the line

Ragz to richez or so they say

Ya gotta-keep pushin'

for the fortune and fame

It's all a gamble

When it's just a game

Ya treat it like a capital crime

Everybody's doin' their time


Take me down

To the paradise city

Where the grass is green

And the girls are pretty

Take me home

Strapped in the chair

of the city's gas chamber

Why I'm here I can't quite remember

The surgeon general says

it's hazardous to breathe

I'd have another cigarette

but I can't see

Tell me who you're gonna believe


So far away

So far away

So far away

So far away

Captain America's been torn apart

Now he's a court jester

with a broken heart

He said-

Turn me around and

take me back to the start

I must be losin' my mind-

"Are you blind?"

I've seen it all a million times


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Cute Is What We Aim For - Practice Makes Perfect

So sweet I can hardly speak

You do such trauma in my teeth 

But your body language is telling that youre worth a pen

So weak I can hardly keep

Shake your legs, holdin up my feet

But your body language is telling me that I'm not to blame

Practice makes perfect

Practice makes perfect sense

I've become what a mother wouldn't want in a son

And I have done a few things I regret

Like practice makes perfect

Practice makes perfect sense

To me

Wake up, the first light, you and you calling out

For your criminal court

Then you fled the scene upon being ripped free

Conversation in sued

And I want to do so many things to you

Sit back, just sit

You insist youre ahead

Sit back, just sit

Yeah, I swear I can feel it

Practice makes perfect

Practice makes perfect sense

I've become what a mother wouldn't want in a son

And I have done a few things I regret

I've become what a mother wouldn't want in a son

And I have done what a mother wouldn't want

What a mother wouldnt want in a son

Practice makes perfect

Practice makes perfect sense

Practice makes perfect

Practice makes perfect sense

I've become what a mother wouldn't want in a son

And I have done a few things I regret

I've become what a mother wouldn't want in a son

And I have done what a mother wouldn't want

What a mother wouldn't want in a son

Practice makes perfect

Practice makes perfect sense

Practice makes perfect

Practice makes perfect sense

To me

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Dragn, тоже уважаю Helloween.

Helloween - Wake up the mountain

Some people die

And even never realize

Man’s growing blind

Is seeimg owly with the eyes

We think we’re strong

Belive we never could be wrong

But we ar fools

Because we’re dying by the rules

Though I cannot change the world we’re living in

I can always change myself

One more to count in wake up the mountain

All colour’s slowly turning to gray

All world is darkling wake up the mountain

And we will find it once more again

Cash and carees

Built on the countless sums of fears

All godos of life

Begin to vanish behimd tears

How do we know

Why did we choose the way we follow

Why do we hurt

Why do we hurt the ones we love

Though I cannot change the worlg we’re living in

I can always change myself

One more to count in wake up the mountain

All colour’s slowly turning to gray

All world is darkling wake up the mountain

And we will find it once more again

We made the rules and we can change them

Break down the orders one by one

We made the laws and we can break them

Break down the mountain, stone by stone by stone...

One more to count in wake up the mountain

All colour’s slowly turning to gray

All world is darkling wake up the mountain

And we will find it once more again

Выделил строчку жирным. Нечто вроде моего девиза по жизни..

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The Subways-Rock & Roll Queen

You are the sun

You are the only one

My heart is blue

My heart is blue for you

Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen

Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen

You are the sun

You are the only one

You are so cool

You are so rock and roll

Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen

Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen

Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen

Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen

You are the sun

You are the only one

You are so cool

It's all so rock and roll

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Portal OST - Still Alive

This was a triumph

I’m making a note here: huge success

It’s hard to overstate my satisfaction

Aperture Science

We do what we must because we can

For the good of all of us

Except the ones who are dead

But there’s no sense crying over every mistake

You just keep on trying till you run out of cake

And the science gets done and you make a neat gun

For the people who are still alive

I’m not even angry

I’m being so sincere right now

Even though you broke my heart and killed me

And tore me to pieces

And threw every piece into a fire

As they burned it hurt because

I was so happy for you

Now these points of data make a beautiful line

And we’re out of beta, we’re releasing on time

So I’m glad I got burned, think of all the things we learned

For the people who are still alive

Go ahead and leave me

I think I’d prefer to stay inside

Maybe you’ll find someone else to help you

Maybe Black Mesa

That was a joke, ha ha, fat chance

Anyway this cake is great

It’s so delicious and moist

Look at me still talking when there’s science to do

When I look out there it makes me glad I’m not you

I’ve experiments to run, there is research to be done

On the people who are still alive

And believe me I am still alive

I’m doing science and I’m still alive

I feel fantastic and I’m still alive

And while you’re dying I’ll be still alive

And when you’re dead I will be still alive

Still alive

Still alive...

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Вот вам про игры.. Всем гамерам читать. И написано в 94 (!) году. Сегодня переслушивал все альбомы.. Привлекла внимание.. :lol:

Helloween - The Game Is On

Have you seen this little toy

When you're down it gives you joy

You escape reality

Delve into its TV screen

For the rich and for the poor

For the even more secure

Doesn't matter where you are,

Where you go or where you've been

Well, there's still no guarantee

For your virgin mind, you see

Just go on and play the game

You will surely go insane

The game is on

And you have gone

Gone to a world on its display

And the game is fun

But when it has won

All you ever hear is what it says

There's a great amount of fumes

Coming out from somebody's room

The firemen got there

Making their way up the stairs

Find a man in a chair

But it doesn't seem he's there

With a grey box in his hands

He has gone to another land

The game is on

And you have gone

Gone to a world on its display

And the game is fun

But when it has won

All you ever hear is what it says

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Metallica - Welcome home (Sanitarium)

Welcome to where time stands still

No one leaves and no one will

Moon is full, never seems to change

Just labeled mentally deranged

Dream the same thing every night

I see our freedom in my sight

No locked doors, no windows barred

No things to make my brain seem scarred

Sleep, my friend, and you will see

That dream is my reality

They keep me locked up in this cage

Can't they see it's why my brain says “rage”

Sanitarium, leave me be

Sanitarium, just leave me alone

Build my fear of what's out there

Cannot breathe the open air

Whisper things into my brain

Assuring me that I'm insane

They think our heads are in their hands

But violent use brings violent plans

Keep him tied, it makes him well

He's getting better, can't you tell?

No more can they keep us in

Listen, damn it, we will win

They see it right, they see it well

But they think this saves us from our hell

Sanitarium, leave me be

Sanitarium, just leave me alone

Sanitarium, just leave me alone

Fear of living on

Natives getting restless now

Mutiny in the air

Got some death to do

Mirror stares back hard

Kill, it's such a friendly word

Seems the only way

For reaching out again

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Twisted Sister - Wake Up (The Sleeping Giant)

Gather round us, join with the band

Together we re stronger, together we ll stand

Say what can you do, well, we ve got a plan

And we re gonna take you to the promised land

It s time to remember, it s time to move on

They ve pushed it too far, they don t know what they ve done

If it s a fight that they want then it s a fight that they ll get

We never lose, honey so place your bets

Long ago and far away

We had a voice, you know that we had a say

We won t live for yesterday

Ready or not, we re gonna have our way


We got the numbers, yeah, we got the might

We got the strenght and we got the right

We got the reason, yeah, we got the night

So wake up the sleeping giant

Not one more minute, not one more day

We ve waited too long, can t let our chance slip away

We won t stop til we get it, we won t stop til we re done

We ll bite and we ll claw until they ve lost and we ve won

We took all we re gonna take

It s got to stop, you know there s too much at stake

Who the hell are they to say

What we can do and how we can play



Wake up the sleeping giant


Wake up the sleeping giant

Solo - Eddie

Let s push to the limit, so let s push til we re home

We ve been good too long, they wouldn t leave us alone

It s our rights they re abusing, it s our right to fight back

So rally the troops and let s start the attack



We got the numbers, you know we got the might


Wake up the sleeping giant


We got the reason and we re ready to fight


Wake up the sleeping giant

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Bullet For My Valentine - Deliver Us From Evil

What's happening to me

I'm dying from the inside

Body hurts too much to feel

And pressure adds to pain

Deliver us from evil

Straying out of sanity

Why can't you let me be

Is nothing else important

Does my mind mean more to you

Cause if I carry on

Deliver us from evil

Screaming for your vanity

Will darkness turn to light

Will darkness turn to light

Can someone wake me from this nightmare

Here we go

Here we go

The tank is empty let it try

I'm suffering

A passion ending

so the world ceases turning

The tank is empty let it dry

so now I hope you see

I'm nothing more than human

Making plans for enemies

But here we go again

Deliver us from evil

Crawling back to insanity

Will darkness turn to light

Will darkness turn to light

Can someone wake me from this nightmare?

Here we go

Here we go

The tank is empty let it dry

I'm suffering

A passion ending

so the world ceases turning

The tank is empty let it dry

I'm suffering

A passion ending

so the world ceases turning

The tank is empty let it dry

I'm suffering

What's happening to me

I'm dying from the inside

Body hurts too much to feel

And pressure adds to pain

Deliver us from evil

Through evil

Pressure adds to pain

We're evil

We're evil

We're evil

Will darknesss turn to light

Will darknesss turn to light

Can someone wake me from this nightmare

Here we go

Here we go

The tank is empty let it dry

I'm suffering

The tank is empty let it dry

I'm suffering

A passion ending so the world ceases turning 

The tank is empty, let it dry!


I'm suffering 


A passion ending, so the world sees you turning!

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The Golden Age of Grotesque

Marilyn Manson

All our monkeys have monkeys

We drive our death-crush diamond Jaguar limousines

We're not fantastic motherfuckers, but we play them on TV

It's a dirty word Reich, say what you like

It's a dirty word Reich, say what you like

We're the low art Gloominati, and we aim to depress

The scabaret sacrilegends

This is the Golden Age of Grotesque

We're the low art Gloominati, and we aim to depress

The scabaret sacrilegends

This is the Golden Age of Grotesque

The devils are girls with Van Gogh's missing ear

You say what you want but filth is all that they hear

I've got the jigger to make all you bigger

Ladies und gentlemen

So drop your piss room bait, and make sure you're not late

You tramps and lunatics

It's a trick that's gonna make you click

We're the low art Gloominati, and we aim to depress

The scabaret sacrilegends

This is the Golden Age of Grotesque

We're the low art Gloominati, and we aim to depress

The scabaret sacrilegends

This is the Golden Age of Grotesque

It's a dirty word Reich, say what you like

It's a dirty word Reich, say what you like

So my Bon Mots, Hit-boy Tommy Trons, Rowdy rowdies, Honey-fingered Goodbye Dolls:

`Hellzapoppin, open your Third Nostril

Put on your black face, and your god is gone

We're the low art Gloominati, and we aim to depress

The scabaret sacrilegends

This is the Golden Age of Grotesque

We're the low art Gloominati, and we aim to depress

The scabaret sacrilegends

This is the Golden Age of Grotesque

We sing la la, la la, la la lah

We sing la la, la la, lah

La la, la la, la la, lah

We sing la la, la la, la la lah

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Cryoshell - Creeping In My Soul

I see your face before my eyes

I'm falling into darkness

Why must I fight to stay alive?

Heroes falling

Wake me can't you hear me calling

Out of darkness they come crawling

... Here I am, I am lost in your land

And I hope you will be - creeping in my soul

... Shadows fall, let me out, hear my call

And I always believe - creeping in my soul

(Creeps from the deep's gonna be freaking up your mind

Creeps from the deep's gonna be feeding off the spine)

I fade away into the night

My eyes are closing in

Shadows fleeing from the light

My nightmares can begin

Wake me can't you hear me calling

Out of darkness they come crawling

... Here I am, I am lost in your land

And I hope you will be - creeping in my soul

Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com

... Shadows fall, let me out, hear my call

And I always believe - creeping in my soul

Creeping in my soul - it's getting out of control

I got to find my escape and get out of this black hole

Justice in the world is hard to find

Time has come… Got to make up my mind

No matter how deep or remote you hide

All my thoughts seems caught up inside

Creeps from the deep's gonna be freaking up your mind

Creeps from the deep's gonna be feeding off the spine

... Here I am, I am lost in your land

And I hope you will be - creeping in my soul

... Shadows fall, let me out, hear my call

And I always believe - creeping in my soul

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Hypnogaja - They Don't Care Clean

Strange, there's comfort in lies

Ways, for you to get by

I can feel your pain

I can hear you breaking

All your hopes and fears are here for the taking

They need you, but they don't give a fuck about

They bleed you, but they don't give a fuck about

They feed you the lies, you want to hear it

But they don't care

They say shit, but they don't give a fuck about

They play shit, but they don't give a fuck about

They fake shit, and say they really wanna

But they don't care

Fame, you follow it blind

You're shamed, if not with your kind

I can feel your pain

I can hear you breaking

All your hopes and fears are here for the taking

They need you, but they don't give a fuck about

They bleed you, but they don't give a fuck about

They feed you the lies, you want to hear it

But they don't care

They say shit, but they don't give a fuck about

They play shit, but they don't give a fuck about

They fake shit, and say they really wanna

But they don't care

They need you, They bleed you, They feed you, But they don't care

And all the knowledge in the world couldn't save you from it

All your ignorance is bliss and that's the way they want it

And they will label a traitor if you speak out of turn

Ain't got no rights, if you fight at the stake you will burn

The novelty of your freedom it doesn't even exist

You're just a slave to the wage, you're just a hand over fist

You ain't got nothin but bluffin, front and try to break out

You're just a pawn, and they don't give a fuck about

They need you, but not your opinion

They'll say what you want, but they don't care

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Lisa Miskovsky - Still Alive

No I've changed

I have changed

Just like you

Just like you

For how long

For how long

Must I wait

I know there's something wrong

Your concrete heart isn't beating

And you tried to

Make it come alive

No shadows

Just red lights

Now I'm here to rescue you

Oh I'm still alive

I'm still alive and

I cannot apologize, no

Oh I'm still alive

I'm still alive and

I cannot apologize, no

So silent

No violence

But inside my head

So loud and clear

You're screaming

You're screaming

Covered up with a smile 

I've learned to fear

Just sunshine

And blue sky

This is all we get

For living here

Come fire

Come fire

Let it burn and love come racing through

Oh I'm still alive

I'm still alive and

I cannot apologize, no

Oh I'm still alive

I'm still alive and

I cannot apologize, no

I've learn to lose

I've learn to win

I turn my face against the wind

I will move fast

I will move slow

Take me where I have to go

Oh I'm still alive

I'm still alive and

I cannot apologize, no

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Computer God

Black Sabbath

Waiting for the revolution

New clear vision - genocide

Computerize god - it's the new religion

Program the brain - not the heartbeat

Onward all you crystal soldiers

Touch tomorrow - energize

Digital dreams

And you're the next correction

Man's a mistake so we'll fix it, yeah

Take a look at your own reflection

Right before your eyes

It turns to steel


There's another side of heaven

This way - to technical paradise

Find it on the other side

When the walls fall down

Love is automatic pleasure

Virtual reality

Terminal hate - it's a calculation

Send in the child for connection

Take a look at the toys around you

Right before your eyes

The toys are real


Midnight confessions

Never heal the soul

What you believe is fantasy

Your past is your future

Left behind

Lost in time

Will you surrender

Waiting for the revolution

Program the brain

Not the heartbeat

Deliver us to evil

Deny us of our faith

Robotic hearts bleed poison

On the world we populate

Virtual existence

With a superhuman mind

The ultimate creation

Destroyer of mankind

Termination of our youth

For we do not compute

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Dream Theater - I Walk Beside You

There's a story in your eyes

I can see the hurt behind your smile

For every sign I recognize

Another one escapes me

Let me know what plagues your mind

Let me be the one to know you best

Be the one to hold you up

When you feel like you're sinking

Tell me once again

What's beneath the pain you're feeling

Don't abandon me

Or think you can't be saved

I walk beside you

Wherever you are

Whatever it takes

No matter how far

Through all that may come

And all that may go

I walk beside you

I walk beside you

Summon up your ghosts for me

Rest your tired thoughts upon my hand

Step inside the sacred place

When all your dreams seem broken

Resonate inside this temple

Let me be the one who understands

Be the one to carry you

When you can walk no further

Tell me once again

What's below the surface bleeding

If you've lost your way

I will take you in

I walk beside you

Wherever you are

Whatever it takes

No matter how far

Through all that may come

And all that may go

I walk beside you

I walk beside you

Oh when everything is wrong

Oh when hopelessness surrounds you

Oh the sun will rise again

The tide you swim against will carry you back home

So don't give up

Don't give in

I walk beside you

Wherever you are

Whatever it takes

No matter how far

Through all that may come

And all that may go

I walk beside you

I walk beside you

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Dolores O'Riordan - [No Baggage #02] Skeleton

I tried to face it

I can't erase it

I tried to face it

I can't erase it

Driving in the slow lane

Watching everybody shooting by

In the fast lane, in the fast lane

Sitting here beside me

There is a shadow from my past

In the front seat I can heart my heartbeat

Faster, faster, faster, faster, faster

I tried to face it

I can't erase it

So I must face it

I must embrace it

I have wasted my time

Dwelling in the shadows from the past

In the front seat did you hear my heartbeat

Forward to the future I must move on

I will let go to the future

That's where I will soar

Higher, higher, higher, higher, higher

So I can face it

Then I will chase it

I will embrace it

You can't outrun your skeleton

No way, no way

You can't outrun your skeleton

No way, no way


No way, no way


No way, no way


No way, no way


In the corner of the room

I tried to face it

In the corner of the room

I must embrace it

In the corner of the room

And I will chase it

In the corner of the room

I will embrace it

In the corner of the room

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Kreator - Violent Revolution

Society failed to tolerate me

And I have failed to tolerate society

Still I can’t find what you adore

Inside I hear the echoes of an inner war

Nothing can take the horror from me

Your sick world the loss of all morality

My hate has grown as strong as my confusion

My only hope my only solution

is a Violent Revolution

Violent Revolution, Violent Revolution

Reason for the people to destroy

I do not need a cause for my rage

I just despise the nature of the human race

When all I see is repulsion and hate

Violence becomes my only friend, my saving grace

When love is lost beyond your control

A pale shadow of lust can not enlight your soul

So keep your ice cold bitter illusions

I don’t need your empty world my only solution

is a Violent Revolution

Violent Revolution, Violent Revolution

Reason for the people to destroy

Beauty is no more it’s all gone

And utopia will not come

Trust I can not feel, only pain

And my burning mind has gone insane

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