Black 1 376 29 июля, 2010 (изменено) Платформы: [PC] | Жанр: MMORPG Разработчик: Interplay, Masthead Studios | Издатель: Interplay Дата выхода: проект закрыт Разработку проекта ведет Крис Тейлор, один из основоположников серии, что не может не внушать надежду, сам от себя добавлю, что игра почему-то испускает "лучи" доверия к себе и оптимистичных ожиданий, это вполне может оказаться "тот-самый" Fallout, что мы так долго ждали, пусть и общая концепция и дух этой вселенной вовсе неподходит под MMO Трейлер: Скриншоты: Арты: Изменено 12 января, 2017 пользователем oboima Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Black 1 376 30 июля, 2010 Те, кто в Интерплее сейчас - это на 80% мусор, люди, которые вовремя не ушли по глупости или просто не нужны больше нигде. Забавная логика. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Boldog 311 30 июля, 2010 Я такой, люблю смешить людей, растягивать в улыбки унылые мины. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
DmitriRaskalov 644 18 сентября, 2010 (изменено) Наши многострадальные Interplay осуществили вторую по счёту рассылку новостей Fallout Online, в которой идёт речь о новой религии, с которой мы теоретически будем иметь дело в будущей игре. Называется она "Церковь Гарольда". Правда круто? В общем, смотрим: Изменено 18 сентября, 2010 пользователем Dimitri_Raskalov Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Holsten 411 18 сентября, 2010 (изменено) Блин, да задолбало уже хотлинкингом давиться - в итоге картинок не видать. Сохрани на хард да заливай сюда, не первый раз уже. Изменено 18 сентября, 2010 пользователем Holsten Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
DmitriRaskalov 644 18 сентября, 2010 Блин, да задолбало уже хотлинкингом давиться - в итоге картинок не видать.Сохрани на хард да заливай сюда, не первый раз уже. Виноват начальник, уже исправил... Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
DmitriRaskalov 644 18 сентября, 2010 Андерсон ушёл из проекта, следовательно - фейл. Проект жив, двигается крайне медленными темпами, но жив... Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Black 1 376 21 сентября, 2010 Проект жив, двигается крайне медленными темпами, но жив... Слова "фэйл" и "смерть" несколько различны по значению. Кстати, здесь будет: И он сам соответственно. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
DmitriRaskalov 644 21 сентября, 2010 (изменено) Слова "фэйл" и "смерть" несколько различны по значению. Мне сейчас так стыдно, что я чуть со стула не свалился. Ну не знаком я с этим полужаргонными интернетовскими терминами, хоть убейте, инет всего два года назад подключил Изменено 21 сентября, 2010 пользователем Dimitri_Raskalov Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
DmitriRaskalov 644 24 сентября, 2010 За достоверность не ручаюсь но: Опублиован некий псевдофак об игре: What’s going on with the lawsuit? I can't comment about any legal matters. Not won't, can't. About the game itself... we're still keeping things quiet, but things have started to get locked down internally. We are making concrete decisions about game design, content, art, etc... Masthead has been sending us all sorts of character models, animations and other bits of art for our comments. They are able to produce an amazing amount of work in a short period of time. Unfortunately, I can't show what they are doing. I can't show what we are working on. However, E3 is coming up and news announcements/press demos/etc are often made around that time. Let me be clear, I don't know what is going to be shown, what is going to be talked about, _if anything_, but this is a good time of year to hear new things. I do know that nothing will be released before E3. You're not the only one who would like to get some real news about this project. Oh, and it will be using the Earthrise engine. That news has been released, AFAIK. What will Fallout Online be rated? It will be restricted to a certain age. What will the music in Fallout Online be like? We haven't announced anything... It's been discussed internally quite extensively. Are you going to get Mark Morgan to do the music? When we get to that point, I'm personally hoping Mark Morgan is available and willing. I still listen to the score CDs occasionally. Fine, fine music. Will there be a monthly fee? Not up to me, I'm afraid. If I had my way, it'd be free, but these services require a lot of money to maintain (equipment, bandwidth/IT, developer's salaries). There are pretty much two ways most MMOs are making money: 1. Subscription (usually monthly, with discounts for longer durations) 2. Micro-payments Advertising is a 3rd option, but it's really hard to generate enough revenue from just pure advertising. Subscriptions are still very common, but you are seeing more and more micro-payment games. Micro-payments usually mean that that game is free but not all content is available to free players. Usually, items, abilities or game events cost a small amount of money. The overall effect is that players pay as much as they want to get what they want out of the game. Want to play a little, you can play for free or spend just a few bucks every now and then. Hard-core players spend more (usually even more than what a monthly subscription would cost). It hasn't been decided, but I would expect that V13 would be similar to the rest of the market. What is Fallout Online going to be like? Is it going to be like WoW? Show me a MMO developer that says they haven't played WOW, and I'll show you one that's lying. (Okay, I'm sure there are some developers that truly, honestly haven't played WOW, but they would be few and far between.) WOW is the current industry standard. I'm not saying a developer should make their game based on WOW, but they should, at the very least, be familiar with WOW's content and mechanics. For any genre of game, it's important that game developers are familiar with the current crop of titles. I used to get reimbursed for my gaming purchases as a producer just so I could keep up with the competition. Neat. Personally, I play all the new MMOs that come out, just so I can see what other games are doing. Most of the time, it's just for a few months, but I've played EQ, WOW, and COH to the elder game. Just for the fun of it. I've played AoC, WAR, EQ2, Vanguard, Wizard 101, E&B, DAoC, AO, SWG, AC2, EQOA, Shadowbane, and UO. I tried EVE for about 1 hour and couldn't hack it. V13 isn't going to be a clone of any specific game with different graphics, but we're not going to make changes from what we think is best for the game just to be different. Let me put in another way -- we're going to make the best game we can that we would want to play. I'm sure that there will be similarities to other MMOs, the same way that CRPGs can be similar, but there will naturally be differences as well. It is not our intention to just make a clone of game X. Our intention is to make a great game that stays true to source material while at the same time updating it properly for a great online experience. Will there be vehicles? A decision regarding vehicles has been made. Will there be quests? I think it's safe to say that we will have a variety of quests. Will there be Fallout Online merchandise? There has been some discussion of doing PV13 merch. When will you announce more info about X, Y and Z? We're keeping quiet until we have more definite details. We're still very early in production, and there are bound to be changes. We'd prefer not to announce game info and then have to keep making changes. Myself and my co-workers are just working on the game. I don't know what plans there are for public announcements. That's up to other people to decide. ^_^ What will the viewpoint be? 1st person or 3rd person? It will be 2nd person. ^_^ Second person? What is that??? Sounds shiny... It was a joke. Really. ^_^ Will Fallout fans be able to pick this up and play it right off the bat? Or will there be a learning curve? Interesting question. It's going to have a whole new user interface, but we don't want to have a long learning curve to learn how to play. A long learning curve to master the game? Fine. But, we'd like people to jump right in and start playing. When will Fallout Online take place? Where will it take place? The exact setting (place & time) has not been announced. Will Fallout Online be released for my console? We haven't released any information regarding what platform we'll be on. How will player death, respawning, etc, be dealt with? Death is death in the Fallout world and there are no Resurrection spells or magic wands that bring people back to life. The Master in FO1 was on one path to immortality, but even he wasn't immune to 9mm (or plasma rifles, whatever your weapon of choice was.) We have a pretty good handle on how we handle player character defeat in PV13. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Black 1 376 24 сентября, 2010 За достоверность не ручаюсь но: Опублиован некий псевдофак об игре: What’s going on with the lawsuit? I can't comment about any legal matters. Not won't, can't. About the game itself... we're still keeping things quiet, but things have started to get locked down internally. We are making concrete decisions about game design, content, art, etc... Masthead has been sending us all sorts of character models, animations and other bits of art for our comments. They are able to produce an amazing amount of work in a short period of time. Unfortunately, I can't show what they are doing. I can't show what we are working on. However, E3 is coming up and news announcements/press demos/etc are often made around that time. Let me be clear, I don't know what is going to be shown, what is going to be talked about, _if anything_, but this is a good time of year to hear new things. I do know that nothing will be released before E3. You're not the only one who would like to get some real news about this project. Oh, and it will be using the Earthrise engine. That news has been released, AFAIK. What will Fallout Online be rated? It will be restricted to a certain age. What will the music in Fallout Online be like? We haven't announced anything... It's been discussed internally quite extensively. Are you going to get Mark Morgan to do the music? When we get to that point, I'm personally hoping Mark Morgan is available and willing. I still listen to the score CDs occasionally. Fine, fine music. Will there be a monthly fee? Not up to me, I'm afraid. If I had my way, it'd be free, but these services require a lot of money to maintain (equipment, bandwidth/IT, developer's salaries). There are pretty much two ways most MMOs are making money: 1. Subscription (usually monthly, with discounts for longer durations) 2. Micro-payments Advertising is a 3rd option, but it's really hard to generate enough revenue from just pure advertising. Subscriptions are still very common, but you are seeing more and more micro-payment games. Micro-payments usually mean that that game is free but not all content is available to free players. Usually, items, abilities or game events cost a small amount of money. The overall effect is that players pay as much as they want to get what they want out of the game. Want to play a little, you can play for free or spend just a few bucks every now and then. Hard-core players spend more (usually even more than what a monthly subscription would cost). It hasn't been decided, but I would expect that V13 would be similar to the rest of the market. What is Fallout Online going to be like? Is it going to be like WoW? Show me a MMO developer that says they haven't played WOW, and I'll show you one that's lying. (Okay, I'm sure there are some developers that truly, honestly haven't played WOW, but they would be few and far between.) WOW is the current industry standard. I'm not saying a developer should make their game based on WOW, but they should, at the very least, be familiar with WOW's content and mechanics. For any genre of game, it's important that game developers are familiar with the current crop of titles. I used to get reimbursed for my gaming purchases as a producer just so I could keep up with the competition. Neat. Personally, I play all the new MMOs that come out, just so I can see what other games are doing. Most of the time, it's just for a few months, but I've played EQ, WOW, and COH to the elder game. Just for the fun of it. I've played AoC, WAR, EQ2, Vanguard, Wizard 101, E&B, DAoC, AO, SWG, AC2, EQOA, Shadowbane, and UO. I tried EVE for about 1 hour and couldn't hack it. V13 isn't going to be a clone of any specific game with different graphics, but we're not going to make changes from what we think is best for the game just to be different. Let me put in another way -- we're going to make the best game we can that we would want to play. I'm sure that there will be similarities to other MMOs, the same way that CRPGs can be similar, but there will naturally be differences as well. It is not our intention to just make a clone of game X. Our intention is to make a great game that stays true to source material while at the same time updating it properly for a great online experience. Will there be vehicles? A decision regarding vehicles has been made. Will there be quests? I think it's safe to say that we will have a variety of quests. Will there be Fallout Online merchandise? There has been some discussion of doing PV13 merch. When will you announce more info about X, Y and Z? We're keeping quiet until we have more definite details. We're still very early in production, and there are bound to be changes. We'd prefer not to announce game info and then have to keep making changes. Myself and my co-workers are just working on the game. I don't know what plans there are for public announcements. That's up to other people to decide. ^_^ What will the viewpoint be? 1st person or 3rd person? It will be 2nd person. ^_^ Second person? What is that??? Sounds shiny... It was a joke. Really. ^_^ Will Fallout fans be able to pick this up and play it right off the bat? Or will there be a learning curve? Interesting question. It's going to have a whole new user interface, but we don't want to have a long learning curve to learn how to play. A long learning curve to master the game? Fine. But, we'd like people to jump right in and start playing. When will Fallout Online take place? Where will it take place? The exact setting (place & time) has not been announced. Will Fallout Online be released for my console? We haven't released any information regarding what platform we'll be on. How will player death, respawning, etc, be dealt with? Death is death in the Fallout world and there are no Resurrection spells or magic wands that bring people back to life. The Master in FO1 was on one path to immortality, but even he wasn't immune to 9mm (or plasma rifles, whatever your weapon of choice was.) We have a pretty good handle on how we handle player character defeat in PV13. 26.06.2010 >За достоверность не ручаюсь>псевдофак Это что? Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
DmitriRaskalov 644 24 сентября, 2010 (изменено) 26.06.2010 Не имеет значения, этого не было здесь.Это что? Это опечатка плюс невнимательность...Я хотел сказать, что не ручаюсь, что это "псевдо"Да и вообще, какая разница? Тема всё равно пустует, пусть хоть какое то обновление будет... Изменено 24 сентября, 2010 пользователем Dimitri_Raskalov Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Black 1 376 24 сентября, 2010 Да и вообще, какая разница? Тема всё равно пустует, пусть хоть какое то обновление будет... Да, давай ее наполнять сторонними фейками, утками и нулем фактов. Пустует она по 2-м причинам: 1 - информация публикуется в очень маленьких количествах и до выхода еще 2 года; 2 - это не представляет особого интереса массовой аудитории. Не имеет значения, этого не было здесь. Это намек на то, что если спустя 3 месяца так и не ясно и не потверждено что это - фейк или нет, то это фейк. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
GKalian 1 206 26 февраля, 2011 На почту новость свалились: Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Эри 11 181 26 февраля, 2011 Игра медленно, но упорно движется к бета тесту. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
AgeEternity 6 617 11 января, 2017 Забавно, что тема все еще открыта. А игра нет XD Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Аутсайдер 1 011 12 января, 2017 9 часов назад, AgeEternity сказал: Забавно, что тема все еще открыта. А игра нет XD Некропостингом балуешься? 1 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты