Шершень 4 455 6 марта, 2013 (изменено) BRC Video Games Awards 2016: самая ожидаемая игра 2017 года Разработчик: inXile Entertainment| Жанр: story-driven isometric RPG Платформа: PC | Дата выхода: 28 февраля 2017 Духовный преемник Planescape: Torment в мире новой настольной ролевой игры Numenera. На смену Безымянному пришёл Забытый. Вы - Последний Отверженный, последнее звено в цепи жизней существа, называемого Изменчивым Богом. Однажды он был человеком, отыскавшим способ использовать реликвии древних, чтобы обмануть смерть, проскальзывая тысячелетия в череде сменяющихся тел. Но он не знал, что тела продолжают жить после того, как он их покинул. Что в них просыпается сознание. Теперь Изменчивый Бог, чьи дни изменений прошли, пробудил своего давнего врага - Ангела Энтропии, который охотится за ним и его созданиями...включая вас. С постоянно нависающей над вами угрозой забвения, вы должны отыскать своего мастера, прежде чем вас обоих найдёт жаждущий мести Ангел. Другие отверженные могут стать как вашими врагами, так и вашими союзниками. Вы можете на время войти в их разум через приспособления, которые называют "Озёра", повернув их жизни в свою пользу. Вы будете путешествовать через Девятый Мир, и выше, и под ним, вместе со своими спутниками или один, как пожелаете. Ваша миссия заведёт вас в альтернативные измерения и далёкие миры, освещаемые странные солнцами; а "Озёра", в частности, могут предоставить вам даже более необычных опыт, такой как покорение самого времени. Вы построите своё наследие в поисках ответа на вопрос:Что значит одна жизнь? Концепт-арты и обои тут. Страница на Kickstarter | Новости об игре на русском Информация об игре: О завязке сюжетаО сюжете, системе мировоззрения и "Потоках"О боевой системеО концепции НаследияО Кристальном Измерении, Руинах Оссифагана и Лабиринте ОтречённыхОб этимологии NumeneraСоздание персонажа, синопсис, Гость МировДиалоги, сопартийцы, вселение в чужие тела, жизнь после смерти, ОтраженияНачало игры, пример из игры о выборе, собрание новеллОб отношениях, Цветении, богах и источниках вдохновения Изменено 31 декабря, 2016 пользователем Aizek 8 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Sad Sanches 437 29 августа, 2013 тут ктулху и не пахнет, шалтай болтай какой-то субъективное восприятие, слышали? Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Samedi 1 982 29 августа, 2013 субъективное восприятие, слышали? нет, а вы? Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Sad Sanches 437 29 августа, 2013 нет, а вы? Слышал, поэтому и ктулхуобразный. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Samedi 1 982 29 августа, 2013 Слышал, поэтому и ктулхуобразный. возможно именно поэтому оно у меня и шалтай болтай? Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Sad Sanches 437 29 августа, 2013 возможно именно поэтому оно у меня и шалтай болтай? Да, но кто то начал опровергать мой субъективизм первым тут ктулху и не пахнет, шалтай болтай какой-то =) Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Шершень 4 455 29 августа, 2013 Предлагаю остановиться на ктулхообразном шалтае болтае с лапками. :-$ Нет, но оно правда милое. Как и вообще арты. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Sad Sanches 437 29 августа, 2013 Предлагаю остановиться на ктулхообразном шалтае болтае с лапками. :-$ Екатерина, договорились. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Sad Sanches 437 3 сентября, 2013 (изменено) Еще арты по нуменере (парочка из них уже была): И от другого художника: иллюстрация к devil spine Изменено 3 сентября, 2013 пользователем Sad Sanches 9 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Шершень 4 455 4 сентября, 2013 Подкаст с Крисом Авеллоном. 1 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Shellty 54 137 5 сентября, 2013 "...and in my off-duty hours I'm working on Torment: Tides of Numenera". Вот чтоб всем так свое нерабочее время проводить. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Stilet 2 301 5 сентября, 2013 Опять ведь надорвется. Я вообще не понимаю, нахрена он согласился помогать Фарго. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
cat-acrobat 9 767 5 сентября, 2013 (изменено) Друзья же. Друзьям надо помогать. Изменено 5 сентября, 2013 пользователем cat-acrobat Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Stilet 2 301 5 сентября, 2013 Взял бы его тогда на работу к себе... бумажки перекладывать) Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Милош 1 371 9 сентября, 2013 "...and in my off-duty hours I'm working on Torment: Tides of Numenera". Просто сказка, еще и Авеллон приложит руку к новому Торменту Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Sad Sanches 437 9 сентября, 2013 Монте там что еще по нуменере выпускает: Облога A mysterious cult worships something called “the Vortex” in a temple like nothing anyone in the Ninth World has ever seen. PCs explore the strange complex to find a missing boy, and become embroiled in multiple scenarios, one of which might just take them unimaginably far from home! This 18-page adventure was the GenCon 2013 Numenera ”launch” scenario, presented in two parts, and is ideal to use as an introduction to the game, a stand-alone scenario, or as part of an ongoing campaign. Also included are six pre-generated characters, so you have everything you need to play! $5.99 PDF.Note: The total page count of 30 pages includes the 18-page adventure, plus 6 double-sided pre-generated characters. И похоже что небольшой арт от туда: 1 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Милош 1 371 26 сентября, 2013 Тут на радостях совершенно позабылась одна небольшая, но очень существенная деталь. Что там насчет перевода? Официально переводится игра врятли будет, а фанатского ждать.... Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Sad Sanches 437 26 сентября, 2013 (изменено) Официально переводится игра врятли будет, Будет. Одной из целью на кикстартере были различные локализации в том числе и русская. Upd. Насчет целей с кикстартера ошибся, они просто сообщали что игра выйдет на: английский французский немецкий испанский итальянский польский русский Изменено 26 сентября, 2013 пользователем Sad Sanches 2 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Sad Sanches 437 26 сентября, 2013 Новый апдейт Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Sad Sanches 437 27 сентября, 2013 (изменено) Я тут еще артов по нуменере принес Upd. Неплохие обзоры, посвященные географии 9ого мира и организациям (англ) Numenera: Exploring the Lands It’s maybe handy that I’m finally getting around to A Memory of Light, the final book in the Wheel of Time series, as I’m reading through Numenera because there are some handy connections. Like the Ninth World, the lands in Robert Jordan’s series live amidst the ruins of a former time that they don’t really understand and that seems crazy. Through glimpses into the past, we know that people before the Breaking had hovercars and laser guns just as people in earlier eras before Numenera likely did. The difference here, though, is that the Ninth World is distinctly sci-fi in it’s themes and outlook. There are some heroes to celebrate and monsters to slay, but the hooks and adventures provided focus more on exploring and understanding. The unknown regions of the Ninth World feel more like the “new worlds and new civilizations” of Star Trek than the wild regions of Conan’s Hyperborea, as one example of contrast. It’s a hard thing to explain the feel of this game (a hallmark of Monte Cook) so I’ll just outline it by showing off the book instead of groping more. The Steadfast The heart of civilization in the Ninth World, and the place your PC is likely from, is a collection of nine kingdoms known as the Steadfast. Life might not always be safe here but it’s a helluva lot better than being in the barbaric lands beyond the limits of this area. Importantly, there’s nothing that really makes the kingdoms of the Steadfast work together, and there seems to be griping and tensions, but the people here understand that they need to hang together or they’ll be overrun. Like the nations of the Westlands in Wheel of Time or the varied lands of Middle Earth, folks don’t have to get along with each other they just need to get along well enough to hold back the shadow. Although the nations are spread from north-south along a stretch of ocean, I think it’s helpful to look at the strong lands together and the more precarious lands between them. Navarene is the richest land in the Steadfast, but it’s also pressed up against the strange Cloudcrystal Skyfields where spinning prisms fill the air. The nations northern border features several floating monoliths, one of which is the Amber Monolith that is a holy site for the pseudoreligious Order of Truth and another is the Obelisk of the Water God which sucks water from a great river to form an artificial catch-basin. These monoliths are some of several features that may be massive terraforming projects to affect the weather in the Ninth World. South of Navarene is Draolis, whose capital Qi is the largest city in the known world and the central site for the Order of Truth. Qi is a city of tall buildings and lazy, floating zepplins and dirigibles, like King’s Landing on it’s way to being part of a steampunk setting. The most intriguing part is that there is no need for zepplins anywhere else, it’s just what folks do in Qi much like planets have their own quirks in sci-fi settings. Likewise, there is a castle in this land which seemingly builds itself up overtime by synthesizing new material from the air. No one knows how it works so it’s unique in the entire world… but there are so many of those things inNumenera that it’s a wondrous location instead of a world wonder. A little farther south are Ancuan and the Pytharon Empire, side-by-side but hardly friends. The Pytharons once controlled many of the other nations and have trouble playing nicely, especially with so many wondrous numenera in its cities to brag about. The capital Rarmon has a spherical, adjustable palace and massive planetary orrery and in another part of the country the Twin cities are connected by a two-mile skyway tunnel, sadly now a shantytown of criminals. The Empire would certainly like to get its hands on the other wonders, farmlands, and merchant ports of Ancuan to the west. Between the sibling deity/entities worshipped in the capital Glavis, the city of Ishlav where all inorganic material was destroyed twenty years ago in an accident with a numenera, and the strange city of Rarrow which is built half along a river and half in a parallel dimension. Besides these powerful nations, there are five others that are either past their prime or just starting up. The Sea Kingdom of Ghan benefits from a robust merchant fleet but has to tread carefully with both Navarene and Draolis. Thaemor is a nation in trouble, ruled by an insane and obsessive man, while Malevich is gripped with a military fervor that sometimes outstrips its small size. Lastly, Iscobal is racked by political infighting as well as lingering scars from a queen who tried to control her subjects’ dreams through numenera. The Beyond There may be dangers and strangeness in the kingdoms of the Steadfast, but at least one knows the rules there. The Aeon Priests help to foster peace and understanding while the monarchs of the various nations keep order within their borders. Outside of the Steadfast are places so alien that even those used to numenera aren’t willing to travel. One of these places is the Cloudcrystal Skyfields, a northern waste with spinning, drifting clusters of crystals that fill the air and a strange land below filled with corpse-cities, invisible lakes, cities built amid the massive pipeworks of previous eras. In the Black Riage mountains that form the eastern border of the Steadfast holds hidden and disturbing secrets like a fungus-city inhabited by grub-things, a hidden city where a god holds the moon every night, and a massive mountain that may or may not house a god-like machine intelligence. You do not want to mess around in this place. Beyond the Black Riage are other strange places such as the star-shaped Caecilian Jungle where natural and mechanical creatures hunt and strange ruins are being swallowed by plants of all sorts. South of that are the Plains of Kataru which hold what is apparently a crashed starship, a field of broken white stones with a floating tree in the middle, and a semi-abandoned space elevator. Farther east you find Dessanedi, the Jagged Wastes which has it’s own bizarre features including a good number of mutant settlements but is also important as the gateway to the incredible Clock of Kala (see below). South of the Plains and Jagged Wastes is another jungle, the Ba-Adenu Forest, which has everything from a massive city of exotic savages to pools of mud which periodically birth bloodthirsty, hound-like creatures. Continuing south and east you reach the crusted-over salt sea of Errid Kaloum and the twin Divided Seas where strange cults of salt-worshipping monotheists and devotees of a giant, floating android head can both be found. Across the seas are the constantly-undulating Amorphous Fields, my favorite feature of which is the underground city of Vebar that merges Menzoberranzan with Cthulhu and includes the phrase “the local god, Ourthalas, and the homes of his blind wife-priestesses.” Awesome. Back towards the Steadfast is the land of Seshar that was once a prosperous kingdom of the Steadfast but has now collapsed into disorder. Bordering both Seshar and the Pytharon Empire is Matheunis the Cold Desert which is far from empty with the crawling citadel-artifice of Nihliesh and the fortress of psychics called the Citadel of the Iron Saint, to name just a few crazy locales. Beyond the Beyond The Beyond may be strange but at least it’s merely strange lands. Through the numenera of past ages, people have also found their way to a variety of strange dimensions, worlds, and other strangeness. The Clock of Kala beyond the Jagged Waste is a miles-wide ring of stone as tall as a mountain that is broken by just one passage, a 320-mile long cleft through the Clock called the Sheer. Within the ring-mountain is a paradise-like land called Augur-Kala, inhabited by strange folk who look human but live for centuries and see the world very differently. Entirely outside of the Ninth World is the parallel universe called the University of Doors a place of unknown origin and demanding academics. You might find a hidden door in a massive tree, at the bottom of an invisible lake, or in the mind of a retired headmaster. The University combines a means of “magical” travel, an Illuminati-type organization, and a source of information on obscure numenera all rolled into one place. Parting Thoughts A lot of people around the interwebz have said they have trouble envisioning science-fantasy. Reading through this Setting chapter has given me a clearer view: it’s a science-fiction construct draped with the clothing of a fantasy setting. When describing Numenera to people I often contrast it with Star Wars, illustrating the difference between science-fantasy and space fantasy. Space fantasy, like Star Wars, is a fantasy story that happens to be set in space with lasers and androids. It’s got warriors and princesses and strange lands, they just happen to be warriors with laser swords, princesses of whole planets, and strange lands you have to zoom past stars to get to. On the other hand, science-fantasy has common sci-fi elements like parallel dimensions, mechanized buildings, and nanotechnology, they just happen to be parallel dimensions filled with Renaissance-style universities, mechanized buildings used as palaces, and nanotechnology that people think of as magical. Skimming this chapter, one might think of it as a purely fantasy setting since all the right words are there: knighthood, king, merchant guilds. But moving through this land involves jumping from one strange and unique culture to another, much like moving between planets in a science-fiction game. The “magical locations” all have a scientific and technological source, which means that players will be best rewarded when they puzzle out the logic of the device or site. The sci-fi elements are subtle but core in this game. Even if they and their characters have no idea how a floating monolith or mechanized insect swarm works, someone built it and they had to lay it out in a logical way. This may share some elements with puzzle-based dungeons, but without the “organic” feel of magic or the clockwork nature of most dungeon traps it is pretty different. I said this last time as well, but the space fantasy aspect of Numenera is subtle but definitive. Encountering something that you know is technological and rooted in a scientific principle, no matter how bewildering or “sufficiently advanced” that it seems like magic. In D&D when you encounter a creature or mystical site the question of “how did this get here?” is rarely brought up. Ogres prowl the woods because that’s what ogres do and probably always will do. Maybe they evolved natural alongside humans, maybe they were wrought from primordial clay by Gruumsh, maybe they were elves who rebelled and changed because of their new outlook. If the DM has an answer to this, it can provide color to the setting but it’s hardly necessary and most of the time it hardly impacts the story. Those ogres believe what they want and that’s that. In Numenera, however, the truth and origin of things matters a lot. Take the varjellans, a race of aliens that live in small enclaves within human nations. Maybe they are incidental visitors who settled on the planet as a backwater getaway, maybe they conquered Earth in the past and created one of the past eras, maybe they were actually once human-alien hybrids who are now too far removed to mix with baseline humans. Each of these will certainly affect the game world of an individual campaign because it completely changes what the varjellans are at their core. It also affects their relationship with the setting itself: if they were the rulers of the world that made the floating monoliths, for instance, you’d expect one of these structures to react different to a varjellan PC. In all, the same theme as we saw with the geography of the setting continues here. The people and creatures in Numenera may look and dress and talk like standard fantasy fare but they are anything but. Organizations Chapter 14 of the Numenera core book is about the major organizations of the game, particularly those organizations that players and NPCs might belong to. There are some mechanical benefits to joining a particular group, but mostly it is background flavor to go with the open-ended nature of the character creation rules. The group that gets by far the most attention in Numenera is the Order of Truth, a quasi-religious based around “a veneration of intellect, understanding, and the wonders that arise from such things: science, technology, and the numenera.” In another example of how this setting is really science-fiction dressed as fantasy, rather than the other way around, the best parallels to the Order are ZFT from Fringe, the Spacing Guild in Dune, and the Adeptus Mechanicus in Warhammer 40k. Some members of the Order use the religious view that most people have of the group to their advantage, meaning that the Order of Truth can fill any number of narrative niches. In stark contrast to the Order, the Convergence are scholars and students of the past who want to use the secrets of earlier eras and the power of the numenera for their own improvement. Like the exhumans of Eclipse Phase or the borg in Star Trek, they see technology as the future and base human form as flawed and useless. They are direct and ruthless in their approach, but only number about a hundred. Aside from these scholarly groups, the Order of Truth supports the Angulan Knights as an international military force for defending the Steadfast against threats from the Beyond. They believe that the Ninth World is the Last World and want to safeguard it from “creatures from elsewhere, predatory horrors lingering from a nonhuman past, humans that have turned on their own kind… and any who prevent the greater good anywhere.” They are a thoroughly black-and-white knighthood (every setting needs one) but their bioconservative beliefs and Fremen-like fatalism make them more like the Space Marines than the Knights of Solamnia. On the edges of society are a number of other groups ranging from secretive cults to widespread brotherhoods. The Jagged Dream, found in both the Steadfast and the Beyond, is a group of apocalypse-seekers who believe humanity will rise to greater things once the Ninth World is swept away in war and flame. The Redfleets are explorers and vagabonds, sailing everywhere and bragging about what they find. The Sarracenians are a group of plant-worshipping scholars seems like it would be somewhat lame but the opportunity for medieval geneticists and an academic grudge match with the Order of Truth redeems them a little. The greatest and least-defined threat in the setting is that of the Gaians. Very little is said about this group aside from the facts that they live in the far north in the Cloudcrystal Skyfields (see my last post for more on the geography of the setting) and that they are “animists, believing that supernatural beings inhabit all natural things.” In short, they can be whatever sort of evil you like with whatever sort of agenda, helped by the crusade that the Order of Truth has declared against their settlements. Creatures A number of different creatures fill the Ninth World and all of them are unlike anything in the 21st century, as the book is happy to keep pointing out. Genetic splicing, alien visitations, and natural evolution have changed things over the billion years between the Ninth World and ours. Abhumans are creatures close to human, either mutations or hybrids. Mutants, humanoid aliens, or even the bizarre and beast-headed margrs. There are some that are barely even human-like, such as the spidery culova, the reptilian chirog hunters, or the hunchbacked, raven-like, telepathic murdens. The most intriguing abhumans to me are the Oorgolian soldiers, mysterious super-soldier creations from eons past that still patrol certain parts of the Ninth World. Why do they patrol and is there something there worth protecting? You tell me. There are also the ultraterrestrials, a catch-all term for extraterrestrial and extradimensional visitors to the Ninth World. These include the ghost-like, half-phased abykos and the worm-like, hungry erynth grasks. My favorite one of these is the nevajin: a symbiotic creature made of a stocky body and a free-floating, skull-like head. Creepy. The beasts of the Ninth World are just as bizarre and strange as the humanoids. Some are domesticated like the hulking herd/mount animal aneen or the leather-winged rasters which fly with antigravity devices in their biomechanical bodies. There are also wild dangers in the wilderness like the flesh-and-steel callerail (like a mass of cables in the shape of a huge gorilla), the the scaled seskii hounds of the wastelands, or the tusked ravage bear. The most disturbing of these is the jiraskar, an apex-predator which looks like a tyrannosaurus with clown fish coloring and sees through the omnipresent datasphere left by the nanites of previous worlds. Lastly, travelers will ocassionally run into ancient constructs built in ages past, like the dark fathoms which carry a black hole in their chest or the disassembler which… well, it disassembles. There’s even a succubus-like creature that seduces men then uses the prenancy to create an ultradimensional hybrid in its artificial womb. Non-Player Characters In Numenera NPCs can be extremely easy to make. Throughout the book, many are listed as margin notes simply as “level 2, level 3 for all intrigue tests” or “level 5, level 6 for sailing and seeing through deception.” Easy stuff. In this chapter, though, are some more imaginative takes on characters that players might encounter, complete with interesting equipment and imaginative uses. NPCs range from the technology-wielding Aeon Priests to resourceful explorers to savage bandits. Of slightly more interest, though, are the fully-imagined NPCs that could be placed straight into a campaign if GMs need a strange encounter on the road or a contact in a city. My favorite of these is definitely the pair of characters named Naevro and Burrim, namely a cheerful traveler and his massive carp friend who breathes through a faceplate rebreather and swims through the air with an anti-gravity harness. These two will be in every one of my Numenera campaigns. That’s a promise. Изменено 27 сентября, 2013 пользователем Sad Sanches 2 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Sad Sanches 437 29 сентября, 2013 Вообщем высокий скил гугл-кунгфу позволил мне спиратить нуменеру и прочие связанные с ней пдф. кому нужно - в личку Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Хаархус 4 235 29 сентября, 2013 Может, ты ограбил счета президента США? Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Albatross 145 29 сентября, 2013 Новый апдейт Перевод частей о спутниках и крафтинге. 3 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Sad Sanches 437 11 октября, 2013 2 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Weldrin 946 22 ноября, 2013 (изменено) Пришло письмо с 25м обновлением и приглашение принять участие в голосовании среди "занёсших" насчёт какой должна быть боевая система, пошаговая или с активной паузой как на инфинити. Изменено 22 ноября, 2013 пользователем Weldrin Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
QB_Maximus 339 22 ноября, 2013 с активной паузой как на инфинити. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты