Трод 3 130 5 марта, 2014 (изменено) Платформы: [PC] | Жанр: RPG Разработчик: Paradox Interactive | Издатель: Paradox Interactive Дата выхода: Заморожен, читай закрыт от создателей стратегий Crusader Kings и Europe. Runemaster - это пошаговая ролевая игра, основанная на скандинавской мифологии. Игрокам предлагаются постоянно генерируемые карты, нелинейный сюжет, шесть разных миров, три класса (берсеркер, скальд и мастер рун) и шесть рас (светлые и темные эльфы, великаны, тролли, гномы и люди) Будет Локи и Тор в процессе игры Игрок может выбрать к кому присоединиться. Даже играя троллем(а он поданный Локи) в ходе игры можно будет встать на сторону Тора. Игра находится на ранних этапах разработки. Трейлер: Скриншоты: Изменено 9 июля, 2016 пользователем oboima 14 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
LoginamNet 48 950 27 мая, 2014 Это гуд. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Трод 3 130 27 мая, 2014 надеюсь парадоксы договорятся с 1с что бы последнии локализовали игру, а то зная парадоксов могут и англ. версию оставить. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Трод 3 130 2 июня, 2014 (изменено) 16 дневник разработчиков. речь пойдет о битве(basic combat) Hi everyone! So will you choose to seek out change for those that crave it or will you aim to keep status quo - for good or bad? For this developer diary for for our upcoming RPG Runemaster, you don't have to choose. Because no matter what side you choose, you will have to fight. In order to win battles, you will have to recruit and customize your units and direct them in combat to make your army an invincible force. As you probably know by now, in battles your hero will be moved from the world map and into a battlefield when you encounter enemies. The battles of Runemaster will be turn-based, tactical battles based on a hex grid system made up of different terrains and contains height differences such as hills where your troops gain bonuses for high ground. Your hero will join the army and take active part in combat as a unit on the battlefield and the battles you fight will be tied to quests and their outcome will matter to your story. In this developer diary, I'll explain some of the basics of the combat system. Remember that we're still in an Alpha stage of the game and much of what you learn here can still change until release. Move and action Units move first and can then perform an action. Performing an action will end the activation for the unit. Attacks and abilities are considered actions. As a result you cannot engage in combat and then move away from the enemy. Line of Sight Attacks and many abilities requires line of sight to the target. Friendly units do not block line of sight, but hostile units do. This means that your spear throwers can stay back and fire at the enemy while being protected by your melee units, but they cannot fire at the enemy's spear throwers hiding behind their melee units. Most battlefields also have hexes that are blocked from movement and line of sight, such as large rocks, tents or larger structures like towers. Some abilities such as the Runemaster's Blocking Rune, can add temporary blockers to the battlefield to create choke points or to shield armies from line of sight from certain positions. Zone of Control Units consider all adjacent hexes as their zone of control. If a unit enters the zone of control of a hostile unit, their move will automatically end regardless of how many movement points they still have left. It's still possible to move through another unit’s zone of control, but only one hex each turn. This makes it easier to protect second line units from melee attacks by spreading out a couple of front line units. Some abilities such as the human cavalry unit's charge can ignore the zone of control and penetrate deeper behind the enemy's lines. Armor and Health The basic stat for a unit's survival is health. When health goes to zero or below the unit is removed from the battlefield. Many units also have armor. All attacks deal both health damage and piercing damage. Health damage damages health and piercing damage damages armor. A unit that has armor will not take any health damage until all armor has been removed. The attack that removes the last armor will deal 50% health damage as well. Some units are specialized in dealing either health or piercing damage making it important to combine different unit types to maximize performance of your army. Terror and Discipline Apart from dealing damage, most attacks also deal terror. Terror accumulates in a unit and each time new terror is added, the total terror + a die roll is tested against the unit's discipline to see if the unit panics. Panicking units will use one turn to move away from the closest enemy and the next turn to rally at the new position. Units recover some of their accumulated terror each turn. Armored units do not take any terror until they actually take health damage from attacks, but some abilities deal terror only damage and ignore the armor of the defending unit. High Ground Using height differences is one important tactical feature in Runemaster. Attacking a unit at a higher height gives the defending unit a defensive bonus, reducing all damage by 25% (this number has not been balanced yet) making it stupid to try to trade punches with a unit that has high ground. Attacking a unit at a lower height will give the attacking unit a terror bonus making it more probably that the defending units panic and flee. That's it for this weeks developer diary, hope you liked it. I'll be back in a later Dev diary to explain the more advanced combat features and the details that make units from different races act differently! и скриншот перевод на днях сделаю. Изменено 2 июня, 2014 пользователем Трод 2 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Трод 3 130 3 июня, 2014 (изменено) к сожалению в этот раз перевод слегка затянется.Во первых в отпуске :D, а во вторых, а нету во вторых =) Изменено 3 июня, 2014 пользователем Трод 1 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Трод 3 130 8 июня, 2014 (изменено) перевод 16 дневника разработчиков. перевод любительский. Привет всем! Вы стремитесь к изменениям ,которые считаете необходимым или вы намерены сохранить статус-кво - хорошо это или плохо? Мы постараемся ответить на этот вопрос в сегодняшнем дневнике нашей RPG Runemaster, вам не придется выбирать. Потому что неважно, какую сторону вы выбрали, вам в любом случае придется бороться. Для того, чтобы выигрывать сражения, вам придется нанимать на работу и настраивать ваши войска и направлять их в бою, чтобы Ваша армия стала непобедимой. Как вы уже знаете, в боях ваш герой не может быть перемещен на карте мира и в поле битвы, когда вы столкнетесь с врагами. Бои Runemaster будут пошаговыми, тактические сражения на основе гексогональной системе, состоящая из различных территорий и содержит отличия, такие как высота холмов, где ваши войска получают бонусы за возвышенность(см. AoW Civ). Ваш герой будет идти в армии, и принимать активное участие в боях как отдельный юнит. на полях сражений и в боях будут привязаны к квестам, и их результат не будет иметь значения для вашей истории. В этом дневнике разработчиков, я объясню некоторые основы боевой системы. Помните, что мы находимся на стадии Альфа-тестирования игры и многое из того, что вы узнаете здесь все еще может измениться до релиза. **************************************************************************************** Перемещение и действие: В первый шаг ваш юнит, может выполнить определенное действие. По окончанию действие одной боевой единицы, активируется следующей юнит. Способности тоже считаются действиями. Соответственно, вы уже не сможете отменить сделанное действие, даже если оно ошибочное(кто серьезно увлекается шахматами, тот поймет о чем идет речь). ****************************************************************************************** Линия прямой видимости: Атаки и многие способности требует прямой видимости цели. Дружественные юниты не блокируют прямую видимость, но враждебные войска да. Это означает, что ваш метатель копья может стоять в стороне, и стрелять во врага, будучи защищенным другим вашим юнитом ближнего боя, без штрафа урона, но если он будет атаковать противника который находится за юнитом(или препятствием) то штраф будет. В большинстве сражений на поле битвы будут находиться разные препятствия, будь то обычный камень, палатки или даже башни. Некоторые способности, например, как у мастера рун, руна блокирования, можете добавить временную преграду на поле битвы, чтобы создать помехи или прикрытия для своих войск от линии прямой видимости с определенных позиций. ******************************************************************************* Зона контроля: Юниты могут перехватывать друг друга во время движения. Т.е если ваш юнит будет проходить слишком близко к вражескому войску, то велика вероятность того что ваша единица будет перехвачена.(AoW и похожие варгеймы) Некоторые способности, например, у человеческой кавалерии могут игнорировать зоны контроля и проникать все глубже в тыл врага. ******************************************************************************* Броня и здоровье: Основная характеристика вашего юнита это здоровье. Когда здоровье упало до нуля или ниже то ваш юнит гибнет. Многие из них также имеют доспехи. Все атаки наносят два урона, здоровью и колющее повреждение. Урон здоровью(здесь все понятно),а колющее наносит урон броне. Подразделение, которое имеют доспехи, не будут получать урон здоровью, до тех пор, пока вся броня не будет уничтожена. Атака, которая наносит последний уда по доспеху, наносит 50% урона для здоровья. Некоторые подразделения специализируются могут восстанавливать здоровья или снижать урон, важно сочетать различные типы юнитов для увеличения производительности вашей армии. ******************************************************************************* Страх и дисциплина: Кроме урона, большинство атак прибавляют показатель страха. Страх накапливается в единое целое. Через некоторое время после определенного порога данного показателя, юниты смогут поддаться панике. Во время Паники подразделений будут использовать один ход, чтобы отойти от ближайшего противника, и в следующий ход перейдут на новую позиции. Юниты могу восстанавливать часть накопленного ими страха, в каждый ход. «Танковые» подразделения не получают никакого страха до тех пор, пока они не получают урон здоровью от атак, но некоторые способности могут наложить данный эффект игнорирую броневую защиты юнита. ******************************************************************************** Высоты: Высота является одним из основных тактических различий в Runemaster. Атакующий юнит на большой высоте, получает защитной бонус, снижения их урон на 25% (это число ориентировочное, пре альфа же),если же обороняющиеся находятся на более низкой высоте, то у атакующих появится бонус в виде страха, есть большая вероятность того что, обороняющиеся ударятся в панику и попытаются бежать. Надеемся, что этот дневник вам понравился. В следующим дневнике я постараюсь вам рассказать о новых боевых возможностях и о некоторых деталях которые отличают войска разных рас, представленых в нашей игре. переведено Мною Изменено 21 июня, 2014 пользователем Трод 3 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Трод 3 130 16 июня, 2014 (изменено) с запозданием. 17 дневник разработчиков апгрейд юнитов и их характеристики(upgradeable units & abilities) Hi everyone! As you know, a war is coming and no one knows what the outcome will be. Every soul will have to choose side before the end and when the Gods are going to war, you don't want to be the ones caught in the middle – rather be a strong force on the side you choose to support. So how do you make yourself an invincible force? You make sure the men and women in your army are the best that can be found. If they are scrawny and weak when you recruit them, then you need to make sure they become experienced and skilled before Ragnarök. Therefore, this week I'll talk some about how unit upgrades work in Runemaster. Some of the details of what I tell you may change before the release, since this is still very much a work in progress, but I can at least give you the gist of the basic design All of the units in your army have a level, from one to eight. Most units are recruited at level one and will then gain experience from taking actions in combat. When enough experience has been accumulated, it gains a level and will be ready for upgrading. The unit can then be taken to a "training ground" location where you pay gold to upgrade the unit to the next level. For each level gained, the unit will gain some basic stats depending on the unit and you get to choose between two different bonuses. These bonuses can either be an additional stat increase, a new ability, an upgrade to an existing ability or an increase of sub-unit count. This gives you the opportunity to tailor your units to match your play style, while still keeping the micromanagement under control. If you never replace units and get 15 units up to level eight you'll have made 105 upgrade choices which is a lot, but still manageable over the course of a long game. Pay the Cost to be the Boss Since you have to pay gold to upgrade your units and you also pay gold to recruit new units, a lot of your early game economy will revolve around deciding if you want fewer elite units or more, less effective troops. High level units also cost more to get back in the field if they're wounded or decimated, so it's important to plan ahead and think about how you will use your gold to get the most out of your army. Getting the extra bonuses from higher level units is supposed to make a real difference, and experienced units can do wonders in some situations. But you also don’t want to be so outnumbered on a battlefield that your best warriors go down before they can do any real damage. If you pay attention to how the battles are shaping up and changing as you move through the game, your army will go through a range of compositions. A fair sized army of scrubs may work in some situations, a crack troop of elite soldiers in another and later you may find that you need some cannon fodder to give you time to put your hero and best soldiers into position. Abilities All units in the game start with either an active or passive ability. Active abilities include stuff like calling down a fireball upon your foes or making a cavalry charge to target the enemy’s ranged units. Examples of passive abilities are inflicting bonus damage from flanking attacks, defensive bonuses to neighboring friendly units and damage each turn to neighboring enemy units. Most units can also gain one or two abilities from upgrades which will further specialize that unit to serve a special purpose. Perhaps your archers gain the ability to fire flaming arrows or your armored units can form a shield wall. Other upgrades will improve a unit’s base ability or reduce the focus cost for using it, so that you can use it more often. Sub-unit count Units start with a set number of sub-units - a Shieldmaiden unit may be composed of three Shieldmaidens, for example. Each sub-unit is displayed on the battlefield with a 3D-model. Some of the stats of a unit are multiplied by the number of sub-units; losses will make a unit weaker, in other words. Sub-units that fall in battle need to be "revived" or replaced at a cost if you want to get the unit back to full strength. Units of different races start out with a different number of sub-units. It takes fewer Giants to make a battle worthy unit than it does Dwarfs, for example. Choosing between adding sub-units to a unit or buying something else as an upgrade is another important spending decision - a small elite unit with a special ability or a stronger basic unit. Some stat upgrades will add an extra sub-unit to a unit. зы. перевод в процессе и очередной скриншот Изменено 16 июня, 2014 пользователем Трод 2 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Трод 3 130 17 июня, 2014 (изменено) перевод 17 дневника разрабов. перевод любительский. Привет всем! Как вы знаете, идет война, и никто не знает какой результат нас ждет. Каждая душа должна будет выбрать на чьей она стороне, и когда боги собирются на войну, Вы не захотите, чтобы вас поймали в середине пути. Итак, как сделать себя непобедимым? Вы убедитесь в том, что мужчины и женщины в армии-это лучшее, что можно найти. В начале они будут тощими и слабыми, затем вы увидите, что они становятся опытными и квалифицированными перед концом света. Поэтому на этой неделе я расскажу о том, как некоторые улучшения юнита работают в Runemaster. Некоторые подробности которые я вам скажу могут измениться до выхода, поскольку предстоит еще очень много работы, я постараюсь дать вам представление о базовой конструкции. Все юниты в армии зависят от уровня, от одного до восьми. Юниты набираются с первым уровнем, а затем они будут набирать опыта от совершенных действий в бою. Когда юнит накопит достаточный опыт, он получит новый уровень и будет готов к модернизации. Модернизация войск происходит на "учебном полигоне" где за определенную платы вы сможете произвести необходимые улучшения. На каждом уровне, юнит будет получать некоторые характеристики, в зависимости от типа, и вы сможете выбрать между двумя различными бонусами. Этими бонусами можете дополнительно повысить определенную характеристику вашего юнита,либо выбрать новую способность, или обновить существую способность или увеличить подразделение. Это дает вам возможность адаптировать свои подразделения, чтобы они соответствовали вашему стилю игры. Если Вы не будете тратить очки опыта ваших юнит и у вас окажется 15 бойцов восьмого уровня, то у вас будет 105 очков опыта, это много, но по-прежнему вы сможете их распределить, так как вам будет удобно в течении всей игры.(возможно смысл абзаца уловил не полностью, если будет желание поправьте) ***************************************************************************** Оплата и стоймость: Модернизация юнита происходит за золото,как и вербовка новых бойцов. В начале, экономика игры во многом будет вращаться вокруг решения преобрести элитных бойцов или ограничиться наймом обычных бойцов, что бы в дальнейшем из них сделать элитные юниты. Высокоуровневые юниты стоят дороже обычных, как в плане найма так и в плане возврата в строй если они ранены. Поэтому крайне важно хорошо спланировать заранее как вы будете использовать ваше золото. Дополнительные бонусы от более высокого уровня подразделений, внесут реальные изменения, и эти опытные подразделения смогут творить чудеса в некоторых ситуациях. Не стоит зацикливаться на численным преймуществе на поле боя, ведь может случиться так, что ваши лучшие бойцы будут находиться где то сзади и не смогут нанести реальный ущерб противнику. По мере прохождения игры, ваша армия пройдет не один ряд изменений. Армия среднего размера может по разному действовать в некоторых ситуациях, а отборные солдаты и элитные подразделений в другой. Позднее у вас может появится нужда в пушечном мясе, чтобы дать вам время расположить героя и лучших солдат в более удобной для вас позиции. ****************************************************************************** Способности: Все юниты в игре начинают с активной или пассивной способностью. Активные способности включают в себя такие вещи, как огненный шар и ему подобные способности. Некоторые пассивные способности наносят дополнительный урон от фланговых атак, дают защитные бонусы для соседних дружественных юнитов, или повреждения в каждый ход соседним вражеским юнитам. Многие юниты имеют одну или две характеристики для модернизации, которые в дальнейшем будут специализироваться на определенном типе бойцов. Возможно, ваши лучники обретут способность поджигать стрелы, или ваши бронерованные бойцы могут сформировать стену из щитов. Другие апгрейды улучшат бойцу, базовую способность или уменьшит стоимость его использования, и вы сможете использовать его более чаще. ******************************************************************************* Стоимость замены юнитов: Юниты начинают с определенном набором подразделений - Shieldmaiden(назв. юнита)этот тип юнитов может состоять из трех боевых единиц. Каждое подразделение отображается на поле боя в 3D-модели. Некоторые из характеристик бойцов умножаются на количество подразделений. Подразделения, которые падут в битве могут быть "оживлены" или заменены по себестоимости, если вы захотите получить бойца обратно в полной силе. Юниты разных рас начинают с разными количествами подразделений. Например у Дворфов подразделения больше чем у Гигантов. Вам придется выбирать между добавлениеми подразделений юниту или покупать уже " обновленные", это является еще одним важным аспектом при найме небольшого элитного подразделения с особыми способностями или обычных бойцов. переведено мною Изменено 17 июня, 2014 пользователем Трод 1 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Трод 3 130 17 июня, 2014 18 дневник разработчиков. Миры: Мидгард. Hello everyone! Summer is here and that means vacation time! Parts of our team are leaving the worlds of Runemaster to search for sun and warmth in the Swedish summer. Some have already found it, while others are awaiting their turn. To keep you in suspense over the summer, we will post dev diaries every other week up until August 25th and then we’ll return to our usual weekly schedule. Now, enough about the beautiful weather that is trying to lure us out of our development caves. This dev diary will talk about one of Runemaster’s six worlds: Midgard. The Races of Midgard Each of the worlds in Runemaster is shared by two races, and in Midgard you will find the Trolls and the Humans. They share the world grudgingly, and are not fond of each other. Though the Humans and Trolls share a common language, their cultures and traditions - including their beliefs and ruling systems - differ greatly. The hardships of Midgard have made the Humans grow hardy and strong. They till and hunt for food, toil to build shelter and aspire to simply make the world a little bit better for their offspring. They are the dominant race of Midgard, beloved by the gods. The Trolls move freely from place to place, between Midgard and Alfheim, bringing only the most necessary things with them. They are a traditionally nomadic race and build no permanent shelter. Though they have cattle and other herd animals, they do not farm or grow crops. This wandering lifestyle naturally puts them at odds with their human neighbors who mark borders, build walls and improve the land. The Creation of the Worlds Before any world existed, there was only the gaping abyss of Ginnungagap, a place of silence and darkness that lay between Muspelheim, the region of fire, and Nifelheim, the region of ice. Frost and fire from the two regions met in the middle and created the being Ymir, whose sweat turned into Giants. He nursed from the cow Audhumbla, who licked the salt from the ground and uncovered Buri, grandfather of Odin. When Odin and his brothers Vili and Ve were old enough, they killed Ymir and constructed the worlds from the remains of his body. Ymir’s blood became the oceans, his skin and muscles the soil, his hair the vegetation, his brain the clouds and his skull the sky. When they were done, the gods took Asgard as their realm and had Midgard made from the great giant Ymir's eyebrows as a defense against the Giants that had taken residence in Jotunheim. A great ocean surrounds Midgard and underneath its surface lies the great Jormungandr, the World Serpent, whose body encircles Midgard. It is said that Odin threw the serpent into the ocean when Loki presented his three monstrous children, including Jormungandr to the gods. The world tree Yggdrasil unifies the nine worlds, with one root stretching down to Asgard, the realm of the Aesir; one to Jotunheim, realm of Giants; and the third to Nifelheim. Midgard lies in the middle, between Asgard and Jotunheim. Midgard was a very empty place, little more than a buffer zone, but the gods decided to create the first two humans from two tree trunks so they could fill it. The first humans were named Ask and Embla and given Midgard as their realm. The origin of the Trolls is more obscure. Most Trolls are convinced that they are related to the Giants, which is something the Giants deny and do not wish to talk about. The Climate and Creatures of Midgard Of all the worlds, Midgard resembles Scandinavia the most, with its thick pine forests, marshes, mountains and fields. Though being a bit harsh in climate, it pales in comparison to the other worlds. Midgard is a very fertile world, and only Alfheim and Asgard are more prosperous. Crops grow in abundance, although the soil might be salted with rocks and roots. It is a struggle to keep crops and animals, but few, if any, humans risk starvation. The forests and plains are plentiful with berries, nuts and edible roots, the rivers teem with salmon and other fish. Hunters can live off their trade, as they have few competitors over the elks, rabbits and deer that live in Midgard. Only wolves and bears threaten their livelihood. Midgard is home to your typical range of wildlife, from boars and wolves to stags and goats. Larger creatures of legends like dragons, wyrms and giant spiders are not an uncommon sight in Midgard, although they are more elusive than the ordinary animals. In Runemaster, you can choose to start in Midgard with either of the two local races. Humans are allied to Thor and will seek to maintain the balance in this world, a balance that has served them well since the blessing of the Aesir have helped them flourish for centuries. Trolls, on the other hand, are loyal to Loki, and, like him, seek to upend the status quo that see them pushed to the margins of Midgard. Your choice - and you will always be able to choose - is whether to fight Loki and stop him from bringing about Ragnarök, or go against Thor and stability, to help birth a new world for all. If you have any questions for us about Midgard, we will try to answer them whenever we can. As summer has finally come to Sweden, we might be affected by the Sun’s warmth and be a bit more sluggish than usual. We hope you will join us again on Monday in two weeks, to learn more about the Humans of Midgard. наконец-то, что-то интересное. и скриншот. 1 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Трод 3 130 17 июня, 2014 (изменено) Речь идет о описании Мидгарда, легенда о том как создавался мир Мидгарда. В этом мире можно начать, либо людьми либо троллями, одни ненавидят других. Ничего особенного в статье нет. поэтому с переводом торопится не буду. Ребята уходят в отпуск, и они очень этому рады. Собственно все. Изменено 17 июня, 2014 пользователем Трод Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Трод 3 130 19 июня, 2014 (изменено) рассказ о ряде игр, в том числе и runemaster(см с 15 минуты) будет отдельный ролик напишу. какая то глупость. пару секунд показали и все. пока оставлю. Изменено 19 июня, 2014 пользователем Трод 2 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Эри 10 976 20 июня, 2014 Я так понимаю, что эьто больше стратегия, чем рпг. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Трод 3 130 21 июня, 2014 Скорее сплав рпг с turn based strategy, и судя по дневникам все таки уклон в сторону рпг. Пока ни слова не было сказано о диалогах.Рекомендую обратить внимание на age of wonders, она самое близкое к данной игре, по крайней мере у меня сложилось такое впечатление после дневников. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Трод 3 130 1 июля, 2014 (изменено) 19 дневник речь пойдет о людях Runemaster - Dev Diary 19 - Race: Humans Hi everyone! As you know from the previous dev diary we have decided to keep you in suspense over the summer by posting dev diaries every other week up until August 25th, and then we'll return to our usual weekly schedule. Our upcoming Tactical RPG game Runemaster will feature six different races, and today we will talk about the Humans. Might as well start with the familiar, right? Inspiration As could be expected, we've taken much inspiration from Viking culture and society in designing the Humans: their homes and some of their traditions are all fairly similar in style and tone to what we know of the Vikings. We should emphasize, though, that Runemaster is not a Viking game. This is a fantasy game set in Norse mythology; this is a fictional world. Although the Humans are based on the Vikings, don't expect them to be realistic Vikings in every way. The Mythology: The Creation of Humans Long ago, Odin was out walking with his brothers Vili and Ve, looking at the world they had created. The more they walked, the more they felt that the world was empty. The other worlds had Jotuns, Dwarfs, Trolls, Light- and Darkelfs, but Midgard lacked something. True, the Trolls visited from time to time, but that made the world feel even more empty. It needed something or someone to give it life and energy. As they walked, they found two pieces of driftwood - one from an ash and one from an elm. The three gods carved the two pieces of wood into their own likeness and made a man from the ash and a woman from the elm. They were named Ask and Embla. Odin gifted them with breath, life and spirit. Vili gave them brains, feelings and sense. Ve gave them hearing, sight and blood. The humans were given Midgard as their domain to protect, use and thrive in. The Appearances of Humans Most Humans are between 1.5 and 2 meters tall, with skin that easily reddens in the sun. Humans can be dark haired with brown eyes, but most are red haired or even fair haired. Their clothes are made from cloth, leather and fur, with some metal reinforcements for fastening. They trust their own strength and stamina more than heavy armor ,and so are dressed in flexible chain mail or leather in battle. Humans are fond of wielding swords, axes and spears, often combined with a shield, in battle. The life, work and traditions of Humans As the Humans were made by Odin, Vili and Ve, the Humans believe themselves to be the most loved race by the gods. They hold Odin and Thor to be the greatest gods of them all. Humans who speak ill of the gods are shunned by others. One blasphemer in a settlement might cause the whole settlement to be cursed by the god(s). Those who oppose the will of the gods are immediately punished by the others, to make sure the insulted god does not punish them all. Odin told the Humans that they should always carry their weapon because they would never know when they would need it. They have taken this to heart and they are never unarmed or far from a weapon. A true Human dies with a weapon in hand, slain by an enemy on the battlefield. Valkyries will bring those that have died a valiant death to Valhalla or Folkvangr, where they will eat, drink and fight until Odin or Freya orders them into battle. The human society is an equal society of men and women, both at home and in battle, and they all share each other's challenges and burdens. Humans appreciate good craftsmanship in all forms, heroism and a wide range of creative talents, such as those found in skalds. Human houses in Runemaster are very much inspired by Viking longhouses, Swedish hill farms and similar wooden buildings. These buildings were made with large logs which often had large cracks between them that were stuffed with sheep’s wool or dried grass to stop draughts. The roofs were thatched with reed and straw. The art style we’ve chosen for the houses really brings forward our Swedish and Viking legacy. Humans respect prowess in battle, wisdom in life and a strong body. They believe that you should not waste what a god has given you, so make the most of your strengths and thank the gods for what you have been given. Poisoned weapons are regarded by the Humans as cowardly, and poisoned food or drink is not accepted at all. They reasoning is eminently practical: 'What if you get hungry after poisoning someone and cannot remember which of the food or drink is poisonous?' Cats are praised for their valuable skills as mousers and Humans often keep them as pets. A bride must bring a cat to her new household or it is doomed to fail. Human perform ceremonies known as "blots" to gain the favor of the Gods, whether it’s a prayer for fertility, good health, a good life or peace and harmony. These ceremonies require the sacrifice of an animal. 'Til ars ok fridar', they pray, "For a good year and peace". The meat is boiled, and then the blood sprinkled upon the statues of the Gods, on the walls and on the Humans. The Humans then share a meal with the Gods, washed down by blessed mead. The Heroes of Humans You can choose to play as either a Human male Berserker or a Human female Skald. We have talked about the Berserker and Skald in earlier dev diaries, if you wish to freshen your memory you can find them here The Units of Humans Every race has six different units, three standard units and three unique units. The Humans' three standard units are Axemen, Skirmishers and Raiders. The Axemen are melee fighters who fight with axes in a group of four. They have more armor than the other troops but they deal less damage than the heavier assault units. The Skirmishers are spear throwers and are the ranged units of the Humans. They do not have much armor but can attack from afar. The Raiders are a group of four assault soldiers wielding two-handed swords. They do more damage than the Axemen but have less armor. The three unique units are Cavalry, Gydja and the Shieldmaidens. The spear-armed Cavalry soldier is no ordinary man on a horse. it takes time and dedication to learn a horse to accept the smell of blood, the noise of metal against metal and the fear that permeates every battlefield. The Gydja is a woman who leads her people in the blot, or the sacrifice. She is a priestess with a lot of spell power that might be able to damage more than one enemy unit at once. On the battlefield she uses her powers to protect, to heal or to wreak havoc upon the enemy. Shieldmaidens are women who have dedicated their lives to battle. They worship Freya and when they die in battle, they will be brought by Freya's servants to her hall Folkvangr. Swords and shields are their preferred weapons, and they go berserk in battle. The three unique units cost more to hire than the three standard units and might not be available to the player from the beginning of the game. As always, please post your questions and we'll answer them, as long as it does not spoil too much of the game . We’ll come back 14th of July with a fresh new dev diary and hope you will await it with much anticipation! и очередной скриншот Изменено 1 июля, 2014 пользователем Трод 2 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Трод 3 130 1 августа, 2014 21 дневник разработчиков в 20, рассказывали о том как создавался Ётинхейм, т.е часть из мифология и то что там обитают гиганты. А в этом дневнике рассказывают о гигантах под спойлерам. если время и желание будет то переведу. хотя в 34-36 градусов есть желание превратиться в рыбу и не вылезать из ванной, а на традиционно скриншоте показаны снега, я считаю это издевательство над всей Центральной части России. Hello everyone! I hope you are prepared for a new dev diary about our upcoming Tactical RPG Runemaster! If you wonder why we did not post a dev diary last Monday, it is because we have decided to post dev diaries every other week up until August 25th and then we’ll return to our usual weekly schedule. So what’s on the menu today? Well, I thought we should talk about the giants of Jotunheim, their world, culture and values. As you probably know, we have six different races in Runemaster, with two residing in Jotunheim, Giants and Dwarfs. Giants named the world Jotunheim, as their name for themselves actually is Jotun, and heim means home. The Mythology: The Creation of Giants Ymir was the first Giant, and he and the cow Audhumla were created by the frost of Nifelheim and the fire of Muspelheim. Ymir slept for most of his life, dreaming about the worlds that would come, and the beings that would inhabit them. As he dreamt, fire from Muspelheim reached him and made him sweat. From under his left arm, he sweated forth a male and a female Giant, who named themselves ‘Jotuns’. They lived in peace at first, until the first god, Buri, came forth; formed by Audhumla’s licking the salty ice of Ginnungagap. Buri was the grandfather of Odin and was the ancestor of many gods, but they were not as many as the Jotuns that Ymir continued to bring forth. The gods and the Jotuns often fought, until Odin saw no other solution than to slay Ymir to stop the creation of more Jotuns. The blood that poured from Ymir took many of the Jotuns by surprise, and overwhelmed them. Only Bergelmir and his wife Bera survived. The gods banished them to a world of long winters and short summers; a place of eternal snow. Bergelmir and Bera named the world Jotunheim - home of the Giants - and populated it with their kind. All Jotun are descended from this pair. The Appearances of Giants The Giants are a people of shapeshifters, and are able to control their bodies in a way most other races cannot. This is a skill that, sadly, is on the brink of extinction, and the old tales of Giants that could shift from the size of a Dwarf to that of a mountain are nothing but stories in these late days. Once a monstrous race, where claws, fangs and deformed features were more than common, the Giants have slowly reached a point where they look more similar to the other races than to monsters or animals. Two-headed Giants are still being born, but they are also a dying breed. Giants do not reflect much on their own appearances, though, and it is far more practical, they think, with hands instead of paws or claws. In ancient times branding and scarring was a tradition among the Jotun, but as the centuries have passed, this practice has been largely replaced with tattoos. The tradition of ritualistic self-harm is considered by many as something that ties into the appreciation of being marked by life, and could also be seen as a way for the Jotun to prove their worth. Withstanding pain, in order to gain respect and beauty, is an admirable thing, and also a test of discipline. Younger Jotun will be more likely to simply bear the scars of battle and marks of paint, while the old traditions can be seen etched into the skin of the Elders. The life, work and traditions of Giants The Giants care little for the Aesir, and only a minority of Jotuns would even refer to them as gods. Few of the Aesir would be granted entry to Jotunheim, much less be allowed to reside in the world of Giants. However, the goddess Eir has been known to wander the icy plains, and she resides in Lyfjaberg, the hill of healing. While she is known for her medical skill, her exact origins are uncertain. There are few things the Jotun can’t eat, however, they find certain weeds - as well as most kinds of onions - unpleasant. They have a deep love of red meats and fine wine. In fact, they’ll consume alcohol the way a human would drink water. It’ll take copious amounts of liquor to get a Jotun drunk, and, because of this, they rarely try to achieve intoxication. It is sometimes assumed that the Jotun must be slow creatures with a quite flowery way of speaking, since time has little meaning to them. However, in reality it’s quite the opposite. Their enormous frames may prevent quick movement, but they have very bright minds; they hold immense wisdom, and some prefer using few words rather than many. In some regions you’d be lucky to get more than a single word at a time from a Jotun, while in other places they are far more outspoken. The Giants have a strong moral code, and broken promises are considered the most reprehensible of crimes. A recurring problem with the Jotun’s strict sense of duty is that other races take advantage of them, binding them with promises and never repaying the debt. It’s not unheard of to have humans, or even the Aesir, ask the Jotun to build things, only to trick them out of payment once the structure has been built. However, many Jotun consider themselves the only “real” race of the nine worlds - a belief that could perhaps be traced back to Ymir - and in some cities it’s considered forgivable for a Jotun to break a promise if it was made to a member of another race. Because of this it is not as easy to trick the Jotun as it used to be. Despite their strong beliefs and traditions, the Jotun are not religious, and they disdain superstition. They have no deity they look up to, as they have tumbled with the “gods” - in more ways than one - and they know that there’s nothing extraordinary about those creatures. With a naturally eternal life, the Jotun have a quite relaxed relationship with death. When they get tired of living they simply end it. Some seek the final rest in the company of their families or members of their city, while others will seek out the untamed regions of Jotunheim and give themselves to Ymir, becoming one with what once was. The Units of Giants Every race has six different units, three standard units and three unique units. The Giant’s three standard units are melee, assault and armored. We are working with the names for these units and haven’t made decision on what they will be called yet. All three standard units are grouped in teams of two. The melee units have a decent amount of armor and damage. The assault units do more damage than the melee units, but are more vulnerable. The armored units have a lot of armor but do little damage. The three unique Giant units are Storm Giants, Frost Giants and Eagles. The Frost Giant is a female Giant whose control over wind and water can be a great asset in battles. Her abilities are mostly defensive or offensive, with no focus on healing. The Storm Giant has similar abilities, and he can also command lightning, which might aggravate Thor, god of Thunder, since this is his turf. It is said that in the beginning there were Giants who could shapeshift into eagles. How much truth there is to that legend, we do not know. However, the Giants have always bred eagles, and used them in battle. These are magical beings, larger than ordinary eagles, and with abilities that can be more than useful on the battlefield. I hope you have found this dev diary about the Giants of Jotunheim interesting, and have many questions for us. The very next dev diary will be about Svartalfheim! 2 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
LightLance 1 454 14 августа, 2014 (изменено) Игровой процесс с GC: UPD + ролик Изменено 15 августа, 2014 пользователем LightLance 4 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Трод 3 130 27 августа, 2014 спасибо человече) а то реально сейчас нету времени темой заниматься. на выходных размещу два дневника разрабов, без перевода к сожалению Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Трод 3 130 4 октября, 2014 22 дневник разрабов. речь пойдет о троллях Greetings from Stockholm, where we've been struck with more lightning and rain this summer than we ever seen. Perhaps the mighty Thor is showing his pleasure with our progress in making a great game where he's one of the central characters? So hello to him and to you and welcome to the 22nd Dev Diary for our upcoming Tactical RPG Runemaster!Last week we said that we would be talking about Svartalfheim, the home of Darkelfs and Dwarfs. But then the Trolls started bullying us into writing a dev diary about them, and it is very hard to say no to a Troll, especially the bigger ones… So today you get to read about the Trolls! Hurray! (Stop poking me with that stick… fine, I'll keep writing!)InspirationIt was easy finding inspiration for the Trolls in Runemaster. We are very fond of the art of John Bauer, who is famous for his illustrations in the book series "Bland Tomtar och Troll" ("Among Gnomes and Trolls") which is a compilation that every Swedish child is familiar with. His dark and detailed portraits of Trolls whose sizes range from as small as a mushroom to bigger than a mountain was a perfect source for Runemaster. We have tried to honor his memory by making the Trolls in Runemaster look as though he could've painted them himself, and I hope you agree that our Concept Artist and our art team have done a great job capturing the feel and look of John Bauer's Trolls. The artist Theodor Kittelsen was also a great inspiration for us. His art is reminiscent of Bauer, but Kittelsen has a much darker, sinister feel in his trolls. I would recommend searching for both of them and compare their art style with that of Runemaster’s. Let us know what you think about them!The Mythology: The Creation of TrollsThe Trolls all pray to and honor the goddess that created them. She is the daughter of the giant Nótt (the night) and, according to some, also the mother of the god Thor. She has many names but the trolls only refer to her as the Goddess, the Mother or the Mother in the East. It is said that in the old days the trolls lived with her and she created them as the guardians of nature. Then one day she was gone. The trolls made it their quest to find her and that is why they wander from place to place and only stop for short times at their holy sites. As their goddess is a Giant, the Trolls believe that they are somehow related to the Giants, something the Giants deny fervently. This is not a major issue for the Trolls, who are satisfied with their own race as companions. Still, this alleged blood tie means that some Trolls feel that they and the Giants should be allied against the troublesome races of the universe.The Appearances of TrollsThe first thing that everyone notices about the Trolls are their big, long noses, their wild hair and their pointed ears. They are tall but slightly hunched over, and stand much taller than an average Human. The coloring of Trolls is mostly shades of green, brown and black, but what you see may not be their real skin color; it could be a result of the lichen that grows and thrives in their hair. As the Trolls grow older, they get taller and broader. A young Troll is often skinny, with longer limbs than seems possible for their body, and will never really grow into them. There is an old myth that says Trolls turn to stone immediately by the mere touch of sunlight but this is false. They do not like being active in the day, though, and a very old Troll might lie down and turn to stone after prolonged exposure to sunlight. This is called "The Long Slumber".The life, work and traditions of TrollsThe Trolls live close to nature in honour of their Goddess, but lately more and more of them have started to abandon this nomadic life and spend more and more time at camps that are starting to look like towns. This decision to roam no more has caused division in Troll society. The settlers say it is time to settle down, start trading with the humans and abandon the endless wandering. The wanderers want to uphold their traditions and claim that Trolls that settle have been tainted by the humans and human culture.Trolls live in tents, yurts, cots or similar easily collapsible buildings, decorated with sacred ornaments. Symbols representing strength are among the most common, such as bears, lynxes, wolves and dragons, but Trolls also use stylized representations of the five elements. The Trolls believe that they will bring strength and offer protection.Every Troll clan has two leaders. The Troll Chief leads smaller groups in battle whereas the Shaman leads the Trolls in prayers, worship and spiritual matter. When a Troll has a problem, s/he turns to these two and asks both of them what should be done to solve the problem. The two leaders listen, discuss the problem together and then give the Troll a solution.Trolls and Humans both dwell in Midgard and this has, time and again, led to conflict. The two races try to stay away from each other, but some Trolls study the Humans with great curiosity and have even started to trade with them. Other Trolls see Humans as nothing more than food.As the nomadic Trolls wander from encampment to encampment, they hunt and gather their food from the rich forests and fields of Midgard and Alfheim. Wild animals are hunted for their skin and meat. Bears and wolves are not hunted by Trolls, but they are domesticated and rarely slaughtered. Goats and chickens are domesticated and both eggs and goats milk are considered delicacies. The Trolls love everything sweet and, since bees cannot bother their thick skin, a Troll can eat a whole beehive, honeycombs, bees and honey, without being bothered by the bee's sting. Porridges and black pudding are two Human dishes the Trolls has taken a liking to and love to steal from the Humans.Trolls have a slight fear of the water, perhaps because their heavy stature makes it hard for them to float. Younger Trolls love water and the fear of it will only appear when they grow old enough to understand the concern of their elders. Therefore, the Trolls also avoid fish and anything that must be harvested from the seas or lakes, though they also claim that they do not enjoy the taste of fish and prefer heartier meat.Even though trolls are huge creature they can't handle alcohol very well. It does not take much to get a troll drunk and when they get in that state they often lose their judgment. In the later days human mead have become a problem especially when humans have realized that many trolls crave that beverage and are willing to trade most things to get their hands on it.In the rare cases when troll trade with other races they mainly trade skins, dried meat or a favor for something that has taken their fancy, most often jewelry, mead, colorful clothes, fabrics or feathers. When a Troll trades with a Troll, they may trade anything of substance for something else of substance, even if it's only a favor or an allotted time of labour (an hour, a day or a week in most cases. A month of labour is traded, for only the most valuable farm animals - goats, chickens, bears, etc.).Troll UnitsIf you've been reading the diaries, the basics should be old hat by now. But I'll repeat some of them anyway. Every race has six different units, three standard units and three unique units. The Trolls' three standard units are melee, armored and ranged. The melee units have a decent amount of armor and damage. The armored units have a lot of armor but do less damage. The ranged units do not have much armor but can attack from afar.The three unique Troll units are Walking Mountains, Beast Riders and Ancient Ones. The Walking Mountains are old Trolls that had fallen into the Long Slumber, but were woken just before they turned entirely to stone. The Beast Riders ride on bears, captured when they were just cubs or which the Trolls have bred specifically for war. The Troll rider just steers the bear in battle and lets the beast do the fighting. The Ancient Ones are old Trolls who never have felt the pull of the Long Slumber. Trolls keep growing as long as they are alive, so the Ancient Ones are the largest, strongest and wisest of all Trolls. и скриншот в 23 дневнике был отчет с gamescon 2014 24 дневник рассказывает о мире Svartalfheim Another busy week has gone, and a new one appears before us. After a long summer with lots of ice cream, sunny days and more thunder than Sweden has ever seen, we realised that we need to continue with the biweekly dev diaries instead of one every week. Hopefully you will have enough questions to last between each dev diary! It is time to speak about one of the worlds in Runemaster - Svartalfheim!The Races of SvartalfheimSvartalfheim is named for the Darkelfs that inhabit the world; it translates to "the home of the Dark elf". Dwarfs and Darkelfs grudgingly share this world but the races are not fond of each other and wars are common between them.The Dwarfs are known for their blacksmithing, especially weapons and armor and these skills have seen them grow rather rich from trade of their military equipment for other resources, such as foodstuff and materials scarce in Svartalfheim, like wood and leather.Dwarfs live in beautiful chambers and corridors carved into the solid rock where they make their home. Their lives are strenuous and hazardous, which means that the average dwarven lifespan can be very short. But, if they survive the hardships of mining and smithing, a Dwarf can live for a very long time. They are the most skilled blacksmiths, and mine their mountains for precious metals and stones to use for their tools, weapons and armor.Darkelfs are known for their backstabbing, their plotting, their devious ways and decadent lifestyle. They revel in all known pleasures and are known to go to great lengths in order to ensure that they have what they want. Forgotten by the gods, buried deep beneath the earth in Svartalfheim, the Darkelfs have little time and little esteem for the gods.The Darkelfs' compact castles are carved from the rock and look as if they have been swallowed by a mountain, with only doors, windows, balconies and bridges visible among the rubble of rock. Each of the Darkelf castles contains several hundred Darkelfs, and as its population grows, so does the castle. The lower in rank a Darkelf is, the lower the floor where she or he lives. The Darkelf rulers depend on slaves for their decadent living and do not lack anything. Most of them never leave their castles and let their warriors and servants act in their behalf.The Creation of the WorldsSvartalfheim was the last world to be created, and it was mostly made of the leftovers from the creation of the rest of the worlds. The parts of Ymir that Odin and his brothers hadn’t used were placed underneath Yggdrasil, to serve as nourishment for it. The intestines, scraps of flesh, fat and organs that ended up there became Svartalfheim, and the Darkelfs and Dwarfs that took residence there found that the walls of their new world was shot through with minerals, ores and gems.The Climate and Creatures of SvartalfheimThe world is dark, buried deep beneath the roots of Yggdrasil and the Sun never shines on the creatures who live there. It is a hostile world, with many dangerous creatures and few plants that can thrive there. Svartalfheim can provide the races with food and drink, although it is smelly and foul tasting. There are no seasons in Svartalfheim, and time is not easily measured there. Dwarfs and Darkelfs have learnt to live with this, and developed a kind of internal clock to have some sort of days and nights in order to keep everyone in the same zone.Svartalfheim has unique flora and fauna; there are creatures and plants here that cannot be found in any other world. There are some animals that have managed to find their way into Svartalfheim, such as wolves and spiders, but there are very few if any herbivores that can survive in this hostile environment. Mushrooms and root vegetables grow in abundance, olms can be found crawling on every surface and fish can be caught from underground lakes. скрины мира 25 дневник рассказывает о расе дворфы This is the 25th dev diary for our upcoming Tactical RPG Runemaster! Isn’t that cool? This time we'll talk about the Dwarfs, who are so awesome that they get to live in two cool places: Svartalfheim and Jotunheim.InspirationOur main inspiration for dwarfs is Norse Mythology, which has sort of become the ur-text for dwarfs in most fantasy fiction. J.R.R. Tolkien, most famous for The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit and The Silmarillion, based his dwarfs on his extensive knowledge of Norse mythology. Dwarf names from Norse mythology, such as Dvalin, Balin and even Gandalf, was used by him for his characters.Dwarfs are known as a mountain-dwelling race with great blacksmithing skills, known for their mead, the creation of important artifacts with magical qualities and their lust for goddesses. One legend tells how the goddess Freya wanted to buy a beautiful necklace or torq from four Dwarfs, who refused her gold and silver. Instead, they insisted that she spend one night with each of them. She paid the price and is never seen without Brisingamen, although there are stories about Loki stealing it or it being broken when she grows angry.The Mythology: The Creation of DwarfsThere are two creation myths of Dwarfs. One tells of how the mixture of the blood and bones of Ymir created them, another says that they were mere maggots that festered in the flesh of Ymir which the Aesir gods gifted with reason. We choose to believe that both are true, the Dwarfs were created by the blood and bones but did not gain reason until Odin and his brothers found them feasting on Ymir.Odin then chose four Dwarfs and placed them in each of the four corners of Midgard, to uphold Ymir's skull or, in a sense, the sky. Their names were Nordri, Sudri, Austri and Vestri, or "North, South, East, and West". The Dwarfs are thankful to the Aesir for giving them reason, although there have been occasions where they have clashed. Loki, known for his mischief, has bothered the Dwarfs many times and stolen or cajoled them into giving him and the Aesir magical artifacts such as Sif's golden hair, Freyr's ship Skíðblaðnir, Odin's spear Gungnir, the golden-bristled boar Gullinbursti, the hammer Mjölnir and the ring Draupnir.The Appearances of DwarfsDwarfs are a fairly common fantasy race who are often portrayed as a bearded, short, beer-bellied and inventive race. We have of course taken inspiration from this, and after some deliberations we decided to not change too much about the physical appearances of Dwarfs. No matter their gender, our Dwarfs have beard which they take care of in varying degrees.The life, work and traditions of DwarfsMost of the Dwarfs’ cities and villages are buried deep inside mountains, with only a few houses surrounding the entrance to the mountain, and a marketplace serving as the only place where people from the other races are allowed to venture in dwarven lands. The life of a Dwarf is often a strenuous and hazardous one, and thus the average lifespan can be very short. Therefore the ones who do live to be older withdraw from the cumbersome work of mining and smithery so they can study the ancient texts. These older Dwarfs are very revered for their knowledge. There's a saying: ”Dwarfs need no roof, but the ones they have will never make you wet.”The monarch is elected and everyone can apply for the job. Naturally, the richest families that can afford to bribe enough Dwarfs to get the majority of the votes have an edge here. But sometimes a "nobody" is elected. The job is for life and, sometimes, this life might be awfully short.Dwarfs are highly superstitious but not very religious. If a Dwarf curses a god or two that is fine; there's no reason a Dwarf buried so deep underground need fear a god. On the other hand, if salt is spilled and nothing is done about it (throw the salt over your left shoulder and say 'Tvi, tvi, tvi'), then you surely deserve every bad thing that will happen to you.The Dwarfs live so closely packed together that the need for privacy is sometimes great. Some Dwarfs retire from the main mines, finding a cave or mine of their own where they most often study some sort of craft to become a master of it. Some of these Dwarfs return, some don't. For those Dwarfs that live in tight quarters, there are a lot of social rules to follow to keep the peace. For example a Dwarf who does not clean himself after work or, at least, fairly regular, will be shunned until he has taken a bath. Fights are uncommon, but discussions aren't. The one who wins an argument gain other people's respect and might be asked to solve an argument or discussion for others. Some of these arguments have been going on for years, sometimes not even between the ones who started the argument in the first place.Dwarfs have two main languages, one they speak and write on parchment, the other carved into rocks, cavern walls or onto their weapons. This rock language is rather primitive ,with crude signs that more or less look like the thing they signify. For example, the sign for a mine is a circle with a line going through it horizontally. These markings are used for on cavern walls to help a Dwarf get through tunnels and the like safely without having to use a torch. They can also be used to mark magical weapons, more to warn the wielder than to imbue the weapon with any particular magic. The Dwarfs let other races believe that the marks are what makes the weapon magical, hiding how they enchant weapons. Dwarfs have a great ear for languages and any Dwarf is able to talk to another Dwarf, no matter how far they are from home or how broad their accent is. If you meet a Dwarf, be careful not to insult him or her, no matter what language you use. There's a great chance the Dwarf already understands it...Salt is highly prized among Dwarfs and the ones who own salt mines will charge a kilogram of gold for a kilogram of salt.It is said that if a Dwarf offers you bread, accept it - but eat it on your own risk! The Dwarf bread is surprisingly hard and it is said that it needs to be soaked for hours before it is safe to eat it. That is not true, although it would be best to boil the bread before eating it, making it a bit soggy. It tastes like porridge.They do not eat the flesh of birds. Dwarfs live deep underground and birds fly high up in the air, which, according to Dwarfs, makes them incompatible. This taboo does not extend to other races, of course, so Dwarfs won't react if they see a Human or Giant eating chicken.The Dwarfs are famous for their beer, which comes in all colors, from clear honey-golden to bitter black. The honey-golden beer is sweet and not that powerful, often drunk at weddings and other happy occasions. The bitter black is strong and musky, with a long aftertaste. It will be served at more serious occasions, at funerals or at remembrances. The other kinds of beer are for evening meals or for festivities. Though they always have a supply of mushrooms, dried fish and goat-meat, the Dwarfs prefer to trade for their food.The Dwarfs produce all sorts of weapons, armor and some potions made from the mushrooms and plants grown in the dark. They can, in fact, make almost anything you might ask for, and will invent anything they might need. With their special mixture of magic and technology, the Dwarfs can make virtually anything.If the price is right, the Dwarfs will trade almost anything, including tools, inventions, armor, weapons and, very reluctantly, beer. The price is most often gold, jewels or blueprints. Ideas may come to any race, but the Dwarfs are most reliable if you wish to see your invention come into being. They are also great construction workers and can be hired to raise any kind of building much faster than any race.Dwarf UnitsIf you've been reading the diaries, the basics should be old hat by now. But I'll repeat some of them anyway. Every race has six different units, three standard units and three unique units. The Dwarfs’ three standard units are melee, assault and ranged. The melee units have a decent amount of armor and damage. The assault units do a lot of damage but don’t have a lot of armor. The ranged units do not have much armor but can attack from afar.The three unique units are an Avatar, a walking armor animated by magic, a Dwarf woman called Witch with a lot of spell power, and the Mouflon Cavalry, Dwarfs mounted on sheep. и скриншоты и концепт арт 2 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Трод 3 130 25 октября, 2014 26 дневник разрабов. говорят о темных эльфах InspirationIn Norse mythology there is a bit of confusion and disagreement regarding the Darkelfs. There are Dökkálfar, Svartalfs and Dwarfs, which some scholars interpret as being different names for the same race. While the Dökkálfar and Svartalfs are seldom mentioned, Dwarfs are referenced a lot more frequently. Both Dökkálfar and Svartalfs loosely translate to "Darkelfs", which is why we decided to use that name for the main race of Svartalfheim, which itself translates to "home of the Darkelfs".When we started making concept art for the various races, we tested different approaches for each of them. While designing the Troll, we made many different versions and one of them turned out to be perfect for the Darkelfs, and so we continued iterating on that until we were more than satisfied with them. Here's the first concept art for the Darkelfs and a NPC portrait:Click image for larger versionWe imagine the Darkelfs as bald and sombre shaped by the world they live in, as Svartalfheim is depicted as being under ground. The Darkelfs also borrow some features from bats, especially their ears. These are long and go straight up, unlike other elfs whose ears tend to tilt to the back. The Mythology: The Creation of DarkelfsThe last race to be born from the then still alive Ymir was the Darkelfs. They were pale and bald, and Odin thought they were not viable as a race. He buried them alive in the dark earth. But they did not die. Instead they followed the call of Hel and dug their way down until they arrived at Svartalfheim and made this land their realm.The Appearances of DarkelfsThe Darkelfs have long, slender bodies and have no hair on their heads. They have long noses and ears, similar to Trolls. No other race that can compare with the Darkelfs when it comes to navigating the darkness; their vision has adapted to their bleak environment. Most Darkelfs are about as tall as a regular Human, but they look weaker due to their scrawniness.We have tried to differentiate each race by different types of armor, clothes and weaponry. The Darkelfs wear loosely fitted cloth as everyday clothing, and prefer scaled or leather armor in battle. Their weapons of choice are swords, polearms and staves, which keep their enemies at range. The Darkelfs feels this is a great advantage for them. Some would call them cowards, but it would be more accurate to call them clever and strategic. Few other races are able to use weapons crafted by Darkelfs.The life, work and traditions of DarkelfsTheir compact castles are carved from the rock and look as if they have been swallowed by the mountain, with only doors, windows, balconies and bridges visible among the rubble of stone. Each of the Darkelf castles contains several hundred Darkelfs, and as its population grows, so does the castle. The lower in rank a Darkelf is, the lower the floor where she or he lives and the higher the floor, the better the living quarters.The only way for a Darkelf to rise in rank is by showing s/he is capable and ingenious enough to deserve promotion. There are many different ways to rise in rank: by age, by fortitude, by trickery or by earning the respect of others in any possible way. Darkelfs are very competitive and work hard to rise in the ranks. It's a very merit-based system. Everyone starts at the bottom and try to work their way up.The castle cellar is used for storage of weapons, equipment, foodstuff and slaves. A jail can also be found here, but it is not often as Darkelfs prefer to avoid taking prisoners. A deep well can be found here as well, often close to a nearby staircase that leads to the kitchen. The first floor is used for kitchens, guest rooms, dining room and meeting chambers. Stables and larger storage areas can be found at this level too, sometimes as separate buildings. The second, third, fourth and sometimes fifth floors are used as bedrooms or private chambers for the various members of the clan. The leader lives at the top, with their partner and children, at least until their teenage years. Then a young Darkelf has to prove her/himself and climb through the ranks.The Darkelfs live in large clans, where most are related to each other in some way. Their ruler is the smartest, most cunning and insidious of them all. Together with a small council composed of the highest ranked Darkelfs, the ruler makes sure the Darkelfs are united and working together.The Darkelf priests serve as the spiritual leaders and the teachers of the Darkelfs. They worship Hel as their goddess and see death as just a passage into another realm. No darkelf, even if he or she is slain in combat is granted a seat in Valhalla.Darkelfs makes a fermented tea called kombucha; dried mushrooms are cooked in water together with either honey or sugar.The Darkelfs keep slaves, which can be Humans, Lightelfs or sometimes even Dwarfs, although the stubborn Dwarfs are very likely escape after destroying a wall or they may just ignore orders. In rare cases, other Darkelfs can be taken prisoners after a raid on another castle and be forced to do the same manual labour as the other slaves. If a member of a clan fails to keep a promise, cannot pay for something or is in debt in any way to another Darkelf in the clan, s/he can work it off by becoming the personal servant to the Darkelf they owe. The amount of time the Darkelf has to serve might be agreed on when they brokered the deal or determined by the Lord/Lady after the deal has been broken. If a Darkelf tries to flee from this responsibility, does not perform her/his chores correctly, is lazy or disobeys orders then the time to be served will be increased. The indentured Darkelf is not regarded as a slave, and will keep her/his current rank and can still order the slaves around as before.In battle, Darkelfs are known to ambush their foes and are not afraid of using poison or magic to gain advantage over their enemy. Darkelfs do not care how they win. Anything goes, and they find other races' sense of honor in battle to be puzzling.Darkelf HeroesYou can choose to play as either a Darkelf female Skald or a Darkelf male Runemaster. We have talked about the Berserker and Runemaster in earlier dev diaries, if you wish to refresh your memory you can find them here:Darkelf UnitsWe decided that the Darkelf ranged units and the Skald should use a crossbow for their ranged attack. It was a decision taken based on adding more variety to the game and it looks cool, too.Three unique units can be found in Svartalfheim and among the Darkelfs: the Wolf Witch, the Warg Rider and the Giant Beetle. We are still working on some of these names; I am most fond of “Varulfur” for the Wolf Witch and we are still looking for a name for the Giant Beetle. The Wolf Witch is a kind of werewolf - half woman, half wolf - whose mother changed into a werewolf during her pregnancy by using a Troll belt. The Warg Rider is a Darkelf mounted on a wolf, which the Darkelf has cared for since the wolf was a pup. The Giant Beetle is exactly that: an enormous beetle the Darkelfs have tamed to use in battle. скриншот поля битвы с участием эльфов *************************************************** 27 дневник разработчиков мир Alfheim The Races of AlfheimAlfheim is also known as Ljosalfheim. The first part, "ljosalf", means "Lightelf" and the second part, "heim", means home. So essentially the name means "home of the Lightelfs" and so this is the world they call home. Though the Lightelfs were the first to claim Alfheim as their home, the Trolls wander through the world in search of their lost goddess Fjorgyn and have a few permanent settlements here and there.The Lightelfs do not like metal and use bone for many of their weapons. They fight mostly with daggers, spears, bow and arrow and occasionally swords. They are usually dressed lightly with leather armor, feathers, twigs, or moss which gives the Lightelfs a natural camouflage. Alfheim is a very fertile and warm world, so the Lightelfs can spend less of their time foraging and hunting and more on leisurely activities such as music and dancing.Hidden among the trees in Alfheim are the dwellings of the Lightelfs, formed by shaping the trees into whatever form they wishes. The Aeropon is a robust plant whose aerial roots are used by the Lightelfs to weave bridges, floors and walls. The bridges between the treetops offer great mobility to the inhabitants, enabling them to scamper across the forest at great heights. Fire is forbidden in the homes of the Lightelfs and all food is prepared on the ground beneath the treehouses. The Creation of the WorldsAfter Ymir was killed and his body used to create the different worlds, Odin and his brothers Vile and Ve started fighting. Their harsh words and yelling frightened the cow Auðumbla so much that milk flowed from her. Some of these droplets fed Yggdrasil, the World Tree, and it grew one branch so high, so broad and beautiful that it immediately became a new world. The Lightelfs climbed Yggdrasil until they found Alfheim, and settled there. There is not much known about the origin of the Lightelfs, some say they are related to the Aesir, others to the Vanir. The Lightelfs themselves will not reveal the secret of where they come from, or how they came to life. A dark secret lies heavy on the brow of most Lightelfs, something to do with the fertility of Alfheim...Alfheim is the most fertile of the worlds because it is sacred to the fertility god, Frey. He was given Alfheim as a tooth-gift, when he had gotten his first tooth. Thus the Lightelfs revere Frey, and according to them that is why Alfheim is the richest of the worlds.The Climate and Creatures of AlfheimThe world is warm, lush and is described as located in heaven, “fairer than the sun to look at".There is an abundance of animals and plants in Alfheim, most of which are benign but a few are deadly and dangerous. The earth gives richly and freely, and no one goes hungry there. The fertile world is home to many potent plants, some of which are used by the Lightelfs to make medicine and powerful potions that might awaken hidden strengths. The robust trees in Alfheim makes for excellent abodes for the Lightelfs, and fast-growing vines are used for making bridges between trees, floors, walls and in some cases even furniture. The land may be a warm and lush place which gives a sense of refuge contrary to the other harsh worlds that are connected by the world tree Yggdrasil, but contains some hidden dangers.The days in Alfheim are long, and little work is needed to provide for everyone. The Lightelfs have plenty of time to spend on their pleasures, which includes wood carving, vegetable carving, composing, singing, telling stories and writing or reading books. скриншоты мира 2 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Рейвeн 1 297 26 октября, 2014 о точной дате выхода ничего не слышно ? Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Pawlinmawlin 4 799 26 октября, 2014 Пока выглядит как-то не очень, да и сюжеты - не самая сильная сторона парадоксов. Зато dlc буде много. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Трод 3 130 27 октября, 2014 зная парадоксов скопее всего так оно и будет. куча DLC не избежна. про точную дату сказать затрудняюсь. как что либо выясню изменю шапку и напишу тут Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Рейвeн 1 297 6 ноября, 2014 ничего новенького не было ? Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Трод 3 130 9 ноября, 2014 (изменено) нет нету. в основном трёп поклонников, на который разрабы не отвечают. Изменено 9 ноября, 2014 пользователем Трод Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Рейвeн 1 297 9 ноября, 2014 нет нету. в основном трёп поклонников, на который разрабы не отвечают. ясно ) Хотелось бы чтобы вышла до января всё же ) но если недопиленная то пусть переносят ) Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Трод 3 130 9 ноября, 2014 стоит 4 квартал. конкретики нет. ждем. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты