Vangdeputenava 49 24 марта, 2007 (изменено) Мельница - Сказка о Дьяволе. Жил однажды на свете Дьявол. По морям-океанам плавал. А тебя никогда не видел, Обо мне никогда не слышал. Он украл с неба ясный месяц И спустил ладьею на волны; Он приходит с ночным приливом, У него весло из оливы. Ты меня ждала на причале, Не смыкала очей ночами, Он увидел тебя, голубка, И забыл о вечности Дьявол. Принял Дьявол мое обличье, Не найдешь найдешь и пяти отличий, Он упал пред тобой на колени, Целовал холодные руки. Я покинул тебя, голубка, Обещавши вернуться скоро. Перепутал я небо с водою, Я уплыл за своей бедою. Не найдешь тех широт на картах, Где пропал я с верной командой. Где мне взять имя ветра, который Возвращает странников к дому? Я поставил бы светлый парус, Я б примчался домой с рассветом, Отвязал бы луну от причала, Чтобы тоже домой возвращалась! Только стоит ли, право, вернуться, Только стоит ли мне воскреснуть, Если вместо меня живет Дьявол, Мои песни поет тебе Дьявол? Отныне в этой теме действует запрет на мультипостинг, то есть посты от одного юзера, идущие подряд. Я понимаю, что у вас всех много текстов хороших песен, которыми вы хотели бы поделиться, но все же давайте не будем заполнять тему собой. Изменено 5 сентября, 2011 пользователем Nasgul 6 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
GriZZly 383 22 марта, 2010 Оргазм Нострадамуса - Регламент Хронического Счастья Подрался с грудным младенцем, Забрался в его коляску. С чистым и искренним сердцем, Смеялся в ней и кувыркался. Таился в асфальтовых щелях, Откладывая в них личинки. Качался на космокачелях, Считал на висках сединки. Припев: Такой у меня регламент Хронического счастья Запущенный пациент я Такие не подыхают! Эх! Бе саме, Бе саме мучо Таращу во тьму глазища Ночной порнографии туча, Жопастые хищно рыщут. Кому суждено сгорать, Тот батенька не утонет. Сработает катапульта Взлечу на алмазном троне А ты? Как ты там поживаешь? На том конце городишка Наверное тихо плачешь, Или а-у-у-у-у-у-у скулишь так? Давить буду зеркало долго Я плюща лицо и калеча, Смотреть и катать его по лбу, Пока в нем тебя не замечу 1 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Mind Machine 187 24 марта, 2010 (изменено) Crystallion - The Bravest of the Brave Crystallion - The Bravest of the Brave (Marshal Michel Ney) I am the brave, the rider in the storm I am the rear of the elite Under the sign of freedom I was born Faith is my armour, pride my shield But I had a dream, our nation’s free The veils of death, embracing me Inside this dream, our nation’s free Follow the call of victory I have fought a hundred wars I fought for France and never against The soldiers fire, my last command They call me brave, I will be to the grave I saw the sunrise, I saw the rainbow in the sky There is nothing left for me to believe Goodbye my brothers, goodbye my friends who shared this life All has changed now, this world I must leave But I had a dream, our nation’s free The veils of death, embracing me Inside this dream, our nation’s free Follow the call of victory I have fought a hundred wars (I’m going nowhere) I fought for France and never against (I wanna be there) The soldiers fire, my last command (The soldiers fire) They call me brave, I will be to the grave Long ago our nation calls, set sails to foreign shores With the glory of Napoleon we’re bound for holy wars Now I take my final journey to the land up in the sky The time has come for me to say goodbye I have fought a hundred wars (I’m going nowhere) I fought for France and never against (I wanna be there) The soldiers fire, my last command (The soldiers fire) They call me brave, I will be to the grave I have fought a hundred wars (I’m burning, I’m dying, I’m going nowhere) I fought for France and never against (I’m yearning, I’m flying, I wanna be there) The soldiers fire, my last command (The soldiers fire) They call me brave, I will be to the grave Scar Symmetry - Orchestrate The Infinite Scar Symmetry - Orchestrate The Infinite Affecting all of universe with my mind Through my will Solar systems live and die Omnipotence in a world of limits Omniscient, stars will fall On my command But those who live within this world Find ways to label me Godhood or devilry Collision as a spark of me entered flesh Still I keep the ability to form Until the day I leave my cage I design this world in my image What I create I can destroy Stars fall on my command Tomorrow's in my hand I'm the grand orchestrator In finite form and the infinite design Beyond wings and horns I am In wordless thought Orchestrate the infinite With focus on the things Certain to face death My essence will elude you 'til you die Omnipotence has no beginning Omniscience has no end It can't be grasped But those who live within this world Find ways to label me Godhood or devilry I'm the grand orchestrator In finite form and the infinite design Beyond wings and horns I am In wordless thought Orchestrate the infinite No horns and no crown of thorns Will fit on me On a field where the judgment And all the pain you feel Can no longer reach you In the silence existing Between your every thoughts That is where I'll meet you But those who live within this world Find ways to label me Godhood or devilry I'm the grand orchestrator In finite form and the infinite design Beyond wings and horns I am In wordless thought Orchestrate the infinite No horns and no crown of thorns Will fit on me Дирижируя Бесконечностью Мироздание под влиянием моего разума По моей воле Солнечные системы живут и умирают Безграничное могущество в мире ограничений Всеведение, звезды падут По моей команде Но живущие в этом мире Клеймят меня Богом или дьяволом А ведь я вдохнул искру жизни в тело Все еще способен творить Пока не покину мою клетку Буду создавать этот мир в своем воображении Что я сотворил я могу разрушить Звезду падут по моему слову Завтрашний день в моих руках Я великий дирижер Конечной формы и безграничного замысла Выше крыльев и рогов я Мыслью что не передать словами Дирижирую вечностью Сосредоточившись на главном Лицом к смерти Моя сущность будет ускользать от тебя до самой смерти Всесилие не имеет начала Всезнание не имеет конца Этого нельзя постичь Но живущие в этом мире Клеймят меня Богом или дьяволом Я великий дирижер Конечной формы и безграничного замысла Выше крыльев и рогов я Мыслью что не передать словами Дирижирую вечностью Не будет ни рогов, ни тернового венца На поле суда И вся твоя боль Больше не будет мучить тебя В молчании, среди твоих мыслей Вот где я встречу тебя Но живущие в этом мире Клеймят меня Богом или дьяволом Я великий дирижер Конечной формы и безграничного замысла Выше крыльев и рогов я Мыслью что не передать словами Дирижирую вечностью Не будет ни рогов, ни тернового венца Scar Symmetry - Mind Machine Scar Symmetry - Mind Machine All free will is gone Automatic knowledge Humans lead in leashes Silent, untrue All are subjects to Automated liars Broadcast feelings through Machines that makes you Wither away Death of the soul Indoctrinated in false grace Bio-machinery Mind and machinery Fear now fuels the system Bio-machinery Target is the world Structuring the madness Terminating ancient Concepts of truth Power structure comes Silent weapons fired Quiet wars in minds The damage is done Wither away Death of the soul Indoctrinated in false grace Bio-machinery Mind and machinery Fear now fuels the system Bio-machinery All hope that died must rise anew By facing the passage of time All that we've known was bound to drown Before we could wake Bio-machinery Mind and machinery Fear now fuels the system Bio-machinery Insomnium - Medeia Insomnium - Medeia Where there once was love, only hatred now resides Where I once had heart, only nothingness now dwels Guilt-ridden shall be your days Heart-rending your nights By starlight I rock to sleep my dearest ones Under the cold sky I lull to rest my darlings Good to ie in a bed of cloudberry flowers Soft to dream on a moss-grown pillow Betrayed by one I loved, deceived by one I caressed Cast into the dark, thrust into the endless night But even bitter is your fate Way darker your path For nothing have I been by your side In vain have i wasted this life All that was fair has been marred now All the love I gave you have emptied my heart Soon I'll be feeling no pain sleeping in silent shade The ones you cherish most I'll take with me to my dreams Haunted by your deeds Wrapped into the grief You are bound into this sorrow Until the end of time Изменено 30 марта, 2010 пользователем Mind Machine Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
БацЫла 54 30 марта, 2010 (изменено) Океан Ельзи - Там, де нас нема (Океан Эльзы - Там, где нас нет) Там, там, там, тiльки там, де нас нема - там не падає зима Тiльки там, тiльки там де нас нема з неба Там, там, там, тiльки там, де нас нема - там не падає вона Тiльки там, тiльки там де нас нема й не треба Там, там, там, тiльки там, де нас нема - ходять всi на головах Тiльки там, тiльки там де нас нема ходять Там, там, там, тiльки там, де нас нема - ходять всi на головах I питаються у нас. Де ви є? Де ви є? Скажi менi, чому не можу Забути те, чого нема Скажi менi, чому не можу Забути те, що, Те, що навколо зима. Там, там, там, тiльки там, де нас нема - там не падає зима Тiльки там, тiльки там де нас нема люди Там, там, там, тiльки там, де нас нема - там тече жива вода Тiльки там, тiльки там де нас нема всюди. Там, там, там, тiльки там, де нас нема - менше льоду, нiж тепла Тiльки там, тiльки там де нас нема льоду Там, там, там, тiльки там, де нас нема - ходять всi на головах I тече жива вода Не для нас. Скажi менi, чому не можу Забути те, чого нема Скажi менi, чому не можу Забути те, що, Те, що навколо зима. Изменено 30 марта, 2010 пользователем БацЫла Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Maos 375 30 марта, 2010 Metallica - One I can't remember anything Can't tell if this is true or dream Deep down inside i feel to scream This terrible silence stops me Now that the war is through with me I'm waking up i can not see That there is not much left of me Nothing is real but pain now Hold my breath as i wish for death Oh please god,wake me Back in the womb its much too real In pumps life that i must feel But can't look forward to reveal Look to the time when i'll live Fed through the tube that sticks in me Just like a wartime novelty Tied to machines that make me be Cut this life off from me Hold my breath as i wish for death Oh please god,wake me Now the world is gone i'm just one Oh god,help me hold my breath as i wish for death Oh please god help me Darkness imprisoning me All that i see Absolute horror I cannot live I cannot die Trapped in myself Body my holding cell Landmine has taken my sight Taken my speech Taken my hearing Taken my arms Taken my legs Taken my soul Left me with life in hell Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
GriZZly 383 1 апреля, 2010 Esoteric - Circle I have a million questions. but no will to ask. Through chaos. rationale speaks clearly. Decay sets in amongst the fragments... Such weight lies within knowledge. Crippled by thought. Eyes that see too much lose the will to see. And the pain that spills from these walls. Blasts through this withered body. The circle has begun. Time is not won. Losing this battle to remain. In this place. I dare not dream. For awakening the demons that will find me. Blinded by madness. Such endless probability. And I must know every thing and every thought And I must uncover all answers sought. For sleep eludes when this frustration taunts. And drives me to release. Or travel towards end. So dead inside. And all but to live on. Burning from within. Maddened eyes. Filled with boiling blood. Sullen. Grow sharper with the pain. To rest now. Until we meet again. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
GriZZly 383 4 апреля, 2010 Summoning - Across The Streaming Tide In autumn when the wind and sea Rejoice to live and laugh to be And scarce the blast that curbs the tree And bids before it quail and flee In winter when years when the years burn low As fire wherein no firebrands glow And winds disappear as they blow The stormy wings of snow Refrain: The hearts of western elves burn bright With joy that mocks the spring To hear all heaven's keen clarions ring Music, that bites the spirit, sing And wind by night in northern lands Arose, and Lord it cried And drove the ships from ancient strands Across the streaming tide Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Zirra 1 206 5 апреля, 2010 Зоопарк - Женщина Твоя плоть - как хлеб, твоя кровь - как вино И листки твоих писем - как жесть, Твои сны - как молитвы, глаза - как стекло И твои оскорбленья - как лесть, но Кто здесь есть, кто сможет удивить тебя? Кто здесь есть, кто сможет подчинить тебя? Но я бы не стал завидовать им, Хоть на их месте мог быть и я... Прости, но мне жаль тебя. И ты умеешь быть слабой, и ты умеешь быть злой И умеешь не верить словам, Но ты не умеешь брать сразу все, Зато ты берешь по частям, но Кто здесь есть, кто сможет отказать тебе? Кто здесь есть, кто сможет наказать тебя? Но я бы не стал завидовать им, Хоть на их месте мог быть и я... Прости, но мне жаль тебя. И в твоей колоде не хватает туза И джокером служит валет И имя знакомцам твоим - легион, Но друзей, пожалуй что, нет, но Кто здесь есть, кто сможет избежать тебя? Кто здесь есть, кто сможет удержать тебя? Но я бы не стал завидовать им, Хоть на их месте мог быть и я... Прости, но мне жаль тебя. И ты всегда найдешь тех, кто накормит тебя, И взамен ты кинешь им кость, Тех, чей ветер наполнит твои глаза, Тех, чей крест примет твой гвоздь, Ты всегда найдешь тех, кто поможет тебе, Кто возьмет на себя твою боль, Тех, кто будет ранен в твоей войне - Ты насыплешь им в раны соль, но Кто здесь есть, кто сможет полюбить тебя? Не за то, чего в тебе нет, а за то, что ты есть. Кто здесь есть, кто сможет убедить тебя, Что ты, в общем, такая же, как все? Но я бы не стал завидовать им, Хоть на их месте мог быть и я... Прости, но мне жаль тебя. Radiohead - High and Dry Two jumps in a week, I bet you think that's pretty clever don't you boy. Flying on your motorcycle, watching all the ground beneath you drop. You'd kill yourself for recognition; kill yourself to never ever stop. You broke another mirror; you're turning into something you are not. Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry Drying up in conversation, you will be the one who cannot talk. All your insides fall to pieces, you just sit there wishing you could still make love They're the ones who'll hate you when you think you've got the world all sussed out They're the ones who'll spit at you. You will be the one screaming out. Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry It's the best thing that you've ever had, The best thing that you've ever, ever had. It's the best thing that you've ever had; The best thing you've had has gone away. Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
GriZZly 383 5 апреля, 2010 (изменено) Metallica - That Was Just Your Life Like a siren in my head that always threatens to repeat, Like a blind man that is strapped into the speeding driver's seat, Like a face that learns to speak, when all it knew was how to bite Like a misery that keeps me focused though I've gone astray Like an endless nightmare that I must awaken from each day. Like conviction A premonition, Not worthy of, so I deny... I deny. [Pre-chorus:] I blind my eyes and try to force it all into place, I stitch them up, see not my fall from grace. I blind my eyes, I hide and feel it passing me by, I open just in time to say goodbye. [Chorus:] Almost like your life, Almost like your endless fight, Curse the day is long, Realize you don't belong, Disconnect somehow, Never stop the bleeding now, Almost like your fight, And there it went, Almost like your life. Like a wound that keeps on bleeding to remind me not to think Like a raging river drowning when I only need a drink, Like a poison that I swallow, but I want the world to die. Like a release from a prison that I didn't know I was in, Like a fight to live the past I prayed to leave from way back then Like a general without a mission until the war will start again, Start again. [Pre-chorus] [Chorus] [solo] Like a touch from hell to feel how hot That it can get if you get caught, Like a strike from heaven turns that key, And brings you straight down to your knees, Like a touch from hell to feel how hot That it can get if I get caught, Like a strike from heaven to reprieve, That brings you straight down to your knees. [Dual guitar solo] [Chorus] That was just your life. Изменено 5 апреля, 2010 пользователем GriZZly Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
maxim700 3 243 6 апреля, 2010 Poets of the Fall - Late Goodbye In our headlights, Staring, bleak, Beer cans, deer's eyes On the asphalt underneath, our crushed plans and my lies Lonely street signs, powerlines, they keep on flashing, flashing by And we keep driving into the night It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye And we keep driving into the night It's a late goodbye Your breath hot upon my cheeck, and we crossed, that line You made me strong when I was feeling weak, And we crossed, that one time Screaming stop signs, staring wild eyes, keep on flashing, flashing by And we keep driving into the night It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye And we keep driving into the night It's a late goodbye The devil grins from ear to ear when he sees the hand he's dealt us Points at your flaming hair, and then we're playing hide and seek I can't breathe easy here, less our trail's gone cold behind us Till' in the john mirror you stare at yourself grown old and weak And we keep driving into the night It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye And we keep driving into the night It's a late goodbye... Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
GriZZly 383 7 апреля, 2010 Summoning - Beleriand To north, to north there lay the land of dread Dungorthin, where all ways were dead In hills, in hills of shadow bleak and cold Beyond was deadly nighshades hold To south, to south the wide earth unexplored To west, to west the ancient ocean roared To east, to east in peaks of blue were piled The mountains of the outer world. Unsailed and shoreless, wide and wild To east in peaks of blue were piled In silence folded, mist enfurled The mountains of the outer world Beyond the tangled, woodland shade Thorn and thicket grove and glade Whose brooding boughs with magic hung Were ancient when the world was young Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
maxim700 3 243 8 апреля, 2010 The Rasmus - Night After Night (Out Of The Shadows) Heaven sent you, to bring the answer Heaven sent you, to cure this cancer For a moment I'm beating vultures For a moment the world in my hands Like an angel who came Every time when I pray Guiding me in my dreams Watching me when I sleep Like an angel who came Every time when I scream Time after time I lose again Night after night I wake up shaking 'Cause my world is breaking Fool enough to fall again Night after night I wake up crying 'Cause I feel like dying Still disconnected and unprotected Still I'm haunted but unwanted For a moment unbreakable stars For a moment you stayed in my arms Like an angel who came Every time when I pray Guiding me in my dreams Watching me when I sleep Like an angel who came Every time when I scream Time after time I lose again Night after night I wake up shaking 'Cause my world is breaking Fool enough to fall again Night after night I wake up crying 'Cause I feel like dying Time after time I lose again Night after night I wake up shaking 'Cause my world is breaking Fool enough to fall again Night after night I wake up crying 'Cause I feel like dying (Time after time I lose again) Night after night I wake up shaking 'Cause my world is breaking Fool enough to fall again (Fool enough to fall again) Night after night I wake up crying Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
БацЫла 54 8 апреля, 2010 Otto Dix - Белый Пепел Мы ночами уходим в наши тёмные страны, Белым пеплом посыпав раскаленные раны. И за все наши грёзы нас Небо накажет. Но никто не услышит, и никто не прикажет. И никто нам не нужен, никого мы не любим. Мы не будем такими, как все прочие люди. По дешёвке продали мы теням наши души. Кто-то тихо вливает яд молитвы нам в уши. Белый пепел полоской – наша вечная плаха. Там, куда мы уходим, нет ни боли, ни страха. Наше время сквозь пальцы водой утекает. Там, куда мы уходим, нас никто не поймает. Там лишь тот выживает, кто подвержен сомненью, Тот, кто мог притворяться своей собственной тенью. Не терпеть состраданья, не испытывать жалость – Это всё, что мы можем, что нам делать осталось. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Nasgul 3 596 9 апреля, 2010 Primus - Welcome To This World Oh, welcome to this world of fools Of pink champagne and swimming pools Well, all you have to lose is your virginity Perhaps we'll have some fun tonight so stick around and take a bite of life We don't need feebleness in this proximity Ask good MacDuff and Donalbain, so many good ideas are slain By those who would dare not step out of line But if I have my way tonight and chances are I think I might- I'll turn those sour minds to grapes of wine Welcome to this world Don't judge the boy by what you hear The words are heard beyond the ear The heart and mind are focus for this conversation But be abound in mystery for that so much you do to me For there are those who drown in adulation If I had a dime for each time that I heard them preach Well I'd have wicked thoughts upon my brain Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
maxim700 3 243 10 апреля, 2010 The Rasmus - Lucifer's Angel Behind those eyes lies the truth and grief Behind those beautiful smiles I've seen tragedy The fallen skin hides the secrets within The silent forces that secretly ignite your sins Fly away, fly away From the darkened blade They haunt you Lucifer's Angels You never lived, you never died Your life has been denied They call you Lucifer's Angel Beyond these clouds you can hide all your tear Beyond this world you'll be safe from their wicked fears And in their hearts they fear your demand You know their minds won't accept you, they'll never understand Fly away, fly away From the darkened blade They haunt you Lucifer's Angels You never lived, you never died Your life has been denied They call you Lucifer's Angel On your own I know you can make it You'll go far? I know you can shake it Survive alone I know you can take it Fly away, fly away From the darkened blade They haunt you Lucifer's Angels You never lived, you never died Your life has been denied They call you Lucifer's Angel Fly away, fly away Run away, run away Hide away, hide away Lucifer's Angel [x3] Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Black 1 376 10 апреля, 2010 Iron Maiden - Dance Of Death Let me tell you a story to chill the bones, about a thing that I saw One night wandering in the Everglades I'd one drink but no more I was rambling, enjoying the bright moonlight, gazing up at the stars Not aware of a presence so near to me, watching my every move Feeling scared and I fell to my knees as something rushed me from the trees Took me to an unholy place and that is where I fell from grace Then they summoned me over to join in with them to the dance of the dead Into the circle of fire I followed them, into the middle I was led As if time had stopped still I was numb with fear but still I wanted to go And the blaze of the fire did no hurt upon me as I walked onto the coals Then I felt I was in a trance and my spirit was lifted from me And if only someone had the chance to witness what happened to me And I danced and I pranced and I sang with them, all had Death in their eyes Lifeless figures they were undead all of them, they had ascended from Hell As I danced with the dead my free spirit was laughing and howling down at me Below my undead body just danced the circle of Death Until the time came to reunite us both, my spirit came back down to me I didn't know if I was alive or dead as the others all joined in with me By luck then a skirmish started and took the attention away from me When they took their gaze from me was the moment that I fled I ran like hell, faster than the wind, but behind I did not glance One thing that I did not dare was to look just straight ahead When you know that your time has come around you know you'll be prepared for it Say your last goodbyes to everyone, drink and say a prayer for it When you're lying in your sleep, when you're lying in your bed And you wake from your dreams to go dancing with the dead When you're lying in your sleep, when you're lying in your bed And you wake from your dreams to go dancing with the dead To this day I guess I'll never know just why they let me go But I'll never go dancing no more 'till I dance with the dead Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
GriZZly 383 10 апреля, 2010 Summoning - Over Old Hills The air was neither night or a day, But faintly dark with softest light When first glimmered into sight The Cottage of Lost Play You and me - we know that land And often have been there in The old days, old days The dark child and a fair Was it down the paths of firelight Dreams in winter cold and white, Or in the blue-spun twilight, twilight hours The air was neither night or day, But faintly dark with softest light, When first there glimmered into sight The Cottage of Lost Play And why we never found the same Old cottage, or magic Track that leads between a silver sea, Between a silver sea And those old shores and gardens fair Where all things are that ever were - We know not, You and Me We know not, You and Me Those old shores and gardens fair Where all things are That ever were The air was neither night or day, But faintly dark with softest light, When first there glimmered into sight The Cottage of Lost Play And those old shores and gardens Where all things are that ever were We know not, You and Me, We know not, You and Me And these old shores And gardens fair Where all things are That ever were [before] Air was neither night or day But faintly dark with softest light When first there glimmered The Cottage of Lost Play Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
GriZZly 383 11 апреля, 2010 Ice Ages - Dead But Wide Awake Alone i am here and cannot die My eyes can talk - I communicate S.O.S please save my soul Pull the plug, i beg from you Pity i cannot need I am dead but wide awake This nightmare you must end My weekend body is to tired to fight Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
GriZZly 383 12 апреля, 2010 Summoning - Mirdautas Vras Brus-kuluz taurzur bыrzu tiil-ob Hush-ob dhurum agh ufum dhurum Tor Vautu brus-troguz Urgai-u gukh dыmp agh tiimor Talaan-u rыk-ir tor urыk Nauru-ir agh kragoru nыrsu grishыrz Nork-ulu furtun agh goth Mordor-ob bot-tuk Ghaash agh akыl - Nazgыl skoiz Mirdautas vras! Karn ghaamp agh nыt Shaut Manwe quiinubat gukh Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Max Payne 122 12 апреля, 2010 Slipknot - Snuff Bury all your secrets in my skin Come away with innocence, and leave me with my sins The air around me still feels like a cage And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again… So if you love me, let me go. And run away before I know. My heart is just too dark to care. I can't destroy what isn't there. Deliver me into my Fate - If I'm alone I cannot hate I don't deserve to have you… My smile was taken long ago If I can change I hope I never know I still press your letters to my lips And cherish them in parts of me that saver every kiss I couldn't face a life without your light But all of that was ripped apart… when you refused to fight So save your breath, I will not hear. I think I made it very clear. You couldn't hate enough to love. Is that supposed to be enough? I only wish you weren't my friend. Then I could hurt you in the end. I never claimed to be a Saint… My own was banished long ago It took the Death of Hope to let you go So break yourself against my stones And spit your pity in my soul You never needed any help You sold me out to save yourself And I won't listen to your shame You ran away - you're all the same Angels lie to keep control… My love was punished long ago If you still care, don't ever let me know If you still care, don't ever let me know… Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Nasgul 3 596 13 апреля, 2010 Franz Ferdinand - Do You Want To :3 :3 :3 :3 Oh well I woke up tonight and said I I'm gonna make somebody love me I'm gonna make somebody love me And now I know, now I know, now I know I know that it's you You're lucky, lucky You're so lucky! Oh well do you, do you do you want to? Oh well do you, do you do you want to, want to go Where I've never let you before? Oh well do you, do you do you want to? Oh well do you, do you do you want to, want to go Where I've never let you before? Well he's a friend and he's so proud of you He's a friend and I knew him before you, oh yeah Well he's a friend and he's so proud of you You're famous friend well I blew him before you, oh yeah Oh well do you, do you do you want to? Oh well do you, do you do you want to, want to go Where I've never let you before? Oh well do you, do you do you want to? Oh well do you, do you do you want to, want to go Where I've never let you before? Well here we are at the transmission party I love your friends they're all so arty, oh yeah Oh well I woke up tonight and said I I'm gonna make somebody love me I'm gonna make somebody love me And now I know, now I know, now I know I know that it's you You're lucky, lucky You're so lucky! Oh well do you, do you do you want to? Oh well do you, do you do you want to, want to go Where I've never let you before? Oh lucky lucky You're so lucky Lucky lucky You're so lucky Lucky lucky You're so lucky Lucky lucky You're so lucky Lucky lucky You're so lucky Oh lucky lucky You're so lucky Yeah Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
yago 2 116 13 апреля, 2010 (изменено) Jon Lajoie - 2 Girls 1 Cup Song How do you show someone you love That they are the one So many ways to express love It's hard to choose just one How you gonna do it Some people like to kiss, some people like to hug, Some lesbians like eating each other's shit out of a cup Some people say "I love you," some even shout it out Some people puke semi-digested shit into each other's mouths Sometimes making love's not enough, You have to step it up And urinating on her face Is not enough to say "I love you" Some people like to kiss, some people like to hug, Some lesbians like eating each other's shit out of a cup Some people say "I love you," some even shout it out Some people puke semi-digested shit into each other's mouths She's covered in vomit and human feces That how I know that she needs me She's covered in vomit and human feces That how I know that she needs me She's covered in vomit and human feces That how I know that she needs me She's covered in vomit and human feces That how I know that she needs me Shit in my mouth And I'll puke it all over your face Изменено 13 апреля, 2010 пользователем yago Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Nasgul 3 596 15 апреля, 2010 Irate - Vendetta So after the fucking smoke clears and the dust settles, We're left with one mission, defending the families name. We planted our flag years ago and staked our claim. This ain't mall metal made for little bitches, This is war metal made for vendettas. The new breed: billy club sandwich, everybody gets hurt, sworn enemy and the mighty, mighty irate. So right now i'ma see how far i can shove this underground shit up your ass bitch. Step up, You cowards, fucking criminals Step up, step up to me Rise up avengers, rise up Defend the family X2 We will not be broken by a bunch of fucking hypocrites. I’ve got beef with you putas using our name for your own damn gain it’s a damn shame. Your music it makes me sick. You sound like some faggots gagging on korn’s dick. You think you could fuck with me, i’ll beat you musically then physically. Straight out the bronx, new york, I got mine, son, step up and get yours. Step up, You cowards, fucking criminals Step up, step up to me Rise up avengers, rise up Defend the family X2 Don’t even try to plead your case bitch, it's got more holes than your fucking face. You’re against establishment but for sponsorship you’ll suck a corporate dick. So fuck you and your crew, your fans, your friends and all your family too. I’m ashamed to be your dad and right now you're making me mad yeah you're making me want to Jump right on a plane, fly first class just to beat your ass and fly home again. You’re entering a world of pain and i don’t back down when someone fucks with my family. You should have been a man about this. Recognized that we pre-exist. But you took the shady route And now i’m here to call you out bitch. Coward, Criminal, Fake ass, Wannabe. You better step up (punk). Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
KwaX 2 523 16 апреля, 2010 Nine Inch Nails - Letting You The sky is painted black The smoke pours out the stack One hand upon your heart One hand behind your back You train us how to act You keep the fear intact The imminent attack Everything is right on track And we are letting you get away We are letting you get away with it Upon our plates to feed The dying left to bleed How much we really need Your politics of greed The cancer takes ahold The wolf is in the fold Our destiny’s been sold We do just what we’re told And we are letting you get away We are letting you get away with it Your armies filled with hate Believing your charade Begin to suffocate For us it’s far too late And we are letting you get away We are letting you get away with it Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Nasgul 3 596 18 апреля, 2010 Sunn O))) - My Wall And I do walk upon Wan’s Dyke And I do survey the land And I did become the Reaper with my own bare hands+ For I am Wodan, Though, some call me Hermes, Some call me Roman Mercury, God of cargos, God of weather, Hanging God of boundaries, Hanging God of Gibbet Hill Killing God of hidden doorways. Spinning the yarn from Wansdyke to Silbury Spinning the taelbook, telling the tale Telling the tellbook to all and sundry Keltiberians and Irish Gael Then I hear camp followers bellow afar Their shrieking lament for Johnny Guitar: "Look to the farthest far horizon Look to the bloodlust deepest scar Look to the scattering Brythonic uprising For this be the wall of Johnny Guitar There be the ditch that you shall die in Here be the wall that I shall cry on Ditch dug with antler and ox bone shovel This rising wall that shades our ancient hovel." Look to the north a quick mile yonder Look to our Yggdrasilbury Look to the Saxon chasing Viking Look to the Norman chasing Saxon Look to the German chasing German German German German German Here in the bloodlust deeper scar For here be the wall of Johnny Guitar "Play your gloom axe Stephen O’Malley Sub bass clinging to the sides of the valley Sub bass ringing in each last ditch and combe Greg Anderson purvey a sonic doom." To rage in sound this valiant despair Doom and gloom as each a splendid pair To rage in sound the valiant despair: Not Abraham, Not Moses And not Christ Neither Jove to whom we sacrificed, Not Attis Not Mohammed, But to hilltop Thor We rave and dance and weep and we implore: Look to the farthest far horizon Don’t blame the messenger, Don’t blame the messenger, Look to the farthest far horizon Don’t blame the messenger. Don’t blame the messenger, For I am Death so Ragnarock with me For I am Doom so Ragnarock with me. And I stood upon Wan’s Dyke And I did survey the land And I did become the Reaper with my own bare hands... And then I was King Vikar with his arms outstretched And then I was King Vikar with his broken neck And then I was the villain and the victim and the priest Was grim misunderstanding and was grim as death itself My Wall My Wall caught in the thrall of my Wall My Wall My Wall caught beneath the thrall of my Wall. Here in the bloodlust deeper scar For here be the wall of Johnny Guitar Here in the bloodlust deeper scar For here be the wall of Johnny Guitar Play your gloom axe Stephen O’Malley Sub bass ringing the sides of the valley Sub bass climbing up each last ditch and combe Greg Anderson purvey a sonic doom. Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall of my tidal wall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall of my tidal wall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall of my tidal wall Mothers to your bosoms, Grab your child and sing, As to your breasts cascade and sing: Brothers and fathers, Down to the thing in the middle of the town To judge at the thing These the effeminate priests of Frey That don their drag And shriek through the day That drag their God through the muddiest fields Spilling seed to raise the yields These the odd castrated womb-men On this onerous land of no men There the infernal priestess of Freyja, These her people layer on layer Then the infernal priestess of Freyja Visiting the farms The seething seer Visiting the farms And rarely leaving Mounting the tumulus The people grieving Dodens doddering dead and dying. Hear the modest priests of Ing Who’s harkening always let us sing That let’s us free our tightest waistband Let’s us fertilise our own land Spunked entire nations from one phallus Spunked the vegetation into being Spilled the super seed into the one day superceded earth. Old Mother Fucker She was a cocksucker To give her poor family a home Went down on their ding song And drank for a sing song But ended her sad life alone. Around the church in Yatesbury the dead Lie scattered underneath the sacred yew As Sheila the Witch attending Sunday prayer Praises a God but never tells them who And from my Wall observing Sheila the Witch Praises her God but never explaining which. And every Monday night by the light of Moon Those Meddlesome meddlesome meddlesome bells And the heavy metal of the heathen bells Meddlesome meddlesome meddlesome bells And the bad heavy metal of the heathen bells Meddlesome meddlesome meddlesome bells And the heavy metal of the heathen bells Meddlesome meddlesome meddlesome bells And the bad heavy metal of the heathen bells And Doggen can testify to my claim That the Christians of Yatesbury are Christian in name But their stomping pounding actions attest To their Christianity happiest at rest And Doggen who played at the John Stewart Hall Can attest that its keeper is the heathenest of all Is a shapeshifter tending to her hogweed hidden And her dear Paul wallows in the village pond nay midden For all of us are boundaried by Wan’s Dyke at the west And the great world hill which spies us and can never let us rest Bringing on Iranian Mithra From its home beneath the east Caught always in the thrall of my Wall Caught always in the thrall of my Wall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall of my wall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall of my wall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall of my wall Here in the bloodlust deeper scar For here be the wall of Johnny Guitar Here in the bloodlust deeper scar For here be the wall of Johnny Guitar Play your gloom axe Stephen O’Malley Sub bass ringing the sides of the valley Sub bass climbing up each last ditch and combe Greg Anderson purvey a sonic doom... Don’t blame the messenger of gloom, Don’t blame the messenger of doom, For this be the Ragmarockingest aeion In stillness O’Malley and Anderson play on... play on... play on... Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
LunarLight 104 18 апреля, 2010 angela - Shangri-La It's all right if it's foolish Traces of the dream we look out over... Goodbye, Days of my youth Entrusting my body to the current, someday I'll become an adult Will I become dirty, little by little? Only the mature fruits are chosen And cut with a knife before being gulped down We aimed for Shangri-La- without suppressing our desire, Covered in daydreams, we kept searching for "freedom" Now we can say it- this is paradise Goodbye, days of my youth We wanted to grab the highest apple Even if we had to stand on our precious things to reach it We only notice what's important to us when we lose it We who are very young are always missing the target Suppressing happy days makes me feel unstable Although I'm wounded, I want to fly away It's all right if it's foolish, the traces of the dream I look out over Goodbye, days of my youth The shining sky was dressed in innocence But it knew everything... We aimed for Shangri-La- without suppressing our desire, Covered in daydreams, we kept searching for "freedom" I'll surely leave the distance behind, knowing my own size With my inexperienced heart not knowing even that Now I can say it- this is paradise Goodbye, days of my youth Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты