Резчица 19 047 27 сентября, 2011 Здесь будут публиковаться только новости о ДА 3 и ссылки на них. Обсуждать нельзя. Новости обсуждаются в Таверне Покусанный Инквизитор. Если берете перевод, а не оригинал, то указываете откуда. Не ссылкой, а текстом! На оригинал - давайте, пожалуйста, ссылку, так мы сможем постить ваши новости на сайт. Берите, пожалуйста, новости, из оригинальных источников. Например, можно почитать ДА 4 будет но не скоро. твиттер-аккаунты всех, кто так или иначе занят в производстве DAI Mark Darrah - DA series Executive Producer --> Dragon Age, исполнительный продюсер, Марк ДарраMike Laidlaw - DA series Creative Director --> Dragon Age, креативный директор, Майк ЛэйдлоуAaryn Flynn - Bioware Edmonton and Montreal studios General Manager --> директор студий BioWare в Эдмонтоне и Монреале, Аарин ФлиннJonathan Perry - Bioware Cinematic Lead --> режиссер анимации, Джонатан ПерриJohn Epler - cinematic design, forum regular --> дизайнер анимации, завсегдатай социалки, Джон ЭпплерAllan Schumacher - Bioware QA analyst, BSN fan-wrangler --> анализатор вопросов и ответов, ковбой Социальной Сети BioWare, Аллан ШумахерMary Kirby - Writer --> сценарист, Мэри КербиSylvia Feketekuty - Writer --> сценарист, Сильвия ... О_оTonia Laird - Writer --> сценарист, Тоня ЛердSheryl Chee - Writer --> сценарист, Шерил ЧиPatrick Weekes - Writer, scientist salarian --> сценарист, саларианский ученый, Патрик УиксBen Gelinas - Editor, co-author of The World of Thedas Vol. 1 --> редактор, соавтор 1 тома «Мира Тедаса», Бен ГелинаCaroline Livingstone - Bioware Director of Voice Acting, producer --> продюсер, режиссер озвучания, Кэролайн ЛивингстоунAlistair McNally - Senior Director of Creative Development --> директор по творческому развития (по рекламе, в общем) Алистер МакНеллиFernando Melo - Director of Online Development for DA/ME --> онлайн продюсер ДА и МЕ, Фернандо МелоChristina McSherry - Associate Producer, produces Dragon Age Keep --> директор Dragon Age Keep, Кристина МакШерриScylla Costa - Producer --> продюсер, Сцилла КостаLiz Lehtonen - Producer --> продюсер, Лиз ЛехтоненCameron Lee - Producer, combat team (?) --> продюсер, разработчик боевой системы, Кэмерон ЛиAlain Baxter - Producer --> продюсер, Алан БакстерColleen Perman - Development Manager --> менеджер по развитию, Колин ПерманJason Barlow - Bioware Project Manager --> руководитель проекта, Джейсон БарлоуSebastian Hanlon - gameplay designer --> дизайнер геймплея, Себастьян ХэнлонMichael Liaw - gameplay designer --> дизайнер геймплея Майкл ЛьюJos Hendriks - designer --> дизайнер, Джос ХендриксTyler Lee - user interface lead --> разработчик интерфейса, Тайлер ЛиKyle Scott - producer --> продюсер, Кайл СкоттNick Sadler - envirommental artist --> художник уличных локаций (!!!) кто найдет перевод, тому пирожок) Ник СэдлерNick Thornborrow - concept artist --> художник концептов, Ник ТорнборроуBarbara Klimek - QA analyst --> анализатор вопросов и ответов, Барбара КлимекJosh Stiksma - Senior Gameplay Designer --> старший дизайнер геймплея, Джош СтиксмаRyan Treadwell - Bioware Development Manager --> менеджер по развитию, Райан ТредвеллAndreas Papathanasis - developer --> разработчик, Андреас ПапатанасисBlair Brown - developer, games journalism celebrity --> разработчик, звезда игровой журналистики, Блэр БраунMark Wilson - level designer --> дизайнер уровней, Марк УилсонJason Hill - level designer --> дизайнер уровней, Джейсон ХиллKaelin Lavallee - level designer --> дизайнер уровней, Кэлин ЛаваллиAndre Santos - lighting/environment artist --> художник уличных сцен, Андре СантосDean Roskell - senior designer --> старший дизайнер, Дин РоскеллJocelyn Legault - senior programmer --> старший программист, Джослин ЛегОAsh Matheson - senior software engineer --> главный инженер-программист, Эш МэйтсонAidan Scanlan - Assistant Director of Design (?) --> помощник старшего дизайнера (???) Эйдан СкэнланMatt Rhodes - Bioware senior concept artist, was responsible for DA2 companion concepts. --> главный художник концептов, Мэтт РодсJarrett Lee - Bioware marketing lead --> директор по маректингу, Джаррет ЛиNick Clifford - EA product manager for Dragon Age/Mass Effect --> менеджер по ДА и МЕ от ЕА, Ник КлиффордBrianne Batty - сценарист Пролистайте пару страниц перед тем как постить новости. 39 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Резчица 19 047 5 мая, 2015 Состоялся выход Мира Тедаса глава 2 на английском. Напомню, что у нас издавать будет вот это издательство. https://vk.com/xlmedia 4 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Revelate 10 116 5 мая, 2015 Дополнения вышли. Дуйте качать. 8 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Жанн 11 365 5 мая, 2015 Cameron Lee @Cameron__Lee Players in Dragon Age: Inquisition have logged nearly 200 million gameplay hours since launch. sebastianhanlon @hanlsp Most of it in the Hinterlands. Начиная с релиза, общими усилиями в ДАИ было наиграно 200 миллионов часов. Большая часть из них - беготня по Внутренним землям, ха. Ещё статистика: января-март - 3,4 млн убитых драконов. 1 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
amercafe 20 060 6 мая, 2015 (изменено) Распаковка Dragon Age: World of Thedas (Volume 2) Изменено 6 мая, 2015 пользователем amercafe 4 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
amercafe 20 060 6 мая, 2015 В Keep добавят возможность чтения комиксов онлайн, если вы их приобрели, конечно же. 2 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Жанн 11 365 8 мая, 2015 (изменено) Статья: http://pixologic.com/interview/dragon-age-inquisition/index.php Изменено 8 мая, 2015 пользователем Жанн 13 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Капібара 4 614 8 мая, 2015 С разработчиками про Цитру Виртуоза: 4 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Revelate 10 116 8 мая, 2015 (изменено) Шокирующие новости. Дэвид Гейдер два с половиной часа отвечал на вопросы VGS об истории создания игр Dragon Age. Текст полного интервью будет опубликован в ближайшие недели, но вот некоторые интересные факты из этого погружения в историю: • Dragon Age начиналась как «Хроника» [Chronicle] — такое вот временное название • Первая идея ограничений для магов, возникшая у Дэвида Гейдера, заключалась в том, что им ВООБЩЕ НИКОГДА не разрешалось использовать магию • В исходных набросках игры порождения тьмы не были важной темой • Первым персонажем, написанным Гейдером для Dragon Age, был Логэйн • Концовка с Тёмным ритуалом для «Dragon Age: Начало» была придумана на раннем этапе разработки. Изначально ВСЕ могли завести ребёнка с Морриган, включая героев-женщин. • В какой-то момент планировалось, что ВСЕ сопартийцы «Dragon Age: Начало» появятся в «Инквизиции» • В «Dragon Age: Начало» есть эпилог потому, что разработчики не были уверены, будет ли вторая игра. Теперь Дэвид Гейдер сожалеет о его создании. • Изначально повествование в «Dragon Age: Начало» планировалось ретроспективным: как воспоминания старой женщины — Морриган • Dragon Age II сделали очень быстро — работы над ней начинались даже не как над отдельной игрой • Из Dragon Age II было вырезано много специфичного для магов контента • Дэвид Гейдер взял месяц отпуска после того, как было отменено дополнение к Dragon Age II • Сюжет «Dragon Age: Инквизиция» задумывался гораздо более длинным: примерно в два раза • Концовка «Dragon Age: Инквизиция» переделывалась несколько раз • Из «Dragon Age: Инквизиция», в частности, вырезан эпилог поисков Соласа • В целом объёмы вырезанного из «Dragon Age: Инквизиция» контента сравнимы с Dragon Age II • 80% игроков сделали своего Инквизитора человеком • Дэвид Гейдер не проходил Dragon Age от начала до конца Источник: та самая старая добрая группа по ДА (https://vk.com/wall-11190569_142216) Оригинал: https://twitter.com/VGS_640/with_replies Изменено 8 мая, 2015 пользователем Revelate 41 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
false angel 1 215 9 мая, 2015 (изменено) А вот и та самая литография "LEGENDS".. авторства Ника Торнборроу. Изменено 9 мая, 2015 пользователем false angel 13 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Резчица 19 047 9 мая, 2015 Leliana Her mother’s name was Oisine. She died just after Leliana turned four. Lady Cecilie’s surname is Vasseur. Leliana first went to Val Royeaux when she was 16, and met Marjolaine at the ball there. Beatrix III died in 9:34, and Dorothea became Justinia V and Leliana her Left Hand. Cassandra Parents are Lord Matthias and Lady Tigana Her mother was officially King Markus’ steward but may have been his spymaster Her parents were killed in 9:10, in the “Nevarran Purge.” Anthony was killed in 9:16. Cassandra was 12 when Anthony died and she joined the Seekers. This makes her roughly 37 in Inquisition. She took her vigil at age 15, the youngest to do so since the Storm Age. Cullen Siblings are Mia, Branson, and Rosalie. Cullen is the second-eldest after Mia. Their parents died in Honnleath during the Blight. He was 19 at the time of Broken Circle. This makes him roughly 29 or 30 in Inquisition. Joesphine There is zero new biographical information that you don’t learn in-game in her section, which is disappointing.Solas There is zero new biographical information that you don’t learn in-game in his section, which is disappointing.Dorian Born in 9:11. Parents are Magister Halward Pavus and Lady Aquinea Thalrassian. He was kicked out of several Circles and lost several private tutors as a child because he was an arrogant prat. He eventually ended up in Minrathous at a school run by the Order of Argent, from which he disappeared after three months and was found drunk in an elven brothel by Alexius. It was 9:35 when Felix was tainted, and 9:37 when Dorian left Alexius. (Gideon and Felix’s section says Felix was tainted in 9:38. WTF Bioware?) Was betrothed at birth to a girl from the Everens family. Blackwall (Gordon Blackwall) Recruited to the Wardens in Cumberland in 9:17. Named Warden-Constable in 9:28 to replace Alisse Fontaine when she became Orlesian Warden-Commander. Earned the Silverite Wings of Valor for rescuing a bunch of fellow Wardens from a cave-in into the Deep Roads shortly after the Fifth Blight. Met with Fontaine in 9:36 to discuss her stepping down, and after he left her to return to Val Chevin he wasn’t heard from again until he was recruited by the Inquisition in Ferelden. Blackwall (Thom Ranier) The chevalier from the Grand Tourney was Ser Geoffrey de Bordelon.Vivienne Started in the Ostwick Circle and moved to Montsimmard at age 19. Met Bastien at the Wintersend Ball in 9:16. She has been court enchanter since shortly after Celene’s coronation in 9:20. Vivienne must be at least 44 in Inquisition, based on the other dates given. Iron Bull He was called “Ashkaari” by “Tama.” This means “one who thinks.” Ben-Hassrath agents are supposed to only serve two years in Seheron before the stress is too much, but Bull was there for eight years before he snapped and turned himself in. His former commander became Tal-Vashoth in Seheron and Bull then hunted him down and killed him. Cole (the real Cole) Cole’s death was actively covered up by the Knight-Commander at the time, Laroche. The templar recruit who put Cole in the dungeon disappeared during the mage uprising at the Spire. Cole was brought to the Spire because of the deaths of his family, although neighbors’ testimony indicated that Cole probably killed his father in self-defense and the father had killed Cole’s mother and sister. Cole (the Ghost of the Spire) Was active for “years” before the fall of Kirkwall. He mostly killed those who were about to face their Harrowings and were sure they would fail or be made tranquil.Varric Parents are Andvar and Ilsa Tethras. The Dasher’s Men - 9:18 - his only serial with a dwarven hero. Darktown’s Deal - 9:20 - serial about Kirkwall’s Coterie. The Viper’s Nest - 9:23 - serial about the Merchants’ Guild. Ilsa died in 9:26. When she was ill, Varric wrote The Mercenary’s Price, which he read aloud to her and burned upon her death. Hard in Hightown began in 9:33 - serial about a guardsman caught between a shadowy organization and agents of the Divine. It was available in a complete edition in 9:36. The Tale of the Champion - no publication date given. Sera Described as “tall for an elf.” Probably born in Denerim’s alienage, but no records exist. Lady Emmauld’s first name was Taraline, and she was a merchant. Lady Emmauld died before the Blight and it appears she left everything to Sera, who refused it, all 28,700 gold’s worth. It was placed in trust at the time. The Wardens claimed some of it during the Blight, then Sera lived in the house for a bit after the Blight, then she left the house to the Chantry for “Maybe orphans or some (excrement).” At this point it appears she left for Val Royeaux. Маленькие спойлеры из ВОТА 2. 27 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Капібара 4 614 11 мая, 2015 (изменено) Ещё спойлеров из WoTv2. Alistair Theirin Sent to the monastery at Bournshire in 9:20. Recruited by the Grey Wardens in 9:29. There was a Royal Inquest in 9:31 into who his parents are; the results were inconclusive. Goldanna apparently survived the Blight because she testified at the Inquest. Morrigan First reports of Morrigan were when she appeared in the village of Merinwood on the outskirts of the Korcari Wilds. A templar reports her turning into a bird when she was 12. In 9:20 (”a number of years later”) she was observed watching a group of Avvar hunters. At some point after that she was reported by a villager as having turned into a bear. Appeared in the Orlesian court around the time of the beginning of the mage rebellion. Based on all of the numbers and dates, I’d guess Morrigan to have been born around 9:02 to 9:05. This makes her roughly 25-28 in Origins and 36-38 in Inquisition. Wynne Named for the village where she was captured by Templars, Langwynne. Harrowed just before she turned 17. Aneirin was assigned to her as apprentice when she was 19. She became pregnant with Rhys one year after Aneirin’s (assumed) death. Rhys was born in 9:02 according to his section, which makes Wynne born in 8:82. She was thus 48 in Origins and roughly 58 at the time of her death in Asunder. Zevran Araini Zevran’s father was executed in 9:04. Purchased by the Crows in 9:12 at the age of seven. Taliesin was purchased from a Tevinter wreck at Llomerryn the same year. House Araini was First Talon of the Crows in 9:12, Second Talon in 9:16. Rinnala (Rinna) became part of their House in 9:16, “another of Prince Estefan’s bastards.” Rinna, Taliesin, and Zevran were apprenticed by Master Eoman Araini as a single unit, and Zevran had completed seventeen missions by 9:24. In 9:28, Rinna’s death was part of an agreement with House Valisti to put forth Claudio Valisti as heir to King Natale instead of Rinna. House Araini became Eighth Talon with Master Eoman raised to Grandmaster in exchange for this. Grandmaster Eoman was killed four months after the end of the Fifth Blight. Other Crow murders followed. It appears from all of this that Zevran was born in 9:04 or early 9:05. This makes him 25 at the time of Origins and 36 at the time of Inquisition. Oghren Kondrat House Kondrat was a minor Warrior Caste house. His marriage to Branka was arranged. Branka became a Paragon a year after they married. House Kondrat voted to be absorbed into the new Smith Caste House Branka. He and Felsi had been interested in each other before he married Branka; when she left for the Anvil of the Void they rekindled things. Felsi belonged to a Merchant Caste family. The noble that Oghren killed in a duel (leading to Oghren being forbidden weapons) was Lord Meino’s youngest son. He became a Warden after he dropped his and Felsi’s baby twice due to his drinking. Branka became a Paragon in 9:10, so I’d guess that Oghren was born in roughly 8:90, making him roughly 40 in Origins. Shale She volunteered to become a golem in -255 Ancient. Wilhelm found Shale in the Deep Roads in 8:93. Shale killed Wilhelm in 9:04. Last seen bound for the Circle of Montsimmard and hasn’t been seen since. Sten of the Beresaad In 9:03 he was assigned to guarding the port of Seheron, a job given to young warriors, and was assigned there for three years. He learned languages by asking foreigners at the port. In 9:12 he was a karasaad leading the beresaad in a naval attack on Qarinus. He has a reputation for being curious which is really unusual for qunari. Based on these numbers and dates, I’d guess Sten was born somewhere around 8:90 - kids get their job assignments when they’re 12, so him being at the port in 9:03 means he was likely around that age then. This puts him at roughly 40 in Origins. Loghain Met his wife, Maeve, when she confronted him about his refusal to live in the broken-down Gwaren castle. He hired her to supervise its refitting.(In Origins her name is given as Celia, so who knows WTF). In 9:10 Anora started traveling to Denerim with Loghain. Loghain is awesome at braiding hair and turning bloody battles into bedtime stories. Maeve died in 9:28, after which Loghain never returned to Gwaren. Nathaniel Howe Mother is Eliane Bryland, an herbalist and physician, also sister of Arl Leonas Bryland of South Reach. He squired in the Free Marches under Eliane’s cousin Ser Rudolphe Varley, an Orlesian-born chevalier who was part of the Vael court in Starkhaven. Nathaniel learned archery from one of Ser Rudolphe’s archers despite Rudolphe’s disapproval. Spent eight years with Ser Rudolphe, leaving only to remove the embarrassment of the Howe name from the household after the Fifth Blight. Velanna Seranni is two years younger. She was nine when she discovered her magic. She became First to Keeper Ilshae almost immediately. She left her clan when given a choice by the Keeper: to not get vengeance or to leave. Some others, including Seranni, joined her when she left. The Seeker was acting on the orders of the Architect when he killed Velanna’s clan offshoot and framed humans. Faladhin became First after Velanna left, and became Keeper after Ilshae. Sigrun Her mother’s name was Jana They lived with Jana’s brother Boro, his wife, and their four children in a shack in Dust Town. Mischa was a shop owner who caught Sigrun stealing food but paid for it instead of turning her in to the other shopkeeper. She offered Sigrun a job running errands. Sigrun framed her for stealing a statue of Paragon Bemot, which got Mischa exiled to the surface. She joined the legion after a Warrior Caste guard died chasing her after she stole Damira Helmi’s purse. Varlan Vollney taught her to read and write. Anders His father was from the Anderfels, but came to Ferelden as a boy. Anders was born in a small farming village in Ferelden. He accidentally set the family’s farm on fire when he was twelve. He was called Anders because he refused to speak when he arrived at Kinloch Hold so no one knew his name. Made his first escape attempt less than six months after he arrived at Kinloch Hold. Each time he escaped it took them longer to find him. While Karl and Anders were involved as apprentices, Anders made no escape attempts. Anders and Karl were both harrowed around the same time, after which Karl was sent to Kirkwall. It took him “almost two decades” to get free of the Circle. Based on that, I’d guess Anders was born right around the transition from Blessed to Dragon Age. This would make him roughly 32 in Awakening, roughly 38 at the time of Chantrypalooza, and roughly 42 during Inquisition. Florian Phineas Horatio Aldebrant, Esquire Parents are Magistrate Kingston and Florence of West Hill. His parents spent a huge amount of money to try to get him to go back to the tower instead of following the Warden-Commander. After Witch Hunt, he and Ariane go to his parents’ house and he leaves his robes and hat there in favor of “something leather.” Ariane Likes shemlen pickles.Bethany Hawke Was watched growing up by a mysterious person identified only as “Sade,” from a group that apparently watches apostates. Maybe the Collective?Carver Hawke It took three soldiers to tackle him and drag him to cover at Ostagar.Aveline Vallen Father was Benoit du Lac. Born in Orlais but her father was exiled when she was a child young enough not to remember anything about it or her mother. Her mother “gave everything for Orlais” whatever that means. Merrill Born in Nevarra. The Sabrae Clan sailed from Ferelden on the Pride of Amaranthine. Isabela Isabela’s mother was pretty much a grifter: she posed as a seer named “Madam Hari” and she taught Isabela that it was perfectly fine to steal from people who didn’t watch their stuff well enough. Her mother eventually turned to the Qun, but Isabela refused. She tells a different story about how much her mother sold her for, but once confessed to Varric that all Luis had to do was promise her mother that he would look after her. She married Luis just before she turned nineteen. Luis was a merchant in Antiva City. She learned to read and write in Antiva. Zevran taught Isabela knife fighting. No one knows who contracted the Crows to send Zevran to kill Luis, but Isabela helped him do it. She fought “the Jackdaw” in single combat in Llomerryn to get a crew and contracts for the Siren’s Call. Over ten years, Isabela spent a total of seven months and twenty-one days in various port city jails. Fenris There is zero new biographical information that you don’t learn in-game in his section, which is disappointing.Sebastian Vael Family assassinated muuuurdered in 9:31. Источник. Изменено 11 мая, 2015 пользователем Капібара 15 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Резчица 19 047 12 мая, 2015 Состоялся выход второй главы Мира Тедаса в электронном виде. 9 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Жанн 11 365 13 мая, 2015 .__.' 9 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
amercafe 20 060 14 мая, 2015 Iron Bull Character Kit http://blog.bioware.com/2015/05/14/iron-bull-character-kit/ 3 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Капібара 4 614 24 мая, 2015 Дэвид Гейдер и Video Game Sophistry о Крэме, Дориане и разнообразии: 5 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Paper Tigers 380 28 мая, 2015 Leliana Her mother’s name was Oisine. She died just after Leliana turned four. Lady Cecilie’s surname is Vasseur. Leliana first went to Val Royeaux when she was 16, and met Marjolaine at the ball there. Beatrix III died in 9:34, and Dorothea became Justinia V and Leliana her Left Hand. Cassandra Parents are Lord Matthias and Lady Tigana Her mother was officially King Markus’ steward but may have been his spymaster Her parents were killed in 9:10, in the “Nevarran Purge.” Anthony was killed in 9:16. Cassandra was 12 when Anthony died and she joined the Seekers. This makes her roughly 37 in Inquisition. She took her vigil at age 15, the youngest to do so since the Storm Age. Cullen Siblings are Mia, Branson, and Rosalie. Cullen is the second-eldest after Mia. Their parents died in Honnleath during the Blight. He was 19 at the time of Broken Circle. This makes him roughly 29 or 30 in Inquisition. Joesphine There is zero new biographical information that you don’t learn in-game in her section, which is disappointing.Solas There is zero new biographical information that you don’t learn in-game in his section, which is disappointing.Dorian Born in 9:11. Parents are Magister Halward Pavus and Lady Aquinea Thalrassian. He was kicked out of several Circles and lost several private tutors as a child because he was an arrogant prat. He eventually ended up in Minrathous at a school run by the Order of Argent, from which he disappeared after three months and was found drunk in an elven brothel by Alexius. It was 9:35 when Felix was tainted, and 9:37 when Dorian left Alexius. (Gideon and Felix’s section says Felix was tainted in 9:38. WTF Bioware?) Was betrothed at birth to a girl from the Everens family. Blackwall (Gordon Blackwall) Recruited to the Wardens in Cumberland in 9:17. Named Warden-Constable in 9:28 to replace Alisse Fontaine when she became Orlesian Warden-Commander. Earned the Silverite Wings of Valor for rescuing a bunch of fellow Wardens from a cave-in into the Deep Roads shortly after the Fifth Blight. Met with Fontaine in 9:36 to discuss her stepping down, and after he left her to return to Val Chevin he wasn’t heard from again until he was recruited by the Inquisition in Ferelden. Blackwall (Thom Ranier) The chevalier from the Grand Tourney was Ser Geoffrey de Bordelon.Vivienne Started in the Ostwick Circle and moved to Montsimmard at age 19. Met Bastien at the Wintersend Ball in 9:16. She has been court enchanter since shortly after Celene’s coronation in 9:20. Vivienne must be at least 44 in Inquisition, based on the other dates given. Iron Bull He was called “Ashkaari” by “Tama.” This means “one who thinks.” Ben-Hassrath agents are supposed to only serve two years in Seheron before the stress is too much, but Bull was there for eight years before he snapped and turned himself in. His former commander became Tal-Vashoth in Seheron and Bull then hunted him down and killed him. Cole (the real Cole) Cole’s death was actively covered up by the Knight-Commander at the time, Laroche. The templar recruit who put Cole in the dungeon disappeared during the mage uprising at the Spire. Cole was brought to the Spire because of the deaths of his family, although neighbors’ testimony indicated that Cole probably killed his father in self-defense and the father had killed Cole’s mother and sister. Cole (the Ghost of the Spire) Was active for “years” before the fall of Kirkwall. He mostly killed those who were about to face their Harrowings and were sure they would fail or be made tranquil.Varric Parents are Andvar and Ilsa Tethras. The Dasher’s Men - 9:18 - his only serial with a dwarven hero. Darktown’s Deal - 9:20 - serial about Kirkwall’s Coterie. The Viper’s Nest - 9:23 - serial about the Merchants’ Guild. Ilsa died in 9:26. When she was ill, Varric wrote The Mercenary’s Price, which he read aloud to her and burned upon her death. Hard in Hightown began in 9:33 - serial about a guardsman caught between a shadowy organization and agents of the Divine. It was available in a complete edition in 9:36. The Tale of the Champion - no publication date given. Sera Described as “tall for an elf.” Probably born in Denerim’s alienage, but no records exist. Lady Emmauld’s first name was Taraline, and she was a merchant. Lady Emmauld died before the Blight and it appears she left everything to Sera, who refused it, all 28,700 gold’s worth. It was placed in trust at the time. The Wardens claimed some of it during the Blight, then Sera lived in the house for a bit after the Blight, then she left the house to the Chantry for “Maybe orphans or some (excrement).” At this point it appears she left for Val Royeaux. Маленькие спойлеры из ВОТА 2. Перевод: Лелиана • Мать Лелианы звали Ойсин. Она умерла, лишь Лелиане исполнилось четыре. • Леди Сесиль носила фамилию Васёр. • Впервые в Вал Руайо Лелиана оказалась в возрасте 16 лет. Именно там, на балу она встретила Маржолайн. • Беатрикс III скончалась в 9:34, и Доротея стала Верховной Жрицей Джустинией V, а Лелиана её левой рукой. Кассандра • Родители Кассандры лорд Маттиас и леди Тигана. • Официально мать Кассандры была сенешалем короля Маркуса, но, говорят, она могла служить его тайным канцлером. • Родители были убиты в 9:10 во время так называемых «неваррских репрессий». • Её брат Энтони был убит в 9:16. • Кассандре было 12 лет, когда Энтони погиб, и она вступила в орден Искателей. • Основываясь на всем этом, можно заключить, что во время событий «Инквизиции» ей около 37 лет. • Бдение Кассандра прошла в возрасте 15 лет, она была самым молодым членом ордена, отправившимся на бдение, со времен века Бури. Каллен • Имена сестер Каллена – Мия и Розали, а брата его зовут Брэнсон. • Самой старшей является Мия, затем идет Каллен. • Их родители скончались в деревне Хоннлит во время Мора. • Каллену было 19 лет, когда произошли события в Башне ферелденского Круга. • Судя по всему, во время событий «Инквизиции» ему приблизительно 29-30 лет. Жозефина • О Жозефине не говорится ничего нового, лишь то, что игрок может узнать из диалогов с ней в игре. Солас • О Соласе также нет новой информации. Дориан • Рожден в 9:11. • Его родители – магистр Холуард Павус и леди Аквина Талрассиан. • Так как Дориан был высокомерным и заносчивым ребенком, его исключали из нескольких Кругов, и он лишился пары частных учителей. • В конце концов, Дориан оказался в Минратосе, в школе, возглавляемой Серебряным Орденом. Через 3 месяца он пропал из стен школы и был найден Алексиусом пьяным в эльфийском борделе. • Феликс был заражен скверной в 9:35, а в 9:37 Дориан покинул Алексиуса (Однако в разделе о Феликсе говорится, что он заразился в 9:38). • Еще при рождении Дориан был обещан в мужья девушке из семейства Эверенс. Блэкволл (Гордон Блэкволл) • Был завербован стражами в 9:17 в Камберленде. • В 9:28 принял звание Констебля Стражей, заменив Алисс Фонтейн, ставшую орлесианским Стражем-Командором. • Получил Серебряный крылья за доблесть, во время спасения стражей-товарищей из обвала на Глубинных тропах незадолго после Пятого Мора. • Вновь встретился с Фонтейн в 9:36, чтобы обсудить ее отставку, после разговора Блэкволл отправился в Вал Шевин, после чего о нем ничего не было слышно, до тех пор, пока он не был завербован Инквизицией в Ферелдене. Блэкволл (Том Ренье) • Шевалье с Большого Турнира звали сер Джеффри де Борделон. Вивьенн • Изначально Вивьенн обучалась в Круге в Оствике, затем была переведена в Монсиммар в возрасте 19 лет. • Встретила Бастьена в 9:16 на зимнем балу. • Была назначена придворной чародейкой вскоре после коронации Селины в 9:20. • Согласно этим датам, возраст Вивьенн во время событий Инквизиции составляет, по крайней мере, 44 года. Железный Бык • Тамассран называла Быка «Ашкаари», что значит «тот, кто думает». • Предполагается, что агенты Бен-Хазрат служат на Сегероне порядка 2 лет, после чего стресс достигает пика, однако Бык пробыл там 8 лет, прежде чем сдался перевоспитателям. • Его бывший предводитель стал тал-васготом, будучи на Сегероне. Бык выследил и убил его. Коул (Настоящий Коул) • Рыцарь-Командор Ларох всеми силами пытался скрыть смерть Коула. • Храмовник, закрывший Коула в подземелье, испарился во время восстания магов в Шпиле. • Коул оказался в Шпиле из-за смерти своей семьи, хотя соседи утверждали, что, вероятнее всего, Коул убил собственного отца, пытаясь защититься. Его отец убил свою жену, мать Коула, и его сестру. Коул (Призрак Шпиля) • Еще до событий в Киркволле, Призрак на протяжении лет жил в Шпиле. В большинстве своем, он убивал лишь тех магов, что боялись провалиться на Истязаниях и стать усмиренными. Варрик • Родители Варрика – Андвар и Ильза Тетрас. • Неизгладимое впечатление - 9:18 – единственная книга, где героем является гном. • Темные дела в Клоаке - 9:20 – серия книг о киркволльской хартии. • Гнездо Змея - 9:23 – серия книг о Торговой Гильдии. • Ильза скончалась в 9:26. Когда Ильза была больна, Варрик написал книгу Награда Наемника, он читал ее вслух своей матери, а после ее смерти сжег произведение. • Трудная жизнь в Верхнем городе была начата в 9:33 – серия книг о стражнике, оказавшимся между тайной организацией и агентами Верховной Жрицы. Полная версия была доступна в 9:36. • История Защитника – дата публикации не указана. Сера • Её описывают как «высокая для эльфа» • Вероятнее всего, Сера родилась в денеримском эльфинаже, однако каких-либо записей не существует. • Леди Эммальд звали Таралин, она была торговцем. • Леди Эммальд скончалась еще до Мора и, очевидно, все свою имущество, оцениваемое в 28,700 золотых, она оставила Сере, которая от него отказалась. После этого имущество временно перешло под управление властей. Во время Мора Стражи воспользовались данным имуществом, а после Мора Сера непродолжительное время жила в доме леди Эммальд. После чего она передала дом в пользование церкви для «сирот и прочих бедолаг». Именно тогда она отправилась в Вал Руайо. 19 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
amercafe 20 060 28 мая, 2015 Dorian Character Kit http://blog.bioware.com/2015/05/28/dorian-character-kit/ 6 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Мина 5 765 30 мая, 2015 Сейчас идет работ над новым контентом. "Последние три дня прошли с той странной загруженностью, которая делает разработчиков наркоманами. Сложно когда всё наваливается" "Над чем работаете? Вы ведь не из команды МЭ, да?" " Мы ещё не закончили с ДАИ контентом." 22 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
false angel 1 215 3 июня, 2015 Открыта запись на бета-тестирование #DAI Patch 8. Записаться можно здесь: https://dragonagekeep.com/DAIPatchBETA/ via the_world_of_dragonage 4 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
WeAreLegion 15 270 9 июня, 2015 (изменено) DLC Spoils of Avvar Origin 249 р. Изменено 9 июня, 2015 пользователем WeAreLegion 6 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Жанн 11 365 17 июня, 2015 Mike Laidlaw @Mike_Laidlaw Dragon Age has a new protagonist with every major chapter. Напоминание о том, что в каждой новой ДА свой протагонист. 14 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Мина 5 765 19 июня, 2015 О самом крутом женском персонаже вселенной ДА и о самой крутой актрисе 10 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Revelate 10 116 23 июня, 2015 (изменено) В Сеть просочился новый опрос, касающийся последнего сюжетного дополнения к «Dragon Age: Инквизиция». Дополнение «решит судьбу» Инквизиции — оно представляет собой как её последнее приключение, так и следующую миссию. Содержание нового дополнения вращается вокруг столкновения с «тем, кто всё это начал» и противостояния «большому злу, прежде чем станет слишком поздно». Варианты описания включают такие пункты: Проверьте свои силы против дисциплинированной и закалённой в боях армии кунари; Исследуйте различные новые области по всему Тедасу; Раскройте тайны Тени, которые изменят ваше представление о мире; Докажите своё мастерство в новом дополнительном игровом режиме, который бросит вызов даже ветеранам. Стоит отметить, что, как и в случае любой утечки, к данной информации стоит отнестись с долей скептицизма. И учитывать, что речь не обязательно о «следующем» DLC.Соус - https://vk.com/feed?w=wall-11190569_144427 Изменено 23 июня, 2015 пользователем Revelate 18 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Капібара 4 614 26 июня, 2015 Первая часть интервью VGS с Дэвидом Гейдером (англ) Выдержки: In this hour long sit down with David we jump into the beginning of the series Dragon Age Origins. Beginning with where the concept of Dragon Age began David originally had some very different idea with how Mages should be treated in the world. David Gaider: Well, in cities. Unless you received prescription from the Circle, you weren’t allowed to use it. The idea was that you would get that prescription, but using it in a city or anything that – I think the sentiment against mages was eventually supposed to be a lot more like somebody saying that you’re mage is like somebody saying you’re a vampire. That just had to be loosened up, not only to let the mage or the player who is playing the mage have a little bit more freedom but also so that we didn’t have to worry so much about encountering enemy mages, so that they could exist around the world. And as I recall, the darkspawn weren’t initially a thing either. I didn’t account for them in the world in that first draft. I think we didn’t really have a story because I went and made a world and I tried to seed in different part of that world like this is an interesting kind of conflict so it could be a game. But we didn’t know the first game took place in Ferelden. That was not a thing. It was a matter of here’s our world. It has some interesting places within it. What are some stories we could tell? And I remember the idea of the darkspawn came up, and that was a big thing obviously because that was like, okay, let’s incorporate this into the history. How would these constant attacks by the darkspawn, how would that change history? What would that do? That spawned the Grey Wardens, and I think it was James who said he liked the Grey Warden idea, the idea of being part of an order that is in modern times reduced in relevance. They’re sort of ancient heroes. So, he was like, let’s go with that. And so the idea of a new Blight starting in Ferelden became our first story, but that wasn’t where we started. As for the characters you know and love in Dragon Age Origins, David really didn’t believe some would as popular as they eventually became. In the process of writer this game Bioware introduce the option of individualized “Origins” that would create a starting point and additional motivation for your player in the game, over a decade ago looking back, that process was intended to be A LOT more expansive. DG: sort of a Luke Skywalker beginning where you were growing up on a farm and it got attacked by a darkspawn. And I think there was a barbarian origin where you played an Avvar. That one was weird but kind of interesting. It made less sense because then you’re coming into a world where even as a human you wouldn’t know a lot about human society so it required all sort of Avvar specific options. I think those were the two that went furthest, that went past the concept stage. Because I remember the human commoner especially we had like five different versions we tried until we realized that human commoner humble origins beginning worked best if you were in a Chosen One kind of scenario, not so much with what we were going for. Once we settled on the ones we had, we wanted for them to have reactivity once you were finished playing the origin. So that you would have dialogue specific and at least something happened during the course, whether you meet someone like Gorim, you meet up with that character again. Or if you’re Dalish you find out what exactly happened to Tamlin. Or the human noble, you had a much personal connection to Arl Howe. He was your initial nemesis. They have some reactivity – the whole game was about reactivity, not just to your choices but to who you were. If you were an elf, we wanted you to experience the racism that would accompany that. That was all intentional. Dragon Age: Origins was sort of an exercise in scope creep. That’s what we call it just because we had ideas. Oh, that’s great! Let’s put it in! And then I think about three quarters of the way through production it was like, wow. Maybe we need to stop putting things into the game or we will never ever finish. When making a title this large your mind is going to wander. As a result David had some really out of the box ideas for the franchise that he still see’s as cannon, the concepts of Morrigan and the Dark ritual was one of the first things discussed but it was meant to be a little more open and inclusive for all characters, an entire subplot involving Empress Celene was scrapped, not to mention MORRIGAN was actually intended to be Flemeth! What! Read below DG: Initially I think everyone could have a baby with Morrigan, even female players. That was on the table at one point. A lot of it, I think, boiled down to that we had so many pokers in the fire that we just couldn’t fulfill all of them. And a lot of it was cut just due to space. Like, there was an entire other version of the encounter with Morrigan at the end if you were in love with her or were her friend as opposed to having one version that kind of fit all. And we just couldn’t do them. Even though the fans never realize that, when it finally goes out the door you feel like you’ve put out this hacked, slap dashed thing covered in band aids. And you’re like, oh, god, it’s gonna seem terrible. There’s an entire plot that involved Empress Celene of Orlais visiting Denerim and being caught in Denerim when the siege happens, and she was going to marry King Cailin but he’s dead now. So there’s an entire, giant plot that surrounded that, almost as big as some of the other ones. It’s like, don’t you wish you had put that in the game? In order to do that, okay, if you think we should have done that, go back to all those other plots you loved and cut them down by half. Take half that story out and figure out how to make that work. Because that’s what would have had to be done. We have a finite amount of resources that does not change. So, if you want more shells to go into this basket, you have to pick where the shells come from elsewhere. I think the ultimate lesson was that we have to be a little bit more careful. What we intended with the epilogue slides was while they did tie things up, they’re meant to remain as subjective as everything else. A lot of it talks about this understood or it’s heard. There was a time when the origin story had a historical framing. It wasbeing told as a story in the distance past by an old woman that you initially would have thought was Gaider has been working on this franchise for more than 10 years and with the magic beauty of hindsight, he has the option to opine on how Origins set the stage for the franchise going forward all the way to Inquisition. WHY CAN’T ALL THESE CHARACTERS FROM DRAGON ORIGINS COME BACK IN INQUISITION DG: Looking at Dragon Age: Inquisition, our initial plans, I think we had just about everyone from Origins and DA2 appearing at some point physically. And that was just too much. It was cumbersome from the story perspective. All of those characters had models that couldn’t be reused, which meant the artists would have had to create specific bodies. Okay, yes, we could have done those faces, if not bodies. Some characters like Fenris, who has a very specific appearance body wise as well as face, would have required more work than others. But, yes, they could have done all those faces. And then, okay, now we’ve used this much resources for all these call backs to the previous games. Now what about all the new stuff we need for the story we’re currently doing? So, yeah, you have to make some hard decisions about what you need, like we leaned more toward the characters that we had present uses for. And still trying to, well, if this character doesn’t appear what could we do that is a shout out to those players who like that character? And then, of course, speaking to an individual fan, everybody has different priorities. They love this one character so much it’s so grossly unfair that why did this other character get an entire plot about them and this character didn’t even appear? They can rage. And I totally get it. You love each of those characters that you worked on in different ways. And you’d love to have them all come together in some sort of massive – If we actually had all characters from previous games involved on the same level, I can’t imagine what kind of Age of Ultron – Can you imagine? I don’t even know what that would look like, how many different characters you would have popping up. And, god forbid you were somebody that hadn’t been with Dragon Age right from the beginning. You’d be like, what is this? Am I supposed to know who this character is? 3 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Сильвен 21 957 2 июля, 2015 Марк Дарра на вопрос о новостях по DLC ответил: "Скоро". 19 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты