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Mass Effect 3 — Возможный комментарий сценариста BioWare о финале игры

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Не ну:

Bresha - Female krogan, distant granddaughter of Wrex. Бреша - внучка Рэкса

Liara - Matriarch (Approved) Лиара - матриарх


Tali - Seeks reestablishment of the mass effect. - Тали - ищет способ восстановления эффекта массы.

Я единственный, кто видит здесь нестыковку по времени?

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Если хотя бы половина из того что там написано - правда, то лучше пусть всё остаётся так как остаётся...

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Не ну:

Bresha - Female krogan, distant granddaughter of Wrex. Бреша - внучка Рэкса

Liara - Matriarch (Approved) Лиара - матриарх


Tali - Seeks reestablishment of the mass effect. - Тали - ищет способ восстановления эффекта массы.

Я единственный, кто видит здесь нестыковку по времени?

Не единственный. Но еще интеереснее вот это:

Liara - Reconstruction of Thessia. Introduction of Prothean truths. Formal burial<br>of mother at family gravesite.

Какая нафиг Тессия и семейное кладбище, как они туда попали без ретрансляторов?

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РУКАЛИЦО 100500 раз. Пожалуйста, пусть это будет фэйк.

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осилила первые две трети постов, так что если повторяюсь, простите. у меня тоже есть свои пять копеек)

как-то не верится, что компания. подарившая нам такие потрясающие первые две части (да и другие игры) могла так скомкать концовку. ну деньги, ограниченные сроки - вроде бы все понятно, но черт, это же не укладывается в голове. в этом свете теория лживых концовок мне кажется очень жизнеспособной. вот две видюшки. Лучше смотреть первую, здесь все очень подробно.

если кому-то трудно воспринимать английский, вот видюшка Юзи (ее, кстати, по-моему где-то в теме уже видела). у него правда более кратко все описано, меньше фактов озвучено, но тоже хорошо и главное эмоционально =)))

да, хочется верить в хорошее, но мне объективно кажется все логичным. чего только стоит ранение Андерсона и появление такой же раны у Шепарда и прочее прочее

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Плюсую. Первый ролик шикарен. Профессионально сделан, даже не верится что это фанфик.

А с этой теорией возможно два диаметрально противоположных исхода. Если окажется правдой (или БВ "подыграют"), то будет эпичнейший вин БВ. Если неправда (95% prob.) - то нынешний былинный фейл концовок МЕ3 только усугубится.

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Один из ресурсов, получаемых у Лиары в кабинете, позволяет морду исправить.

я перенес ренегата а лицо у него с самого начала не покоцаная(((

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p.s. Так же это очень похоже на девелоперскую сводку с пометками, некоторые которые могут понять только они сами. Например: "Уточнить у Dx(?)" или "Dx одобрил этот вариант" - Кто такой Dx, тоже великая тайна покрытая мраком.

Надеюсь фейк.Информация в стиле - А может, все-таки, в морг? - Доктор сказал "в реанимацию" - значит в реанимацию!

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Не единственный. Но еще интеереснее вот это:

Liara - Reconstruction of Thessia. Introduction of Prothean truths. Formal burial<br>of mother at family gravesite.

Какая нафиг Тессия и семейное кладбище, как они туда попали без ретрансляторов?

Ну Лиара азари, ей можно участвовть в затяжных перелетах. Но с другой стороны бред. Перелеты, когда вся команда в криокапсулах, например, это уже из другой оперы. Даешь ретрансляторы. А то уцепились в то, что это технология жнецов и значит ее в утиль. Главное правило забыли: "Если что-то работает как надо, НЕ ТРОГАЙ!".

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я перенес ренегата а лицо у него с самого начала не покоцаная(((

С самого начала нет. Но если будешь гнуть злодейскую линию, она будет коцаться по ходу, как в МЕ-2 было

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Я лучше буду воспринимать концовку как борьбу за разум Шепарда, чем то, чем она сейчас по сути является. Надеюсь на дополнения.

<p>Может быть и высказывали, но пофиг - какого фига Андерсон делает на Цитадели, если прямым текстом за минуту до этого говорится, что они с отрядом отступили к руинам? Бред<br></p><p>Ну и ещё для меня небольшим фактом в пользу теории подчинения разума Шепарда жнецам мб то, что как много раз говорили в серии игр - под воздействием Пожинателей функции  и возможности объекта снижаются - все основные неудачи Шепарда (по крайней мере у меня) произошли под конец - эпично слил инфу с Тессии, эпично продул Кай Ленгу при том, что сумел в открытом бою одолеть лучшего Спектра \цитадели и т. д. Сдавать стал старичок. </p>

Если на этом Биовары решат закончить - это будет некрасиво и подло. МЭ1 - классно. МЭ2 - достойное продолжение в чем то лучше, в чем то хуже. МЭ3 - жду дополнений.

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Новая инфа с 4chan, переводите.

Last night I leaked the only available digital details of Terminator and Mass

Shift. After speaking with a close friend who is an attorney, I've decided

to take the risk of of expounding.

I am a virtual lightning technician who has been working for BioWare for over 8

years now. I've been the sole creator of the lighting partitions of all of

BioWare's engines and engine plugins in recent years. In layman's terms, I am

a very specific kind of graphics artist.

I am no longer a part of the companies in question.

My reasoning for the leak was to draw attention to what BioWare has become. The

company, for about 5 years now, has been dominated by EA Games' strict timetables

and budget restraints. I'd like to express my continuing admiration of BioWare and

the entirety of its staff--the most talented staff I've had the priviledge to work

with in my career, which spans 19 years. My admiration for them is why I even

bother to draw attention to the predicament that the company now faces.

I am not a doomsayer. BioWare likely has a successful road ahead of them, but the

money stops mattering so much when female colleagues get off the phone with EA

upper management crying over threats of replacement. The success stops mattering

when a dark cloud hangs over a team that is doing the best with the restraints

that have been placed upon them. Nothing was more heartbreaking than the moment

when Dragon Age 2, which was not yet in alpha status, was shipped out the

door. I thought that was a one-time thing, but it is becoming clear that that was

just the beginning.

To the staff: Though you and I are both under contract, know that EA will not

pursue you if you simply stand together. You are the most talented people in the

industry and every publisher would be honored to have you.

>> y.m. !ad7SQLiiVQ 03/25/12(Sun)04:41 No.2441074

To the fans: Please do not be discouraged by what little PR EA allows to get out.

You haven't spoken to BioWare, the real meat of the company, in over 5 years.

BioWare is still full of people who love video games, who want to put passion into

their games--but they are being stifled. Don't be angry with BioWare. Be angry

with those who are stifling them. But your anger isn't enough. Speak with your

money. It's the only language EA Games understands. I know it can be very hard to

resist falling for pre-order and DLC ploys, but it must be done. Your forum posts

and petitions are meaningless when compared to the simple dollar.


I'd like to clarify some things about the leak:

- The leak is the content of a digital blackboard we have at the office. It's the

first thing you see when you walk into Production. It's right next to our

storyboards. Only the director and writers can edit the outline, but the entire

team is asked to make suggestions throughout development. The outline always

changes dramatically during development. Sometimes, major plot twists are totally

changed, or characters are removed. Generally, the artists and the director have

the final say. You may think that it's odd that artists have so much power, but

throwing away completed models and other assets that have consumed a lot of time

is frowned upon. If they've worked on something long enough, they are going to

implement it somehow.

- Like in most development cycles, the outline is relatively abandoned right now,

replaced by the storyboards. But I can't exactly take the storyboards off of the

walls and scan them.

>> y.m. !ad7SQLiiVQ 03/25/12(Sun)04:41 No.2441101

- Terminator is a post-ending DLC. It's been in production for months. Javik was

originally from Terminator, but they bumped him up because they felt that ME3's

cast was too small. Terminator is about the party crash landing on a Prothean

planet on the edge of Sol, and then they have to figure out a way to make contact

with the rest of the system and get off of the planet.

- When they do get spaceborne, they return to Earth, which is gripped in a war.

Certain species are demanding they be allowed to take the most advanced space

ships out of the system, because Sol cannot support them. There is also mass panic

because the relay transport system has been destroyed, and Sol's remaining resources

are going to run out in less than a year.

- Shepard has been found on Earth, but he is badly injured and in a coma. He was

burned badly during atmospheric re-entry, and certain synthetic components of his

brain were shut down. Chakwas is certain that if he ever awakens, it will be in a

vegetative state.

- At this point, it is suggested that Shepard's broken synthetic parts could be

replaced with new ones. The party then splits up, and you go to three different

planets/areas to find synthetic components that may be able to help him.

- It is revealed that one of the valid components can be extracted from EDI. Joker

allows them to do so.

>> y.m. !ad7SQLiiVQ 03/25/12(Sun)04:42 No.2441128

- Though still badly wounded, after the synthetic pieces are installed, Shepard

finally awakens. He makes a speech at the Spacescraper (a piece of the Citadel

that crash landed on Earth along with Shepard, now used as a center of

operations) that ends the Sol War. After that, you get a unique cutscene based

on who you did or did not romance in ME3.

- This is not addressed in the Terminator DLC, but from the moment Shepard comes

out of the coma, he is the Catalyst. Shepard permanently died during atmospheric

re-entry. The characters and the player in Terminator are unaware that it is not

the real Shepard, and this will not be revealed until Mass Shift, the spiritual

successor to the Mass Effect series.

- Mass Shift is not Mass Effect 4. Mass Shift will involve the same universe,

characters, and story, but it will be more action-oriented. Space flight, for

example, will be as intricate as ME3's combat. In Mass Shift, you will actively fly

Murmur, a Reaper that is controlled by the Catalyst. Storyboards have not been

drawn up for exactly how this will work yet, but when we came up with the initial

concept, we were comparing flight to "Gradius III and Kingdom Hearts 2", and the

relationship between the Catalyst and Murmur was compared to the one between the

boy and the monster in "The Last Guardian".

- Xy was actually going to be a DLC character for Mass Effect 2, but he was axed in

favor of Kasumi, who was modeled after the sister of a staff member who kept baking

the entire staff cookies. They're introducing him in Mass Shift instead.

y.m. !ad7SQLiiVQ 03/25/12(Sun)04:43 No.2441150

- BioWare has been meaning to introduce a main character suicide plot element for some

time now. They intended to do this with Kaidan/Ashley in Mass Effect 2, wrought with

guilt over the death of the other, but this idea was discarded when the director felt

that it would be too forced, and that players would feel as though BioWare simply

killed them off so that they wouldn't have to deal with their character branches


- Though the details are very sketchy at this point, Mass Shift revolves around

the Catalyst (who now inhabits the body of Shepard), who seeks to prevent the

galaxy from advancing synthetics. This pits the Catalyst against virtually the

entire galaxy, which is quickly forgetting about the threat that synthetics pose.

The Catalyst, throughout the game, will endure inner turmoil caused by

his "other side" (EDI), who carries the belief that synthetics and organics can

peacefully co-exist.

- Mass Shift will feature more tactical combat, but with less cover. For example,

Filbert, while slow on the battlefield, can create a sphere of biotic energy around

himself that can repel a certain amount of fire. This will allow party members to

stand around him to receive all kinds of interesting "buffs".

- Other minor things have changed. For example, storyboards indicate that Asad

Grim, Mass Shift's primary (but not final--he joins your team) antagonist does not

wear a typical Volus suit. You will be able to see most of his body.

- Mass Shift takes place about one millennium after the events of ME3.

- Note that branching is the last stage of development. BioWare always begins with

a canonical outline, and then adjusts the outline details to accommodate player

choice in most scenarios.

y.m. !ad7SQLiiVQ 03/25/12(Sun)04:53 No.2441505

Witch Hunt is a Dragon Age DLC. It caused an in-house ****storm because of canon

issues. An employee quit over it. It's used as a reference for how to "correctly"

deal with design plans that may interfere with player choice. It has nothing to do

with Mass Effect.

I don't know what Dragon Age: Return is, but Dragon Age 3 is codename "Redfish" right

now. It's in development.

This is the last you will hear from me. Bye.

Изменено пользователем Corsair9875

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Новая инфа, переводите.

Last night I leaked the only available digital details of Terminator and Mass

Shift. After speaking with a close friend who is an attorney, I've decided

to take the risk of of expounding.

I am a virtual lightning technician who has been working for BioWare for over 8

years now. I've been the sole creator of the lighting partitions of all of

BioWare's engines and engine plugins in recent years. In layman's terms, I am

a very specific kind of graphics artist.

I am no longer a part of the companies in question.

My reasoning for the leak was to draw attention to what BioWare has become. The

company, for about 5 years now, has been dominated by EA Games' strict timetables

and budget restraints. I'd like to express my continuing admiration of BioWare and

the entirety of its staff--the most talented staff I've had the priviledge to work

with in my career, which spans 19 years. My admiration for them is why I even

bother to draw attention to the predicament that the company now faces.

I am not a doomsayer. BioWare likely has a successful road ahead of them, but the

money stops mattering so much when female colleagues get off the phone with EA

upper management crying over threats of replacement. The success stops mattering

when a dark cloud hangs over a team that is doing the best with the restraints

that have been placed upon them. Nothing was more heartbreaking than the moment

when Dragon Age 2, which was not yet in alpha status, was shipped out the

door. I thought that was a one-time thing, but it is becoming clear that that was

just the beginning.

To the staff: Though you and I are both under contract, know that EA will not

pursue you if you simply stand together. You are the most talented people in the

industry and every publisher would be honored to have you.

>> y.m. !ad7SQLiiVQ 03/25/12(Sun)04:41 No.2441074

To the fans: Please do not be discouraged by what little PR EA allows to get out.

You haven't spoken to BioWare, the real meat of the company, in over 5 years.

BioWare is still full of people who love video games, who want to put passion into

their games--but they are being stifled. Don't be angry with BioWare. Be angry

with those who are stifling them. But your anger isn't enough. Speak with your

money. It's the only language EA Games understands. I know it can be very hard to

resist falling for pre-order and DLC ploys, but it must be done. Your forum posts

and petitions are meaningless when compared to the simple dollar.


I'd like to clarify some things about the leak:

- The leak is the content of a digital blackboard we have at the office. It's the

first thing you see when you walk into Production. It's right next to our

storyboards. Only the director and writers can edit the outline, but the entire

team is asked to make suggestions throughout development. The outline always

changes dramatically during development. Sometimes, major plot twists are totally

changed, or characters are removed. Generally, the artists and the director have

the final say. You may think that it's odd that artists have so much power, but

throwing away completed models and other assets that have consumed a lot of time

is frowned upon. If they've worked on something long enough, they are going to

implement it somehow.

- Like in most development cycles, the outline is relatively abandoned right now,

replaced by the storyboards. But I can't exactly take the storyboards off of the

walls and scan them.

>> y.m. !ad7SQLiiVQ 03/25/12(Sun)04:41 No.2441101

- Terminator is a post-ending DLC. It's been in production for months. Javik was

originally from Terminator, but they bumped him up because they felt that ME3's

cast was too small. Terminator is about the party crash landing on a Prothean

planet on the edge of Sol, and then they have to figure out a way to make contact

with the rest of the system and get off of the planet.

- When they do get spaceborne, they return to Earth, which is gripped in a war.

Certain species are demanding they be allowed to take the most advanced space

ships out of the system, because Sol cannot support them. There is also mass panic

because the relay transport system has been destroyed, and Sol's remaining resources

are going to run out in less than a year.

- Shepard has been found on Earth, but he is badly injured and in a coma. He was

burned badly during atmospheric re-entry, and certain synthetic components of his

brain were shut down. Chakwas is certain that if he ever awakens, it will be in a

vegetative state.

- At this point, it is suggested that Shepard's broken synthetic parts could be

replaced with new ones. The party then splits up, and you go to three different

planets/areas to find synthetic components that may be able to help him.

- It is revealed that one of the valid components can be extracted from EDI. Joker

allows them to do so.

>> y.m. !ad7SQLiiVQ 03/25/12(Sun)04:42 No.2441128

- Though still badly wounded, after the synthetic pieces are installed, Shepard

finally awakens. He makes a speech at the Spacescraper (a piece of the Citadel

that crash landed on Earth along with Shepard, now used as a center of

operations) that ends the Sol War. After that, you get a unique cutscene based

on who you did or did not romance in ME3.

- This is not addressed in the Terminator DLC, but from the moment Shepard comes

out of the coma, he is the Catalyst. Shepard permanently died during atmospheric

re-entry. The characters and the player in Terminator are unaware that it is not

the real Shepard, and this will not be revealed until Mass Shift, the spiritual

successor to the Mass Effect series.

- Mass Shift is not Mass Effect 4. Mass Shift will involve the same universe,

characters, and story, but it will be more action-oriented. Space flight, for

example, will be as intricate as ME3's combat. In Mass Shift, you will actively fly

Murmur, a Reaper that is controlled by the Catalyst. Storyboards have not been

drawn up for exactly how this will work yet, but when we came up with the initial

concept, we were comparing flight to "Gradius III and Kingdom Hearts 2", and the

relationship between the Catalyst and Murmur was compared to the one between the

boy and the monster in "The Last Guardian".

- Xy was actually going to be a DLC character for Mass Effect 2, but he was axed in

favor of Kasumi, who was modeled after the sister of a staff member who kept baking

the entire staff cookies. They're introducing him in Mass Shift instead.

y.m. !ad7SQLiiVQ 03/25/12(Sun)04:43 No.2441150

- BioWare has been meaning to introduce a main character suicide plot element for some

time now. They intended to do this with Kaidan/Ashley in Mass Effect 2, wrought with

guilt over the death of the other, but this idea was discarded when the director felt

that it would be too forced, and that players would feel as though BioWare simply

killed them off so that they wouldn't have to deal with their character branches


- Though the details are very sketchy at this point, Mass Shift revolves around

the Catalyst (who now inhabits the body of Shepard), who seeks to prevent the

galaxy from advancing synthetics. This pits the Catalyst against virtually the

entire galaxy, which is quickly forgetting about the threat that synthetics pose.

The Catalyst, throughout the game, will endure inner turmoil caused by

his "other side" (EDI), who carries the belief that synthetics and organics can

peacefully co-exist.

- Mass Shift will feature more tactical combat, but with less cover. For example,

Filbert, while slow on the battlefield, can create a sphere of biotic energy around

himself that can repel a certain amount of fire. This will allow party members to

stand around him to receive all kinds of interesting "buffs".

- Other minor things have changed. For example, storyboards indicate that Asad

Grim, Mass Shift's primary (but not final--he joins your team) antagonist does not

wear a typical Volus suit. You will be able to see most of his body.

- Mass Shift takes place about one millennium after the events of ME3.

- Note that branching is the last stage of development. BioWare always begins with

a canonical outline, and then adjusts the outline details to accommodate player

choice in most scenarios.

y.m. !ad7SQLiiVQ 03/25/12(Sun)04:53 No.2441505

Witch Hunt is a Dragon Age DLC. It caused an in-house ****storm because of canon

issues. An employee quit over it. It's used as a reference for how to "correctly"

deal with design plans that may interfere with player choice. It has nothing to do

with Mass Effect.

I don't know what Dragon Age: Return is, but Dragon Age 3 is codename "Redfish" right

now. It's in development.

This is the last you will hear from me. Bye.


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По сути, что одно DLC - это побег товарищей с той планеты и реанимация Шепарда (поиск синтетических компонентов на замену), а второе - событие спустя 1000 лет. В любом случае бред сивой кобылы. Для 3к есть Космические рейнджеры.

Тем более не люблю, когда информация от "уволенных" сотрудников.

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в этом уже есть какая-то логика, но все-таки - что происходит с синтезом

Ну Лиара азари, ей можно участвовть в затяжных перелетах. Но с другой стороны бред. Перелеты, когда вся команда в криокапсулах, например, это уже из другой оперы. Даешь ретрансляторы. А то уцепились в то, что это технология жнецов и значит ее в утиль. Главное правило забыли: "Если что-то работает как надо, НЕ ТРОГАЙ!".

Джокер-то не азари, а он типа жив... Или это два разных ДЛЦ?

И что происходит с нашими любимыми тремя разноцветными концовками? Куда делись контроль и синтез?

Изменено пользователем Hoffmann

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- Shepard has been found on Earth, but he is badly injured and in a coma. He was

burned badly during atmospheric re-entry, and certain synthetic components of his

brain were shut down.

Голосом волка из "Жил-был пес": "Шо? Опять???"

Изменено пользователем Hoffmann

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в этом уже есть какая-то логика, но все-таки - что происходит с синтезом

Джокер-то не азари, а он типа жив... Или это два разных ДЛЦ?

И что происходит с нашими любимыми тремя разноцветными концовками? Куда делись контроль и синтез?

Получается, что сколько не пели про отсутствие канонов, уничтожение - канон(причем с овер 5К силы). Так что скорее всего очерендная утка.

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Короче, можно расслабиться. Просто какой-то форчановец с хорошей фантазией троллит социалку.

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Голосом волка из "Жил-был пес": "Шо? Опять???"

Сцену Призрак/Сарен вспомнить можно. Самоповтор нынче в моде.

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Получается, что сколько не пели про отсутствие канонов, уничтожение - канон(причем с овер 5К силы). Так что скорее всего очерендная утка.

Когда-то такую штуку проделали c Реваном. Но, во-первых, одно дело Реван, а другое - вся Галактика, и во-вторых, одно дело - установить канон после окончания игры, а другое - в ДЛЦ, которое скорее часть игры.

Короче, можно расслабиться. Просто какой-то форчановец с хорошей фантазией троллит социалку.

На эту же мысль наводит стандартное нытье про ЕА, которая во всем виновата, потому что там деньги правят бал...

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Когда-то такую штуку проделали c Реваном. Но, во-первых, одно дело Реван, а другое - вся Галактика, и во-вторых, одно дело - установить канон после окончания игры, а другое - в ДЛЦ, которое скорее часть игры.

Парагоновский канон лучше для вселенной, потому что не урезает ее возможности, а расширяет. Так же и с Реваном. Если бы остался злой, то всем хана. Но соглашусь, что делать канон для DLC это печально.Да и откровенным бредом веет от этх псевдо вырезок.

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Блин. Это ведь вранье? да?? Не хочу собирать Шепку по частям. Хочу Гарруса и закат.

Боже мой, если это подтвердится, я не переживу. Такая ахинея в голове не укладывается.

Похоже, что даже если Биовари и поменяют что-то, то не факт, что это будет хорошо....

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Ничего не поменяют. Био довольны, ЕА довольны => все должны быть довольны.

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Поменяют-добавят - не суть, но что-то будет однозначно. Не зря же они "следы" в твиттере и социалке подтирают :)

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