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Литература по вселенной Mass Effect

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Mass Effect - Ascension (

Изменено пользователем Женечка

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Анита, не переживай.


Мелкая Грейсон вместе с Ником и биотиком Митрой из "Восхождения" - сдохли в "Обмане".

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Мелкая Грейсон вместе с Ником и биотиком Митрой из "Восхождения" - сдохли в "Обмане".
<br>Ну то что она и Митра сдохну, я собственно, не сомневалась, Ник тоже? Тем не менее, это не спасает Ленга от её ручонок! Может разрабы влюбят его в неё и китаёза со слезами на глазах её замочит? Я конечно утрирую сейчас, но тем не менее)))))))))))
Изменено пользователем Анита

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Не надо так цитировать спойлеры, хотя я лично против спойлеров ничего не имею. )

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Может разрабы влюбят его в неё и китаёза со слезами на глазах её замочит?

Он убил ее заточенной зубной щеткой в шею ^_^ Без сантиментов и по деловому. Leng-style

Изменено пользователем LaraLara

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Лара, это правда? Ты это сама видела или где то прочла? О_О

Ха-ха, я так и думала что Ник станет героем! ^__^

Изменено пользователем Лелька

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Ну то что она и Митра сдохну, я собственно, не сомневалась, Ник тоже? Тем не менее, это не спасает Ленга от её ручонок! Может разрабы влюбят его в неё и китаёза со слезами на глазах её замочит? Я конечно утрирую сейчас, но тем не менее)))))))))))

Анита, да ну что ж такое?(( Вы когда спойлеры цитируете, то и в цитатах их прячьте((

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Лара, это правда? Ты это сама видела или где то прочла? О_О

Я сейчас читаю "Обман" с конца :)

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Ну то что она и Митра сдохну, я собственно, не сомневалась, Ник тоже? Тем не менее, это не спасает Ленга от её ручонок! Может разрабы влюбят его в неё и китаёза со слезами на глазах её замочит? Я конечно утрирую сейчас, но тем не менее)))))))))))

Не дай Боже такой сюжет.

Интересно, они померли с Кай Ленговой помощью или ещё от чего?

И почему,ну почему с ними не было Сандерс? :(

Изменено пользователем Hellen777

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Анита, да ну что ж такое?(( Вы когда спойлеры цитируете, то и в цитатах их прячьте((

Я только хотела поставить, думаю, пойду возьму печенку, всё равно дело пары минут. А вы тут уже набижали. Сорри)

Он убил ее заточенной зубной щеткой в шею ^_^ Без сантиментов и по деловому.

Омг, правда что ли?

Изменено пользователем Анита

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Аааа! Всё, в эту тему я тоже больше не зайду((

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И почему,ну почему с ними не было Сандерс? :(

Есть предположение что разрабы дадут нам её самим кокнуть? х3

Я сейчас читаю "Обман" с конца :)

Няшно. ^_^

Изменено пользователем Лелька

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Ну прячьте же в спойлеры! И вообще это оффтоп, побежали радоваться в другое место))))

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Какой ужас...я то думала детей биовары убивать не дадут о-о Бедные((

Ненавижу Ленга,столкьо смертей из за одного урода!

И Цербер чтов книге что и в игре неадекватные расисты.

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Ну прячьте же в спойлеры! И вообще это оффтоп, побежали радоваться в другое место))))

Да, беги в раздел спойлеров, в его тему! Я жажду кровавых подробностей.

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Какой ужас...я то думала детей биовары убивать не дадут о-о Бедные((

Ненавижу Ленга,столкьо смертей из за одного урода!

И Цербер чтов книге что и в игре неадекватные расисты.

А мне нравится Цербер.

Альянс идиоты какие-то в книге...ИИ они разрабатывали...

И методы Сарена в первой книге мне нравятся, хоть они и жестокие. Он же Спектр и делал всё это ради блага галактики.

А жажда власти есть практически у всех выдающихся личностей.

Изменено пользователем Zio

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Какой ужас...я то думала детей биовары убивать не дадут о-о Бедные((

Какое ж из Джил дитё?

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Хех..сверхчувствительные BSNовские фанаты, или все действительно так плохо?

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Хех..сверхчувствительные BSNовские фанаты, или все действительно так плохо?

прочитав страниц 20 BSN и обсуждение на ME Wikia,а так же отдельный документ в котором записаны все найденные на данный момент ошибки и расхождения с каноном могу сказать что да,все действительно так плохо

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Это только один Призрак и понимает судя по всему.

Этого и достаточно для того, чтобы большая часть "Цербера" тоже понимала опасность жнецов, хотят они этого или нет)

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прочитав страниц 20 BSN и обсуждение на ME Wikia,а так же отдельный документ в котором записаны все найденные на данный момент ошибки и расхождения с каноном могу сказать что да,все действительно так плохо

Сейчас как раз сама читаю список этих ошибок с некоторыми уже столкнулась при прочтении оригинала, остальные..да все действительно так плохо. Пожалуй было бы достаточно один раз прочитать предидущие книги и сыграть в МЕ1-2 чтобы запомнить такие вещи, которые там упущены.

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Теперь на самом деле самое интересное - это дождаться официального заявления Bioware по этому поводу.

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Теперь на самом деле самое интересное - это дождаться официального заявления Bioware по этому поводу.

Что-то они не спешат. Врядли стоит ждать от них раскаяний и обещаний исправиться) Похоже перед печатью эту книгу никто знающий вселенную даже не проверял, не говоря уж о редактуре.

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А разве BW сколь-нибудь серьёзно относятся к этим фанфикам в твёрдых обложках? Тем более, перед выходом МЕ3 им явно не до этого =)

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Сейчас как раз сама читаю список этих ошибок с некоторыми уже столкнулась при прочтении оригинала, остальные..да все действительно так плохо. Пожалуй было бы достаточно один раз прочитать предидущие книги и сыграть в МЕ1-2 чтобы запомнить такие вещи, которые там упущены.

А можно увидеть этот список под спойлером?

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А можно увидеть этот список под спойлером?

1. Gillian's autism - now she, by her own words, grew up from it, which is impossible. (note: the book said she used to be “unstable”, as if she had had anger issues or something.)

2. Quarian names - titling a quarian “Fothar vas Maynar” (and others) and referring to them as “Maynar” means that you are addressing them by the name of their ship, not by their own name.

3. Quarians referred to as “Gas suckers” - quarians breathe air, their masks only looks like gas mask, their function is the filtration of air. While this term is probably being used in a derogatory manner, the fact that quarians use enviro-suits hasn’t been used mockingly in the past, making it odd.

4. Claiming that Hendel never visited Omega before - Hendel was on Omega in Ascension for three chapters.

5. Hendel can't know that Anderson and Kahlee are together and on the Citadel - they got together after Hendel leaving with quarians and Kahlee had no contact with them (dialog between her and Grayson in Retribution and fact, that Gillian don't know about father's death).

6. Friendship of Gillian and Nick - The two only met once during Ascension, and at that time Nick attempted to bully her and Gillian responded with a powerful Singularity - not exactly the definition of friendship.

7. Gillian knowing about her adoption - nothing suggests this in Ascension or even in Retribution, in fact Grayson had strict order from TIM to pretend to be her real father, and he never wavered from the role.

8. Gillian claiming that other children in the Academy tormented her - nothing suggesting that, in fact they paid her very little notice, the incident with Nick was unique.

9. Tantalus Drive Core on batarian ship - Tantalus core was high secret experimental drive core first used on the Normandy, it’s doubtful that such an old batarian ship would have such a drive core. Additionally such a core, by itself, is equivalent to the cost of an entire cruiser class ship.

10. Aria T'Loak's biotic - Aria is very strong biotic, but in Deception she need her bodyguards to put barrier on her.

11. The Citadel is described as being star shaped - While unfolded the Citadel shares several features with the ‘star’ shape, having five arms and a central ring, but none of those five arms are pointed at the end - still making it a somewhat confusing description.

12. There is a batarian embassy in the Citadel - Batarians closed their embassy in after the Citadel Council sided with humans regarding border dispute, and there was no mention of such an embassy in the previous book..

13. Some characters visit Chora's Den - Chora's Den was closed after Sovereign’s attack on the Citadel and never re-opened.

14. Citadel surrounded by stars - Citadel is in the middle of nebula with only one star, Widow, visible.

15. Krogan dies when Kai Leng stabs knife in his neck and severs spine - Krogan biology doesn't work that way - there is a large hump covered in thick skin that prevents access to the krogan “neck”..

16. Biotics are told to have different levels in their Biotic abilities - There is no such thing, there are only different types of implants, such as the L2 and L3 implants for humans.

17. Hendel Mitra is described as heterosexual - Hendel was established as homosexual during Ascension.

18. Deception claims Asari found The Citadel first and learned to use mass effect technology after that - How did they get in the Citadel first without using mass effect?

19. Deception tells that The Citadel is a Reaper trap that Reapers used successfully during the events of ME1 - That never happened due to Prothean scientists reprogramming the Keepers

and Shepard foiling Sovereign’s plan to manually override Citadel relay function.

21. Asari are told to be asexual - In ME1 Liara describes Asari as mono-gender, all female species.

22. Quarian's names, continued - none of the quarians named in Deception have a clan-name (previous examples from Mass Effect video game/s: Tali'Zorah, Han'Gerrel, Daro'Xen, Shala'Raan, etc.)

23. Asari Council member saying "My God" - Asari don't believe in any form of male God, their religion is a monotheistic one based on the Goddess Athame.

24. Kai Leng visits an auction house on the batarian homeworld Khar'Shan - the batarian homeworld is closed off to outside races, especially humans.

25. Batarian pirates raid slaves from the Turian homeworld of Palaven - this could happen although highly unlikely due to the militaristic nature and training of turian society, and them having the largest fleet in the galaxy. And even if there had been a raid on Palaven, the turians would have likely responded with military action.

26. The public is allowed in the Citadel Council chamber - In ME1 very few people have a privilege to meet them, not the crowds described in Deception.

27. Characters Gillian and Nick are 18 years old in Deception - These characters were 12 - 13 years old in previous novels set 3 years before Deception

28. Hand Weapons that fire at "relativistic speeds" - for those who don't know it the term, relativistic speed means close or apprising the speed of light. The term is usually used when talking about speeds higher than 10% of C - considering that a sand corn fired of those speeds will have the impact of 90 kg TNT and also that a main gun on a Everest class dreadnought only fires at 1.8% of C I would say that relativistic speeds might be a bit high.

29. TIM's hideout - in Retribution it is written that TIM is hiding on a space station, which changes location after every visitor including Leng. Now TIM is on a planet and stays there after Leng's visit.

30. Gillian's visit in Afterlife - Afterlife is the most popular bar on Omega and people wait hours to get in (Retribution). Now Gillian enters it immediately and the bouncer doesn't stop her.

31. Quarian's clothing - Quarians wear environmentally-sealed 'enviro-suits' to protect their weakened immune systems... they do not wear "a motley collection of clothing, held together by a variety of straps and leather fasteners".

32. No Kinetic Barriers - In the ME games, as well as previous books, all hardsuits come with Kinetic Barriers (aka shields) that must be broken before the user can be killed by ranged weaponry. In Deception, there is only mention of weapons "chewing through armor" or poor references to Biotic Barriers on characters wearing hardsuits ala Nick.

33. Lack of security in Afterlife - In Retribution, Aria uses a secret backdoor to get in and out of Afterlife without her patrons knowing, and also has a series of backrooms for private conversations. Now she drives up to the front entrance in a limo, passing by several people who would want to kill her, and takes a call from the Illusive Man in her main lounge.

34. Kai Leng's Equipment is Inadequate - In Retribution, Kai Leng used a six man commando team to take down a non-biotic Paul Grayson, and later used a state of the art surveillance suite to track when Aria exited her secret entrance, which would alert him so that he could use the proper facilities when he needed to. Now he goes alone to take on powerful biotic Gillian and uses a sniper rifle to survey the main entrance of Afterlife, and is forced to pee in a vase so as not to miss anything.

35. Aria Learns that Cerberus killed her daughter, but continues working for them in Invasion - The reason Cerberus is able to work a deal with Aria in Retribution is because they promise info on her daughter's killer. In Invasion, which takes place after Deception, Aria continues to work with Cerberus and even allows them access to the Omega 4 Relay. But before that happens, she discovers that Kai Leng was the one who killed her daughter, and vows never to work with Cerberus again.

36. Character(s?) in Deception use their biotic abilities repeatedly - In ME canon using of biotic abilities is described to be extremely straining for biotics and that biotics require rest after using their abilities.

37. Udina not "named" as the Human Council member - at this point in time, Udina is the official 'canon' human Council member in Mass Effect's story, but Dietz refuses to use Udina's name for the human Councilor (even though the character's personality is clearly presented as Udina's, plus there can be no other individual in this role given the events of Retribution and Mass Effect 3). At least this is the case early in the story, though the reason for which is unclear - since it would make sense for names to be given early on.

38. Gillian gets new biotic implants in a few hours(?) operation in non medical facility - Biotic implants work with nervous systems and operation to replace implants is considered being extremely dangerous to the point that even biotics who have crippling side effects from their implants aren't usually willing to take a risk of brain damage etc. to upgrade their implants.

39. Gillian’s necklace - data storage in Gillian’s necklace containing a holo of an event which happened years after the creation of the necklace.

40. Batarian Slave Ship released to Gillian and company by Quarians - Quarians view ships as one of their most precious resource, and they would not be so willing to part with a fully functional ship by giving it to Gillian, especially when it has what appears to be a “Tantalus drive core”.

41. Ugho is in charge of the defense against the batarian slavers - He died in Ascension during the Cerberus attack on the Idenna.

42. Characters use Advanced Biotic Powers with no prior training - After getting her “implants” changed Gillian is able to produce Reave and Charge, powers that were before advanced and mostly exclusive to Shepard. Hendel later uses a Singularity with ease, despite never having that power and being surprised when Gillian herself used it in Ascension.

43. Refering to Aria as “T’Loak” and Kai Leng as “Leng” - In previous works, these characters are either refereed to by first or full name (Aria wants to talk to you) but now henchmen call Aria simply T’Loak. This is also the case in Invasion, so it cannot simply be new henchmen referring to her by that name.

44. Thousands dead every day - The novel states that thousands die on the Citadel every day, but given the approximate population of 13 million, this is beyond excessive.

45. There is no T’Loak family - Aria attends a funeral for her daughter where she is joined by members of the T’Loak family. However Aria T’Loak is a false name and Aria is on the run from old rivals, creditors and the law. It is extremely unlikely that she would return to Thessia, the asari homeworld where it would be easy to track her down.

46. Kai Leng knows who Liselle is - In Retribution Liselle’s identity as Aria’s daughter wasn’t well known, and Kai Leng didn’t know her name at all yet in Deception Kai Leng knows who she is quite well.

47. Timeline Issues - During the three years since Ascension both Nick and Gillian have aged six years. In addition, the attack on the Citadel is said to have taken place two years earlier, despite it actually taking place three years earlier. Among other issues.

48. Waiting for the slavers - When the quarians first detect the batarian slavers they have almost an hour of warning. Rather than immediately jumping into FTL which would make them undetectable to their enemies, they just stand and wait for the much more powerful ship to reach them.

49. Beryllium is no longer toxic - At one point, Gillian finds and carries with her slugs of Beryllium with no visible repercussions, when Beryllium is supposed to be highly toxic. In addition, the six kilo belt that Gillian was carrying would take up 3.24 L - a ridiculous size for a belt.

50. Beryllium as currency - It is stated that criminal enterprises are forced to use Beryllium (among others) as a form of currency, since credits could be tracked. This is in no way stated anywhere else in any other of the supplement materials or the games themselves. All transactions made thus far were done using almost exclusively credits. While it’s certainly possible that Beryllium could be a valuable commodity, it’s doubtful that there would be any sort of proper exchange rate - and one could always use physical credit chits if one didn’t want there to be a paper trail.

51. Biotic terminology - In addition to the other problems related to biotic implants, Dietz consistently confused the implants with the biotic amps - which are wholly different things.

52. Asari Air Kisses - At one point Gillian and another biotic have an “asari air kiss” (which has never been mentioned in previous works) which causes the air around them to crackle with their biotic power. Nothing has ever suggested that biotic power works this way.

53. Quarian ships visit Omega on regular basis and maintain a warehouse - The Migrant Fleet is always moving from system to system because the quarians are still technically at war with the geth. Sometimes quarian ships may stop on a planet to trade resources but they do not maintain permanent outposts or warehouses on planets or star ports. (The quarian consulate in the Citadel may be an exception but cannot be confirmed before ME3 is released.)

54. Female salarian mercenary- A female salarian merc appears at one point during Deception while it has been well established that 90% of the salarian population is male, and the females usually stay on their homeworlds because they wield quite a bit of power.

55. No to the quarian embassy - The asari Councilor objects to a quarian embassy "because it implies the existence of an cohesive government", despite the fact that the quarians have a very well structured government and have had one for centuries.

56. Gillian “sensing” that a pair of asari strangers were capable of biotics - All asari are natural biotics since birth, so there is nothing to “sense” about whether or not they are biotics.

Possible Errors

These are errors that require further research before they’re added to the list proper.

Poor Citadel Security - The security that Kahlee and Anderson go through to visit the Council is incredibly primitive compared to the security required to even get into the wards during Mass Effect 2. (Requires research into when exactly Deception takes place, this will only really interfere if it takes place after Mass Effect 2).

Grayson’s Transformation - The transformation of Grayson shown in Deception doesn’t fit with the narrative in Retribution.

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