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Тема про сопартийцев и романы

История которого из сопартийцев заинтриговала больше всего?  

341 пользователь проголосовал

  1. 1. Лучший на ваш взгляд роман. Кто затронул сердце Тава?

  2. 2. История которого из сопартийцев заинтриговала \ понравилась больше всего?

    • Лаэзель, яростная воительница гит
    • Уилл, благородный воитель, заключивший сделку с дьяволом
    • Астарион, низший вампир
    • Гейл, волшебник из Уотердипа, возжелавший недоступного смертным
    • Шэдоухарт, верная служительница Шар
    • Карлах, загадочная беглянка из ада
    • Хальсин, мудрый друид и защитник Рощи
    • Минтара, дроу-паладин из глубин Подземелья
    • Джахейра, воин, друид и наследственный компаньон Baldur's Gate и Baldur's Gate II
    • Минск (и Бу?), могучий варвар и наследственный компаньон Baldur's Gate и Baldur's Gate II

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You must gather your party before venturing forth.

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Текущие доступные для вербовки компаньоны: Шедоухарт, Астарион, Гейл, Уилл, Лаэ'зель, Карлах, Халсин / Минтара (взаимоисключающие), Джахейра, Минск.

Список лагерных катсцен и контента со спутниками от @juliabee


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Как минимум два шикарных мужика на выбор, уже неплохо :D

А то обычно приходится выбирать из всяких лысых, бородатых, инфантилов или из категории «ли для галочки» 


если что, шикарная борода Гейла исключение из этого правила 

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44 минуты назад, Daidre сказал:

 у друида овал лица какой-то дрябло-бесформенный. 

Мужику за 300 и он любит форму медведя явно больше, чем родную гуманоидную. Такой расписным красавцем уже не будет.

Не удивлюсь, если еще лет через сто он вообще забудет, как быть эльфом.

41 минуту назад, Shacarus сказал:

если что, шикарная борода Гейла исключение из этого правила 

борода Гейла это вообще отдельный вид искусства

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1 час назад, Ligeia сказал:

Насовсем их только не разбирай - когда я пройду DLC, я чувствую, буду там его обсуждать уже сама с собой.)

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Ты недооцениваешь мой аутизм. Я ещё игру не начинала))

51 минуту назад, Ligeia сказал:

Только волосы были другого цвета на самом деле я лепила Трауна :D

Ты про какого Трауна говоришь? Звезданутого?   

Я пыталась вылепить его версию с иллюстраций к трилогии Доминации. Он такой милаш на ней :D  Моя ксенофобская броня была пробита




Внешность Уилла, которая была признана вне закона  

В статике очень даже брутальненько)



Download (Проверила, работает, но у меня он выглядит кринжоватенько, проблемы с анимацией - при разговоре у него странно двигается челюсть и сверкает весь верхний ряд зубов) Создается эффект ещё большей дебилоидности :DD



Дьявольская версия: (практически без изменений и ещё проблемы с челюстью)


Подпольное кажется интересным пока оно недоступно

Мне ещё Уилл по внешности очень напоминает Ривера.

Изменено пользователем ELunee

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29 минут назад, ELunee сказал:
Внешность Уилла, которая была признана вне закона

В статике очень даже брутальненько)



Download (Проверила, работает, но у меня он выглядит кринжоватенько, проблемы с анимацией - при разговоре у него странно двигается челюсть и сверкает весь верхний ряд зубов) Создается эффект ещё большей дебилоидности :DD



Дьявольская версия: (практически без изменений)



Ой, нет. Тот случай, когда темная кожа и прическа тащат. А это какой-то Тав обыкновенный, слегка "обруталенный".

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14 минут назад, ELunee сказал:
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Ты недооцениваешь мой аутизм. Я ещё игру не начинала))

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Вопрос снят :D Начнешь - пиши))

16 минут назад, ELunee сказал:
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пыталась вылепить его версию с иллюстраций к трилогии Доминации. Он такой милаш на ней :D  Моя ксенофобская броня была пробита

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Его, звезданутого) Как раз из дроу Ллос вполне себе можно слепить чисского гранд-адмирала. Не точь-в-точь, конечно.

19 минут назад, ELunee сказал:

Подпольное кажется интересным пока оно недоступно

По-моему, он вышел только еще более стремным(

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22 минуты назад, ELunee сказал:
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Вы там не расходитесь только, мне тоже надо будет обсудить, возможно :slowpoke:

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1 час назад, Daidre сказал:

Во у меня еще к башке Хальсина претензии. Все остальные мальчики в профиль и 3/4 вполне точеные и изящные (даже Уилл), а у друида овал лица какой-то дрябло-бесформенный. И черты лица словно слишком мелкие для его большой башки. В итоге он для моего глаза какой-то крипово отталкивающий, а как сально улыбнется вообще туши свет.

Ну так Хальсин давно уже не малчик. Он дядько среднего возраста. Не, эльфы живут долго, конечно, не не вечноюнны и не бессмертны.

Ну и если честно, да, мордаха у него медведеобразная по чертам. Но тут, как бы он, и есть медведь)))

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Кстати о романах - а друидка в романтик сцене с Хальсином может перекинуться в медведицу? Вот интересно...

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4 минуты назад, Ширра сказал:

Кстати о романах - а друидка в романтик сцене с Хальсином может перекинуться в медведицу? Вот интересно...

Если б там была русская озвучка, я бы была за то, чтоб вместо рассказчицы эту сцену комментировал Дроздов. 

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1 час назад, Daidre сказал:

Уилл для чернокожего парня в принципе еще ничего, он хотя бы не сильно губастый.  Тот же Джейкоб из Масс Эффекта был куда более архетипичным негром и куда страшнее. В принципе мне даже Лизка вполне симпатичной кажется (пока одетая).

Единственный компаньон, кто для меня внешне настолько мерзкий, что лишний раз смотреть противно - это Карлах, но там целый букет причин в силу инклюзивного дизайна, и я ее просто не беру чтобы не рушить эстетику моего лагеря.

Ну у Карлах предназначение стать Ктулху и спасти гг и Орфея, так что нужный член пати. Скажите это метагейминг, так берите и играйте волшебником-прорицателем.

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1 минуту назад, Ligeia сказал:

Если б там была русская озвучка, я бы была за то, чтоб вместо рассказчицы эту сцену комментировал Дроздов. 

Не, у меня родилась другая шутка юмора.)) "Не сдержался" сказал Хальсин и превратился в медведя. "Я тоже" сказала Тав и превратилась в паучиху.  

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 2 часа назад, Ligeia сказал:

Насовсем их только не разбирай - когда я пройду DLC, я чувствую, буду там его обсуждать уже сама с собой.)

37 минут назад, KellyL сказал:

Вы там не расходитесь только, мне тоже надо будет обсудить, возможно :slowpoke:

В этот момент я, которая сидит в темах киберпанка почти с момента его выхода


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Получается можно романсить вампираста не становясь отродьем. А заотродиться исключительно по собственному желанию

Для этого нужен всего лишь простой советский... не спать

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Изменено пользователем KellyL

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2 часа назад, Ширра сказал:

Кстати о романах - а друидка в романтик сцене с Хальсином может перекинуться в медведицу? Вот интересно...

Вряд ли там есть какие-то вариации, если даже не предусмотрели возможность смены класса Хальса (все равно во время этой сцены откуда-то медведь берется)

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7 минут назад, KellyL сказал:

Получается можно романсить вампираста не становясь отродьем. А заотродиться исключительно по собственному желанию

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Погодите, какая Тав, если это Урка. И диалог отличается, варианты ответов тоже.

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5 минут назад, Ligeia сказал:

Погодите, какая Тав, если это Урка. И диалог отличается, варианты ответов тоже.

Может эту Урку зовут Тав) 

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2 минуты назад, KellyL сказал:

Может эту Урку зовут Тав) 

А, кликбейтное имя решили дать для уникальных видео, хитро)


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28 минут назад, Ligeia сказал:

Погодите, какая Тав, если это Урка. И диалог отличается, варианты ответов тоже.

Возможно, в варианте Урки и можно..

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Как я понимаю, можно и в варианте Урки и Тав. Автор пишет, что просто завершила его квест прям перед финалом и не уходила на долгий отдых) но мне нравится сам факт, что этот вариант есть в игре

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10 минут назад, KellyL сказал:

Как я понимаю, можно и в варианте Урки и Тав. Автор пишет, что просто завершила его квест прям перед финалом и не уходила на долгий отдых) но мне нравится сам факт, что этот вариант есть в игре

А-а, это тот обычный диалог с ЛИ после финала? Интересно, но кат-сценами походу придется пожертвовать. 

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13 минут назад, Ligeia сказал:

А-а, это тот обычный диалог с ЛИ после финала? Интересно, но кат-сценами походу придется пожертвовать. 

Да, финальный диалог. Нашла для себя почти идеальный промежуточный вариант

Изменено пользователем KellyL

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Бантеры с Астарионом.

Тройные бантеры c Астарионом, разное 

Astarion asks Gale and Shadowheart if they have loves waiting for them on the other side of this. Gale obfuscates. Shadowheart responds.

Astarion: So, do you have loves waiting for you once this is all over?
Gale: You know what - that is not the easiest of questions for me to answer.
Shadowheart: You mean just waiting, like a lovesick puppy? Short-term amusements are much less hassle.


Astarion tries to flirt with Shadowheart, but is rebuffed. Lae'zel is amused.

Astarion: Shadowheart. Such a grim name for such a beautiful flower.

The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire (YES):
Shadowheart: Could you not stare so blatantly at my neck when you say that please? (Note: Response to flirtation from Astarion. She's aware he's a vampire.)
               Lae'zel: Oh, but do keep calling her 'flower'. She'll love that. (Note: Sarcastic, of course. Cheeky.)
The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire (NO):

Shadowheart: I heard you mumbling that line to yourself earlier - it needs more work. (Note: Response to flirtation from Astarion.)
               Lae'zel: Fortunate for his tongue he didn't say it to me.


Astarion asks Wyll if he knows the vampire Cazador. Wyll doesn't, but Gale has read about the Szaar coven. Nasty creatures. Astarion quietly agrees.

Astarion: Ever heard of a vampire called Cazador, Wyll?

The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire (YES):
Wyll: I don't think so. Why? Friend of yours?

Gale: He's patriarch of the Szarr family. Nasty fellow, if the histories are accurate.
Astarion: I imagine they are. (Note: Darkly, to self)

The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire (NO):
Wyll: Doesn't ring a bell. Why?
Gale: He's patriarch of the Szarr family. Nasty fellow, if the histories are accurate.
Astarion: I imagine they are. (Note: Darkly, to self)


While travelling, Shadowhearts asks if Astarion is nervous about travelling with a famed monster hunter. Wyll weighes in. (Astarion is known to be a vampire)

Shadowheart: So. A vampire spawn and a monster hunter in the same group. We're not going to have trouble, are we?
Astarion: Excuse me? Since this tadpole, I'm barely a monster at all.
Astarion: I just want to survive, same as you.
Wyll: I don't see a problem, as long as mister fang there keeps his appetite in check.

Wyll recalls the hag said 'Netherese' and asks Gale what he knows. Astarion adds a thought if he is present.

Wyll: Ethel mentioned Netherese magic. What in blazes does that mean?
Gale: Magic from the fallen empire of Netheril. Ancient, exceedingly dangerous, and quite unrivalled.
Astarion: Wonderful! I'd hate to be destroyed by any common old magic. (Note: A little sarcastic. You've been told the dangerous magic inside you is ancient and unrivalled)




(Astarion_Gale_ )

Astarion wonders what happens to the orb once it's removed. He has some scores he'd like to settle.

Astarion: That orb seems powerful. What can it do once it's extracted?
Gale: Nothing good can come of it unless it is contained. Why?
Astarion: It might be useful. Who knows?

Astarion and Gale discuss the Colony General.

Astarion: It's enough to put you off tentacles for life.
Gale: You had a taste for tentacles?
Astarion: The Elfsong Tavern used to serve excellent calamari. Mind you, that was two hundred years ago...

Astarion and Gale discuss the Tadpoling Centre in Colony.

Astarion: Gods - we're not back, are we?
Gale: On the nautiloid? No, this is a different nursery - similar, but not identical. There's likely one in every colony. (Note: Fascinated by what he's seeing)
Astarion: I don't care what's in every mind flayer colony, Gale - nobody does. Except you.


Astarion tries to flirt with Gale. Gale reacts.

Astarion: I am enjoying our walks together, aren't you, Gale?
Gale: Uhm... Sure. In silence.


Astarion and Gale have seen the Hag's illusion disappear, revealing that the sweet forest they were walking through was actually a disgusting swamp. Astarion needles Gale, asking if he can do magic tricks like that.

Astarion: From sweet woodland to stinking swamp. Can you do tricks like that, Gale?
Gale: Easiest thing in the world. Though I'd do it the other way around.

Astarion and Gale discuss the monastery

Astarion: Another ruined temple, full of foul-smelling beasts, spoiling for a fight.
Gale: No mere temple. This was a monastery, devoted as much to study as to worship. (Note: Being knowledgable)
Astarion: Oh, how ignorant of me. So it'll be free of foul-smelling beasts, then? (Note: He's fine with being ignorant in this case)
Gale: Quite the opposite. Some monastic orders celebrated their pungency as proof of their devotion. 'To think is to stink' was the motto of one ill-fated brotherhood near Amn. (Note: Not realising Astarion's question was sarcastic, enjoying flexing his knowledge)
Gale: Oh, but you meant beasts of the life-threatening variety? Yes, I'm sure it's teeming with those. (Note: Realising Astarion was taking the piss out of him, dismissively answering it)


Astarion and Gale discuss the Moonrise Bridge.

Astarion: Moonlanterns to keep the curse back, burly guards to fight off any monsters - I could get used to this place.
Gale: Don't get too comfortable. We shouldn't overstay our welcome in such a place. (Note: Serious, bringing Astarion back down to earth)
Astarion: No, of course. Why stay somewhere safe and comfortable when we could be in mortal peril?


Astarion and Gale discuss the Moonrise General.

Astarion: Can't say I love what they've done with the place.
Gale: Unsurprising, really. Fanatical cultists tend to care more for ambience than aesthetics. (Note: A subject he feels he knows a little about. 'Ambience' Implication being cultists are more focused on inspiring fear/awe/dread than making the palce look nice.)
Astarion: Reason enough to put them all to the sword, I say.


Astarion and Gale discuss the Rebel Hideout beneath the Mason's Guild

Astarion: What's this? A clever little hideaway?
Gale: Not just clever - rather ingenious. Somehow its construction keeps the Shadow Curse at bay. (Note: impressed, puzzled)
Astarion: A little too clever, if you ask me. Watch out for traps.



Gale/AStarion banter at the creche

Gale: I knew I should've attended the Blackstaff's lectures on githyanki tir'su.
Gale: If I understood their script, who knows what secrets their texts would surrender...
Astarion: Why not ask one of the friendly bloodthirsty warriors? I'm sure they'd be happy to translate.

Gale/Astarion banter at the Basilisk Gate.

Gale: Mystra has a shrine within the city. Located in the Stormshore Tabernacle, if my memory serves me.
Astarion: Do whatever you need to, but I shan't be paying my respects to any of the gods on show.
Gale: You never felt the call of the divine, Astarion?
Astarion: Oh, I tried them all. None of them answered.

Гейл, романтик (Astarion_Gale_ROM)  

 Act 1

Astarion: So Gale, how is your sad, hopeless pining going?
Gale: I'm hardly pining. It's been a year or more since Mystra cast me aside.
Astarion: Oh, my dear wizard. I wasn't talking about Mystra (Note: Teasing)

Act 2

Astarion: So, how was your night with Gale? Did you have a long, hard debate? (Note: Teasing the player about spending the night with Gale)
Gale: Ignore him. Astarion envies the depth of our bond because he's of a shallower inclination.
Astarion: Snort.

Act 3

Astarion tries to goad some details about sleeping with the goddess Mystra from Gale

Astarion: So, Gale - you laid with a goddess? You must have some sordid tales to tell?
Gale: Sordid? I lay with the Mother of Magic herself. What we had was transcendent, euphoric, incandescent. Not sordid.
Astarion: You actually made sleeping with a goddess sound boring. Incredible...


Party banter between Halsin and Astarion in the Water Queens House

Halsin: What do you know of Umberlee, Astarion? (Note: uhm-ber-LEE)
Astarion: Oh, lots. Rhymes with 'under-sea' for one thing. Fitting, eh?
Halsin: I... I suppose it is, yes. But perhaps do not refer to her as such - she is a vengeful, capricious goddess. Who knows what may cause her ire.
Astarion: But she's fine with 'the Bitch Queen'? Give her some credit, Halsin.

Хальсин, романтик

Act 3

Astarion: I hear things got wild between you two. I hope no one was too badly mauled.
Halsin: We're all in one piece. Perhaps you'll join us next time.
Astarion: It's bad enough having one person with fangs trying to keep control of themselves. Two of us could be dangerous.


Astarion and Jaheira discuss Baldur's Gate / Figaro

Astarion: Beyond that gate is the Upper City, housing the great and the good of Baldur's Gate.
Jaheira: You yearn for a better class of company, Astarion? (Note: Dry, 'are we peasants not good enough')
Astarion: Gods no - who'd want to spend time with anyone great or good?


Astarion and Jaheira discuss the area where Jaheira lives (or something like that).

Astarion: Cazazdor always warned us to stay clear of this neighbourhood. Never said why, though.
Jaheira: The last spawn who tried was sunk into the cobblestones and left for the sun to find. I had an unfortunate taste for theatrics, in my youth. (Note: A little abashed, but shrugging it off)
Astarion: Ah. Yes, that was probably it.


Jaheira/Astarion Graveyard/North Alley Banter

Jaheira: Never mind the shining squares - I am more comfortable on streets such as this. A peek at the true face behind the mask.
Astarion: Yet another thing we have in common. We're two peas in a pod.
Jaheira: I said a peek behind the city's mask, Astarion - not a look up its skirts.
Astarion: Jaheira! What do you think of me? (Note: Mock shock/scandalised)



Astarion and Karlach discuss Elfsong / Baldur's Mouth

Astarion: Probably best if I keep a low profile. They used to know me all too well in the Elfsong.
Karlach: Wonder if our paths ever crossed in the before-times. Were you always so sneaky?
Astarion: I haven't survived for two centuries by being reckless. And I hope to survive at least two more.
Karlach: Yeah yeah, don't rub it in. (Note: good natured, kinda dark humour (cause astarion's saying he could live 2 more centuries)).

Astarion and Karlach chat while wandering FOR

Astarion: Biting flies, midges - shouldn't nature be beautiful and serene? It looks so nice in the Upper City parks.
Karlach: Upper City, huh? Swish. Never spent much time there myself.
Astarion: I'll happily take you. If we survive this bugs' banquet.
Karlach: Sounds good. I've always been curious what a patriar loo looks like. (Note: good natured, kinda dark humour (cause astarion's saying he could live 2 more centuries)).


Astarion and Karlach chat while wandering FOR

Astarion: Transforming into a mind flayer might have its perks. At least then I could float over this muck.
Karlach: Not one for roughing it, I see.
Astarion: Wallowing in filth is for pigs and children, my dear.
Karlach: Pigs, children, and people with a little bit of grit. (Note: Lightly rubbing Astarion)


Astarion and Karlach discuss Last Light Graveyard

Astarion: The graveyard's ancient, but the graves are fresh.
Karlach: Feeling at home?
Astarion: I haven't set foot in a graveyard since I became a spawn, thank you. Vampires are nothing like those other undead.
Karlach: True. I've never heard a mummy complain about a wrinkled doublet. Or sour wine.


Astarion and Karlach discuss the mountain pass
Astarion: Gods, how are we not there yet? My feet are killing me.
Karlach: Want me to carry you?
Astarion: Oh, darling, would you? (Note: With genuine hope)
Karlach: Sure! If you promise to swap once I get tired.
Astarion: Please, I can barely manage my pack - you'd kill me.



Karlach: Can you swim, Astarion?
Astarion: I'm... not sure, honestly. It's been a couple of hundred years.
Karlach: You're missing out! Loved it as a kid. This water looks nasty as hell, though.
Astarion: Well, it's not called 'Grey Harbour' for nothing.

Karlach: Oh man! WHIZBANGS! (Note: Excited in a firework shop)
Astarion: Keep calm, Karlach. One bad flare and you could blow this whole place.
Karlach: (Oh man! Whizbangs!) (Note: Whispering now cause AStarion told her to calm down.)
Astarion: Better.


Karlach: Ho. He-llo! Hey! (Note: Testing out/ listening for an echo)
Astarion: So... are you greeting invisible beings or just losing your mind?
Karlach: The echoes - listen! They're coming from three directions!
Astarion: Losing your mind it is! Probably the tadpole - the weirdest things seem to be...

Karlach: Hahaha. Ha! (Note: Laughing to herself.)
Astarion: What's so funny? You haven't got some laughing curse, have you?
Karlach: I really made it out of Avernus. It's incredible. (Note: Still with a laugh to herself.)
Astarion: All right, just keep it down. We're conspicuous enough without your hyena call.


Karlach: Nice to be in a crowd of normal people for once.
Astarion: Really? I prefer my company extraordinary.
Karlach: Aww, thanks. (Note: Affectionately, assuming she's getting a compliment.)
Astarion: Don't thank me, thank Gortash.
Karlach: Excuse you. I didn't need that prick to make me who I am. (Note: Astarion implied Gortash made her who she is.)
Astarion: You're right, of course. Forgive me.
Karlach: All good, fangs. (Note: Forgiving Astarion while still a little arch.)

Карлах, романтик (Astarion_Karlach_ROM)  

Act 1

Karlach: Hey. What's on your mind, Astarion? You seemed a million miles away just then.
Astarion: Hmm? Oh, I was just pondering that heart of yours.
Astarion: There were times I would've been thrilled if everyone who put their hands on me burst into flames.
Karlach: I'd trade you if I could. (Note: warmly)

Romance Party Banter - Astarion commenting on the relationship between Karlach and the Avatar in Act 2.

Astarion: So the more you cool down, the more your love life heats up?
Karlach: Seems that way! But I'm a bit out of practice, to be honest.
Astarion: I'm sure it'll all come back to you. You'll be as depraved as the rest of us in no time.

Romance Party Banter - Astarion commenting on the relationship between Karlach and the Avatar in Act 3.

Astarion: I hear you were spotted being 'normal' in the Singing Lute, Karlach. Are you feeling all right? (Note: Teasing)
Karlach: Seemed like the right thing to do. I've never really tried 'normal' before.
Astarion: And? How did you find the quiet life?
Karlach: It was nice. It was really nice.
Astarion: I never thought I'd see the day - our champion of the Hells has gone soft. (Note: Teasing)
Karlach: Maybe I have. Finally. (Note: with relief, reflecting on the fact that someone said she's 'gone soft,' which for her would be a luxury)



Astarion and Laezel discuss Bhaal Temple

Astarion: I expected a temple to murder would be more fun. A little joyous, even.
Lae'zel: There's no greater pleasure than battle. You face your enemy and conquer them, blade to blade, spell to spell.
Lae'zel: But to take a life unawares is no more to be celebrated than plunging a dagger into a trapped rat.
Astarion: Oh, I don't know - I've killed plenty of rats. I celebrated every time.

Astarion and Laezel discuss Blushing Mermaid

Astarion: Ah. This place never changes. (Note: With satisfaction)
Lae'zel: Perhaps it should. All I see are carousing fools.
Astarion: I know, isn't it wonderful? Endless opportunities for mischief.


Astarion and Laezel discuss Brewery.

Astarion: Ah, beer. Not really my drink, you know. (Note: "I'm making a joke" tone)
Lae'zel: I know, Astarion. You prefer blood.
Astarion: Well - yes. It was a joke.
Lae'zel: I know that, too. It just wasn't funny.


Astarion compliments Lae'zel on her combat skills, but doesn't understand why she doesn't take more pleasure in killing.

Astarion: You fight well, but you're so efficient. Why not have a little fun?
Lae'zel: Fun? I fight to win, not to make spectacles.
Astarion: What a waste. (Note: Throw in a "pfft" or "huh" before 'what a waste'. Something a little derisive.)


Astarion prods Lae'zel, trying to see if she knows of anyone who's ever survived a tadpole. He's disappointed to hear that the two options are death and losing the worm.

Astarion: So, you know about these parasites. Will we survive them?
Lae'zel: Only if my people extract them. The only other cure is the blade.
Astarion: Okay. Wonderful. (Note: Resigned, said with a sigh.)


Astarion and Laezel discuss Moonrise Docs

Astarion: The boat's heading to Baldur's Gate. I'm almost tempted to stow away.
Lae'zel: Chk. Try to abandon us and it won't go well for you.
Astarion: Oh, I wouldn't actually leave. After all, where would you be without me?

Astarion and Laezel discuss Reithwin Village.

Astarion: Just once, I'd like to find a village that hasn't been plundered and destroyed.
Lae'zel: Indeed. All the best weapons have already been scavenged.
Astarion: I was thinking about a warm fire and charming company, actually.
Lae'zel: I am perfectly charming, I'll have you know. On Crèche K'liir, I was known for my dazzling smile and charisma.
Astarion: Really?
Lae'zel: No.


Astarion and Laezel discuss Rivington

Astarion: I used to like this neighbourhood. It was quieter than inside the walls - darker too.
Lae'zel: A good hunting ground, then?
Astarion: Oh, yes - slimmer pickings, but safer targets. The perfect place to learn the craft.

Astarion and Laezel discuss Shar Temple

Astarion: It's all very grand, but so austere.
Lae'zel: Did you expect anything else? This is how your gods project power.
Astarion: But why not project power with soft furnishings and roaring fires? Maybe then I'd worship them.

While somewhere underground and dark, Astarion complains that he'd rather be back in the sunlight. Lae'zel responds, admonishing him for not going wherever they need to go. Party may or may not know that he's a vampire.

Astarion: Do we have to spend so long poking about down here?
Astarion: I'd much rather be outside, with the sun on my skin.

The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire (YES):
Lae'zel: You've only just come to tolerate sun, and you're already nostalgic?

The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire (NO):
Lae'zel: If you're going to complain the whole way, by all means, return topside. You could use the colour.



Party Banter for Laezel and Astarion in Creche

Lae'zel: We are permitted to walk so freely. Such a lack of discipline would be punished severely in K'liir. (Note: ORE meh-LAHR / LAHR.)
Astarion: Walk freely? This place is as tight as a patriar's purse.
Lae'zel: We should have been disarmed on entry. I'm pleased we weren't, but it's strange.
Astarion: No doubt they found me too intimidating.


Party Banter for Laezel and Astarion in Illithid Colony (General)

Lae'zel: We must be ready to confront the elder brain. One presides over every ghaik colony.
Astarion: No problem. And what does this old brain look like? (Note: cocky - this sounds easy)
Lae'zel: A hovering mass of grey matter, sprouted with lethal tentacles and oozing cerebrospinal fluid.
Astarion: Right... Good. Glad I asked. (Note: Just been brought down to earth - he's going to face a fearsome monster)


Party Banter for Laezel and Astarion in Mason's Guild

Lae'zel: 'Mason's Guild'. The githyanki would call this a or'mlar: an alliance of mlar. (Note: ORE meh-LAHR / LAHR.)
Astarion: And what is a 'mlar', exactly?
Lae'zel: Builders, craftspeople - and the makers of the incomparable silver swords the kith'raki wield in battle.
Lae'zel: The mlar may not be warriors, but they are no less valuable to my people. (Note: meh-LAHR.)


Party Banter for Laezel and Astarion in Moonrise during the Assault state

Lae'zel: At last, we wash our weapons in Absolute blood.
Astarion: I like this bloodlust look on you. Very flattering.
Lae'zel: Even now, at the cusp, you waste your breath on prattle.


Lae'zel remarks on Astarion's torture-poem and admires Cazador for his cleverness. Astarion is aghast.

Lae'zel: Poetry as torture - your master's quite clever, Astarion. Don't you agree?
Astarion: You and I have very different definitions of 'clever'.


Party Banter for Laezel and Astarion in Steelwatch Foundry

Lae'zel: These Steel Watchers are impressive achievements. Worthy opponents, even for githyanki.
Astarion: In that case, I'll leave fighting them to you. So I can observe your technique.
Lae'zel: I'm sure you'll find it instructive. Or do you simply want to avoid risking your pallid neck?
Astarion: Perish the thought - we're comrades in arms! I will be right behind you.


Lae'zel tells Astarion to do what he needs - but he better keep his fangs off her. He gets quippy but deflective. (Deflective?)

Lae'zel: Feed if you must, Astarion.
Lae'zel: But give me so much as a hungry look, and I'll drive a stake through your heart.
Astarion: Ooh, I do so very like spicy food.

Лиза, романтик (Astarion_Laezel_ROM)

Romance Party Banter - Astarion commenting on the relationship between Lae'zel and the Avatar in Act 1.

Astarion: Would you believe, I've never been with a githyanki.
Lae'zel: If you cease your frivolous ways, keep your mouth closed, and learn to obey, perhaps we can attempt it.
Astarion: Haha! No, I think I will leave that honour to our esteemed friend.

Romance Party Banter - Astarion commenting on the relationship between Lae'zel and the Avatar in Act 2.

Astarion: So Lae'zel, things seem to be getting serious with you two. Do you have pet names for each other yet?
Lae'zel: 'Pet' names? As if we were domesticated animals?
Astarion: Gods, you have so much to learn. Repeat after me: honey muffin, sweetie pie, sugarplum.
Lae'zel: Honey muffin, sweetie pie - Astarion, do you see all your lovers as food? (Note: As if they're in another language)

Romance Party Banter - Astarion commenting on the relationship between Lae'zel and the Avatar in Act 3.

Lae'zel: You say you have had many lovers, Astarion. If that is true, where are they now?
Astarion: They weren't lovers... not in the way that you mean. They wanted me more than I wanted them.
Astarion: I used that to my advantage more times than I care to remember.





Minthara and Astarion banter after entering a home that reminds them of the Underdark

Astarion: No, this place feels all too 'Underdark'y for me.
Nightwarden Minthara: You are speaking of my home, spawn. It is pleasant to be reminded of it. (Note: Softly chiding)
Astarion: Oh dear - you're not going to come over all pleasant and homely, are you?
Nightwarden Minthara: To you? Doubtful. (Note: responding to Astarion who hasked her if she's feeling friendlier than usual - she's mocking, not being too cruel)



Astarion: We're getting close. I do believe fate is shuffling the cards for the final deal.
Nightwarden Minthara: Let the cards fall. We have a strong hand to play.
Astarion: And speaking personally, I intend to cheat.


Minthara and Astarion enter the Thom mausoleum. Astarion admires the surroundings. Minthara chides him.

Astarion: Ah, no shadow curse, plenty of funerary decor - I almost feel at home.
Nightwarden Minthara: Stop gawking at the decor, spawn. This place is dangerous. (Note: chiding Astarion)
Astarion: Yes, as I said - just like home.


Minthara and Astarion enter a dungeon beneath Baldur's Gate.

Astarion: So many dark nooks and crannies - this fortress is a lurker's paradise.
Nightwarden Minthara: Would you not prefer basking in the sun like a lizard now that it no longer blisters your pretty skin? (Note: gently mocking Astarion, who still seems to enjoy being in the darkness)
Astarion: Old habits die hard, darling. Surely you know that.



Astarion and Minthara explore Cazador's palace

Nightwarden Minthara: Ominous, yet austere. This place has its charms. (Note: admiring the decor in a vampire's home)
Astarion: We're both learning a lot. Cazador kept this place all to himself.
Nightwarden Minthara: I do not blame him. It is not the sort of place servants or spawn should sully with their presence. (Note: responding to Astarion who is sulking he never saw this part of the house - Minthara mocks him)


Astarion and Minthara see Last Light, fallen into shadow

Nightwarden Minthara: Devoured by the darkness. They should have retreated while they had the chance. (Note: witnessing Last Light, fallen into darkness, the Harpers all taken. She's chilled, but not at all sad. She didn't like them)
Astarion: And yet here we stand. We're either very clever or very lucky.
Nightwarden Minthara: You do not need luck to survive, Astarion. Not when you have me. (Note: Proud and a little bit condescending)


Astarion and Minthara talk in Moonrise, after the fall of Ketheric

Nightwarden Minthara: Did you expect to survive Myrkul's wrath, little spawn? (Note: Inquisitive - talking to Astarion. Myrkul is a god of death (MER-kul).)
Astarion: You'd be surprised, drow. I've survived a lot of things.
Nightwarden Minthara: Greater horrors await us in Baldur's Gate. Best sharpen your fangs. (Note: She's looking forward to the challenge. Condescending toward Astarion)


Nightwarden Minthara: The shadows have lingered here so long, the land itself is corroded. A most persistent curse.
Astarion: I think I know a thing or two about persistent curses, thank you.
Nightwarden Minthara: The rashes and sores you may have contracted over your decades of philandering are not the kind of curse that concerns me.

Минтара, романтик (Astarion_Minthara_ROM_) 

Act 2

Astarion: So how does Lolth feel about romance? Are you expected to bite your mate's head off afterwards?
Nightwarden Minthara: Be grateful I no longer follow the Spider Queen's teachings. If I did, you would be the first to fall into my web. (Note: teasing Astarion with a grotesquely exaggerated version of how she would seduce him)
Astarion: I can't tell if you're joking. She is joking, right? (Note: first phrase to Minthara, then appealing to the party at large for support)

Act 3

Astarion: So, what's it like caring for someone other than yourself, Minthara?
Nightwarden Minthara: You have never tried it, I assume.
Astarion: Gods no. It sounds like a lot of work.
Nightwarden Minthara: It takes less work than you devote to maintaining your foppish facade. And it's far more rewarding.





Astarion comments on how wretched goblins are. Shadowheart makes a comment about the pot calling the kettle black.

Astarion: Goblins are such vile little parasites.

The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire (YES):
Shadowheart: Given your own nature, are you really the one to judge?

The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire (NO):
Shadowheart: Not the vilest any of us have seen of late, unfortunately.


Astarion and Shadowheart discuss Guildhall

Astarion: Well, well. The fabled haunt of Nine-Fingers Keene.
Shadowheart: Never visited before? I thought you got around.
Astarion: I always steered clear. If Guild members started disappearing, people would start asking questions. And Cazador hated questions.
Shadowheart: Understandable, when the answer is invariably 'the silver-haired one ate them'. (Note: Droll)


Astarion and Shadowheart discuss Guildhall Entrance.

Astarion: What a delightfully secluded alley. I would have been in my element here, once.
Shadowheart: But you consort with a better class of people now, right?
Astarion: A different class of person. And a different type of consorting.
Shadowheart: Let's just stop this conversation right here, shall we? (Note: too much information)


Astarion and Shadowheart discuss House of Healing.

Astarion: It's a long time since I was in a house of healing. Gods, it's depressing.
Shadowheart: I suppose you don't have much use for hospitals... unless you're seeking to steal their blood stock.
Astarion: True, although I don't heal as fast as I used to. The one downside to the tadpole, I suppose.
Shadowheart: The one downside? I think you might have stopped the count too soon...


Astarion prods Shadow Heart over her antagonistic realationship with Lae'Zel. Wants to understand what's at the root of that, but Shadowheart isn't revealing anything.

Astarion: So, you and Lae'zel? Seems tense.
Shadowheart: Please, don't remind me. But keep your guard up with her.
Astarion: Noted.


Astarion and Shadowheart discuss Last Light (protected).

Astarion: Gods, whoever thought I'd be happy to see the Flaming Fist?
Astarion: Being in a land of cursed, angry shadows, you start to see things in a new light.
Shadowheart: Admit it - you're just glad to see some potential meals walking about after all those bloodless shadows. (Note: Teasing)


Astarion and Shadowheart discuss Shadow-Cursed lands.

Astarion: These woods feel unsettling - like they're dangling on the edge between life and death.
Shadowheart: Isn't that how you feel all the time, Astarion? I thought you'd find it comforting. (Note: Teasing)
Astarion: Funny. Very funny. (Note: Astarion does not, in fact, find this very funny.)


Astarion comments on the nice, homey feel of the Shar temple. Shadow Heart responds.

Astarion: I do like it down here. It's nice. Homey. (Note: The architecture is big, sharp, grim and imposing.)

ShadowHeart_InParty_Knows_SharWorshipper = True:
Shadowheart: This is a dedication to my goddess' power and dark beauty. Homey is not the first word that comes to mind.

ShadowHeart_InParty_Knows_SharWorshipper = False:
Shadowheart: This temple is positively dripping with power and dark beauty - is homey truly the first word that springs to mind?




Shadowheart and Astarion converse while journeying, Shadowheart asks if Astarion has anyone waiting for him.

Shadowheart: Do you have someone waiting for you in Baldur's Gate, Astarion? A sweetheart perhaps?

The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire (YES):

Astarion: No sweethearts, no. I prefer them savoury. (Note: Teasing.)
             Shadowheart: This is what I get for trying to strike up conversation. (Note: 'Why did i even ask'.)
The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire (NO):

Astarion: Not one in particular. The city is a veritable feast of sweethearts.
             Shadowheart: You must be eager to get back then. Slimmer pickings out in this wilderness.


Shadowheart and Astarion converse as they travel. Astarion is known to be a vampire and this has been accepted by the party. Shadowheart playfully asks him who he'd like to feed upon the most.

Shadowheart: So, Astarion. Which of us would you rather feed on? If you had free rein?
Astarion: Ah! Wyll. No question. He's strong, fast, and righteous. I'm salivating already.
Shadowheart: Hmm... interesting.
Astarion: You sound disappointed. I'll bite you if you ask.
Shadowheart: I'm sure you would. Don't sound so eager.


Banter between SH and Astarion while crossing an ancient battlefield.

Shadowheart: Imagine what this place was like, on the day of the battle. The ground must have been covered with the dead... (Note: Somber)
Astarion: A tragedy - just think of all that wasted blood.
Shadowheart: You wouldn't actually feed in the wake of a battle, would you? You're not a vulture. (Note: 'ew, really?')
Astarion: Oh, I don't know. I've fed on things that would disgust most vultures.


Banter between SH and Astarion in Cazador's palace.

Shadowheart: So, Astarion. Vampire dens - what should I expect? (Note: Curious)
Astarion: Vampires would be a safe bet.
Shadowheart: Hilarious. You belong on stage - perhaps the bloodstained sort, with a hooded man standing by, axe in hand. (Note: Droll)
Astarion: So long as there's a cheering crowd. As for vampire dens, I'd brace your nose. They can be very... organic.


Banter between SH and Astarion in the counting house (bank) of Baldur's Gate.

Shadowheart: I don't suppose you really have much use for gold, do you, Astarion?
Astarion: It's not required, but it is nice to have. It buys any number of ways to keep life interesting.
Shadowheart: Go on then, coyness isn't in your nature. What would you do with unlimited funds?
Astarion: Let's just say blood tastes better from a gold goblet, and silk bedsheets improve any night-time activity.


Shadowheart and Astarion banter while journeying through the Underdark. They have a mutual appreciation of the darkness, though for different reasons.

Shadowheart: Such depth to the shadows... I don't care what others say about the Underdark - it's beautiful down here.
The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire (YES):

Astarion: I'm used to a crypt's gloom. This is something else. (Note: Admiring the surreal beauty of the underdark.)

The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire (NO):
Astarion: I've spent long enough in the dark. It gets old. (Note: He'd rather be in the sun.)


Shadowheart and Astarion converse while travelling. Shadowheart daydreams about the food offerings in Baldur's Gate, while Astarion, not yet known to be a vampire, tries to engage.

Shadowheart: You know what I really miss about Baldur's Gate? The food. Freshest fish I've ever had.
Astarion: I don't care for fish. Red meat - now that's a different matter. Rare as can be... dripping.
Shadowheart: Well unless we find a cure you won't have any teeth to chew it with soon enough.


Banter between SH and Astarion in Moonrise towers

Shadowheart: This must have been quite a place, in its heyday. Could you ever picture yourself living here, Astarion? You know, assuming the riff-raff were cleared out?
Astarion: Tempting, but it's not really for me.
Shadowheart: Really? Even with all these chambers, and the commanding views? You could live like a lord.
Astarion: But I'd have to climb so many stairs. Anyway, I already have my eye on a palace in Baldur's Gate. (Note: 'palace in Baldur's Gate' = Cazador's palace'.)


Banter between Shadowheart and Astarion in the mountain pass region.

Shadowheart: I didn't exactly dress for hiking mountains. Shame we couldn't procure some pack mules, or horses. (Note: Slight grumble (trekking through a mountain pass). Arc: early game/SH loyal to shar.)
Astarion: Horses? Perish the thought - those ill-tempered beasts are prone to biting.
Shadowheart: Well, so are you, but we keep you around, don't we? (Note: Teasing Astarion. Arc: early game/SH loyal to shar.)
Astarion: And I'm not offering any rides, if that's what you're thinking.


Banter between SH and Astartion in Philgrave Mansion.

Shadowheart: A distinct whiff of undeath to this place... though curious, I can't say I've ever noticed the same about you, Astarion.
Astarion: My 'whiff' is very faint, thank you - nothing a little bergamot, rosemary, and a hint of aged brandy can't hide.
Astarion: It's the perfect olfactory disguise for a corpse. Honestly, I missed my calling as a perfumer.
Shadowheart: You've clearly thought this through a great deal. I'm impressed and appalled in equal measure.

Banter between SH and Astarion in the Gauntlet of Shar.

Shadowheart: You're uncharacteristically quiet, Astarion. Awed into silence?
Astarion: Awed? By this? Please - size isn't everything. At least when it comes to temples.
Shadowheart: Well what would impress you, then?
Astarion: Oh, I don't know, but a little more colour wouldn't hurt. All the black and purple just makes me think of bruises...

Shadowheart and Astarion banter while travelling through swamplands.

Shadowheart: Ugh, I hate swamps. The place reeks - probably full of bloodsuckers as well. (Note: Disgust. Travelling through swampland.)

The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire (YES) & The character that Astarion tried to bite:
Astarion: I can't blame them. You're delicious.

Shadowheart: If that was an attempt at flirting, I should let you know I prefer the strong, silent type.
The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire (YES):

Astarion: Shadowheart! You wound me. (Note: Responding to 'swamp's probably full of bloodsuckers.)
The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire (NO):

Astarion: Probably. (Note: Shadowhearts that the swamp's probably full of bloodsuckers. She doesn't know you're a vampire.)


Banter between SH and Astarion

Shadowheart: I have to ask, Astarion. Do people taste different from one another, when you feed?
Astarion: It all depends. A clean neck certainly helps.
Shadowheart: Come on, you know I'm talking about their blood.
Astarion: Of course, there are different vintages. Young noble is wonderful if you can get it, but crone has its charms too.

Шедоухарт, романтик (Astarion_Shadowheart_ROM_) 

Act 1

Shadowheart: Do vampires actually usually drink blood out of goblets like in the storybooks? Doesn't seem very fresh.
Astarion: Straight from the neck is preferred, but goblets are used in mortal company. They save on awkwardness.
Astarion: We could share a drink some night, if you're curious. A nice red wine in your goblet, of course.
Shadowheart: Very kind of you, but I'm saving my best bottle for someone already.
Act 2

Shadowheart: Living without sunlight isn't so bad, Astarion. Where I came from, we would often work exclusively under cover of darkness.
Astarion: Yes, but you chose darkness. I was cast into it.
Astarion: The sun was banished from my life - forbidden. And we all lust after the forbidden, don't we?

Act 2. Banter between SH and Astarion. SH has abandoned Shar and is romantically linked to the player

Shadowheart: I'm probably more at home in the water than you now, Astarion.
Astarion: Probably. Although I am two hundred years out of practice. Running water is no place for vampires.
Astarion: But perhaps I'll join you for a dip once everything is done. Then we could see who's best.



Astarion and Wyll discuss Bloomridge Park

Astarion: You know, I've never seen this place in the daylight before.
Wyll: I always loved this park. Spent a lot of time here as a boy battling imaginary monsters.
Astarion: Oh, I was going to say it looks wretched. The dark hid all the kitschy details.

This dialogue is about BLIGHTED VILLAGE, not FOR

Astarion: Well, it's no Baldur's Gate, but at least it's some kind of civilisation.
Wyll: I do miss the Gate, though. The Elfsong Tavern! Sunset over Grey Harbour! Fried fish at the docks!
Astarion: Drunk young patriars, naked in the fountains! Ah, civilisation... (Note: Whistfully)


Astarion and Wyll discuss Moonrise Oubliette

Astarion: Admittedly, I don't care for most people, but this is a terrible waste. (Note: referring to all the wasted blood)
Wyll: Because their lives were cut brutally short, you mean.
Astarion: I - ... yes, that. That's clearly what I was referring to. (Note: pretending he wasn't referring to all the wasted blood)


Banter between AStarion and Wyll heading toward SCL

Astarion: I used to be agog at everything when I first walked in the sun. Perhaps I'm adjusting to this new life.
Wyll: It's when you use words like 'agog' that I remember you're actually two centuries old.
Astarion: And it's when you think 'agog' is an impressive word that I remember you're just a child.


Astarion asks Wyll if he's much experience with the Underdark. Wyll answers.

Astarion: Spent much time in the Underdark?
The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire (NO)

Wyll: I've slayed a death dog or six, crossed a few duergar.
           Wyll: I never was scared of the shadows.
The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire (YES)

Wyll: Some. And you? Seems a perfect hunting ground for... you know.
           Astarion: Perfect? You try drinking an earth elemental's blood.


Asks Wyll if he's ever killed a vampire. He might need a hand slaying one later.

Astarion: A question for our master monster hunter: how would you approach killing a vampire?

The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire (YES)
Wyll: A full-on vamp, you mean? Lure it into the sun, drive a stake through its heart.
         Wyll: And that's not the end of it. The suckers are wily. No offence.

              Astarion: None taken. Wiliness keeps me alive. More or less.

The party knows Companion Astarion is a vampire (NO)
Wyll: To start? Lure it into the sun, drive a stake through its heart. Why?
         Astarion: Just curious.


Astarion and Wyll discuss Wyrmway

Astarion: I lived two centuries in this city, but it can still surprise me.
Wyll: Baldur's Gate harbours many a secret. Even the longest-lived explorers have yet to uncover them all.
Wyll: Speaking of - what were you getting up to all those years?
Astarion: Let's not get into the details. If Baldur's Gate can have its secrets, so can I.



Wyll: Ah - the memories. The Blushing Mermaid's where fifteen-year-old Wyll snuck his first kiss.
Astarion: You didn't kiss anyone until you were fifteen? Gods, what a tragic, sheltered life...
Wyll: Sheltered? Not at all. I was exposed to all manner of riot and revelry. Hells, my father even urged me on once or twice.
Wyll: But I've always been a bit old-fashioned on these matters. I find more pleasure in a courtly dance than a loveless fling.


Wyll remarks that he could use a good strong drink. Astarion concurs. Wyll says that isn't what he meant.

Wyll: I'm feeling a bit parched and peckish.
Astarion: Me too. Keep an eye out for any passing vagrants.
Wyll: I'm afraid you'll have to content yourself with vagrant chickens.


Wyll and Astarion banter in FOR

Wyll: As much love as I hold for Baldur's Gate, these frontiers delight me as much as any bustling street.
Astarion: You can't be serious? This is a howling wasteland!
Astarion: I haven't even had a bath since the abduction. I must reek of illithid slime.
Wyll: Sure, but think of the stories you'll be able to tell.


Wyll remarks on Astarion being a vampire. Jokes - kind of - about hunting him.

Wyll: Killed a few giant bats in my day, Astarion - but never hunted a vampire.
Astarion: Just to remind you, I'm merely a spawn. It won't count.
Astarion: But if you want a true vampire, I'm happy to recommend one.


Wyll: Finally, we're approaching Moonrise Towers.
Astarion: Nothing escapes the Blade of Frontiers' keen senses, I see.
Wyll: Mock me all you want, Astarion. We could use a little comic relief.
Astarion: Yes, that's why I'm mocking you - to keep our spirits up. No other reason...


Wyll: To think how vibrant this place must have once been. Children playing, merchants hawking. Real people living real lives.
Astarion: I know, can you imagine the noise? This is much more peaceful.
Wyll: Come, Astarion. I know you're not really as heartless as all that.
Astarion: Of course not, I'm a pussycat really. Just ask anyone who's seen my claws.


Wyll asks Astarion if maybe he can't just suck on rats or something and leave people alone. Astarion replies with a lore-ish quip.

Wyll: Astarion, how is the rat diet going?
Astarion: It may soon come to an end if you don't shut your mouth.

Wyll: The city fell under Gortash's charms without him casting nary a spell.
Astarion: Well, most people are idiots, Wyll. You can lure them into a dragon's maw if you promise a bag of sweets.
Wyll: The people aren't stupid, Astarion - they're scared. Gortash provoked a damned war, and then promised them safety.
Astarion: Safety, sweets - it's the same principle.

Уилл, романтик (Astarion_Wyll_ROM_)  

Romance Party Banter - Astarion commenting on the relationship between Wyll and the Avatar in Act 1.

Astarion: I hardly saw you at the party. Did the honest and true Blade sneak off for a little fun?
Wyll: No! Nothing like that at all.
Astarion: Oh, but you protest too much. Now I know you were practicing your swordplay.


Romance Party Banter - Astarion commenting on the relationship between Wyll and the Avatar in Act 2.

Wyll: I'm surprised I never saw you lurking in the shadows at any Baldurian balls, Astarion.
Astarion: The city's elite was not my target audience, alas.
Astarion: People ask questions when members of the nobility disappear, and the last thing Cazador wanted was people asking questions.


Romance Party Banter - Astarion commenting on the relationship between Wyll and the Avatar in Act 3.

Astarion: Marriage, Wyll? I thought you'd have learned not to get trapped by devious contracts.
Wyll: I was planning to invite you to the ceremony, but I'm having second thoughts.
Astarion: I'd love to come! As long as I can sit with someone fun. Mizora, perhaps?



Minsc and Astarion bond about being able to walk the streets again.

Minsc: Ah, but it is a fine thing to walk with friends beneath the warming sun! (Note: Just spontaneously happy)
Astarion: Friends' might be a stretch, but otherwise - yes, I fully agree!
Minsc: You might have your cloudy locks to keep the heat off your head, but do not forget that Minsc has Boo! We will be like twins, eh?
Astarion: We will? Gods - two hundred years and I've never missed seeing my reflection more.


Minsc and Astarion talk about fish

Minsc: ASTARION! FISH! ASTARION! (Note: Struck by a brilliant idea, so excited he cannot use his words.)
Astarion: Minsc, please - slow down. Use your words.
Minsc: Minsc has thought how you might be a more virtuous vampire - feast on fish instead. They are made of naught but neck! (Note: Delighted with himself, as if it's a matter he's been mulling over for some time. If he must travel with 'bad' people, he will try to make them 'better'.)
Astarion: It's a sweet thought, but fish just doesn't have the flavour of full-blooded red meat.
Minsc: No, you do not 'agree', Boo. I told you you have been spending far too much time around the pale one... (Note: Hushed, style of a whispered argument that's been had before, trailing off to be discussed later. Minsc is worried that his hamster is being corrupted.)


Minsc doesn't like statues

Minsc: Oh, I do not know, Boo. If you buried the nuts here before we were stone, I am thinking they might have gone bad.
Astarion: Minsc! Enough! The hamster isn't saying a damn thing and you know it.
Minsc: Well, Astarion. Boo is of good breeding, and so only speaks when he has something nice to say. (Note: Haughty, offended. 'Well, I never' )
Minsc: Perhaps this is why he has never seen fit to speak to you. (Note: Haughty, genuinely offended.)

Astarion: How delightfully vicious. I'm beginning to like the hamster.

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15 минут назад, ELunee сказал:

Astarion: Gods - we're not back, are we?
Gale: On the nautiloid? No, this is a different nursery - similar, but not identical. There's likely one in every colony (Note: Fascinated by what he's seeing)
Astarion: I don't care what's in every mind flayer colony, Gale - nobody does. Except you.

Не в первый раз вижу этот диалог, но каждый раз смеюсь :D

16 минут назад, ELunee сказал:

Astarion: Marriage, Wyll? I thought you'd have learned not to get trapped by devious contracts.
Wyll: I was planning to invite you to the ceremony, but I'm having second thoughts.
Astarion: I'd love to come! As long as I can sit with someone fun. Mizora, perhaps?

С Мизорой они точно зажгут вечеринку. Главное, чтобы еще невестой была не Дурка, а то Уилл точно пожалеет о своем решении.

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6 минут назад, Lian сказал:

 Мизорой они точно зажгут вечеринку. Главное, чтобы еще невестой была не Дурка, а то Уилл точно пожалеет о своем решении.

Будет как всегда сидеть один с унылым видом, а Дурка пересядет в весёлую компанию. 

Кто сказал "Красная Свадьба" 

Изменено пользователем KellyL

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1 час назад, KellyL сказал:

мне нравится сам факт, что этот вариант есть в игре

Про саму возможность дойти до финала в романе с вознесенным Астарионом не став спавном, если не запускать катсцену обращения, я знаю с момента как выложили диалоговые файлы, но полной уверенности что это сработает не было. Теперь интересно, работает ли другой способ не активировать катсцену кроме "не отдыхать" - просто суицидить Астариона перед каждым отдыхом после вознесения, а утром воскрешать? 

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