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Новости по Mass Effect: Andromeda

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Аарон Флинн на форуме Neogaf оставил свой комментарий, который может развеять возникшие опасения что новая Mass Effect будет создаваться по шаблону DAI.

I've seen a few thoughts like this recently, and thought I'd weigh in as much as I can right now. I have a good idea where it's coming from. All of our games are using Frostbite now. We've said the next Mass Effect (and our new IP, but I won't expand on that yet) uses some of the technology from DAI. We've been enjoying building larger areas that you can explore with less friction, so that'll be there as well.

But after that, the next Mass Effect will be (and should be) drawing on its own rich and successful past more than what DAI would say it should do. Take the Mako, something we've already shown in prototype form. We had that in ME1, and bringing it back is more related to a feeling that we can do it much better than we did before and fulfill the original promise of that gameplay. That has nothing to do with DAI. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that dropping the older consoles has had more impact on the overall gameplay goals of the next Mass Effect game than what DAI successfully accomplished.
We're very proud of what DAI has achieved, but that does not set a "template" for what every other game we make needs to be. Each game franchise needs to innovate and improve their experience based on what's best for it, not just what another game had success with because "well that was successful".



"Да, все наши игры теперь используют Frostbite. И ранее мы уже говорили, что следующий Mass Effect (как и наш новый IP, на котором я пока не стану останавливаться) использует некоторые наработки от DAI. Мы с наслаждением создавали огромные локации, которые будет не менее интересно исследовать.

Но следующий Mass Effect должен (и будет) опираться на собственную богатую и успешную историю. Возьмите Мако, который мы уже показали в виде прототипа.
Мы уже имели с ним дело в Mass Effect 1, и решили вернуть его лишь потому, что почувствовали, что сможем сделать намного лучше и выполнить все предыдущие геймплейные задумки. В этом нет ничего общего с DAI. На самом деле, я откровенно заявляю, что отсутствие необходимости разрабатывать игру для старых консолей оказало намного больше влияния на общие цели и геймплей следующей Mass Effect, чем то, что вы видели DAI.

Мы очень гордимся тем, чего DAI добился, но это не значит, что каждую вторую игру мы будет делать по столь удачному шаблону. Каждая игра отдельной франшизы должна быть не только лучше и интереснее, чем предыдущая, но и брать в основу то, что будет лучше для неё, а не то, что было отличной формулой в другой игре."

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как я понял, биовары ищут продюсера мультиплера  для следующей части Mass Effect


а это само объявление:


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Новый концепт арт ME:N с твиттер страницы Уолтерса:



Good day, Mr. Walters. Is your Twitter background concept art for the next ME? Hope you can answer the question. :)

Mac Walters @macwalterslives

Yes indeed... It's an early inspirational concept for the next Mass Effect.


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Если вы взволнованы, что онлайн часть игры откусит кусок сингловой части игры, то я заверяю вас, сингловая часть новой ME будет массивной

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На E3 покажут ME:N. Ранее этого времени - неизвестно. Так же точно неизвестно, покажут ли что нибудь на GDC или же нет. 

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Главный арт-дизайнер студии Алистер МакНейли сделал громкое заявление, сказав, что графика в новой части космической саги скакнула на целое поколение вперед.

"Проведя вечером обзор своих последних художественных работ для новой Mass Effect, могу сказать только "вау" и отметить, что уровень графики скакнул на поколение вперед".




С новой частью серии Mass Effect, BioWare хочет не только всё исправить, но опробовать новые идеи. Так они сейчас экпериментируют с новыми возможностями.

Вот что поведал продюсер Фабриз Кондоминас (Fabrice Condominas):

"На данный момент играю новый билд Mass Effect, в то же время слушаю Daft Punk, который приносит в игру нечто ретро-футуристическое. Пробовать новые возможности, в то время как данная игра является всего лишь сырым прототипом, делает меня счастливее."




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Небольшое прояснение по сейвам!



Но на последний вопрос о синтезе пока ответа нет!

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В МЕН появился очередной билд, который раработчики обозревают, и восхищены проделанной работой


P.s: тролят нас...

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Для Mass Effect Next не потребуются сохранения из предыдущих частей.

Когда в рамках оригинальной трилогии выходила новая часть Mass Effect, важным моментом являлось наличие сохранений из предыдущей игры, ведь вместе с сохранениями мы переносили все принятые нами решения. BioWare уже не раз говорили, что история Шепарда окончена, и судя по всему, студия хочет вовсе отойти от сюжета трилогии. 

Старший продюсер из новой команды Mass Effect Джонатан Варнер в своем Twitter на вопрос фаната о том, нужно ли волноваться о сохранениях перед тем, как начать играть в Mass Effect Next, ответил следующее. 

«Mass Effect Next — это отличное место для того, чтобы совершить прыжок в серии. Нет нужды волноваться о сохранениях». 

Тем самым Джонатан лишний раз подчеркнул, что нас ждет новая история, мало перекликающаяся с оригинальной трилогией. 

К слову, все в той же ветке записей Майкл Гэмбл, продюсер нового Mass Effect, пишет, что у Mass Effect 3 нет каноничной концовки. 

«Выбор игрока — это то, к чему мы относимся серьезно», говорит при этом Майкл.


via shazoo

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Вкратце: Заканчивают очередной этап в ближайшее время. 

Так же ниже написали о надежде что BioWare что нибудь покажут в будущем времени. Gamble ответил "Мы будем". 

Сама лента этого твитта: https://twitter.com/GambleMike/status/577985499115163648

Скорый анонс?

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На РС игра выйдет однозначно!!! M.Walters

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Старший директор по разработке Mass Effect Next Крис Винн пишет в своем Twitter, что боевая система в последнем билде выглядит здорово.

«Технология замечательная. Сегодня работаю из дома, но на связи с офисом для того, чтобы провести обзор билда с командой. Боевая система выглядит очень здорово в последнем билде. Биотика плюс оружие плюс мощные гаджеты — потрясающе», говорит Крис.

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Главная линия в дизайне Mass Effect - Дерек Уоттс о связующей геометрической форме.


Линия, которая объединяет Mass Effect

Что делает Mass Effect такой узнаваемой на скриншотах? Я вам помогу:


Это дуга. Она везде, и не просто так. Дерек Уоттс, арт-директор серии, рассказывает историю «секретного визуального оружия» Mass Effect.

«Когда у нас родилась идея Mass Effect, мы только закончили игру по Звездным Войнам (Knights of the Old Republic). У Звездных войн была устоявшаяся внешность, очень узнаваемая. Мы потратили 4 года, смотря на него, будучи увлеченными этим IP. Mass Effect был вызовом. Мы создавали иную научно-фантастическую франшизу, мы знали, что будет 3 игры. И нам нужна была такая глубина проработки, которая была бы способна конкурировать со Звездными войнами.

Мы на самом деле выбрали кучу художников, на эскизы которых мы опирались, одним из них был Сид Мид. Вы знаете, отобрать такие вещи занимает много времени. Библию дизайна можно написать, если проектом занимаетесь не менее 2,5 лет. Вы не знаете, что найдет отклик у людей.

Что мы заметили, когда работали над дизайном всех этих штук, неважно, людей, кораблей, костюмов, и смотрели работы Сида Мида и некоторых других художников... мы получали большую дугу, проходящую в этих областях.


И это была своего рода попытка показать именно то, что задумано, используя новый движок, на новом железе. Пытались получить красивые гладкие кривые. На предыдущем поколении мы не могли получить такие гладкие кривые, не могли позволить себе большого количества полигонов. Это было одним из методов убеждения людей, что у нас действительно некстген-игра, с некстген-графикой.

Но опять же, мы действительно не замечали этого, пока мы не создали нескольких персонажей, транспортных средств и уровней. И мы решили добавлять дуги к все большему числу концептов. Мы заставляли себя добавлять эти дуги. Поначалу, это выглядело не совсем органично, и нам пришлось немножко побороться.

Мы начали использовать дуги везде. Это было то, чего не было в других играх. И самое великолепное в дугах то, что их можно поместить где угодно – на лого, одежду, доспехи, оружие.


Вам просто нужно включить у себя в воображении большую дугу. Например, как лампа проходит через все помещение, отпечаток краски на корабле. Мы даже принесли ее в дизайн инопланетян. Посмотрите на Гарруса, крогана, саларианца.


В этом мире все объединилось одной единственной линией, которой являлась дуга.

У нас не было для нее математической формулы. Я хотел, чтобы было. Я хотел бы поговорить подробно о том, как мы нашли лучшую кривую. Но правда в том, что не было никакого строгого правила, никакой схемы или определенного наклона. Это была просто простая длинная гладкая скругленная дуга.

Перевод: Ewgenij_BLR





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Инсайдер Shinobi602, отвечая на NeoGaf на вопросы о сроках выхода Mass Effect Next, рассказал, что он разговаривал с людьми, близкими к разработке (судя по всему недавно, так как он предоставляет эту информацию как актуальную на данный момент) и что Bioware по-прежнему собирается выпустить ME Next в 2016 году. Тем не менее, Bioware до сих пор не определись когда - Spring or Fall. Релиз в Q1 2016 не рассматривается.


Учитывая, что Battlefield 5 выйдет в Q4 2016, Shinobi602 предполагает, что целью будет Spring 2016. Тем не менее, он допускает возможность, что они могут выйти одновременно,  учитывая, что EA и раньше выпускала несколько больших релизов в один и тот же период.


Shinobi602 добавляет, что как и везде, задержки всегда возможны, но уверен, что релиз не перенесут на 2017 год.

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Кен Тэйн (старший кинематографический дизайнер): Записываем движения в Ванкувере. Очень классная сцена для MassEffect Next.

P.S. Это первое изображение закулисной биоваровского мокапа эвер.

Изменено пользователем WeAreLegion

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Крисс Винн, сообщил в твиттере «Количество деталей на персонажах безумно»


Кроме того, движок Frosbite 3, выполняет своё дело очень хорошо:


Гейм-дизайнер Престон, очень доволен тем, как движется разработка Mass Effect Next



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Кписс Винн так же подтвердил, что на PS4 игра выйдет! тык

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Джон Домброу назначен одним из ведущих сценаристов новой МЕ.


В МЕ 3 он отвечал за сюжетные ветки с Генофагом, миссии на Тессии, В Гриссомской Академии, все диалоги Гарруса и Явика. Был одним из главных сценаристов "Цитадели" и "Левиафана" (по сути отвечал почти за все лучшее, что было В МЕ3)

Был одним из ведущих сценаристов "Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea", а также одним из сценаристов некоторых эпизодов "Game of Thrones" от TellTale. 


 P.S Есть небольшая надежда, что его больше задействует в новой МЕ. Не хочется, чтобы Уолтерс "доминировал".



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Слух утечка: новая информация по Mass Effect Next

Sometimes I take surveys online for a little extra money.

One day last month I got one with this:


The Next Mass Effect Context:


The next Mass Effect game takes place in the Helius Cluster (a cluster of 100s of solar systems in the Andromeda Galaxy), far removed by time and space from Commander Shepard’s heroic acts and the final events of the Mass Effect trilogy. You are a pathfinder, a combat trained but un-tested explorer leading an expedition into the Helius cluster to establish a new home for humanity. As you explore this sprawling series of solar systems (over 4x the size of Mass Effect 3), collecting resources and building colonies, you will encounter the savagery of untamed lands in the form of cut-throat outlaws and warring alien races. To survive and colonize the wild reaches of space, you will need to grow your arsenal, your ship, your crew and make strategic (and often uneasy) alliances to fight against increasingly menacing foes. Along the way, you will encounter the remains of a once powerful and mysterious alien race, the Remnant, whose forgotten technology holds the key to gaining power in this region of the galaxy. As you uncover who the Remnant were, and the mysteries their ruins contain, you are drawn into a violent race to find the source of their forgotten technology that will determine the fate of humanity.


Collect Resources to Fuel your Growth:


Scour solar systems and planets within the Helius Cluster to find valuable resources and blueprints of long forgotten alien technology that will allow you to craft better equipment and weapons, such as improving your leg armor to allow you to jetpack jump, or upgrading your cryo-beam (laser cannon) to target enemies or do area damage around you to clear out close threats. As you build your arsenal and resource infrastructure, you will be able to explore deeper into the increasingly dangerous and resource-rich solar systems of the Helius Cluster.


A Capable Crew:


Throughout the story, you will recruit seven distinct crew members to fight by your side. Each crew member has a unique personality and specific abilities that open up strategic options as you choose which two of them to bring into each mission. For example, Cora has the ability to deploy a biotic shield that protects everyone in the bubble while still allowing you and your squad to fire out of it. Your crew will grow alongside you as you explore the Helius Cluster, and you can choose how you upgrade your crew’s weapons, gear and abilities to increase their individual combat effectiveness. Create the perfect squad to react to any situation and to support your preferred gameplay style.


Your Crew, Your Story:


Your crew members aren’t merely hired guns – they are part of the living universe in the Helius Cluster that develops in response to your actions and choices. Increase each crew member’s loyalty by pursuing missions that are important to that specific character. For example, when a Krogan colony ship has been stolen by one of the outlaw factions leaving the colonists stranded without resources to survive, your Krogan squad mate, Drack, is determined to strike out against them. If you take the mission and help him track down the outlaws’ hideout to return the ship to its rightful owners, Drack’s loyalty toward you and your squad will increase and Drack will unlock a brand new skill tree.


Explore each individual’s backstory and develop your relationship with them through conversations and unique missions. True to Mass Effect, what you choose to say will directly affect your crew’s loyalty and relationship with you, and will open up different conversations and narrative opportunities at the end of the game depending upon how you approach each encounter.


Deployed Strike Team Missions:


The Helius Cluster is 1000s of light years across, and you can’t be everywhere at once. As you develop more colonies, resource bases and settlements, you have to be able to keep them safe. Spend resources to recruit mercenaries and develop an AI controlled Strike Team that you can deploy to take on randomly generated, time-sensitive missions. Strike Team missions take many forms, including settlement defense and Remnant artifact recovery, which will take real-time to complete. Send your Strike Team out on a mission while you continue playing the main game and they will return, 20 – 30 minutes later, having gained rewards such as XP, currency and equipment based on the success of their mission. Spend money and resources to train your Strike Team and acquire better gear for them, which will increase their success rate and allow them to take on more difficult missions for greater rewards.


Active Strike Team Missions:


When you encounter a Strike Team mission in the Single-Player mode, you can leave your Strike Team at their base and decide to tackle the mission yourself with your Multiplayer roster of characters. You also have the option of tackling the mission by yourself, or recruiting up to three friends to play with you. The more friends you bring, the greater the challenge and the greater the reward. These missions will play out using the Next Mass Effect’s multiplayer Horde mode (more details on this later). These missions will include a variety of thematically appropriate objectives, like defending a Settlement against Khet attacks, or recovering a Remnant artifact off of a planet before an outlaw gang gets there first. By taking an active role in strike team missions, you can earn special Single-player rewards in addition to the usual multiplayer specific characters, weapons, weapon mods, and pieces of equipment which can be customized between missions. Additionally, players who join another person’s Strike Team mission will receive bonus in-game currency and multiplayer XP for helping others with their missions.


Multiplayer “Horde” Mode:


The next Mass Effect’s “Horde” multiplayer pits you and up to three of your friends against waves of enemy troops on various battlefields throughout the galaxy. Players fight together to survive increasingly difficult enemy attacks and accomplish objectives, like disabling a bomb near a colony base or assassinating a target. Progress through multiplayer missions to gain XP and earn new multiplayer specific weapons, characters, weapon mods, and pieces of equipment, which can be customized between matches. Multiplayer play will also earn you APEX funds (in-game currency), which can be used to purchase items and gear in the Single Player game.


Establish Settlements:


Search solar systems for rare habitable planets to establish a settlement that could serve as a base for humankind’s new home in the Helius Cluster. As you build permanent settlements, you will make strategic choices on where to focus your new base’s resources. For example: Recon Settlements will clear fog of war from the space map and give the player more strike team missions to choose from, while Mining Settlements will periodically supplement the player’s supply of crafting materials.




Building upon the rich history of strategic dialogue that has defined the Mass Effect series, you can make meaningful choices in every conversation you have with characters that impact the way your game evolves. The next Mass Effect adds deeper control over your conversations through a greater ability to interrupt and change the course of the conversation as it is happening. During certain conversations, you will be able to take action based choices, such as the option to pull out your gun and force someone to open a door instead of convincing them to do it through conversational guile. Action based choices give you more options for how you approach dialogue with characters in the game and can lead to more extreme outcomes on the story as it evolves around the decisions you make when interacting with a huge cast of NPC characters.


Seamlessly Travel Through the Next Mass Effect Universe:


As you pilot your space ship, Tempest, across the 100s of solar systems that are seamlessly connected in the next Mass Effect, you will encounter new planets filled with valuable resources, intelligent life, conflict, and alien technology that all give you opportunities to increase the power of your character, your ship and your team so that you can build them into a force that perfectly suits your gameplay style. Transitions between activities, like flying your Tempest (space ship) across a solar system to land on a mineral rich planet, then jumping into your Mako (land vehicle) to explore the surface of planet, all happen smoothly without loading screens.


Customize and Share Your Experience:


Discover new things in Andromeda Galaxy, like alien artifacts and natural wonders, that serve as trophies and decorations that you can use to modify the look of your character, Tempest (Space Ship) and Mako (land vehicle). Customize the way your squad and your character look with clothes and aesthetic modifications that you unlock throughout the game. Photos you take from the far reaches of the galaxy can be used to decorate your starship or sold to certain characters.


Remnant Vault Raids: Find and activate Remnant Monoliths to unlock Remnant vaults. Explore abandoned Remnant ruins to find and locate a powerful artifact, but once you remove it you will trigger the vault defenses that will arm traps, activate defense robots and even change the architecture of the vault itself to stop you from escaping. Fight your way out of the vault and you will be rewarded with valuable loot, including powerful gear, crafting resources and Star Keys that can be used to unlock massive orbital facilities in space that grant permanent stat bonuses.


Optional Elite Remnant Vault Raids are scattered around the Helius Cluster located in special orbital facilities that are unlocked by Star Keys. Similar to the standard Remnant Vaults, you enter them to retrieve a special artifact which will trigger the vault defenses that arm traps, activate defense robots and change the architecture of the vault itself to stop you from escaping. However, Elite vaults ratchet up the difficulty of the encounter with increasingly powerful defense robots and traps, as well as roaming outlaws and deadly Khet patrols that are also in search of the elite artifacts. Elite Remnant vaults will test the limits of your combat and puzzle solving acumen, but with greater difficulty comes greater rewards. Gain rare loot, narrative acclaim and huge rewards for completing these daunting challenges.


Khet Outposts:


As you explore planets throughout the Helius Cluster, you will encounter Khet Outposts. These outposts are optional combat experiences where you enter the outpost and fight off waves of enemies. Destroy Khet outposts to earn XP, rewards and thwart their growing power in the region. Your allies will reward you with praise and increased narrative options as you fight to remove the Khet presence from the region.


Drive and upgrade your Mako (land vehicle):


Explore the surfaces of 100s of planets in the Helius Cluster in your versatile land vehicle, the Mako. Whether you are looking for a place to set up a colony, searching for a Remnant vault or attacking a Khet Outpost, you will enjoy getting there in your Mako. Equip and upgrade your Mako in dozens of ways, like adding turbo boosters, upgrading your shield generator or adding a Hostile Detector to your radar to create the ultimate planetary exploration vehicle. Finally, get your Mako looking the way you want with a custom paintjob.



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Слух утечка: новая информация по Mass Effect Next

Sometimes I take surveys online for a little extra money.

One day last month I got one with this:


The Next Mass Effect Context:


The next Mass Effect game takes place in the Helius Cluster (a cluster of 100s of solar systems in the Andromeda Galaxy), far removed by time and space from Commander Shepard’s heroic acts and the final events of the Mass Effect trilogy. You are a pathfinder, a combat trained but un-tested explorer leading an expedition into the Helius cluster to establish a new home for humanity. As you explore this sprawling series of solar systems (over 4x the size of Mass Effect 3), collecting resources and building colonies, you will encounter the savagery of untamed lands in the form of cut-throat outlaws and warring alien races. To survive and colonize the wild reaches of space, you will need to grow your arsenal, your ship, your crew and make strategic (and often uneasy) alliances to fight against increasingly menacing foes. Along the way, you will encounter the remains of a once powerful and mysterious alien race, the Remnant, whose forgotten technology holds the key to gaining power in this region of the galaxy. As you uncover who the Remnant were, and the mysteries their ruins contain, you are drawn into a violent race to find the source of their forgotten technology that will determine the fate of humanity.


Collect Resources to Fuel your Growth:


Scour solar systems and planets within the Helius Cluster to find valuable resources and blueprints of long forgotten alien technology that will allow you to craft better equipment and weapons, such as improving your leg armor to allow you to jetpack jump, or upgrading your cryo-beam (laser cannon) to target enemies or do area damage around you to clear out close threats. As you build your arsenal and resource infrastructure, you will be able to explore deeper into the increasingly dangerous and resource-rich solar systems of the Helius Cluster.


A Capable Crew:


Throughout the story, you will recruit seven distinct crew members to fight by your side. Each crew member has a unique personality and specific abilities that open up strategic options as you choose which two of them to bring into each mission. For example, Cora has the ability to deploy a biotic shield that protects everyone in the bubble while still allowing you and your squad to fire out of it. Your crew will grow alongside you as you explore the Helius Cluster, and you can choose how you upgrade your crew’s weapons, gear and abilities to increase their individual combat effectiveness. Create the perfect squad to react to any situation and to support your preferred gameplay style.


Your Crew, Your Story:


Your crew members aren’t merely hired guns – they are part of the living universe in the Helius Cluster that develops in response to your actions and choices. Increase each crew member’s loyalty by pursuing missions that are important to that specific character. For example, when a Krogan colony ship has been stolen by one of the outlaw factions leaving the colonists stranded without resources to survive, your Krogan squad mate, Drack, is determined to strike out against them. If you take the mission and help him track down the outlaws’ hideout to return the ship to its rightful owners, Drack’s loyalty toward you and your squad will increase and Drack will unlock a brand new skill tree.


Explore each individual’s backstory and develop your relationship with them through conversations and unique missions. True to Mass Effect, what you choose to say will directly affect your crew’s loyalty and relationship with you, and will open up different conversations and narrative opportunities at the end of the game depending upon how you approach each encounter.


Deployed Strike Team Missions:


The Helius Cluster is 1000s of light years across, and you can’t be everywhere at once. As you develop more colonies, resource bases and settlements, you have to be able to keep them safe. Spend resources to recruit mercenaries and develop an AI controlled Strike Team that you can deploy to take on randomly generated, time-sensitive missions. Strike Team missions take many forms, including settlement defense and Remnant artifact recovery, which will take real-time to complete. Send your Strike Team out on a mission while you continue playing the main game and they will return, 20 – 30 minutes later, having gained rewards such as XP, currency and equipment based on the success of their mission. Spend money and resources to train your Strike Team and acquire better gear for them, which will increase their success rate and allow them to take on more difficult missions for greater rewards.


Active Strike Team Missions:


When you encounter a Strike Team mission in the Single-Player mode, you can leave your Strike Team at their base and decide to tackle the mission yourself with your Multiplayer roster of characters. You also have the option of tackling the mission by yourself, or recruiting up to three friends to play with you. The more friends you bring, the greater the challenge and the greater the reward. These missions will play out using the Next Mass Effect’s multiplayer Horde mode (more details on this later). These missions will include a variety of thematically appropriate objectives, like defending a Settlement against Khet attacks, or recovering a Remnant artifact off of a planet before an outlaw gang gets there first. By taking an active role in strike team missions, you can earn special Single-player rewards in addition to the usual multiplayer specific characters, weapons, weapon mods, and pieces of equipment which can be customized between missions. Additionally, players who join another person’s Strike Team mission will receive bonus in-game currency and multiplayer XP for helping others with their missions.


Multiplayer “Horde” Mode:


The next Mass Effect’s “Horde” multiplayer pits you and up to three of your friends against waves of enemy troops on various battlefields throughout the galaxy. Players fight together to survive increasingly difficult enemy attacks and accomplish objectives, like disabling a bomb near a colony base or assassinating a target. Progress through multiplayer missions to gain XP and earn new multiplayer specific weapons, characters, weapon mods, and pieces of equipment, which can be customized between matches. Multiplayer play will also earn you APEX funds (in-game currency), which can be used to purchase items and gear in the Single Player game.


Establish Settlements:


Search solar systems for rare habitable planets to establish a settlement that could serve as a base for humankind’s new home in the Helius Cluster. As you build permanent settlements, you will make strategic choices on where to focus your new base’s resources. For example: Recon Settlements will clear fog of war from the space map and give the player more strike team missions to choose from, while Mining Settlements will periodically supplement the player’s supply of crafting materials.




Building upon the rich history of strategic dialogue that has defined the Mass Effect series, you can make meaningful choices in every conversation you have with characters that impact the way your game evolves. The next Mass Effect adds deeper control over your conversations through a greater ability to interrupt and change the course of the conversation as it is happening. During certain conversations, you will be able to take action based choices, such as the option to pull out your gun and force someone to open a door instead of convincing them to do it through conversational guile. Action based choices give you more options for how you approach dialogue with characters in the game and can lead to more extreme outcomes on the story as it evolves around the decisions you make when interacting with a huge cast of NPC characters.


Seamlessly Travel Through the Next Mass Effect Universe:


As you pilot your space ship, Tempest, across the 100s of solar systems that are seamlessly connected in the next Mass Effect, you will encounter new planets filled with valuable resources, intelligent life, conflict, and alien technology that all give you opportunities to increase the power of your character, your ship and your team so that you can build them into a force that perfectly suits your gameplay style. Transitions between activities, like flying your Tempest (space ship) across a solar system to land on a mineral rich planet, then jumping into your Mako (land vehicle) to explore the surface of planet, all happen smoothly without loading screens.


Customize and Share Your Experience:


Discover new things in Andromeda Galaxy, like alien artifacts and natural wonders, that serve as trophies and decorations that you can use to modify the look of your character, Tempest (Space Ship) and Mako (land vehicle). Customize the way your squad and your character look with clothes and aesthetic modifications that you unlock throughout the game. Photos you take from the far reaches of the galaxy can be used to decorate your starship or sold to certain characters.


Remnant Vault Raids: Find and activate Remnant Monoliths to unlock Remnant vaults. Explore abandoned Remnant ruins to find and locate a powerful artifact, but once you remove it you will trigger the vault defenses that will arm traps, activate defense robots and even change the architecture of the vault itself to stop you from escaping. Fight your way out of the vault and you will be rewarded with valuable loot, including powerful gear, crafting resources and Star Keys that can be used to unlock massive orbital facilities in space that grant permanent stat bonuses.


Optional Elite Remnant Vault Raids are scattered around the Helius Cluster located in special orbital facilities that are unlocked by Star Keys. Similar to the standard Remnant Vaults, you enter them to retrieve a special artifact which will trigger the vault defenses that arm traps, activate defense robots and change the architecture of the vault itself to stop you from escaping. However, Elite vaults ratchet up the difficulty of the encounter with increasingly powerful defense robots and traps, as well as roaming outlaws and deadly Khet patrols that are also in search of the elite artifacts. Elite Remnant vaults will test the limits of your combat and puzzle solving acumen, but with greater difficulty comes greater rewards. Gain rare loot, narrative acclaim and huge rewards for completing these daunting challenges.


Khet Outposts:


As you explore planets throughout the Helius Cluster, you will encounter Khet Outposts. These outposts are optional combat experiences where you enter the outpost and fight off waves of enemies. Destroy Khet outposts to earn XP, rewards and thwart their growing power in the region. Your allies will reward you with praise and increased narrative options as you fight to remove the Khet presence from the region.


Drive and upgrade your Mako (land vehicle):


Explore the surfaces of 100s of planets in the Helius Cluster in your versatile land vehicle, the Mako. Whether you are looking for a place to set up a colony, searching for a Remnant vault or attacking a Khet Outpost, you will enjoy getting there in your Mako. Equip and upgrade your Mako in dozens of ways, like adding turbo boosters, upgrading your shield generator or adding a Hostile Detector to your radar to create the ultimate planetary exploration vehicle. Finally, get your Mako looking the way you want with a custom paintjob.



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Еще больше инфы о новой части МЕ:

  • Действия игры берут начало спустя очень долгое время после событий Mass Effect 3.
  • BioWare используют механизм-генератор ландшафта планет и руин, после чего каждая локация, будь то открытая местность или упомянутые выше руины, вручную редактируется командой и становится уникальной. 
  • Около 100 планет для исследования, но число может быть больше. 
  • В игре будет кровь.

via Shazoo. 

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