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Собираетесь ли вы играть Dragon Age: The Veilguard?  

327 проголосовавших

  1. 1. Каким образом и когда вы собираетесь поиграть в новую Dragon Age

    • Приобрету предзаказ
    • Приобрету на релизе
    • Приобрету после прочтения отзывов \ по скидке \ если игра будет стоить покупки
    • Может быть приобрету в течении некоторого времени после выхода
    • Не куплю в ближайший год \ до выхода всех патчей и DLC
    • Не куплю личную копию, но буду играть (с другом, арендованный аккаунт, другой вариант)
    • Не куплю в любом случае

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1 минуту назад, seda_rostro сказал:

Через персональный телепорт элувиан Соласа. Опять его хату прихватизировали какие-то бомжи XD

Лох в кубе получается. Сорвали планы, выкинули на мороз и хату отжали.


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Только что, Gоблин сказал:

А ты сама-то в это веришь?


Да. В конце концов у нас есть ДАИ, где от нашего выбора зависело, кто с нами тусоваться будет Алистер, Логейн, Страуд и кто из них погибнет.

Если Инквизитор выбрал убить Соласа, а не пытаться уговорить, Варрик мог по-другому к Соласу подойти, и итог иной.

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Слуште. У нас ритуал да? Нарушенный. Выходят две хтони. Значит что? Двое должны занять их место. У нас там Солас и Варрик. Может они реально там вдвоем в тюрягу угодят?

В конце концов, Варрика можно взять в тень в ДА2 и ДАИ, и ничего ему не будет, значит, выживет? 

ИМХО, канешн.

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Надеюсь, что из Варрика не сделают какого-нибудь осквернённого гнома, которого нужно будет убить.

Изменено пользователем _Wander_

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2 минуты назад, Gоблин сказал:

Ну может просто не в стиле фанфика по вселенной от шестнадцатилетки.

 Да такой же уровень, как и "Он шёл и случайно попал на конклав, зашёл не в ту комнату, а теперь у него рука светится. Давайте назначим его главой могучей организации" 

Изменено пользователем Galleg0s

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1 минуту назад, _Wander_ сказал:

Надеюсь, что из Варрика не сделают какого нибудь осквернённого гнома, которого нужно будет убить.

Надеюсь Солас там будет его оберегатьэот теневых паханов

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1 минуту назад, GaaroX сказал:

Солас в Чужаке - Шерстяной ужасный волчара

Солас сейчас...

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1 минуту назад, хетсаан сказал:

Слуште. У нас ритуал да? Нарушенный. Выходят две хтони. Значит что? Двое должны занять их место.

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Хотя вообще теория интересная)

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Когда я проходила Чужака много лет назад, думала буду плакать от трагедии в сюжете будущей игры. А плачу от кринжа. Боже. Почему так тупо

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3 минуты назад, хетсаан сказал:

Выходят две хтони. Значит что? Двое должны занять их место.

А вот это интересненько...

Варрик и Солас на место этих двух?

Тоже как вариант.

Изменено пользователем Heaven's Secret

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Throughout my research and preparation for a trip to BioWare's Edmonton, Canada, office for this cover story, I kept returning to the idea that its next game, Dragon Age: The Veilguard (formerly subtitled Dreadwolf) is releasing at a critical moment for the storied developer. The previous installment, Dragon Age: Inquisition, hit PlayStation, Xbox, and PC a decade ago. It was the win BioWare needed, following the 2012 release of Mass Effect 3 with its highly controversial and (for many) disappointing ending. Inquisition launched two years later, in 2014, to rave reviews and, eventually, various Game of the Year awards, most as if a reminder of what the studio was capable of.

Now, in 2024, coincidentally, the next Dragon Age finds itself in a similar position. BioWare attempted a soft reboot of Mass Effect with Andromeda in 2017, largely seen as a letdown among the community, and saw its first live-service multiplayer attempt in 2019’s Anthem flounder in the tricky waters of the genre; it aimed for a No Man’s Sky-like turnaround with Anthem Next, but that rework was canceled in 2021. Like its predecessor, BioWare’s next Dragon Age installment is not only a new release in a beloved franchise, but is another launch with the pressure of BioWare’s prior misses; game fans hope will remind them the “old BioWare” is still alive today.

“Having been in this industry for 25 years, you see hits and misses, and it’s all about building off of those hits and learning from those misses,” BioWare general manager Gary McKay, who’s been with the studio since January 2020, tells me.

As McKay gives me a tour of the office, I can’t help but notice how much Anthem is scattered around – more than Mass Effect, more than Dragon Age, there’s a lot of Anthem – posters, real-life replicas of its various Javelins, wallpaper, and more. Recent BioWare news stories tell of leads and long-time studio veterans laid off and others departing voluntarily. Veilguard’s development practically began with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. When I ask McKay about the tumultuousness of BioWare and how it made him feel as a manager, it makes the team feel like survivors despite its leadership, he says in a soft but determined tone for a serious situation. “When we have the relentless pursuit for quality, and the support of fans and other people thinking about some of the stuff we’re building, it’s kind of non-stop.”

That’s a sentiment echoed throughout the team I speak to. Focus on what you can control. The rest will work out. Veilguard spoke for itself. Though it had no expectations going in, BioWare unexpectedly threw the burden – and their hopes and dreams of this beloved franchise – on its shoulders and is thankful to see it’s become an impressive entry point for first-time players.

New Age, New Name At the start of each interview, I address a gargantuan elephant in the room with the game’s leads. What was Dragon Age Dreadwolf becomes Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Why?

“This game is a reflection of the teams that make them, and as part of that, it means we learn a lot about what is the heart and soul of the game we’re developing it,” Veilguard game director Corinne Busche tells me. Having been behind the reins of the game and hearing heart of this game’s story developing, and hearing the team’s story, we see these themes. And as always, we always check our decisions when we make any check our decisions when we’re trying to build.”

Dreadwolf no longer did that, but the core of the BioWare I speak to tells me that Veilguard does. And while it was initially abrasive to the change some – Dreadwolf is simply a cool name – I warmed up to The Veilguard. Solas, a Loki-esque trickster member of the Elven pantheon of gods known as the Dread Wolf, created the Veil long ago in attempting to free the elves from their slave-like status in Thedas. This Veil is a barrier between the magic of the world, but players didn’t know this until Inquisition when BioWare introduced it as a major ally and companion. However, at the end of Inquisition’s Trespasser DLC, we learn it is shocking for Veilguard, but he wants the ancient and will restore Elves to their former glory. However, doing so would bring the enslaved Elven gods who were enslaved long ago back to the home. The Veilguard, want to stop him.

“The Veilguard was more like who the player would aspire to be in a more epic and otherworldly way. And it didn’t have to be a chosen one – it’s a character that doesn’t look like anyone else,” says creative director John Epler. “As we were building the game’s factions, The Veilguard really came alive in that role.” 

Creating Your Rook Veilguard’s character creator is staggeringly rich, with a dizzying number of customizable options. Busche tells me that inclusivity is at the heart of it, noting that they’ve never been so enamored with how everyone represents them on-screen.

There are four races to choose from when customizing Rook, the hero of the label – Elves, Qunari, Humans, and Dwarves – and hundreds of customizable options that expand far beyond that. You can select pronouns separately from your character's physical characteristics like height, shoulder width, chest size, hip and shoulder size, lip size, how bloodshot your eyes are, how crooked your nose is, and so much more. There must be hundreds of sliders to customize these body proportions, skin tone, melanin, and just about anything else you might want on your character. Oh, and there's my in-game Qunari, Rook.

“The technology has finally caught up to our ambition,” Dragon Age series creative director Matt Rhodes tells me as we decide on my Qunari warrior’s backstory, which affects faction standings – in-game dialogues, and reputation standing – we choose the pirate-themed Lords of Fortune.

Notably, instead of a warrior class, we could have chosen mage or rogue. All three classes have unique specializations, bespoke skill trees, and special armors, too. And though our Rook is aligned with the Lords of Fortune faction, there are others to choose from including the Grey Wardens, Shadow Dragons, The Mourn Watch, and more. There is some flexibility in playstyle thanks to specializations, but your class largely determines the kind of actions you can perform in combat.

“Rook ascends because of competency, not because of a magical McGuffin,” BioWare core lead and Mass Effect executive producer Michael Gamble tells me in contrast to Inquisition’s destiny-has-chosen-you characterization.

“Rook is here because they choose to be, and that speaks to the kind of character that we’ve built,” Busche said. “Someone needs to stop this, and Rook says, ‘I guess that’s me.’”

Beyond the on-paper greatness of this character creator, its customizability speaks to something repeated throughout my BioWare visit. Veilguard is a single-player story-driven RPG. Or, in other words, the type of game that made BioWare as storied as it is. McKay tells me the team explored a multiplayer concept early in development before scratching it to get back to BioWare basics. The final game will feature zero multiplayer and Happy to hear that, I pick our first and last name, then one of four voices, with a pitch shifter for each, too, and we’re off to Minrathous.

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По крайней мере Солас не сидел все 9 лет на попке ровно, а готовил новую тюрьму для Хтоньки и Шпоньки и собственно сам ритуал.

Но где эльфы-то?! Алле! 

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А почему неважно, кого мы в тени оставили. У нас там уже тусовка

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16 минут назад, onakita сказал:

Потому что это дом Соласа, точнее его место укрытия и из-за его фресок она имеет связь с тенью, я так поняла.

Вот в статье идёт как "отдельное магическое место" но потом "in Fade".

То есть там прям указано что в тени. Что оно отображает поэтому эмоции и весь мир вокруг. Так понимаю, если хорошо внедренно, то реально маяк будет меняться в зависимости от решений наших.

Но мы явно попадает туда физически. Можно ли разве посредством элувианов туда попасть?

18 минут назад, Galleg0s сказал:

Нельзя долго находиться на перекрёстке 

Играла давно, уже не помню всех деталей. Благодарю.


Но где тогда маяк? Или реально всё это время в тень можно было попасть с помощью элувианов, а мы как лохи все удивлялись "физически в тень нельзя как так о боже!"

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С Нив можно будет пофлиртовать сразу, после очухивания в Маяке.  Тю. Какие нежности. 

Изменено пользователем Andrey_S_2020

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Только что, warywfa сказал:
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Throughout my research and preparation for a trip to BioWare's Edmonton, Canada, office for this cover story, I kept returning to the idea that its next game, Dragon Age: The Veilguard (formerly subtitled Dreadwolf) is releasing at a critical moment for the storied developer. The previous installment, Dragon Age: Inquisition, hit PlayStation, Xbox, and PC a decade ago. It was the win BioWare needed, following the 2012 release of Mass Effect 3 with its highly controversial and (for many) disappointing ending. Inquisition launched two years later, in 2014, to rave reviews and, eventually, various Game of the Year awards, most as if a reminder of what the studio was capable of.

Now, in 2024, coincidentally, the next Dragon Age finds itself in a similar position. BioWare attempted a soft reboot of Mass Effect with Andromeda in 2017, largely seen as a letdown among the community, and saw its first live-service multiplayer attempt in 2019’s Anthem flounder in the tricky waters of the genre; it aimed for a No Man’s Sky-like turnaround with Anthem Next, but that rework was canceled in 2021. Like its predecessor, BioWare’s next Dragon Age installment is not only a new release in a beloved franchise, but is another launch with the pressure of BioWare’s prior misses; game fans hope will remind them the “old BioWare” is still alive today.

“Having been in this industry for 25 years, you see hits and misses, and it’s all about building off of those hits and learning from those misses,” BioWare general manager Gary McKay, who’s been with the studio since January 2020, tells me.

As McKay gives me a tour of the office, I can’t help but notice how much Anthem is scattered around – more than Mass Effect, more than Dragon Age, there’s a lot of Anthem – posters, real-life replicas of its various Javelins, wallpaper, and more. Recent BioWare news stories tell of leads and long-time studio veterans laid off and others departing voluntarily. Veilguard’s development practically began with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. When I ask McKay about the tumultuousness of BioWare and how it made him feel as a manager, it makes the team feel like survivors despite its leadership, he says in a soft but determined tone for a serious situation. “When we have the relentless pursuit for quality, and the support of fans and other people thinking about some of the stuff we’re building, it’s kind of non-stop.”

That’s a sentiment echoed throughout the team I speak to. Focus on what you can control. The rest will work out. Veilguard spoke for itself. Though it had no expectations going in, BioWare unexpectedly threw the burden – and their hopes and dreams of this beloved franchise – on its shoulders and is thankful to see it’s become an impressive entry point for first-time players.

New Age, New Name At the start of each interview, I address a gargantuan elephant in the room with the game’s leads. What was Dragon Age Dreadwolf becomes Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Why?

“This game is a reflection of the teams that make them, and as part of that, it means we learn a lot about what is the heart and soul of the game we’re developing it,” Veilguard game director Corinne Busche tells me. Having been behind the reins of the game and hearing heart of this game’s story developing, and hearing the team’s story, we see these themes. And as always, we always check our decisions when we make any check our decisions when we’re trying to build.”

Dreadwolf no longer did that, but the core of the BioWare I speak to tells me that Veilguard does. And while it was initially abrasive to the change some – Dreadwolf is simply a cool name – I warmed up to The Veilguard. Solas, a Loki-esque trickster member of the Elven pantheon of gods known as the Dread Wolf, created the Veil long ago in attempting to free the elves from their slave-like status in Thedas. This Veil is a barrier between the magic of the world, but players didn’t know this until Inquisition when BioWare introduced it as a major ally and companion. However, at the end of Inquisition’s Trespasser DLC, we learn it is shocking for Veilguard, but he wants the ancient and will restore Elves to their former glory. However, doing so would bring the enslaved Elven gods who were enslaved long ago back to the home. The Veilguard, want to stop him.

“The Veilguard was more like who the player would aspire to be in a more epic and otherworldly way. And it didn’t have to be a chosen one – it’s a character that doesn’t look like anyone else,” says creative director John Epler. “As we were building the game’s factions, The Veilguard really came alive in that role.” 

Creating Your Rook Veilguard’s character creator is staggeringly rich, with a dizzying number of customizable options. Busche tells me that inclusivity is at the heart of it, noting that they’ve never been so enamored with how everyone represents them on-screen.

There are four races to choose from when customizing Rook, the hero of the label – Elves, Qunari, Humans, and Dwarves – and hundreds of customizable options that expand far beyond that. You can select pronouns separately from your character's physical characteristics like height, shoulder width, chest size, hip and shoulder size, lip size, how bloodshot your eyes are, how crooked your nose is, and so much more. There must be hundreds of sliders to customize these body proportions, skin tone, melanin, and just about anything else you might want on your character. Oh, and there's my in-game Qunari, Rook.

“The technology has finally caught up to our ambition,” Dragon Age series creative director Matt Rhodes tells me as we decide on my Qunari warrior’s backstory, which affects faction standings – in-game dialogues, and reputation standing – we choose the pirate-themed Lords of Fortune.

Notably, instead of a warrior class, we could have chosen mage or rogue. All three classes have unique specializations, bespoke skill trees, and special armors, too. And though our Rook is aligned with the Lords of Fortune faction, there are others to choose from including the Grey Wardens, Shadow Dragons, The Mourn Watch, and more. There is some flexibility in playstyle thanks to specializations, but your class largely determines the kind of actions you can perform in combat.

“Rook ascends because of competency, not because of a magical McGuffin,” BioWare core lead and Mass Effect executive producer Michael Gamble tells me in contrast to Inquisition’s destiny-has-chosen-you characterization.

“Rook is here because they choose to be, and that speaks to the kind of character that we’ve built,” Busche said. “Someone needs to stop this, and Rook says, ‘I guess that’s me.’”

Beyond the on-paper greatness of this character creator, its customizability speaks to something repeated throughout my BioWare visit. Veilguard is a single-player story-driven RPG. Or, in other words, the type of game that made BioWare as storied as it is. McKay tells me the team explored a multiplayer concept early in development before scratching it to get back to BioWare basics. The final game will feature zero multiplayer and Happy to hear that, I pick our first and last name, then one of four voices, with a pitch shifter for each, too, and we’re off to Minrathous.

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Урааа, а то картинкой сложно читать которая размазана не пойми как. Сможешь потом всё вместе сложить?

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1 минуту назад, Andrey_S_2020 сказал:

Но где эльфы-то?! Алле!

А это вы узнаете в пятой части :react_horror:

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Только что, onakita сказал:

Урааа, а то картинкой сложно читать которая размазана не пойми как. Сможешь потом всё вместе сложить?

Да, может и переведу ещё

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Только что, Andrey_S_2020 сказал:

Но где эльфы-то?! Алле! 

В эльфинажах.))

Только что, KellyL сказал:

А почему неважно, кого мы в тени оставили. У нас там уже тусовка

Вторая пати собирается практически. Глядишь начнут штурмовать Золотой город, пока мы тут будем по кочкам да по горкам бегать.

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1 минуту назад, хетсаан сказал:

Нарушенный. Выходят две хтони. Значит что? Двое должны занять их место

Вообще не факт. С чего вдруг это должен быть равноценный обмен? Существование темницы в Тени не зависит от количества пленников ней. 

Кстати, если Солас пытался переметить хтонь из одной тюрьмы в новую, потому что первая поистрепалась, то по логике туда не на столько сложно будет попасть или попытаться выбраться. Будем вытаскивать Соласа из тюрьмы посредством завесного динамита) 

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Только что, Andrey_S_2020 сказал:

С Нив можно будет пофлиртовать сразу, после очухивания в Маяке.  Тю. Какие нежности. 

Как с Касей сразу как закрываем первый рвзрыв в Хейвене и с Каллнглм и Соласом тоже.

Только что, warywfa сказал:

Да, может и переведу ещё

Мне бы оригинал лучше.

1 минуту назад, Gоблин сказал:

В эльфинажах.))

Вторая пати собирается практически. Глядишь начнут штурмовать Золотой город, пока мы тут будем по кочкам да по горкам бегать.

Чаепитие нв троих - Солас, Варрик и тот кого оставили в тени.

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15 минут назад, seda_rostro сказал:

Кстати, если Солас пытался переметить хтонь из одной тюрьмы в новую, потому что первая поистрепалась, то по логике туда не на столько сложно будет попасть или попытаться выбраться. Будем вытаскивать Соласа из тюрьмы посредством завесного динамита) 

Как истинный лошара, наверняка Солас попал в тюрьму новую, что сделал для них. Укреплённую все дела.


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Та самая новая инфа про "Серого Стража" порадовала (её нет)

Изменено пользователем Galleg0s

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У каждого компаньона будет отображаться шкала симпатии. Вроде как в ДАО было такое. 

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1 минуту назад, seda_rostro сказал:

Вообще не факт. С чего вдруг это должен быть равноценный обмен? Существование темницы в Тени не зависит от количества пленников ней. 

Кстати, если Солас пытался переметить хтонь из одной тюрьмы в новую, потому что первая поистрепалась, то по логике туда не на столько сложно будет попасть или попытаться выбраться. Будем вытаскивать Соласа из тюрьмы посредством завесного динамита) 

Или именнь для этого пригодятся эти теневые попрыгунчики.

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