Dragn 18 894 10 июня, 2013 BRC Video Games Awards 2017: Разочарование года Платформы: [PlayStation 4] [Xbox One] [PC] | Жанр: Shooter Разработчики: Motive Studios, Criterion Games, DICE | Издатель: Electronic Arts Дата выхода: 17 ноября 2017 Приквелы, оригинальная трилогия и новая эпоха ждут вас в расширенной сетевой игре и масштабных космических сражениях. Играйте за знаменитых персонажей, использующих особые способности на поле боя, или вступите в бой в напряженной сюжетной кампании. Пришло время ступить на свой путь героя вселенной «Звёздных Войн». Одиночная игра Станьте Иден Версио, командующей отряда «Инферно», смертельно опасного как на земле, так и в космосе. Отправьтесь на поиски мести и искупления, которые займут более 30 лет, и встретьте множество знакомых персонажей «Звёздных Войн». Трейлер Hide Star Wars: Battlefront BRC Video Games Awards 2014: Самая ожидаемая игра 2015 BRC Video Games Awards 2015: FPS года; мультиплеер года Жанр: Shooter | Платформы: [PC] [Xbox One] [PS4] Разработчик: DICE | Издатель: ЕА Релиз: 17 ноября 2015 Новая надежда... Показать содержимое Hide Hide 25 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
raven_vokh 235 15 ноября, 2017 11 минуту назад, Sarto сказал: Надо абсолютно не знать индустрию или наслушаться глупостей, чтобы считать, что за все что в игре есть и нет отвечает издатель. Модель монетизации, к примеру, чаще всего принадлежит перу студии (с оговоркой на бизнес-модель издателя). И отсутствие жалобного скулежа aka инсайда от "бывшего разработчика DICE" о "злой ЕА, которая афФтар монетизации" является прямым доказательством именно студийного косяка. Издатель же будет молчать, принимая всё на себя (не привыкать). Ну уж куда мне до великих Инсайдеров, с их вангованиями, а-ля "Anthem выйдет в ноябре 2018-ого, скорее всего". Вам EA деньги на телефон ежемесячно закидывает, что бы Вы их столь рьяно защищали? Вы мне еще снова расскажите про "талант" VS "знания" в разработке игр, а то тетриса я от Вас что то так и не увидел XD (ссылочки надо, не забыли еще?) 19 минут назад, Sarto сказал: Вспомните историю всем печально известной МЕА или закрытой Visceral. Там был где-то виноват издатель? Нет) Был лишь студийный срач и не знали что делали, вот и всё. И чем же печально известна MEA? А кто, по Вашему принимал решение отдать разработку самому слабому (читай дешевому) подразделению Bioware? А кто решение на корявом Frostbite принимал разрабатывать? А с 3Ds MAX на Maya перейти они тоже сами решили? Подумали, что то у них мало геммороя, заняться нечем. А потом EA с невинным видом закрыла (хорошо хоть что пока подразделение только), мы, мол, и не знали что там да как, ну конечно. И Visceral наверное сама тоже решила из Dead Space 3 пилить экшон с мультиплеером, вместо хоррора, дабы массы "удовлетворить". И над Hardline'ом прям просилась работать, хотя Visceral вообще не про экшн. А уж про закрытие сингловой игры по ЗВ из-за того что она сингловая я вообще молчу. И Titanfall 2, уж напоследок, тоже вышел аккурат в релиз CoD и Батлы-1 случайно, совпало так просто. Вы как вообще, реальность то осознаёте? А то складывается впечатление что Вы только титры к играм читать и твиты разработчиков умеете. А может там инсайды Вам на голову без остановки сыпятся? 3 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Локомотивец 399 15 ноября, 2017 а чем донат в гта5 отличается от лубоксов? Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
LoginamNet 48 951 15 ноября, 2017 Стоп. Оффтоп закочен. Вы уже сразу и обо всём. 1 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
altea 19 817 15 ноября, 2017 Так, вроде бы закончили АМА. Все, на что они ответили: просто добавь воды John Wasilczyk (Executive Producer) – /u/WazDICE Introduction - Hi I'm John Wasilczyk, the executive producer for Battlefront 2. I started here at DICE a few months ago and it's been an adventure :) I've done a little bit of everything in the game industry over the last 15 years and I'm looking forward to growing the Battlefront community with all of you.Dennis Brannvall (Associate Design Director) - /u/d_FireWall Introduction - Hey all, My name is Dennis and I work as Design Director for Battlefront II. I hope some of you still remember me from the first Battlefront where I was working as Lead Designer on the post launch part of that game. For this game, I focused mainly on the gameplay side of things - troopers, heroes, vehicles, game modes, guns, feel. I'm that strange guy that actually prefers the TV-shows over the movies in many ways (I loooove Clone Wars - Ahsoka lives!!) and I also play a lot of board games and miniature games such as X-wing, Imperial Assault and Star Wars Destiny. Hopefully I'm able to answer your questions in a good way!Paul Keslin (Producer) – /u/TheVestalViking Introduction - Hi everyone, I'm Paul Keslin, one of the Multiplayer Producers over at DICE. My main responsibilities for the game revolved around the Troopers, Heroes, and some of our mounted vehicles (including the TaunTaun!). Additionally I collaborate closely with our partners at Lucasfilm to help bring the game together. ==========================================https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpv71jd/?context=3 Q: My job keeps me incredibly busy, and, often times, I just want to come home and relax against AI. I’ve noticed that the amount of credits is capped per day in arcade mode to 500. With crate’s current cost, I would have to max the system out for eight days in a row to afford just one crate. Do you have any plans to change up the arcade values so more casual players like me could afford more than 2 or 3 loot crates a month? Update: Also, would any of the future DLC or maps be aimed at the offline arcade modes, or will you be focusing on multiplayer updates? A: TheVestalViking As we want to let players earn Credits offline via a more relaxed game mode, we needed to also find a way to make sure it wouldn't be exploited in a way that would impact Multiplayer. Because of that we made the decision to limit the number of Credits earned to stop potential abuse. We will be looking at data continually and make adjustments to make things as balanced as possible. As for more Arcade, just like every mode in our game, we want to look for ways to expand it going forward. Unfortunately at this point we don't have anything to share right now, but know that we care about Offline modes. Q: You can buy crates and impact multiplayer immediately. How is limiting arcade a reasonable approach? A: With Arcade we set out to let players earn Credits offline via a more relaxed game mode, but as a result we needed to make sure it wouldn't be exploited in a way that would impact Multiplayer. So to stop this potential for abuse, we decided to place a limit on Credits earned offline. We'll look to find ways to expand on the options to earn Credits offline as we want to make the experience rewarding, but we don't have any new news right now. -------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpv7xzz/?context=3 Q:Are you aware that it will take a gamer who plays 2 hours per day over 6 years in order to unlock all of the content? Don't you think that is a bit unfair that a large portion of content will be unaccessible for those who have other responsibilities like work, school, in a game they paid for? Will you be looking to lower the number of microtransactions in the future? Do you have any comment on the cool down to earn credits? Will it be lowered or removed in the future? Any concern that this will make the grind even more challenging for players who don't buy microtransactions? A: WazDICE We've seen the speculation about how long it takes players to earn things - but our averages based on the Play First trial are much faster than what's out there. But as more players come in, that could change. We're committed to making progression a fun experience for all of our players. Nothing should feel unattainable and if it does, we'll do what it takes to make sure it's both fun and achievable. As we update and expand Arcade mode, we'll be working towards making sure that players can continue to progress without daily limits. ------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpv80a2/?context=3 длинная стена текста, сократила Q:1) Will you increase communication with the community and regularly discuss and answer questions on reddit? 2) Are there any changes planned regarding the class star card level requirement when upgrading cards to higher rarities? Maybe you could elaborate on the design goals. A: TheVestalViking 1) Absolutely! We're focusing more and more on finding ways to communicate with our community. This AMA is just the beginning. We're exploring things like what it would take to do a frequent video series as well as having more a more frequent presense on Reddit and our official forums. 2) We've already started to tweak our existing systems based on the data we've seen from our Play First Trial players as well as your feedback. The goal with star card class level requirements, initially, was to make you go wide in the type of cards you get before you go deep in specializing which ones you want to upgrade. That said, we're hearing loud and clear that you'd prefer a system where playing a class or a character specificially will upgrade its level instead, so we're looking to make that change as soon as possible. ------------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpv86kg/?context=3 Q:What do you plan to do to repair the backlash you've received and are you worried this will have serious impact between you and the consumers? A:TheVestalViking Jumping into this AMA is just one of the ways we want to start to repair the bridge to our players. Lots of people told us that we shouldn't do this this as it wasn't going to go like we hope it would. That said, we are committed to continuing this dialogue even if we need to face some harsh feedback. We welcome the discussions and criticisms, we're not just here for the praise (although it is nice to hear!). And we'll continue to be here, and on our forums, talking to our community as we strive to work with you to make a Star Wars game you enjoy. ------------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpv8e58/?context=3 Q:Even among game journalists, the progression system sticks out as the clear sore point in what otherwise looks like a very well made game- to the point that for many it is souring the whole experience. Are you considering radical changes to this system? Is there anything you have decided you won't change? A:WazDICE [рейтинг скрыт] только что I think this concern has come through loud and clear. We're going to continue adjusting the crate systems, content, and progression mechanics to hit a point that gives players a great, balanced experience at all skill levels. We're working on expanding the number of ways that players can progress, putting more control in their hands and providing more options and choice in the way people play. There's not much in the game that we wouldn't revisit to improve the game for as many players as possible. ------------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpv8noi/?context=3 Q:As a father with young kids, the two things that I lack are time and money. For all players like myself, with the vertical progression of the star card system how can we progress in game and stay on EVEN footing with those that have hours upon hours to grind daily, and those that are willing to throw down $$$ on loot crates for power increases via star cards and hero unlocks? A:d_FireWall Mainly through matchmaking. We take into account not only your gameplay skills, but also inventory and time played, when we match players together in multiplayer. You should not ever be matchmade together with players who are much better than you are. Ultimately your effectiveness is going to come down to skill, not the Star Cards that you have. If it doesn't feel that way, we'll see it on our side, too. Our data will tell that story and we'll make adjustments. We're looking at results from millions of matches and will be continuously rebalancing items, unlocks, and matchmaking to create a fair, fun experience for all of our players. Beyond that, all Star Cards have maximum values regardless of how they are unlocked. ------------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpv8vi8/?context=3&utm_content=context&utm_medium=user&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=frontpage Самая большая простынка этой темы) Q:EA and DICE, First of all, we as a community would like to thank you for putting so much effort into Star Wars Battlefront II. We want you to know that we are so passionately critical of the game because we genuinely want it to be good, and are excited to play it. However, we don’t want the gameplay to be ruined by a slow progression system that gives advantages to players who buy micro-transactions. While Battlefront II isn’t technically pay-to-win, it IS pay-to-save-a-large-amount-of-time. We don’t want you to fall to the darkside. These are our biggest requests: 1. Lootboxes should be removed. These ruin the feeling of accomplishment, are a form of gambling, and are obviously an incentive for players to buy credits using micro-transactions. Currently, Battlefront feels like a free mobile game, not a $60-$80 AAA title. There should be absolutely no micro-transactions that affect progression. While we recognize that you need money to continue creating free DLC, it should not come at the expense of fair gameplay. A compromise can be limiting lootboxes to cosmetic items only, so you can still make money. 2. Players should receive enough credits to purchase Star Cards after every hour of playtime. That’s about 2-3 rounds of Galactic Assault. Either decrease the cost of lootboxes (or Star Cards if you remove lootboxes), or increase the credit reward at the end of matches. Additionally, Crafting parts need to be easier to acquire and more plentiful, so that we can choose which Star Cards that we want to upgrade, rather than having to submit to lootcrate RNG. We want to feel like we’re making progress in the game, and it currently takes way too long to unlock Star Cards and Upgrades. 3. The credit reward at the end of matches should be proportional to the player’s score. The better the player does in the game, the greater the credit reward should be. The current system encourages players to draw out every match for as long as possible, and rewards AFK players. (Note: We want the credit reward to be a SIGNIFICANT PERCENTAGE of the score, similarly to Battlefront 2015. Rewarding the top players on the leaderboard with a small bonus amount is not a solution to the problem.) So here’s our question, and we don’t want a vague answer (I think 700,000 downvotes made that clear): *What are your SPECIFIC responses to these three complaints, and what will you do about them? * A: d_FireWall Design Director 1. I think crates can be a fun addition as long as you don't feel forced to engage with them in order to progress. I feel that's where the issue is with our game right now and that's where we'll look to solve as quickly as we can. We're looking to add additional ways to progress your favorite character or class, while allowing crates to be a fun thing for those who want to engage with them. 2.) Yes, always. We are always going to be looking at the system from the back end, making changes depending on how we see people progressing. If it looks as though the crafting parts aren't being given out quickly enough, we'll look into changes to fix that. We know our players are looking for more direct paths in getting the thing they really want, so we'll look to provide that as quickly as we can. WazDICE Regarding the second part of this question: We're constantly looking at the rate that players are unlocking Crates and Star Cards and will continue adjusting values to make sure that players are able to progress towards their goals without it feeling like a grind. We're also going to be adjusting end of match rewards as we revisit the system to reward people differently based on the way they play. TheVestalViking I'll tackle #3 - other replies incoming! Right now Credits you earn in-match DO take into account your performance. It also takes into account the time you've spent in-match. Currently it's skewed more towards your time spent in-game and we have some work to do to make it more clear that your performance does impact your Credit earn. This change was done prior to Launch - something that happened just before I was interviewed by Angry Joe and I missed the update since I was travelling - sorry for the confusion! Regardless, this is something that we're looking to continue to improve on both in presentation and via more ways to reward you for different styles of play. ------------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpv91b9/?context=3&utm_content=context&utm_medium=user&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=frontpage Q:Are you considering private servers for Battlefront 2? This really is such an impressive feature for a game to have. Allows competitive play and is certain to prolong the longevity of gameplay, as players can stay on maps and gamemodes they like. A:TheVestalViking This is something we hear a lot and will continue to consider. We know there are folks out there that want to either run their own competitive events or find a safe space to take screenshots / create crazy videos. Those are things we're excited to see you all do so it will continue to be on our radar. ------------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpv9zbg/?context=3&utm_content=context&utm_medium=user&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=frontpage Q:Do you feel the 6.5/10 review that GameInformer released on your game was an adequate score based on the product you released? Do you think the score would’ve been higher if the game was not riddled with micro transactions and a progression system inherently tied to those micro transactions? A:d_FireWallDesign Director [рейтинг скрыт] 4 минуты назад I feel that the score was impacted by the feedback on our progression system and obviously would have loved if that wasn't the case. I believe the gameplay, art, audio and depth warrants higher recognition, but I'm a developer, so I'm not necessarily the most unbiased source. Reviewers are obviously entitled to their own opinions, and we respect that completely. Q:"Obviously" you'd love if your game wasn't getting garbage reviews. What are you doing to change it? From this AMA, I'm gonna guess nothing. A:We care more about how you all enjoy the game and how long you all play the game vs. what its metacritic score is. As for direct actions, we'll continue to adapt as fast as possible to things we know aren't working well. For example we know that Progression needs reworking and that's on our roadmap as something we need to change - some things can be done quicker than others. In the meantime we'll improve and expand on what works and rework or eliminate what doesn't. Your feedback directly impacts what features fall in which bucket. ------------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpva0m7/?context=3 Q:Galactic conquest was one of the best features from the original battlefront games. Will you guys ever bring it back? A:d_FireWallDesign Director [рейтинг скрыт] 3 минуты назад I played a ton of Galactic Conquest in the old games and I would love to bring it back. If we ever did it, it would have to be large enough and deep enough to belong in a Star Wars game in 2017. But yeah, I'd love to take a stab at delivering that at some point. We'll see! ------------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpvah5f/?context=3 Q:I want to preface this by saying that I loved the beta, particularly the multiplayer and visuals, however, there has been quite a negative reception of the progression system. The game sports a 1.1 average user review from over 1600 ratings on Meta Critic, with other major gaming outlets and publications citing the inclusion of the loot crate-based progression system as the major reason for their dissatisfaction of the game. I was hoping you would let us know what led you to make the decision with the current progression system, and, do you plan to implement any major changes to the progression system moving forward? A:d_FireWallDesign Director [рейтинг скрыт] минуту назад Yes. I don't feel you can take yourself seriously as a developer on a live game if you're not willing to completely challenge your own system and consider overhauls. I can't really commit to the dates just yet, but we're looking at solutions where players have a clearer, more direct path to getting the stuff you want. ------------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpvah81/?context=3 Q:Where is the new/improved Skirmish that was promoted on the site back in April? A:TheVestalViking [рейтинг скрыт] минуту назад During development Arcade was originally called "Skirmish" but given the new experience we offered, we launched under the name "Arcade" which we felt better describes the play available as well as the opportunities we have for future development. Many of the elements of Skirmish (offline play, couch co-op, AI, etc.) formed the foundation for this mode. With Arcade we wanted to offer everyone new ways to play, which allows for a focus to be put on the unique experiences playing alone (or or with a friend) can give. Alongside adding Campaign, this led us to develop this mode - a safe place to play with the Battlefront toys. The "Custom Games" mode being the most extreme of this, which gives you the tools to make your own experience. ------------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpvbk26/?context=3 Q:Arcade mode is VERY basic atm. Will there be an update with a sort of skirmish mode with Space Battles + Galactic assault? A:TheVestalViking We see Arcade as a great way to get familiar with the game as well as put you alone, or you and a friend, into an experience tailored for that number of players. That said, we are very aware that some of you would love to have what is essentially a Multiplayer mode available offline. And we think that makes sense! It's an opportunity for learning the ins and outs of the Multiplayer and allows for a great, safe experience. Nothing we can commit to today, but we'll keep this one on our list. ------------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpvaizw/?context=3 Q:What is the reason you can't do a real squad system like in Battlefield 2 that was amazing and very popular ? is the reason to keep it as casual as possible and not promote teamwork or skill ? A:d_FireWallDesign Director I don't believe in just taking a feature from one game and tossing into this one. We've tried it several times and it doesn't work that way. We don't have the same levels as Battlefield, our environments and what you expect from the planets we build are different, nor do we have the same game modes for the same reason. That being said, we're currently prototyping an update to our spawn waves that allow parties to stay together and spawn on each other. No timeline yet, but we'll let you know. ------------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpvb7hd/?context=3 Q:If there happened to be an overhaul of the progression system, how difficult would it be to get Disney's approval for cosmetic changes such as skins, voice lines, emotes, etc.? How much creative freedom do they give you? Unfortunately I won't be buying the game in its current state, but if it was switched over to a purely cosmetic loot box system, I would gladly buy the game and throw down extra cash for cool-looking skins. A:d_FireWall Design Director We have tons of creative freedom. It's probably safe to say that Star Wars games are more authentic and stick closer to the films, TV-shows, comic books and other medium than before, but you also have a lot more to draw from these days. For example, when we sit down and look at roadmaps for future content, we're looking at years and years of development and we'd still not be close to emptying the "Star Wars Vault" of cool stuff to create. ------------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpvbwov/?context=3&utm_content=context&utm_medium=user&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=frontpage Q:Who is doing research on the development of Star Wars IPs? Star Wars IPs from the late 90s into the 00's are some of the most beloved video games in recent memory, and many are still being played today by strong communities of gamers. Does EA just not realize if they gave in to what consumers wanted by removing loot boxes and gross microtransactions they'd be setting themselves up for longterm profits and possibly a positive relationship with their base which could flood into other genres/markets? Or is short term profit the only goal? A:d_FireWall Design Director Our partnership with Lucasfilm gives us access to a huge amount of Star Wars information, but beyond that, we’re always looking back at the heritage of Star Wars games. From “Watch those wrist rockets” from the old Battlefront to the inclusion of the Heavy Repeater from Jedi Knight that Iden picks up, we treat the previous games as a part of this same legacy. Bringing more of their universe to life with Battlefront gameplay is one of the things we're most excited about in operating a Live game. Regarding microtransactions, we want players to enjoy their progression through the game and want gameplay to be fair along the way. Microtransactions are there for player choice, but won't be a requirement to play or succeed at the game. And like everything else, we'll continue tweaking and tuning until we achieve these goals. ------------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpvceo7/?context=3 Q:What percentage of your score is factored into your credit reward at the end of each match? A:d_FireWall Right now, 20% of your score is factored into your Credit reward. We agree, that's likely not enough, and we're looking into how we can increase that now. ------------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpvcy45/?context=3 Q:How long will you take to implement some of the major progression changes (ex. credits awarded based on performance in game, not time spent in game)? A:d_FireWall It depends on the type of change, it's difficult to give you specific dates but as we get closer, we will. The credit based on performance I mentioned in another question (we are changing the percentage of your score factored into your credit reward from 20% and increasing it) is a quicker change, while larger progression overhauls might take a little longer. ------------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpvdaoz/?context=3 Q:Why are the customization options so lackluster? Star Wars has extremely vast lore with the potential for an insane amount of skins for most factions and heroes yet we have so little in the game as of now. Instead of items that directly impact gameplay perhaps more cosmetic items should be in crates. My second question is what will be done to improve the progression system? Progression and the unlocking of star cards should not be entirely RNG. Is it possible that we could see the return of Hutt contracts to remedy some of this game's issues? A:d_FireWall Customization is something we care about. Believe me, people are constantly sending ideas around the office from all corners of the Star Wars galaxy. Clone Wars, Rebels, comics, movies, novels – there are some really, really cool designs out there (especially from the Clone Wars era). It’s on our list of things we’re looking at daily, and always top of mind. Stay tuned… ------------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpvdovn/?context=3&utm_content=context&utm_medium=user&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=frontpage Q:Do you feel the 6.5/10 review that GameInformer released on your game was an adequate score based on the product you released? Do you think the score would’ve been higher if the game was not riddled with micro transactions and a progression system inherently tied to those micro transactions? A:d_FireWall I feel that the score was impacted by the feedback on our progression system and obviously would have loved if that wasn't the case. I believe the gameplay, art, audio and depth warrants higher recognition, but I'm a developer, so I'm not necessarily the most unbiased source. Reviewers are obviously entitled to their own opinions, and we respect that completely. ------------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpve7so/?context=3&utm_content=context&utm_medium=user&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=frontpage Q:My job keeps me incredibly busy, and, often times, I just want to come home and relax against AI. I’ve noticed that the amount of credits is capped per day in arcade mode to 500. With crate’s current cost, I would have to max the system out for eight days in a row to afford just one crate. Do you have any plans to change up the arcade values so more casual players like me could afford more than 2 or 3 loot crates a month? Update: Also, would any of the future DLC or maps be aimed at the offline arcade modes, or will you be focusing on multiplayer updates? A:TheVestalViking As we want to let players earn Credits offline via a more relaxed game mode, we needed to also find a way to make sure it wouldn't be exploited in a way that would impact Multiplayer. Because of that we made the decision to limit the number of Credits earned to stop potential abuse. We will be looking at data continually and make adjustments to make things as balanced as possible. As for more Arcade, just like every mode in our game, we want to look for ways to expand it going forward. Unfortunately at this point we don't have anything to share right now, but know that we care about Offline modes. ------------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpvewg0/?context=3&utm_content=context&utm_medium=user&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=frontpage Q:Any specific reason why you couldn't stick with BF1's perfectly reasonable 10% of points translated to credits? Approximately 0 people took issue with it. A:WazDICE The new system in Battlefront 2 has more depth and complexity than Battlefront 1 and required updates to how we think about all of this. We've made a lot of changes and credit rewards are part of that. We're working on updates to the end of round rewards system and that will affect how a player's match performance yields credits. Right now it's not weighted enough to reward performance. ------------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpvf99i/?context=3 Q:Thank you for agreeing to answer questions. 1) Do you believe that DICE's brand has been damaged by its association with EA, as a result of this controversy? 2) When you yourselves play games, do you prefer to play ones with microtransactions and associated mechanisms like loot crates, or without them? 3) What, in your view, is the most effective method by which gamers could convince a large company to stop including microtransactions and associated mechanisms like loot crates in the games that it sells? A:d_FireWallDesign Wow, loaded question… but sure, let's dive in. 1.First off, I joined DICE because I love the games we make and the culture we have. We always listen to our community and we care about our games once they go live. We are also part of EA and none of the games we've made (including this one) would have been possible without them. We're proud to be part of this team. Sometimes we make mistakes. When we do, we fix them. I think our brand remains very strong. 2.For me, what matters to me is if the gameplay is fun. I play games with loot boxes and games without. I think when these features are at their best, they can be fun and exciting, while when they're not it's pretty obvious. I take pride in that we as developers at DICE will rethink any mechanic or feature if our players do not enjoy them and work hard to quickly get a better version of it out to you. 3.The best way to tell a company what you want on any topic is doing exactly what you are doing - give us the feedback. Talk with us, constructively. When we can change things, we will. When we can’t, we can’t, and as much as possible we’ll explain why. At the end of the day, if you don’t have fun in our game or you don't like our game, we lose. Plain and simple. We want to make games that people want to play and are happy with. That’s our jobs, and we’re going to keep doing it. ------------------------------------------https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7d4qft/star_wars_battlefront_ii_dice_developer_ama/dpvfqxv/?context=3 Q:Have you seen some of the videos out with people with Rank 4 star cards already? They are smashing everyone else. A:WazDICE Our matchmaking system will rank players who do well against other players that do well. If they wreck players in one game, the next game they'll be put against other players with similar skill. That's the intent. We're going to look at cases like these as they're likely indicative of matchmaking errors. This is potentially occurring because the servers are still populating, since the game only just released. We're finishing rolling all the versions of the game out around the world this week which will affect server populations and matchmaking. Once that's complete we'll be working on updating the matchmaking logic to address situations like these. ------------------------------------------ Последний пост: Big thank you to everyone who stopped by! I hope you feel the questions we answered provided clarity and hope going forward. We really appreciate the mods doing their best on a very short notice. The goal with this AMA from our perspective is to give you a look at where we are in digesting the feedback we've gotten over the past week. We were incredibly saddened by the negative response from you, the community on Reddit about the game. In-fact, we hated it, we truly did, because we want to make a game that you love. We've made a really cool, fun and beautiful game but it was overshadowed by issues with the progression system. We will fix this. Stay tuned for more specifics and details once they get set, we’ll be sharing as much as we can, in our blog, in our forums and here. We'll be around Reddit so please be sure to tag us in posts you'd like to get dev eyes on. Thank you again and may the Force be with you. Dennis Hide буквально пара более-менее интересных ответов (ожидаемо). Мне было интересно про косметику - ее добавят, руки у них развязаны и Дисней не держит пистолет у виска. Почему сразу нельзя было это делать - хз. Систему будут корректировать, Аркаду будут менять, "оставайтесь на линии, ваш звонок очень важен для нас" и вот это все. 6 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
DedushkaZedd 4 381 15 ноября, 2017 Я надеюсь это не попадет под оффтоп, но мне деревне очень хочется понять. 2 часа назад, altea сказал: остается открытым вопрос, кто это решение принял 1 час назад, Sarto сказал: Студия Как так то? Нет, я конечно помню того мужика, который втирал и переводил стрелки, мол самый трэш с монетизацией исходит от разработчика, но в упор не могу понять с чего вдруг? Им то оно нафига? Неужели там прям такие великие бонусы прилетают? Наверное конечно бывало такое, но явно не каждый раз. Мне просто трудно понять как подобная идея могла пройти и не исходить от чуваков, которые уже прямым текстом заявляли, что дальше будет хуже, ибо хомячки один фиг сожрут, а нам нафиг не надо будет парится с новыми IP и прочим дорогостоящим геморроем, а будем просто бабло с подписок стричь. И если верить, что они как бы не при делах, то разве оно им надо, что бы так полыхало и летело столько помоев? Кто бы что не говорили или думал, пользы им от этого точно никакой, а не допустить такого шансов был вагон и маленькая тележка. Вот и не укладывается у меня в голове, что все это идет совсем не от тех, для кого это все заработок и не более, а именно от студии, которой барыша с батфилда показалось мало. 1 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Sarto 1 922 15 ноября, 2017 7 минут назад, DedushkaZedd сказал: Как так то? Нет, я конечно помню того мужика, который втирал и переводил стрелки, мол самый трэш с монетизацией исходит от разработчика, но в упор не могу понять с чего вдруг? Им то оно нафига? Неужели там прям такие великие бонусы прилетают? Наверное конечно бывало такое, но явно не каждый раз. Мне просто трудно понять как подобная идея могла пройти и не исходить от чуваков, которые уже прямым текстом заявляли, что дальше будет хуже, ибо хомячки один фиг сожрут, а нам нафиг не надо будет парится с новыми IP и прочим дорогостоящим геморроем, а будем просто бабло с подписок стричь. И если верить, что они как бы не при делах, то разве оно им надо, что бы так полыхало и летело столько помоев? Кто бы что не говорили или думал, пользы им от этого точно никакой, а не допустить такого шансов был вагон и маленькая тележка. Вот и не укладывается у меня в голове, что все это идет совсем не от тех, для кого это все заработок и не более, а именно от студии, которой барыша с батфилда показалось мало. Всю схему - зачем и как, описать в посте нереально) Это одна из схем дополнительной прибыли с игры, которая получает студия напрямую. Кушать хочется всем, и кушать хорошо. Именно поэтому частенько происходит вот это: Жадность хайпового IP частенько берет верх, особенно, если в студии не компетентные сотрудники бизнес-отдела. Но это всё оффтоп, не стоит отходить от темы обсуждения игры 3 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
-Lelouch- 2 697 15 ноября, 2017 1 час назад, LoginamNet сказал: Стоп. Оффтоп закочен. Вы уже сразу и обо всём. А может стоит тогда создать отдельную тему про микротранзакции и лутбоксы? (Такой ведь нет, да?) Хотя в любом случае есть риск, что через пару дней она станет неактивной. 1 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
DedushkaZedd 4 381 15 ноября, 2017 (изменено) 26 минут назад, Sarto сказал: Это одна из схем дополнительной прибыли с игры, которая получает студия напрямую. Оказывается издатель кормится с барского стола разработчиков, которые именно сейчас решили, что хочется покушать хорошо, а зарплата игроделов ААА игрулек икорку не тянет. Разрыв шаблона. Ну да что с деревни взять :) P.S. про того самого дядю я и писал, только пук в твиттере ничего не доказывает и ни в чем не убеждает. В наше время отмазываться и переводить стрелки все умеют. Изменено 15 ноября, 2017 пользователем DedushkaZedd 1 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Eres 5 833 15 ноября, 2017 4 часа назад, altea сказал: We have tons of creative freedom. Ну и где она, спрашивается?) ложь чую я. Эта фраза у всех их разработчиков прописана? Как мантру повторяют же. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Revelate 10 116 16 ноября, 2017 Власти Бельгии проверяют Овервотч и БФ2 на предмет гамблинга. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Sarto 1 922 16 ноября, 2017 4 часа назад, Revelate сказал: Власти Бельгии проверяют Овервотч и БФ2 на предмет гамблинга. ЕА уже сделала заявление, что всё это ниправда) Но расследование уже начато, посмотрим что оно... расследует в итоге PS Забавный момент вчерашней АМА. Кратко на русском: мы эксплуатируем микротранзакции и мы не хотим, чтобы вы имели возможность обойти нашу жажду бабла через аркадный режим xD Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
djava 5 546 16 ноября, 2017 Пардон за оффтоп, но все последние попытки ЕА как-то оправдаться напоминают мне одно кино Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
WeAreLegion 15 270 16 ноября, 2017 (изменено) Цитата Q:Thank you for agreeing to answer questions. 3) What, in your view, is the most effective method by which gamers could convince a large company to stop including microtransactions and associated mechanisms like loot crates in the games that it sells? 3.The best way to tell a company what you want on any topic is doing exactly what you are doing - give us the feedback. Talk with us, constructively. When we can change things, we will. When we can’t, we can’t, and as much as possible we’ll explain why. At the end of the day, if you don’t have fun in our game or you don't like our game, we lose. Plain and simple. We want to make games that people want to play and are happy with. That’s our jobs, and we’re going to keep doing it. Какая-то словесная мастурбация, чесслово. Особенно вот эта хрень "When we can’t, we can’t", которая как-бы подразумевает, что вы главное деньгу нам откиньте, но мы не обещаем ничего менять. Изменено 16 ноября, 2017 пользователем WeAreLegion 1 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Sarto 1 922 16 ноября, 2017 А у Mass Effect Andromeda не все так плохо, правда? xD 2 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
raven_vokh 235 16 ноября, 2017 4 минуты назад, WeAreLegion сказал: Какая-то словесная мастурбация, чесслово. Особенно вот эта хрень "When we can’t, we can’t", которая как-бы подразумевает, что вы главное деньгу нам откиньте, но мы не обещаем ничего менять. Там почти все их ответы - подобная вода. Напомнило: "А сегодня в завтрашний день не все могут смотреть. Вернее, смотреть могут не только лишь все. Мало, кто может это делать." © Кличко В.В. 12 минуты назад, Sarto сказал: А у Mass Effect Andromeda не все так плохо, правда? xD Metascore от критиков пока даже выше чем в первом BF от DICE. А вот User Score доставляет). Интересно, у них Disney не отберет лицензию за это. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Локомотивец 399 16 ноября, 2017 (изменено) 3 минуты назад, raven_vokh сказал: Metascore от критиков пока даже выше чем в первом BF от DICE. А вот User Score доставляет). Интересно, у них Disney не отберет лицензию за это. думаешь Дисней волнует что-то, кроме бабла? Изменено 16 ноября, 2017 пользователем Локомотивец Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
oboima 11 677 16 ноября, 2017 (изменено) 10 минут назад, raven_vokh сказал: Metascore от критиков пока даже выше чем в первом BF от DICE На данный момент всего 28 критиков оценили. Когда будет 50+, тогда и можно делать выводы. Общая оценка упадет, к гадалке не ходи. Изменено 16 ноября, 2017 пользователем oboima Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Sarto 1 922 16 ноября, 2017 Только что, oboima сказал: На данный момент всего 28 критиков оценили. Когда будет 50+, тогда и можно будет делать выводы. Общая оценка упадет, к гадалке не ходи. Как бы она не упала ниже 60, а такая вероятность есть, когда пройдет расчет статей от гейминформер, игн, геймспот, вин централ и т.д. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Аутсайдер 1 011 16 ноября, 2017 (изменено) Мухахаха: https://pikabu.ru/story/battlefront_2_snova_raduet_5488457 Если кратко: в игре есть ограничение на количество получаемых кредитов. Фармить без остановки сколько захочешь не получится. ~(-_-)~ Ctrl+Alt+Del жжет по теме: Hide Изменено 16 ноября, 2017 пользователем Аутсайдер 4 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
LoginamNet 48 951 16 ноября, 2017 16 часов назад, -Lelouch- сказал: А может стоит тогда создать отдельную тему про микротранзакции и лутбоксы? (Такой ведь нет, да?) Общеигровое. Хоть цвет трусов Бобби Котика обсуждайте. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Sarto 1 922 16 ноября, 2017 3 часа назад, WeAreLegion сказал: Какая-то словесная мастурбация, чесслово. Особенно вот эта хрень "When we can’t, we can’t", которая как-бы подразумевает, что вы главное деньгу нам откиньте, но мы не обещаем ничего менять. Не стоило им эту АМА проводить. Они добились обратного эффекта, еще больше обозлили людей на том же самом реддите, не говоря уже о журналистах 2 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Revelate 10 116 16 ноября, 2017 Народ на заявление про аркаду дополнительно взъелся. Потому что вышло примерно так: Дайс: Мы не хотим, чтобы аркаду бесконечно эскплоитили для получения кредитов. Тоже Дайс: Держите ящики со всем необходимым. Даже на реддите находятся люди, что считают, что лучше бы они им не отвечали. Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Sarto 1 922 16 ноября, 2017 (изменено) 19 минут назад, Revelate сказал: Народ на заявление про аркаду дополнительно взъелся. Потому что вышло примерно так: Дайс: Мы не хотим, чтобы аркаду бесконечно эскплоитили для получения кредитов. Тоже Дайс: Держите ящики со всем необходимым. Даже на реддите находятся люди, что считают, что лучше бы они им не отвечали. Весь этот скандал значил бы ровным счетом ничего, если бы игра не ушла в падение до полного релиза. Сейчас же вся эта ситуация крайне серьезная и первыми, как всегда, начали дергаться инвесторы и Wall Street (Вчерашняя статья, но обратите внимание на время её публикации. Утренние новости в США это Top News) https://www.cnbc.com/2017/11/15/wall-street-is-getting-worried-social-media-outrage-over-eas-star-wars-game-may-hurt-sales.html Изменено 16 ноября, 2017 пользователем Sarto 2 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Sarto 1 922 16 ноября, 2017 Надо немного разбавить тред юморком ;) Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Аутсайдер 1 011 16 ноября, 2017 Ctrl+Alt+Del снова наносит удар: Hide 13 Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты