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Показан контент с высокой репутацией 17.03.2012 во всех областях
38 балловЭто уже лучше. Я надеюсь, я ОЧЕНЬ СИЛЬНО надеюсь, что Шепарда мы увидим после событий с риперами. Не нужно параллели, ненужно прошлого - нам нужно будущее МЭ ! Плюсуйте кто согласен =)
28 балловПоявилось так много дискуссий и дебатов о концовке Mass Effect 3, что я решил поделиться своей точкой зрения с вами. Я постараюсь избегать прямых спойлеров, но все же рекомендую завершить игру и испытать это самим, прежде чем читать. Все последние восемь лет Mass Effect был любимым делом для нашей команды, для индустрии видеоигр и для фанатов, которые поддерживали нас. Mass Effect 3 должен был оправдать множество ваших и наших ожиданий: это не только великолепный игровой опыт, но и развязка многочисленных сюжетных линий и решений, принятых вами с начала путешествия в 2007 году. Поэтому мы разрабатывали Mass Effect 3 так, чтобы он состоял из развязок ключевых историй и сюжетных линий. Каждая из них достигает кульминации в сценах, где вы видите последствия своих решений. Эти последствия останутся с вами до самого финала путешествия. Мы всегда рассчитывали, что масштаб конфликта и стоящая за всем этим тема жертвенности ведут к финалу, где будет радость со слезами на глазах, – сделать иначе означало бы попросту предательство всех мучительных решений, которые приходилось принимать Шепарду на этом пути. И все же мы хотели дать игрокам возможность испытать в финале вдохновение и душевный подъем. В игре, где вы сталкиваетесь с безнадежной борьбой за простое выживание, мы видим финальные моменты и образы как победу и надежду в контексте жертвенности и рефлексии. Мы получили невероятно положительные отзывы на Mass Effect 3: от New York Times, провозгласившего игру «захватывающим и последовательным триумфом», и Penny Arcade, назвавшего ее «удивительным достижением», до писем и твиттов игроков, писавших нам самые проникновенные слова благодарности, которые мы когда-либо слышали. Но мы также признаем, что часть наших самых активных фанатов хочет более личную концовку, больше ответов и больше времени попрощаться со своей историей – и эти замечания совершенно справедливы. Такие отзывы игроков всегда были важным элементом развития серии. Я горжусь тем, что сделала команда: от самых ранних набросков вселенной Mass Effect и до финала Mass Effect 3. Но мы делали это не для себя. Все время существования серии происходил обмен опытом между командой разработчиков и нашими фанатами – и это не просто опыт прохождения игры, но и ее дизайн, ее разработка. Любовь к Гаррусу и Тали привела к появлению романов с ними в Mass Effect 2. Запросы более глубокой системы RPG привели к значительным изменениям в дизайне Mass Effect 3. Ваши отзывы всегда важны для нас. Mass Effect – это результат сотрудничества между разработчиками и игроками, и мы продолжаем слушать вас. Что же ждет нас дальше? Весь следующий год мы будем поддерживать Mass Effect 3, создавая новый контент. И мы будем продолжать слушать, потому что ваши идеи и конструктивные отзывы помогут нам определить, что это должен быть за контент. Это не последнее, что вы услышите о коммандере Шепарде. Мы рассчитываем на вашу дальнейшую поддержку и участие. Мы работаем вместе, чтобы придать нужную форму оставшимся впечатлениям о вселенной Mass Effect. Спасибо за то, что прошли это приключение вместе с нами. Кейси Хадсон
27 балловЧерт, да хватит уже томить! Если намерены сделать норм. концовки - так и скажите! Если не намерены - так искажите! Зачем выливать тонны воды и непоняток. Всего лишь одна точная и определеннная фраза насчет новых концовок от Кейси может заменить все, что он сказал ранее.
25 балловИнтересно, я один прочитал всё это и услышал только: " Блабла бла, бла бла, блаблабла, бла бла бла. и бла бла бла.. Спасибо, что играли в Мass Effect бла бла"? Тоесь много слов, но абсолютно пустых и не говорящих ровным счётом ничего..
25 балловКому кроме меня Кейси Путина напоминает? Хе-хе. х3 Бессмысленное его сейчас о чем то спрашивать, пока не настанет время для анонса нового DLC Хадсон ничего не расскажет. х3
20 балловИх концовка, вся такая радостно - слезливая, горько - сладкая, только вот я никак не пойму где моя радостно - сладкая часть. Или у меня просто искажённое чувство восприятия эмоций?
19 баллов
18 балловВода. Забавляет нытье тех кого концовки устроили, ведь видят тему топика и все равно лезут ныть как им надоели недовольные, идите в мультиплеер поиграйте, там говорят довольным хомячкам новые пушечки дарят :laugh:
18 баллов*Внимание персоналу станции! С нами стыкуется корабль разочарованных хейтеров! Идёт примерный расчёт времени ожидания повышения градуса неадеквата! Примерный расчёт произведён. Повышение градуса неадеквата ожидается начиная со второй страницы! Рекомендуемые действия: приведение в полную готовность автоматических систем безопасности и эвакуация всех гражданских лиц!* Ну, а про то, что DLC - быть, так это они и раньше говорили.
16 балловЗа Кейси уже выехал непобедимый Шилдс.
13 балловОчередная утечка информации из офиса BioWare очень похожа на правду и более того, подтверждает кое-какие слухи.
11 балловЯ почти никаких последствий не увидел У меня была радость от того, что эти нудные перестрелки уже закончились, а слезы на глазах от того, как запоганили конец и оставили еще больше вопросов Вы про тех беливеров, которые верят, что все это сон Шепарда? Ну да, у них вдохновение, это ясно видно Что не удивительно, ибо ЕА может пропиарить, как надо. Это они про ту петицию с просьбой поменять концовку? Что-то нигде не слышно слов благодарности Это какой, например, отзыв игроков сказался на игровой серии? А, наверное крики секс-меньшинств с просьбами сделать Шепарда немного петушком? Да, вы делали это для ЕА
11 баллов
10 балловЛогика? Не, не слышал. Финал Mass Effect 3, как и вся трилогия вызвала противоречивые чувства. Помимо игроков недовольных участью Шепарда и однообразием последствий итоговых решений, нашелся определенный контингент, что имел несколько более серьезные претензии (и к этому числу я отношу себя). Нелогичность. Иногда откровенные ляпы. Белые швы, из-за которых финал трилогии да и сами игры трилогии смотрятся головой пришитой к чужому телу. На этом пока все. Отдельно, хочется добавить, что косяки дружным строем вылетают именно под финал игры. такое впечатление, что его либо не успели доработать, либо у кого-то в студии биоваров зохавал мозг Ктулху. P.S.
10 балловНесмотря на то, что идет лишь вторая неделя с момента запуска Mass Effect 3, люди уже провели в мультиплеерном режиме суммарно 1800 лет времени, заработав в матчах 83 миллиарда игровых кредитов. Эту и другую статистику мультиплеера Mass Effect 3 опубликовали сегодня BioWare: Наибольшей популярностью среди классов пользуется Солдат – его выбирают 18% игроков. Следом за Солдатом идут Штурмовик (17%) и Разведчик (16%). А вот самая популярная раса в игре после людей – это турианцы, ими играют почти 6,5% игроков. Чаще других бои проходят на карте «Опорная база "Белый"» на Новерии – 36% от всех матчей. 33% всех матчей заканчиваются поражением игроков, а на победы на сложности «Золото» приходится менее 1% успешно выдержанных матчей. Самым популярным оружием являются штурмовые винтовки – с ними идут в бой 36% игроков. «Цербер» недосчитался уже 2-х миллионов своих Фантомов, считающихся одними из самых опасных противников.
10 балловДа я себя прямо каким-то моральным уродом чувствую, потому что в конце испытала именно эти "Вдохновение и душевный подъем". Ну прямо как же так можно?! Мне ЖИТЬ захотелось после такого конца, вершить поступки. И еще я люблю концовку фильма "Мгла" Стивена Кинга. Разве на войне может быть хеппи-энд? И еще, я опять же наверное ненормальная, но умереть за кого-то другого - не ужасно и нелогично, с другим взглядом вряд ли я бы пошла в спасатели. Конечно куплю любые DLC, на эту серию денег не жалко совершенно. Через полгодика, как накопится несколько DLC пройду снова с огромным удовольствием))
10 балловСпециально для вас перевожу - Уважаемые нытики, всё ваше нытье мы слышим и сделаем вам дополнение в розовых тонах, где вы наконец то увидите, то что так хотели. Где то в течении года) Наберитесь терпения, ведь мы только начали собирать статистику, что вы больше всего хотите увидеть в этом дополнении. Спасибо Вам за ваше мнение, благодарные вы наши добряки-фанаты.
10 балловОчередная отмазка, написанная под диктовку отделения по связям с общественностью, пустые намеки, нацеленные лишь на выигрышь времени в надежде, что недовольство спадет само собой.
10 балловДля тех, кто не силен в английском, посильно перевела ответ Хадсона на http://social.biowar.../index/10089946 Если найдете ошибки, пишите, я поправлю.
9 балловСпасибо Кейси за работу. За все 7 лет, что он делал эту работу. Спасибо за прекрасную вселенную. Спасибо за все.
8 балловАдекватность - OFF, Сарказм - ON Я один испытывал вместо радости и соплей, разочарование и недоумение? То есть, после всех тяжелых испытаний, через которые прошел Шеппард, должны остаться одни руины старого мира и выжившие должны тоже сдохнуть, иначе они предадут погибших? О_О *фэйспалм* Никогда не думал, что эпичное поражение вызывает всплеск вдохновения и душевный подъем. Тогда наверное победа вызывает депрессию и общественно негодование? У фанатов по-моему одна надежда - что все это было бредом. Зачем было жертвовать Шеппардом - еще можно понять... но зачем было жертвовать галактической цивилизацией? WTF? Ради чего мы вообще сражались? "Вот видите! Видите! Им понравилось!" - Тыча пальцем в их стороны и срываясь на визг, кричал Кейси Хадсон перед толпой недовольных. ЧАСТЬ?! Если не брать в расчет социалку и судить по нашему форуму - почти 80%. И это ЧАСТЬ?! О_О КОНЕЧНО! И денег не брали. Ага ага. То есть это по нашему диалоги стали менее вариативными, а средний вариант ответа канул в лету? О_О Я один вижу в этом нововведении лишь возможность поржать над советами Мордина Шеппарду по поводу ночи с Тали? А само по себе считаю бессмысленным? Слушаем, игнорим, а в ответах вешаем лапшу на уши. Нам еще есть что продать вам! Мы правда еще не поняли, че вам можно втюхать. Будет еще 1001 и ДЛЦ-шечка с новой одеждой и миниквестиками на пол часика. Мы сдалем возможность ходить на свидания на цитадели. Выпустим симулятор жизни "Шеппард - последние месяцы жизни". Выпустим футболки и кружки с его лицом. И конечно же статуэтки, брелки и жетончики. А еще во всех последующих играх серии Масс Эффект мы будем упоминать его, что бы провоцировать ностальгию о погибшем командоре. Если у вас еще остались деньги, пожалуйста, не тратте их! Дождитесь возможности подарить их нам! Адекватность - ON А по сути, все сказано. Само обращение - явная попытка успокоить общественность. И народ походу хавает: появляется надежда, некоторые начинают считать Биоваровцев не такими плохими. И по сути, все ясно. Если в течении года фанаты не забудут про ДЛЦ с концовкой и будут трясти Биоваровцев - их маркетологи, просчитав спрос, скорее всего скажут "сделайте". Если же нет - ну, им же легче. У них еще не весь шмот, вырезанный из игры, распродан В целом, думаю, скорость выпуска этого самого ДЛЦ с концовками будет зависеть от успешности ДЛЦ перед ним. Чем меньше будет продавать ДЛЦ (показывая потерю интереса ко вселенной) - тем быстрее они задумаются о ДЛЦ про Концовку. Так что рецепт простой: игнорировать все их ДЛЦ и продолжать вопить и требовать выпустить ДЛЦ с Концовкой. Я тоже доволен Протеанином, но мне совершенно не нравится, что Протеанин стал ДЛЦ, вместо того, что бы оставаться частью оригинальной игры, как и задумывалось. А последнее... я вообще не понимаю. То есть это у тебя попытка толкнуть идею, что лохи - это вовсе не те, кто позволяет доить себя как корову, а те, кто не позволяет делать из себя дойную коровку? В том то и дело, что вы нормальная и если вам нравится - вы это не скрываете и вы довольны, что бы и кто не говорил. Ну а нас пытаются выставить нытиками и соплежуями, которыми разбили розовые очки. А мы просто хотим чуточку больше ответов на интересующие нас вопросы, отсутсвия бреда с мальчиком катализатором и что бы ретрансляторы остались целыми, а то крах всей галактической цивилизации как-то не сочетается с победой. Мы победили, но то, за что мы сражались - уничтожено. И как это можно переварить? А смерть Шеппарда - вполне закономерна. Мне вот например нравится фильм Леон и концовку считаю очень органичной. Он погиб, но погиб не зря. Не разнес вместе с собой весь мир, на руинах которого Матильде придется жить.
8 балловЧем больше таких заявлений, тем больше я себя ощущаю кусочком мяса, жарящимся на мееееедленном огне... И наверное, не я одна =) А Хадсон сидит в своем офисе и готовит тарелки.
8 балловхехе, им уже столько наговорили что можно еще одну игру запилить=) ну чтож товарищи ненавистники, у вас появилась надежда на хоть какое то изменение а мне пусть пришлют на почту фото Лиары в окружении парочки синих детишек и я буду знать, что мой Шепард не зря старался =)
8 балловЧто вам не нравится, он же сказал, проплаченной прессе игра понравилась, значит все ок...
8 балловНе наезжайте на меня, но лучше бы они кое-что другое опубликовали. >_>
7 балловРазработчики Star Wars: The Old Republic объявили о том, что невероятно ожидаемое обновление 1.2 «Legacy» было установлено на публичный тестовый сервер (PTS). Обновление принесёт огромное количество изменений в систему Legacy, гильдий, новый флешпоинт и операцию для PvE, рейтинги и новую зону для PvP и многое-многое другое. Самым интересным является то, что теперь мы можем посмотреть на список изменений обновлений. Он не финальный, но уже может дать общее представление. Со списком вы можете ознакомиться под катом. Напоминаем, что поиграть на тестовом сервере может любой активный подписчик игры. Для этого нужно следовать этой инструкции. Если вы по какой-то причине перестали или ещё не начали играть в The Old Republic — почитайте о нововведениях, наверняка они вас заинтересуют. The patch notes published for the Public Test Server are not final and are subject to change. Currently, only English notes are available, but French and German versions will be published when they are available. Highlights Players can now unlock a wide variety of rewards by leveling characters and reaching new Legacy levels, including buffs for your characters, unlocking additional Species choices for every class, and upgrades for your personal Starship. Build your own Legacy with the new Family Tree! Lost Island, a new Flashpoint, is available for play! Having uncovered the sources of the Rakghoul plague outbreak in the Tion Hegemony, players must travel to Ord Mantell and confront Dr. Lorrick, the mad scientist who engineered this horrific biological weapon. Explosive Conflict, a new Operation, is available for play! The Trandoshan mercenary warlord Kephess has seized the planet Denova, a world rich in resources valuable to the war effort. Players must assault his war camp, situated atop a mountain in densely-wooded terrain, fighting Imperial defectors and heavy war machines along the way. 8- and 16-player Story and Hard Modes are currently available for this Operation. Novare Coast, a new objective-oriented Warzone on the planet Denova, has been added to the game. This Warzone, like Huttball, supports same-faction matches if there are not enough members of the opposing faction to be found. New repeatable high-level daily missions are available in a new area on Corellia, the Black Hole! Guilds now have access to a shared Guild Bank, accessible on the Fleets, with expandable storage. A new tier of gear has been added for both PvP and PvE. Ranked Warzones are here! Players can now queue up and participate in PvP matchups to rank themselves against the competition. Players can now customize their User Interface by moving and resizing UI elements! A new level 50 World Boss with a challenge for a well-coordinated 16-player Operation Group has been sighted in the Nightmare Lands region on Voss. Players can now leave comments on entries in their Friends List in the Social Window. General The Imperial Transportation Authority and the Galactic Republic Safety Council have authorized the use of vehicles in Orbital Space Stations and Spaceports. In-game rewards will be available to players who participate on the Public Test Server. Players will receive a title if they attain level 10 on PTS, and another if they complete Chapter 1. A new preference, "Character Texture Atlasing," is now available. Enabling this option increases the texture quality used when rendering character models. A new "Customize" option now appears on the character sheet. One of the features this button enables is the ability to color coordinate any individual piece of armor with the equipped chestpiece. A new preference, "Awareness Radius," allows players to adjust the number of characters displayed on-screen. Reducing this setting can improve performance in crowded areas on low-end machines. On planets with an Orbital Station, players can now travel directly from the planet shuttle on the surface to their ship. The Sprint ability is now available at level 1. General Bug Fixes Cinematics throughout the game have been polished. A large number of cinematics have been improved to address incorrect camera angles, smooth out animation issues, and to correct Companion Characters that appear in the wrong gear or at the wrong time. Cinematics and mission phases have been updated for consistency. For instance, several occurrences of NPCs appearing alive in a phase after a cinematic in which the player chose to kill them have been corrected. Corrected many instances of misplaced geometry, visible seams, and incorrect collision with world objects throughout the game. Many locations where player characters could become stuck on world geometry or fall through the world have been corrected. Some visual effects and animations have been adjusted and fixed in instances where they played incorrectly. Classes and Combat Game Update 1.2. contains a significant number of changes and improvements to the overall class balance and combat gameplay in PvP and PvE based on player and guild feedback, focus testing, and more than two months of combat interaction data from our servers. Our overall goal is, as always, to create a level playing field for our players while ensuring that classes retain their unique playstyles and identities. These changes are not limited to class abilities and skill trees, but also involve modifications to the underlying combat math (for example diminishing returns, additional augment availability, etc.), which has an impact on combat that is hard to capture in a list of patch notes. Since our changes involve a number of skill changes for many classes, we are refunding all skill points to the affected Advanced Classes so players can adjust the distribution of their characters' skills as they see fit with the new changes in mind. As a reminder, players can reset any character's skill points in the Combat area on their faction's fleet for free once per week (additional respecs cost credits). Based on community feedback, we have also added a number of improvements to combat gameplay, such as more reactive animations for certain abilities, better visual and audible cues for important effects, and quality of life changes such as more useful combat revival abilities. For enthusiasts interested in the detailed mechanics of combat and optimizing their own character, we have added a combat logging feature, which writes a machine-parsable file to disk that can provide detailed insights into what really happens during a combat engagement. General As a result of game balance efforts, many classes have had their skill tree layouts modified. Affected characters will have their skill points refunded on login. Visual effects for persistent ground-targeted player attacks now reflect the target area of effect more accurately. "Rest" abilities, such as Meditation and Recharge and Reload, are no longer interrupted by taking damage if the player is not currently in combat. The movement visualization when observing players with lower performance has been improved. Combat Training Dummies have been added to the game. Level 50 and 50+ Training Dummies can be found on the Gav Daragon and Ziost Shadow. Level 20, 30, and 40 targets can be found on Coruscant and Dromund Kaas. Level 10 targets can be found on Origin Worlds. Players can unlock Training Dummies for their personal starship through the Legacy System. In-combat revival abilities (Resuscitation Probe, Hearttrigger Patch, Revival, and Reanimation) now revive the target with 25% health (up from 5%) to make them generally more useful for their intended purpose. Several ability tooltips have been updated to include the correct values and information (these tooltip changes do not reflect changes to the ability; tooltips that previously displayed incorrect or incomplete information have been corrected). Several areas throughout the game that have had line of sight-related problems ("cannot see target") have been corrected. An issue that could prevent dual wield visual effects from playing correctly has been fixed. Players are now briefly stunned if they are dismounted forcibly from damage (instead of playing a fall animation). Fixed an issue that would occasionally cause players to become stuck and unable to move after the expiration of a stun debuff. Corrected an issue that could cause players to appear to continue to be dead after being revived. The diminishing return formula for several stats (including expertise) has been adjusted. Special abilities for several classes have been updated to emit light based on their actual weapon color crystal rather. Minimum and maximum damage ranges now display correctly on the character sheet for all classes. Combat Log Players may now choose to view victory and defeat messages in the chat window. This feature can be enabled in the new "Combat Logging" section of the preferences menu. This must be enabled for combat messages to appear in the chat window. The "Combat Logging" section in the preferences menu also allows players to stream all combat interactions originating from or directed at their character to a machine-parsable file. When this option is enabled, time stamped log files are written periodically to the Star Wars – The Old Republic\Combat Logs directory in the My Documents folder. Warning: This is an advanced feature. Constant combat logging may use a significant amount of disk space, and players may need to periodically delete old logs. Jedi Knight General Awe no longer costs Focus to activate. Dispatch can now be used on targets at or below 30% of maximum health (up from 20%). Force Kick no longer costs Focus to activate. Master Strike can no longer be interrupted. Sentinel Due to changes in the Sentinel skill trees, Sentinels have had their skill points refunded. Crippling Throw's "Trauma" effect can no longer be cleansed. Force Camouflage now additionally reduces all damage taken by 50% while active. Pacify no longer has a Focus cost and is no longer limited by the global cooldown. Transcendence now affects all Operation Group members. Zen (while in Ataru Form) now additionally reduces the Focus cost and global cooldown of Cyclone Slash. Watchman Focused Pursuit has been replaced by Focused Leap, which increases the Focus generated by Force Leap. Force Fade no longer grants damage reduction while Force Camouflage is active. It now increases the duration of Force Camouflage by 1 second per point and increases the movement speed bonus of Force Camouflage by 10% per point. Inflammation now applies a 50% movement speed reduction (up from 30%). Valor is now located in Tier 1 of the skill tree. Combat Ataru Form damage effects (procs) now deal weapon-based damage instead of Force-based damage. The overall damage of these effects has been increased by approximately 10%. Ataru Form now correctly triggers when fighting very large targets. Fleetfooted now additionally increases the movement speed bonus granted by Transcendence by 15% per point. Temperance has been replaced by Stagger, which increases Force Leap's immobilize effect. Focus (Sentinel) Felling Blow is now a 3-point skill with the same overall effect. The effect now lasts 20 seconds (up from 15). Force Exhaustion's cooldown has been reduced to 18 seconds. Its overall effect is unchanged. Gravity now specifically affects Leg Slash and Force Exhaustion. Inner Focus has been redesigned. It now requires 2 points in Singularity and causes Zen (while in Shii-Cho Form) to immediately grant 2 stacks of Singularity per point. Master Focus now increases the damage of Master Strike instead of affecting Force Stasis. Singularity's buff effects now last 20 seconds (up from 15). Swelling Winds is now located in Tier 1 of the Focus skill tree. It increases the damage dealt by Force Sweep and Cyclone Slash and reduces the cooldown of Force Sweep. Unwavering Focus has been removed from the game. Zealous Leap now immobilizes the target for 1 second. Zephyr has been replaced by Zephyrean Slash, which allows Slash critical hits to have a chance to refund 2 points of Focus while the Sentinel is in Shii-Cho Form. Guardian Due to changes to the Guardian skill trees, Guardians have had their skill points refunded. Added Forceclap, a new passive ability granted at level 10 that causes Force Leap to stun the target for 2 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 12 seconds. Added Focused Defense, a new ability that allows the Guardian to spend Focus to lower threat. While active, one point of Focus is spent each time damage is taken to heal the Guardian for a small amount. This ability is usable while stunned and is not limited by the global cooldown. Vigilance Commanding Awe is now located in Tier 5 of the skill tree. It increases the Guardian's damage reduction while Focused Defense is active. Single Saber Mastery is no longer restricted to certain stances. Stagger is now located in Tier 1 of the Vigilance skill tree. Sundering Throw is now located in Tier 6 of the Vigilance skill tree. Zen Strike now generates 2 points of Focus when it is triggered. Defense Blade Barrier is now located in Tier 4 of the skill tree. Blade Storm no longer consumes stacks of Courage while the Momentum buff is active. Command no longer reduces the cooldown of Challenging Call and is now located in Tier 5 of the skill tree. Dust Storm is now a 3-point skill that provides the same overall effect. Guardian Slash now generates 50% additional threat. Momentum is now a 2-point skill that provides the same overall effect. Pacification is now a 1-point skill with a slightly reduced overall effect. Shield Specialization is now located in Tier 5 of the skill tree. Stasis Mastery is now located in Tier 4 of the skill tree. Focus (Guardian) Felling Blow is now a 3-point skill with the same overall effect. The effect now lasts 20 seconds (up from 15). Force Exhaustion's cooldown has been reduced to 18 seconds. Its overall effect is unchanged. Gravity now specifically affects Freezing Force and Force Exhaustion. Inner Focus has been redesigned. It now requires 2 points in Singularity and causes Combat Focus to immediately grant 2 stacks of Singularity per point. Master Focus now increases the damage of Master Strike instead of affecting Force Stasis. Singularity's buff effects now last 20 seconds (up from 15). Swelling Winds is now located in Tier 1 of the Focus skill tree. It increases the damage dealt by Force Sweep and Cyclone Slash and reduces the cooldown of Force Sweep. Through Peace, a new 2-point skill located in Tier 6, has been added. It reduces the initial activation cost of Focused Defense by 1 Focus per point. Unwavering Focus has been removed from the game. Zealous Leap now immobilizes the target for 1 second. Zephyr has been replaced by Zephyrean Slash, which allows Slash critical hits to have a chance to refund 2 points of Focus while the Guardian is in Shii-Cho Form. Sith Warrior General Disruption no longer costs Rage to activate. Intimidating Roar no longer costs Rage to activate. Ravage can no longer be interrupted. Vicious Throw can now be used on targets at or below 30% of maximum health (up from 20%). Marauder Due to changes to the Marauder skill trees, Marauders have had their skill points refunded. Deadly Throw's "Trauma" effect can no longer be cleansed. Force Camouflage now additionally reduces all damage taken by 50% while active. Obfuscate no longer has a Rage cost and is no longer limited by the global cooldown. Predation now affects all Operation Group members. Berserk (while in Ataru Form) now additionally reduces the Rage cost and global cooldown of Sweeping Slash. Carnage Ataru Form damage effects (procs) now deal weapon-based damage instead of Force-based damage. The overall damage of these effects has been increased by approximately 10%. Ataru Form now correctly triggers when fighting very large targets. Erupting Fury has been replaced by Stagger, which increases Force Charge's immobilize effect. Unbound now additionally increases the movement speed bonus granted by Predation by 15% per point. Annihilation Ferocity has been replaced by Enraged Charge, which increases the Rage generated by Force Charge. Phantom no longer grants damage reduction while Force Camouflage is active. It now increases the duration of Force Camouflage by 1 second per point and increases the movement speed bonus of Force Camouflage by 10% per point. Seeping Wound now applies a 50% movement speed reduction (up from 30%). Short Fuse is now located in Tier 1 of the skill tree. Rage (Marauder) Decimate is now located in Tier 1 of the Rage skill tree. It increases the damage dealt by Smash and Sweeping Slash and reduces the cooldown of Smash. Dominate is now a 3-point skill with the same overall effect. The effect now lasts 20 seconds (up from 15). Force Alacrity has been replaced by Overpower, which allows Vicious Slash critical hits to have a chance to refund 2 points of Rage while the Marauder is in Shii-Cho Form. Force Crush's cooldown has been reduced to 18 seconds. Its overall effect is unchanged. Gravity now specifically affects Crippling Slash and Force Crush. Obliterate now immobilizes the target for 1 second. Ravager now increases the damage of Ravage instead of affecting Force Choke. Relentless Fury has been replaced by Berserker. It requires 2 points in Shockwave and causes Berserk (while in Shii-Cho Form) to immediately grant 2 stacks of Shockwave per point. Shockwave's buff effects now last 20 seconds (up from 15). Unbreakable Rage has been removed from the game. Juggernaut Due to changes to the Juggernaut skill trees, Juggernauts have had their skill points refunded. Added Crash, a new passive ability granted at level 10 that causes Force Charge to stun the target for 2 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 12 seconds. Added Enraged Defense, a new ability that allows the Juggernaut to spend Rage to lower threat. While active, one point of Rage is spent each time damage is taken to heal the Juggernaut for a small amount. This ability is usable while stunned and is not limited by the global cooldown. Vengeance Deafening Defense is now located in Tier 5 of the skill tree. It now increases the Juggernaut's damage reduction while Enraged Defense is active. Rampage now generates 2 points of Rage when it is triggered. Single Saber Mastery is no longer restricted to certain stances. Stagger is now located in Tier 1 of the Vengeance skill tree. Sundering Throw is now located in Tier 6 of the Vengeance skill tree. Immortal Battle Cry is now a 2-point skill that provides the same overall effect. Crushing Blow now generates 50% additional threat. Force Grip is now located in Tier 4 of the skill tree. Force Scream no longer consumes stacks of Revenge while the Battle Cry buff is active. Heavy Handed is now a 1-point skill with a slightly reduced overall effect. Quake is now a 3-point skill that provides the same overall effect. Shield Specialization is now located in Tier 5 of the skill tree. Sonic Barrier is now located in Tier 4 of the skill tree. Thrown Gauntlet no longer reduces the cooldown of Threatening Scream and is now located in Tier 5 of the skill tree. Rage (Juggernaut) Decimate is now located in Tier 1 of the Rage skill tree. It increases the damage dealt by Smash and Sweeping Slash and reduces the cooldown of Smash. Dominate is now a 3-point skill with the same overall effect. The effect now lasts 20 seconds (up from 15). Force Alacrity has been replaced by Overpower, which allows Vicious Slash critical hits to have a chance to refund 2 points of Rage while the Juggernaut is in Shii-Cho Form. Force Crush's cooldown has been reduced to 18 seconds. Its overall effect is unchanged. Gravity now specifically affects Chilling Scream and Force Crush. Obliterate now immobilizes the target for 1 second. Ravager now increases the damage of Ravage instead of affecting Force Choke. Relentless Fury has been replaced by Empowering Rage. It requires 2 points in Shockwave and causes Enrage to immediately grant 2 stacks of Shockwave per point. Shockwave's buff effects now last 20 seconds (up from 15). Through Passion, a new 2-point skill located in Tier 6, has been added. It reduces the initial activation cost of Enraged Defense by 1 Rage per point. Unbreakable Rage has been removed from the game. Jedi Consular General Deflection's visual effects are now more noticeable. The Unity ability has been removed from the Jedi Consular class. A similar ability can now be unlocked through the Legacy System. Force Slow visual effects now begin and end at the correct times. Sage Due to changes to the Sage skill trees, Sages have had their skill points refunded. Corrected an issue with Force Armor that prevented its appearance from refreshing when its effects were reapplied. Rescue now modifies threat by the correct amount. Seer Confound now refreshes properly when Weaken Mind is refreshed. Conveyance no longer unintentionally allows its buff to be applied to more than one healing ability. Its effects have been slightly redesigned. It now increases the critical chance of Benevolence by 60% and reduces the Force cost of Deliverance by 30%. Egress now requires Preservation instead of Valiance. Resplendence no longer removes the health cost from Noble Sacrifice. Salvation's tooltip now correctly mentions that this ability affects a maximum of 8 targets. The ability's functionality has not changed. A display issue that caused the first and second tick of Salvation to appear on top of each other has been corrected. Telekinetics Inner Strength now correctly affects Weaken Mind. Balance (Sage) Critical Kinesis now increases the critical chance of Telekinetic Throw and Disturbance by 3% per point. Empowered Throw now increases the damage dealt by Project, Telekinetic Throw, and Weaken Mind by 2% per point. Presence of Mind now affects Disturbance and Mind Crush only. Mind Crush's periodic damage now benefits from the 20% damage bonus when it is used to consume the Presence of Mind buff. The Force in Balance no longer heals the caster if no targets are hit. Shadow Mass Mind Control: Updated this tooltip to correctly state that the ability does not break Stealth. The ability's functionality has not changed. Kinetic Combat Kinetic Ward's appearance now refreshes properly when reapplied. Balance (Shadow) Force Synergy's activation effects are now more visible. The Force in Balance no longer heals the caster if no targets are hit. Sith Inquisitor General Deflection's effects are now more noticeable. Electrocute's visual effects now occur more quickly after activation. Energize's effect now triggers a sound effect when it occurs. Force Lightning now correctly plays its sound effects when the initial application of damage kills the target. Force Slow visual effects now begin and end at the correct times. The Sacrifice ability has been removed from the Sith Inquisitor class. A similar ability can now be unlocked through the Legacy System. Shock sound effects have been polished. Sorcerer Due to changes in Sorcerer skill trees, Sorcerers have had their skill points refunded. Corrected an issue with Static Barrier that prevented its visual effects from refreshing when its effects were reapplied. Extrication now modifies threat by the correct amount. Corruption Force Bending no longer unintentionally allows its buff to be applied to more than one healing ability. Its effects have been slightly redesigned. It now increases the critical chance of Dark Heal by 60% and reduces the Force cost of Dark Infusion by 30%. Conspiring Force now refreshes properly when Affliction is refreshed. Fadeout now requires Efficacious Currents instead of Dark Resilience. Force Surge no longer removes the health cost from Consumption. Revivification's tooltip now correctly states that the ability affects a maximum of 8 targets. The ability's functionality hasn't changed. A display issue that caused the first and second tick of Revivification to appear on top of each other has been corrected. Lightning Electric Induction now correctly affects Affliction. Madness (Sorcerer) Disintegration now increases the critical chance of Force Lightning and Lightning Strike by 3% per point. Calcify now increases the damage dealt by Shock, Force Lightning, and Affliction by 2% per point. Wrath now affects Lightning Strike and Crushing Darkness only. Crushing Darkness's periodic damage now benefits from the 20% damage bonus when it is used to consume the Wrath buff. The Force in Balance no longer heals the caster if no targets are hit. Assassin Mass Mind Control: Updated this tooltip to correctly state that the ability does not break Stealth. The ability's functionality has not changed. Madness (Assassin) The Force in Balance no longer heals the caster if no targets are hit. Raze's activation effects are now more visible. Smuggler General Dirty Kick can now be used while moving. Players can now "Crouch" (but not roll into cover) while immobilized. Smugglers can no longer be pushed out of cover via the "cover integrity" mechanic, which has been removed from the game. Gunslinger Due to changes to the Gunslinger skill trees, Gunslingers have had their skill points refunded. Flourish Shot now additionally inflicts trauma, reducing all healing the target receives by 20% for 9 seconds. Saboteur Hot Pursuit has been redesigned. It is now located in Tier 4 of the skill tree and makes Quick Shot cost no energy for 6 seconds after leaving cover. Incendiary Grenade has been improved. It now deals more of its damage in the first few seconds and snares affected targets. If the initial hit strikes a target affected by your Shock Charge, that target is stunned for 2 seconds. Pandemonium is now located in Tier 2 of the skill tree. Sabotage's range has been increased to 60 meters. Sharpshooter Burst Volley has been redesigned. It now triggers from dealing damage with blasters and increases Alacrity and Energy regeneration for 10 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds. Deadeye is now a 3-point skill that provides the same overall effect. Holed Up is a new 2-point skill located in Tier 6 of the skill tree that reduces damage taken from area attacks by 60% while Hunker Down is active. This change allows the Sharpshooter to remain in cover more often in situations that force other classes to rapidly change locations. Snap Shot's tooltip now correctly mentions that its effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds. Functionality has not changed. Dirty Fighting (Gunslinger) Bombastic now correctly requires Shrap Bomb. Hemorrhaging Blast no longer has an Energy cost. Hold Your Ground's cooldown reduction for Pulse Detonator has been reduced to 2.5 seconds per point. Holdout Defense now increases Blaster Whip damage by 4% per point. No Holds Barred now increases critical chance by 1% per point. Reopen Wounds now increases the critical chance of Wounding Shots and Speed Shot by 4% per point. Wounding Shots now costs 25 Energy (down from 30). The weapon damage component of this ability has been reduced by approximately 15%, but bleeding damage remains unchanged. Scoundrel Due to changes to the Scoundrel skill trees, Scoundrels have had their skill points refunded. Back Blast now has a 12-second cooldown and deals approximately 5% more damage. Diagnostic Scan's tooltip now displays the full amount healed over its duration. Shoot First now has a 7.5-second cooldown. Tranquilizer now gives an appropriate error message if used on Droids. Upper Hand no longer triggers a "grunt" sound effect when it occurs. Sawbones Emergent Emergencies now additionally increases the maximum stack limit of Upper Hand by 1. Healing Hand now also increases the duration of Upper Hand by 2 seconds per point. Homegrown Pharmacology now additionally reduces the Energy cost of Kolto Cloud by 2 per point. Kolto Cloud has been rebalanced. It now has a 15-second cooldown, heals over 6 seconds, and heals for approximately 10% more than before. Patient Studies now additionally increases the speed at which Diagnostic Scan channels by 15% per point. Scrapper Brawler's Grit is now a 2-point skill. Flanking is a new 1-point skill located in Tier 3 of the skill tree. It reduces the Energy cost of Back Blast by 5. K.O. no longer experiences a delay in its knockdown effect. Sawed Off now increases the damage dealt by Back Blast. It is now located in Tier 5 of the skill tree and requires Flanking. Sucker Punch now costs 10 Energy (down from 15) and deals approximately 10% less damage. Turn the Tables has been redesigned and is now a 2-point skill. It no longer increases damage dealt to bleeding targets, but increases the Energy gained by Pugnacity and the damage dealt by Sucker Punch and Flying Fists. Underdog no longer increases Energy gained by Pugnacity. This effect is now part of Turn the Tables. Dirty Fighting (Scoundrel) Hemorrhaging Blast no longer has an Energy cost. Holdout Defense now increases Blaster Whip damage by 4% per point. No Holds Barred now increases critical chance by 1% per point. Imperial Agent General Players can now "Crouch" (but not roll into cover) while immobilized. Agents can no longer be pushed out of cover via the "cover integrity" mechanic, which has been removed from the game. Operative Due to changes to Operative skill trees, Operatives have had their skill points refunded. Backstab now has a 12-second cooldown and deals approximately 5% more damage. Hidden Strike now has a 7.5-second cooldown. Sleep Dart now gives an appropriate error message if used on Droids. Tactical Advantage no longer triggers a "grunt effect" when it occurs. Concealment Culling has been redesigned and is now a 2-point skill. It no longer increases damage dealt to poisoned targets, but increases the Energy gained by Stim Boost and the damage dealt by Laceration and Collateral Strike. Inclement Conditioning is now a 2-point skill. Flanking is a new 1-point skill located in Tier 3 of the skill tree. It reduces the Energy cost of Backstab by 5. Laceration now costs 10 Energy (down from 15) and deals approximately 10% less damage. Meticulously Kept Blades no longer increases Energy gained by Stim Boost. This effect is now part of Culling. Waylay now increases the damage dealt by Backstab. It is now located in Tier 5 of the skill tree and requires Flanking. Medicine Medical Consult now also increases the duration of Tactical Advantage by 2 seconds per point. Medical Therapy now additionally reduces the Energy cost of Recuperative Nanotech by 2 per point. Patient Studies now additionally increases the speed at which Diagnostic Scan channels by 15% per point. Recuperative Nanotech has been rebalanced. It now has a 15-second cooldown, heals over 6 seconds, and heals for approximately 10% more than before. Surgical Precision now additionally increases the maximum stack limit of Tactical Advantage by 1. Lethality (Operative) Corrosive Microbes now functions correctly. Lethality now increases critical chance by 1% per point. Razor Edge now increases Shiv damage by 4% per point. Weakening Blast no longer has an Energy cost. Sniper Due to changes to the Sniper skill trees, Snipers have had their skill points refunded. Shatter Shot now additionally inflicts trauma, reducing all healing the target receives by 20% for 9 seconds. Marksmanship Imperial Assassin is now a 3-point skill that provides the same overall effect. Siege Bunker is a new 2-point skill located in Tier 6 of the skill tree that reduces damage taken from area attacks by 60% while Entrench is active. This change allows the Marksman to remain in cover more often in situations that force other classes to rapidly change locations. Snap Shot's tooltip now correctly mentions that its effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds. Functionality has not changed. Sniper Volley has been redesigned. It now triggers from dealing damage with rifles and increases Alacrity and energy regeneration for 10 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds. Engineering Calculated Pursuit has been redesigned. It is now located in Tier 4 of the skill tree and makes Overload Shot cost no energy for 6 seconds after leaving cover. EMP Discharge's range has been increased to 60 meters. Plasma Probe has been improved. It has new visual effects and now deals more of its damage in the first few seconds and snares affected targets. If the initial hit strikes a target affected by your Interrogation Probe, that target is stunned for 2 seconds. Stroke of Genius is now located in Tier 2 of the skill tree. Lethality (Sniper) Corrosive Microbes now functions correctly. Cull now costs 25 Energy (down from 30). The weapon damage component of this ability has been reduced by approximately 15%, but poison damage remains unchanged. Hold Your Ground's cooldown reduction for Cover Pulse has been reduced to 2.5 seconds per point. Lethality now increases critical change by 1% per point. Razor Edge now increases Shiv's damage by 4% per point. Razor Rounds now increases the critical chance of Cull and Series of Shots by 4% per point. Targeted Demolition now correctly requires Corrosive Grenade. Weakening Blast no longer has an Energy cost. Bounty Hunter General Ability Heat costs are now displayed in skill tree and trainer windows. Death From Above now has a 5-meter radius to bring its range in line with other Bounty Hunter Area of Effect abilities and it now begins dealing damage sooner after activation. Hydraulic Overrides now has improved audio and visual effects. Incendiary Missile audio has been improved. Mercenary Cure now generates 8 Heat (down from 16). Jet Boost now triggers snare visual effects on affected targets. Power Shot has been rebalanced. It now generates 16 Heat, has a 2-second activation time, and deals approximately 10% less damage. Tracer Missile and Fusion Missile's animations have been exchanged by popular demand from the community. Arsenal Barrage: the chance to trigger this effect has been increased significantly. Heatseeker Missiles' damage output has been increased by approximately 10%. Jet Escape now reduces the cooldown of Jet Boost by 2.5 seconds per point. Muzzle Fluting no longer reduces Heat costs. It now reduces the activation time of Power Shot and Tracer Missile by .5 seconds. Power Barrier now provides 1% damage reduction per stack. Tracer Missile has been rebalanced in order to encourage more active gameplay rotations. It now generates 16 Heat, has a 2-second activation time, and deals approximately 10% less damage. Bodyguard Critical Efficiency now reduces the cost of Rapid Scan by 8 (down from 16). Cure Mind no longer reduces the cost of Cure. It now causes Cure to heal the target for a small amount. Hired Muscle now increases critical chance by 1% per point. Kolto Missile now affects up to 4 targets (up from 3), improving reliability in group and Operation situations. Kolto Residue now increases all healing received by 3% (down from 5%). Kolto Shell now builds 16 Heat when activated. Supercharged Gas now vents 8 Heat (down from 16) when used and increases all damage and healing dealt by 5% (down from 10%). The shield applied by Kolto Missile now reduces damage taken by 5% (down from 10%). Pyrotech (Mercenary) Prototype Particle Accelerator now requires Combustible Gas Cylinder to trigger. The chance to trigger this effect has been increased significantly but cannot trigger more than once every 6 seconds. Powertech Due to changes to the Powertech skill trees, Powertechs have had their skill points refunded. Quell no longer generates Heat. Shield Tech Ablative Upgrades: the Absorb amount gained from this skill has been slightly reduced. Empowered Tech is now a 3-point skill. Heat Blast is no longer limited by the global cooldown. Its damage has been reduced by approximately 15%. Heat Screen is a new 2-point skill that causes Flame Burst and Heat Blast to build a stacking buff that increases shield absorption. Oil Slick is no longer limited by the global cooldown. Advanced Prototype Charged Gauntlets now triggers from damage dealt such that the bleed caused by Retractable Blade can trigger the buff. It now has a visual effect. Kolto Vents has been replaced by Hamstring, which causes Retractable Blade to slow the target by 30% for 6 seconds. Pyrotech (Powertech) Prototype Particle Accelerator now requires Combustible Gas Cylinder to trigger. The chance to trigger this effect has been increased significantly but cannot trigger more than once every 6 seconds. Trooper General Full Auto's attack animation now begins more quickly to improve reactiveness and faction balance. Mortar Volley's animation has been updated. In addition, it now has a 5-meter radius to bring its range in line with other Trooper Area of Effect abilities and it now begins its damage sooner after activation. Commando Concussion Charge now triggers snare visual effects on affected targets. Charged Bolts has been rebalanced. It now costs 2 Energy Cells, has a 2-second activation time, and deals approximately 10% less damage. Cure now costs 1 Energy Cell (down from 2). Gunnery Charged Barrier now provides 1% damage reduction per stack. Curtain of Fire: the chance to trigger this effect has been increased significantly. Demolition Round's damage output has been increased by approximately 10%. Grav Round has been rebalanced. It now costs 2 Energy Cells, has a 2-second activation time, and deals approximately 10% less damage. Muzzle Fluting no longer reduces Energy Cell costs. It now reduces the activation time of Charged Bolts and Grav Round by .5 seconds. Tenacious Defense now reduces the cooldown of Concussion Charge by 2.5 seconds per point. Combat Medic Field Training now increases critical chance by 1% per point. Field Triage now reduces the cost of Medical Probe by 1 (down from 2). Kolto Bomb now affects up to 4 targets (up from 3), improving reliability in group and Operation situations. Kolto Residue now increases all healing received by 3% (down from 5%). Psych Aid no longer reduces the cost of Field Aid. It now causes Field Aid to heal the target for a small amount. Supercharge Cells now restores 1 Energy Cell (down from 2) when used and increases all damage and healing dealt by 5% (down from 10%). The shield applied by Kolto Bomb now reduces damage taken by 5% (down from 10%). Trauma Probe now costs 2 Energy Cells to activate. Assault Specialist (Commando) Ionic Accelerator now requires Plasma Cell to trigger. The chance to trigger this effect has been increased significantly but cannot trigger more than once every 6 seconds. Vanguard Due to changes to the Vanguard skill trees, all Vanguards have had their skill points refunded. Fire Pulse's visual effect more accurately represents its functionality. Riot Strike no longer costs Energy Cells. Animation timing issues with Energy Blast have been addressed. The hit timing delay on Explosive Surge has been improved. Shield Specialist Ceramic Plating: the Absorb amount gained from this skill has been slightly reduced. Counter Attack is now a 3-point skill. Energy Blast is no longer limited by the global cooldown. Its damage has been reduced by approximately 15%. Power Screen is a new 2-point skill that causes Ion Pulse and Energy Blast to build a stacking buff that increases shield absorption. Smoke Grenade is no longer limited by the global cooldown. Tactics Combat Tactics now triggers from damage dealt such that the bleed caused by Gut can trigger the buff. It now has a visual effect. Kolto Recharge has been replaced by Hamstring, which causes Gut to slow the target by 30% for 6 seconds. Assault Specialist (Vanguard) Ionic Accelerator now requires Plasma Cell to trigger. The chance to trigger this effect has been increased significantly but cannot trigger more than once every 6 seconds. Companion Characters General Companion gifts are now stackable. The cooldown associated with giving companions gifts has been removed. Giving a gift now has a 3-second activation time. Several game areas where Companion Characters would not reliably follow the player have been fixed. The C2 Droid Corporation and their competitors, the 2V Droid Corporation, have developed a series of new sensors for their products, the C2-N2 and 2V-R8 that significantly improve the Droids' Crew Skill efficiency and critical success chances. These products may be purchased via the Legacy Repair Astromech unit on the player's ship (once unlocked). Additionally, the C2-N2 and 2V-R8 Droids have had their personality matrices upgraded with an experimental emotional response chip, allowing them to accept gifts and tokens of appreciation. The Crew Skill performance of these units will increase upon acceptance of these goods. C2-N2 and 2V-R8 have been reprimanded and now vocalize less frequently on personal starships. Tooltips for the companion abilities "Burst," "Aimed Blast," "Swipe," "Wild Energy," and "Blaster Sweep" now correctly reflect ability functionality. All companion marriages are now removed appropriately if the marriage ends. Corrected an issue that caused weapons to display inappropriately beneath some Droid companions (like T7). Companions Akaavi Spar The Codex entry for this companion now lists the companion's correct primary weapon. Aric Jorgan Corrected an issue that could allow a female trooper whose romance with him had ended to receive an additional romance conversation. New companion skins for Aric Jorgan are available as reward choices in the game. Ashara Zavros Corrected issues that could prevent players from gaining or losing affection in the conversations related to the missions "Peace is a Lie" and "Silent Treatment." Doc Crazy Talk: Male characters can now consistently complete this conversation. Elara Dorne Strange Circumstances: Corrected an issue that could prevent players from gaining or losing affection during this conversation. Ensign Temple Some mission rewards intended for this companion that could not be used have been corrected. Jaesa Willsaam Jaesa now uses the correct battle cries for her alignment (light or dark). Jaesa no longer teleports to her target if she uses Force Leap while wielding a double-bladed lightsaber. Jaesa now has the ability "Purity of the Light Side" or "Passion of the Dark Side," which passively increases armor by 30%. Kaliyo Djannis Storm now has a 30-meter range and roots targets. It is no longer possible to break up with Kaliyo and still be eligible for romance conversations. Khem Val Khem Val's Lightning Punch sound effects now terminate appropriately. Kira Carsen Kira now has the ability "Purity of the Light Side," which passively increases armor by 30%. Mako Corrected an issue that allowed players to remain eligible for unlocked romance content after losing romance status with Mako. Qyzen Fess New companion skins for Qyzen Fess are now available as reward choices in the game. Nadia Grell Nadia now has the ability "Strength in the Force," which passively increases armor by 30%. Tanno Vik The Codex entry for this companion now lists the companion's correct primary weapon. Vector Time to Think: this mission now properly rewards experience. Xalek A Son's Duty: Corrected an issue that could prevent players from gaining or losing affection during this conversation. Crew Skills General Companions now use accurate voice responses regarding the success or failure of their Crew Missions when they return. The opportunity to add group members to your friends list no longer appears on Crew Mission rewards windows. Mission rewards now properly display when having more than one waiting in the queue with the window open. Crafting Skills On critical successes, crafted Custom (orange) gear now receives an Augment slot. The [Exceptional], [Advanced], [superior], and [Mastercraft] suffixes have been removed from crafted item names. [Augmented] will be appended as a suffix to crafted items that were a critical success. When crafting item modifications (mods, enhancements, etc), a critical success now yields double the quantity of modifications. Crafting materials obtained via endgame content now stack in the player's inventory. They no longer bind on pickup. Endgame crafting materials (Biometric Crystal Alloy, Self-Perpetuating Power Cells, Alien Data Cubes, and Rakata Energy Nodes) now drop less frequently but are freely tradable. Augments can now be crafted by several professions. The Crafting window now displays the correct number of items when crafting from a schematic that yields more than 1 item. Crafting Trainer tutorial missions can now be completed alternatively on the Fleets or on Coruscant or Dromund Kaas. Reverse Engineering Players may now reverse engineer many endgame items to research schematics for items and mods. Tier 2 (new) endgame items can be reverse engineered, and players have a chance to learn how to craft these items up on reverse engineering them. Set Armorings do not provide schematics for crafters. Players with the appropriate professions are now able to reverse engineer random drop items and acquire materials from them. This includes Operation materials from endgame items. Reverse engineering Tier 2 items rewards Premium, Prototype, and Artifact quality crafting materials used to craft Tier 2 endgame items. Random items, particularly armor, can now be reverse engineered by crafters based on the items' stats. Crafted Vibroknives and Shotguns can now be researched via reverse engineering. Reverse engineering vibroknives and shotguns may now yield research variants for Armstechs. Crafted Vibroknives and Shotguns can now be researched via reverse engineering. Reverse engineering vibroknives and shotguns may now yield research variants for Armstechs. Artificers can now reverse engineer relics, shields, generators, and foci. Cybertechs can now reverse engineer all earpieces. The chance of researching schematics via reverse engineering has been significantly increased. Augments may now be reverse engineered for a chance to research their schematics by several professions (see below). Players can now decide how many items from a stack they wish to reverse engineer. Armormech Armormechs can now learn new schematics that allow the creation of Aim, Cunning, Shield, and Absorb Augments. Augments can be reverse engineered for a chance to research Prototype and Artifact quality schematics. A critical success while crafting Custom (orange) outfits now adds an Augment slot to the resulting item. The Codex entry for Armormech has been updated. Armormechs can now reverse engineer random armor with Aim or Cunning stats. Armstech Armstechs can now learn schematics that allow the creation of Endurance, Surge, Critical, Accuracy, and Power Augments. Augments can be reverse engineered for a chance to research Prototype and Artifact quality schematics. New schematics to create Custom (orange) ranged and melee weapons have been added. A critical success while crafting Custom (orange) weapons now adds an Augment slot to the resulting item. The Codex entry for Armstech has been updated. Artifice Schematics for color crystals in various colors (including endgame-quality varieties) have been added to the game. Endgame-level Magenta Adegan Crystal Schematics may now drop from the World Boss of Voss and creatures in the new daily mission area on Corellia. Mid-level Magenta Adegan Crystal Schematics may now drop from the World Bosses on Tatooine, Alderaan, and Nar Shaddaa. Magenta Crystal Shards are now found on one planet in the game. They can be refined into Pristine Magenta Crystals used in the creation of mid-level magenta color crystals through obscure means. The Magenta Adegan Crystal Schematic obtained from late-game World Bosses no longer binds on pickup. New schematics for Willpower-based shields have been added (for use by Assassins and Shadows). Biochem The number of Exotech consumables created per craft is now displayed correctly in the crafting UI. Biochemists can now reverse engineer all implants. Values on tooltips for Rakata reusable stims and adrenals now match the buff correctly. Ice Scrabbler Jerky, a cantina food item with powerful out-of-combat health regeneration effects, has been added as a Biochem recipe. This recipe can be learned by finding the schematic or by reverse engineering Ice Scrabbler Jerky found on Hoth. Cybertech Cybertech crafted vehicles no longer bind on pickup. Cybertech vehicle and space schematic mission reward rates have been reduced. Critical successes when crafting grenades now yield double the quantity of items. The cooldown on Cybertech-built grenades has been lowered to 3 minutes. Synthweaving Synthweavers can now learn schematics allowing the creation of Strength, Willpower, Defense, Alacrity, and Presence Augments. Augments can be reverse engineered for a chance to research Prototype and Artifact quality schematics. Critical successes while crafting Custom (orange) outfits will add an Augment slot to the resulting item. Additional lower-level light armor schematics have been added. Material requirements for some Custom (orange) outfits have changed. The Codex entry for Synthweaving has been updated. Synthweavers can now reverse engineer random armor drops with Strength or Willpower stats. Gathering Skills Many gathering nodes that were spawning in unreachable places (such as underneath the world) are now reachable. Archaeology A perfect Upari Crystal Formation may now be found in the Belsavis Daily Heroic area. Bioanalysis The Red Goo item tooltip now appropriately identifies it as a Grade 6 Biochemical Compound. Level 49-50 Bioanalysis Missions now have a chance to reward Red Goo. Scavenging Enriched Durasteel nodes now spawn in the Belsavis Daily Heroic area. Slicing Augments have been replaced by Sliced Tech Parts as a Slicing mission reward. These are consumed by Synthweaving, Armstech, and Armormech as a component for crafting Augments. Slicing may occasionally yield Premium quality Augment schematics on critical mission success. Mission Skills Mission Discovery items now indicate that they can only be used once. Diplomacy Diplomacy Mission Discoveries now correctly indicate whether they are a dark or light side mission. The missions "No Redeeming Value" and "Desperation" are now appropriately labeled as moderate yield. Diplomacy missions that previously indicated the player was assisting the other faction are now appropriately faction-restricted. Investigation Investigation missions now have a chance of yielding Custom (orange) tech weapon schematics as a reward. The chance for Investigation missions to yield schematics has been increased. Red, Blue, Green, Orange, and Yellow power stat crystal schematics are now possible Investigation mission rewards. Treasure Hunting Treasure Hunting missions now have a chance to yield Custom (orange) lightsaber schematics as a reward. Underworld Trading The chance to receive schematics from Underworld Trading missions has been increased. Tooltips for missions have been updated to reliably inform the player about expected yields. Flashpoints and Operations General The Exit Area ability is now interrupted when damage is taken. Flashpoints Kaon Under Siege has been removed from the mission [WEEKLY] Galactic Conflicts. It is now part of a new mission combined with Lost Island: [WEEKLY] Rakghoul Conflicts. Lost Island is now part of the following missions: [DAILY] Emerging Conflicts V and [DAILY] Galactic Conflicts. It is no longer possible to share certain Flashpoint missions with party members who are on preliminary steps of that mission, as they could cause mission blocking issues. Random loot on some bosses in Normal Mode Flashpoints has been significantly improved. Lockouts have been removed from Hard Mode Flashpoints. You will no longer lose access to a Flashpoint phase immediately after defeating the final boss. Access is removed upon completing the [FLASHPOINT] mission. Athiss The Beast of Vodal Kressh's knockback effects now correctly check for knockback resistance. The Prophet of Vodal's Dark Spirits now have a buff that provides more information about the fight mechanics. The debuff "Crushing Death Field" is now visible. Boarding Party Storm Squad's enrage timer in Hard Mode has been increased to 2.5 minutes. Colicoid War Game The patrolling Droid in the hazard course now despawns when the sixth gate controller is used. Directive 7 Players can now receive the mission for Flashpoint: Directive 7 without first starting Immediate Vengeance or Violent Uprising. Mentor's claw previously targeted the group's healer more than intended. It now focuses on its initial target. Hammer Station Reduced the frequency of knockbacks used by enemy NPCs. 2R-CH no longer attacks players through walls and no longer grapples players in cover. Battlelord Kreshan is now immune to interrupts. The visibility of the Unshakable buff on DN-314 has been improved to better inform players that it cannot be interrupted. Kaon Under Siege The health of KR-82 Expulser's probe droids has been increased significantly. Lost Island Lost Island, a new Flashpoint, is available for play! Having uncovered the sources of the Rakghoul plague outbreak in the Tion Hegemony, players must travel to Ord Mantell and confront Dr. Lorrick, the mad scientist who engineered this horrific biological weapon. Red Reaper An issue that could cause Lord Kherus to stop fighting under some circumstances has been addressed. Taral V Corrected a Jungle Lurker encounter that appeared in the wrong area in Hard Mode. The Battle of Ilum Players can no longer be bombed while inside a bunker. Krel Thak's enrage timer has been increased to 2.5 minutes in Hard Mode. Faction-appropriate friendly NPCs now spawn correctly at the beginning of this Flashpoint. The Black Talon GXR5 now properly animates during Full Auto. Its Power Punch can now be resisted, and its stun can be broken. Power Blast now properly animates with the correct visual effects and deflection appearance. His basic attack no longer places a blank debuff on players. Probe Droids spawned during the GXR5 fight now have the correct icon. Sgt. Boran's Medic now animates properly when healing. His Sniper's Snipe ability has been altered slightly in function. Ghulil is now immune to interrupts in Hard Mode and uses backhand correctly in Normal Mode. The Esseles Lieutenant Isric's Stockstrike now occurs less frequently, and the stun it causes can now be resisted. His Suppressive Fire now deals its damage over 6 seconds. Ironfist's Jet Charge no longer knocks players down. Missile Salvo's tooltip has been clarified to expose the interrupt immunity gained during this phase. ISS7's Head Smash can now be resisted. ISS9 has been redesigned to be friendlier to melee combatants. Vokk's Essence Drain can now be resisted, and its stun can be broken. Vokk no longer throws two lightsabers at the same target (unless no other target is alive). The False Emperor An issue that could prevent HK-47 from spawning correctly has been resolved. The Foundry A remaining small window in which the final boss of this Flashpoint could be rendered invulnerable has been corrected. Corrected an issue that prevented the final boss encounter from starting if the players choose the "Attack" option. Operations Normal Mode is now labeled "Story Mode" for Operations. Credit rewards for defeating Operations bosses have been significantly increased. Corrected an issue that could allow Operation bosses to resurrect during Nightmare Mode Operations. Eternity Vault The Unshakable buff is now visible when targeting Soa. Changed the location where Soa's Force Whirlwind drops the player in the second phase of the fight to prevent players from being dropped several hundred meters below when no platforms are remaining. Soa's lightning balls are now destroyed when the platform phase begins. Projection of Soa has been removed from the Mind Traps. A previously malfunctioning escape pod no longer causes players to become stuck upon landing. Eternal Guardians and Eternal Sentinels now spawn correctly in 16-player modes. Eternal Guardians and Eternal Watchers have had their difficulty rebalanced in 16-player modes. Eternal Wardens now perform their grapple ability correctly. The Ancient Pylons puzzle has been reworked to improve reliability. The wheels no longer lock automatically when solved. Players must use the "Confirmation Console" to confirm their symbol selection. Explosive Conflict Explosive Conflict, a new Operation, is available for play! The Trandoshan mercenary warlord Kephess has seized the planet Denova, a world rich in resources valuable to the war effort. Players must assault his war camp, situated atop a mountain in densely-wooded terrain, fighting Imperial defectors and heavy war machines along the way. Explosive Conflict is the next tier of Operations, offering new rewards and greater challenges. Four difficulty modes are currently available for this Operation: 8-player Story Mode, 8-player Hard Mode, 16-player Story Mode, and 16-player Hard Mode. Karagga's Palace G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator's "Powerhouse" buff now correctly improves the damage of several of his abilities on 16-player Hard Mode. G4-B3's health has been increased in 8- and 16-player Hard Modes. G4-B3's mines now spawn with a small degree of random offset in order to reduce the frequency with which they spawn directly on top of one another. The actual number and relative placement of the mines remains unchanged. These mines now properly clean up post-combat. An issue that could cause G4-B3 to become stuck in the ceiling has been corrected. The Stimulant Dart ability used by Attack-Science Technicians and Mechno-Assault Specialists has been adjusted. It is now easier to control these enemies in an Operations group with less than three crowd control abilities. Support Gunners no longer knock back other enemy NPCs. Karagga's Immortal Guardians no longer leave a debuff on players when struck with Surge. RL-4 no longer refers to story events that have not yet occurred. The Gamorrean Guards that Bonethrasher attempts to eat now have boss immunities. Players can no longer remain trapped "Carbonizing" by Jarg's Carbonizer Probes while outside of Karagga's Palace. Bonethrasher's creatures no longer respawn after the group has killed Bonethrasher and reset the phase. Bonethrasher now correctly performs his Smash attack during 16-player Hard Mode. Corrected an issue that could cause Bonethrasher to be stuck in combat after he defeated the party, preventing players from re-entering. The door to Karagga's Throne room now remains open after the group defeats Jarg & Sorno. In Nightmare Mode, defeating each boss now yields a chest that contains Black Hole Commendations. Items and Economy General Loot drops from endgame activities, such as Operations and Flashpoints, now take group composition into account. The variety of stats and modifications for new endgame items is substantially higher compared to that of older endgame items. Orobird eggs of different types may now be poached in several locations. Those who can find means of incubation may find themselves in possession of loyal vanity pet soon. Tauntaun vanity pets can now be acquired on the planet Hoth, though the exact means of acquisition are a mystery. Several unusual crystal formations have been reported in the mountainous regions of Alderaan. The cost of several relics has been reduced. Several relics that were previously bound on pickup are now bind on equip. The required level of several relics has been reduced by 1. Items that are restricted by Valor or Social Rank can no longer be purchased until the player meets the rank requirements. Offhand weapons are now more clearly marked as such. Some pieces of gear that displayed incorrectly on character models have been adjusted. The Collector's Edition Training Droid can now be used on non-humanoid enemies. The required level for equipping the Imperial Trooper and Republic Officer outfits has been reduced. The Male Formal Suit can now be purchased from the Coruscant social vendor. The Female Elegant Dress can now be purchased from the Dromund Kaas social vendor. Sniper Rifles no longer drop for Republic players. Corrected some instances where two items could show the same Armor or Weapon Damage Rating but have different values. The values are unchanged - the ratings have been updated to reflect the correct values. An issue that caused some items to be unlinkable in chat has been addressed. The modified DTB-27 Bolt Pistol is now displayed as a Custom (orange) weapon. The properties of the item remain unchanged. The "Punisher" item no longer has incorrect stats on its Republic version. The cost of Tionese gear (in crystals and commendations) has been substantially reduced. A set of modifiable Techblades and Techstaffs has been added to the game. The Galactic Trade Network's commission for both neutral and faction-based terminals is now 6%. Modifications Players can now remove Armoring modifications from items with set bonuses and transfer those set bonuses to Custom (orange) items. These modifications can only be transferred to an item that is equipped in the same slot. Some high-end item modifications are now restricted to particular item slots and may only be transferred into the same slot on a new item. A new modification set with Expertise for all item modification types has been added to the game. High-end weapons found on Operation bosses now come equipped with more common color crystals. The special color crystals associated with high-end Operations are now separate drops. High-end PvP weapons now come equipped with more common color crystals by default. Color crystals associated with specific PvP tiers can now be purchased separately from the PvP vendor. Players with the "Razer" Green-Black color crystal may upgrade to a high-end version of this crystal via a vendor on Coruscant and Dromund Kaas. Vehicles New achievement missions that grant the Aratech Ice, Coral, Nightscythe, and Fire are now available on the Fleets. The Korrealis Commander and Korrealis Baron landspeeders have been removed from vendors. The Tirsa Prime speeder has had its cost reduced and is now available from the VIP vendor. License costs for Vehicle Piloting rank 1, 2, and 3 have been reduced. While credit costs for all 110% speed vehicles have been increased, the overall total acquisition cost for speeder licenses and vehicles at level 50 has been slightly reduced. All vehicles that are not bound can now be sold on the Galactic Trade Network. Summoning a vehicle no longer benefits from Alacrity. The Aratech Dagger and Aratech Scythe vehicle items now grant the appropriate vehicle abilities upon use. The Longspur Recon vehicle is now an Artifact-quality item. Vendors A Crew Skills trade vendor is now ready for business in the Corellia Spaceport. New items purchasable with Black Hole Commendations have been added to Corellia. The PvP items vendor now sells Baradium Flux, a grade 7 PvP crafting material used in the construction of Blue, Cyan, Purple, and Yellow Expertise color crystals. The PvP items vendor now sells a grade 6 crafting PvP box that randomly rewards crafting materials as well as Mission Discoveries and Expertise color crystal schematics. The Fleet commendation vendor now sells grade 6, 7, and 8 crafting material boxes that randomly reward crafting materials. Vendors that sell items for Marauders and Sentinels have been added to the Fleets. The Imperial Cantina vendors on Hoth now sell similar food items to their Republic counterparts. PvP vendors no longer sell Champion Bags. PvP vendors now sell the Recruit set, a new entry-level PvP set (for level 50 players), for credits. Battlemaster PvP vendors now sell Battlemaster gear pieces for Warzone Commendations. The Valor Rank requirement has been removed from Battlemaster earpieces and implants. New War Hero PvP vendors can be found on the Republic and Imperial Fleets. They sell the new War Hero and Rated War Hero PvP sets for Ranked Warzone Commendations and the equivalent Battlemaster piece. New Campaign vendors can be found on the Fleets. They sell Campaign gear for commendations earned in the new Operation: Explosive Conflict. Legacy Players can now unlock a wide variety of rewards by leveling characters and reaching new Legacy levels, including buffs for your characters, unlocking additional Species choices for every class, and upgrades for your personal Starship. Build your own Legacy with the new Family Tree! Legacy Experience awarded for Warzone completion and Space Combat kills is now in line with rewards from other activities. Legacy names now display immediately once the player chooses one. Missions and NPCs General Many minor mission bugs have been fixed. Some respawn timers have been adjusted, group credit for mission objectives is granted in more missions, more enemies appear in some instances where too few were available, and many other minor adjustments have been made to improve the experience while completing missions. Not all of these minor adjustments have received an individual note. Some missions that have received updates (fixes for map notes, Story Areas, and some text fixes) have been reset. Players are only affected if a mission they had in progress has been changed in this way. Usable mission items can now be activated from the tracked mission log that appears on the right side of the screen. The chances for one player to win the majority of rolls in Multiplayer Conversations have been diminished. Many missions that were missing mission completion or codex images have been updated to include the correct image. Several missions that require the player to defeat a specific enemy NPC have been updated. In affected missions, the player can now interact with an object in the world to spawn the target (instead of needing to wait for a respawn). Several missions that had missing paraphrase dialogue options have been updated to include the missing text. Corrected many instances where text and voiceovers did not match. Corrected instances in the French and German clients where subtitles for alien dialogue progressed too quickly. Many instances where players could unintentionally leave Story Areas for missions have been corrected. Map notes for a large number of missions have been updated and are now more accurate, and many missing map notes have been added. Several bonus missions that previously were not removed from the mission tracker are now removed at the appropriate time. Corrected many mission conversations and mission-related items that could be re-initiated or re-used. Troopers now receive the Item Modification tutorial correctly. Fleet Passes are now rewarded to players that complete Chapter 1 and 2 of their class story, and new quick travel items are available as rewards for Inquisitors, Agents, Consulars, and Troopers, who must travel to the Citadel, Jedi Council, or Senate at the end of these Chapters. World Missions Korriban Dark Science: The correct follow-up mail is now sent for the light side choice in this mission. Ord Mantell Clearing the Air: Players in groups can now join the first conversation via Holocall. Coruscant Automatic Maintenance: Rogue Disposal Droids now engage players in combat correctly. Nar Shaddaa Back Alley: Corrected an issue that prevented players from receiving credit for fighting waves of enemies. Dead Drop: The Flame's assassin now spawns upon destroying the dead agent's corpse. Extermination: This mission now correctly recognizes past player choices. Sending a Message: Exchange X4-Z2 Battle Droids now apply to this bonus mission's kill count. Taris (Imperial) No Escape: Killing Thana Vesh with Force Push now properly defeats her. The Siege of Olaris: The droid associated with this mission's objective now consistently exits his cage after being activated. Taris (Republic) Chasing History: Corrected an issue that prevented players from starting the cinematic at the fourth cairn while in a group. Balmorra (Imperial) Flight Plan: An issue that could prevent the player from interacting with the shuttle controls has been corrected. Step Lightly: This mission can now be abandoned. Balmorra (Republic) The Hunt for Lord Tharsis: The stages of this mission that take place in the Heroic area are now correctly labeled and are balanced for 4-player groups. Trash to Treasure: Multiple bosses no longer spawn if players simultaneously activate the input panels or master controls. Alderaan A Spy in House Organa: An issue that could cause this mission to become blocked has been corrected. The Fall of House Cortess: If the player sides with House Cortess, the attacking Killiks no longer despawn and end the fight prematurely. Tatooine Geonosian War: Players now receive proper credit for completing the final stage of this mission while in a group. Pre-Emptive Strike: This mission no longer resets if a player uses stealth. Timely Arrival: The Czerka Records Terminal can now be used by all members of a group. Belsavis Old Enemies, Lights Out, Open Communications, The Stasis Generator: These missions are now Heroic 2+ instead of Heroic 4. Their rewards are unchanged. NPCs related to Belsavis daily missions are now level 50. Esh-kha Containment: Players who complete "Key to the Vaults" before completing this mission can now complete it properly. Lights Out: A mission step to defeat Field Commander Anhur has been added to this mission. Riot on Belsavis: Players who completed "Terror in the Flesh" can now proceed past the conversation with Commander Calum. Unintended Consequences: The Malfunctioning Guardian Droids now drop all 3 types of components for this mission. Voss Into the Crosshairs: Players affected by a bug that allowed them to complete this mission without receiving "Primary Target" can now speak to Pevthak-Fra and receive the latter mission to continue the Voss Republic storyline. Hoth Unlikely Allies: Players can now complete this mission if they reset it. Corellia Corsec Crackdown: This mission now progresses properly if a group member was not in combat when the other members of the group were defeated after using the Comm Array. Jaggalors on the Loose: Companion affection is now applied correctly during this mission. Prison Busting: Turrets no longer despawn completely from the world. Ilum A New Order: Repair Droids no longer repair shield generators even though they have been defeated. Cutting the Cord: Players are now credited with the correct amount of kills even if out of line of sight. Defend the Shipment: Corrected an issue that caused an interactive object to become unusable for 2 minutes if it was used in combat. Pilot Down: The Door Release now correctly starts its cinematic. Sabotage: Corrected an issue that could cause this mission to become blocked. Class Missions Jedi Knight A Hero's Rest: Players can now use the Republic Fleet option on the Tython shuttle to travel there while on this mission. Guided by the Force: Sith Harrowers now animate properly during combat. Desert Duel: Players can no longer block mission progression by knocking Lord Praven off the cliff. Doomsday: The chest attached to the bonus puzzle for this mission is now lootable upon solving the puzzle. Additionally, if the player is defeated near the forcefield doorway, they no longer become stuck due to reviving on the other side of the forcefield. The Defector: This mission can now be acquired via the Holoterminal for Jedi Knights who completed the Taris and Nar Shaddaa class missions without receiving it. Sith Warrior Pendant of Bone: Corrected an issue that prevented some players from getting credit for defeating the Gormak Warmaster. Request an Audience: This mission now correctly recognizes past player choices. Seek Answers: Players on this mission now see the appropriate loading screen text. The Padawan Exposed: Additional light and dark side point opportunities are now available in this mission. This mission also now correctly recognizes past player choices. The Transponder Station: The player's companion is now knocked out for the boss fight as depicted in the cinematic, and the fight has been rebalanced to take this into account. Additionally, an issue that could cause players to become stuck in the elevator has been corrected. Jedi Consular Chaos and Harmony: An issue that could make it more difficult than intended to save the final boss has been addressed. Looking Out for the Little Guy: This mission no longer grants commendations for the wrong planet. New Horizons: This conversation now takes place in person instead of on the ship Holoterminal. The Summit: This mission's Holoterminal conversation no longer hangs indefinitely. Sith Inquisitor A Map for the Future: Players can no longer become blocked on this mission if they dismiss Khem Val before clicking on the debris wall. Legacy: Players are informed that Khem Val is required for this mission if the Inquisitor on the mission is in a group. The Dark Council: This mission now grants light and dark side points correctly. Visions and Visionaries: Players now receive dark or light side point rewards for this mission correctly. Smuggler Beast Mastery: Players who romanced Azalie now see the correct conversation upon returning to the Smuggler Hangar. Brotherhood: Players can no longer become stuck in this mission's phase if they leave it by entering a Warzone, logging out, or crashing. Illusions: Players can now complete this mission if they were previously unable to re-enter the phase after leaving. Landing Party: Players can no longer defeat ambushers before instructed. Modest Proposals: Ivory now only appears on the player's ship if they chose to recruit him on Belsavis. Imperial Agent Defender of the Empire: Line of sight issues when engaging 'The Eagle' on the bridge of his ship have been resolved. Epoch of Fear: This mission's boss no longer experiences line of sight issues. Heist: SCORPIO is now summoned immediately as a guest companion at the appropriate time. Hero of the People: Players in a group can no longer become stuck in the phased area for this mission of the Agent in the group leaves first. The Assassin's Fortress: Players who are defeated on this mission are now revived at the Outpost Zaroshe medcenter. The Star Chamber: It is no longer possible to explore the entire Star Chamber before the "Gather Information on the Star Cabal" step. Subverting Karrels Jarvis: Light side points are now awarded at a different time in this mission. Trooper Battle of the Gauntlet: Corrected an issue that caused the bridges crossing the Gauntlet to retract unexpectedly and kill players. Players can now return to the Gauntlet before completing the mission without having to reset it. Catching Up: Players now correctly receive a mission item from Jaxo in the mail. Inconspicuous Valor: Party members can no longer plant the explosives and prevent mission progression. This mission now updates correctly when taking the shuttle from the Republic Fleet to Coruscant. Power Play: Players no longer remain stuck inside the phase if they log out in the phase after completing the step "Speak to Senator Evran." Public Relations: This mission now recognizes if the chamber is sealed before the step to seal it is acquired. Rescue Operation: The CL-A1 transfer coil is now correctly counted as a mission item. Return to Duty: Prellon Garn now becomes stunned during the escort (instead of dying). Prellon is also now present for the step "Escort Prellon to Safety." Revenge Served Cold: The Thul Cryo Dragoon is now responsive in combat. Stay Frosty: Players on The Shadow Fist mission will find it has been reset. This mission no longer remains in the mission log if it is not completed. Suppression of Hostilities: The count for bonus objectives now updates correctly. Bounty Hunter A Dangerous Auction: Players no longer receive an incorrect post-mission mail. A Failure to Communicate: Players can no longer summon a companion devoted to guarding the area's entrance or advance further into the phase before progressing necessary mission steps. A Thousand Pardons: Zale Barrows can no longer be knocked into the lava, preventing mission progression. Digging His Own Grave: Players can now progress this mission without waiting for the phase to reset if they answer their class holocall outside the story area. Finale: The final boss has been adjusted from level 48 to level 50 to provide the intended challenge level. Hail the Conquering Hero: Corrected an issue that could cause this mission to become blocked on the step "Speak to Crysta Markon." Honor or Glory: Corrected an issue that caused some dialogue options to be hidden. Imperial Bounty: This mission can now be reset if the player was unable to complete it. Number One with a Bullet: Corrected an issue that prevented some Bounty Hunters from seeing the correct loading screen text after completing this mission. A crash that could occur when speaking to Darth Tormen has been fixed. No Strings Attached: Corrected an issue that caused NPCs to vanish unexpectedly after a fight. For players who were in progress on this mission, the mission's progress has been reset. Some People Just Need Killing: The class story boss associated with this mission is now level 50. Target Rich Environment: This mission can now be abandoned. The Heart of Darkness: Players now receive credit for this mission if they travel to Dromund Kaas via the shuttle in the Imperial Fleet. The Spirit of Vengeance: corrected an issue that could cause players returning to this area to become stuck in the air. To Walk in Dark Places: Torian no longer remains with the player if they exit the phase after he joins for the mission. NPCs Strong and Elite humanoid enemies no longer throw grenades at or use Headshot on targets in cover. Master Marksmen on Hoth no longer instantly knock the player back after being attacked with Leap or Charge abilities. Republic Troopers and Officers protecting core Republic interests on Hoth are now properly trained to defend against level 50 players. The World Boss Gargath on Hoth now drops level 50 loot. Some enemies and NPCs that were previously invisible can now be seen again. Many NPCs that were positioned incorrectly or played inappropriate animations have been corrected. Many groups of enemy NPCs that previously evaded in combat or pathed incorrectly have been adjusted. The Sticky Grenade debuff now appears correctly when used by enemy NPCs. Grand Chief Keshk now always drops at least a Premium item. Several vendors and other NPCs that had missing or incorrect voice have been updated. A rather dangerous Wampa specimen has been observed on Highmount Ridge on Hoth. PvP General Aurak Base and outlying Republic-controlled areas on Hoth have received reinforcements in the form of PvP guards. Certain PvP abilities are no longer removed when a duel finishes. Republic Guardpost Beta on Belsavis is now entirely considered Republic territory. The throne room of Lord Jordan Thul is now considered Empire territory. The medcenter in the Lower Flamewood area of The Old Paths on Voss is now a Sanctuary. Republic Troopers now protect Ken-La Outpost. The buff for the PvP Overcharge powerup now has the correct tooltip. The Warzone Commendation cap has been increased to 2000 (up from 1000). PvP stats, such as kills, Group Rating, Solo Rating, MVP votes received, total Warzone wins, and more are now tracked and can be seen on the Warzone Window. Highest Solo and Group Ratings can also be seen on the Character page. Highest Solo and Group Ratings can also be seen on the "Who" list. Warzones General Players in Warzones may now flag another player on the team as potentially AFK by right-clicking their name in the Operation Group window and selecting "Vote to Kick from Warzone." Once enough team members have flagged a player in this way, the player is given a warning and a small window to begin playing or they are removed from the Warzone. The amount of Valor and Commendations awarded at the end of a Warzone is now based on your team's score, with a bonus for the winning team. Experience rewards are still based on the amount of time spent in the Warzone. Warzone daily missions while leveling have been condensed to one mission that is always equal to the level of the player. Players who are removed from Warzones for being AFK are now returned to their original locations (instead of to the Fleet). Vendors are no longer available inside Warzones. Credit rewards for Warzones have been rebalanced. The Scoreboard displayed at the end of a Warzone now displays the correct faction icons in same-faction Warzone matches. The Scoreboard's Objective column now correctly tracks a player's offensive and defensive objective contribution. Additionally, players now receive notification during the match when their actions have accrued offensive or defensive objective points. Level 50 Warzone daily and weekly missions now reward Warzone Commendations. New medals are now awarded to the winning team based on how quickly they win (up to 6 medals for the fastest victories). New medals are now awarded for offensive and defensive objective actions. There are now 6 offensive and 6 defensive medals awarded for performing Warzone-specific objective actions. The Warzone reward medal cap has been increased to 8. Rewards per medal earned have been rebalanced considering the new medals available. Players who earn few to no medals now have overall rewards reduced (for instance, an AFK player would receive no rewards). Ranked Warzones Pre-Season One of Ranked Warzones has begun!Participate for more competitive matches and greater rewards. Level 50 players can queue solo or in a group of up to 8 players via the Queue Solo Ranked and Queue Group Ranked buttons in the Warzone Queue Window. After a Ranked Warzone has ended, your Solo Rating or Group Rating will be adjusted based on the outcome of the match and the ratings of all players participating. Players are rewarded Ranked Warzone Commendations based on performance; these Commendations can be used to purchase the new War Hero PvP gear. Players with high ratings can purchase Rated War Hero gear and vehicles. Rated War Hero gear has the same stats as War Hero gear, but has a more prestigious appearance. Novare Coast The Republic and Empire are locked in a brutal conflict by air and sea on the new planet, Denova. An Imperial dropship has crash-landed near the Republic coastal base and quickly established a fortification. Teams need to turn the mortar cannons on the opponent's fortification to bring it down. However, both fortifications are shielded and one mortar cannon is not enough to disable the shield. A team must control at least two cannons in order to damage the enemy fortification. This is a majority 3-point domination map with tug-of-war style objective control. Control progress is saved when interrupted and can be resumed by a player on the same team or fought back by a player of the opposing team. The more players involved, the faster control shifts. A training simulation-themed variant of the Warzone supports same faction matches. Alderaan Civil War Several performance improvements have been made throughout the Warzone. The objective cannons' rate of fire has been slowed down. The amount of damage dealt by the large turret blasts has been increased proportionally to maintain the same overall score rate. Empire-controlled objective markers now appear purple. Travel time for speeder bikes for the side objectives has been increased. The time it takes to interact with speeder bikes is once again instantaneous. Huttball Giradda the Hutt now sees to it that any player standing on the ball stand when the ball respawns are slain. The damage hazards deal is now a set percentage of total player health and is elemental damage. Voidstar The Voidstar can now be played by two teams of the same faction. Players on the defending team are no longer placed on the speeder path if its duration would make them arrive late to the start of the match. The map on the loading screen for the Voidstar has been updated. In the case of both teams reaching the same objective in their respective attacking rounds, the team who reached the objective in the shortest time now wins the match. The game now ends as soon as the Round 2 attacker's progress exceeds the progress made by the other team in Round 1. World PvP Ilum The Battle of Ilum daily and weekly mission have been removed from the game. The Outlaws' Den (Tatooine) Quick Travel items that transport players to the hub near Outlaw's Den are now available from PvP vendors found on the Republic and Imperial Fleets. Space Combat General Visual effects for trajectory and impact on missiles have been improved. The Alien Energy Capacitor now has stats appropriate for its level. Transitions on entering Space Combat Missions have been visually improved. The Grade 3 Beam Generator tooltip now correctly displays a rate of fire of 7 shots per second. The experience rewarded for some "one time" Space Combat Missions (granted when a new tier of missions is available) has been rebalanced. Players who are away too long while in Space Combat Missions are now logged out. Kira will now speak during Jedi Knight Space Combat Missions after Doc has been gained as a companion. Large ships more readily display surface damage as the attached hardpoints are destroyed. UI General New UI Customization features are now available! Players can customize their UI by moving and resizing UI elements. Customization options can be accessed by clicking the new "Edit Interface" button, which has replaced the "Extend Quickslots" button. Many UI options are now located in the new "Edit Interface" mode. Notification of contact from a Customer Service Representative in-game is now more obvious. Subtitles can now be toggled using the /subtitles command in the Chat Window. If a player attempts to use a shuttle with 3 or more pending mission rewards, the player is asked to accept those rewards before continuing. Tooltips no longer get stuck on slider UI components. Corrected an issue that could cause the UI to incorrectly register a drag when returning from ALT-TAB. The cancel and apply buttons are now grayed out on the item modification table until the player adds a pending modification. The loot window can no longer be drawn off-screen in some circumstances. Companion tooltips now properly reflect whether they are selling junk items or performing a Crew Mission. The language used in tooltips (when referencing damage types and other specific items) has been updated to be more consistent. The preference for "Show Sith Corruption" is now labeled "Show Dark Side Corruption." New tutorials have been added for Flashpoints, Operations, and Quick Travel. Shift-clicking a stack of items no longer links that item if the Chat Window is not active. The Social Preferences options page has been organized more clearly. Several minor text formatting and alignment issues have been addressed. Players are now able to disable the Smart Camera in the preferences menu. Crew Skills The mission reward panel no longer closes other UI panels. Crew Skill trainer windows no longer reopen after players move away from the trainer. Social Hovering over the LFG column in the Social Window now displays a tooltip showing the individual's LFG message. "Reply" chat targets are no longer cleared upon area transitions. French and German chat commands for speaking in general chat now work properly. The /bow emote no longer loops when used. Base crafted items can now be hyperlinked in chat. A new option to suppress the Crew Mission reward window in Warzones has been added. Items will now compare against all valid equipment slots. Emotes no longer remove a player from stealth. Codex The Codex entry for killing a player with a turret now correctly requires the player to complete that task. Groups and Targeting Players can now choose to view the targets of their group members in the group UI. This is disabled by default but can be edited in the "Edit Interface" mode. Target of target can now be enabled for the player. Players can now invite other players to their group via right-click menu from the guild roster. Player class names now appear on the target frame. When characters become hostile or friendly to the player, nameplates are now turned on and off as specified in nameplate preferences. Dead characters and creatures no longer display a nameplate unless selected. Focus target visual effects are now more distinct and recognizable. Galactic Trade Network The Galactic Trade Network interface now supports text-based searches without category restrictions. The Galactic Trade Network interface has been updated to support better filtering and faster paging. The rarity drop-down in the GTN interface now contains an option for Custom (orange) rarity. A "Slot" pulldown menu has been added to the GTN Interface for more specific item searches. GTN Terminals in Kaas City are now available again. Maps Players can no longer "click through" the Galaxy Map to interact with the main game UI. The Map no longer becomes translucent when riding a taxi. Map transitions throughout the game have been updated - many instances where a map would incorrectly transition to another have been corrected. The Spaceport section of Coruscant can now be explored correctly. Miscellaneous Bug Fixes The Jawa Balloon on Tatooine no longer occasionally disappears from underneath players. The Emergency Fleet Pass now takes Republic players to the center of Carrick Station instead of the Tython and Ord Mantell arrival hangar. The camera now collides with water instead of becoming submerged. Opening a taxi terminal now cancels any active ability activation. Corrected an issue that allowed players to use personal Starship doors outside the appropriate range. The /stuck command no longer kills the player if they log out and back in on the ship Holoterminal (or other similar objects). Corrected a rare client crash related to companion weapons. Corrected several ambient conversations that triggered too often or too infrequently. Added musical triggers to some missions and encounters. Numerous spelling and grammatical errors in text throughout the game have been corrected. Corrected several localization errors in text and voiceover. The full area of Club Ufora is now considered a private area (where companions will talk with player characters). Players on Tatooine and Belsavis now only see their own faction's Quick Travel Points on the map. The Chiss social ability is now described correctly during character creation. Republic players can now access the Lower Office Atrium in New Venture Plaza on Nar Shaddaa without passing through Empire territory. The Aim Datacron on Belsavis is now obtainable. Cantina music now plays more consistently. The Imperial Panteer Hideout Bind Point is no longer visible to Republic players on the map. A Bind Point now exists at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. The High Profile Ward in Shadowtown on Nar Shaddaa now has a medcenter. Players can no longer use Fleet Passes in areas that are Quick Travel restricted. Corrected an issue that caused windowed resolution to not be saved if the desktop resolution changed while the game was running. Clicking off-screen while in dual-monitor mode no longer causes icons to be accidentally dragged when focus is returned to the game.
7 баллов
7 балловБаян или нет, но DLC должно будет выглядеть таким)
7 балловкхгм... - Просто кричи достаточно громко, и рано или поздно кто-нибудь выйдет посмотреть, что там случилось. Не то, что они сделают что-то при этом, правда. - Пока ад не разверзнется у их дверей. как в воду смотрели Шеп и Гаррус =)
7 балловОпять одна мутная водица, и ничего более... И все же мы хотели дать игрокам возможность испытать в финале вдохновение и душевный подъем Что то вот не испытал я.
7 баллов
6 балловНью-Йорк Таймс же одобрил!! Самое игровое издание...
6 балловМ.б. Карпишина изгнали из-за того, что он хотел дать нам нормальную концовку?
6 балловОпять не о чем послание...
6 баллов
6 балловЛента новостей: 15 марта 12.00 Кейси Хадсон объявил, что Bioware специально создали столь противоречивый конец третьей части МЕ. "Он должен запомниться - мы достигли своей цели *trollface* ", сказал Кейси в интервью. Также было объявлено, что конец меняться не будет. 16 марта 19.45 Фанаты трилогии Масс Эффект собрали 50 тысяч долларов на киллера, который расправится с Кейси Хадсоном. 16 марта 20.00 Bioware объявили о выходе патча, исправляющего концовки. :laugh:
5 баллов
5 балловВсе ретрансляторы уничтожены, цитадель уничтожена, связь с другими секторами галактики утеряна навсегда, чудовищные потери, Земля в руинах, Шепард и половина команды мертвы, судьба остальных неизвестна. В общем, радость со слезами на глазах, вдохновение и душевный подъём, без сомнений.
5 баллов
5 баллов
5 баллов
5 баллов- Как достали эти фанаты. - Вы просто не умеете их готовить. Шоковая заморозка, затем медленный и упорный разогрев, потом приправить несколькими DLC и снять шкурку в виде многомиллионной прибыли. Все просто.
5 балловОн еще мало получил. "Мы в ответе за тех, кого приручили"© А.Экзюпери. Это более сильное выражение "Мы в ответе за тех, кого создали".
5 балловОни 7 лет делали эту вселенную. 7 чертовых лет, а люди их так отблагодарили. Бедный Кейси :[
5 балловПо концовке. Я прошел МЕ3. Не скажу, что разочарован, наоборот, игра отличная. НО последние 10 минут просто убивают своей нелепостью!! Попали на цитадель. Сначала призрачный малец с серьезным видом рассказывает про свой гениальный "солюшн" (Типа мы вас убиваем и превращаем в бездушные машины для убийства для того, чтобы вы сами не создали бездушные машины для убийства которые могут уничтожить все живое? Гениально! Окей, тогда вопрос - зачем истинному ИИ может понадобиться уничтожение всего живого?.. Если верить вселенной МЕ, даже геты, многие из которых были военными машинами, осознав себя не стали ненавидить органиков, потому что это нерационально!) И, пожалуй, призрачный образ любого другого персонажа МЕ был бы более уместен в роли катализатора чем этот мальчик, который после череды бессмысленных психоделических снов шепа вызывает стойкое чувство антипатии. Катализатор дефакто главный жнец, ну при чем тут мальчик из сна?? Или здесь есть какой-то супер филосовский подтекст?? И когда он говорит "мой солюшн больше не работает", почему это интересно?? Потому что полумертвый шеп добрел таки до консоли управления цитадели, но ничего не сумел сделать и упал в обморок?.. А если бы шепу на подходе к кондуиту попалось бы 2 мародера вместо 1 - он бы не добрался до цитадели - это бы означало, что план жнецов работает? И вообще жнецы могли уничтожить шепа на цитадели - почему не послали за ним бойцов?.. Ну и "выбор тысячелетия" между цветами взрывной волны - это вообще супер ход!..Вишенка на торте просто! Несомненно именно эту часть по заверениям Хадсона, разрабы так тщательно готовили и обдумывали... Один и тот же чертов ролик... Жнецы побеждены - релеи уничтожены... Окэй. Нормандия летит кудато на сверхсвете (КУДА??) и ее настигает разрушительная волна энегии. Она взрывается разлетаясь на куски (все еще на сверхсветовой скорости). НО о чудо!! В последней сцене корабль каким-то образом оказывается цел, и падает на обитаемую планету с пригодной для дыхания людей атмосферой!! Из него выходит джокер. Затем - тали и гаррус, мои сопартийцы, которые до последнего были со мной на земле.... КАК?? После всего этого у меня есть вопрос к разработчикам... ARE YOU F***UNG SERIOUS???
5 балловСкука. Ну неужели так сложно отвечать прямо? Мол, мы не знаем будет ли DLC с финалом подправленным, или, нет, мы твердно решили оставить всё как есть, или же, мы уже работаем над финалом и скажем подробности в ближайшем будущем. Я бы уже, например, в любом случае их зауважал, лишь бы ответ был твердый и чётко поставленный. А так как дети малые мямлят и продолжают кормить нас какой-то фигней. Моя снова негодует, уж лучше пусть заткнутся на время. >_>
5 балловХм, есть у меня по этому поводу одна мысль, но не знаю, насколько внятно получится ее сформулировать. У меня сложилось впечатление, что в основе романа (даже со стороны Шепард) лежало не сексуальное влечение как таковое, а желание вывести Гарруса из депрессии путем шока. Все же он в МЕ2, хоть и бодрится, подавлен и предательством друга, и гибелью команды, и крахом надежд на "исправление" Омеги. Уж не говоря о том, что ему изуродованное лицо не хочется даже сестре по видеосвязи показывать. А тут Шепард предлагает ему сделать нечто по-настоящему безумное! Так, что даже мысли о сексе - это мысли не просто о физической разрядке, а о настоящем вызове. То Гаррусу кажется, что это неплохая идея, то - что будет ужас кошмарный, но главное - он отвлекается от своих проблем. Более того, в каком-то смысле Гаррус возвращается в невинность, поэтому он такой трогательный и смущенный, как школьник, в сцене свидания. В его мире снова есть место новизне и открытиям. И поэтому, мне кажется, развитие эмоциональной составляющей отношений Гарруса и Шепард возможно как раз после "пересыпа". В ином случае ему было бы удобней и привычней смотреть на Шепард, как на друга, из своего кокона не вылезая.
5 балловТонкий намек авторов кто самый труЪ ЛИ для МШепарда :D Я подозревал, что Зел-Нага - название жнецов во время цикла Протоссов :D А вообще, Явик понравился. Этакий Шепард от Протеан. И, что самое главное - он практически мой Шепард, в том плане, что у меня Шепард добрым парагоном был только в первой части. После смерти и "воскрешения" стал более бэдэссовым. А в МЕ3 так вообще на половину ренегат. Если раньше он уговаривал, подбадривал всякими добрыми словами, сейчас стал кричать по типу "соберись, тряпка!". Думаю, если бы его заморозили как Явика, а через 50 000 лет мой Шепард вышел и узнал, что галактикой правят пыжики, он был бы таким же ренегатистым троллем как Явик)
5 балловКак буд-то больше заняться нечем, как выкладывать всякие статистики. Ох уж эти пивовары.
4 балла